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Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Erikss., is a severe foliar disease of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Use of adult-plant resistance (APR) is an efficient approach to provide long-term protection of crops from the disease. The German spring wheat cultivar Naxos showed a high level of APR to stripe rust in the field. To identify the APR genes in this cultivar, a mapping population of 166 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed from a cross between Naxos and Shanghai 3/Catbird (SHA3/CBRD), a moderately susceptible line developed by CIMMYT. The RILs were evaluated for maximum disease severity (MDS) in Sichuan and Gansu in the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 cropping seasons. Composite interval mapping (CIM) identified four QTL, QYr.caas-1BL.1RS, QYr.caas-1DS, QYr.caas-5BL.3 and QYr.caas-7BL.1, conferring stable resistance to stripe rust across all environments, each explaining 1.9-27.6, 2.1-5.8, 2.5-7.8 and 3.7-9.1?% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. QYr.caas-1DS flanked by molecular markers XUgwm353-Xgdm33b was likely a new QTL for APR to stripe rust. Because the interval between flanking markers for each QTL was less than 6.5?cM, these QTL and their closely linked markers are potentially useful for improving resistance to stripe rust in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Stripe rust and leaf rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici Erikss. and P. triticina, respectively, are devastating fungal diseases of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Chinese wheat cultivar Bainong 64 has maintained acceptable adult-plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust, leaf rust and powdery mildew for more than 10?years. The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci/locus (QTL) for resistance to the two rusts in a population of 179 doubled haploid (DH) lines derived from Bainong 64?×?Jingshuang 16. The DH lines were planted in randomized complete blocks with three replicates at four locations. Stripe rust tests were conducted using a mixture of currently prevalent P. striiformis races, and leaf rust tests were performed with P. triticina race THTT. Leaf rust severities were scored two or three times, whereas maximum disease severities (MDS) were recorded for stripe rust. Using bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, five independent loci for APR to two rusts were detected. The QTL on chromosomes 1BL and 6BS contributed by Bainong 64 conferred resistance to both diseases. The loci identified on chromosomes 7AS and 4DL had minor effects on stripe rust response, whereas another locus, close to the centromere on chromosome 6BS, had a significant effect only on leaf rust response. The loci located on chromosomes 1BL and 4DL also had significant effects on powdery mildew response. These were located at the same positions as the Yr29/Lr46 and Yr46/Lr67 genes, respectively. The multiple disease resistance locus for APR on chromosome 6BS appears to be new. All three genes and their closely linked molecular markers could be used in breeding wheat cultivars with durable resistance to multiple diseases.  相似文献   


Key message

Wheat cultivar Madsen has a new gene on the short arm of chromosome 1A and two QTL for all-stage resistance and three QTL for high-temperature adult-plant resistance that in combination confer high-level, durable resistance to stripe rust.


Wheat cultivar Madsen has maintained a high-level resistance to stripe rust over 30 years. To map quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying the high-level, durable resistance, 156 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from cross Avocet S?×?Madsen were phenotyped with selected races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in the greenhouse seedling tests, and in naturally infected fields during 2015–2017. The RILs were genotyped by SSR and SNP markers from genotyping by sequencing and the 90 K wheat SNP chip. Three QTL for all-stage resistance were mapped on chromosomes 1AS, 1BS and 2AS, and two QTL for high-temperature adult-plant (HTAP) resistance were mapped on 3BS and 6BS. The most effective QTL on 2AS, explaining 8.97–23.10% of the phenotypic variation in seedling tests and 8.60–71.23% in field tests, contained Yr17 for all-stage resistance and an additional gene for HTAP resistance. The 6BS QTL, detected in all field tests, was identified as Yr78. The 1AS QTL, conferring all-stage resistance, was identified as a new gene, which explained 20.45 and 30.23% of variation in resistance to races PSTv-37 and PSTv-40, respectively, and contributed significantly to field resistance at Pullman in 2015-2017, but was not detected at Mount Vernon. The interactions among QTL were mostly additive, and RILs with all five QTL had the highest level of resistance in the field, similar to Madsen. Genotyping 148 US Pacific Northwest wheat cultivars with markers for the 1AS, 2AS and 6BS QTL validated the genes and markers, and indicated their usefulness for marker-assisted selection.

