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Males and females differ in their phenotypic optima for many traits, and as the majority of genes are expressed in both sexes, some alleles can be beneficial to one sex but harmful to the other (intralocus sexual conflict; ISC). ISC theory has recently been extended to intrasexual dimorphisms, where certain alleles may have opposite effects on the fitness of males of different morphs that employ alternative reproductive tactics (intralocus tactical conflict; ITC). Here, we use a half‐sib breeding design to investigate the genetic basis for ISC and ITC in the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus. We found positive heritabilities and intersexual genetic correlations for almost all traits investigated. Next, we calculated the intrasexual genetic correlation between males of different morphs for horn length, a sexually selected trait, and compared it to intrasexual correlations for naturally selected traits in both sexes. Intrasexual genetic correlations did not differ significantly between the sexes or between naturally and sexually selected traits, failing to support the hypothesis that horns present a reduction of intrasexual genetic correlations due to ITC. We discuss the implications for the idea of developmental reprogramming between male morphs and emphasize the importance of genetic correlations as constraints for the evolution of dimorphisms.  相似文献   

The threshold expression of dichotomous phenotypes that are environmentally cued or induced comprise the vast majority of phenotypic dimorphisms in colour, morphology, behaviour and life history. Modelled as conditional strategies under the framework of evolutionary game theory, the quantitative genetic basis of these traits is a challenge to estimate. The challenge exists firstly because the phenotypic expression of the trait is dichotomous and secondly because the apparent environmental cue is separate from the biological signal pathway that induces the switch between phenotypes. It is the cryptic variation underlying the translation of cue to phenotype that we address here. With a ‘half-sib common environment’ and a ‘family-level split environment’ experiment, we examine the environmental and genetic influences that underlie male dimorphism in the earwig Forficula auricularia. From the conceptual framework of the latent environmental threshold (LET) model, we use pedigree information to dissect the genetic architecture of the threshold expression of forceps length. We investigate for the first time the strength of the correlation between observable and cryptic ‘proximate’ cues. Furthermore, in support of the environmental threshold model, we found no evidence for a genetic correlation between cue and the threshold between phenotypes. Our results show strong correlations between observable and proximate cues and less genetic variation for thresholds than previous studies have suggested. We discuss the importance of generating better estimates of the genetic variation for thresholds when investigating the genetic architecture and heritability of threshold traits. By investigating genetic architecture by means of the LET model, our study supports several key evolutionary ideas related to conditional strategies and improves our understanding of environmentally cued decisions.  相似文献   

Polyphenic traits are widespread and represent a conditional strategy sensitive to environmental cues. The environmentally cued threshold (ET) model considers the switchpoint between alternative phenotypes as a polygenic quantitative trait with normally distributed variation. However, the genetic variation for switchpoints has rarely been explored empirically. Here, we used inbred lines to investigate the genetic variation for the switchpoint in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, in which males are either fighters or scramblers. The conditionality of male dimorphism varied among inbred lines, indicating that there was genetic variation for switchpoints in the base population, as predicted by the ET model. Our results also suggest a mixture between canalized and conditional strategists in R. echinopus. We propose that major genes that canalize morph expression and affect the extent to which a trait can be conditionally expressed could be a feature of the genetic architecture of threshold traits in other taxa.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) have improved our understanding of the evolution of adaptive variation; for instance, their study has led us to understand that the best phenotype (e.g. large and flashy) for a tactic that uses one mating behavior (e.g. court females) is often not the best phenotype (e.g. small and inconspicuous) for a tactic that uses a different mating behavior (e.g. chase and force‐copulate females). However, genetic correlations of shared traits across ARTs can constrain ARTs from reaching their optimal states, resulting in intralocus tactical conflict (IATC). While constraints on evolution in general have been well‐established and studied, there are some important implications of constraints due to intralocus tactical conflict on ARTs that have not been incorporated into the field of evolutionary ecology. Here we describe how an appreciation of IATC, including how to detect it and when to expect it, can change our perspectives in three areas: 1) adaptive states for traits associated with ARTs (e.g. growth rates, behavioural plasticity); 2) how selection due to ecological variation across populations can produce patterns of divergence between ARTS; 3) and the evolutionary stability of polymorphisms (e.g. how IATC can explain losses of one ART, and why this can lead to rapid speciation).  相似文献   

