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To test hypotheses involving reproduction and demographics, the sex of individuals must be established, but many species of Cetacea are not obviously dimorphic. In the North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis , population, the sex of 61 males and 55 females had been determined previously by observation of the urogenital region, and the sex of 43 more females had been inferred from repeated sightings with a calf. To confirm the sex of some of these animals and to identify the sex of mote animals, genomic DNA was isolated from skin samples of 95 individual right whales (54 from among those described above and 41 additional recognizable individuals). The DNA was surveyed using the human Y-chromosome probe pDP1007. With Eco RI-digested DNA, a clear, sex-discriminating banding pattern was apparent. This method verified the sex of all 54 animals whose sex was previously known or inferred and identified the sex of an additional 41 recognizable individuals. A total of 89 male and 111 female right whales was identified in the population. The most unbiased estimate of sex ratio available is the 36 male and 34 female calves identified by genital morphology and DNA techniques. The sex ratio of this sample does not differ significantly from unity (P = 0.811). Only 38% (58/152) of the females in the North Atlantic population are known to have been reproductively successful compared with 54% in the population of right whales in the western South Atlantic. The population growth rate reported for the North Atlantic population is only 33% of that reported for right whales in the South Atlantic. Thirteen adult North Atlantic females have been identified that have not been known to calve during the past 11 yr. These data suggest that the absence of measurable recovery may be due to a combination of fewer actively reproducing females and lower reproductive rates of some females.  相似文献   

Here, we examine the distribution, habitat use, and migratory destinations of North Pacific humpback whales wintering off Central America. Coastal boat surveys were conducted off Costa Rica and Panama between 1996 and 2003. In 1999, a broader survey was conducted along most of Central America. Over 23,000 km were surveyed, with the greatest effort off southern Costa Rica. We made 191 sightings of 320 individual humpback whales. Whales were seen between 14°N and 8°N, making this the most southerly of the North Pacific wintering areas. Encounters included singles, adult pairs, singers, and mother/calf pairs. Mother/calf pairs accounted for 27% of all groups sighted, which is one of the highest sighting rates reported among North Pacific wintering areas. Sixty percent of sightings occurred in depths <50 m. Average sea surface temperature was 28.6°C (±1.0 SD). Ninety percent of the 77 unique whales photo‐identified were also seen in the California–Oregon–Washington feeding aggregation. The 1999 survey showed that humpback whales were widely distributed along the Central American coast at relatively low densities. The extensive distribution of animals, the higher proportion of calves, and the almost exclusive migration to a single feeding area contrast with observations in other regions.  相似文献   

North Atlantic right whales ( Eubalaena glacialis ) are known to spend the majority of the year between the Great South Channel southeast of Cape Cod, and the Nova Scotian shelf. We examined sightings of right whales on and around Jeffreys Ledge, a 54-km-long glacial deposit off the coast of northern Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. Sightings on Jeffreys Ledge were extracted from three data sets: (1) a systematic survey of the entire northeastern continental shelf between 1979 and 1982, (2) whale-watch and research-cruise sighting data from 1984 to 1997, and (3) a collaborative database of sightings collected by organizations conducting right whale research and all other available sources. Each database supported two seasonal sighting peaks. During summer (especially July and August) sightings were primarily of mother-calf pairs. Several cow-calf pairs were seen over several days to weeks. Several females were resighted in more than one year, but only when calves were present. During October, November, and December, sightings included all age classes, surface-feeding behavior was frequently observed, and some animals were resighted over several weeks. Given the relatively reduced sighting effort during fall, this number of sightings is surprising. During the 20 yr of observations, 52 of 374 photo-identified North Atlantic right whales (13.9%) were seen at least once on Jeffreys Ledge. We suggest that Jeffreys Ledge may be a more important right whale habitat than previously believed, and that it may play an important role in annual movements and distribution of this population.  相似文献   

