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Reducible cross-links in purified human glomerular basement membrane (GBM) were examined with an ion exchange chromatographic system that provided complete separation of cross-link standards and glucosylamines. After hydration in phosphate buffer, lyophilized GBM was reduced with tritiated borohydride. Chromatographic separation revealed two major radioactive peaks, identified as di-hydroxylysinonorleucine (di-OHLNL) and hydroxyaldolhistidine (HAH) by coelution with authentic di-OHLNL and HAH standards. Radioactive glucitol-lysine and glucitol-hydroxylysine were also identified on the basis of their co-elution with synthetic standards. The findings document the existence and establish the nature of the major reducible cross-links in adult human GBM.  相似文献   

The activities of aspartate aminotransferase (EC in the cytosol fractions of the liver and kidney of rats fed pyridoxine-deficient or control diet for 3 weeks were determined. In the absence of pyridoxal phosphate, the activities in the liver and kidney preparations of deficient rats were both abnormally low. The activity in the kidney fraction of deficient rats was restored to almost the control level by addition of pyridoxal phosphate, whereas that of the liver was only partially restored. The antigen activity, however, measured using anti-aspartate aminotransferase, was similar in liver fractions from deficient and control rats. These findings suggest the existence of a form of transaminase with little or no activity in the liver of deficient rats. The properties of the crude enzymes from deficient and control rats were indistinguishable by immunodiffusion, and the enzymes had the same subunit size and heat stability under the conditions tested. However, purified enzyme from deficient rat liver had a different specific activity and absorption spectrum from purified enzyme from normal liver.  相似文献   

Cultures of human lymphocytes incubated for 48 hr in the presence of 2 × 10?7M solutions of the cardiotonic steroid ouabain lose the proliferative response to antigens (SL-0, SK-SD) but can still proliferate when stimulated by nonspecific mitogens (PHA, Con A, pokeweed mitogen). The two-way mixed lymphocyte reaction was also irreversibly lost if cells of both donors were subjected to ouabain pretreatment. Neither cell counts nor cell viability (determined by dye exclusion) were significantly affected by the ouabain treatment. Pretreatment of a suspension of macrophages with the cardiac glycoside did not diminish their capacity to restore the proliferative response to antigen of macrophage-depleted lymphocyte suspensions; on the other hand, untreated macrophages could not restore the proliferative response of cultures of ouabain-pretreated lymphocytes. The ouabain treatment did not change the proportion of cells able to bind fluorescent anti-immunoglobulin nor did it modify the proportion of lymphocytes forming rosettes with either untreated, or antibody coated, red cells. Increased concentration of K+ in the medium, either during or after the ouabain treatment, did not reduce the ouabain effect. We conclude that the selective loss of certain lymphocyte functions caused by ouabain pretreatment was due to an effect on the lymphocyte and not on the macrophage; the effect was not due to the elimination of a relatively large fraction of the cells nor to a generalized disappearance of membrane antigens and receptors.  相似文献   

Two methods were used to radioiodinate sea urchin sperm: lactoperoxidase-glucose oxidase and Iodo-Gen. Following iodination the sperm are viable, they undergo the acrosome reaction, and they fertilize eggs. Of the radioactivity associated with the labeled sperm, 28–50% is presumed to be free 125I?, 37–47% is incorporated in lipid, and 8–15% is in trypsin-digestible material believed to be protein. Digestion of the labeled, living sperm with trypsin removes 95.6–99.5% of the macromolecular label (the cells are alive after digestion) suggesting that almost all the protein label is on the external surface of the cell. Thin-layer chromatography of the lipid fraction shows that the major membrane phospholipids and cholesterol are labeled. SDS-PAGE analysis shows the protein-incorporated 125I is distributed among four glycoproteins of >250K, 84K, 64K, and 52K dalton apparent molecular weight. Twenty-eight percent of the total protein (trypsin-digestible) label is in the 84K component and 46% in the 64K band. Although both molecules contain much of the label, they are relatively minor components of the TX-100 extract of sperm. The methods outlined will be useful in determining the role of sperm surface components in fertilization.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of changes in lipid organization on the planar distribution of two classes of membrane proteins: integral proteins which have amino groups exposed to labelling at the membrane surface by the biotin-avidin-ferritin procedure, and those proteins which penetrate the lipid bilayer sufficiently to be seen as intramembranous particles by freeze-fracture electron-microscopy.When the membranes are examined at temperatures below the lipid phase transition, the first class is dispersed and the second patched. At temperatures in the middle of the transition range, both classes are patched. At temperatures just above the phase transition the first class is dispersed and the second patched, and at temperatures well above the transition both classes are dispersed. Freeze-etch studies of avidin-ferritin-labeled membranes confirmed that the distribution seen by the labeling and the freeze-fracture techniques coexist in single membranes. Thus, there exist two distinct classes of membrane proteins with differential organizational responses to the lipid state.  相似文献   

