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Progenesis is defined as the retention of ancestral juvenilecharacters by adult stages of descendants due to an accelerationof the sexual maturation and thus is often regarded as a fastevolutionary process. Several small, meiofaunal polychaetes,such as Dinophilidae, some "Dorvilleidae" (for example, Parapodrilus),and Protodrilida, exhibit morphological simplicity in that theylack features typical of larger polychaetes, for example, parapodiaand/or head appendages. Due to the general resemblance of adultmeiofaunal polychaetes to juveniles of larger forms, progenesishas been invoked to explain evolutionary origins of many smallertaxa with increasing frequency over the past 4 decades. In thisreview, I summarize the interstitial species of polychaetesfor which progenetic origin has been suggested on the basisof morphology. However, critical examination of morphologicaldata that includes larval features reveals that autapomorphiccharacters uniting supposed progenetic taxa to specific annelidlineages are often missing. Typically larval and juvenile characters,which are argued to support hypotheses of progenetic origin,are often widely dispersed, homoplastic features. Because ofthis situation, molecular data seem to be the most reliablesource for phylogenetic inference. However, other biologicaldata, for example, from life history and morphology, are necessitiesto substantiate the progenetic evolution of these species.  相似文献   

Numerous parasite species have evolved complex life cycles with multiple, subsequent hosts. In trematodes, each transmission event in multi-host life cycles selects for various adaptations, one of which is facultative life cycle abbreviation. This typically occurs through progenesis, i.e., precocious maturity and reproduction via self-fertilization within the second intermediate host. Progenesis eliminates the need for the definitive host and facilitates life cycle completion. Adopting a progenetic cycle may be a conditional strategy in response to environmental cues related to low probability of transmission to the definitive host. Here, the effects of environmental factors on the reproductive strategy of the progenetic trematode Stegodexamene anguillae were investigated using comparisons among populations. In the 3-host life cycle, S. anguillae sexually reproduces within eel definitive hosts, whereas in the progenetic life cycle, S. anguillae reproduces by selfing within the metacercaria cyst in tissues of small fish intermediate hosts. Geographic variation was found in the frequency of progenesis, independent of eel abundance. Progenesis was affected by abundance and length of the second intermediate fish host as well as encystment site within the host. The present study is the first to compare life cycle strategies among parasite populations, providing insight into the often unrecognized plasticity in parasite developmental strategies and transmission.  相似文献   

Several examples of progenetic species among Mesozoic ammonites are investigated. The ammonites are Middle Jurassic kosmoceratids, Upper Jurassic oppeliids, and Upper Cretaceous scaphites. As assessed through outgroup comparison, the progenetic species in each of these examples is characterized by small size at maturity and the presence of morphological features typical of those of the juveniles of more primitive species. However, in none of these examples is the progenetic species a duplicate form of the juvenile stage of more primitive species. There are at least three kinds of features of progenetic species that differ from those of the juveniles of more primitive species: (1) symplesiomorphous features associated with maturation, (2) unique features whose presence is not clearly related to progenetic processes, and (3) unique features that may represent epigenetic outgrowths of juvenile morphology. This novel combination of juvenile. adult. and unique features may endow progenetic species with the evolutionary potential to play a role in the origin of higher taxa. □ Progenesis, heterochrony, Ammon-oidea. Jurassic, Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Abbreviations of the complex life cycle of trematodes, from three to two hosts, have occurred repeatedly and independently among trematode lineages. This is usually facultative and achieved via progenesis: following encystment in the second intermediate host, the metacercaria develops precociously into an egg-producing adult, bypassing the need to reach a definitive host. Given that it provides relatively cheap insurance against a shortage of definitive hosts, it is not clear why facultative progenesis has only evolved in a few taxa. Here a comparative approach is used to test whether progenetic trematodes are characterized by larger body size and egg volumes, two traits that correlate with other key life history features, than other trematodes. These traits may constrain the evolution of progenesis, because precocious maturation might be impossible when the size difference between the metacercaria and a reproductive adult is too large. First, trematode species belonging to genera in which progenesis has been documented were found not to differ significantly from other trematode species. Second, using within-genus paired comparisons across 19 genera in which progenesis has been reported, progenetic species did not differ, with respect to body size or egg size, from their non-progenetic congeners. Third, using intraspecific paired comparisons in species where progenesis is facultative, no difference was observed in the sizes of eggs produced by worms in both the intermediate and definitive host, suggesting that opting for progenesis does not influence the size of a worm's eggs. Overall, the lack of obvious differences in body or egg size between trematodes with truncated life cycles and those with the normal three-host cycle indicates that basic life history characteristics are not acting as constraints on the evolution of progenesis; trematodes of all sizes can do it. Why facultative progenesis is not more widespread remains a mystery.  相似文献   

