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Several herbivorous insects are known to benefit from feeding in groups; however, little is known about (1) the resource conditions under which herbivorous insects perform group feeding and (2) the optimum population size to get any benefits by group feeding, for example, in terms of growth performance. To test the hypotheses that the benefits from group feeding change with resource level and population size, we performed field investigations and an enclosure experiment using the grazer caddisfly larva Micrasema quadriloba. The field investigations revealed aggregated distributions of larvae (indicator of aggregation, Iδ=4.1±1.55, aggregated density: 12.7±5.3 individuals per 3.1×3.1 cm2 (mean±1 SD)) when periphyton was abundant on stream cobbles and random distributions (Iδ=1.0±0.11) when periphyton was scarce. In the enclosure experiment, the relative growth rate (RGR) of the larvae at each population size showed different tendencies at high and low periphyton abundance levels; RGR with abundant periphyton had a convex curve with a peak at intermediate population size, whereas RGR with scarce periphyton decreased linearly with increasing population size. The benefits from group feeding thus changed with resource level; larvae obtained high growth performance by group feeding behavior only when the resource was sufficiently abundant. The present study revealed not only that the optimum group size of larvae increased their growth performance, but also that this optimum group size occurred frequently in the field. We also discuss the mechanisms and benefits of group feeding by case-bearing caddisfly grazers.  相似文献   

物种多样性(SD)与功能多样性(FD)之间存在多种关系,但由于生态系统功能主要由物种的功能属性决定,因而功能多样性对生态系统功能的影响大于物种多样性的影响。但在种间性状差异和物种均匀度这两个构成功能多样性的基本成分中,何者对功能多样性影响更大,并进而决定SD-FD关系尚不明确。通过在高寒矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸为期6a的刈割(留茬1 cm、3 cm及不刈割)和施肥(尿素7.5 g m~(-2)a~(-1)+磷酸二胺1.8 g m~(-2)a~(-1)、不施肥)控制实验,研究了种间性状差异(33个物种13个性状)和物种均匀度(所有物种)对物种多样性(所有物种)与功能多样性(33个物种13个性状)之间关系的影响。研究结果显示:(1)物种多样性与功能多样性正相关,它们与多性状种间差异负相关,而与物种均匀度正相关。物种均匀度是导致功能多样性变化的主要因素,也是导致SD-FD正相关的原因,这是因为随着物种多样性增加,物种均匀度的增加程度大于多性状种间差异的减少程度,因而功能多样性增加,SD-FD正相关;(2)功能多样性指数(FD_(Rao)和FDis)随物种多样性指数(H')减速递增,表明群落存在一定的功能冗余,且功能冗余随物种多样性的增大而增大,但尚未达到产生SD-FD无相关性的极限H'值;(3)功能多样性对高寒草甸生态系统地上净初级生产力(ANPP)的影响大于物种多样性的影响,二元线性回归显示在同时考虑二者对ANPP的影响时,可排除物种多样性的作用。但由于物种多样性下降或物种丧失引起的物种功能性状丢失或性状空间维度减小将导致功能多样性降低,表明它们之间存在一定互补性,在研究生物多样性与生态系统功能关系时,同时考虑物种多样性和功能多样性的影响仍十分必要。  相似文献   

王国昌  梁海燕 《广西植物》2018,38(6):788-794
为了解河南省板蓝根田节肢动物群落的结构组成及物种多样性,该研究采用5点随机取样,通过网捕法和目测法调查并记录了板蓝根植株及地面上的节肢动物种类和数量。结果表明:河南省板蓝根田节肢动物群落物种丰富,共采集到2 613头,隶属于2纲10目39科61种。其中,植食性种类和捕食性种类均为24种(各占39.34%),寄生性种类4种(占6.56%),中性种类9种(占14.75%)。蜘蛛的种类占群落总种数的比例最高(为21.31%),表明田间的蜘蛛种类最丰富。鳞翅目物种的个体数量远大于其他的目,占群落个体数的43.78%。菜青虫和小菜蛾的相对丰盛度最高,分别为0.184 8和0.162 6,说明二者是河南省板蓝根田的优势害虫。捕食性集团的均匀度指数最高,寄生性集团的优势度指数最高,其中小菜蛾幼虫的寄生性天敌菜蛾盘绒茧蜂的数量最大。  相似文献   

