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The mRNA translational control protein, Musashi, plays a critical role in cell fate determination through sequence‐specific interactions with select target mRNAs. In proliferating stem cells, Musashi exerts repression of target mRNAs to promote cell cycle progression. During stem cell differentiation, Musashi target mRNAs are de‐repressed and translated. Recently, we have reported an obligatory requirement for Musashi to direct translational activation of target mRNAs during Xenopus oocyte meiotic cell cycle progression. Despite the importance of Musashi in cell cycle regulation, only a few target mRNAs have been fully characterized. In this study, we report the identification and characterization of a new Musashi target mRNA in Xenopus oocytes. We demonstrate that progesterone‐stimulated translational activation of the Xenopus Musashi1 mRNA is regulated through a functional Musashi binding element (MBE) in the Musashi1 mRNA 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR). Mutational disruption of the MBE prevented translational activation of Musashi1 mRNA and its interaction with Musashi protein. Further, elimination of Musashi function through microinjection of inhibitory antisense oligonucleotides prevented progesterone‐induced polyadenylation and translation of the endogenous Musashi1 mRNA. Thus, Xenopus Musashi proteins regulate translation of the Musashi1 mRNA during oocyte maturation. Our results indicate that the hierarchy of sequential and dependent mRNA translational control programs involved in directing progression through meiosis are reinforced by an intricate series of nested, positive feedback loops, including Musashi mRNA translational autoregulation. These autoregulatory positive feedback loops serve to amplify a weak initiating signal into a robust commitment for the oocyte to progress through the cell cycle and become competent for fertilization.Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 553‐563, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Progression through vertebrate oocyte maturation requires that pre-existing, maternally derived mRNAs be translated in a strict temporal order. The mechanism that controls the timing of oocyte mRNA translation is unknown. In this study we show that the early translational induction of the mRNA encoding the Mos proto-oncogene is mediated through a novel regulatory element within the 3' untranslated region of the Mos mRNA. This novel element is responsive to the MAP kinase signaling pathway and is distinct from the late acting, cdc2-responsive, cytoplasmic polyadenylation element. Our findings suggest that the timing of maternal mRNA translation is controlled through signal transduction pathways targeting distinct 3' UTR mRNA elements.  相似文献   

The Wee1 protein tyrosine kinase is a key regulator of cell cycle progression. Wee1 activity is necessary for the control of the first embryonic cell cycle following the fertilization of meiotically mature Xenopus oocytes. Wee1 mRNA is present in immature oocytes, but Wee1 protein does not accumulate in immature oocytes or during the early stages of progesterone-stimulated maturation. This delay in Wee1 translation is critical since premature Wee1 protein accumulation has been shown to inhibit oocyte maturation. In this study we provide evidence that Wee1 protein accumulation is regulated at the level of mRNA translation. This translational control is directed by sequences within the Wee1 mRNA 3'-untranslated region (3' UTR). Specifically, cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE) sequences within the Wee1 3' UTR are necessary for full translational repression in immature oocytes. Our data further indicate that while CPE-independent mechanisms may regulate the levels of Wee1 protein accumulation during progesterone-stimulated oocyte maturation, the timing of Wee1 mRNA translational induction is directed through a CPE-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

In contrast to the well-defined role of Ca2+ signals during mitosis, the contribution of Ca2+ signaling to meiosis progression is controversial, despite several decades of investigating the role of Ca2+ and its effectors in vertebrate oocyte maturation. We have previously shown that during Xenopus oocyte maturation, Ca2+ signals are dispensable for entry into meiosis and for germinal vesicle breakdown. However, normal Ca2+ homeostasis is essential for completion of meiosis I and extrusion of the first polar body. In this study, we test the contribution of several downstream effectors in mediating the Ca2+ effects during oocyte maturation. We show that calmodulin and calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CAMK2) are not critical downstream Ca2+ effectors during meiotic maturation. In contrast, accumulation of Aurora kinase A (AURKA) protein is disrupted in cells deprived of Ca2+ signals. Since AURKA is required for bipolar spindle formation, failure to accumulate AURKA may contribute to the defective spindle phenotype following Ca2+ deprivation. These findings argue that Ca2+ homeostasis is important in establishing the oocyte's competence to undergo maturation in preparation for fertilization and embryonic development.  相似文献   

