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Willmer, C. M., Wilson, A. B. and Jones, H. G. 1988. Changingresponses of stomata to abscisic acid and CO2 as leaves andplants age.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 401–410. Stomatal conductances were measured in ageing leaves of Commelinacommunis L. as plants developed; stomatal responses to CO2 andabscisic acid (ABA) in epidermal strips of C. communis takenfrom ageing leaves of developing plants and in epidermal stripsfrom the same-aged leaves (the first fully-expanded leaf) ofdeveloping plants were also monitored. Stomatal behaviour wascorrelated with parallel measurements of photosynthesis andleaf ABA concentrations. Stomatal conductance in intact leavesdecreased from a maximum of 0-9 cm s– 1 at full leaf expansionto zero about 30 d later when leaves were very senescent. Conductancesdeclined more slowly with age in unshaded leaves. Photosynthesisof leaf slices also declined with age from a maximum at fullleaf expansion until about 30 d later when no O2 exchange wasdetectable. Exogenously applied ABA (0.1 mol m– 3) didnot affect respiration or photosynthesis. In epidermal stripstaken from ageing leaves the widest stomatal apertures occurredabout 10 d after full leaf expansion (just before floweringbegan) and then decreased with age; this decrease was less dramaticin unshaded leaves. The inhibitory effects of ABA on stomatalopening in epidermal strips decreased as leaves aged and wasgreater in the presence of CO2 than in its absence. When leaveswere almost fully-senescent stomata were still able to open.At this stage, guard cells remained healthy-looking with greenchloroplasts while mesophyll cells were senescing and theirchloroplasts were yellow. Similar data were obtained for stomatain epidermal strips taken from the same-aged leaves of ageingplants. The inhibitory effects of ABA on stomatal opening alsodecreased with plant age. In ageing leaves both free and conjugated ABA concentrationsremained low before increasing dramatically about 30 d afterfull leaf expansion when senescence was well advanced. Concentrationsof free and conjugated ABA remained similar to each other atall times. It is concluded that the restriction of stomatal movements inintact leaves as the leaves and plants age is due mainly toa fall in photosynthetic capacity of the leaves which affectsintracellular CO2 levels rather than to an inherent inabilityof the stomata to function normally. Since stomatal aperturein epidermal strips declines with plant and leaf age and stomatabecome less responsive to ABA (while endogenous leaf ABA levelsremain fairly constant until leaf senescence) it is suggestedthat some signal, other than ABA, is transmitted from the leafor other parts of the plant to the stomata and influences theirbehaviour. Key words: Abscisic acid, CO2, Commelina, leaf age, senescence, stomatal sensitivity  相似文献   

Ward, D. A. and Drake, B. G. 1988. Osmotic stress temporarilyreverses the inhibitions of photosynthesis and stomatal conductanceby abscisic acid—evidence that abscisic acid induces alocalized closure of stomata in intact, detached leaves.—J.exp. Bot 39: 147–155. The influence of osmotic stress on whole leaf gas exchange wasmonitored in detached leaves of Glycine max supplied with anexogenous concentration (10–5 mol dm–3) of ±abscisicacid (ABA) sufficient to inhibit net photosynthesis and stomatalconductance by 60% and 70%, respectively, under a saturatingirradiance and normal air. Raising the osmotic (sorbitol) concentrationof the ABA solutions feeding leaves elicited rapid and synchronousreversals of the ABA-dependent inhibitions of net photosynthesisand conductance. These reversals reached a peak simultaneously,after which photosynthesis and conductance declined. The magnitudeof the transient stimulations at peak height was dependent uponthe sorbitol concentration of the ABA feeding solution, althoughthe time-course of the transients (half time, 4–6 min)was similar for the different osmotic concentrations applied.Irrespective of transient size the relative changes of photosynthesisand conductance were comparable; consequently the calculatedpartial pressure of CO2 in the substomatal space (Ci) remainedrelatively constant during the transient phase. In contrastto the ABA-treated leaves, elevating the osmotic concentrationof the distilled water supply feeding control leaves stimulatedconductance to a much greater relative extent than photosynthesis.The co-stimulations of photosynthesis and conductance inducedin ABA-treated leaves by osmotic shock were not due to a restrictionin the transpirational uptake of ABA and occurred irrespectiveof the source osmoticum applied. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the ABA-dependentinhibition of photosynthesis at constant Ci is an artifact causedby the spatially heterogeneous closure of stomata in responseto ABA. Alternative explanations for the responses are, however,considered. Key words: Abscisic acid, photosynthesis, osmotic stress, Glycine max, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