臧建成  孙涛  洪大伟  杨小林 《生态学报》2018,38(22):8205-8212
调查不同植被恢复措施下拉萨半干旱河谷地表节肢动物类群多样性以及群落结构,为揭示地表节肢动物多样性对植被恢复措施的响应具有重要意义。采用陷阱法对青藏高原半干旱河谷砂生槐灌丛、人工杨树林和藏沙蒿灌丛样地地表节肢动物群落组成、类群多样性以及功能群结构进行调查,计算各处理地表节肢动物类群相对多度、类群丰富度、多样性指数、Cody指数和S9rensen指数。共采集半干旱河谷地表节肢动物个体数738,隶属5纲15目51科。砂生槐灌丛样地收集节肢动物40科,占所有类群78.4%,杨树人工林和藏沙蒿灌丛样地调查到土壤节肢动物类群为30和23科,分别占总科数的58.8%和45.1%。各植被恢复类型在目的分类单元下,双翅目、膜翅目和弹尾目类群相对多度较高,而在科的分类单元下,驼跳科、蚁科和漏斗网蛛科为拉萨半干旱河谷优势地表节肢动物类群。砂生槐灌丛节肢动物类群丰富度和多样性指数最高,人工杨树林最低。砂生槐灌丛和藏沙蒿灌丛地表节肢动物营养功能群均以捕食性为主。不同植被群落间群落相似性也有差异,砂生槐与藏沙蒿灌丛间相似性较高,而人工杨树林与藏沙蒿之间较低。不同植物群落组成和结构影响土壤理化特性、地表凋落物数量、质量和微生境条件,进而影响地表节肢动物群落组成、数量和营养功能群。砂生槐灌丛样地具有较高节肢动物类群丰富度和捕食性动物类群,有利于拉萨半干旱河谷地区地表节肢动物多样性维护。  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The compound influence of habitat complexity and patch size on stream invertebrate assemblages associated with submerged macrophytes was investigated through field sampling of two natural macrophyte species with contrasting leaf morphologies (complex, Ranunculus yezoensis; simple, Sparganium emersum) and an experiment with two artificial plants with different levels of morphological complexity. 2. The artificial plant experiment was designed to separate the effects of habitat area (patch size) and habitat complexity, thus enabling a more rigorous assessment of complexity per se than in previous studies where only a single patch size was used. Simple and complex artificial plants were established with five different patch sizes corresponding to the range found in natural plants. 3. Invertebrates occurred on both complex and simple forms of natural and artificial plants at similar abundances with dipterans and ephemeropterans being predominant. Taxon richness was higher on structurally complex Ranunculus than on simple Sparganium and was similarly higher on the complex artificial plant than on the simple one, over the entire range of habitat patch sizes. Thus, architectural complexity affected the taxon richness of epiphytic invertebrates, independently of habitat scale. 4. On the natural plants there was no difference in the abundance (both number of individuals and biomass) of invertebrates between simple and complex forms, while on artificial plants more invertebrates occurred on complex than on simple forms. The amount of particulate organic matter, >225 μm (POM) and chlorophyll a showed mixed patterns on natural and artificial plants, suggesting that the availability of these resources is not an overriding proximate factor controlling invertebrate abundance on plants. The difficulty of extrapolating from experimental results involving use of artificial plants is discussed, especially when considering the relationship between habitat structure and the occurrence of epiphytic invertebrates on natural plants.  相似文献   