Polyphenic traits are widespread, but compared to other traits, relatively few studies have explored the mechanisms that influence their inheritance. Here we investigated the relative importance of additive, nonadditive genetic, and parental sources of variation in the expression of polyphenic male dimorphism in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, a species in which males are either fighters or scramblers. We established eight inbred lines through eight generations of full‐sibling matings, and then crossed the inbred lines in a partial diallel design. Nymphs were isolated and raised to adulthood with ad libitum food. At adulthood, male morph was recorded for all male offspring. Using a Cockerham–Weir model, we found strong paternal effects for this polyphenic trait that could be either linked to the Y chromosome of males or an indirect genetic effect that is environmentally transmitted. In additional analyses, we were able to corroborate the paternal effects but also detected significant additive effects questioning the Cockerham–Weir analysis. This study reveals the potential importance of paternal effects on the expression of polyphenic traits and sheds light on the complex genetic architecture of these traits.  相似文献   

Alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) have provided valuable insights into how sexual selection and life history trade‐offs can lead to variation within a sex. However, the possibility that tactics may constrain evolution through intralocus tactical conflict (IATC) is rarely considered. In addition, when IATC has been considered, the focus has often been on the genetic correlations between the ARTs, while evidence that the ARTs have different optima for associated traits and that at least one of the tactics is not at its optimum is often missing. Here, we investigate selection on three traits associated with the ARTs in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus multilineatus; body size, body shape, and the sexually selected trait for which these fishes were named, sword length (elongation of the caudal fin). All three traits are tactically dimorphic, with courter males being larger, deeper bodied and having longer swords, and the sneaker males being smaller, more fusiform and having shorter swords. Using measures of reproductive success in a wild population we calculated selection differentials, as well as linear and quadratic gradients. We demonstrated that the tactics have different optima and at least one of the tactics is not at its optimum for body size and sword length. Our results provide the first evidence of selection in the wild on the sword, an iconic trait for sexual selection. In addition, given the high probability that these traits are genetically correlated to some extent between the two tactics, our study suggests that IATC is constraining both body size and the sword from reaching their phenotypic optima. We discuss the importance of considering the role of IATC in the evolution of tactical dimorphism, how this conflict can be present despite tactical dimorphism, and how it is important to consider this conflict when explaining not only variation within a species but differences across species as well.  相似文献   

In Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fumouze and Robin) two male morphs occur: heteromorphs, with a thickened and sharply terminated third pair of legs that serve as a weapon in intrasexual conflicts, and homeomorphs, with unmodified legs. This study investigated the system of male morph determination. No significant heritability of male morph was found, but cues emanating from a dense colony were found to suppress the production of heteromorphs. Developmental plasticity was retained throughout the protonymphal stage. Diet did not influence morph expression, but lowered temperature decreased the proportion of heteromorphs emerging.  相似文献   