In April 2006, a dedicated survey of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) was conducted on the former whaling ground in West Greenland to determine the current wintering population abundance. This effort included a double platform aerial survey design, satellite tracking of the movements of nine whales, and estimation of high-resolution surface time from 14 whales instrumented with time-depth recorders. Bowhead whales were estimated to spend an average of 24% (cv=0.03) of the time at or above 2m depth, the maximum depth at which they can be seen on the trackline. This resulted in a fully corrected abundance estimate of 1229 (95% CI: 495-2939) bowhead whales when the availability factor was applied and sightings missed by observers were corrected. This surprisingly large population estimate is puzzling given that the change in abundance cannot be explained by a recent or rapid growth in population size. One possible explanation is that the population, which demonstrates high age and sex segregation, has recently attained a certain threshold size elsewhere, and a higher abundance of mature females appears on the winter and spring feeding ground in West Greenland. This in combination with the latest severe reduction in sea ice facilitating access to coastal areas might explain the surprising increase in bowhead whale abundance in West Greenland.  相似文献   

This study investigated plasma and pituitary concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) and steroid hormones (progesterone: P4, testosterone:T, estradiol-17beta: E2) by enzyme-immunoassay (EIA) in minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) captured during the feeding season (December to March) in the Antarctic Ocean. Plasma FSH and LH levels in female minke whales were higher (P <0.05) than in male whales. Although the pituitary weight was not significantly different between male and female whales, pituitary FSH and LH levels were higher in females than in males (P<0.01) and mature whales than immature whales (P<0.05). Plasma levels of FSH, T and E2 were not significantly different between immature and mature male whales, but plasma LH and pituitary FSH and LH levels were higher (P<0.05) in mature than in immature whales. In both immature and mature whales regardless of gender, pituitary FSH and LH levels were correlated significantly (r=0.69: P<0.01). In mature male whales, plasma T and E2 levels (r=0.60: P<0.01), and testis weight and plasma T levels (r=0.46: P <0.05) were correlated. In immature female whales, plasma FSH and LH levels were highly correlated (r=0.68: P<0.001), but were not for mature female whales. The results show that gender and maturity influence gonadal and pituitary function of minke whales during the feeding season.  相似文献   

Although the distribution and relative abundance of bowhead whales varied annually within the fall whaling area near Barrow, Alaska, the distance of whales from shore was not significantly different among years 1982-1989 (ANOVA, F = 0.5, P > 0.5). The minimum detectable distance for the ANOVA was 12 km (α= 0.05, β= 0.1). Annual median distance of random bowhead sightings from shore ranged from 23 to 39 km, with an eight-year median of 32 km. Highest annual bowhead sighting rates were positively associated with the proportion of feeding whales, indicating that whale feeding opportunities may affect the availability of whales within hunting range each fall.  相似文献   

Based on the data from long-term research in 1999?C2009 we studied the population dynamics of Beluga whales in the Solovetsky reproductive gathering (RG) in the White Sea. This aggregation of Beluga whales is formed each year in the second half of May after the break-up of fast ice and persists to September inclusive. The aggregation numbers about 100 individuals from visual observations, with long-term variations of 20?C30 individuals. The percentage of whales of different age groups also varied in the gathering depending on year, but typically one half was formed by mature animals and the other half consisted of immature whales and yearlings. There are two pronounced peaks in numbers for the summer season in the Solovetsky Beluga RG. The number of Belugas increased with the appearance of males and females that were ready to breed and females that were ready to bear calves. The daily dynamics of Belugas in the gathering largely depended on the time of day and tidal regime. In the summer season, the state of the sea and human impacts were key factors in number fluctuations of the Belugas of the Solovetsky RG. The revealed negative correlation of the long-term population of Belugas in the gathering on air temperature is considered as a special instance of general laws of the migration activities of Beluga whales in the White Sea.  相似文献   