Little of Brazil's remaining Atlantic forest is protected, so it is important to assess how well the region's wildlife can persist in areas/habitats outside reserves. We studied bird diversity and abundance during 546 point counts in the Sooretama/Linhares reserve, 200 point counts in 31 forest fragments (10–150 h), and 50 point counts in <30-year-old Eucalyptus plantations, within 7 km of the reserve. Only eight bird species were recorded in Eucalyptus, and this impoverishment, as compared to some Eucalyptus plantations elsewhere in Brazil may be a result of intensive clearance of understory vegetation. Species diversity in forest fragments was significantly lower than in the reserve. Twelve, mostly non-forest or edge species, were significantly commoner in the fragments, but nineteen species were frequent in the reserve but rare or absent in forest fragments. These included two Pyrrhura parakeets, a Brotogeris parakeet, a trogon Trogon, a jacamar Galbula, woodpeckers Piculus and Campephilus, Myrmotherula antwrens, and Hemithraupus and Tachyphonus tanagers. Bird species richness at points in forest fragments did not decline with fragment size, distance from the reserve, or forest quality. However, forest in fragments was more heavily degraded than forest within the reserve and poor forest quality may be the cause of declines in some species. Whilst protection of forest within reserves is a priority, management of forest fragments may aid conservation of some threatened species.  相似文献   

The non-indigenous perennial grass, Arundo donax, is an aggressive invader of riparian areas throughout California and many sub-tropical regions of the world, and is hypothesized to provide poorer quality habitat for native wildlife in riparian systems. We sampled aerial and ground-dwelling insects and other terrestrial arthropods associated with Arundo, native willow vegetation (Salix spp.), and mixtures of the two vegetation types during two seasons to determine how Arundo influences invertebrate composition in a low gradient stream in central California. The total number of organisms, total biomass and taxonomic richness of aerial invertebrates associated with native vegetation was approximately twice that associated with Arundo vegetation, while mixed vegetation supported intermediate arthropod levels. Shannon-Weaver (Weiner) diversity associated with native vegetation stands was also higher than that of Arundo vegetation. Ground-dwelling assemblages did not show differences as great as aerial assemblages which are more critical to foraging avian species. These results indicate that vegetation type is a significant factor reducing the abundance and diversity of invertebrates in this, and presumably in many other riparian ecosystems where this invasive species has become a dominant component. Arundo invasion changes the vegetation structure of riparian zones and in turn, may increasingly jeopardize its habitat value for birds and other wildlife whose diets are largely composed of insects found in native riparian vegetation.  相似文献   

Herbivory and intraspecific competition in a stream caddisfly population   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Field experiments were conducted to assess the effects of different population densities of the herbivorous caddisfly Helicopsyche borealis on periphyton biomass and on its own growth rate in Big Sulphur Creek, a third-order stream in northern California, USA. Stream enclosures were used to vary grazer density from one-eighth to twice natural density (1/8X–2X) in two experiments (35 d and 60 d), which spanned the period of most rapid larval growth. Periphyton biomass and chlorophyll a were inversely related to grazer density. Grazer densities of 1/8X–1/2X moderately reduced periphyton when compared to an ungrazed control, whereas densities of 1X–2X greatly depleted periphyton. The growth rate of H. borealis larvae declined with increasing larval density. Growth rate was highest at densities of 1/8X–1/2X; larvae grew more slowly at 1X and showed no growth at 2X. Weekly supplementation of periphyton to 1/4X, 1X, and 2X densities significantly increased the final body mass of larvae at 1X and 2X (by 26% and 50%, respectively, compared to unsupplemented larvae) but did not change the body mass of larvae at 1/4X. These results suggest that periphyton is a limiting resource in Big Sulphur Creek and that H. borealis larvae compete exploitatively for that resource. Intraspecific competition may be an important, but often overlooked, feature of many herbivore populations in streams.  相似文献   

