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Our aim was to investigate the effect of a single testosterone (T) injection on the androgen receptor (AR) in rat skeletal muscle (SM) cytosol. The properties of AR were studied in order to establish the protocol for differential determination of free and hormone-occupied AR in SM cytosols from non-hormone-deficient animals. Using the developed ligand-exchange protocol, we demonstrated that injection of T (1 mg/kg) caused alternating changes of the total AR binding. The binding minimum (23% of the control) was measured 1 h after the injection. It was followed by pronounced and lasting elevation of the AR binding. In the control cytosols, AR complexes constituted 25% of the total receptor content. Changes of their relative content immediately after T administration were consistent with rapid nuclear translocation of the AR. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide (CHI) injection demonstrated that delayed and lasting increase of the AR binding after T injection partially depended on the stimulated protein synthesis. Altogether, the obtained evidence supports the assumption that the AR mediates elevation of its own gene expression in SM upon administration of T.  相似文献   

Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of testosterone introduced for therapeutic purposes providing enhanced anabolic potency with reduced androgenic effects. Androgens mediate their action through their binding to the androgen receptor (AR) which is mainly expressed in androgen target tissues, such as the prostate, skeletal muscle, liver and central nervous system. This paper reviews some of the wide spectrum of testosterone and synthetic AAS structure modifications related to the intended enhancement in anabolic activity. The structural features of steroids necessary for effective binding to the AR and those which contribute to the stipulation of the androgenic and anabolic activities are also presented.  相似文献   

This study examined the acute hormonal responses to a single high power resistance exercise training session. Four weight trained men (X ± SD; age [yrs] = 24.5 ± 2.9; hgt [m] = 1.82 ± 0.05; BW [kg] = 96.9 ± 10.6; 1 RM barbell squat [kg] = 129.3 ± 17.4) participated as subjects in two randomly ordered sessions. During the lifting session, serum samples were collected pre- and 5 min post-exercise, and later analyzed for testosterone (Tes), cortisol (Cort), their ratio (Tes/Cort), and lactate (HLa). The lifting protocol was 10 × 5 speed squats at 70% of system mass (1 RM + BW) with 2 min inter-set rest intervals. Mean power and velocity were determined for each repetition using an external dynamometer. On the control day, the procedures and times (1600–1900 h) were identical except the subjects did not lift. Tes and Cort were analyzed via EIA. Mean ± SD power and velocity was 1377.1 ± 9.6 W and 0.79 ± 0.01 m s−1 respectively for all repetitions, and did not decrease over the 10 sets (p < 0.05). Although not significant, post-exercise Tes exhibited a very large effect size (nmol L−1; pre = 12.5 ± 2.9, post = 20.0 ± 3.9; Cohen’s D = 1.27). No changes were observed for either Cort or the Tes/Cort ratio. HLa significantly increased post-exercise (mmol L−1; pre = 1.00 ± 0.09, post = 4.85 ± 1.10). The exercise protocol resulted in no significant changes in Tes, Cort or the Tes/Cort ratio, although the Cohen’s D value indicates a very large effect size for the Tes response. The acute increase for Tes is in agreement with previous reports that high power activities can elicit a Tes response. High power resistance exercise protocols such as the one used in the present study produce acute increases of Tes. These results indicate that high power resistance exercise can contribute to an anabolic hormonal response with this type of training, and may partially explain the muscle hypertrophy observed in athletes who routinely employ high power resistance exercise.  相似文献   

Inability to respond to the circulating androgens is named as androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS). Mutations in the androgen receptor (AR) gene are the most common cause of AIS. A cause and effect relationship between some of these mutations and the AIS phenotype has been proven by in vitro studies. Several other mutations have been identified, but need to be functionally validated for pathogenicity. Screening of the AR mutations upon presumptive diagnosis of AIS is recommended. We analyzed a case of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) for mutations in the AR gene. Sequencing of the entire coding region revealed C > G mutation (CTT–GTT) at codon 712 (position according to the NCBI database) in exon 4 of the gene, resulting in replacement of leucine with valine in the ligand-binding domain of the AR protein. No incidence of this mutation was observed in 230 normal male individuals analyzed for comparison. In vitro androgen binding and transactivation assays using mutant clone showed approximately 71% loss of ligand binding and about 76% loss of transactivation function. We conclude that CAIS in this individual was due to L712V substitution in the androgen receptor protein.  相似文献   