Plants of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. Melle) were grownfrom the early seedling stage in growth cabinets at a day/nighttemperature of 20/15 °C, with a 12-h photoperiod, and aCO2 concentration of either 340 or 680 ± 15 µl1–1 CO2. Young, fully-expanded, acclimated leaves fromprimary branches were sampled for length of stomata, and ofepidermal cells between stomata, numbers of stomata and epidermalcells per unit length of stomatal row, numbers of stomatal rowsacross the leaf and numbers of stomatal rows between adjacentvein ridges. Elevated CO2 had no significant effect on any ofthe measured parameters. Elevated CO2, Lolium perenne, ryegrass, stomatal distribution, stomatal size  相似文献   

A midday depression in net photosynthesis and in stomatal conductancewas observed when leaves of well-watered Vitis vinifera plantswere subjected to a diurnal pattern of variation in leaf temperatureand leaf-to-air water vapour pressure difference similar toa summer day, while photon flux density was kept constant at1450 µmolm–2 s–1,. When leaves were kept atconstant leaf temperature (22.5°C) and leaf-to-air watervapour presure difference (8.5 Pa kPa–1) at the same lightintensity, stomata opened with the onset of illumination andmaximal conductance and photosynthesis values were observedabout 1 h later. Subsequently, conductance and photosynthesisdecreased gradually. Leaf water potential never dropped below{macron}0.3 MPa. Leaves kept under constant environmental conditionsshowed an afternoon decline in photosynthesis at high internalCO2, in carboxylation efficiency and in maximum conductanceas well as an increase in stomatal sensitivity to CO2. Whenthe photon flux density during the day was reduced to 750 µmolm–2 s–1, the afternoon depression in gas exchangerates was attenuated. To evaluate the possible effects of highlight stress on changes in chloroplastic behaviour we comparedlight response curves of photosynthesis determined with an oxygenelectrode, in the morning and in the afternoon after the plantswere exposed to either high or moderate photon flux densities.A significant depression in photosynthetic capacity was foundby this method in high light treated leaves, but not in leavespreviously exposed to moderate photon flux density. Apparentquantum yield decreased in the afternoon, particularly afterexposure to high light. Maximum chlorophyll a fluorescence at22°C was reduced and the quenching of fluorescence afterreaching the peak was slower in the afternoon than in the morning,especially in high light-treated leaves. Changes in the patternsof chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics were observed after lighttreatment, i.e. in the afternoon, with oscillations either absent(after high light) or significantly reduced (after moderatelight) in comparison to the morning. The significance of theseresults is discussed and it is suggested that a direct inhibitoryeffect of high light at the chloroplast level provides the bestinterpretation for the observed afternoon decline in photosyntheticrate. Key words: Carboxylation efficiency, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic capacity, quantum yield, stomatal conductance, Vitis vinifera L.  相似文献   