In Xenopus oocytes, progesterone stimulates the cytoplasmic polyadenylation and resulting translational activation of c-mos mRNA, which is necessary for the induction of oocyte maturation. Although details of the biochemistry of polyadenylation are beginning to emerge, the mechanism by which 3' poly(A) addition stimulates translation initiation is enigmatic. A previous report showed that polyadenylation induced cap-specific 2'-O-methylation, and suggested that this 5' end modification was important for translational activation. Here, we demonstrate that injected c-mos RNA undergoes polyadenylation and cap ribose methylation. Inhibition of this methylation by S-isobutylthioadenosine (SIBA), a methyltransferase inhibitor, has little effect on progesterone-induced c-mos mRNA polyadenylation or general protein synthesis, but prevents the synthesis of Mos protein as well as oocyte maturation. Maturation can be rescued, however, by the injection of factors that act downstream of Mos, such as cyclin A and B mRNAs. Most importantly, we show that the translational efficiency of injected mRNAs containing cap-specific 2'-O-methylation (cap I) is significantly enhanced compared to RNAs that do not contain the methylated ribose (cap 0). These results suggest that cap ribose methylation of c-mos mRNA is important for translational recruitment and for the progression of oocytes through meiosis.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) is the universal signal for egg activation at fertilization in all sexually reproducing species. The Ca(2+) signal at fertilization is necessary for egg activation and exhibits specialized spatial and temporal dynamics. Eggs acquire the ability to produce the fertilization-specific Ca(2+) signal during oocyte maturation. However, the mechanisms regulating Ca(2+) signaling differentiation during oocyte maturation remain largely unknown. At fertilization, Xenopus eggs produce a cytoplasmic Ca(2+) (Ca(2+)(cyt)) rise that lasts for several minutes, and is required for egg activation. Here, we show that during oocyte maturation Ca(2+) transport effectors are tightly modulated. The plasma membrane Ca(2+) ATPase (PMCA) is completely internalized during maturation, and is therefore unable to extrude Ca(2+) out of the cell. Furthermore, IP(3)-dependent Ca(2+) release is required for the sustained Ca(2+)(cyt) rise in eggs, showing that Ca(2+) that is pumped into the ER leaks back out through IP(3) receptors. This apparent futile cycle allows eggs to maintain elevated cytoplasmic Ca(2+) despite the limited available Ca(2+) in intracellular stores. Therefore, Ca(2+) signaling differentiates in a highly orchestrated fashion during Xenopus oocyte maturation endowing the egg with the capacity to produce a sustained Ca(2+)(cyt) transient at fertilization, which defines the egg's competence to activate and initiate embryonic development.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, p70(S6K) plays a key role in translational control of cell proliferation in response to growth factors. Because of the reliance on translational control in early vertebrate development, we cloned a Xenopus homolog of p70(S6K) and investigated the activity profile of p70(S6K) during Xenopus oocyte maturation and early embryogenesis. p70(S6K) activity is high in resting oocytes and decreases to background levels upon stimulation of maturation with progesterone. During embryonic development, three peaks of activity were observed: immediately after fertilization, shortly before the midblastula transition, and during gastrulation. Rapamycin, an inhibitor of p70(S6K) activation, caused oocytes to undergo germinal vesicle breakdown earlier than control oocytes, and sensitivity to progesterone was increased. Injection of a rapamycin-insensitive, constitutively active mutant of p70(S6K) reversed the effects of rapamycin. However, increases in S6 phosphorylation were not significantly affected by rapamycin during maturation. mos mRNA, which does not contain a 5'-terminal oligopyrimidine tract (5'-TOP), was translated earlier, and a larger amount of Mos protein was produced in rapamycin-treated oocytes. In fertilized eggs rapamycin treatment increased the translation of the Cdc25A phosphatase, which lacks a 5'-TOP. Translation assays in vivo using both DNA and RNA reporter constructs with the 5'-TOP from elongation factor 2 showed decreased translational activity with rapamycin, whereas constructs without a 5'-TOP or with an internal ribosome entry site were translated more efficiently upon rapamycin treatment. These results suggest that changes in p70(S6K) activity during oocyte maturation and early embryogenesis selectively alter the translational capacity available for mRNAs lacking a 5'-TOP region.  相似文献   