A xenoma-inducing microsporidian species was found to infect the liver of the teleost fish, peacock wrasse Symphodus (Crenilabrus) tinca. Minimal estimates of the prevalence of the parasite in fishes caught along Tunisian coasts were as high as 43 % for Bizerte samples (over 2 yr) and 72% for Monastir samples (over 3 yr). Developmental stages were dispersed within a xenoma structure that was bounded only by the plasma membrane of the hypertrophic host cell. Ultrastructural features support allocation to the genus Microgemma Ralphs and Matthews, 1986. Meronts were multinucleate plasmodia and were surrounded by rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) of the host cell. Merogonic plasmodia developed into sporogonic plasmodia, with loss of the RER interface. Sporogony was polysporoblastic. Ovocylindrical spores (3.6 x 1.2 microm) harbored a lamellar polaroplast and a polar tube that was coiled 9 times. Spore features and host specificity led us to propose a new species, Microgemma tincae. The conversion of M. tincae xenomas into well-visible cyst structures or granulomas reflected an efficient host response involving the infiltration of phagocytic cells, degradation of various parasite stages and formation of a thick fibrous wall. The small subunit rDNA gene of M. tincae was partially sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis confirms the placement within the family Tetramicriidae represented by the genera Tetramicra and Microgemma.  相似文献   

The hydrozoa life cycle is characterized, in normal conditions, by the alternation of a post-larval benthic polyp and an adult pelagic medusa; however, some species of Hydrozoa react to environmental stress by reverting their life cycle: i.e. an adult medusa goes back to the juvenile stage of polyp. This very uncommon life cycle could be considered as some sort of inverted metamorphosis. A morphological study of different stages during the reverted life cycle of Turritopsis nutricula led to the characterization of four different stages: healthy medusa, unhealthy medusa, four-leaf clover and cyst. The ultrastructural study of the cellular modifications (during the life cycle reversion of T. nutricula) showed the presence of both degenerative and apoptotic processes. Degeneration was prevalent during the unhealthy medusa and four-leaf clover stages, while the apoptotic rate was higher during the healthy medusa and cyst stages. The significant presence of degenerative and apoptotic processes could be related to the occurrence of a sort of metamorphosis when an adult medusa transforms itself into a polyp.  相似文献   

In Lake Wujka, a shallow, polymictic Antarctic lake situated at 15 m from the seashore, several yearly cohorts occur of the copepod Boeckella poppei and one of the fairy shrimp Branchinecta gaini. There is circumstantial evidence that the two species compete for food, and perhaps adult fairy shrimp feed on the nauplii of the copepod. Both species are positively influenced by a measure of salinity. However, when autumn storms massively sweep seawater into the lake, all fairy shrimp are wiped out; no hatching occurs until next spring. In B. poppei, some nauplii and copepodites survive or hatch after the salt flows out of the lake. This is an advantage to the copepod that may balance its coexistence with the shrimp. Its cycle is, however, aborted by the freezing of the lake. In contrast to many other Antarctic lakes, the life cycle of the crustaceans is therefore controlled by salinity rather than freezing.  相似文献   

Host-parasite relationships of Hyalomma species of the world fauna are analyzed. The majority of species infests predominately various mammals. Birds and reptiles are used as preferred hosts by several Hyalomma species, and only on certain stage: adults of H. aegyptium parasitize tortoises; immature stages of H. marginatum parasitize birds. It is hypothesized that relationships of H. aegyptium adults (subgenus Hyalomma s. str.) with reptiles are secondarily in origin. Immature stages of H. aegyptium retain the primary wide diapason of hosts, which are various small mammals, birds and reptiles. The life cycle of this species is the three-host type that is considered as a primary type in ixodid ticks. A typical scheme of relationships with their hosts in all well-examined Hyalommina species has following features: the adult stage parasitize large and medium sized mammals, immature stages parasitize small mammals, three-host life cycle. A variety of preferred hosts and types of life cycle is observed in the subgenus Euhyalomma. All species of this subgenus can be arranged into two groups. In the first group, the immature stages infest only small mammals and birds, and the adults parasitize large mammals; this type of host preferences is probably primary host-parasite relationships of Hyalomma. This group includes: H. albiparmatum, H. asiaticum, H. excavatum, H. franchinii, H. impeltatum, H. impressum, H. lusitanicum, H. marginatum, H. nitidum, H. schulzei, and H. truncatum. Hyalomma marginatum and H. schulzei are two-host species; H. excavatum is two- or three-host tick. All the remaining species (except H. albiparmatum, which life cycle is unknown) are three-host ticks. In the second group, the immature stages as well as the adult stage parasitize large mammals. This group includes: H. dromedarii, H. anatolicum, and H. scupense. These species are two- or one-host ticks.  相似文献   

