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Since its arrival to North America less than a decade ago, the invasive Spotted‐Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) has inflicted substantial economic losses on soft fruit agriculture due to its ability to oviposit into ripening fruits. More effective management approaches for this species are needed, but little is known about the factors that influence behavioral choices made by D. suzukii when selecting hosts, or the consequences that their offspring experience when developing in different environments. Using a nutritional geometry methodology, we found that the ratio of proteins‐to‐carbohydrates (P:C) present in media greatly influenced adult D. suzukii behavior and subsequent offspring development. Whereas adult flies showed a strong bias in their oviposition and association behaviors toward carbohydrate‐rich foods, larval survival and eclosion rate were strongly dependent on protein availability. Here, we explore the preference–performance hypothesis (PPH), in which females are predicted to oviposit on medias that provide the greatest offspring benefits, in regard to its relevance in D. suzukii behavior and consequences for management. Our results provide valuable insight into the ecology and evolution of this species that may hopefully lead to more effective management strategies.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), known commonly as spotted wing drosophila, is a vinegar fly originating from South‐East Asia and a major pest to many soft‐skinned fruits. Due to the species recent arrival in North America in 2008, many fruit varieties are yet untested for susceptibility to infestation. While previous work has focused on Vitis vinifera, this study aimed to determine grape susceptibility of cold hardy varieties based on hybrids of V. labrusca, V. riparia and V. vinifera. Field sampling was conducted in Southern Wisconsin (USA) vineyards to establish adult and larval abundance and determine whether the number of adults caught in traps correlates with fruit infestation. Host susceptibility was further assessed through no‐choice bioassays of both intact and damaged fruits. The field study found D. suzukii adults present in all varieties, low larval abundance and no correlation between adult abundance and larval presence. Peak adult abundance occurred mid‐season between veraison and harvest, while larval infestation rates were highest near harvest. In laboratory no‐choice tests, significantly more eggs, larvae and adults occurred in damaged than undamaged grapes. In damaged grapes, larvae and adult abundance was comparable between varieties and to the highly susceptible control of undamaged raspberry; however, D. suzukii developed significantly faster in raspberry than grapes. Fruit characteristics (°Brix, titratable acidity, pH) in grapes were uncorrelated with D. suzukii performance. Together, these findings suggest that cold hardy grapes are overall resistant to D. suzukii if intact and highly susceptible if damaged.  相似文献   

Drosophila (Sophophora) subpulchrella Takamori and Watabe, sp. nov., of the D. suzukii subgroup in the D. melanogaster species group, is described from Japan and southern China, and compared with its sibling species, D. pulchrella Tan et al. distributed in the Yun‐Gui Highland, south‐western China. The results of cross‐experiments show a complete pre‐mating isolation between D. subpulchrella and D. pulchrella.  相似文献   

Most larval drosophilids eat the microorganisms that develop in rotting fruit, a relatively protein‐rich resource. By contrast, the spotted‐wing Drosophila suzukii Matsumara (Diptera: Drosophilidae) uniquely develops in ripening fruit, a protein‐poor, carbohydrate‐rich resource. This shift in larval nutritional niche has led to D. suzukii being a significant agricultural pest in the U.S.A. and Europe. Although occupying a new niche may benefit a species by reducing competition, adaptation in host use may generate trade‐offs affecting fitness. To test the hypothesis that fitness trade‐offs will change with adaptation to novel larval diets, D. suzukii larval development on either a diet of a fresh, ripe blueberry (a natural host) or standard artificial Drosophila media (protein‐rich) is compared and the effect of diet on development time from egg to adult, adult body size and male wing spot area, and female fecundity is assessed. Larval development time differs, with larvae on the blueberry emerging as adults earlier than those on the artificial medium, although other fitness measures do not vary between the two diets. In addition, the faster development time on a blueberry does not trade off with body size as expected, although early fecundity is delayed in females that develop on blueberries. Thus, adaptation to a novel larval diet environment does not come at a cost to the ability to develop in protein‐rich resources.  相似文献   