Chemical starting points were investigated for downregulation of the androgen receptor as an approach to treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Although prototypic steroidal downregulators such as 6a designed for intramuscular administration showed insufficient cellular potency, a medicinal chemistry program derived from a novel androgen receptor ligand 8a led to 6-[4-(4-cyanobenzyl)piperazin-1-yl]-3-(trifluoromethyl)[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-b]pyridazine (10b), for which high plasma levels following oral administration in a preclinical model compensate for moderate cellular potency.  相似文献   

Unilateral and bilateral lower-body heavy resistance exercises (HREs) are used for strength training. Little research has examined whether muscle activation and testosterone (TES) responses differ between these exercises. Our purpose was to compare the effects of unilateral and bilateral lower-body HRE on muscle activity using surface electromyography (sEMG) and TES concentrations. Ten resistance-trained, college-aged male athletes (football, track and field) completed 5 testing sessions in which bilateral (back squat [BS]) and unilateral (pitcher squat [PS]) exercises were performed using a counterbalanced design. Sessions 1 and 2 determined estimated maximum strength (10 repetition maximum [10RM]) in the BS and PS. During testing session 3, muscle activation (sEMG) was measured in the right vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, gluteus maximus, and erector spinae (ES) during both BS and PS (stance leg) exercises. In sessions 4 and 5, total TES concentrations (nanomoles per liter) were measured via blood draws at baseline (preexercise), 0, 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes postexercise after 4 sets of 10 repetitions at the 10RM. Separate repeated-measures analyses of variance examined differences in sEMG and TES between BS and PS (p < 0.05). The sEMG amplitudes were similar (p = 0.80) for BS (0.22 ± 0.06 mV) and PS (0.20 ± 0.07 mV). The TES responses were also similar (p = 0.15) between BS (21.8 ± 6.9 nmol·L(-1)) and PS (26.2 ± 10.1 nmol·L(-1)). The similar lower limb and back sEMG and TES responses may indicate that the neuromuscular and hormonal demands were comparable for both the BS and PS exercises despite the absolute work being less in the PS. The PS exercise may be an effective method for including unilateral exercise into lower-body resistance training when designing training programs for ground-based activities.  相似文献   

Effects of heavy resistance exercise on serum testosterone and skeletal muscle androgen receptor (AR) concentrations were examined before and after a 21-week resistance training period. Seven healthy untrained young adult men (YT) and ten controls (YC) as well as ten older men (OT) and eight controls (OC) volunteered as subjects. Heavy resistance exercise bouts (5 × 10 RM leg presses) were performed before and after the training period. Muscle biopsies were obtained before and 1h and 48 h after the resistance exercise bouts from m.vastus lateralis (VL) to determine cross-sectional area of muscle fibers (fCSA) and AR mRNA expression and protein concentrations. No changes were observed in YC and OC while resistance training led to significant increases in maximal strength of leg extensors (1 RM), fCSA and lean body mass in YT and OT. Acute increases occurred in serum testosterone concentrations due to resistance exercises but basal testosterone remained unaltered. Mean AR mRNA expression and protein concentration remained unchanged after heavy resistance exercise bouts compared to pre-values. The individual pre- to post-training changes in resting (pre-exercise) AR protein concentration correlated with the changes in fCSA and lean body mass in the combined group of YT and OT. Similarly, it correlated with the changes in 1 RM in YT. Although mean AR expression did not changed due to the resistance exercise training, the present findings suggest that the individual changes of AR protein concentration in skeletal muscle following resistance training may have an impact on training-induced muscular adaptations in both younger and older men.  相似文献   