We describe reproductive seasonality of bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina (NC), U.S.A., using strandings data from the entire coast of NC and sighting data from Beaufort, NC and by estimating dates of birth of known females. We found a strong peak of neonate strandings in the spring (April-May), and low levels of neonate strandings in the fall and winter. The distribution of neonate strandings was significantly different from a uniform distribution ( P < 0.001, K = 3.8). We found a unimodal distribution of 282 sightings of neonates with a diffuse peak in the summer. The temporal distribution of sightings of neonates departed significantly from a uniform distribution (P < 0.001, K = 5.1). Estimated birth dates of neonates from known females occurred in May ( n = 6) and June ( n = 4), with a single fall birth. These methods shed light on bottlenose reproductive patterns and underscore the value of using information from multiple types of data. Clarification of bottlenose dolphin reproductive patterns, such as the seasonality of birth, may enhance our understanding of the population structure of this species in the mid-Atlantic region.  相似文献   

Information about reproductive physiology in the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) would generate knowledge that could be useful in the management of the Swedish lynx population based on the knowledge about their reproductive potential and population development. Age-related differences in ovulation and implantation rates would affect the reproductive output and the development of the population. The aims of this study were to evaluate a protocol for collection of reproductive data from carcasses by comparisons with published field data and to generate data about reproduction in the Swedish lynx. Reproductive organs from 120 females that were harvested between March 1 and April 9 from 2009 to 2011 were collected and evaluated macroscopically for placental scars. Females had their first estrus as yearlings but did not have their first litter until the next season. Pregnancy rates were lower in 2-year-old females than in females aged 3 to 7 years but did not differ significantly from females aged 8 to 13 years (54.5%, 95.6%, and 75.0%, respectively). CL from the present season were morphologically distinctly different from luteal bodies from previous cycles (LBPC). All females ≥3 years had macroscopically visible LBPC, whereas only 67% of 22 to 23 months old females had one to three LBPC and no females <1 year of age had LBPC. Females aged 34 to 35 months had up to eight LPBC, whereas the highest number of LBPC counted in females ≥3 years of age was 11. These data would be in agreement with only one estrus per season and LBPC from at least three previous reproductive seasons in older females. The number of LBPC was significantly correlated with the weight of the ovaries rs = 0.648, P < 0.001) and the age of the animals (rs = 0.572, P < 0.001). Uterine weight differed significantly with the stage of the reproductive cycle and was highest for mature females in the luteal phase of the cycle. The estrous period, defined as occurrence of ovarian follicles lasted from March 5 to April 1 in this material. In conclusion, this study confirms that useful information about lynx reproduction can be collected from reproductive organs retrieved after the death of the animals. Continuous monitoring of lynx reproductive organs would therefore make a valuable contribution to collection of field data, gathering information that can be useful for the management of lynx populations and potentially for the lynx as an indicator of environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Hormonal biomarkers are useful indicators of mammalian reproductive and metabolic states. The present study validated and applied the use of progesterone and cortisol blubber assays for studies of blue whales from the Gulf of California, Mexico. In a validation study for pregnancy detection, blubber progesterone concentrations were correlated with pregnancy status for four female blue whales: three resighted with a calf the year following sampling and the fourth stranded with a fetus. The progesterone concentrations were significantly higher than those measured in juvenile whales (n = 3). In the application study, blubber samples from blue whales (51 noncalf females, 2 female calves, 48 noncalf males, and 1 male calf) with known sighting histories were analyzed. Putative pregnant females had elevated progesterone concentrations. Cortisol concentrations did not differ between male and female blue whales, or among females in different reproductive classes. After correcting for uncertain ages, hence maturity status, the pregnancy rate of noncalf females was 33.4% (95% CI 32.2%–34.3%). Although interpretation of hormone biomarkers must consider all physiological states that may influence progesterone concentrations, these results demonstrate the utility of pairing hormone biomarkers with sighting histories to help assess environmental or anthropogenic impacts on reproduction in blue whales.  相似文献   