O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) glycosylation is a post-translational modification, which is believed antagonises phosphorylation. We have studied the O-GlcNAc level during Xenopus oocyte meiotic resumption, taking advantage of the high synchrony of this model which is dependent upon a burst of phosphorylation. Stimulation of immature stage VI oocytes using progesterone was followed by a 4.51 +/- 0.32 fold increase in the GlcNAc content, concomitantly to an increase in phosphorylation, notably on two cytoplasmic proteins of 66 and 97 kDa. The increase of O-GlcNAc for the 97 kDa protein, which we identified as beta-catenin was partly related to its accumulation during maturation, as was demonstrated by the use of the protein synthesis inhibitor--cycloheximide. Microinjection of free GlcNAc, which inhibits O-glycosylated proteins-lectins interactions, delayed the progesterone-induced maturation without affecting the O-GlcNAc content. Our results suggest that O-GlcNAc glycosylation could regulate protein-protein interactions required for the cell cycle kinetic.  相似文献   

Greatwall kinase has been identified as a key element in M phase initiation and maintenance in Drosophila, Xenopus oocytes/eggs, and mammalian cells. In M phase, Greatwall phosphorylates endosulfine and related proteins that bind to and inhibit protein phosphatase 2A/B55, the principal phosphatase for Cdk-phosphorylated substrates. We show that Greatwall binds active PP2A/B55 in G2 phase oocytes but dissociates from it when progesterone-treated oocytes reach M phase. This dissociation does not require Greatwall kinase activity or phosphorylation at T748 in the presumptive T loop of the kinase. A mutant K71M Greatwall, also known as Scant in Drosophila, induces M phase in the absence of progesterone when expressed in oocytes, despite its reduced stability and elevated degradation by the proteasome. M phase induction by Scant Greatwall requires protein synthesis but is not associated with altered binding or release of PP2A/B55 as compared to wild-type Greatwall. However, in vitro studies with Greatwall proteins purified from interphase cells indicate that Scant, but not wild-type Greatwall, has low but detectable activity against endosulfine. These results demonstrate progesterone-dependent regulation of the PP2A/B55-Greatwall interaction during oocyte maturation and suggest that the cognate Scant Greatwall mutation has sufficient constitutive kinase activity to promote M phase in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

Meiotic cell‐cycle progression in progesterone‐stimulated Xenopus oocytes requires that the translation of pre‐existing maternal mRNAs occur in a strict temporal order. Timing of translation is regulated through elements within the mRNA 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR), which respond to cell cycle‐dependant signalling. One element that has been previously implicated in the temporal control of mRNA translation is the cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE). In this study, we show that the CPE does not direct early mRNA translation. Rather, early translation is directed through specific early factors, including the Musashi‐binding element (MBE) and the MBE‐binding protein, Musashi. Our findings indicate that although the cyclin B5 3′ UTR contains both CPEs and an MBE, the MBE is the critical regulator of early translation. The cyclin B2 3′ UTR contains CPEs, but lacks an MBE and is translationally activated late in maturation. Finally, utilizing antisense oligonucleotides to attenuate endogenous Musashi synthesis, we show that Musashi is critical for the initiation of early class mRNA translation and for the subsequent activation of CPE‐dependant mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Regulation of Src kinase activity during Xenopus oocyte maturation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Expression of constitutively active Src protein tyrosine kinase in Xenopus oocytes has been shown to accelerate oocyte maturation suggesting that Src may be involved in meiotic progression. However, meiotic