The biology and life cycle of Nemoura avicularis Morton (Plecoptera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data are presented on the biology and life cycle of Nemoura avicularis Morton in a North Wales lake, Llyn Dinas, and in the laboratory. Aspects of egg, nymphal and adult biology are described and discussed. Special attention is given to the early instars. The life cycle in the field was followed for a 2-year period. Eggs hatched during April, May and the first half of June, and growth then continued more or less continuously until late January when the nymphs were fully grown. Emergence, however, did not begin until March, reaching a peak in April and continuing into the early part of May. In the laboratory N avicularis was reared through its life cycle from egg to adult. The results of the present study are discussed in relation to previous research on the biology and life cycle of N. avicularis.  相似文献   

Dicyemids (Phylum Dicyemida) are the most common and characteristic endosymbiont living in the renal sac of benthic cephalopod molluscs. Precocious development of a hermaphroditic gonad occurs in the larvae and smaller juveniles of 40 dicyemid species from 17 cephalopod species so far and is the usual phenomenon in dicyemids. Based on the developmental and morphological features of precocious individuals, progenesis (a form of heterochrony) is the appropriate term for such precocious development. In general, progenetic individuals have much lower fecundity than normal ones because of their smaller body size, and therefore, it appears to be a disadvantageous reproductive trait. Nonetheless, the number of progenetic individuals consists of 30%–50% of the population, a relatively large proportion suggesting that the presence of progenetic individuals probably plays an important role in life history strategy. Precocious development significantly reduces growth time and enables early maturation. Progenetic individuals are common in short-living cephalopod species, in which precocious development seems appropriate for dicyemids, enabling fast larval release before the end of the host's life span.  相似文献   

Progenesis is considered to have an important role in evolution because it allows the retention of both a larval body size and shape in an adult morphology. However, the cost caused by the adoption of a progenetic process in both males and females remains to be explored to explain the success of progenesis and particularly its biased prevalence across the sexes and environments. Here, through an experimental approach, we used a facultative progenetic species, the palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus) that can either mature at a small size and retain gills or mature after metamorphosis, to test three hypotheses for sex‐specific pay‐offs of progenesis in safe versus risky habitats. Goldfish were used because they caused a higher decline in progenetic than metamorphic newts. We determined that progenetic newts have a lower reproductive fitness than metamorphic newts. We also found that, when compared to metamorphs, progenetic males have lower reproductive activity than progenetic females and that predatory risk affects more progenetic than metamorphic newts. By identifying ultimate causes of the female‐biased sex ratios found in nature, these results support the male escape hypothesis, that is the higher metamorphosis rate of progenetic males. They also highlight that although progenesis is advantageous in advancing the age at first reproduction, it also brings an immediate fitness cost and this, particularly, in hostile predatory environments. This means that whereas some environmental constraints could favour facultative progenesis, some others, such as predation, can ultimately counter‐select progenesis. Altogether, these results improve our understanding of how developmental processes can affect the sexes differently and how species invasions can impair the success of alternative developmental phenotypes.  相似文献   