Female remating is a widespread behaviour, reported in several insect species. This behaviour can affect the efficiency of sterile insect technique (SIT); however, little is known about the postcopulatory behaviour of some pest species considered as candidates to be controlled by this technique, such as Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) (Diptera: Drosophilidae). In this study, we investigated the effects of male and female sterilization on mating and remating behaviour of D. suzukii. First, we tested the occurrence of multiple mating in different combinations between sterile and fertile males and females. Then, we tested the effects of male and female sterility on female propensity to mate and remate. We found an overall low remating rate by D. suzukii females. Male sterility did not influence mating and remating likelihood; however, copula duration of sterile males was shorter compared to fertile males. On the other hand, sterile females were less likely to mate. Our findings encourage further research regarding the use of SIT to control D. suzukii.  相似文献   

The invasive alien fruit pest Drosophila suzukii, (Matsumura 1931) causes economic loss in soft‐skinned fruit production across Europe. After its first detection in 2008, the species has successfully expanded to a wide geographic area and invaded new host plants in a relatively short period of time. The aim of the present study was to analyze the connection between food preferences as host specialization and the morphology of D. suzukii. Population morphological variation in wings was investigated in two different host fruits (grape and strawberry) in which economic damage has been recorded. The geometric morphometric results revealed two noticeable wing shape morphotypes in D. suzukii (i.e. vein configuration) between the grape and strawberry fruits. Flies reared in grapes had wider wings, whereas flies grown in strawberries had more narrow wings. These differences in morphotype could be explained by the effects of wing aerodynamics, which affect the strength of the wings in flight. This, in turn, can lead to better dispersion within the associated fruit host. These results confirm that this extremely invasive species, found worldwide, is successful at spreading in part because of its potential to adapt rapidly under different rearing conditions. Therefore, adaptive variations in the wing shape of D. suzukii can be used to differentiate populations based on food preference (e.g. soft fruits) and can serve as an additional tool for detecting different bioecological types of D. suzukii.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is an important mechanism allowing adaptation to new environments and as such it has been suggested to facilitate biological invasions. Under this assumption, invasive populations are predicted to exhibit stronger plastic responses than native populations. Drosophila suzukii is an invasive species whose males harbor a spot on the wing tip. In this study, by manipulating developmental temperature, we compare the phenotypic plasticity of wing spot size of two invasive populations with that of a native population. We then compare the results with data obtained from wild‐caught flies from different natural populations. While both wing size and spot size are plastic to temperature, no difference in plasticity was detected between native and invasive populations, rejecting the hypothesis of a role of the wing‐spot plasticity in the invasion success. In contrast, we observed a remarkable stability in the spot‐to‐wing ratio across temperatures, as well as among geographic populations. This stability suggests either that the spot relative size is under stabilizing selection, or that its variation might be constrained by a tight developmental correlation between spot size and wing size. Our data show that this correlation was lost at high temperature, leading to an increased variation in the relative spot size, particularly marked in the two invasive populations. This suggests: (a) that D. suzukii's development is impaired by hot temperatures, in agreement with the cold‐adapted status of this species; (b) that the spot size can be decoupled from wing size, rejecting the hypothesis of an absolute constraint and suggesting that the wing color pattern might be under stabilizing (sexual) selection; and (c) that such sexual selection might be relaxed in the invasive populations. Finally, a subtle but consistent directional asymmetry in spot size was detected in favor of the right side in all populations and temperatures, possibly indicative of a lateralized sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Interspecific variation in life‐history traits and physiological limits can be linked to the environmental conditions species experience, including climatic conditions. As alpine environments are particularly vulnerable under climate change, we focus on the montane‐alpine fly Drosophila nigrosparsa. Here, we characterized some of its life‐history traits and physiological limits and compared these with those of other drosophilids, namely Drosophila hydei, Drosophila melanogaster, and Drosophila obscura. We assayed oviposition rate, longevity, productivity, development time, larval competitiveness, starvation resistance, and heat and cold tolerance. Compared with the other species assayed, D. nigrosparsa is less fecund, relatively long‐living, starvation susceptible, cold adapted, and surprisingly well heat adapted. These life‐history characteristics provide insights into invertebrate adaptations to alpine conditions which may evolve under ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