The conditional evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) with status-dependent tactics is the most commonly invoked ESS for alternative reproductive tactics within the sexes. Support for this model has recently been criticized as apparent rather than real. We address key predictions of the status-dependent ESS in three populations of the male dimorphic mite Sancassania berlesei. In S. berlesei'fighter' males are characterized by a thickened pair of legs used for killing rivals; 'scramblers' are benign. Most males in each population could be manipulated to become fighters by decreasing density, fulfilling the prediction that males make a 'decision'. There was evidence of genetic covariance between sire status and offspring morph, but also a strong effect of sire morph on offspring morph ratio. This was consistent with considerable genetic variation for the status-dependent switch point as a breeding experiment found no support for single-locus inheritance. We also found evidence that switch points evolve independently of distributions of status. This study supports the current status-dependent ESS model.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1490-1505
Sperm competition is a powerful postcopulatory selective force influencing male adaptations associated with increasing fertilization success, and it is usually related to the evolution of different strategies of ejaculate expenditure between individuals. Ejaculates may also be influenced by additional selective pressures associated with sperm competition, such as timing between insemination and fertilization, female reproductive tract morphology, and fertilization environment. Also, males that adopt alternative mating tactics may face distinct sperm competition pressures, which may lead to the evolution of intraspecific diversity in ejaculates. In loliginid squids, males with alternative reproductive tactics (sneakers and consorts) differ not only in mating behavior, but also transfer spermatophores into two distinct sites within the female. Here, we compared structure and functioning of spermatophores between sneakers and consorts in the squid Doryteuthis plei applying microscopy techniques and in vitro experiments. Sneakers and consorts exhibit differences in spermatophore structure that lead to distinct spermatophoric reactions and spermatangium morphologies. Moreover, in sneakers, sperm release lasts longer and their sperm show an aggregative behavior not detected in consorts. Slow sperm release may be a strategy to guarantee longer sperm provision, given the wide interval between sneaker mating and egg release. For consorts, in turn, intense and quick sperm discharge may be advantageous, as timing between mating and egg‐laying is relatively short. Within the complex squid mating system, factors such as (i) different fertilization sites and (ii) interval between mating and egg release may also influence sperm competition, and ultimately shape the evolution of divergent ejaculates between dimorphic males.  相似文献   

Smith CC  Ryan MJ 《Biology letters》2011,7(5):733-735
In species with alternative reproductive tactics, males that sneak copulations often have larger, higher quality ejaculates relative to males that defend females or nest sites. Ejaculate traits can, however, exhibit substantial phenotypic plasticity depending on a male's mating role in sperm competition, which may depend on the tactic of his competitor. We tested whether exposure to males of different tactics affected sperm number and quality in the swordtail Xipophorus nigrensis, a species with small males that sneak copulations and large males that court females. Sperm swimming speed was higher when the perceived competitor was small than when the competitor was large. Plasticity, however, was only exhibited by small males. Sperm number and viability were invariant between social environments. Our results suggest sperm quality is role-dependent and that plastic responses to the social environment can differ between male reproductive tactics.  相似文献   

In a wide range of taxa, individuals are able to express strikinglydifferent morphologies in response to environmental conditionsencountered during development. Such polyphenisms have receivedparticular attention from evolutionary biologists because thecondition-dependent expression of alternative morphologies isbelieved to reflect the existence of discrete sets of adaptationsto heterogeneous ecological or social conditions, which precludethe evolution of a single, optimal phenotype. Correct interpretationof the adaptive significance, if any, of facultative trait developmentrequires a solid understanding of the determinative regime governingmorph expression. Here I explore the environmental variablesdetermining male morphology in the horn-dimorphic beetle Onthophagustaurus. I demonstrate that natural variation in both the quantityand quality of food that larvae receive from their parents determinesbody size in males and females, and, by means of a thresholdresponse, the presence or absence of horns in males. In addition,results suggest that parent beetles adjust the amount of foodthey provision for their offspring according to diet quality,which may help to compensate for environmental variation inducedby differential resource quality in the wild. I use these resultsto further characterize the selective regime responsible forthe evolution of male polyphenism in onthophagine beetles anddiscuss its significance for understanding the origin and maintenanceof morphological variation in the genus Onthophagus.  相似文献   

Male dimorphism has been reported across different taxa and is usually expressed as the coexistence of a larger morph with exaggerated male traits and a smaller one with reduced traits. The evolution and maintenance of male dimorphism are still poorly understood for several of the species in which it has been observed. Here, we analyse male dimorphism in several species of reptile parasitic nematodes of the genus Spauligodon, in which a major male morph (exaggerated morph), which presents the traditional male morphological traits reported for this taxon, coexists with a minor morph with reduced morphological traits (i.e. reduced genital papillae) resembling more closely the males of the sister genus Skrjabinodon than Spauligodon major males. Because of the level of uncertainty in the results of ancestral state reconstruction, it is unclear if the existence of male dimorphism in this group represents independent instances of convergent evolution or an ancestral trait lost multiple times. Also, although the number of major males per host was positively correlated with the number of females, the same did not hold true for minor males, whose presence was not associated with any other ecological factor. Nevertheless, the existence of male dimorphism in Spauligodon nematodes is tentatively interpreted as resulting from alternative reproductive tactics, with differences in presence and number of individuals as indicators of differences in fitness, with the lower numbers of minor males per host likely maintained by negative frequency‐dependent selection.  相似文献   