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat worldwide. Resistance is the best approach to control the disease. High-temperature adult-plant (HTAP) stripe rust resistance has proven to be race non-specific and durable. However, genes conferring high-levels of HTAP resistance are limited in number and new genes are urgently needed for breeding programs to develop cultivars with durable high-level resistance to stripe rust. Spring wheat germplasm PI 183527 showed a high-level of HTAP resistance against stripe rust in our germplasm evaluations over several years. To elucidate the genetic basis of resistance, we crossed PI 183527 and susceptible wheat line Avocet S. Adult plants of parents, F(1), F(2) and F(2:3) progeny were tested with selected races under the controlled greenhouse conditions and in fields under natural infection. PI 183527 has a single dominant gene conferring HTAP resistance. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in combination with bulked segregant analysis (BSA) were used to identify markers linked to the resistance gene. A linkage map consisting of 4 RGAP and 7 SSR markers was constructed for the resistance gene using data from 175 F(2) plants and their derived F(2:3) lines. Amplification of nulli-tetrasomic, ditelosomic and deletion lines of Chinese Spring with three RGAP markers mapped the gene to the distal region (0.86-1.0) of chromosome 7BL. The molecular map spanned a genetic distance of 27.3?cM, and the resistance gene was narrowed to a 2.3-cM interval flanked by markers Xbarc182 and Xwgp5258. The polymorphism rates of the flanking markers in 74 wheat lines were 74 and 30?%, respectively; and the two markers in combination could distinguish the alleles at the resistance locus in 82?% of tested genotypes. To determine the genetic relationship between this resistance gene and Yr39, a gene also on 7BL conferring HTAP resistance in Alpowa, a cross was made between PI 183527 and Alpowa. F(2) segregation indicated that the genes were 36.5?±?6.75?cM apart. The gene in PI 183527 was therefore designed as Yr52. This new gene and flanking markers should be useful in developing wheat cultivars with high-level and possible durable resistance to stripe rust.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most widespread and destructive wheat diseases worldwide. Growing resistant cultivars is the preferred control of the disease. The spring wheat cultivar ‘Alpowa’ has both race-specific, all-stage resistance and non-race-specific, high-temperature adult-plant (HTAP) resistances to stripe rust. To identify genes for the stripe rust resistances, Alpowa was crossed with ‘Avocet Susceptible’ (AVS). Seedlings of the parents, and F1, F2 and F3 progeny were tested with races PST-1 and PST-21 of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici under controlled greenhouse conditions. Alpowa has a single partially dominant gene, designated as YrAlp, conferring all-stage resistance. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) techniques were used to identify molecular markers linked to YrAlp. A linkage group of five RGAP markers and two SSR markers was constructed for YrAlp using 136 F3 lines. Amplification of a set of nulli-tetrasomic Chinese Spring lines with RGAP markers Xwgp47 and Xwgp48 and the two SSR markers indicated that YrAlp is located on the short arm of chromosome 1B. To map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for the non-race-specific HTAP resistance, the parents and 136 F3 lines were tested at two sites near Pullman and one site near Mount Vernon, Washington, under naturally infected conditions. A major HTAP QTL was consistently detected across environments and was located on chromosome 7BL. Because of its chromosomal location and the non-race-specific nature of the HTAP resistance, this gene is different from previously described genes for adult-plant resistance, and is therefore designated Yr39. The gene contributed to 64.2% of the total variation of relative area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) data and 59.1% of the total variation of infection type data recorded at the heading-flowering stages. Two RGAP markers, Xwgp36 and Xwgp45 with the highest R 2 values were closely linked to Yr39, should be useful for incorporation of the non-race-specific resistance gene into new cultivars and for combining Yr39 with other genes for durable and high-level resistance.  相似文献   


Key message

Six QTL for adult plant resistance to leaf rust, including two QTL effective against additional diseases, were identified in a RIL population derived from a cross between Shanghai 3/Catbird and Naxos.


