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A new species ofNeosartorya, N. multiplicata (anam.Aspergillus multiplicatus), isolated from soil collected at Houli, Taichung, in Taiwan, is described and illustrated. The species is characterized by its restricted growth on Czapek agar, white ascomata, nearly globose ascospores with ribbed surface ornamentation of several linear ridges, and a limited development of conidia on common media. A key to all accepted species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Spiromastix saturnispora, isolated from a soil sample collected from central Java in Indonesia, is described and illustrated as a new species. The new species was compared with the type ofSpiromastix, S. warcupii, and is similar in having brownish ascomata with a peridium of a loose network of delicate hyphae, peridial appendages which are curved in the manner of a scimitar and never completely coiled, and the absence of an anamorph. The ascospores ofS. saturnispora are characterized as large oblate, 3.2–4.8 × 2.5–3µm, punctate, and with an equatorial rim, which serves to distinguish the species fromS. warcupii and other known species.  相似文献   

A new species ofThielavia (T. aurantiaca) isolated from field soil collected from Osaka is described and illustrated. The fungus is distinguished from other known species by having ascomata covered with yellowish orange mycelium and smaller size of ascomata and ascospores. A chlamydospore-like anamorph is formed.  相似文献   

Lasiobolidium gracile isolated from a soil sample collected from California, USA is described as a new species. This species is characterized by yellowish brown to reddish brown, nonostiolate ascomata with numerous, long straight appendages and a translucent peridium, subglobose to broadly clavate asci, hyaline to pale yellowish brown, ellipsoidal ascospores. It differs from the other species ofLasiobolidium in the straight and narrow appendages and the large ascospores. A key is presented separating the seven known species.  相似文献   

A new species ofTalaromyces, characterized by development of unusual deep green ascomata on common media, is described and given the nameTalaromyces euchlorocarpius. This species, isolated from soil, also produces ellipsoidal, spinose ascospores, typically biverticillate penicilli, large ellipsoidal, smooth-walled conidia, and is assigned to the seriesLutei of the sectionTalaromyces.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pyrenomycetes from forest soil in New Caledonia,Anthostomella pacifica andChaetomium novaecaledonicum, are described and illustrated.Anthostomella pacifica is characterized by non-ostiolate ascomata, cylindrical asci with an amyloid apical apparatus, and two-celled ascospores (dark apical cylindrical and hyaline basal dwarfed cells) with longitudinal germ slits.Chaetomium novae-caledonicum is characterized by ostiolate ascomata, straight terminal hairs, arcuate lateral hairs with a recurved tip, and very small, ovoid-flattened ascospores.This research was supported in part by Monbusho International Scientific Research Program: Field Research, No. 05041093.  相似文献   

Among the isolates from soil of grassland in Roraima State, Brazil, a new species ofNeosartorya, N. takakii is described and illustrated.Neosartorya takakii differs from the other known species of the genus in having lenticular ascospores with two distinct equatorial crests and with roughly circularly arranged projections on the convex walls. A comparative SEM view of ascospores from six relatedNeosartorya species is also provided.  相似文献   

A new species ofEmericella isolated from forest soil in the Oman,E. omanensis, is described and illustrated. It differs from the other known species of the genus in having bivalvate ascospores with a tuberculate or verruculose convex wall. The new species is compared with the closely related speciesE. desertorum andE. echinulata.  相似文献   

Emericella appendiculata, a new species isolated from soil of the Pamire Plateau, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by grayish green non-ostiolate ascomata surrounded by a thick layer of hülle cells, membranaceous peridium, prototunicate asci, violet-brown, lenticular ascospores which are ornamented by two stellate equatorial crests, capitate convex surfaces, and long filiform appendages, and anAspergillus anamorph with biseriate conidiogenous cells.  相似文献   

A new species ofConiochaetidium isolated from soil of Iraq is described. The speciesC. nuciforme differs fromC. savoryi in the shape and size of the ascospores. A key to differentiate the accepted species of the genus is reported.  相似文献   

A new species ofMicrosphaeropsis (Sphaeropsidales, Coelomycetes),M. rugospora, is described and illustrated. This fungus is characterized by its rapid growth on common media such as oatmeal and potato-carrot agars; semi-immersed to immersed, nearly globose, papillate pycnidias; pale yellowish brown, translucent, membranaceous peridium; monophialidic, ampulliform conidiogenous cells; and one-celled, dark brown, globose conidia ornamented with distinct tubercles. The holotype was isolated from the cultivated soil in Tanegashima Island, southern Japan.  相似文献   

