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Tritiated thymidine incorporation (TTI) into DNA was used to estimate bacterial productivity in sediment and water samples from two sites in Langebaan Lagoon, South Africa. Routine analysis of isotope dilution showed seasonal variations of approximately threefold in the thymidine precursor pool sizes for bacterial assemblages from each site. Dual label incorporation of [3H]-thymidine and 14C-leucine into DNA and protein, respectively, showed that pelagic but not sediment assemblages were in a balanced state of growth during TTI. This is the first report of dual label measurements of bacterial production in sediments. Sediments supported bacterial productivities that exceeded those in the water column by factors from five- to 950-fold, whereas bacterial abundance supported by sediments exceeded that in the water column by more than 3 orders of magnitude. Estimates of bacterial productivities in sediments were coincident with levels of organic content in sediments, but not with bacterial abundance. Measurements of TTI activity for 5 different benthic microhabitats at one lagoon site showed highest activity associated with seagrass beds (2.11 ± 0.84 nmol thymidine hours–1 g-1 dry weight), whereas activities decreased with depth (0.46 ± 0.21 nmol thymidine hours–1 g–I dry weight) below sediment surface.Offprint requests to: B. J. Tibbles.  相似文献   

Baric  A.  Kuspilic  G.  Matijevic  S. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):151-159
Nutrient benthic fluxes, as well as sediment phosphorus concentration at the open sea and coastal water stations of the Central and South Adriatic were studied during 1997–98. The fluxes were in the ranges: 0.16–2.67 mmol m–2 d–1 (silicate); –0.031–0.164 mmol m–2 d–1 (phosphate); –0.51–2.03 mmol m–2 d–1 (ammonia); and –1.32–1.62 mmol m–2 d–1 (nitrate + nitrite). Silicate flux showed a gradient from the coastal area to the open sea. Ammonia was the main nitrogen species in the flux at the estuary and bay stations, while the sum of nitrate and nitrite was predominant at the open sea stations. Relationships between phosphate and ammonia fluxes (r = 0.699, p<0.01) as well as phosphate and silicate (r = 0.529, p<0.01) were established.  相似文献   

Dixon  J. L.  Turley  C. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):217-225
The effect of water depth on bacterial biomass and their ability to synthesise DNA, by measuring their rate of [3H]-thymidine incorporation, was investigated in the northeast Atlantic at three sites of varying water depth (1100–3580 m) and sediment characteristics. Thymidine incorporation rates (y) in surficial sediments varied between 0.028 and 1.44 pmol h–1 g–1 and showed an exponential relationship with depth (x) according to the equation y= 2.05e–0.0011x (r=0.9830 for n=7, P<0.001). However, this relationship failed when a layer of phytodetritus was found overlying the surface sediment and [3H]-thymidine incorporation rates increased by 80–339%. In contrast, bacterial numbers varied between 1.09 and 11.96 × 108 cells g–1 (dry weight) and showed no significant relationships with water depth or sediment POC/TN content. Significant exponential relationships were also found between water depth (x) and the POC (y 1) and total nitrogen (TN, y 2) content of surficial sediments according to the following equations: where y 1 = 719e–0.0003x (r=0.8700 for n=9, P<0.01) and y 2 = 76e–0.0002x(r=0.7582 for n=9 P<0.02). These relationships were irrespective of the presence or absence of an overlying layer of phytodetritus. This suggests that the POC and TN content of these surficial deep sea sediments is directly related to the flux of material through the water column, which significantly impacts bacterial production.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacterial biomass and growth rates were examined in stromatolites formed from four different types of benthic cyanobacterial mats. Bacteria in algal mats were counted using direct microscopy and biomass was estimated from the numbers of bacteria. Heterotrophic bacterial growth rates were estimated from the rate of incorporation of tritiated thy‐midine into DNA. Pustular mat, which occurs in the upper in‐tertidal zone, contained relatively few bacteria in the surface layers (0–5 mm), having about 0.2 x 106 cells mm‐3, or 20 mgC m‐2 per millimetre depth. Other mats in the lower intertidal and subtidal zones had from 1 x 106 cells mm‐3 to 8 x 106 cells mm‐3. Heterotrophic bacterial productivities were 2.1 to 5.0 mgC m‐2 h‐1. Turnover times were an average of 1 day in the sandy sediment and 5 days in the colloform mat. Although these results are minimum estimates, they indicate that heterotrophic bacteria contribute substantially to the carbon cycle in stromatolites, by utilizing about 20 to 30% of primary production.  相似文献   

