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The immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) recombinant expressing the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag-Pol proteins (MVA-gag-pol) was explored in rhesus monkeys expressing the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I allele, MamuA*01. Macaques received four sequential intramuscular immunizations with the MVA-gag-pol recombinant virus or nonrecombinant MVA as a control. Gag-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses were detected in all MVA-gag-pol-immunized macaques by both functional assays and flow cytometric analyses of CD8(+) T cells that bound a specific MHC complex class I-peptide tetramer, with levels peaking after the second immunization. Following challenge with uncloned SIVsmE660, all macaques became infected; however, viral load set points were lower in MVA-gag-pol-immunized macaques than in the MVA-immunized control macaques. MVA-gag-pol-immunized macaques exhibited a rapid and substantial anamnestic CTL response specific for the p11C, C-M Gag epitope. The level at which CTL stabilized after resolution of primary viremia correlated inversely with plasma viral load set point (P = 0.03). Most importantly, the magnitude of reduction in viremia in the vaccinees was predicted by the magnitude of the vaccine-elicited CTL response prior to SIV challenge.  相似文献   

The dynamics of plasma viremia were explored in a group of 12 simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) that had received prior immunization with either nonrecombinant or trivalent (gag-pol, env) SIV-recombinant vaccinia viruses. Three distinct patterns of viral replication observed during and following primary viremia accounted for significant differences in survival times. High-level primary plasma viremia with subsequently increasing viremia was associated with rapid progression to AIDS (n = 2). A high-level primary plasma virus load with a transient decline and subsequent progressive increase in viremia in the post-acute phase of infection was associated with progression to AIDS within a year (n = 6). Low levels of primary plasma viremia followed by sustained restriction of virus replication were associated with maintenance of normal lymphocyte subsets and intact lymphoid architecture (n = 4), reminiscent of the profile observed in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected long-term nonprogressors. Three of four macaques that showed this pattern had been immunized with an SIV recombinant derived from the attenuated vaccinia virus, modified vaccinia virus Ankara. These data link the dynamics and extent of virus replication to disease course and suggest that sustained suppression of virus promotes long-term, asymptomatic survival of SIV-infected macaques. These findings also suggest that vaccine modulation of host immunity may have profound beneficial effects on the subsequent disease course, even if sterilizing immunity is not achieved.  相似文献   

Neutralizing antibodies were assessed before and after intravenous challenge with pathogenic SIVsmE660 in rhesus macaques that had been immunized with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara expressing one or more simian immunodeficiency virus gene products (MVA-SIV). Animals received either MVA-gag-pol, MVA-env, MVA-gag-pol-env, or nonrecombinant MVA. Although no animals were completely protected from infection with SIV, animals immunized with recombinant MVA-SIV vaccines had lower virus loads and prolonged survival relative to control animals that received nonrecombinant MVA (I. Ourmanov et al., J. Virol. 74:2740-2751, 2000). Titers of neutralizing antibodies measured with the vaccine strain SIVsmH-4 were low in the MVA-env and MVA-gag-pol-env groups of animals and were undetectable in the MVA-gag-pol and nonrecombinant MVA groups of animals on the day of challenge (4 weeks after final immunization). Titers of SIVsmH-4-neutralizing antibodies remained unchanged 1 week later but increased approximately 100-fold 2 weeks postchallenge in the MVA-env and MVA-gag-pol-env groups while the titers remained low or undetectable in the MVA-gag-pol and nonrecombinant MVA groups. This anamnestic neutralizing antibody response was also detected with T-cell-line-adapted stocks of SIVmac251 and SIV/DeltaB670 but not with SIVmac239, as this latter virus resisted neutralization. Most animals in each group had high titers of SIVsmH-4-neutralizing antibodies 8 weeks postchallenge. Titers of neutralizing antibodies were low or undetectable until about 12 weeks of infection in all groups of animals and showed little or no evidence of an anamnestic response when measured with SIVsmE660. The results indicate that recombinant MVA is a promising vector to use to prime for an anamnestic neutralizing antibody response following infection with primate lentiviruses that cause AIDS. However, the Env component of the present vaccine needs improvement in order to target a broad spectrum of viral variants, including those that resemble primary isolates.  相似文献   