Leaf rust is an important wheat disease and utilization of adult-plant resistance (APR) may be the best approach to achieve long-term protection from the disease. The CIMMYT spring wheat line Shanghai 3/Catbird (SHA3/CBRD) showed a high level of APR to Chinese Puccinia triticina pathotypes in the field. To identify APR genes in this line, a mapping population of 164 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed from a cross of this line and Naxos, a moderately susceptible German cultivar. The RILs were evaluated for final disease severity (FDS) at Baoding, Hebei province, and Zhoukou, Henan province, in the 2010–2011 and 2011–2012 cropping seasons. QTL analysis detected one major QTL derived from SHA3/CBRD on chromosome 2BS explaining from 15 to 37 % of the phenotypic variance across environments. In addition one minor resistance QTL on chromosome 1AL from SHA3/CBRD and four minor QTL from Naxos on chromosomes 2DL, 5B, 7BS, and 7DS were also detected. SHA3/CBRD also possessed seedling resistance gene Lr26, and Naxos contained Lr1 based on gene postulation following tests with an array of P. triticina pathotypes and molecular marker assays. These seedling resistance and APR genes and their closely linked molecular markers are potentially useful for improving leaf rust resistance in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

Wheat cultivar Express has durable, high-temperature adult-plant (HTAP) resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici). To elucidate the genetic basis of the resistance, Express was crossed with 'Avocet Susceptible' (AVS). A mapping population of 146 F(5) recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed using single-seed descent. The RILs were evaluated at two sites near Pullman in eastern Washington and one site near Mount Vernon in western Washington in 2005, and were evaluated near Pullman in 2006 under natural stripe rust infection of predominant races virulent on seedlings of Express. Infection type (IT) and disease severity (DS) were recorded three times for each line during each growing season. The DS data were used to calculate relative area under the disease progress curve (rAUDPC) values. Both IT and rAUDPC data showed continuous distributions, indicating that the Express HTAP resistance was controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTL). Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) techniques were used to map the HTAP resistance QTL. Three QTL were detected with significant additive effects, explaining 49.5-69.6% of the phenotypic variation for rAUDPC. Two of the QTL explained 30.8-42.7% of the phenotypic variation for IT. The three QTL were mapped to wheat chromosomes 6AS, 3BL and 1BL, and were designated as QYrex.wgp-6AS, QYrex.wgp-3BL and QYrex.wgp-1BL, respectively. QYrex.wgp-6AS and QYrex.wgp-3BL, which had higher effects than QYrex.wgp-1BL, were different from previously reported QTL/genes for adult-plant resistance. Markers Xgwm334-Xwgp56 and Xgwm299-Xwgp66 flanking the two major QTL were highly polymorphic in various wheat genotypes, suggesting that these markers are useful in marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   


Key message

A major stripe rust resistance QTL on chromosome 4BL was localized to a 4.5-Mb interval using comparative QTL mapping methods and validated in 276 wheat genotypes by haplotype analysis.


CYMMIT-derived wheat line P10103 was previously identified to have adult plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust in the greenhouse and field. The conventional approach for QTL mapping in common wheat is laborious. Here, we performed QTL detection of APR using a combination of genome-wide scanning and extreme pool-genotyping. SNP-based genetic maps were constructed using the Wheat55 K SNP array to genotype a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross Mingxian 169?×?P10103. Five stable QTL were detected across multiple environments. After comparing SNP profiles from contrasting, extreme DNA pools of RILs six putative QTL were located to approximate chromosome positions. A major QTL on chromosome 4B was identified in F2:4 contrasting pools from cross Zhengmai 9023?×?P10103. A consensus QTL (LOD?=?26–40, PVE?=?42–55%), named QYr.nwafu-4BL, was defined and localized to a 4.5-Mb interval flanked by SNP markers AX-110963704 and AX-110519862 in chromosome arm 4BL. Based on stripe rust response, marker genotypes, pedigree analysis and mapping data, QYr.nwafu-4BL is likely to be a new APR QTL. The applicability of the SNP-based markers flanking QYr.nwafu-4BL was validated on a diversity panel of 276 wheat lines. The additional minor QTL on chromosomes 4A, 5A, 5B and 6A enhanced the level of resistance conferred by QYr.nwafu-4BL. Marker-assisted pyramiding of QYr.nwafu-4BL and other favorable minor QTL in new wheat cultivars should improve the level of APR to stripe rust.