Complex life cycles provide advantages to parasites (longer life span, higher fecundity, etc.), but also represent a series of unlikely events for which many adaptations have evolved (asexual multiplication, host finding mechanisms, etc.). Some parasites use a radical strategy where the definitive host is dropped; life cycle abbreviation is most often achieved through progenesis (i.e. early maturation) and reproduction in the second intermediate host. In many progenetic species, both the typical and abbreviated life cycles are maintained. However, conditions that trigger the adoption of one or the other strategy, and the pros and cons of each parasite life history strategy, are often complex and poorly understood. We used experimental infections with the trematode Coitocaecum parvum in its fish definitive host to test for potential costs of progenesis in terms of lifespan and fecundity. We show that individuals that adopt progenesis in the intermediate host are still able to establish in the definitive host and achieve higher survival and fecundity than conspecifics adopting the typical three-host life cycle. Our results and that of previous studies show that there seems to be few short-term costs associated with progenesis in C. parvum. Potential costs of self-fertilization and inbreeding are often suggested to select for the maintenance of both life-history strategies in species capable of facultative progenesis. We suggest that, at least for our focal species, there are more constraints than costs limiting its adoption. Progenesis and the abbreviated cycle may become the typical life-history strategy while reproduction in the vertebrate definitive host is now a secondary alternative when progenesis is impossible (e.g. limited host resources, etc.). Whether this pattern can be generalized to other progenetic trematodes is unknown and would require further studies.  相似文献   

Within the Polyceridae, Nembrothinae includes some of the most striking and conspicuous sea slugs known, although several features of their biology and phylogenetic relationships remain unknown. This paper reports a phylogenetic analysis based on partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA) and morphology for most species included in Nembrothinae. Our phylogenetic reconstructions using both molecular and combined morphological and molecular data support the taxonomic splitting of Nembrothinae into several taxa. Excluding one species (Tambja tentaculata), the monophyly of Roboastra was supported by all the phylogenetic analyses of the combined molecular data. Nembrotha was monophyletic both in the morphological and molecular analyses, always with high support. However, Tambja was recovered as para- or polyphyletic, depending on the analysis performed. Our study also rejects the monophyly of "phanerobranch" dorids based on molecular data.  相似文献   

The family Adelgidae is a small group of insects within Aphidoidea (Hemiptera). Adelgids are typically holocyclic with host‐alternation between the primary and secondary hosts, but some anholocyclic species persist either on the primary or secondary host. Like Aphididae, complexities and variation of adelgid life cycles are good models for understanding the evolution of complex life cycles. In this review, we outline the complex life cycles of adelgids, and current status and recent advances in adelgid life cycle studies. We also discuss the evolution of adelgid life cycles by comparing them to closely related aphid life cycles. A switch from holocycly to anholocycly on the primary host needs evolutionary innovations in gallicola behavior and reproduction. This radical evolution can be explained by mutations in a regulatory system that controls the sequence of gene sets producing phenotypes of one morph. In contrast, anholocycly on the secondary host consists of a series of exulis generations already existing in the holocycle. Thus, it may evolve by loss of primary‐host generations through extinction of the primary host, expansion beyond the geographical range of the primary host, or loss of male‐producing sexuparae that return to the primary host. Although the holocycle and its anholocyclic derivatives have been regarded as different species, morphological, ecological and genetic differences are too subtle to separate them into different species. The holocycle and its anholocyclic derivatives should not be split into different species without clearly identifiable morphological differences.  相似文献   

The typical three-host life cycle of most trematodes creates transmission challenges for which a variety of adaptations have evolved to increase the probability of transmission. Some species can abbreviate their life cycle via progenesis, the precocious maturation of the parasite in the second intermediate host resulting in the production of eggs through self-fertilisation without requiring a definitive host. Adoption of the progenetic life cycle may be a conditional strategy in response to different environmental cues related to low probability of transmission to the definitive host. Using high water temperature and/or limited diet as experimental stressors, we tested the effect of body condition and life span of the fish second intermediate host on facultative truncation of the typical three-host life cycle by progenesis in Stegodexamene anguillae. The results suggest that environmental cues, such as temperature and encystment site, may signal transmission opportunities to the parasite so that it may adjust its developmental strategy accordingly. Indeed, a greater proportion of worms became progenetic at higher temperatures, and progenesis was more common among worms encysted in the gonads or body cavity of their fish hosts than among those in other host tissues. These findings highlight the often unrecognised plasticity in parasite developmental and transmission strategies.  相似文献   

