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Abstract Optimal conditions were established for cell growth, dielectrophoresis and electrofusion of Neurospora crassa slime mutants. It was concluded that these methods could be applied to genetic manipulations (i.e. transformation and construction of diploid slime variants) of N. crassa protoplasts.  相似文献   

High-efficiency electrofusion between cells of different sizes was achieved by application of fusing electric pulses to cells in centrifuged pellets. Larger target cells (Chinese hamster ovary or L1210 cells) were stacked among smaller human erythrocytes or erythrocyte ghosts by sequential centrifugation at 700 g to form five-tier pellets in a specially designed centrifugation-electrofusion chamber. The membranes of erythrocytes and ghost were labeled with fluorescent membrane dye (1,1' dioctadecyl-3,3,3'3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine (Dil)), and the contents of ghosts were loaded with water-soluble fluorescent dye (42-kDa fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-dextran)), to monitor heterogeneous cell fusion. Fusion efficiency was assayed by the extent of either membrane dye mixing or contents (FITC-dextran) mixing with target cells. Four rectangular electric pulses at 300 V and 80 microseconds each were found to give the optimal fusion results of approximately 80% heterogeneous fusion by the content-mixing assay and approximately 95% by the membrane-dye-mixing assay. Cell viability remained greater than 80% after electrofusion. Because of the electric breakdown of cell membranes at the beginning of the pulse, the pellet resistance and hence the partial voltage across the pellet reduced rapidly during the remaining pulse time. This voltage redistribution favored the survival of fused cells. The limited colloidal-osmotic swelling of cells in pellets enhanced cell-cell contact and increased the pellet resistance after each pulse. As a result, the partial voltage across the pellet was restored when the next pulse was applied. This redistribution of pulse voltage in the pellet system permitted the breakdown of cell membranes at a lower applied voltage threshold than that required for electrofusion of cells in suspension or in dielectrophoretic cell chains. The cell viability and soluble dye retention within cells (FITC-dextran) remained at the same high levels for 3 h when the cells were incubated in respective culture media with serum at 37 degrees C. Viability and dye retention decreased significantly within 30 min when cells were incubated in phosphate-buffered saline without serum. The pellet technique was applied to form hybridomas by fusion of larger SP2/0 murine myelomas with smaller naive mouse lymphocytes. An optimum of 173 +/- 70 hypoxanthine aminopterin thymidine (HAT)-selected clones of the hybridomas was obtained from 40,000 SP2/0 cells and 1.5 x 10(6) lymphocytes used in each trial. This high-efficiency fusion technique may be adapted to mediate drug and gene transfer to target cells ex vivo as well as to form hybrid cells with limited cell sources.  相似文献   

The electrofusion of oriented Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells through apical protoplast-protuberances was demonstrated. The protuberances arose after an exposure of early-exponential phase cells to digestive enzymes from hepatopancreas of Helix pomatia. The orientation of cylindric cells within pearl chains was produced by the application of inhomogenous alternating electric fields.  相似文献   

Electrofusion of Chinese hamster ovary cells is obtained with cells growing in monolayers on a culture dish. The cells were incubated with increasing amounts of ethanol before the field pulsation. The electroperforation was apparently not affected by the incubation but the threshold field intensity required to induce the fusion was shifted to higher values. This effect is tentatively explained by a decrease in size of the field-induced pores as a consequence of an increase in the lipid matrix fluidity.  相似文献   