Differences in abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation between two olive cultivars were studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in roots and leaves, leaf water potential (Ψl), stomatal conductance (g s) as well as photosynthetic rate (A) were also determined in well-watered (WW) and water-stressed (WS) plants of two olive cultivars ‘Chemlali’ and ‘Chetoui’. ‘Chemlali’ was able to maintain higher leaf CO2 assimilation rate and leaf stomatal conductance throughout the drought cycle when compared with ‘Chetoui’. Furthermore, leaf water potential of ‘Chemlali’ decreased in lower extent than in Chetoui in response to water deficit. Interestingly, significant differences in water-stress-induced ABA accumulation were observed between the two olive cultivars and reflect the degree of stress experienced. Chemlali, a drought tolerant cultivar, accumulated lower levels of ABA in their leaves to regulate stomatal control in response to water stress compared to the drought sensitive olive cultivar ‘Chetoui’ which accumulated ABA in large amount.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and water efflux were measured in different PAR and stomatal conductance in members of Avicenniaceae and Rhizophoraceae. Trend of leaf temperature with irradiance and its effect on photosynthesis were also estimated. In most of the studied species, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance followed similar trends with increase in irradiance. The rate of net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were higher in members of Avicenniaceae than in Rhizophoraceae. In Avicenniaceae, the optimum PAR for maximum photosynthesis ranged between 1340–1685 (μmol m-2s-1, which was also higher than that of Rhizophoraceae (840-1557 μmol m-2s-1). Almost in all the studied taxa, transpiration and stomatal conductance followed similar trends and reached the maximal peaks at the same PAR value. The range of breakeven leaf temperature was almost the same in both the families (34-36°C in Avicenniaceae and 33.5-36.3°C in Rhizophoraceae), beyond which assimilation rate declined.  相似文献   

Rates of net photosynthesis of the flag leaves of 15 genotypesof wheat and related species were measured throughout theirlife, using intact leaves on plants grown in the field. At thestage when rates were maximal, they were in general highestfor the diploid species, intermediate for the tetraploidspeciesand lowest for Triticum aestivum (means of 38, 32 and 28 mgCO2 dm–2 h–1 respectively). Rates were stronglynegatively correlated with leaf area, leaf width and the meanplan area per mesophyll cell and positvely correlated with stomatalfrequency and number of veins per mm of leaf width. The differencesamong species in these attributes were mainly related to ploidylevel. It was not possible to determine the relative importanceof each anatomical feature, though the changes in stomatal frequencyhad only slight effects on stomatal conductance and the observeddifferences in rates of photosynthesis were much greater thanwould be expected from those in stomatal conductance alone. There was genetic variation in rates of light dependent oxygenevolution of isolated protoplasts and intact chloroplasts butno difference attributable to ploidy. The mean rate, 91 µmolO2 mg–1 chlorophyll h–1, equivalent to 3.9 mg CO2mg-1chlorophyll h-1 was considerably less than the rate of photosynthesisin comparable intact leaves, which was 7.2 mg CO2 mg–1chlorophyll h–1. The total above-ground dry matter yields were least for thewild diploids T. urartu and T. thauodar and the wild tetraploidT. dicoccoides, but the other wild diploids produced as muchdry matter as the hexaploids. The prospects of exploiting differences in photosynthetic ratein the breeding of higher yielding varieties are discussed. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, Aegilops spp, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, stomatal frequency, polyploidy  相似文献   

Increasing leaf-air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) decreasedthe stomatal conductance and the photosynthetic rate of leavesof ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolhimrepens L.) at light saturation and at lower irradiance. In ryegrassboth conductance and photosynthesis, and in clover photosynthesis,decreased less with increasing VPD in low irradiance than theydid at an irradiance which saturated photosynthesis. In ryegrass,relative to their values at 10 mb, photosynthesis and conductancedecreased less with increasing VPD at 25 °C than at 20 or16·5 °C. In white clover, relative conductance (butnot photosynthesis) was less reduced at 25 than at 16·5°C Measurements of VPD of air in the leaf canopy of a field-growncrop are combined with the observed responses of photosynthesisto VPD and temperature in a model. This shows that high VPDis likely to depress photosynthesis significantly and that,during a typical day, the rate of light saturated photosynthesismay remain fairly steady, because the depression of photosynthesisdue to rising VPD is offset by the stimulation due to risingtemperature Perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., White clover, Trifolhim repens L., photosynthesis, leaf conductance, water vapour pressure deficit, temperature  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and dark-CO2-fixation were measured in vacuum-infiltratedleaf slices from the mesophyte Spinacia oleracea and the Mediterraneanxerophyte Arbutus unedo under hypertonic stress as a functionof light-intensity, CO2-concentration and temperature, in theabsence of stomatal control. Under hypertonic stress, photosynthesis and dark-CO2-fixationwere inhibited in leaf tissue from both plants. 50% inhibitionof photosynthesis in spinach occurred at about –3.0 MPa,and of dark-CO2-fixation at about –3.5 MPa. 50% inhibitionof photosynthesis in Arbutus unedo was reached at about –4.0MPa (sorbitol as osmoticum). In both plants, osmotic dehydration decreased the slope andthe maximum of the CO2- and light-response curves. The slopeof the CO2-response curve of dark-CO2-fixation was also decreasedunder hypertonic stress, but the inhibition of the maximal fixationrate was less obvious than for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis and dark-CO2-fixation differed significantlyin their response to high temperature: under light- and CO2-saturation,photosynthesis of spinach leaf slices had a temperature optimumat about 37 °C, and it was nearly completely inhibited at45 °C. The rate of dark-CO2-fixation, however, increasedcontinuously up to 45 °C. Osmotic dehydration increasedthe resistance of photosynthesis to high temperatures. Key words: CO2 response, Heat stress, Light response, Photosynthesis, Water stress  相似文献   