温度对外源性32P在水、铜绿微囊藻和底泥中迁移的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用同位素示踪法,在实验室模拟研究不同温度下外源性无机磷酸盐在水、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)和底泥中的迁移过程.外源性32P加入水中后,首先是一种与温度无关的快速物理化学分配,大量溶解性磷酸盐迅速进入底泥和微囊藻中.随后水中32P的迁移主要受微囊藻生长状况的影响.温度升高有利于微囊藻的生长,并提高了微囊藻吸磷的速度.微囊藻中最大外源性磷浓度只与水环境中的初始磷浓度有关.25℃时铜绿微囊藻的生长曲线有7d的对数期,没有明显的稳定期就转入衰亡期.在25℃时,当微囊藻超积累P到一定程度后,其对数生长同细胞内含P量无关.随着时间的推移,外源性32P不断向底泥中迁移,实验末期所有的32P都转移到底泥中.提高温度使水中溶解性外源性磷的下降速率加快,7d后水中溶解的外源性磷浓度低于0.00716mg·L-1.  相似文献   

Summary Organic carbon-rich sediments from the surface of fresh, intermediate, brackish and salt marshes of coastal Louisiana were sampled and analyzed for their 13C content. The average 13C from all sites within each wetland type was-27.8,-22.1,-16.9, and-16.2, for fresh, intermediate, brackish and salt marshes, respectively. Means from the fresh, intermediate and brackish marshes were significantly different at the 0.01 level. A mixing model using measurements of standing crop and 13C of plant carbon was applied to estimate the contribution of each species to the sedimentary carbon at four of the marsh sites. Sedimentary 13C values generally reflected that of the dominant species present at each site. Brackish and salt marsh samples, however, showed a negative shift of 13C with respect to whole plant carbon. We interpret these depeleted 13C values to be the result of more extensive organic matter decomposition and selective preservation of 13C-depleted refractory components in sediments from saline sites. The results of this study suggest that 13C composition of sedimentary carbon may offer a valuable tool for distinguishing subtle changes in paleohydrology of wetlands resulting from relative sea level changes.  相似文献   

A new species (Campylopodium allonense) of the moss family Dicranaceae is described for fossil sporophyte capsules and associated gametophytes from the late Santonian (Late Cretaceous) Buffalo Creek Member of the Gaillard Formation in central Georgia, USA. The sporophyte capsules are most comparable to those of the living genus Campylopodium. Sporangia are curved, cylindrical, and strumose, with an obliquely rostrate operculum, cucullate calyptra, and compound annulus. The peristome is haplolepidous with 16 dicranoid, apically bifid teeth that are vertically striate on the outer surface and asymmetrically trabeculate on the inner surface. Spores are spherical, alete, and finely rugose, and thus differ from the finely papillose spores of extant Campylopodium. Associated fossil gametophytes are consistent with the morphology of extant Campylopodium and have leaves with a broad sheathing base and a narrow blade. Spores identical to those in the sporangium occur on the leaf surfaces of one of the gametophyte specimens, providing circumstantial evidence that both sporophyte and gametophyte belong to the same species. Inadequacies of the moss fossil record have led to contrasting interpretations of the timing of evolutionary change in this lineage since the Paleozoic. Campylopodium allonense unequivocally provides the earliest evidence of Dicranaceae in the fossil record. This material, along with other fossil mosses from this late Santonian locality, indicates the presence of modern families of mosses in the Cretaceous. In a phylogenetic context, these fossils from two different subclasses imply that mosses were already diverse by the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of dissolved and particulate trace metals has been studied in the water column and the sediments of the Scheldt estuary between 1987 and 1990. A strong seasonal influence on the behaviour of dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn is observed, related to the redox conditions in the upper estuary and phytoplankton activity in the lower estuary (which are both seasonally dependent variables). The dissolved trace metal concentrations in the fresh water end-member are remarkably low during spring and summer, due to metal sulphide precipitation in the anoxic Scheldt river. However, the dissolved concentrations increase rapidly with increasing salinity, due to oxidation of metal sulphides that are present in the suspended matter, accompanied by (e.g. chloro-)complexation of the released metals. Readsorption of Cd and Zn occurs in the lower estuary during the spring phytoplankton bloom. During winter, when the Scheldt river is not completely anoxic, much higher dissolved trace metal concentrations are observed in the fresh water end-member since metal sulphide precipitation in the water column is precluded. Rapid trace metal removal is observed in the low salinity, high turbidity zone, due to adsorption onto suspended matter and freshly precipitated iron and manganese oxyhydroxides. Upon further mixing, desorption is apparent, due to a similar oxidation-complexation mechanism as observed during spring and summer. Pore water infusion may also contribute to the enrichment of dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn in the mid-estuarine region. The trace metal contents of the suspended matter and the sediments show a continuous decrease with increasing salinity. This behaviour is to a very large extent due to physical mixing of contaminated fluvial particulates and relatively unpolluted marine particulates. Desorption of Cd, Cu and Zn can be identified but is of minor importance compared to the conservative mixing process. The distribution of dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn in the pore waters of the mid-estuarine region reflects the impact of early diagenetic processes. Trace metal peaks are observed near the sediment-water interface, and at greater depth in the manganese and iron reduction zones. These peaks are attributed to oxidation of reduced trace metal compounds (e.g. sulphides) and reduction of the (iron and manganese) oxide carrier phases, respectively. At greater depth, the dissolved trace metal concentrations are much lower due to metal sulphide precipitation in the sulphate reduction zone. Analysis of a large sediment dataset indicates severe trace metal pollution of the Scheldt estuary at the end of the fifties. A major reduction of the pollution by As, Cr, Hg, Pb, and Zn has occurred in the seventies, and of Cd and Cu in the eighties. The Ni pollution has increased over the time period considered. In spite of this improvement, the present-day pollution status of the Scheldt estuary is still reason for concern.  相似文献   