Site fidelity is common among migratory cetaceans, including humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). In the Northern Hemisphere it has been found that fidelity to humpback whale feeding grounds is transferred maternally but this has never been shown for the species in the Southern Hemisphere. We examined this in a unique feeding area off west South Africa using resighting data of 68 individually identified humpback whales by means of photographic (tail flukes and dorsal fins) and/or molecular methods (microsatellite genotyping) over an 18 year span. We found short-term association patterns and recurrent visits typical of other feeding grounds. Males and females had different seasonality of attendance. Significant female-dominated presence corresponded to timing of an expected influx of females on their southward migration from the breeding ground: firstly non-nursing (possibly pregnant) females in mid-spring, and mothers and calves in mid-to late summer. The potential benefit of this mid-latitude feeding area for females is illustrated by a record of a cow with known age of at least 23 years that produced calves in three consecutive years, each of which survived to at least six months of age: the first record of successful post-partum ovulation for this species in the Southern Hemisphere. We recorded association of a weaned calf with its mother, and a recurring association between a non-lactating female and male over more than two years. Moreover, three animals first identified as calves returned to the same area in subsequent years, sometimes on the same day as their mothers. This, together with numerous Parent-Offspring relations detected genetically among and between resighted and non-resighted whales is strongly suggestive of maternally derived site fidelity at a small spatial scale by a small sub-population of humpback whales.  相似文献   

A long-term sightings and photographic identification (photo-ID) database documented the inter-annual and monthly trends in white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) sightings, sex ratios and life-history stages at Seal Island, False Bay, South Africa, over the period 2004–2012. A total of 1105 sightings were recorded during 171 scientific surveys incorporating 577 h of observation (annual mean 64.10 h, range 23.71–178.69 h). The mean annual sighting rate was 1.87 (range 0.90–3.19) sharks per hour and sighting rates declined over the nine-year study period. It is unknown whether the decline resulted from an actual population decline, or was due to changes in shark distribution or environmental conditions, but it highlights the need for ongoing monitoring at this site. The overall sex ratio was 1.0: 1.0: 2.3 for male: female: unsexed sharks, respectively. Of the 1105 sightings, 39% (n = 433) were photo-ID’d, representing 303 individual sharks (112: 111: 80, male: female: unsexed) and 130 resightings. Of the 303 photo-ID’d sharks, 71% were sighted in a single year only, indicative of transient behaviour. Of the 29% of sharks that were resighted in more than one year, 65% were resighted in the following year, indicating site fidelity to Seal Island, whereas 35% skipped one or more years between encounters, indicative of a temporary absence. The majority (60%) of the photo-ID’d sharks were immature, 32% were subadult and only 8% were mature. No young-of-the-year sharks and few adults were recorded, indicating that Seal Island is not an adult aggregation site, nor a pupping or nursery area, but rather is best described as a seasonal feeding ground. Large females were rarely resighted again after they approached length-at-maturity (≥450 cm TL), whereas some adult males were recorded consistently across years. The emigration of subadult female sharks approaching maturity from Seal Island, combined with the small number of mature sharks of both sexes reported from any South African location, indicate that adult aggregation sites, and thus areas of reproductive importance, still remain unknown.  相似文献   