Leaf photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, internal CO2 concentrationand leaf composition (photosynthetic pigments, total solubleprotein and Rubisco content) during leaf ontogeny of field grownNicotiana tabacum L. lines selected for survival at low atmosphericCO2 concentrations are described. Selection at low CO2 concentrations resutted in lines with highertotal dry matter production than their parent cultivar, butthis could not be related to improved photosynthesis which theselection method was designed to achieve (shown in previouswork). In the present work we report higher rates of photosynthesisin the selected lines in mature and old leaves, not found inyoung leaves when the capacity for photosynthesis was maximum.Differences in the regulation of the photosynthetic carbon reductioncycle as well as differences in the diffusive characteristicsof the mesophyll, due to changes in the size of the cells, maybe the cause for the higher rates of photosynthesis during leafsenescence in the selected lines. Key words: Photosynthesis, leaf ontogeny, tobacco, lines  相似文献   

The response of photosynthesis in the flag leaf of rice (Oryzasativa) to elevated CO2 or reduced O2 was investigated relativeto other environmental factors using steady-state gas exchangetechniques. We found under moderate conditions of temperatureand photosynthetic flux density (PFD) (26°C and 700µmolquanta m–2s–1 similar to growth conditions) photosynthesisin the flag leaf of rice during heading and grain filling saturatedat near ambient levels of CO2, with a concomitant loss of O2sensitivity, when a high stomatal conductance was maintainedby high humidity (low vapor pressure deficit). Under 18°Cthere was near complete loss of O2 sensitivity of photosynthesisat normal ambient levels of CO2. This is in contrast to thelarge enhancement of photosynthesis by supra-atmospheric levelsof CO2 and sub-atmospheric levels of O2 by suppression of photorespirationwhen there is no limitation on utilizing the initial productof CO2 assimilation (triose-P) as predicted from Ribulose-l,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) kinetic properties. Thus, lossof sensitivity to CO2 and O2 has been previously explained asa limitation on utilization of triose-P to synthesize carbohydrates.Under high PFD at 25°C, the rate of photosynthesis in ricedeclined over a period of hours around midday, while the intercellularlevels of CO2 remained constant suggesting a limitation on utilizationof photosynthate. Short-term fluctuations in climatic factorsincluding temperature, light and humidity could result in afeedback limitation on photosynthesis in rice which may be exacerbatedby rising CO2. (Received March 12, 1998; Accepted May 14, 1998)  相似文献   