Growing resistant wheat varieties is a key method of controlling two important wheat diseases, leaf rust and stripe rust. We analyzed quantitative trait loci (QTL) to investigate adult plant resistance (APR) to these rusts, using 141 F5 RILs derived from the cross ‘Avocet-YrA/Francolin#1’. Phenotyping of leaf rust resistance was conducted during two seasons at Ciudad Obregon, Mexico, whereas stripe rust was evaluated for two seasons in Toluca, Mexico, and one season in Chengdu, China. The genetic map was constructed with 581 markers, including diversity arrays technology and simple sequence repeat. Significant loci for reducing leaf rust severity were designated QLr.cim-1BL, QLr.cim-3BS.1, QLr.cim-3DC, and QLr.cim-7DS. The six QTL that reduced stripe rust severity were designated QYr.cim-1BL, QYr.cim-2BS, QYr.cim-2DS, QYr.cim-3BS.2, QYr.cim-5AL, and QYr.cim-6AL. All loci were conferred by Francolin#1, with the exception of QYr.cim-2DS, QYr.cim-5AL, and QYr.cim-6AL, which were derived from Avocet-YrA. Closely linked markers indicated that the 1BL locus was the pleiotropic APR gene Lr46/Yr29. QYr.cim-2BS was a seedling resistance gene designated as YrF that conferred intermediate seedling reactions and moderate resistance at the adult plant stage in both Mexican and Chinese environments. Significant additive interactions were detected between the six QTL for stripe rust, but not between the four QTL for leaf rust. Furthermore, we detected two new APR loci for leaf rust in common wheat: QLr.cim-3BS.1 and QLr.cim-7DS.  相似文献   

A major gene determining non-specific adult-plant disease resistance against stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) designated Yrns-B1 was mapped by using a cross between ’Lgst.79–74’ (resistant) and ’Winzi’ (susceptible). Analyzing F3 lines of two consecutive experimental years contrary modes of inheritance were observed due to the intermediate character of the gene and the difference in the disease pressure during the seasons. Using the disease scoring data of both experimental years independently two maps were constructed detecting Yrns-B1 20.5 and 21.7 cM, respectively, proximal to the wheat microsatellite (WMS) marker Xgwm493 on the short arm of chromosome 3BS. The genetic relationships to other major genes or to quantitative trait loci controlling adult plant disease resistance against rusts in wheat are discussed. Received: 27 May 1999 / Accepted: 28 September 1999  相似文献   

Winter wheat cultivars Aquileja (AQ) and Xian Nong 4(XN) were previously reported to possess durable, quantitative resistance to stripe rust disease. In the present study, AQ, XN and a susceptible wheat cultivar were reciprocally crossed in all 6 combinations. Parents, F1, F2, F3, BCP1 and BCP2 were used to determine quantitative genetic parameters for infection type and disease severity. The results showed that fixable genetic components preponderated in the inheritance of the resistance in AQ and XN for both infection type and disease severity, while the dominant component could be detected in some cases. The resistance was conditioned by oligogenes. Heritability of the resistance ranged from 50 to 79% in most cases.  相似文献   