Ancient Lake Poso on the Indonesian island Sulawesi hosts a highly diverse endemic fauna, including a small species flock of atyid Caridina shrimps, which are characterized by conspicuous colour patterns. We used a mtDNA based molecular phylogeny to test the assumption of a monophyletic origin and intralacustrine radiation of the species flock and to assess the species specificity of some colour morphs. Our data reveal a rapid radiation of Caridina in the entire Poso drainage system, but provide no strong evidence for a monophyletic radiation of the lake species. Nevertheless each lacustrine species shows a varying degree of substrate or trophic specialization, usually considered a hallmark of adaptive radiation. Two distinct colour forms previously attributed to a single species, C. ensifera, lack distinguishing qualitative morphological characters, but are shown to be two different species. In contrast, morphologically rather distinct lake species lacking specific colour patterns may be hybridizing with riverine taxa. These results suggest that colour may play a similar role in species recognition and possibly speciation in ancient lake Caridina as hypothesized, e.g. for some African cichlids.  相似文献   

Cercariaeum crassum Wesenberg-Lund, 1934 is redescribed at the cercariaeum stage and the daughter-rediae and cercaria are also described on the basis of new material from Pisidium amnicum collected in the Liikasepuro River (eastern Finland). The species is allocated to the family Allocreadiidae, although its generic affiliation remains unknown. The probable life-cycle (based on the developmental stages observed in daughter-redia) appears to eliminate the cercarial stage and, instead, a cercariaeum (a type of cercaria without a tail) may develop directly from germ balls or, rarely, through the stages of an ophthalmoxiphidiocercaria that transforms into a young caudate cercariaeum. Their morphology and development are shown to be consistent with the family Allocreadiidae. The probable lack of a second intermediate host in the life-cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

In many primate species, conspicuous behavioral and/or morphological changes are indicators of the fertile phase of the female cycle. However, several primate species, such as the white-faced capuchin, lack these cues. This is referred to as "concealed ovulation," and is argued to be a reproductive strategy that confuses paternity and lowers the risk of infanticide. We studied 10 adult female white-faced capuchins in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica, from January to June 2002. We determined their ovarian cycling patterns by analyzing fecal ovarian hormones, and compared simultaneously collected behavioral data to determine which, if any, cues females use to signal their fertile phases. We found that four females cycled during the study period but ceased to cycle without becoming pregnant. We considered several explanations for the lack of conception during our study, including reproductive seasonality. We found that female C. capucinus showed only small increases in rates of affiliative/proceptive behaviors directed toward adult males during their periovulatory phases. The best indicator of cycle phase was a significant increase in male affiliative behaviors (e.g., following and grooming bouts) and sexual behaviors (e.g., copulations and courtship displays) directed toward females during the periovulatory phase compared to the nonovulatory phase. Our finding that females exhibit little proceptive behavior, but that copulations and male courtship are nonetheless concentrated in periovulatory phases suggests that even though females do not provide behavioral and morphological cues to ovulation, males are still able to detect it. Infanticide occurs with some frequency in these monkeys, and there is evidence for postconceptive mating as a female strategy to lower risk of infanticide via paternity confusion. However, despite this occurrence of nonconceptive mating and the absence of female cues to ovulation, truly concealed ovulation does not appear to be characteristic of this study population of white-faced capuchins.  相似文献   

Complexes of cryptic species are rapidly being discovered in many parasite taxa, including trematodes. However, after they are found, cryptic species are rarely distinguished from each other with respect to key ecological or life history traits. In this study, we applied an integrative taxonomic approach to the discovery of cryptic species within Stegodexamene anguillae, a facultatively progenetic trematode common throughout New Zealand. The presence of cryptic species was determined by the genetic divergence found in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene, the 16S rRNA gene and the nuclear 28S gene, warranting recognition of two distinct species and indicating a possible third species. Speciation was not associated with geographic distribution or microhabitat within the second intermediate host; however frequency of the progenetic reproductive strategy (and the truncated life cycle associated with it) was significantly greater in one of the lineages. Therefore, two lines of evidence, molecular and ecological, support the distinction between these two species and suggest scenarios for their divergence.  相似文献   

Vikhrev N 《ZooKeys》2011,(84):59-70
The taxonomic reasons for regarding Lispe draperi Séguy, 1933, sp. rev., as a valid species instead of a synonym of Lispe tentaculata (De Geer, 1776) and for treating Lispe quaerens Villeneuve, 1936, syn. n., as a junior synonym of Lispe sericipalpis Stein, 1904 are given. A revised key for the Palaearctic members of the Lispe tentaculata species-group is given. Data on ecology, distribution and feeding preferences are provided.  相似文献   

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