以西南亚高山针叶林建群种粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)为研究对象,采用红外加热模拟增温结合外施氮肥(NH4NO3 25 g N m-2 a-1)的方法,研究连续3a夜间增温和施肥对云杉幼苗外生菌根侵染率、土壤外生菌根真菌生物量及其群落多样性的影响。结果表明:夜间增温对云杉外生菌根侵染率的影响具有季节性及根级差异。夜间增温对春季(2011年5月)云杉1级根,夏季(2011年7月)和秋季(2010年10月)云杉2级根侵染率影响显著。除2011年7月1级根外,施氮对云杉1、2级根侵染率无显著影响。夜间增温对土壤中外生菌根真菌的生物量和群落多样性无显著影响,施氮及增温与施氮联合处理使土壤中外生菌根真菌生物量显著降低,但却提高了外生菌根真菌群落的多样性。这说明云杉幼苗外生菌根侵染率对温度较敏感,土壤外生菌根真菌生物量及其群落多样性对施氮较敏感。这为进一步研究该区域亚高山针叶林地下过程对全球气候变化的响应机制提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The breakdown of buried leaves (Eucalyptus viminalis) was investigated using surface-placed and buried leaf packs in a riffle of the Acheron River, Victoria. Leaf packs buried to a depth of 10 cm were rapidly colonized by invertebrates, with the total numbers of individuals and species exceeding those on surface leaf packs. A larger proportion of leaves in buried leaf packs was grazed in comparison with those on the surface, with the intensity of grazing also being higher for leaves in buried packs. Both surface and buried leaf packs broke down rapidly with no significant difference in weight loss with time. The high level of breakdown of buried E. viminalis leaf litter observed in this study suggests that the hyporheos of Australian headwater streams may significantly contribute to the decomposition of particulate organic matter.  相似文献   

【目的】阐明白花鬼针草入侵对植物群落组成及物种多样性的影响。【方法】调查广东茂名有白花鬼针草入侵(试验样方)和无白花鬼针草生长(对照样方)的植物群落中植物的种类、盖度、高度和密度,计算不同植物重要值及物种多样性指数,通过皮尔逊相关系数及拟合曲线展现白花鬼针草种群特征与其重要值及物种多样性的关系。【结果】白花鬼针草入侵后植物群落的组成和结构显著改变,由对照样方的104种减少到试验样方的63种,双穗雀稗、白花蛇舌草、香膏萼距花等物种消失,胜红蓟、阔叶丰花草、假臭草等恶性杂草的重要值降低,而马唐、薇甘菊、空心莲子草等物种重要值升高。白花鬼针草入侵降低了物种多样性,试验样方的Patrick丰富度指数(R)、Simpson多样性指数(D)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)均低于对照样方;白花鬼针草的重要值与以上多样性指数(H、D)和丰富度指数(R)呈显著负相关(P<0.001)。【结论】白花鬼针草入侵减少了物种多样性,并形成单一优势种群群落,对植物群落产生了负效应,对生态环境造成了极大的威胁。  相似文献   

Holomuzki  Joseph R.  Van Loan  Adria S. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,477(1-3):139-147
We conducted two experiments in flow-through, artificial streams to examine how habitat structure affected drift and benthic resettlement of larval hydropsychid caddisflies (Ceratopsyche sparna). In the first experiment, we quantified drift distance and the number of times larvae re-entered the drift in 9.0 × 0.51-m channels with contiguous patches (ea. 2.5-m long) of biofilm-covered gravel, biofilm-covered cobbles (– Cladophora), and Cladophora-covered cobbles (+ Cladophora). In the second experiment, we tracked nocturnal movements of larvae after benthic settlement in 2.8 × 0.1-m channels, each containing one of the three habitat types. In experiment 1, drift distance was (1) greatest in gravel and lowest in cobbles + Cladophora, (2) inversely related to hydraulic roughness of habitats, (3) independent of body size, and (4) similar for live and dead larvae. Average drift distance was relatively short (<2.5 m), regardless of habitat type. Number of drift re-entries also varied among habitats, being greatest in gravel and lowest in cobbles + Cladophora. No larvae re-entered the drift after settling in Cladophora patches. Results from experiment 2 revealed that drift propensities were higher for larvae in biofilm-covered gravel and cobbles than in cobbles + Cladophora. Larvae remaining in substrate patches (i.e. not drifting) laid fewer draglines in biofilm-covered stones than in Cladophora patches. Extent of benthic movement (i.e., crawling) by non-drifting larvae did not differ significantly among habitats. However, distance moved did differ with flow direction, being 4× greater downstream than upstream. These results highlight how local substrate and hydraulic conditions interact to affect small-scale movements of caddisfly larvae.  相似文献   

