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We have examined the possible role of two signal transducing mechanisms, tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of protein kinase C (PKC), during fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-induced mesoderm induction in Xenopus. Tyrosine phosphorylation was examined through the use of a monoclonal anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. This antibody was shown to recognize the FGF receptor crosslinked to radioiodinated FGF. We also studied the response of Xenopus ectodermal explants to sodium orthovanadate, a compound that has been shown to elevate intracellular phosphotyrosine levels. Thirty percent of explants cultured in 100 microM vanadate were induced. In addition, vanadate synergized with FGF to give inductions that were more dorsal in nature than either vanadate or FGF alone. The role of PKC was evaluated by measuring PKC activity during mesoderm induction by FGF and by examining the effect of the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) on explants. TPA did not induce mesoderm, however, activation of PKC was detected in FGF-treated explants. Therefore, activation of the PKC pathway alone is not sufficient for mesoderm induction. Simultaneous treatment with TPA and FGF resulted in a significant inhibition of mesoderm induction by FGF, suggesting that activation of PKC could be part of a negative feedback mechanism. In contrast, TPA had no effect on induction by activin A.  相似文献   

In early vertebrate development, mesoderm induction is a crucial event regulated by several factors including the activin, BMP and FGF signaling pathways. While the requirement of FGF in Nodal/activin-induced mesoderm formation has been reported, the fate of the tissue modulated by these signals is not fully understood. Here, we examined the fate of tissues when exogenous activin was added and FGF signaling was inhibited in animal cap explants of Xenopus embryos. Activin-induced dorsal mesoderm was converted to ventral mesoderm by inhibition of FGF signaling. We also found that inhibiting FGF signaling in the dorsal marginal zone, in vegetal-animal cap conjugates or in the presence of the activin signaling component Smad2, converted dorsal mesoderm to ventral mesoderm. The expression and promoter activities of a BMP responsive molecule, PV.1 and a Spemann organizer, noggin, were investigated while FGF signaling was inhibited. PV.1 expression increased, while noggin decreased. In addition, inhibiting BMP-4 signaling abolished ventral mesoderm formation induced by exogenous activin and FGF inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest that the formation of dorso-ventral mesoderm in early Xenopus embryos is regulated by a combination of FGF, activin and BMP signaling.  相似文献   

Each of 30 Drosophila larval somatic muscles has its individual shape, insertion sites and innervation. From the very beginning, the formation of individual muscles is controlled by a set of muscle identity genes. The four lateral transverse muscles (LT1-LT4) are thought to be specified by the combinatorial activity of Krüppel (Kr), apterous (ap) and muscle specific homeobox (msh) genes whilst the activity of the ladybird (lb) genes is required for proper formation of the neighbouring segmental border muscle (SBM). We have recently shown that ectopic expression of lb changes the identity of Kr-expressing lateral muscle precursors and recruits them to form enlarged or duplicated SBMs. Here we report that loss of msh function leads to a similar transformation resulting in the overproduction of SBMs. Inversely, in msh gain of function embryos, the prospective SBM myoblasts change their identity resulting in the formation of enlarged lateral transverse muscles. These data indicate a key role for the msh and lb genes in the specification and diversification of myoblast lineages from the lateral domain, and reveal a plasticity of cell fate within the somatic mesoderm of Drosophila.  相似文献   

G Tremml  M Bienz 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(9):2677-2685
The visceral mesoderm adhering to the midgut constitutes an internal germ layer of the Drosophila embryo that stretches along most of the anteroposterior axis (parasegment 2-13). Most cells of the midgut visceral mesoderm express exclusively one of five homeotic genes. Three of these genes, Antennapedia, Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A are active in parasegmental domains characteristic for this germ layer as they are nonoverlapping and adjacent. The common boundaries between these domains depend on mutual regulatory interactions between the three genes. The same genes function to control gut morphogenesis. Two further homeotic genes Sex combs reduced and Abdominal-B are expressed at both ends of the midgut visceral mesoderm, although absence of their expression does not appear to affect gut morphogenesis. There are no regulatory interactions between these two and the other homeotic genes. As a rule, the anterior limit of each homeotic gene domain in the visceral mesoderm is shifted posteriorly by one parasegment compared to the ectoderm. The domains result from a set of regulatory processes that are distinct from the ones ruling in other germ layers.  相似文献   