Hg cycling in biologically productive coastal areas is of special importance given the potential for bioaccumulation of monomethylmercury (MMHg) into aquatic organisms. Field experiments were performed during three different seasons in Arcachon Bay, a mesotidal lagoon (SW France), to assess the variability of the water column concentrations, sediment–water exchanges and potential formation and degradation of MMHg. The objectives were to evaluate the contribution of intertidal mudflats to MMHg production and the various pathways of Hg species export. Dissolved and bulk concentrations of Hg species in the water column downstream of tidal flats were measured throughout several tidal cycles. The Hg benthic fluxes at the sediment–water interface were determined by means of benthic chambers for three different stations. Hg methylation and demethylation potentials were determined in surficial sediments and the water column using isotopic tracers. The tidal surveys demonstrated that benthic remobilization of Hg occurs primarily in association with sediment erosion and advection during ebb tide. However, elevated dissolved Hg concentrations observed at low tide were found to be caused by a combination of pore-waters seeping, benthic fluxes and methylation in the water column. Benthic fluxes were more intense during late winter conditions (median MMHg and inorganic Hg (IHg) fluxes: 64 and 179 pmol m?2 h?1, respectively) and subsequently decreased in spring (median 0.7 and ?5 pmol m?2 h?1, respectively) and fall (median ?0.4 and ?1.3 pmol m?2 h?1, respectively). The trends in methylation and demethylation potentials were at the opposite of the fluxes, two times lower during winter than for spring or fall conditions. In this tidal environment, MMHg production in surface sediments and its subsequent release is estimated to be the major source of MMHg to the water column during winter and spring time. However, during the more productive summer period, the Hg methylation extent in the water column may be very significant and equivalent to the sediment contribution.  相似文献   

《Harmful algae》2007,6(5):623-631
The seasonal distribution of Prorocentrum lima within the epibiotic community associated with wild and cultured shellfish was studied at eight sites in northeastern USA coastal waters. This dinoflagellate produces toxins that can potentially accumulate in shellfish and lead to diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. Four sites in semi-sheltered environments provided sufficient data for an evaluation of population dynamics. The two southernmost populations (Point Judith Pond and Bluff Hill Cove in Rhode Island) displayed a double peak in abundance, one from March to June, with several thousands cells per g dry weight of collected epibiota, and a second one, sometimes minor, in autumn. At the two northern stations (New Meadows River and Clam Cove in Maine), P. lima populations also peaked twice but with a delay in timing. All four sites harbored filamentous seaweeds and aggregations of tube-forming or chains of diatoms, providing a favorable habitat for this epiphytic dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

Campylobacter is the leading cause of bacterium-associated diarrhea in the United States and most developed countries. While this disease is considered a food-borne disease, many clinical cases cannot be linked to a food source. In rural and agrarian areas environmental transmission may be an important factor contributing to case loads. Here we investigated the waterborne prevalence of campylobacters in a mixed-use rural watershed in the coastal plain of southern Georgia (United States). Six sites representing various degrees of agricultural and human influence were surveyed biweekly to monthly for 1 year for the presence of culturable thermophilic campylobacters and other measures of water quality. Campylobacters were frequently present in agriculture- and sewage-impacted stretches of streams. The mean campylobacter counts and overall prevalence were highest downstream from a wastewater treatment plant that handled both human and poultry slaughterhouse waste (相似文献   