Stomatal Responses of Variegated Leaves to CO2 Enrichment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The responses of stomatal density and stomatal index of fivespecies of ornamental plants with variegated leaves grown attwo mole fractions of atmospheric CO2 (350 and 700 µmolmol-1) were measured. The use of variegated leaves allowed anypotential effects of mesophyll photosynthetic capacity to beuncoupled from the responses of stomatal density to changesin atmospheric CO2 concentration. There was a decrease in stomataldensity and stomatal index with CO2 enrichment on both white(unpigmented) and green (pigmented) leaf areas. A similar responseof stomatal density and index was also observed on areas ofleaves with pigmentation other than green indicating that anydifferences in metabolic processes associated with colouredleaves are not influencing the responses of stomatal densityto CO2 concentrations. Therefore the carboxylation capacityof mesophyll tissue has no direct influence on stomatal densityand index responses as suggested previously (Friend and Woodward1990 Advances in Ecological Research 20: 59-124), instead theresponses were related to leaf structure. The stomatal characteristics(density and index) of homobaric variegated leaves showed agreater sensitivity to CO2 on green portions, whereas heterobaricleaves showed a greater sensitivity on white areas. These resultsprovide evidence that leaf structure may play an important rolein determining the magnitude of stomatal density and index responsesto CO2 concentrations.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Leaf structure, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, CO2, stomatal density, stomatal index  相似文献   

MARSHALL  B.; VOS  J. 《Annals of botany》1991,68(1):33-39
Measurements of the rate of light-saturated photosynthesis (Pmax)were made on terminal leaflets of potato plants growing in cropssupplied with 0, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 g N m–2. Measurementswere made between 100 and 154 d after planting. Two types ofleaf were selected—the fourth leaf on the second-levelbranch (L4, B1) and the youngest terminal leaflet that was measurable(LYM). Later, the total nitrogen concentration of each leaflet(NL) was measured. A linear regression between Pmax and NL,common to both leaf positions, explained 68.5% of the totalvariation. With L4, B1 leaves there was a significant improvementin the proportion of variation explained when regressions withseparate intercepts and a common slope were fitted to individualfertilizer treatments. These results suggest that an increasingproportion of leaf nitrogen was not associated with the performanceof the photosynthetic system with increasing nitrogen supply.This separation between nitrogen treatments was not as clearfor LYM leaves. Stomatal conductance to transfer of water vapourwas neither influenced by leaf position nor directly by nitrogensupply. Rather conductance declined in parallel with the declinein photosynthetic capacity. Solanum tuberosum, potato, nitrogen, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, leaf  相似文献   

Alscher, R., Bower, J. L. and Zipfel, W. 1987. The basis fordifferent sensitivities of photosynthesis to SO2 in two cultivarsof pea.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 99–108. The response of several physiological parameters to exposureto SO2 (0?8 ppm and 0?6 ppm) was studied in two cultivars ofPisum sativum in which photosynthesis showed a different sensitivityto SO2. Leaf conductance was slightly reduced during exposureto SO2 in the sensitive but not the insensitive cultivar. Moresulphite accumulated in the leaves of the sensitive than inthose of the insensitive cultivar. Total leaf content of reducedglutathione in the insensitive cultivar increased during exposureto SO2, while in the sensitive cultivar there was no increaseuntil the post-exposun period. The activities of fructose l,6-bisphosphataseand glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase did not decreasegreatly in either cultivar, although activities of enzymes fromthe sensitive cultivar were more affected by SO2 than were thoseof the insensitive cultivar. Exposure to SO2 also had littleeffect on either coupled or uncoupled electron transport ofisolated thylakoids from the leaves of either cultivar. Increasedglutathione in the insensitive cultivar may protect the photosyntheticapparatus against SO2 Key words: SO2, photosynthesis, light modulation, glutathione  相似文献   