‘Express’, a hard red spring wheat cultivar that has been widely grown in the western United States, is used to differentiate races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the causal fungal pathogen of wheat stripe rust. To identify genes conferring race-specific, overall resistance to stripe rust, Express was crossed with ‘Avocet S’. The parents and F1, F2, F3 and F5 populations were tested with races PST-1, PST-21, PST-43, and PST-45 of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici in the seedling stage under controlled greenhouse conditions. Two dominant genes for resistance to stripe rust were identified, one conferring resistance to PST-1 and PST-21, and the other conferring resistance to all four races. Linkage groups were constructed for the resistance genes using 146 F5 lines to establish resistance gene analog and chromosome-specific simple sequence repeat marker polymorphisms. The gene for resistance to races PST-1 and PST-21 was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 1B, and that conferring resistance to all four races was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 5B. We temporarily designate the gene on 1BL as YrExp1 and the gene on 5BL as YrExp2. Polymorphism of at least one of the two markers flanking YrExp2 was detected in 91% of the 44 tested wheat genotypes, suggesting that they would be useful in marker-assisted selection for combining the gene with other resistance genes into many other wheat cultivars. Knowledge of these genes will be useful to understand recent virulence changes in the pathogen populations.  相似文献   

Pyramiding and dissecting disease resistance QTL to barley stripe rust   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Quantitative resistance (QR) to disease is usually more durable than qualitative resistance, but its genetic basis is not well understood. We used the barley/barley stripe rust pathosystem as a model for the characterization of the QR phenotype and associated genomic regions. As an intermediate step in the preparation of near-isogenic lines representing individual QTL alleles and combinations of QTL alleles in a homogeneous genetic background, we developed a set of QTL introgression lines in a susceptible background. These intermediate barley near-isogenic (i-BISON) lines represent disease resistance QTL combined in one-, two-, and three-way combinations in a susceptible background. We measured four components of disease resistance on the i-BISON lines: latent period, infection efficiency, lesion size, and pustule density. The greatest differences between the target QTL introgressions and the susceptible controls were for the latter three traits. On average, however, the QTL introgressions also had longer latent periods than the susceptible parent (Baronesse). There were significant differences in the magnitudes of effects of different QTL alleles. The 4H QTL allele had the largest effect, followed by the alleles on 1H and 5H. Pyramiding multiple QTL alleles led to higher levels of resistance in terms of all components of QR except latent period.  相似文献   


Key message

Genome-wide association mapping in conjunction with population sequencing map and Ensembl plants was used to identify markers/candidate genes linked to leaf rust, stripe rust and tan spot resistance in wheat.


Leaf rust (LR), stripe rust (YR) and tan spot (TS) are some of the important foliar diseases in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). To identify candidate resistance genes for these diseases in CIMMYT’s (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) International bread wheat screening nurseries, we used genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in conjunction with information from the population sequencing map and Ensembl plants. Wheat entries were genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing and phenotyped in replicated trials. Using a mixed linear model, we observed that seedling resistance to LR was associated with 12 markers on chromosomes 1DS, 2AS, 2BL, 3B, 4AL, 6AS and 6AL, and seedling resistance to TS was associated with 14 markers on chromosomes 1AS, 2AL, 2BL, 3AS, 3AL, 3B, 6AS and 6AL. Seedling and adult plant resistance (APR) to YR were associated with several markers at the distal end of chromosome 2AS. In addition, YR APR was also associated with markers on chromosomes 2DL, 3B and 7DS. The potential candidate genes for these diseases included several resistance genes, receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinases and defense-related enzymes. However, extensive LD in wheat that decays at about 5?×?107 bps, poses a huge challenge for delineating candidate gene intervals and candidates should be further mapped, functionally characterized and validated. We also explored a segment on chromosome 2AS associated with multiple disease resistance and identified seventeen disease resistance linked genes. We conclude that identifying candidate genes linked to significant markers in GWAS is feasible in wheat, thus creating opportunities for accelerating molecular breeding.