At the border of the neural plate, the induction of the neural crest can be achieved by interactions with the epidermis, or with the underlying mesoderm. Wnt signals are required for the inducing activity of the epidermis in chick and amphibian embryos. Here, we analyze the molecular mechanisms of neural crest induction by the mesoderm in Xenopus embryos. Using a recombination assay, we show that prospective paraxial mesoderm induces a panel of neural crest markers (Slug, FoxD3, Zic5 and Sox9), whereas the future axial mesoderm only induces a subset of these genes. This induction is blocked by a dominant negative (dn) form of FGFR1. However, neither dnFGFR4a nor inhibition of Wnt signaling prevents neural crest induction in this system. Among the FGFs, FGF8 is strongly expressed by the paraxial mesoderm. FGF8 is sufficient to induce the neural crest markers FoxD3, Sox9 and Zic5 transiently in the animal cap assay. In vivo, FGF8 injections also expand the Slug expression domain. This suggests that FGF8 can initiate neural crest formation and cooperates with other DLMZ-derived factors to maintain and complete neural crest induction. In contrast to Wnts, eFGF or bFGF, FGF8 elicits neural crest induction in the absence of mesoderm induction and without a requirement for BMP antagonists. In vivo, it is difficult to dissociate the roles of FGF and WNT factors in mesoderm induction and neural patterning. We show that, in most cases, effects on neural crest formation were parallel to altered mesoderm or neural development. However, neural and neural crest patterning can be dissociated experimentally using different dominant-negative manipulations: while Nfz8 blocks both posterior neural plate formation and neural crest formation, dnFGFR4a blocks neural patterning without blocking neural crest formation. These results suggest that different signal transduction mechanisms may be used in neural crest induction, and anteroposterior neural patterning.  相似文献   

The visceral musculature of the larval midgut of Drosophila has a lattice-type structure and consists of an inner stratum of circular fibers and an outer stratum of longitudinal fibers. The longitudinal fibers originate from the posterior tip of the mesoderm anlage, which has been termed the caudal visceral mesoderm (CVM). In this study, we investigate the specification of the CVM and particularly the role of the Drosophila Brachyury-homologue brachyenteron. Supported by fork head, brachyenteron mediates the early specification of the CVM along with zinc-finger homeodomain protein-1. This is the first function described for brachyenteron or fork head in the mesoderm of Drosophila. The mode of cooperation resembles the interaction of the Xenopus homologues Xbra and Pintallavis. Another function of brachyenteron is to establish the surface properties of the CVM cells, which are essential for their orderly migration along the trunk-derived visceral mesoderm. During this movement, the CVM cells, under the control of brachyenteron, induce the formation of one muscle/pericardial precursor cell in each parasegment. We propose that the functions of brachyenteron in mesodermal development of Drosophila are comparable to the roles of the vertebrate Brachyury genes during gastrulation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mesoderm migration in the Drosophila gastrula depends on the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor Heartless (Htl). During gastrulation Htl is required for adhesive interactions of the mesoderm with the ectoderm and for the generation of protrusive activity of the mesoderm cells during migration. After gastrulation Htl is essential for the differentiation of dorsal mesodermal derivatives. It is not known how Htl is activated, because its ligand has not yet been identified. RESULTS: We performed a genome-wide genetic screen for early zygotic genes and identified seven genomic regions that are required for normal migration of the mesoderm cells during gastrulation. One of these genomic intervals produces upon its deletion a phenocopy of the htl cell migration phenotype. Here we present the genetic and molecular mapping of this genomic region. We identified two genes, FGF8-like1 and FGF8-like2, that encode novel FGF homologs and were only partially annotated in the Drosophila genome. We show that FGF8-like1 and FGF8-like2 are expressed in the neuroectoderm during gastrulation and present evidence that both act in concert to direct cell shape changes during mesodermal cell migration and are required for the activation of the Htl signaling cascade during gastrulation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that FGF8-like1 and FGF8-like2 encode two novel Drosophila FGF homologs, which are required for mesodermal cell migration during gastrulation. Our results suggest that FGF8-like1 and FGF8-like2 represent ligands of the Htl FGF receptor.  相似文献   