The physiology of free-ranging cetaceans is difficult to study and as a consequence, data on the energetics of these animals are limited. To better understand the energetic cost of swimming in killer whales, total cost of transport ( COT ) was estimated from swimming speeds and respiration rates from wild adult northern resident killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) and reported values of oxygen consumption in captive whales. Respiration rate (breaths per minute) was positively correlated with swimming speed (meters per second), while mass-specific COT (Joules per kilogram per meter) decreased with speed. Lack of data on very fast-swimming animals hindered assessment of the exact speed at which COT was minimal. However, minimum mass-specific COT for killer whales in the present study approached those predicted by a previously published allometric equation for marine mammals, and corresponded to "optimal" swimming speeds of 2.6–3 m/s. Interestingly, the observed average swimming speed (1.6 m/s) was lower than predicted optimal swimming speed. Finally, females with dependent calves had higher respiration rates than females without calves. These findings could be due to synchronous breathing with calves or could result from increased costs of lactation and swimming with a calf in echelon formation. Consequently, females with calves may have much greater COT at optimal swimming speeds than females without calves.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand, have been studied for almost two decades. Since 2003, fewer than 150 dolphins visited the bay during each season and the local unit has declined 7.5% annually from 1997 to 2006. The causes of decline are unclear but probably include mortality and emigration. Here, we used a long‐term database to estimate reproductive parameters of female bottlenose dolphins including recruitment rates. A total of 704 surveys were conducted in which 5,577 sightings of 408 individually identified dolphins were collected; of these 53 individuals were identified as reproductive females. The calving rate increased between periods (1997–1999 = 0.13, CL = 0.07–0.21; 2003–2005 = 0.25, CL = 0.16–0.35 calves/reproductive female/year). A 0.25 calving rate suggests that on average, a female gives birth only once every four years, which is consistent with the estimated calving interval (4.3 yr, SD = 1.45) but still is lower than values reported for other populations. Conversely, apparent mortality rates to age 1+ (range: 0.34–0.52) and 2+ (range: 0.15–0.59) were higher than values reported elsewhere. The high apparent calf mortality in conjunction with a decline in local abundance, highlight the vulnerability of bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands. Long‐term studies are required to understand the causes of high calf mortality and the decline in local abundance. Meanwhile, management should focus on minimizing sources of anthropogenic disturbance and enforcing compliance with current legislation.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone is intermittently released from the hypothalamus in consistent patterns from before birth to final maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis at puberty. Disruption of this signaling via GnRH vaccination during the neonatal period can alter reproduction at maturity. The objective of this study was to investigate the long-term effects of GnRH-antibody exposure on reproductive maturation and function in elk calves passively exposed to high concentrations of GnRH antibodies immediately after birth. Fifteen elk calves (eight males and seven females) born to females treated with GnRH vaccine or sham vaccine during midgestation were divided into two groups based on the concentration of serum GnRH antibodies measured during the neonatal period. Those with robust (>15 pmol 125I-GnRH bound per mL of serum) titers (N = 10; four females and six males) were designated as the exposed group, whereas those with undetectable titers (N = 5; three females and two males) were the unexposed group. Onset of puberty, reproductive development, and endocrine function in antibody-exposed and unexposed male and female elk calves were compared. Neonatal exposure to high concentrations of GnRH antibodies had no effect on body weight (P = 0.968), endocrine profiles (P > 0.05), or gametogenesis in either sex. Likewise, there were no differences between groups in gross or histologic structure of the hypothalamus, pituitary, testes, or ovaries. Pituitary stimulation with a GnRH analog before the second potential reproductive season induced substantial LH secretion in all experimental elk. All females became pregnant during their second reproductive season and all males exhibited similar mature secondary sexual characteristics. There were no differences between exposure groups in hypothalamic GnRH content (P = 0.979), pituitary gonadotropin content (P > 0.05) or gonadal structure. We concluded that suppressing GnRH signaling through immunoneutralization during the neonatal period likely does not alter long-term reproductive function in this species.  相似文献   

In the Atlantic, economic losses have been reported from shark, swordfish and tuna longline fisheries due to depredation by cetaceans. We examined interactions of odontocete cetaceans with commercial longliners operating in waters off Brazil and the Azores archipelago during 2006–2007, analysing relationships between catches, depredation on hooked fish, cetacean sightings, acoustic records of cetacean presence and environmental variables. Data were provided by skippers of six vessels and by on-board observers for two vessels. The percentage of longline sets depredated by cetaceans was low (ranging from 1% to 9% of total sets per ship) but the proportion of fish damaged was high (up to 100%) when depredation occurred. Catches were related to the phase of the moon, cloud cover, sea surface temperature and water depth whereas cetacean sightings were primarily related to catches. In particular there was a positive association between Delphinus delphis sightings and catches of swordfish, and between Stenella frontalis sightings and mako catches. Acoustic detection was low when depredation by false killer whales occurred although high rates of clicks were detected when delphinids were sighted and false killer whales were by-caught. This may indicate that false killer whales are not echolocating when feeding on fish hooked on a longline. Guest editor: V. D. Valavanis Essential Fish Habitat Mapping in the Mediterranean  相似文献   