An endogenous inhibitor of neutral Ca2+-dependent proteinases has been isolated from rabbit liver cytosol. The inhibitor is a heat-stable, 240-kDa, tetrameric protein. It is dissociated into its 60-kDa subunits by high concentrations of Ca2+ (0.1-1 mM), but not by lower concentrations in the physiological range. Inhibition of the 150-kDa proteinase of rabbit liver [Melloni, E., Pontremoli, S., Salamino, F., Sparatore, B., Michetti, M. and Horecker, B.L. (1984) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 232, 505-512] requires the monomeric form of the inhibitor, and occurs only at the high concentrations of Ca2+ which also cause dissociation of the dimeric 150-kDa proteinase into its 80-kDa subunits. The molecular weight of the inactive proteinase-inhibitor complex was estimated by the equilibrium gel penetration method to be 140 kDa, suggesting that it contains one subunit of proteinase and one of inhibitor. The mechanism of interaction of the inhibitor with the 200-kDa proteinase at high concentrations of Ca2+ is identical to that observed for the 150-kDa proteinase, namely dissociation of both proteinase and inhibitor into subunits and formation of an inactive 160-kDa proteinase-inhibitor complex. However, unlike the 150-kDa proteinase, which does not interact with the inhibitor at low Ca2+ concentrations, the 200-kDa proteinase is also inhibited at low concentrations of Ca2+. Under these conditions, the high-molecular-weight complex (greater than 400 kDa) formed between the tetrameric inhibitor and the dimeric proteinase prevents conversion of the 200-kDa proenzyme to the active, low-Ca2+-requiring form.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membrane phospholipid distribution, protein conformation, and 5′-nucleotidase, Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase and (Na+ + K+)-adenosine triphosphatase specific activities, were shown to depend on pituitary status and treatment with bovine growth hormone.In whole liver homogenates, hypophysectomy produced a decrease in the proportion of phosphatidyl serine, lysophosphatidyl choline, and phosphatidic acid and diphosphatidyl glycerol and an increased proportion of phosphatidyl ethanolamine. The phospholipid distribution in liver plasma membranes was the same for normal and hypophysectomized rats. Plasma membranes obtained from bovine growth hormone-treated hypophysectomized rats had approximately 50%, more phosphatidyl serine than membranes obtained from untreated hypophysectomized or normal rats.Plasma membranes from hypophysectomized rats had 75% of the 5′-nucleotidase, the same level of (Na+ + K+)-adenosine triphosphatase, and twice the Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase of membranes from normal rats. Twelve hours after administration of bovine growth hormone to hypophysectomized rats, (Na+ + K+)-adenosine triphosphatase had almost doubled and Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase decreased by 50%. 5′-Nucleotidase remained unchanged. Twenty-four hours after bovine growth hormone administration, both (Na+ + K+)-adenosine triphosphatase and 5′-nucleotidase had increased. Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase was 23% of the baseline level of untreated hypophysectomized rats. Treatment for 3 days or 5 days increased the 5′-nucleotidase 2-fold.Circular dichroism spectra of liver plasma membranes isolated from hypophysectomized rats consistently showed greater negative ellipticity in the far ultraviolet range (250-190 nm) than those from normal rats or rats treated with bovine growth hormone.  相似文献   

A unique cytoplast preparation from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (G. V. Henius, P. C. Laris, and J. D. Woodburn (1979) Exp. Cell. Res. 121, 337-345), highly enriched in plasma membranes, was employed to characterize the high-affinity plasma membrane calcium-extrusion pump and its associated adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase). An ATP-dependent calcium-transport system which had a high affinity for free calcium (K0.5 = 0.040 +/- 0.005 microM) was identified. Two different calcium-stimulated ATPase activities were detected. One had a low (K0.5 = 136 +/- 10 microM) and the other a high (K0.5 = 0.103 +/- 0.077 microM) affinity for free calcium. The high-affinity enzyme appeared to represent the ubiquitous high-affinity plasma membrane (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (calcium-stimulated, magnesium-dependent ATPase) seen in normal cells. Both calcium transport and the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase were significantly stimulated by the calcium-dependent regulatory protein calmodulin, especially when endogenous activator was removed by treatment with the calcium chelator ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether) N,N'-tetraacetic acid. Other similarities between calcium transport and the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase included an insensitivity to ouabain (0.5 mM), lack of activation by potassium (20 mM), and a requirement for magnesium. These similar properties suggested that the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase represents the enzymatic basis of the high-affinity calcium pump. The calcium pump/enzyme system was inhibited by orthovanadate at comparatively high concentrations (calcium transport: K0.5 congruent to 100 microM; (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase: K0.5 greater than 100 microM). Upon Hill analysis, the tumor cell (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase failed to exhibit cooperative activation by calcium which is characteristic of the analogous enzyme in the plasma membrane of normal cells.  相似文献   