The efficacy of two SIV DNA plus recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara nasal vaccine regimens, one combined with plasmids expressing IL-2 and IL-15, the other with plasmids expressing GM-CSF, IL-12, and TNF-α, which may better stimulate humoral responses, was evaluated in two female rhesus macaque groups. Vaccination stimulated significant SIV-specific mucosal and systemic cell-mediated immunity in both groups, whereas SIV-specific IgA titers were sporadic and IgG titers negative. All vaccinated animals, except one, became infected after intravaginal SIV(mac251) low-dose challenge. Half of the vaccinated, infected animals (7/13) promptly controlled virus replication to undetectable viremia for the duration of the trial (130 wk) and displayed virological and immunological phenotypes similar to those of exposed, uninfected individuals. When all vaccinated animals were considered, a 3-log viremia reduction was observed, compared with controls. The excellent viral replication containment achieved in vaccinated animals translated into significant preservation of circulating α4β7(high+)/CD4(+) T cells and of circulating and mucosal CD4(+)/C(M) T cells and in reduced immune activation. A more significant long-term survival was also observed in these animals. Median survival was 72 wk for the control group, whereas >50% of the vaccinated animals were still disease free 130 wk postchallenge, when the trial was closed. There was a statistically significant correlation between levels of CD4(+)/IFN-γ(+) and CD8(+)/IFN-γ(+) T cell percentages on the day of challenge and the control of viremia at week 60 postchallenge or survival. Postchallenge immunological correlates of protection were systemic anti-SIV Gag + Env CD4(+)/IL-2(+), CD4(+)/IFN-γ(+), and CD8(+)/TNF-α(+) T cells and vaginal anti-SIV Gag + Env CD8(+) T cell total monofunctional responses.  相似文献   

An infectious, virulence-attenuated molecular clone of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), SIVMAC-1A11, was derived from an SIV isolate that causes fatal immunodeficiency in rhesus macaques. When inoculated intravenously in rhesus macaques, SIVMAC-1A11 induced transient viremia (1 to 6 weeks) without clinical disease and a persistent humoral antibody response. The antibodies were directed mainly against the viral envelope glycoproteins, as determined by immunoblots and virus neutralization. The potential of this virulence-attenuated virus to protect against intravenous challenge with a pathogenic SIVMAC strain was assessed. Five rhesus macaques were each given two intravenous inoculations with SIVMAC-1A11 7 months apart. Three of the five immunized monkeys and four naive control animals were then challenged with 100 to 1,000 100% animal infectious doses of pathogenic SIVMAC. All seven animals became persistently viremic following the challenge. Four of four unimmunized animals developed severe clinical signs of simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome by 38 to 227 days after challenge and were euthanatized 91 to 260 days postchallenge. However, no signs of illness were seen in immunized monkeys until 267 to 304 days postchallenge, when two of three immunized animals developed mild thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia; one of these animals died with clinical signs of simian immunodeficiency disease at 445 days after challenge. The two SIVMAC-1A11-immunized monkeys that were not challenged were healthy and antibody positive 22 months after the initial immunization. Thus, although live SIVMAC-1A11 was immunogenic and did not induce any disease, it failed to protect rhesus macaques against infection with a moderately high dose of pathogenic virus. However, immunization prevented severe, early disease and prolonged the lives of monkeys subsequently infected with pathogenic SIV.  相似文献   

Cellular immune responses against epitopes in conserved Gag and Pol sequences of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 have become popular targets for candidate AIDS vaccines. Recently, we used a simian-human immunodeficiency virus model (SHIV 89.6P) with macaques to demonstrate the control of a pathogenic mucosal challenge by priming with Gag-Pol-Env-expressing DNA and boosting with Gag-Pol-Env-expressing recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (rMVA). Here we tested Gag-Pol DNA priming and Gag-Pol rMVA boosting to evaluate the contribution of anti-Env immune responses to viral control. The Gag-Pol vaccine raised frequencies of Gag-specific T cells similar to those raised by the Gag-Pol-Env vaccine. Following challenge, these rapidly expanded to counter the challenge infection. Despite this, the control of the SHIV 89.6P challenge was delayed and inconsistent in the Gag-Pol-vaccinated group and all of the animals underwent severe and, in most cases, sustained loss of CD4(+) cells. Interestingly, most of the CD4(+) cells that were lost in the Gag-Pol-vaccinated group were uninfected cells. We suggest that the rapid appearance of binding antibody for Env in Gag-Pol-Env-vaccinated animals helped protect uninfected CD4(+) cells from Env-induced apoptosis. Our results highlight the importance of immune responses to Env, as well as to Gag-Pol, in the control of immunodeficiency virus challenges and the protection of CD4(+) cells.  相似文献   