The existence of discrete phenotypic variation within one sex poses interesting questions regarding how such intrasexual polymorphisms are produced and modified during the course of evolution. Approaching these kinds of questions requires insights into the genetic architecture underlying a polymorphism and an understanding of the proximate mechanisms determining phenotype expression. Here we explore the genetic underpinnings and proximate factors influencing the expression of beetle horns – a dramatic sexually selected trait exhibiting intramale dimorphism in many species. Two relatively discrete male morphs are present in natural populations of the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus (Scarabaeidae, Onthophagini). Males exceeding a critical body size develop a pair of long, curved horns on their heads, while those smaller than this critical body size remain essentially hornless. We present results from laboratory breeding experiments designed to assess the relative importance of inherited and environmental factors as determinants of male morphology. Using father–son regressions, our findings demonstrate that horn length and body size of male progeny are not predicted from paternal morphology. Instead, natural variation in an environmental factor, the amount of food available to larvae, determined both the body sizes exhibited by males as adults and the presence or absence of horns. The nonlinear scaling relationship between the body size and horn length of males bred in the laboratory did not differ from the pattern of variation present in natural populations, suggesting that nutritional conditions account for variation in male morphology in natural populations as well. We discuss our results by extending ideas proposed to explain the evolution of conditional expression of alternative phenotypes in physically heterogeneous environments toward incorporating facultative expression of secondary sexual traits. We use this synthesis to begin characterizing the potential origin and subsequent evolution of facultative horn expression in onthophagine beetles.  相似文献   

The study of butterfly behavior has afforded valuable insights into the evolution of alternative mating tactics. Two hypotheses derived from this area of research contend that (1) territoriality is only viable under low to moderate conspecific densities (due to the costs of site defence) and (2) perching may be employed only when thermal conditions constrain flight activity. These hypotheses were evaluated by investigating mate locating behavior in Hypolimnas bolina, a territorial species that is naturally subject to variation in population density and weather conditions. Male behavior was charted throughout the day during a period of high population density at an encounter site in tropical Australia. Perching was the primary tactic, although a small proportion of individuals patrolled nonaggressively in the afternoon. Population-level male behavior failed to support predictions drawn from either the territory economics or thermal constraint hypotheses. First, the proportion of perching males and the number of aggressive conspecific interactions (per male) increased with increasing male density at the site. Second, few males patrolled at the hottest, brightest time of day (approximately midday), and the diel distribution of perchers did not emulate the U-shaped distribution shown by the occurrence of dorsal basking behavior. These results show that perching in this species is not a suboptimal tactic employed when temperatures constrain flight activity but may represent the best method of locating receptive females. At this stage the reproductive significance of the observed patrolling behavior remains obscure.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Effective thermoregulation is crucial for the fitness of small flying insects. Phenotypic plasticity of the ventral hindwing of pierid butterflies is widely recognised as adaptive for effective thermoregulation. Butterflies eclosing in cooler environments have more heavily melanised wings that absorb solar radiation, thus allowing flight under these cool conditions.
2. Many pierids also exhibit phenotypic plasticity of dorsal forewing melanisation but in this case, cooler environments reduce melanisation. It has been hypothesised that this plasticity is also adaptive because it increases solar reflection from the wing surfaces onto the body in certain basking postures.
3. The degree of seasonal variation in ventral hindwing and dorsal forewing melanisation of wild-caught Pieris rapae was quantified to determine if it shows patterns of plasticity similar to that documented for other Pieris species.
4. Male wing melanisation on both wing surfaces shows the characteristic seasonal, adaptive plasticity. However, only some dorsal forewing pattern elements of females conformed to the predictions of the hypothesis of adaptive dorsal forewing melanisation. Sexual dimorphism of wing pattern plasticity may result from, and/or affect, sexual dimorphism of behaviour and physiology of these butterflies.  相似文献   