  1. Intermittent streams (IS) comprise a large proportion of the drainage network in many parts of the world. The non-flow period of IS are known to impact stream biota because aquatic habitats dry out. However, less well understood are the relative effects of the temporal component of these drying events including their duration and frequency.
  2. Here, we characterised effects of temporal component of drying events on abundant and species-rich meiofauna. The effects were assessed in 22 streams in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. The duration and frequency of non-flow events was characterized over a period of 250 days prior to sampling the sediment-dwelling meiofauna in riffle zones that completely dried out.
  3. Overall, meiofauna abundances were amongst the highest ever reported for streambeds. Most meiofaunal taxa correlated positively with the frequency of drying events and correlated positively with the length of dry periods recorded shortly before sampling, suggesting that the community was able to recover quickly. Tardigrades were the only group to correlate positively with the longest dry periods, suggesting that they had the best resilience capabilities in streams that had experienced the longest droughts.
  4. On average, nematodes made up half of the meiofauna. We identified a total of 113 different nematode species. The nematode community was more taxonomically diverse in IS, with a smaller proportion of bacterivores and a higher proportion of fungivore species such as Filenchus vulgaris. Thereby resembling the trophic structure commonly observed in soil ecosystems.
  5. Our results show that most meiofauna were positively influenced by drying disturbance, that is being able to quickly recover after them. This suggests outstanding resilience capabilities, and points out meiofaunal organisms as key players for kick-starting stream food webs and functions once flow returns.

We examined colonization by fishes and macro-invertebrates from permanent streams into an artificial freshwater stream simulating lotic temporary bodies of water that exist for only a limited period each year. After introducing water, invertebrates such as chironomid larvae in mud increased in numbers rapidly in the experimental stream, although they were rare in mud in the permanent streams. Eleven of 12 fish species present in the permanent streams colonized the experimental stream and preyed upon invertebrates, although fish composition differed significantly between the two streams. About 100 days after the initiation of the experiment, both species richness and diversity in the experimental stream reached almost the same level as that in the permanent streams. More diverse fishes colonized the complex section where habitat diversity was high compared to the simple section in the experimental stream. Our study strongly suggests that lotic temporary waters such as temporary streams around main rivers have unique ecological characteristics and serve as valuable foraging sites for fish.  相似文献   

Ants (L. niger and L. flavus) build conspicuous mounds that are covered with vegetation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the vegetation on ant mounds in semi-natural grasslands differed from that around the mounds. Another aim was to investigate whether the changes in the vegetation on ant mounds were influenced by grazing management or by habitat characteristics, semi-dry versus moist. Here, the total number of plant species and total plant cover were lower on ant mounds than in patches off-mound. The plant cover of perennials that form rosettes was twice as high on mounds inhabited by L. niger than on those inhabited by L. flavus. Only a few plant species were restricted to either ant mounds or adjacent field and the effects of ants on the plant diversity in semi-natural grasslands seemed to be low. Grazing management did not affect the differences in the vegetation on ant mounds and in equal-sized patches off-mound, whereas habitat characteristics affected ant-induced changes in vegetation cover of some plant species.  相似文献   

  1. Predation may significantly control number and density of coexisting species. The effects of predation on species diversity have traditionally been tested in experiments and theoretical models of simple trophic systems. In complex natural ecosystems, however, disentangling multiple sources of variation is difficult. In groundwater-fed environments, a significant effect of predation can be expected due to the relatively stable environmental conditions; however, it has never been properly examined.
  2. We analysed species diversity and total abundance of macroinvertebrate assemblages in 48 Western Carpathian spring fens, separately for whole sites and mesohabitat/season, and partitioned the effects of predation intensity from those of environmental variables in robust models using a bootstrapping technique. We verified our results by accounting for taxa resistant to predation.
  3. The assumption that predation-mediated coexistence of species is the main mechanism responsible for the relatively species-rich assemblages in the Western Carpathian spring fens was not supported. However, predation may significantly influence abundance of non-predatory species and, under some conditions, it may contribute to explaining patterns in species diversity.
  4. The effect of predation did not differ between the mesohabitats with different stability. However, we found higher environmental control in spring and a stronger effect of predators in autumn, which suggests that different mechanisms influence fen assemblages in different seasons.
  5. Our study provides a new robust approach how to test the effect of predation on natural macroinvertebrate assemblages. The importance of predation was lower than expected in equilibrium assemblages but it may vary in time.