The masking of bacteria by abundant microparticles of the clay and silt fraction and cell losses due to sonication hampered direct enumeration of bacteria in sediments dominated by fine sediments. These problems can be circumvented by dissolving silicate fine particles using hydrofluoric acid and subsequent staining of bacteria by DTAF. The developed disintegration method partly replaces mechanical separation of bacteria from sediment particles by chemical disintegration of the silicates. Recovery efficiency ranged from 90% to 111% for different clays and clay-dominated sediments. Especially for the analysis of fine sediments and clays, this method circumvents both strong dilution of the sediment sample and harsh sonication. The method can also therefore be used in sediments where particle abundance is several orders of magnitude higher than bacterial abundance and simple dilution would not suffice in reliably counting bacteria.  相似文献   

Microbiological and biogeochemical investigations of the coastal zone and the littoral of the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea were carried out. The material for investigations was obtained in the series of expeditions of the Institute of Microbiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, in August 1999, 2000, 2001, and in March 2003. The studies were conducted on the littoral and in the water area of the Kandalaksha Preserve, the Moscow University Belomorsk Biological Station, and the Zoological Institute Biological Station, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sediment sampling on the littoral was carried out in the typical microlandscapes differing in the sediment properties and macrobenthos distribution. The maximal sulfate reduction rate (SRR) was shown for the shallow part of the Chemorechenskaya Bay (up to 2550 micrograms S/(dm3 day)) and in the Bab'ye More Bay (up to 3191 micrograms S/(dm3 day)). During the winter season, at a temperature of -0.5-0.5 degrees C, the SRR in the sediments of the Kartesh Bay was 7.9-13 micrograms S/(dm3 day). In the widest limits, the SRR values varied in the sediment cores sampled on the littoral. The minimal values (11 mu]g S/(dm3 day)) were obtained in the core samples on the silt-sandy littoral. The littoral finely dispersed sediments rich in organic matter were characterized by high SRR values (524-1413 micrograms S/(dm3 day)). The maximal SRR values were shown for the sediments present within the stretch of decomposing macrophytes, in local pits at the lower littoral waterline, and in the mouth of a freshwater stream (51-159 mg S/(dm3 day)). A sharp difference in the level of H2S production in the type microlandscapes was shown. The average hydrogen sulfide production in finely dispersed sediments constituted 125 mg S/(m2 day); in stormy discharge deposits, 1950 mg S/(m2 day); in depressions under stones and in silted pits, 4300 mg S/(m2 day). A calculation made with regard to the area of microlandscapes with increased productivity shows that the daily H2S production per 1 km2 of the littoral (August) is 60.8 to 202 kg S/(km2 day), while the organic carbon consumption for sulfate reduction per 1 km2 of the littoral is 46 to 152 kg C(org)/(km2 day).  相似文献   

Crustaceans worldwide are infected with alveolate parasites of the genus Hematodinium, causing substantial losses to langoustine and crab fisheries. The distinct seasonality in Hematodinium occurrence in their decapod hosts, as well as unsuccessful attempts at transmission, suggest the existence of life stages outside their benthic crustacean hosts. We used a nested polymerase chain reaction method to detect Hematodinium rDNA in the environment and in potential alternative hosts. Environmental samples from the Clyde Sea, Scotland, were screened during the April release of dinospores and during June and August, when infection prevalence is rare in benthic crustaceans. Hematodinium rDNA was amplified in 15% (14/94) of isolated langoustine larvae, and in 12% (13/111) of crab larvae. In addition, Hematodinium rDNA was present in mixed plankton samples devoid of decapod larvae, but including the 2 μm-10 mm fraction of particulate organic matter in the water column, containing phytoplankton and other zooplankton. These results indicate that Hematodinium occurs in the water column and is harboured by planktonic organisms, including larval stages of the crustacean hosts, when infections are at their lowest in adult hosts.  相似文献   