Models concerning the evolution of alternative mating tactics commonly assume that individuals determine their own strategies. Here we develop a computer-based ESS model that allows mothers, ovipositing in discrete patches, to choose both the sex and the male mating tactics (natal-patch mating or dispersing) of their offspring based only on how many other mothers have used the specific patch before them. Data for three species of nonpollinating fig wasps from the Otitesella genus agree quantitatively with the model's assumptions and predictions. This suggests that females respond to population densities at the level of individual figs. The alternative male tactics in the species we studied are probably a result of a conditional strategy exercised by the mother that laid them. In addition, as females were only allowed to lay one egg per patch, our results suggest a new mechanism that can skew population sex ratios towards a female bias.  相似文献   

Male secondary sexual traits often scale allometrically with body size. These allometries can be variable within species and may shift depending on environmental conditions, such as food quality. Such allometric plasticity has been hypothesized to initiate local adaptation and evolutionary diversification of scaling relationships, but is under‐recorded, and its eco‐evolutionary effects are not well understood. Here, we tested for allometric plasticity in the bulb mite (Rhizoglyphus robini), in which large males tend to develop as armed adult fighters with thickened third legs, while small males become adult scramblers without thickened legs. We first examined the ontogenetic timing for size‐ and growth‐dependent male morph determination, using experimentally amplified fluctuations in growth rate throughout juvenile development. Having established that somatic growth and body size determine male morph expression immediately before metamorphosis, we examined whether the relationship between adult male morph and size at metamorphosis shifts with food quality. We found that the threshold body size for male morph expression shifts toward lower values with deteriorating food quality, confirming food‐dependent allometric plasticity. Such allometric plasticity may allow populations to track prevailing nutritional conditions, potentially facilitating rapid evolution of allometric scaling relationships.  相似文献   

Allometric plasticity in a polyphenic beetle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract 1. Environmental conditions, such as variation in nutrition, commonly contribute to morphological variation among individuals by affecting body size and the expression of certain morphological traits; however the scaling relationship between a morphological trait and body size over a range of body sizes is generally assumed not to change in response to environmental fluctuation (allometric plasticity), but instead to be constant and diagnostic for a particular trait and species or population. The work reported here examined diet‐induced allometric plasticity in the polyphenic beetle Onthophagus taurus Schreber (1759) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). 2. Male O. taurus vary in body size depending on larval nutrition. Only males above a critical body size threshold express fully developed horns; males smaller than this threshold develop only rudimentary horns or no horns at all. 3. Field populations that naturally utilise two different resources for feeding larvae (horse dung vs. cow manure) exhibited significant differences in the average scaling relationship between body size and male horn length over the same range of body sizes. Males collected from cow manure populations expressed consistently longer horns for a given body size than males collected from horse dung populations. 4. Males reared in the laboratory on horse dung or cow manure also exhibited significant differences in the average scaling relationship between body size and horn length. Differences between laboratory populations reared on horse dung or cow manure were of the same kind and magnitude as differences between field populations that utilise these different resources naturally. 5. These findings suggest that between‐population differences in scaling relationships between horn length and body size can be the product of differences in the quality of resources available to developing larvae. Results are discussed in the context of onthophagine mating systems and recent insights in the developmental and endocrine control of horn polyphenisms.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict over mating rate is both pervasive and evolutionarily costly. For females, the lifetime reproductive fitness costs that arise through interactions with potential mates will be influenced by the frequency of such interactions, and the fitness cost of each interaction. Both of these factors are likely to be influenced by variation in operational sex ratio (OSR) and population density. Variation in OSR‐ and density‐dependent male alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) may be particularly important if the fitness costs that females experience vary with the reproductive tactics that males express. Using a simple model, we consider several examples of OSR‐ and/or density‐dependent variation in male ARTs and the frequency of male–female interactions, and find that variation in the expression of male ARTs has the potential to augment or diminish the costs of frequent male interactions for females. Accurately documenting variation in the expression of male ARTs and associated female fitness costs will benefit future work in this area.  相似文献   

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