Abstract Leaf diffusion resistance and leaf water potential of intact Solanum melongena plants were measured during a period of chilling at 6 °C. Two pretreatments, consisting of a period of water stress or a foliar spraying of abscisic acid (ABA), were imposed upon the plants prior to chilling. The control plants did not receive a pretreatment. In addition to intact plant studies, stomatal responses to water loss and exogenous abscisic acid were investigated using excised leaves, and the influence of the pretreatment observed. Chilled, control plants wilted slowly and maintained open stomata despite a decline in leaf water potential to –2.2 MPa after 2 d of chilling. In contrast plants that had been water stressed or had been sprayed with abscisic acid, prior to chilling, did not wilt and maintained a higher leaf water potential and a greater leaf diffusion resistance. In plants that had not received a pretreatment, abscisic acid caused stomatal closure at 35 °C, but at 6°C it did not influence stomatal aperture. The two pretreatments greatly increased stomatal sensitivity to both exogenous ABA and water stress, at both temperatures. Stomatal response to water loss from excised leaves was greatly reduced at 6°C. These results are discussed in relation to low temperature effects on stomata and the influence of preconditioning upon plant water relations.  相似文献   

The effect of high light and root chilling on gas exchange,chlorophyll fluorescence, and bulk shoot water potential (shoot)was examined for Pinus sylvestris seedlings. Transferring plantsfrom low light (200 µmol m–2s–1, PAR) anda soil temperature of 15 °C to high light (850 µmolm–2 s–1) and 1 °C caused >90% decrease innet photosynthesis and leaf conductance measured at 350 mm3dm-3 CO2, and a decrease in the ratio of variable to maximumfluorescence (Fv/Fm) from 0.83 to 0.63. The decrease in Fv/Fmwas, however, only marginally greater than when seedlings weretransferred from low to high light but kept at a soil temperatureof 15 °C. Thus, photoinhibition was a minor component ofthe substantial decrease observed for net photosynthesis at1 °C soil temperature. The decrease in net photosynthesisand shoot at 1 °C was associated with an increase in calculatedintracellular CO2 concentration, suggesting that non-stomatalfactors related to water stress were involved in inhibitingcarbon assimilation. Measurements at saturating external CO2concentration, however, indicate that stomatal closure was thedominant factor limiting net photosynthesis at low soil temperature.This interpretation was confirmed with additional experimentsusing Pinus taeda and Picea engelmannii seedlings. Decreasesin gas-exchange variables at 5 °C soil temperature werenot associated with changes in shoot Thus, hormonal factors,localized decreases in needles or changes in xylem flux maymediate the response to moderate root chilling.  相似文献   

Effect of High Temperature on Photosynthesis in Potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of high temperatures on the rate of photosynthesiswas studied in several potato varieties. Temperatures of upto 38 °C did not cause a reduction in the photosynthesisof plants that had been grown at these temperatures for longperiods prior to measurement. Higher temperatures of 40–42°C, or the transfer of plants from daytime temperature regimesof 22 °C to 32 °C, caused a reduction in net photosynthesis.This reduction was found to be essentially mesophyllic in origin.High temperature was found to be associated with a decreasein stomatal resistance, an increase in transpiration, and alarger difference between air and leaf temperatures. Dark respirationrates and compensation points for CO2 concentration were alsogreater at the high temperatures. It was concluded that thepotato crop can be adopted to grow and have an adequate rateof photosynthesis even at relatively high temperatures. Source-sinkrelationships, which were modified by the later formation oftubers at higher temperatures, did not affect photosynthesisin this study. Varietal differences in resistance to heat stresswere observed, with the clone Cl-884 showing a more efficientcapacity for photosynthesis at temperatures up to 40 °Cthan many commonly grown varieties. High temperature, photosynthesis, potato, Solanum tuberosum L  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide and water vapour exchanges for single attachedleaves of the temperate C4 grass Spartina townsendii were measuredunder controlled environment conditions in an open gas-exchangesystem. The responses of net photosynthesis, stomatal resistance,and residual resistance to leaf temperature and photon fluxdensity are described. The light and temperature responses ofnet photosynthesis in S. townsendii are compared to informationon these responses in both temperate C3 grasses and sub-tropicalC4 grasses. Adaptation of photosynthesis in this C4 speciesto a cool temperate climate is indicated both by the light andtemperature responses of net photo-synthesis. Unlike the C4grasses examined previously, significant rates of net photosynthesiscan be detected at leaf temperatures below 10?C. Rates of netphotosynthesis equal or exceed those reported for temperateC3 grasses at all of the temperature (5–40?C) and photonflax density (13–2500µmol m–2 s–1) conditionsexamined. Maximum rates of net photosynthesis in S. townsendiiare almost double those reported for C3 herbage grasses. Unliketemperate C3 grasses, the major limitation to net photosynthesisat low leaf temperatures (10?C and below) is the stomatal resistance,showing that the low residual resistance characteristic of C4species is maintained in S. townsendii even at low leaf temperatures.  相似文献   