The high molecular weight fraction (atriopeptigen-APG) obtained by gel filtration chromatography of rat atrial extracts was fractionated by isoelectric focusing and reverse phase HPLC to obtain a pure APG. Purification of cyanogen bromide digests of the crude high molecular weight fraction resulted in the isolation of a single biologically active cyanogen bromide cleavage peptide. Sequence analyses of these peptides coupled with recent reports of sequence analyses of intermediate molecular weight atrial peptides (Thibault, et al. (1984) FEBS Letters 167, 352–356, and Kangwa, et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun 119, 933–940) provide the complete primary structure of an 111 residue APG.  相似文献   

14C-Labeled 2-carboxyarabinitol-1,5-bisphosphate was bound to both nonactivated and CO2and Mg2+ activated forms of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The complex could be precipitated with 20% polyethylene glycol and 20 mm MgCl2 for quantitation of the moles of the affinity label bound per mole of enzyme. The [14C]carboxyarabinitol-P2 bound to the nonactivated enzyme could be exchanged with a 100-fold excess of the unlabeled compound. With the activated enzyme the binding of [14C]carboxyarabinitol-P2 was so tight that it did not exchange with the unlabeled compound and a binding stoichiometry of one molecule per active site was assumed. This tight binding was dependent upon pretreatment of the enzyme with both CO2 and MgCl2 in the same manner that enzyme activation depended on CO2 and Mg2+ concentrations. Various enzyme preparations from spinach leaves tightly bound [14C]carboxyarabinitol-P2 in proportion to their specific activities. By extrapolating to a maximum binding of 8 mol of [14C]carboxyarabinitol-P2 per mole of this A8B8 enzyme a theoretical specific activity of 2.8 μmol · min?1 · mg protein?1 was indicated. Enzyme preparations purified from spinach leaves generally have a specific activity in the range of 1.0 to 2.3.  相似文献   

The lateral mobility of plasma membrane lipids was analyzed during first cleavage of Xenopus laevis eggs by fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) measurements, using the lipid analogs 5-(N-hexadecanoyl)aminofluorescein ("HEDAF") and 5-(N-tetradecanoyl)aminofluorescein ("TEDAF") as probes. The preexisting plasma membrane of the animal side showed an inhomogeneous, dotted fluorescence pattern after labeling and the lateral mobility of both probes used was below the detection limits of the FPR method (D much less than 10(-10) cm2/sec). In contrast, the preexisting plasma membrane of the vegetal side exhibited homogeneous fluorescence and the lateral diffusion coefficient of both probes used was relatively high (HEDAF, D = 2.8 X 10(-8) cm2/sec; TEDAF, D = 2.4 X 10(-8) cm2/sec). In the cleaving egg visible transfer of HEDAF or TEDAF from prelabeled plasma membrane to the new membrane in the furrow did not occur, even on the vegetal side. Upon labeling during cleavage, however, the new membrane was uniformly labeled and both probes were mobile, as in the vegetal preexisting plasma membrane. These data show that the membrane of the dividing Xenopus egg comprises three macrodomains: (i) the animal preexisting plasma membrane; (ii) the vegetal preexisting plasma membrane; (iii) the new furrow membrane.  相似文献   

The effect of various factors upon prostaglandin (PG) production by the osteoblast was examined using osteoblast-rich populations of cells prepared from newborn rat calvaria. Bradykinin and serum, and to a lesser extent, thrombin, were also shown to stimulate PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF (the hydration product of PGI2) secretion by the osteoblastic cells. Several inhibitors of prostanoid synthesis, dexamethasone, indomethacin, dazoxiben and nafazatrom, were tested for their effects on the calvarial cells. All inhibited PGE2 and PGI2 (the major arachidonic acid metabolites of these cells) production with half-maximal inhibition by all four substances occuring at approximately 10−7 M. For dazoxiben and nafazatrom, this was in contrast to published results from experiments which have indicated that the compounds stimulated PGI2 production. Finally, since the osteoblasts is responsive to bone-resorbing hormones, these were tested. Only epidermal growth factor (EGF) was shown to modify PG production. At early time EGF stimulated PGE2 release, however, the predominant effect of the growth factor was an inhibition of both PGE2 and PGI2 production by the osteoblastic cells. The present results suggest that the bone-resorbing hormones do not act to cause an increase in PG by the esteoblast and that any increase in PG production by these cells may be in response to vascular agents  相似文献   