To be effective, a vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) must induce virus-specific T-cell responses and it must be safe for use in humans. To address these issues, we developed a recombinant vaccinia virus DIs vaccine (rDIsSIVGag), which is nonreplicative in mammalian cells and expresses the full-length gag gene of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Intravenous inoculation of 10(6) PFU of rDIsSIVGag in cynomologus macaques induced significant levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) spot-forming cells (SFC) specific for SIV Gag. Antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferative responses were also induced and were temporally associated with the peak of IFN-gamma SFC activity in each macaque. In contrast, macaques immunized with a vector control (rDIsLacZ) showed no significant induction of antigen-specific immune responses. After challenge with a highly pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV), CD4(+) T lymphocytes were maintained in the peripheral blood and lymphoid tissues of the immunized macaques. The viral set point in plasma was also reduced in these animals, which may be related to the enhancement of virus-specific intracellular IFN-gamma(+) CD8(+) cell numbers and increased antibody titers after SHIV challenge. These results demonstrate that recombinant DIs has potential for use as an HIV/AIDS vaccine.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a multicomponent vaccination with modified vaccinia Ankara constructs (rMVA) expressing structural and regulatory genes of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV(mac251/32H/J5)) was investigated in cynomolgus monkeys, following challenge with a pathogenic SIV. Vaccination with rMVA-J5 performed at week 0, 12, and 24 induced a moderate proliferative response to whole SIV, a detectable humoral response to all but Nef SIV antigens, and failed to induce neutralizing antibodies. Two months after the last boost, the monkeys were challenged intravenously with 50 MID50 of SIV(mac251). All control monkeys, previously inoculated with non-recombinant MVA, were infected by week two and seroconverted by weeks four to eight. In contrast a sharp increase of both humoral and proliferative responses at two weeks post-challenge was observed in vaccinated monkeys compared to control monkeys. Although all vaccinated monkeys were infected, vaccination with rMVA-J5 appeared to partially control viral replication during the acute and late phase of infection as judged by cell- and plasma-associated viral load.  相似文献   

Background The immunogenicity and protective efficacy of recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (rMVA) vectors expressing structural (gag/pol, env) and regulatory (tat, rev, nef) genes of SIVmac251/32H‐J5 (rMVA‐J5) were assessed. Methods Immunization with rMVA constructs (2.5 × 107 IU) 32, 20 and 8 weeks pre‐challenge was compared with 32 and 20 weeks but with a final boost 8 weeks pre‐challenge with 2 × 106 fixed‐inactivated HSC‐F4 cells infected with SIVmac32H. Controls received rMVA vectors expressing an irrelevant transgene or were naïve challenge controls. All received 10 MID50 SIVmac32H/J5 intravenously. Results Vaccinates immunized with rMVA‐J5 exhibited significant, albeit transient, control of peak primary viraemia despite inconsistent and variable immune responses elicted by vaccination. Humoral and cellular responses to Env were most consistent, with lower responses to Nef, Rev and Tat. Increasing titres of anti‐vaccinia neutralizing antibodies reflected the number and dose of rMVA inoculations. Conclusions Improved combinations of viral vectors are required to elicit appropriate immune responses to control viral replication.  相似文献   

Producing a prophylactic vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has proven to be a challenge. Most biological isolates of HIV are difficult to neutralize, so that conventional subunit-based antibody-inducing vaccines are unlikely to be very effective. In the rhesus macaque model, some protection was afforded by DNA/recombinant viral vector vaccines. However, these studies used as the challenge virus SHIV-89.6P, which is neutralizable, making it difficult to determine whether the observed protection was due to cellular immunity, humoral immunity, or a combination of both. In this study, we used a DNA prime/modified vaccinia virus Ankara boost regimen to immunize rhesus macaques against nearly all simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) proteins. These animals were challenged intrarectally with pathogenic molecularly cloned SIVmac239, which is resistant to neutralization. The immunization regimen resulted in the induction of virus-specific CD8(+) and CD4(+) responses in all vaccinees. Although anamnestic neutralizing antibody responses against laboratory-adapted SIVmac251 developed after the challenge, no neutralizing antibodies against SIVmac239 were detectable. Vaccinated animals had significantly reduced peak viremia compared with controls (P < 0.01). However, despite the induction of virus-specific cellular immune responses and reduced peak viral loads, most animals still suffered from gradual CD4 depletion and progressed to disease.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: An effective AIDS vaccine remains one of the highest priorities in HIV-research. Our recent study showed that vaccination of rhesus macaques with recombinant simian varicella virus (rSVV) vector -- simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) envelope and gag genes, induced neutralizing antibodies and cellular immune responses to SIV and also significantly reduced plasma viral loads following intravenous pathogenic challenge with SIVMAC251/CX1. FINDINGS: The purpose of this study was to define cellular immunological correlates of protection in rSVV-SIV vaccinated and SIV challenged animals. Immunofluorescent staining and multifunctional assessment of SIV-specific T-cell responses were evaluated in both Experimental and Control vaccinated animal groups. Significant increases in the proliferating CD4+ T-cell population and polyfunctional T-cell responses were observed in all Experimental-vaccinated animals compared with the Control-vaccinated animals. CONCLUSIONS: Increased CD4+ T-cell proliferation was significantly and inversely correlated with plasma viral load. Increased SIV-specific polyfunctional cytokine responses and increased proliferation of CD4+ T-cell may be crucial to control plasma viral loads in vaccinated and SIVMAC251/CX1 challenged macaques.  相似文献   