Antigen presentation by dendritic cells (DCs) has the potential to elicit therapeutic immune responses against malignant tumors. One strategy utilizing DC-tumor fusion hybrids as cancer vaccine is particularly attractive because of polyclonal presentation of a diverse array of unaltered tumor antigens. We have recently developed a large-scale electrofusion technique for generating DC-tumor heterokaryons and demonstrated their superb immunogenicity. Here, employing the weakly immunogenic MCA205 sarcoma, a single vaccination with electrofusion hybrids eradicated tumors established in the lung, skin, and brain. Immunotherapy required intra-lymphoid vaccine delivery and co-administration of adjuvants such as OX-40R antibody. Tumor eradication was immunologically specific and involved the participation of both CD4 and CD8 T cells. Consistent with DC's functionality of MHC-restriction, the use of syngeneic DCs for fusion was an obligatory requirement. Fusion with allogeneic DCs completely lacked therapeutic effects. These findings provide a strong impetus for treating cancer patients with similarly generated DC-tumor hybrids.  相似文献   

Suspension animal cell culture is now routinely scaled up to bioreactors on the order of 10,000 L, and greater, to meet commercial demand. However, the concern of the ‘shear sensitivity’ of animal cells still remains, not only within the bioreactor, but also in the downstream processing. As the productivities continue to increase, titer of ~10 g/L are now reported with cell densities greater than 2 × 107 cells/mL. Such high, and potentially higher cell densities will inevitably translate to increased demand in mass transfer and mixing. In addition, achieving productivity gains in both the upstream stage and downstream processes can subject the cells to aggressive environments such as those involving hydrodynamic stresses. The perception of ‘shear sensitivity’ has historically put an arbitrary upper limit on agitation and aeration in bioreactor operation; however, as cell densities and productivities continue to increase, mass transfer requirements can exceed those imposed by these arbitrary low limits. Therefore, a better understanding of how animal cells, used to produce therapeutic products, respond to hydrodynamic forces in both qualitative and quantitative ways will allow an experimentally based, higher, “upper limit” to be created to guide the design and operation of future commercial, large scale bioreactors. With respect to downstream hydrodynamic conditions, situations have already been achieved in which practical limits with respect to hydrodynamic forces have been experienced. This review mainly focuses on publications from both the academy and industry regarding the effect of hydrodynamic forces on industrially relevant animal cells, and not on the actual scale-up of bioreactors. A summary of implications and remaining challenges will also be presented.  相似文献   

The task of information processing, or computation, can be performed by natural and man-made 'devices'. Man-made computers are made from silicon chips, whereas natural 'computers', such as the brain, use cells and molecules. Computation also occurs on a much smaller scale in regulatory and signalling pathways in individual cells and even within single biomolecules. Indeed, much of what we recognize as life results from the remarkable capacity of biological building blocks to compute in highly sophisticated ways. Rational design and engineering of biological computing systems can greatly enhance our ability to study and to control biological systems. Potential applications include tissue engineering and regeneration and medical treatments. This Review introduces key concepts and discusses recent progress that has been made in biomolecular computing.  相似文献   

Proteomics of breast cancer: principles and potential clinical applications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Progresses in screening, early diagnosis, prediction of aggressiveness and of therapeutic response or toxicity, and identification of new targets for therapeutic will improve survival of breast cancer. These progresses will likely be accelerated by the new proteomic techniques. In this review, we describe the different techniques currently applied to clinical samples of breast cancer and the most important results obtained with the two most popular proteomic approaches in translational research (tissue microarrays and SELDI-TOF).  相似文献   

The utilization of electrofusion and electroporation techniques has had a major impact on the genetic manipulation of plants within the last decade. This review of the development of electrofusion and electroporation, as it applies to plants, highlights major developmental aspects of this technology. These include mechanisms for cell fusion, molecular exchange, and parameters that affect the efficiency of fusion and electroporation.  相似文献   

Electrofusion of mouse blastomeres   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Fusion of blastomeres of 2-cell mouse embryos with an intact zona pellucida can be induced with electric pulses. Fusion was most frequent with the field strength of 1 kV/cm and direct current pulses of 100-250 microsec duration. An electrolyte solution (PBS) can be used instead of a non-electrolyte solution (0.3 M mannitol). The viability of blastomeres fused in these two types of solution is similar. Fused 2-cell blastomeres develop into tetraploid blastocysts but die after implantation. Embryos in which blastomeres failed to fuse despite the treatment (diploid controls) can develop till term. The technique can also be applied to 3- and 4-cell embryos and to zona-free oocytes and blastomeres.  相似文献   