This study compared serum total testosterone (TT) and free testosterone (FT) responses of young (20-26 years, n = 8), middle-aged (38-53 years, n = 7), and older (59-72 years, n = 9) men to resistance exercise. We also examined the relationships between testosterone (T) levels and strength, bone mineral density (BMD), and body composition variables for each age group. Subjects were tested for isotonic muscular strength (1 repetition maximum [1RM]), BMD (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry [DXA]) and body composition (DXA). Each group performed an acute exercise protocol (3 sets, 10 repetitions, 80% of 1RM, 6 exercises). Blood samples were obtained at baseline, immediately postexercise, and 15 minutes postexercise for the TT and FT assays. The older age group had significantly (p < 0.05) lower T levels than the young group, but each group exhibited an increase (p < 0.05) in TT and FT immediately postexercise. Total T and FT were significantly correlated (p < 0.05) with strength in middle-aged and older men and with bone-free lean tissue mass in older men. In conclusion, middle-aged and older men showed similar relative T responses to those of younger men to a single bout of high-intensity resistance exercise. However, T levels were related to strength and muscle mass only in middle-aged or older men. On a practical application level, older men can complete a high-intensity resistance exercise program resulting in spikes in T that may attenuate age-related muscle and BMD loss.  相似文献   

本文测定了不同运动条件下的大鼠骨骼肌中的雄激素受体结合容量及雄激素的水平。一次力竭运动可使大鼠股四头肌组织的雄激素结合容量水平上升,但降低了其组织中的雄激素水平。在长期力竭性运动后,股四头肌组织雄激素受体结合容量及雄激素水平的均没有变化,而长期的适宜运动则可提高股四头肌的雄激素结合容量的水平,但对其雄激素的水平仍无影响。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that L-carnitine L-tartrate (LCLT) supplementation beneficially affects markers of hypoxic stress following resistance exercise. However, the mechanism of this response is unclear. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study was to determine the effects of LCLT supplementation on muscle tissue oxygenation during and after multiple sets of squat exercise. Nine healthy, previously resistance-trained men (25.2 +/- 6.years, 91.2 +/- 10.2 kg, 180.2 +/- 6.3 cm) ingested 2 g.d of LCLT or an identical placebo for 23 days in a randomized, balanced, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeated-measures study design. On day 21, forearm muscle oxygenation was measured during and after an upper arm occlusion protocol using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), which measures the balance of oxygen delivery in relation to oxygen consumption. On day 22, subjects performed 5 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions of squat exercise with corresponding measures of thigh muscle oxygenation, via NIRS, and serial blood draws. Compared to the placebo trial, muscle oxygenation was reduced in the LCLT trial during upper arm occlusion and following each set of resistance exercise. Despite reduced oxygenation, plasma malondealdehyde, a marker of membrane damage, was attenuated during the LCLT trial. There were no differences between trials in the vasoactive substance prostacyclin. In conclusion, because oxygen delivery was occluded during the forearm protocol, it is proposed that enhanced oxygen consumption mediated the reduced muscle oxygenation during the LCLT trial. Enhanced oxygen consumption would explain why hypoxic stress was attenuated with LCLT supplementation.  相似文献   

Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone and are characterized by their ability to cause nitrogen retention and positive protein metabolism, thereby leading to increased protein synthesis and muscle mass. There are disagreements in the literature in regards to the interaction of anabolic steroids with the androgen receptor (AR) as revealed by competitive ligand binding assays in vitro using cytosolic preparations from prostate and skeletal muscle. By use of tissue extracts, it has been shown that some anabolic steroids have binding affinities for the AR that are higher than that of the natural androgen testosterone, while others such as stanozolol and methanedienone have significantly lower affinities as compared with testosterone. In this study we show that stanozolol and methanedienone are low affinity ligands of the rat recombinant AR as revealed by a ligand binding assay in vitro, however, based on a cell-based AR-dependent transactivation assay, they are potent activators of the AR. We also show that a single injection of stanozolol and methanedienone causes a rapid cytosolic depletion of AR in rat skeletal muscle. Based on these results, we conclude that anabolic steroids with low affinity to AR in vitro, can in fact in vivo act on the AR to cause biological responses.  相似文献   