To evaluate immunity induced by a novel DNA prime-boost regimen, we constructed a DNA plasmid encoding the gag and pol genes from simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) (SIVgag/pol DNA), in addition to a replication-deficient vaccinia virus strain DIs recombinant expressing SIV gag and pol genes (rDIsSIVgag/pol). In mice, priming with SIVgag/pol DNA, followed by rDIsSIVgag/pol induced an SIV-specific lymphoproliferative response that was mediated by a CD4+-T-lymphocyte subset. Immunization with either vaccine alone was insufficient to induce high levels of proliferation or Th1 responses in the animals. The prime-boost regimen also induced SIV Gag-specific cellular responses based on gamma interferon secretion, as well as cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte responses. Thus, the regimen of DNA priming and recombinant DIs boosting induced Th1-type cell-mediated immunity, which was associated with resistance to viral challenge with wild-type vaccinia virus expressing SIVgag/pol, suggesting that this new regimen may hold promise as a safe and effective vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus type 1.  相似文献   

Since cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are critical for controlling human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication in infected individuals, candidate HIV-1 vaccines should elicit virus-specific CTL responses. In this report, we study the immune responses elicited in rhesus monkeys by a recombinant poxvirus vaccine and the degree of protection afforded against a pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus SHIV-89.6P challenge. Immunization with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vectors expressing SIVmac239 gag-pol and HIV-1 89.6 env elicited potent Gag-specific CTL responses but no detectable SHIV-specific neutralizing antibody (NAb) responses. Following intravenous SHIV-89.6P challenge, sham-vaccinated monkeys developed low-frequency CTL responses, low-titer NAb responses, rapid loss of CD4+ T lymphocytes, high-setpoint viral RNA levels, and significant clinical disease progression and death in half of the animals by day 168 postchallenge. In contrast, the recombinant MVA-vaccinated monkeys demonstrated high-frequency secondary CTL responses, high-titer secondary SHIV-89.6-specific NAb responses, rapid emergence of SHIV-89.6P-specific NAb responses, partial preservation of CD4+ T lymphocytes, reduced setpoint viral RNA levels, and no evidence of clinical disease or mortality by day 168 postchallenge. There was a statistically significant correlation between levels of vaccine-elicited CTL responses prior to challenge and the control of viremia following challenge. These results demonstrate that immune responses elicited by live recombinant vectors, although unable to provide sterilizing immunity, can control viremia and prevent disease progression following a highly pathogenic AIDS virus challenge.  相似文献   