赖水发  余正良  陈上权  刘红  曾治高 《生态学报》2020,40(21):8005-8013
赣江发源于武夷山脉南段西麓的高山岭间,该区域独特的地理环境和气候特征蕴育了丰富的生物多样性。然而关于该区域两栖动物群落组成和物种多样性调查非常匮乏,不利于赣江源头两栖动物物种多样性的保护。于2016年4—9月期间在江西赣江源区域采用样线法调查了两栖动物的资源状况、群落组成及物种多样性特征,比较了它们在山地森林区、丘陵森林与农田区和盆地农田区3类栖息地之间的差异性。结果表明:赣江源区域分布有8科23种两栖动物,新增记录3个物种,包括尖舌浮蛙、寒露林蛙和九龙棘蛙,泽陆蛙和饰纹姬蛙为优势种。赣江源区域的两栖动物群落组成和物种多样性存在显著的季节间差异和栖息地间差异;两栖动物季节性繁殖是造成前者差异的主要因素,而土地利用类型、栖息地特征、空间距离、生活习性的物种特性等因素成就了后者差异的出现。因此,春、夏季一般有比秋季见到更高的两栖动物物种丰富度和多样性;山地森林区的两栖动物物种丰富度和多样性最高,盆地农田区次之,丘陵森林与农田区的最低。山地森林区应成为赣江源区域两栖动物多样性保护的优先区域。国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物虎纹蛙,在3类栖息地中均有分布,且在盆地农田区和山地森林区能见到更多个体,但农...  相似文献   

Numbers of successfully metamorphosing juvenile amphibians were tabulated at three wetlands in South Carolina, U.S.A. using terrestrial drift fences with pitfall traps. A relatively undisturbed Carolina bay was studied for eight years, a partially drained Carolina bay for four years, and a man-made borrow pit for three years. Annual production of juveniles at the undisturbed Carolina bay ranged from zero to 75,644 individuals of 15 species. Fewer individuals of fewer species typically metamorphosed at the borrow pit than at the undisturbed bay, with the least numbers at the partially drained Carolina bay. Both total number and species diversity of metamorphosing juveniles at each site each year showed a strong positive correlation with hydroperiod, i.e., the number of days a site contained standing water that year. Data for one common anuran species and the most common salamander species were analyzed separately by multiple regression, in addition to the community analyses. For the mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum, hydroperiod was a significant predictor of the number of metamorphosing juveniles, but the number of breeding females was not. For the ornate chorus frog, Pseudacris ornata, the number of breeding females was a significant predictor of the number of metamorphosing juveniles, but hydroperiod was not. Variation in the dates of wetland filling and drying interacts with other factors to determine amphibian community structure and diversity. Either increasing or decreasing the number of days a wetland holds water could increase or decrease the number and species diversity of amphibians in and around a wetland.  相似文献   

Long-term (1977–90) experimental exclusion of three species of kangaroo rats from study plots in the Chihuahuan Desert resulted in significant increases in abundance of a tall annual grass (Aristida adscensionis) and a perennial bunch grass (Eragrostis lehmanniana). This change in the vegetative cover affected use of these plots by several other rodent species and by foraging birds. The mechanism producing this change probably involves a combination of decreased soil disturbance and reduced predation on large-sized seeds when kangaroo rats are absent. Species diversity of summer annual dicots was greater on plots where kangaroo rats were present, as predicted by keystone predator models. However, it is not clear whether this was caused directly by activities of the kangaroo rats or indirectly as a consequence of the increase in grass cover. No experimental effect on species diversity of winter annual dicots was detected. Our study site was located in a natural transition between desert scrub and grassland, where abiotic conditions and the effects of organisms may be particularly influential in determining the structure and composition of vegetation. Under these conditions kangaroo rats have a dramatic effect on plant cover and species composition.  相似文献   

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