Reproductive aging in males is characterized by a diminution in sexual behavior beginning in middle age. We investigated the relationships among testosterone, androgen receptor (AR) and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) cell numbers in the hypothalamus, and their relationship to sexual performance in male rats. Young (3 months) and middle-aged (12 months) rats were given sexual behavior tests, then castrated and implanted with vehicle or testosterone capsules. Rats were tested again for sexual behavior. Numbers of AR and ERα immunoreactive cells were counted in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus and the medial preoptic nucleus, and serum hormones were measured. Middle-aged intact rats had significant impairments of all sexual behavior measures compared to young males. After castration and testosterone implantation, sexual behaviors in middle-aged males were largely comparable to those in the young males. In the hypothalamus, AR cell density was significantly (5-fold) higher, and ERα cell density significantly (6-fold) lower, in testosterone- than vehicle-treated males, with no age differences. Thus, restoration of serum testosterone to comparable levels in young and middle-aged rats resulted in similar preoptic AR and ERα cell density concomitant with a reinstatement of most behaviors. These data suggest that age-related differences in sexual behavior cannot be due to absolute levels of testosterone, and further, the middle-aged brain retains the capacity to respond to exogenous testosterone with changes in hypothalamic AR and ERα expression. Our finding that testosterone replacement in aging males has profound effects on hypothalamic receptors and behavior has potential medical implications for the treatment of age-related hypogonadism in men.  相似文献   

Androgen deprivation therapy has been the standard of care in prostate cancer due to its effectiveness in initial stages. However, the disease recurs, and this recurrent cancer is referred to as castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Radiotherapy is the treatment of choice; however, in addition to androgen independence, CRPC is often resistant to radiotherapy, making radioresistant CRPC an incurable disease. The molecular mechanisms by which CRPC cells acquire radioresistance are unclear. Androgen receptor (AR)-tyrosine 267 phosphorylation by Ack1 tyrosine kinase (also known as TNK2) has emerged as an important mechanism of CRPC growth. Here, we demonstrate that pTyr(267)-AR is recruited to the ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) enhancer in an Ack1-dependent manner to up-regulate ATM expression. Mice engineered to express activated Ack1 exhibited a significant increase in pTyr(267)-AR and ATM levels. Furthermore, primary human CRPCs with up-regulated activated Ack1 and pTyr(267)-AR also exhibited significant increase in ATM expression. The Ack1 inhibitor AIM-100 not only inhibited Ack1 activity but also was able to suppress AR Tyr(267) phosphorylation and its recruitment to the ATM enhancer. Notably, AIM-100 suppressed Ack1 mediated ATM expression and mitigated the growth of radioresistant CRPC tumors. Thus, our study uncovers a previously unknown mechanism of radioresistance in CRPC, which can be therapeutically reversed by a new synergistic approach that includes radiotherapy along with the suppression of Ack1/AR/ATM signaling by the Ack1 inhibitor, AIM-100.  相似文献   

Vocalizations convey information about an individual's motivational, internal, and social status. As circumstances change, individuals respond by adjusting vocal behavior accordingly. In European starlings, a male that acquires a nest site socially dominates other males and dramatically increases courtship song. Although circulating testosterone is associated with social status and vocal production it is possible that steroid receptors fine-tune status-appropriate changes in behavior. Here we explored a possible role for androgen receptors. Male starlings that acquired nest sites produced high rates of courtship song. For a subset of males this occurred even in the absence of elevated circulating testosterone. Immunolabeling for androgen receptors (ARir) was highest in the medial preoptic nucleus (POM) in males with both a nest site and elevated testosterone. For HVC, ARir was higher in dominant males with high testosterone (males that sang longer songs) than dominant males with low testosterone (males that sang shorter songs). ARir in the dorsal medial portion of the nucleus intercollicularis (DM) was elevated in males with high testosterone irrespective of dominance status. Song bout length related positively to ARir in POM, HVC and DM, and testosterone concentrations related positively to ARir in POM and DM. Results suggest that the role of testosterone in vocal behavior differs across brain regions and support the hypothesis that testosterone in POM underlies motivation, testosterone in HVC relates to song quality, and testosterone in DM stimulates vocalizations. Our data also suggest that singing may influence AR independent of testosterone and that alternative androgen-independent pathways regulate status-appropriate singing behavior.  相似文献   