Summary Electrical parameters were optimized for induction of the fusion of protoplasts formed from two auxotrophic (leu, ade) Mucor circinelloides strains. These proved to be a pulse voltage of 66 V, a pulse duration of 66 us and six pulses at intervals of 1.0 s. Nutritionally complementing colonies were obtained at an average frequency up to 12.4%, which is substantially higher than achieved earlier with the PEG-Ca2+ method.  相似文献   

Electrofusion of Trichoderma reesei protoplasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protoplasts of Trichoderma reesei were fused according to the method of Zimmermann. For optimizing the fusion parameters the central composite design was used. Genetic evidence for fusion has been obtained by segregation of the auxotrophic markers in the haploid conidia. The parameters which were optimized were: pulse voltage, pulse duration and number of pulses. The optimal parameters for the fusion of T. reesei protoplasts are 90 V pulse voltage, 37 μS pulse duration and six pulses at intervals of 1-0 s.  相似文献   

Proteases are ubiquitous enzymes that occur in various biological systems ranging from microorganisms to higher organisms. Microbial proteases are largely utilized in various established industrial processes. Despite their numerous industrial applications, they are not efficient in hydrolysis of recalcitrant, protein-rich keratinous wastes which result in environmental pollution and health hazards. This paved the way for the search of keratinolytic microorganisms having the ability to hydrolyze “hard to degrade” keratinous wastes. This new class of proteases is known as “keratinases”. Due to their specificity, keratinases have an advantage over normal proteases and have replaced them in many industrial applications, such as nematicidal agents, nitrogenous fertilizer production from keratinous waste, animal feed and biofuel production. Keratinases have also replaced the normal proteases in the leather industry and detergent additive application due to their better performance. They have also been proved efficient in prion protein degradation. Above all, one of the major hurdles of enzyme industrial applications (cost effective production) can be achieved by using keratinous waste biomass, such as chicken feathers and hairs as fermentation substrate. Use of these low cost waste materials serves dual purposes: to reduce the fermentation cost for enzyme production as well as reducing the environmental waste load. The advent of keratinases has given new direction for waste management with industrial applications giving rise to green technology for sustainable development.  相似文献   

Shrubs belonging to Carissa genus (Apocyanaceae family) are potential sources of food, medicine and fuel, yet they are wallowing under obscurity and rarely been exploited. Edibility of the pulpy Carissa fruits is known to only a meagre few. Since antiquity, the stem, root bark, leaves, fruit and seed extracts have been used in folklore medication. Now, the emerging scientific investigations are validating the ethno-medicinal uses of these species. Bioactive compounds which include viz. polyphenolics, flavonoids, flavanones, lignans and sesquiterpenes imparting therapeutic potential to these species have been isolated. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown these species to have antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, wound healing, antimicroabial, antidiabetic, antiepileptic, anticancer, diuretic, nephrotoxicity amelioration and hepatoprotective activity. This miraculous plant extract has also been effective in the management of veterinary ailments. Apart from the medicinal attributes, this genus also holds promise as a suitable alternative crop for harvesting renewable energy. Micropropagtion is being tried for rapid multiplication of the valuable species. This review summarizes the recent findings for promoting the versatility of this genus.  相似文献   

细胞电穿孔与电融合的机理及应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
近十余年来,由于细胞生物学家、分子生物学家、免疫学家与物理学家之间在学术上的相互渗透、共同实验,已经开辟出一个生物物理技术的新领域.它既涉及细胞电磁场效应及其机理的基础研究;同时作为一种新的生物技术,又涉及对分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫医学以及医药、食品、农业等方面的广泛应用.文章综述了本领域的最近进展.  相似文献   

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