The Black Sea is a permanently anoxic, marine basin serving as model system for the deposition of organic-rich sediments in a highly stratified ocean. In such systems, archaeal lipids are widely used as paleoceanographic and biogeochemical proxies; however, the diverse planktonic and benthic sources as well as their potentially distinct diagenetic fate may complicate their application. To track the flux of archaeal lipids and to constrain their sources and turnover, we quantitatively examined the distributions and stable carbon isotopic compositions (δ13C) of intact polar lipids (IPLs) and core lipids (CLs) from the upper oxic water column into the underlying sediments, reaching deposits from the last glacial. The distribution of IPLs responded more sensitively to the geochemical zonation than the CLs, with the latter being governed by the deposition from the chemocline. The isotopic composition of archaeal lipids indicates CLs and IPLs in the deep anoxic water column have negligible influence on the sedimentary pool. Archaeol substitutes tetraether lipids as the most abundant IPL in the deep anoxic water column and the lacustrine methanic zone. Its elevated IPL/CL ratios and negative δ13C values indicate active methane metabolism. Sedimentary CL- and IPL-crenarchaeol were exclusively derived from the water column, as indicated by non-variable δ13C values that are identical to those in the chemocline and by the low BIT (branched isoprenoid tetraether index). By contrast, in situ production accounts on average for 22% of the sedimentary IPL-GDGT-0 (glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether) based on isotopic mass balance using the fermentation product lactate as an endmember for the dissolved substrate pool. Despite the structural similarity, glycosidic crenarchaeol appears to be more recalcitrant in comparison to its non-cycloalkylated counterpart GDGT-0, as indicated by its consistently higher IPL/CL ratio in sediments. The higher TEX86, CCaT, and GDGT-2/-3 values in glacial sediments could plausibly result from selective turnover of archaeal lipids and/or an archaeal ecology shift during the transition from the glacial lacustrine to the Holocene marine setting. Our in-depth molecular-isotopic examination of archaeal core and intact polar lipids provided new constraints on the sources and fate of archaeal lipids and their applicability in paleoceanographic and biogeochemical studies.  相似文献   

Twelve species of talitrid amphipods were recorded from pitfall transects across the supralittoral and maritime zones at three localities on the west coast of Tasmania; three were sandhoppers, the rest were landhoppers. There was a sharp demarcation between the highest range of the sandhoppers and the lowest range of the landhoppers. Organic content and sodium content of the substrate in the range of the sandhoppers were very low, but rose sharply as the sand was colonised by plants, and landhoppers replaced sandhoppers. Coastal group landhopper species were restricted to a zone about 40–70 m above the high tide mark. Cooler, wetter weather increased the activity of sandhoppers, but only affected landhopper activity slightly. These differences support the idea that landhoppers did not evolve directly from sandhopper ancestors.  相似文献   

The incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the DNA of the dorsal foot-pad nuclei of Sarcophaga bullata, during pharate adult development, was studied by scintillation counting and autoradiography. Incorporation was maximal on day 4 and showed a progressive temporal decline on days 5 to 8. Autoradiographs of chromosomal arms A1, A2 and D1, from late stages of the prolonged S period, showed discontinuous incorporation. On days 7 and 8 loci which incorporated the radio-labeled precursor were almost exclusively associated with DNA granules. DNA granules were associated with 8 specific loci in chromosomal arm A1, 10 in A2, and 8 in D1. The relationship between patterns of incorporation of tritiated thymidine and DNA granules is discussed.Deceased June 15, 1975  相似文献   

Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) was first observed in sweet onions in Georgia (USA) in 2003 in the Vidalia region. The virus had been reported in the onion‐growing regions in western USA several years before being detected in Georgia in the east. Although symptoms were observed on onions in Peru several years earlier, the presence of IYSV was not confirmed in Peru until after the virus was detected in Georgia. We characterized nine isolates of IYSV recovered from sweet onions in both Georgia (four isolates) and Peru (five isolates) by sequencing the nucleocapsid (N) gene and compared those sequences with sequences available in GenBank. Sequence divergence between IYSV isolates from Georgia and Peru was low with 1.1%, and comparisons with IYSV isolates from other regions showed divergence of up to 11.4%. Bootstrap analysis indicated with a high degree of confidence that the Georgia and Peruvian isolates fell into the same clade and were different from known isolates from western USA that fell into sister clades. The high degree of similarity between Georgia and Peruvian isolates suggests that gene flow occurred from Peru into Georgia.  相似文献   

The following parameters were measured during May 1976 along the coasts of the Gulf of Elat (or: Gulf of Aqaba): phytoplankton species composition, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic production; weight of suspended particles and nutrient concentration; chlorophyll content of the sediments. The study areas were coral reefs of the northern part of the Gulf and a mangrove pool south of it. Phytoplankton characteristics and nutrient levels are those of oligotrophic waters. However, the sediments harbour such an abundant plant biomass that in coastal waters per m2 surface area, there is several hundred times more chlorophyll in the sand than in the plankton. Reasons why both the mangrove and the coral reef may exhibit the same trends are discussed.  相似文献   

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