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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurological diseases in elderly people. The mean age of onset is 55 years of age, and the risk for developing PD increases 5-fold by the age of 70. In PD, there is impairment in both motor and nonmotor (NMS) functions. The strategy of PD motor dysfunction treatment is simple and generally based on the enhancement of dopaminergic transmission by means of the L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa) and dopamine (DA) agonists. L-dopa was discovered in the early -60''s of the last century by Hornykiewicz and used for the treatment of patients with PD. L-dopa treatment in PD is related to decreased levels of the neurotransmitter (DA) in striatum and ab-sence of DA transporters on the nerve terminals in the brain. L-dopa may also indirectly stimulate the receptors of the D1 and D2 families. Administration of L-dopa to PD patients, especially long-time therapy, may cause side effects in the form of increased toxicity and inflammatory response, as well as disturbances in biothiols metabolism. Therefore, in PD pa-tients treated with L-dopa, monitoring of oxidative stress markers (8-oxo-2’-deoxyguanosine, apoptotic proteins) and in-flammatory factors (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, soluble intracellular adhesion molecule), as well as biothiol com-pounds (homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione) is recommended. Administration of vitamins B6, B12, and folates along with an effective therapy with antioxidants and/or anti-inflammatory drugs at an early stage of PD might contribute to improvement in the quality of the life of patients with PD and to slowing down or stopping the progression of the disease.  相似文献   

The sleep-wake cycle is a biological phenomena under the orchestration of neurophysiological, neurochemical, neuroanatomical, and genetical mechanisms. Moreover, homeostatic and circadian processes participate in the regulation of sleep across the light–dark period. Further complexity of the understanding of the genesis of sleep engages disturbances which have been characterized and classified in a variety of sleep–wake cycle disorders. The most prominent sleep alterations include insomnia as well as excessive daytime sleepiness. On the other side, several human diseases have been linked with direct changes in DNA, such as chromatin configuration, genomic imprinting, DNA methylation, histone modifications (acetylation, methylation, ubiquitylation or sumoylation, etc.), and activating RNA molecules that are transcribed from DNA but not translated into proteins. Epigenetic theories primarily emphasize the interaction between the environment and gene expression. According to these approaches, the environment to which mammals are exposed has a significant role in determining the epigenetic modifications occurring in chromosomes that ultimately would influence not only development but also the descendants’ physiology and behavior. Thus, what makes epigenetics intriguing is that, unlike genetic variation, modifications in DNA are altered directly by the environment and, in some cases, these epigenetic changes may be inherited by future generations. Thus, it is likely that epigenetic phenomena might contribute to the homeostatic and/or circadian control of sleep and, possibly, have an undescribed link with sleep disorders. An exciting new horizon of research is arising between sleep and epigenetics since it represents the relevance of the study of how the genome learns from its experiences and modulates behavior, including sleep.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is one of the fastest enzymes known, even though the active site is buried inside the protein at the end of a 20-A deep narrow gorge. Among the great variety of crystal structures of this enzyme, both in the absence and presence of various ligands and proteins, the structure of a complex of AChE with the pseudo-irreversible inhibitor Mf268 is of particular interest, as it assists in the proposal of a back door for product clearance from the active site. Binding of Mf268 to AChE results in the carbamoylation of Ser200 and liberation of an eseroline-fragment as the leaving group. The crystal structure of the AChE-Mf268 complex, however, proves that eseroline has escaped from the enzyme, despite the fact that the Ser-bound inhibitor fragment blocks the gorge entrance. The existence of alternative routes other than through the gorge for product clearance has been postulated but is still controversially discussed in the literature, as an experimental proof for such a back door is still missing. We have used Monte Carlo-based molecular docking methods in order to examine possible alternative pathways that could allow eseroline to be released from the protein after being cleaved from the substrate by Ser200. Based on our results, a short channel at the bottom of the gorge seems to be the most probable back-door site, which begins at amino acid Trp84 and ends at the enzyme surface in a cavity close to amino acid Glu445. [Figure: see text].  相似文献   

Spleens with proven though small Hodgkin lesions were examined expecially in relation to the lymphoid tissue normally engaged in the immune response. These Hodgkin foci were always very close to small arteries and surrounded by a lymphocyte corona. Most of the red and white pulp seemed normal, but in some instances abnormal looking large and also multinucleated cells were found scattered through the p.a.l.s. and especially through some follicles. It is considered possible that these isolated cellular abnormalities in the white pulp, when associated with pre-existent Hodgkin foci, represent early Hodgkin lesions. The implications for the dissemination of the disease are discussed. Spread of malignant cells to the spleen is only acceptable within the concept of a homing principle. It is also possible that the lesions arise "de novo". The nature of the observed abnormal cells is not clear. An explanation for the origin of these Sternberg-Reed-like cells from B-lymphocytes would be in accordance with recent data, but another possibility still is that they originate from antigen trapping cells.  相似文献   