E Amaya  T J Musci  M W Kirschner 《Cell》1991,66(2):257-270
Peptide growth factors may play a role in patterning of the early embryo, particularly in the induction of mesoderm. We have explored the role of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) in early Xenopus development by expressing a dominant negative mutant form of the FGF receptor. Using a functional assay in frog oocytes, we found that a truncated form of the receptor effectively abolished wild-type receptor function. Explants from embryos expressing this dominant negative mutant failed to induce mesoderm in response to FGF. In whole embryos the mutant receptor caused specific defects in gastrulation and in posterior development, and overexpression of a wild-type receptor could rescue these developmental defects. These results demonstrate that the FGF signaling pathway plays an important role in early embryogenesis, particularly in the formation of the posterior and lateral mesoderm.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-dependent epithelial-mesenchymal transitions and cell migration contribute to the establishment of germ layers in vertebrates and other animals, but a comprehensive demonstration of the cellular activities that FGF controls to mediate these events has not been provided for any system. The establishment of the Drosophila mesoderm layer from an epithelial primordium involves a transition to a mesenchymal state and the dispersal of cells away from the site of internalisation in a FGF-dependent fashion. We show here that FGF plays multiple roles at successive stages of mesoderm morphogenesis in Drosophila. It is first required for the mesoderm primordium to lose its epithelial polarity. An intimate, FGF-dependent contact is established and maintained between the germ layers through mesoderm cell protrusions. These protrusions extend deep into the underlying ectoderm epithelium and are associated with high levels of E-cadherin at the germ layer interface. Finally, FGF directs distinct hitherto unrecognised and partially redundant protrusive behaviours during later mesoderm spreading. Cells first move radially towards the ectoderm, and then switch to a dorsally directed movement across its surface. We show that both movements are important for layer formation and present evidence suggesting that they are controlled by genetically distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Glial cells are essential for the development and function of the nervous system. In the mammalian brain, vast numbers of glia of several different functional types are generated during late embryonic and early foetal development. However, the molecular cues that instruct gliogenesis and determine glial cell type are poorly understood. During post-embryonic development, the number of glia in the Drosophila larval brain increases dramatically, potentially providing a powerful model for understanding gliogenesis. Using glial-specific clonal analysis we find that perineural glia and cortex glia proliferate extensively through symmetric cell division in the post-embryonic brain. Using pan-glial inhibition and loss-of-function clonal analysis we find that Insulin-like receptor (InR)/Target of rapamycin (TOR) signalling is required for the proliferation of perineural glia. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling is also required for perineural glia proliferation and acts synergistically with the InR/TOR pathway. Cortex glia require InR in part, but not downstream components of the TOR pathway, for proliferation. Moreover, cortex glia absolutely require FGF signalling, such that inhibition of the FGF pathway almost completely blocks the generation of cortex glia. Neuronal expression of the FGF receptor ligand Pyramus is also required for the generation of cortex glia, suggesting a mechanism whereby neuronal FGF expression coordinates neurogenesis and cortex gliogenesis. In summary, we have identified two major pathways that control perineural and cortex gliogenesis in the post-embryonic brain and have shown that the molecular circuitry required is lineage specific.  相似文献   

During Drosophila embryogenesis homeotic genes control the developmental diversification of body structures. The genes probably coordinate the expression of as yet unidentified target genes that carry out cell differentiation processes. At least four homeotic genes expressed in the visceral mesoderm are required for midgut morphogenesis. In addition, two growth factor homologs are expressed in specific regions of the visceral mesoderm surrounding the midgut epithelium. One of these, decapentaplegic (dpp), is a member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) family; the other, wingless (wg), is a relative of the mammalian proto-oncogene int-1. Here we show that the spatially restricted expression of dpp in the visceral mesoderm is regulated by the homeotic genes Ubx and abd-A. Ubx is required for the expression of dpp while abd-A represses dpp. One consequence of dpp expression is the induction of labial (lab) in the underlying endoderm cells. In addition, abd-A function is required for the expression of wg in the visceral mesoderm posterior to the dpp-expressing cells. The two growth factor genes therefore are excellent candidates for target genes that are directly regulated by the homeotic genes.  相似文献   