To determine whether Hudson Bay-Foxe Basin bowhead whales segregate on the basis of age, whales summering in northern Foxe Basin, were aerially photographed in August of 1996, 1997, and 1998. Image lengths on either the negatives or contact prints were measured and total body lengths were estimated. In all three years the majority of whales photographed were ≤13.5 m long. Calves and juveniles made up 89.3%, 96.6%, and 79.3% of the total number of measured whales in 1996 (n = 28), 1997 (n = 30) and 1998 (n = 29) respectively. The number of bowheads >13.5 m, the approximate size at which females reach sexual maturity, that were photographed was directly proportional to the number of calves photographed. Our results indicate that northern Foxe Basin bowheads are part of a more widely distributed stock. Adult males and resting adult females apparently summer in another part of the range, probably northwestern Hudson Bay. Northern Foxe Basin appears to be used as a summer feeding area by cows with young-of-the-year calves and by juveniles.  相似文献   

Ocean warming will undoubtedly affect the migratory patterns of many marine species, but specific changes can be predicted only where behavioural mechanisms guiding migration are understood. Southern right whales show maternally inherited site fidelity to near-shore winter nursery grounds, but exactly where they feed in summer (collectively and individually) remains mysterious. They consume huge quantities of copepods and krill, and their reproductive rates respond to fluctuations in krill abundance linked to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Here we show that genetic and isotopic signatures, analysed together, indicate maternally directed site fidelity to diverse summer feeding grounds for female right whales calving at Península Valdés, Argentina. Isotopic values from 131 skin samples span a broad range (–23.1 to –17.2‰δ13C, 6.0 to 13.8‰δ15N) and are more similar than expected among individuals sharing the same mitochondrial haplotype. This pattern indicates that calves learn summer feeding locations from their mothers, and that the timescale of culturally inherited site fidelity to feeding grounds is at least several generations. Such conservatism would be expected to limit the exploration of new feeding opportunities, and may explain why this population shows increased rates of reproductive failure in years following elevated sea-surface temperature anomalies off South Georgia, the richest known feeding ground for baleen whales in the South Atlantic.  相似文献   

Abstract. The reproductive cycle of the entocommensal nemertean Malacobdella arrokeana inhabiting Panopea abbreviata from San José Gulf, Patagonia, Argentina, and the nemertean–host relationship were investigated. The mature nemertean population showed a sex ratio of 1:0.64, with females predominating. The number of individuals of M. arrokeana per host varied from 1–60 individuals (mean±SD=3.7±9.4 mm). Different stages of gonadic development were observed in individual nemerteans. Spawning peaks occurred during late summer and early spring. Sexually mature individuals of both sexes were present year round, possibly indicative of a continuous breeding period. Our results suggest that M. arrokeana has no cannibalistic habits and confirm its entocommensal symbiosis with P. abbreviata .  相似文献   

Bowhead whales ( Balaena mysticetus ) summering in the eastern Beaufort Sea in 1983 were measured through aerial stereophotogrammetry. Photos were taken from a turbine Aerocommander 690 with wingtip-mounted, calibrated 35-mm cameras. Photos were measured on an analytical plotter with scale data provided by radar altimeter and focal length of the lenses. Coefficient of variation of known-sized targets 12 m long was 1.7 percent ( n = 25). Potential duplicate photographs of whales were removed from consideration through an algorithm based on whale swim speed and elapsed time between sightings. Significant segregation by bowhead whale length was found between four broad regions ( P < 0.001, ANOVA, Chi square). Also an inverse correlation appeared between longitude and size of animals ( P < 0.001), with the larger animals occurring farther east. This unequivocal size-class segregation confounds an accurate assessment of overall size-class composition of the population as well as recent attempts to determine calving rate from aerial survey data.  相似文献   

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