The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) is sexually dimorphic, with lower mean values in males compared to females. It has been suggested that the sex difference in 2D:4D is determined prenatally, 2D:4D is negatively related to prenatal testosterone and positively to prenatal oestrogen, and that 2D:4D is a marker for levels of sex steroids during brain organisation. There is growing evidence that many sex-dependent behaviours are correlated with 2D:4D. However, there is no direct evidence for an effect of prenatal sex steroids on the digit ratio. The response to prenatal testosterone is dependent on the amount produced and the foetal sensitivity to the hormone. Variation in the X-linked androgen receptor gene (AR) determines sensitivity to testosterone. Alleles of AR with low numbers of CAG triplets respond to testosterone with high transactivational activity, while high numbers of CAG's are associated with increased insensitivity to testosterone. We show in a sample of 50 men (49 Caucasian subjects, 1 Caucasian/Chinese subject) that 2D:4D is a phenotypic correlate of AR structure. Right-hand 2D:4D was positively correlated with CAG number and individuals with low 2D:4D in their right hand compared to left hand had AR alleles with low CAG numbers. We discuss the implications of our findings for our understanding of the aetiology of 2D:4D, its relationships with sex-dependent behaviours, and the evolutionary implications of variation in 2D:4D and AR.  相似文献   

The synthetic androgen methyltrienolone is superior to testosterone and androstenedione for the measurement of androgen receptor in tissues where the native ligands are metabolized into inactive derivatives. [3H]Methyltrienolone binds with a high affinity to androgen receptor in cytosol prepared from male rat livers, as the Scatchard analysis revealed that the Kd value was 3.3 · 10−8 M and the number of binding sites was 35.5 fmol/mg protein. Since methyltrienolone also binds glucocorticoid receptor which exists in rat liver, the apparent binding of androgen receptor is faulty when measured in the presence of glucocorticoid receptor. The binding of methyltrienolone to glucocorticoid receptor can be blocked by the presence of a 100-fold molar excess of unlabeled synthetic glucocorticoid, triamcinolone acetonide, without interfering in its binding to androgen receptor, because triamcinolone does not bind to androgen receptor. Triamcinolone-blocked cytosol exhibited that the Kd value was 2.5 · 10−8 M and the number of binding sites was 26.3 fmol/mg protein, indicating a reduction to of that in the untreated cytosol. The profile of glycerol gradient centrifiguration indicated that [3H]methyltriemolone-bound receptor migrated in the 8–9 S region in both untreated and triamcinolone-blocked cytosols, but the 8–9 S peak in triamcinolone-blocked cytosol was reduced to about of that of untreated cytosol.  相似文献   

The effects of heavy resistance exercise on skeletal muscle androgen receptor (AR) protein concentration and mRNAs of AR, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF)-IEa, and mechano growth factor (MGF) expression were examined from biopsies of vastus lateralis (VL) muscle before and 48 hours after heavy resistance exercise (5 × 10 repetition maximum [RM] leg press and 4 × 10RM squats) in 8 adult strength trained men. The present exercise induced an acute decrease in maximal isometric force and increased serum total testosterone (T) and free testosterone (FT) concentrations. During 2 recovery days, maximal isometric force and subjective perception of physical fitness remained significantly lowered, whereas serum creatine kinase activity, subjective muscle soreness, and muscle swelling (i.e., thickness of VL by ultrasound) were significantly increased compared to pre-exercise values. Subjective perception of physical fitness was followed up to 7 days, and by 6 days postexercise, it was elevated above the pre-exercise level. Basal T and FT concentrations remained unaltered after the exercise. No statistically significant changes were observed in AR protein or mRNA expression, but IGF-IEa (p < 0.05) and MGF (p < 0.05) mRNA expression were increased compared to pre-exercise levels. These findings indicate that IGF-IEa and MGF responses may be related to acute regenerative processes in muscle because of exercise and may contribute to muscular adaptation to resistance exercise. Subjective perception of physical fitness suggests that recovery over a pre-exercise level of the present type of heavy resistance exercise can take approximately 6 days.  相似文献   

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