Caudal visceral mesoderm (CVM) cells migrate synchronously towards the anterior of the Drosophila embryo as two distinct groups located on each side of the body, in order to specify longitudinal muscles that ensheath the gut. Little is known about the molecular cues that guide cells along this path, the longest migration of embryogenesis, except that they closely associate with trunk visceral mesoderm (TVM). The expression of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) heartless and its ligands, pyramus (pyr) and thisbe (ths), within CVM and TVM cells, respectively, suggested FGF signaling may influence CVM cell guidance. In FGF mutants, CVM cells die before reaching the anterior region of the TVM. However, an earlier phenotype observed was that the two cell clusters lose direction and converge at the midline. Live in vivo imaging and tracking analyses identified that the movements of CVM cells were slower and no longer synchronous. Moreover, CVM cells were found to cross over from one group to the other, disrupting bilateral symmetry, whereas such mixing was never observed in wild-type embryos. Ectopic expression of either Pyr or Ths was sufficient to redirect CVM cell movement, but only when the endogenous source of these ligands was absent. Collectively, our results show that FGF signaling regulates directional movement of CVM cells and that native presentation of both FGF ligands together is most effective at attracting cells. This study also has general implications, as it suggests that the activity supported by two FGF ligands in concert differs from their activities in isolation.  相似文献   

The even spreading of mesoderm cells in the Drosophila embryo is essential for its proper patterning by ectodermally derived signals. In how germline clone embryos, defects in mesoderm spreading lead to a partial loss of dorsal mesoderm derivatives. HOW is an RNA-binding protein that is thought to regulate diverse mRNA targets. To identify direct HOW targets, we implemented a series of selection methods on mRNAs whose levels were elevated in how germline clone embryos during the stage of mesoderm spreading. Four mRNAs were found to be specifically elevated in the mesoderm of how germline clone embryos, and to exhibit specific binding to HOW via their 3' UTRs. Importantly, overexpression of three of these genes phenocopied the mesoderm-spreading phenotype of how germline clone embryos. Further analysis showed that overexpressing one of these genes, miple (a Drosophila midkine and pleiotrophin heparin-binding growth factor), in the mesoderm led to abnormal scattered MAPK activation, a phenotype that might explain the abnormal mesoderm spreading. In addition, the number of EVE-positive cells, which are responsive to receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, was increased following Miple overexpression in the mesoderm and appeared to be dependent on Heartless function. In summary, our analysis suggests that HOW downregulates the levels of a number of mRNA species in the mesoderm in order to enable proper mesoderm spreading during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

According to the three-signal model of mesoderm patterning in Xenopus, all mesoderm, with the exception of the Spemann organizer, is originally specified as ventral type, such as lateral plate and primary blood islands. It is proposed that the blood islands become restricted to the ventralmost mesoderm because they are not exposed to the BMP-inhibiting activity of the Spemann organizer. We present evidence here that, contrary to predictions of this model, the blood islands remain ventrally restricted even in the absence of Spemann organizer signaling. We further observed that inhibition of FGF signaling with a dominant negative receptor resulted in the expansion of the blood island-forming territory with a concomitant loss of somite. The requirement for FGF signaling in specifying somite versus blood island territories was observed as early as midgastrulation. The nonoverlapping expression domains of Xnr-2 and Xbra in the gastrula marginal zone appear to mark presumptive blood island and somite, respectively. Inhibition of FGF signaling with dominant negative receptor leads to an expansion of Xnr-2 expression and to a corresponding reduction in Xbra expression. On the other hand, we found no evidence that manipulation of BMP signaling, either positively or negatively, altered the expression domains of Xnr-2 and Xbra. These results suggest that FGF signaling, rather than BMP-inhibiting activity, is essential for restriction of the ventral blood islands to ventral mesoderm.  相似文献   

Expression of the gene encoding the MKP-3/Pyst1 protein phosphatase, which inactivates ERK MAPK, is induced by FGF. However, which intracellular signalling pathway mediates this expression is unclear, with essential roles proposed for both ERK and PI(3)K in chick embryonic limb. Here, we report that MKP-3/Pyst1 expression is sensitive to inhibition of ERK or MAPKK, that endogenous MKP-3/Pyst1 co-localizes with activated ERK, and expression of MKP-3/Pyst1 in mice lacking PDK1, an essential mediator of PI(3)K signalling. We conclude that MKP-3/Pyst1 expression is mediated by ERK activation and that negative feedback control predominates in limiting the extent of FGF-induced ERK activity.  相似文献   

Y T Ip  K Maggert    M Levine 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(24):5826-5834

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