Deoxyuridine triphosphatase and uracil-DNA glycosylase were assayed in K12 cells, a Chinese hamster temperature-sensitive mutant known to arrest in G1 when shifted to the non-permissive temperature. Stimulation of cell division resulted in an increase of both enzyme activities. Levels of both enzymes were minimal during G0 and maximal in S phase. By contrast, apurinic/apyrimidinic site endonuclease activity, which incises the DNA at the apyrimidinic site generated by the glycosylase, was constant throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Friend leukaemic cells (FLC) were induced to differentiate with dimethyl sulfoxyde (DMSO), hexamethylenbis-acetamide (HMBA) and sodium butyrate (SB) and the phospholipid composition was analyzed. The phospholipid composition of differentiated cells differed from that of non differentiated cells and also varied according to inducer. The ratios of the percentage of phosphatidyl choline (PC) to that of phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) or sphingomyelin (SPH) increased by about 2-fold in DMSO or SB induced FLC. These ratios did not vary in HMBa induced FLC. Furthermore the fatty acid composition of PC and PE obtained from differentiated cells varied according to the inducer. Although these changes appeared to be related to the inducers, it can not be excluded that the differentiated state also contributes to these changes.  相似文献   

Receptor mediated endocytosis appears to depend on the action of a transglutaminase (TGase). Endocytosis can be induced in intact human RBC by the action of several classes of drugs. We tested the hypothesis that drugs acted by stimulating TGase activity. Of the endocytosis inducing drugs tested, neither primaquine nor vinblastine nor chlorpromazine enhanced TGase activity. We next tested the hypothesis that TGase activity was required for drug endocytosis in RBC by adding known TGase inhibitors. Paradoxically, m-Dansyl cadaverine, the most potent TGase inhibitor, produces endocytosis in human RBC. Therefore despite apparent striking morphologic similarities, drug induced endocytosis in RBC appears to proceed via different mechanisms from those involved in receptor mediated endocytosis in other cells.In the receptor-mediated endocytosis of some hormones and growth factors, it appears that the receptor-ligand complex forms clusters over clathrin coated pits which are then internalized as endocytic vacuoles. Both the clustering and internalization of ligands are inhibited by a variety of agents shown to inhibit transglutaminase (TGase) and it is therefore proposed that TGase participates in receptor-mediated endocytosis (1–3). Human erythrocytes undergo endocytosis when exposed to drugs like primaquine, chlorpromazine, and vinblastine (4), all of which are amphipathic cations (4). However, the mechanism of drug action is not known nor is it clear that this is a form of receptor-mediated endocytosis (4). Furthermore, clustering of receptors can occur in neonatal but not adult human RBC (5). TGase has been measured in human red cells (6) although its physiologic role is unknown. Like all TGases, it is calcium dependent (6,7), and primaquine induced red cell endocytosis is enhanced by Ca++ addition (8). Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that TGase participates in drug induced endocytosis in intact human red cells.  相似文献   

The coupling of aliphatic amines to agarose by the cyanogen bromide reaction yields isourea linkages which are positively charged at pH 7. The presence of these cationic sites in affinity gels causes significant non-specific adsorption of proteins. Serum albumin was found to bind to a number of derivatized gels which possessed these charged groups. The use of adipic dihydrazide as the leash moiety yielded affinity gels which were noncharged at pH 7. Serum albumin failed to adsorb to these gels. Beta-galactosidase from Escherichia coli was found to be sensitive to both ionic and hydrophobic groups in an affinity gel. A sample of active-site inhibited enzyme was found to bind to an affinity gel which contained both the cationic isourea and a phenyl structure in the leash. Thus it was concluded that the affinity purification of this enzyme has yet to be demonstrated. These studies dictate against the use of salt and pH gradients to desorb enzymes from affinity sorbents.  相似文献   

A-antigenicity; Glycocalyx; Hydrolases; Membrane glycoproteins  相似文献   

The kinetics of the reaction between Carcinus maenas hemocyanin and cyanide has been studied at various KCN concentrations and a different temperatures (21° and 4°C) by following the decrease of the copper-peroxide absorption band, centered at 337 nm, of the copper still bound to the protein and the intrinsic fluorescence changes as functions of time. In all conditions used, the absorption band completely disappears and KCN concentration affects only the rate of the process. The reaction is kinetically homogeneous indicating no site-site interaction. The apparent rate constant increases with the square of cyanide concentration and the inverse of O2 concentration. The copper still bound decreases at a rate slower than the 337 nm absorption and the process is not kinetically homogeneous. The fluorescence of the protein increases after an induction period showing an inflection point at about 50% of the total effect. A kinetic model has been proposed on the assumption that the two metal ions are removed sequentially from the active site. The experimental data are in agreement with the theoretical equations derived from the model. The equilibrium constants for the formation of the complex between the first and the second copper ion with cyanide and the rate constants of their decomposition have been calculated. The rate-limiting process for the removal of the second copper ion is the formation of the complex with cyanide.  相似文献   

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