To identify viral determinants of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) virulence, two pairs of reciprocal recombinants constructed from a pathogenic (SIVmac239) and a nonpathogenic (SIVmac1A11) molecular clone of SIV were tested in rhesus macaques. A large 6.2-kb fragment containing gag, pol, env, and the regulatory genes from each of the cloned (parental) viruses was exchanged to produce one pair of recombinant viruses (designated SIVmac1A11/239gag-env/1A11 and SIVmac239/1A11gag-env/239 to indicate the genetic origins of the 5'/internal/3' regions, respectively, of the virus). A smaller 1.4-kb fragment containing the external env domain of each of the parental viruses was exchanged to create the second pair (SIVmac1A11/239env/1A11 and SIVmac239/1A11env/239) of recombinant viruses. Each of the two parental and four recombinant viruses was inoculated intravenously into four rhesus macaques, and all 24 animals were viremic by 4 weeks postinoculation (p.i.). Virus could not be isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of any animals infected with SIVmac1A11 after 6 weeks p.i. but was consistently isolated from all macaques inoculated with SIVmac239 for 92 weeks p.i. Virus isolation was variable from animals infected with recombinant viruses; SIVmac1A11/239gag-env/1A11 and SIVmac239/1A11env/239 were isolated most frequently. Animals inoculated with SIVmac239 had 10 to 100 times more virus-infected PBMC than those infected with recombinant viruses. Three animals infected with SIVmac239 died with simian AIDS (SAIDS) during the 2-year observation period after inoculation, and the fourth SIVmac239-infected animal had clinical signs of SAIDS. Two animals infected with recombinant viruses died with SAIDS; one was infected with SIVmac239/1A11gag-env/239, and the other was infected with SIVmac1A11/239gag-env/1A11. The remaining 18 macaques remained healthy by 2 years p.i., and 13 were aviremic. One year after inoculation, peripheral lymph nodes of some of these healthy, aviremic animals harbored infected cells. All animals seroconverted within the first few weeks of infection, and the magnitude of antibody response to SIV was proportional to the levels and duration of viremia. Virus-suppressive PBMC were detected within 2 to 4 weeks p.i. in all animals but tended to decline as viremia disappeared. There was no association of levels of cell-mediated virus-suppressive activity and either virus load or disease progression. Taken together, these results indicate that differences in more than one region of the viral genome are responsible for the lack of virulence of SIVmac1A11.  相似文献   

An inactivated whole simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) immunogen given to healthy, seropositive rhesus macaques 4 months after infection had no effect on the humoral immune response to SIV, the presence of antigenemia, cell-associated viremia, or disease course. Further immunotherapeutic trials in this highly susceptible animal model should be carried out sooner after exposure, before significant loss of CD4 cells has occurred. The SIV infected macaque model will continue to serve an essential role in development and testing of anti-AIDS drugs and immunogens.  相似文献   

Live attenuated simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is the most efficient vaccine yet developed in monkey models of human immunodeficiency virus infection. In all successful vaccine trials, attenuation was achieved by inactivating at least the nef gene. We investigated some virological and immunological characteristics of five rhesus macaques immunized with a nef-inactivated SIVmac251 molecular clone (SIVmac251Deltanef) and challenged 15 months later with the pathogenic SIVmac251 isolate. Three animals were killed 2 weeks postchallenge (p.c.) to search for the challenge virus and to assess immunological changes in various organs. The other two animals have been monitored up for 7 years p.c., with clinical and nef gene changes being noted. The animals killed showed no increase in viral load and no sign of a secondary immune response, although the challenged virus was occasionally detected by PCR. In one of the monkeys being monitored, the vaccine virus persisted and an additional deletion occurred in nef. In the other monkey that was monitored, the challenge and the vaccine (Deltanef) viruses were both detected by PCR until a virus with a hybrid nef allele was isolated 48 months p.c. This nef hybrid encodes a 245-amino-acid protein. Thus, our results show (i) that monkeys were not totally protected against homologous virus challenge but controlled the challenge very efficiently in the absence of a secondary immune response, and (ii) that the challenge and vaccine viruses may persist in a replication-competent form for long periods after the challenge, possibly resulting in recombination between the two viruses.  相似文献   

Vaccine vectors derived from Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE) that expressed simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) immunogens were tested in rhesus macaques as part of the effort to design a safe and effective vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus. Immunization with VEE replicon particles induced both humoral and cellular immune responses. Four of four vaccinated animals were protected against disease for at least 16 months following intravenous challenge with a pathogenic SIV swarm, while two of four controls required euthanasia at 10 and 11 weeks. Vaccination reduced the mean peak viral load 100-fold. The plasma viral load was reduced to below the limit of detection (1,500 genome copies/ml) in one vaccinated animal between 6 and 16 weeks postchallenge and in another from week 6 through the last sampling time (40 weeks postchallenge). The extent of reduction in challenge virus replication was directly correlated with the strength of the immune response induced by the vectors, which suggests that vaccination was effective.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) was used as a model to study the protective efficacy of an immunization regimen currently being evaluated as candidate vaccines against HIV in human subjects. Four Macaca fascicularis were first immunized with recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the envelope glycoprotein gp160 of SIVmne and then boosted with subunit gp160. Both cell-mediated and humoral immune responses against SIV, including neutralizing antibodies, were elicited. The macaques were shown to be protected from a homologous virus infection as determined by serology, lymphocyte cocultivation, polymerase chain reactions and in vivo transmission analyses. Four unimmunized control animals were readily infected. However, viremia in infected control animals could decrease substantially following the initial phase of infection so that persistent infection might not be readily detectable.  相似文献   

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