An uncharacterized source of seedling resistance to Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici was identified in an advanced wheat breeding line WAWHT2046. Genetic analysis based on a WAWHT2046/Carnamah-derived double haploid (DH) population demonstrated monogenic inheritance of seedling stripe rust resistance in WAWHT2046. The gene controlling stripe rust resistance in line WAWHT2046 was tentatively designated YrWA. The chromosome 5AL located awn inhibitor gene B1, possessed by WAWHT2046, also showed monogenic inheritance when the DH population was scored for the presence and absence of awns. Joint segregation analysis at the B1 and YrWA loci indicated genetic linkage between the two loci. A recombination value of 12.2 cM was computed using Mapmanager. This association located YrWA in the chromosome arm 5AL. Molecular mapping using microsatellite markers placed YrWA distal to B1. All molecular markers mapped proximal to the awn inhibitor locus B1. As no other stripe rust resistance gene is reported to be located in the chromosome arm 5AL, YrWA was permanently designated as Yr34. Yr34 produced an intermediate (23C) seedling infection type and expressed very low stripe rust response (10R-MR) on adult plants in the field, similar to the resistance gene Yr17. In addition to Yr34, this mapping population segregated for three genetically independent adult plant stripe rust resistance genes. The detection of DH lines with completely susceptible response, higher than that shown by the Yr34-lacking parent Carnamah, suggested that both parents contributed adult plant resistance. The use of WAWHT2046 as a parent in breeding programs would also contribute APR in addition to Yr34.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most widespread and destructive wheat diseases worldwide. Growing resistant cultivars is the preferred means of control of the disease. The winter wheat cultivar Xiaoyan 54 has high-temperature resistance to stripe rust. To identify genes for stripe rust resistance, Xiaoyan 54 was crossed with Mingxian 169, a winter wheat genotype susceptible to all Chinese races of the pathogen. Seedlings and adult plants of the parents and F1, F2, F3 and F4 progeny were tested with Chinese race CYR32 under controlled greenhouse conditions and in the field. Xiaoyan 54 has two recessive resistance genes, designated as Yrxy1 and Yrxy2, conferring high-temperature resistance. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers were used to identify molecular markers flanking Yrxy2 using 181 plants from one segregating F3 line. A total of nine markers, two of which flanked the locus at genetic distances of 4.0 and 6.4 cM on the long arm of chromosome 2A were identified. Resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) and SSR techniques were used to identify molecular markers linked to Yrxy1. A linkage group of nine RGAP and two SSR markers was constructed for Yrxy1 using 177 plants of another segregating F3 line. Two RGAP markers were closely linked to the locus with genetic distances of 2.3 and 3.5 cM. Amplification of a set of nulli-tetrasomic Chinese Spring lines with RGAP markers M8 and M9 and the two SSR markers located Yrxy1 on the short arm of chromosome 7A. The SSR markers Xbarc49 and Xwmc422 were 15.8 and 26.1 cM, respectively, from the gene. The closely linked molecular markers should be useful for incorporating the resistance genes into commercial cultivars and combining them with other genes for stripe rust resistance.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat worldwide. It is essential to identify new genes for effective resistance against the disease. Durum wheat PI 480148, originally from Ethiopia, was resistant in all seedling tests with several predominant Pst races in the US under controlled greenhouse conditions and at multiple locations subject to natural infection for several years. To map the resistance gene(s) and to transfer it to common wheat, a cross was made between PI 480148 and susceptible common wheat genotype Avocet S (AvS). Resistant F3 plants with 42 chromosomes were selected cytologically and by testing with Pst race PST-100. A total of 157 F4 plants from a single F3 plant with 2n = 42 tested with PST-100 segregated in a 3 resistant: 1 susceptible ratio, indicating that a single dominant gene from PI 480148 conferred resistance. Using the F3:4 population and the resistance gene-analog polymorphism (RGAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, the gene was mapped to the long arm of chromosome 2B. SSR marker Xwmc441 and RGAP marker XLRRrev/NLRRrev 350 flanked the resistance gene by 5.6 and 2.7 cM, respectively. The effective resistance of the gene to an Australian Pst isolate virulent to Yr5, which is also located on 2BL and confers resistance to all US Pst races, together with an allelism test of the two genes, indicated that the gene from PI 480148 is different from Yr5 and should be a new and useful gene for resistance to stripe rust. Resistant common wheat lines with plant types similar to AvS were selected for use in breeding programs.  相似文献   

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