A new species ofTalaromyces (Ascomycetes; Trichocomaceae) with aPenicillium anamorph,T. lagunensis, is described and illustrated. This fungus is characterized by its extremely restricted growh on Czapek-yeast extract agar, light yellow to light orange ascomata with a telaperidium, catenate, pyriform or ellipsoidal asci, ellipsoidal or subglobose ascospores with a microtuberculate wall, short conidiophores with an irregular, mostly monoverticillate to biverticillate penicillus, and subglobose to ovoid conidia. The holotype was isolated from forest soil in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Emericella qinqixianii, a new species isolated from desert soil from Sanchakou, Aksu, Qiemo, Yuli, Yutian, and the Taklimakan desert 100 km inland from Minfeng, Xinjiang Province, China, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by grayish yellow to olive brown, non-ostiolate ascomata surrounded by hyaline to pale yellowish brown hülle cells, membranaceous peridium, prototunicate asci, and violet-brown, lenticular ascospores with two equatorial crests, smooth convex surfaces, and long filiform appendages. It hasAspergillus anamorph with biseriate aspergilla.  相似文献   

Among the isolates from soil of corn and sugar cane plantations in São Paulo State, Brazil, two new species ofNeosartorya, N. botucatensis andN. paulistensis, are described and illustrated.Neosartorya botucatensis differs from the other known species of the genus in having ascospores with long spines on the convex walls.Neosartorya paulistensis is characterized by its ascospore walls with spinose and verruculose ornamentation. The former is compared with the closely related speciesN. spinosa, and the latter is closely related toN. glabra, N. pseudofischeri and N. stramenia.  相似文献   

Myxotrichum ochraceum var.frigidum, a new variety ofMyxotrichum, is described and illustrated from the material from Japanese soil. It is morphologically characterized by dull green to black ascomata with a yellow-orange centrum, peridium consisting of a fragile hyphal network, peridial hyphae with internal coiled branches and short spine-like appendages, pale yellow fusiform striate ascospores, and the absence of an anamorph. The new variety primarily differs from the type variety in the absence of elongate appendages. A key to all accepted species of the genus is revised.  相似文献   

Among the ascomycete isolates from soil and armadillo dung collected in São Paulo State, Brazil, a new species ofEmericella, E. montenegroi and a new variety ofE. rugulosa, E. rugulosa var.Iazulina are described and illustrated.Emericella montenegroi differs from the other known species of the genus in having ascospores with an incompletely reticulate or ribbed ornamentation on the convex walls.Emericella rugulosa var.Iazulina differs from the type variety in having blue to violet color of ascospores. Isolations ofE. corrugata andE. foveolata are also reported as a South American record. A synoptic key to all accepted species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Neosartorya udagawae, a new heterothallic species isolated from Brazilian soil, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by dull green colony on malt extract agar, light yellow large ascomata, broadly lenticular ascospores with two equatorial or several irregular crests and tuberculate convex surfaces, and with anAspergillus anamorph.Neosartorya aureola is also described as a new record from Brazilian soil.  相似文献   

Emericella miyajii, a new species isolated from Chinese soil, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by pale orange to brownish orange colonies on malt extract agar, subglobose to broadly elliptical ascospores with defective four equatorial crests and smooth convex walls, and with anAspergillus anamorph.Emericella undulata is also described as an uncommon species from Chinese soil.  相似文献   

Embellisia thlaspis is described as a new species from the roots of the cruciferThlaspi caerulescens. The host plant was growing in soil in an area of disused zinc and lead mines where high levels of heavy metals have been recorded. Examining this novel fungus using SEM, the detailed structure of the conidiogenous loci confirms earlier observations of this genus.  相似文献   

A new species ofRoumegueriella (Ascomycetes; Hypocreales),R. pulchella, is described and illustrated. This fungus is characterized by its rapid growth on Czapek-yeast extract and YpSs agars at 37°C, bright yellow non-ostiolate ascomata, translucent membranaceous peridium, broadly clavate asci, and hyaline one-celled subglobose-ovoid ascospores ornamented with prominent spines. The holotype was isolated from soil in a sugarcane field in Okinawa, Japan.  相似文献   

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