regulation of endogenous Src kinase in oocytes has not been investigated in detail. To address this problem, we measured the activity, expression level, and phosphorylation state of the endogenous Xenopus Src (xSrc) and overexpressed xSrc mutants in the process of progesterone-induced oocyte maturation. We found that the enzyme is first transiently activated in the plasma membrane-containing fraction of oocytes within 3 min of progesterone administration. This event represents one of the earliest responses of oocytes to the hormone and should be related to triggering some early signaling pathways of maturation. Thereafter, xSrc activity increases again at the time of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and remains elevated till the completion of maturation. This elevation of xSrc activity is associated with a 2-fold increase of xSrc protein content in the absence of change in its specific activity and xSrc mRNA content. No significant changes in the phosphorylation state of C-terminal regulatory phosphotyrosine can be registered either in endogenous xSrc or in overexpressed kinase-negative and wild-type xSrc proteins during maturation. Altogether, these results indicate that upregulation of xSrc in the meiotic metaphase occurs at the translation level. We also demonstrate here that the expression of constitutively active xSrc in Xenopus oocytes is accompanied by the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Our data suggest that the Src kinase acts through the MAPK pathway to accelerate oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The Mos protein kinase is a key regulator of vertebrate oocyte maturation. Oocyte-specific Mos protein expression is subject to translational control. In the frog Xenopus, the translation of Mos protein requires the progesterone-induced polyadenylation of the maternal Mos mRNA, which is present in the oocyte cytoplasm. Both the Xenopus p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and maturation-promoting factor (MPF) signaling pathways have been proposed to mediate progesterone-stimulated oocyte maturation. In this study, we have determined the relative contributions of the MAPK and MPF signaling pathways to Mos mRNA polyadenylation. We report that progesterone-induced Mos mRNA polyadenylation was attenuated in oocytes expressing the MAPK phosphatase rVH6. Moreover, inhibition of MAPK signaling blocked progesterone-induced Mos protein accumulation. Activation of the MAPK pathway by injection of RNA encoding Mos was sufficient to induce both the polyadenylation of synthetic Mos mRNA substrates and the accumulation of endogenous Mos protein in the absence of MPF signaling. Activation of MPF, by injection of cyclin B1 RNA or purified cyclin B1 protein, also induced both Mos protein accumulation and Mos mRNA polyadenylation. However, this action of MPF required MAPK activity. By contrast, the cytoplasmic polyadenylation of maternal cyclin B1 mRNA was stimulated by MPF in a MAPK-independent manner, thus revealing a differential regulation of maternal mRNA polyadenylation by the MAPK and MPF signaling pathways. We propose that MAPK-stimulated Mos mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation is a key component of the positive-feedback loop, which contributes to the all-or-none process of oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Polyadenylation-induced translation is an important regulatory mechanism during metazoan development. During Xenopus oocyte meiotic progression, polyadenylation-induced translation is regulated by CPEB, which is activated by phosphorylation. XGef, a guanine exchange factor, is a CPEB-interacting protein involved in the early steps of progesterone-stimulated oocyte maturation. We find that XGef influences early oocyte maturation by directly influencing CPEB function. XGef and CPEB interact during oogenesis and oocyte maturation and are present in a c-mos messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP). Both proteins also interact directly in vitro. XGef overexpression increases the level of CPEB phosphorylated early during oocyte maturation, and this directly correlates with increased Mos protein accumulation and acceleration of meiotic resumption. To exert this effect, XGef must retain guanine exchange activity and the interaction with CPEB. Overexpression of a guanine exchange deficient version of XGef, which interacts with CPEB, does not enhance early CPEB phosphorylation. Overexpression of a version of XGef that has significantly reduced interaction with CPEB, but retains guanine exchange activity, decreases early CPEB phosphorylation and delays oocyte maturation. Injection of XGef antibodies into oocytes blocks progesterone-induced oocyte maturation and early CPEB phosphorylation. These findings indicate that XGef is involved in early CPEB activation and implicate GTPase signaling in this process.