Single clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L) grownfrom explants in a Perlite rooting medium, and dependent fornitrogen on N2 fixation in root nodules, were grown for severalweeks in controlled environments which provided two regimesof CO2, and temperature 23/18 °C day/night temperaturesat 680 µmol mol–1 CO2, (C680), and 20/15 °Cday/night temperatures at 340 µmol mol–1 CO2 (C340)After 3–4 weeks of growth, when the plants were acclimatedto the environmental regimes, leaf and whole-plant photosynthesisand respiration were measured using conventional infra-red gasanalysis techniques Elevated CO2 and temperature increased ratesof photosynthesis of young, fully expanded leaves at the growthirradiance by 17–29%, despite decreased stomatal conductancesand transpiration rates Water use efficiency (mol CO2 mol H2O–1)was also significantly increased Plants acclimated to elevatedCO2, and temperature exhibited rates of leaf photosynthesisvery similar to those of C340 leaves ‘instantaneously’exposed to the C680 regime However, leaves developed in theC680 regime photosynthesised less rapidly than C340 leaves whenboth were exposed to a normal CO2, and temperature environmentIn measurements where irradiance was varied, the enhancementof photosynthesis in elevated CO2 at 23 °C increased graduallyfrom approx 10 % at 100 µmol m–1 s–1 to >27 % at 1170 µmol m–2 s–1 In parallel, wateruse efficiency increased by 20–40 % at 315 µmolm–2 s–1 In parallel, water use efficiency increasedby 20–40 % at 315 µmol m–2 s–1 In parallel,water use efficiency increased by 20–40 % at 315 µmolm–2 s–1 In parallel, water use efficiency increasedby 20–40 % at 315 µmol m–2 s–1 to approx100 % at the highest irradiance Elevated CO2, and temperatureincreased whole-plant photosynthesis by > 40 %, when expressedin terms of shoot surface area or shoot weight No effects ofelevated CO2 and temperature on rate of tissue respiration,either during growth or measurement, were established for singleleaves or for whole plants Dependence on N2, fixation in rootnodules appeared to have no detrimental effect on photosyntheticperformance in elevated CO2, and temperature Trifolium repens, white clover, photosynthesis, respiration, elevated CO2, elevated temperature, water use efficiency, N2 fixation  相似文献   

植物气孔导度的机理模型   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Ball-Berry气孔导度模型及其修正模型是评价植物叶片气孔调节的重要工具。该文从CO2分子在叶片气孔中扩散这个最基本的物理过程出发, 应用物理学中的分子扩散和碰撞理论、流体力学与植物生理学等知识, 严格推导出叶片气孔导度的机理模型。利用美国Li-Cor公司生产的Li-6400光合作用测定仪控制CO2浓度、湿度和温度, 测量了华北平原冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)的光响应数据和气孔导度数据。拟合结果表明: 推导的气孔导度机理模型较之Ball-Berry气孔导度模型和Tuzet等气孔导度模型, 能更好地描述冬小麦的气孔导度与净光合速率之间的关系。如果用气孔导度的机理模型耦合光合作用对光响应的修正模型, 则耦合模型可以很好地描述华北平原冬小麦叶片气孔导度对光强的响应曲线, 并可直接估算冬小麦的最大气孔导度和对应的饱和光强, 同时可以研究最大气孔导度是否与最大净光合速率同步的问题。拟合结果还表明: 冬小麦在30 ℃、560 μmol·mol-1CO2, 或在32 ℃、370 μmol·mol-1CO2条件下, 最大气孔导度与最大净光合速率并不同步。  相似文献   

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