The current views on the role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease are considered. The review is focused on monogenic forms of the disease, for which 11 loci are mapped and seven genes whose mutations cause the disease are identified. In addition, a number of candidate genes for sporadic Parkinson’s disease are described. The further development of studying genetic bases of Parkinson’s disease will follow two main directions: in-depth analysis of genes related to the monogenic form of the disease and more large-scale associative investigation of candidate genes for the sporadic form of Parkinson’s disease.  相似文献   

Advances in treatment of childhood leukaemia has led to vastly improved survival rates, however some subtypes such as those characterised by MLL gene rearrangement (MLL-r), especially in infants, continue to have high relapse rates and poor survival. Natural history and molecular studies indicate that infant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) originates in utero, is distinct from childhood ALL, and most cases are caused by MLL-r resulting in an oncogenic MLL fusion protein. Unlike childhood ALL, only a very small number of additional mutations are present in infant ALL, indicating that MLL-r alone may be sufficient to give rise to this rapid onset, aggressive leukaemia in an appropriate fetal cell context. Despite modifications in treatment approaches, the outcome of MLL-r infant ALL has remained dismal and a clear understanding of the underlying biology of the disease is required in order to develop appropriate disease models and more effective therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Textbooks on the history of biology and evolutionary thought do not mention the evolutionary ideas of Muslim scholars before Darwin’s time. This is part of a trend in the West to minimise the contributions of non-Western scientists to biology, human anatomy and evolutionary biology. Therefore, this paper focuses on the contributions of pre-Darwinian Muslim scholars to the history of evolutionary thought. Our review of texts from a wide range of historical times, and written in various languages, reveals that there were in fact several Muslim scholars who postulated evolutionary ideas, some with remarkable similarities to Darwin’s theory. These ideas included the adaptation and survival of the fittest, a specific origin of humans from apes/monkeys, the notion of evolutionary constraints, the occurrence of extinctions within taxa and hereditary variability. Moreover, while both the scientific community and the broader public generally base their knowledge on Western textbooks, several parts of the Muslim world have indicated an overall rejection of biological–including human–evolution. Therefore, to improve historical accuracy and create a better understanding of scientific history, the world’s diverse civilisations and their philosophies, this untold story should be widely disseminated to the scientific community and the general public.  相似文献   

Media portraying violence is part of daily exposures. The extent to which violent media exposure impacts brain and behavior has been debated. Yet there is not enough experimental data to inform this debate. We hypothesize that reaction to violent media is critically dependent on personality/trait differences between viewers, where those with the propensity for physical assault will respond to the media differently than controls. The source of the variability, we further hypothesize, is reflected in autonomic response and brain functioning that differentiate those with aggression tendencies from others. To test this hypothesis we pre-selected a group of aggressive individuals and non-aggressive controls from the normal healthy population; we documented brain, blood-pressure, and behavioral responses during resting baseline and while the groups were watching media violence and emotional media that did not portray violence. Positron Emission Tomography was used with [18F]fluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG) to image brain metabolic activity, a marker of brain function, during rest and during film viewing while blood-pressure and mood ratings were intermittently collected. Results pointed to robust resting baseline differences between groups. Aggressive individuals had lower relative glucose metabolism in the medial orbitofrontal cortex correlating with poor self-control and greater glucose metabolism in other regions of the default-mode network (DMN) where precuneus correlated with negative emotionality. These brain results were similar while watching the violent media, during which aggressive viewers reported being more Inspired and Determined and less Upset and Nervous, and also showed a progressive decline in systolic blood-pressure compared to controls. Furthermore, the blood-pressure and brain activation in orbitofrontal cortex and precuneus were differentially coupled between the groups. These results demonstrate that individual differences in trait aggression strongly couple with brain, behavioral, and autonomic reactivity to media violence which should factor into debates about the impact of media violence on the public.  相似文献   

Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a common genetic disorder in which affected individuals develop mental retardation, developmental brain defects and seizures. The TSC gene products, hamartin and tuberin, form a complex, of which tuberin is assumed to be the functional component being involved in a wide variety of different cellular processes. Here we report that tuberin protein levels are decreased in the frontal cortex of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, tuberin levels are also decreased in Down syndrome brain samples positive for β-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Analysis of NeuN revealed that this regulation is not a consequence of differences in the amount of postmitotic neurons. This first connection of tuberin to another common disease beside TSC stimulates new approaches to investigate the molecular development and to establish new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition caused by the abnormal expansion of a polyglutamine tract in the N‐terminus of the huntingtin protein. Over the last 20 years, HD pathogenesis has been explained by the generation of N‐terminal fragments containing the polyglutamine stretch. A new study from Frederic Saudou's group now investigates the function of the C‐terminal fragments generated upon cleavage and shows that these products may also contribute to cellular toxicity in HD (El‐Daher et al, 2015 ).  相似文献   

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