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the expression and function of the cell death and cell cycle regulator Aven in Xenopus. Analysis of Xenopus Aven expression in oocytes and embryos revealed a band close to the predicted molecular weight of the protein (36 kDa) in addition to two bands of higher molecular weight (46 and 49 kDa), one of which was determined to be due to phosphorylation of the protein. The protein is primarily detected in the cytoplasm of oocytes and is tightly regulated during meiotic and mitotic cell cycles. Progesterone stimulation of oocytes resulted in a rapid loss of Aven expression with the protein levels recovering before germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). This loss of Aven is required for the G2–M1 cell cycle transition. Aven morpholino knockdown experiments revealed that early depletion of the protein increases progesterone sensitivity and facilitates GVBD, but prolonged depletion of Aven results in caspase-3 activation and oocyte death by apoptosis. Phosphorylated Aven (46 kDa) was found to bind Bcl-xL in oocytes, but this interaction was lost in apoptotic oocytes. Thus, Aven alters progesterone sensitivity in oocytes and is critical for oocyte survival.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis of cyclin B by translational activation of the dormant mRNA stored in oocytes is required for normal progression of maturation. In this study, we investigated the involvement of Xenopus Pumilio (XPum), a cyclin B1 mRNA-binding protein, in the mRNA-specific translational activation. XPum exhibits high homology to mammalian counterparts, with amino acid identity close to 90%, even if the conserved RNA-binding domain is excluded. XPum is bound to cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE)-binding protein (CPEB) through the RNA-binding domain but not to its phosphorylated form in mature oocytes. In addition to the CPE, the XPum-binding sequence of cyclin B1 mRNA acts as a cis-element for translational repression. Injection of anti-XPum antibody accelerated oocyte maturation and synthesis of cyclin B1, and, conversely, over-expression of XPum retarded oocyte maturation and translation of cyclin B1 mRNA, which was accompanied by inhibition of poly(A) tail elongation. The injection of antibody and the over-expression of XPum, however, had no effect on translation of Mos mRNA, which also contains the CPE. These findings provide the first evidence that XPum is a translational repressor specific to cyclin B1 in vertebrates. We propose that in cooperation with the CPEB-maskin complex, the master regulator common to the CPE-containing mRNAs, XPum acts as a specific regulator that determines the timing of translational activation of cyclin B1 mRNA by its release from phosphorylated CPEB during oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The organization of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the cortex of Xenopus oocytes was investigated during maturation and activation using a green fluorescent protein chimera, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. Dense clusters of ER developed on the vegetal side (the side opposite the meiotic spindle) during maturation. Small clusters appeared transiently at the time of nuclear envelope breakdown, disappeared at the time of first polar body formation, and then reappeared as larger clusters in mature eggs. The appearance of the large ER clusters was correlated with an increase in releasability of Ca(2+) by IP(3). The clusters dispersed during the Ca(2+) wave at activation. Possible relationships of ER structure and Ca(2+) regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

U-cadherin is a member of the cadherin family in Xenopus that participates in interblastomere adhesion in the early embryo from the first cleavage onwards. Though a maternal pool of U-cadherin is available in the egg, it is not present on the egg membrane (Angres et al., 1991. Development 111, 829-844). To assess the origin of this unexpected distribution in the egg, the accumulation and localization of the cadherin during oogenesis and oocyte maturation were investigated. We report here that U-cadherin is present in Xenopus oocytes throughout oogenesis. It is localized at the oocyte-follicle cell contacts suggesting that it functions in the adhesion of the two cell types. When oocytes mature and the contacts to the follicle cells break, U-cadherin disappears from the oocyte surface. Evidence for a translocation of U-cadherin from the membrane to the inside of the oocyte was obtained when the fate of membrane-bound U-cadherin, which was labelled on the surface of oocytes prior to maturation, was followed through maturation. The total U-cadherin content of the oocyte increases during maturation. Metabolic labelling experiments indicate that at maturation the translation of U-cadherin is elevated well above the level that one would expect from the general increase in protein synthesis is presumably the main source of the maternal pool of U-cadherin in the egg.  相似文献   

A transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ is the universal signal for egg activation at fertilization. Eggs acquire the ability to mount the specialized fertilization-specific Ca2+ signal during oocyte maturation. The first Ca2+ transient following sperm entry in vertebrate eggs has a slow rising phase followed by a sustained plateau. The molecular determinants of the sustained plateau are poorly understood. We have recently shown that a critical determinant of Ca2+ signaling differentiation during oocyte maturation is internalization of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA). PMCA internalization is representative of endocytosis of several integral membrane proteins during oocyte maturation, a requisite process for early embryogenesis. Here we investigate the mechanisms regulating PMCA internalization. To track PMCA trafficking in live cells we cloned a full-length cDNA of Xenopus PMCA1, and show that GFP-tagged PMCA traffics in a similar fashion to endogenous PMCA. Functional data show that MPF activation during oocyte maturation is required for full PMCA internalization. Pharmacological and co-localization studies argue that PMCA is internalized through a lipid raft endocytic pathway. Deletion analysis reveal a requirement for the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain for efficient internalization. Together these studies define the mechanistic requirements for PMCA internalization during oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The Xenopus maternal mRNA D7 is translationally repressed during oogenesis, only becoming recruited into polysomes during oocyte maturation, with D7 protein being detectable for the first time prior to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). The synthesis of D7 protein was found to be induced by a variety of maturation-promoting agents including cyclin, c-mos and crude preparations of MPF. D7 protein induced by all these agents is post-translationally modified and exists as a number of variants of differing molecular weight. In contrast to endogenous D7 mRNA, D7 RNA injected into the stage VI oocyte is efficiently translated, resulting in the accumulation of predominantly unmodified D7 polypeptides, which become increasingly modified during oocyte maturation to produce a pattern of polypeptides similar to those derived from endogenous D7 mRNA. Thus, the system that results in the post-translational modification of the D7 protein is itself activated during oocyte maturation. The nature of the protein modification is not known but does not appear to be phosphorylation. The translation of exogenous D7 RNA in the stage VI oocyte does not lead to translational derepression of endogenous D7 mRNA.  相似文献   

MPM-2 antigens, a discrete set of phosphoproteins that contain similar phosphoepitopes (the MPM-2 epitope), are associated with various mitotically important structures. The central mitotic regulator cdc2 kinase has been proposed to induce M-phase by phosphorylating many proteins which might include the MPM-2 antigens. To clarify the relationship of cdc2 kinase and the MPM-2 antigens, we developed an in vitro assay that enabled us to specifically detect the kinases that phosphorylate the MPM-2 epitope (ME kinases) in crude cell extracts. Two different ME kinase activities were identified in unfertilized Xenopus eggs, neither of which was cdc2 kinase, but both appeared to be activated by the introduction of cdc2 kinase into oocytes or oocyte extract. The two ME kinases differed in molecular size, substrate specificity, peptide components, and MPM-2 reactivity. The larger one, ME kinase-H, phosphorylated several MPM-2 antigens, while the smaller one, ME kinase-L, phosphorylated mainly one. We purified ME kinase-L to near homogeneity by sequential chromatography and showed that it has the characteristics of the 42-kD microtubule-associated protein (MAP) kinase. Our results support the previous finding that MAP kinase is activated during Xenopus oocyte maturation and suggest that MAP kinase may contribute to oocyte maturation induction by phosphorylating one subtype of MPM-2 epitope.  相似文献   

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