While females often reject courtship attempts by heterospecific males, reproductive interference by harassment from such males can nonetheless occur, potentially reducing female fitness. Such effects may be profound following a range expansion, when males from a new species may suddenly encounter (and perhaps even become abundant relative to) females of related native species. Drosophila subobscura recently invaded North America and may impact native species through reproductive interference and other processes. We test for the potential for reproductive interference by D. subobscura males on D. persimilis females in the laboratory. D. subobscura males aggressively copulated with D. persimilis females, including many females that exhibit rejection behaviors. Despite females attempting to dismount the males, the heterospecific copulations are on average longer than conspecific copulations, and females exhibit some reluctance to remate with conspecific males following this harassment. Females confined with both conspecific and heterospecific males produce fewer adult progeny than those with either conspecific males only or with conspecific males and distantly related D. simulans males that do not engage in female harassment. Overall, our results illustrate how reproductive interference by an invasive species can have negative effects on resident natural populations.  相似文献   

Seasonal polyphenism in Drosophila suzukii manifests itself in two discrete adult morphotypes, the “winter morph” (WM) and the “summer morph” (SM). These morphotypes are known to differ in thermal stress tolerance, and they co‐occur during parts of the year. In this study, we aimed to estimate morph‐specific survival and fecundity in laboratory settings simulating field conditions. We specifically analyzed how WM and SM D. suzukii differed in mortality and reproduction during and after a period of cold exposure resembling winter and spring conditions in temperate climates. The median lifespan of D. suzukii varied around 5 months for the WM flies and around 7 months for the SM flies. WM flies showed higher survival during the cold‐exposure period compared with SM flies, and especially SM males suffered high mortality under these conditions. In contrast, SM flies had lower mortality rates than WM flies under spring‐like conditions. Intriguingly, reproductive status (virgin or mated) did not impact the fly survival, either during the cold exposure or during spring‐like conditions. Even though the reproductive potential of WM flies was greatly reduced compared with SM flies, both WM and SM females that had mated before the cold exposure were able to continuously produce viable offspring for 5 months under spring‐like conditions. Finally, the fertility of the overwintered WM males was almost zero, while the surviving SM males did not suffer reduced fertility. Combined with other studies on D. suzukii monitoring and overwintering behavior, these results suggest that overwintered flies of both morphotypes could live long enough to infest the first commercial crops of the season. The high mortality of SM males and the low fertility of WM males after prolonged cold exposure also highlight the necessity for females to store sperm over winter to be able to start reproducing early in the following spring.  相似文献   

The recent arrival of Drosophila suzukii, an invasive pest of soft‐skinned fruit with a wide host range, has resulted in increased production costs for growers and the need for additional insecticide applications each growing season. There are few effective organic insecticides for D. suzukii, and insecticide use in conventional farms may be disruptive to natural enemies, suggesting a need for effective biological control to combat D. suzukii. Commercially available natural enemies were evaluated for their potential use in augmentative releases, including: the predators Orius insidiosus and Dalotia coriaria; the entomopathogenic fungi Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus; and the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema feltiae and S. carpocapsae. This suite of natural enemies was chosen to target D. suzukii adults as well as larvae in hanging or dropped fruit. Of the cultured fungal strains tested, only M. anisopliae significantly decreased D. suzukii survival, but it had low residual activity and no effect on D. suzukii fecundity. O. insidiosus decreased D. suzukii survival in simple laboratory arenas but not on potted blueberries or bagged blueberry branches outdoors. D. coriaria did not decrease D. suzukii survival in infested blueberries in simple laboratory arenas. The nematodes tested showed low infection rates and were not able to affect D. suzukii survival. Although this suite of natural enemies showed limited ability to suppress D. suzukii under the tested conditions, these and related natural enemies are present as part of the endemic natural enemy community in agricultural fields, where they may contribute to D. suzukii suppression.  相似文献   

铃木氏果蝇不同地理种群中Wolbachia的检测和系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于毅  王静  陶云荔  国栋  褚栋 《昆虫学报》2013,56(3):323-328
铃木氏果蝇Drosophila suzukii是原产于东南亚地区的重要果树害虫, 近年来传入北美和欧洲等地区造成严重的危害。本研究利用Wolbachia的16S rDNA和wsp基因特异引物(分别为16S-F/16S-R和81F/691R)对铃木氏果蝇7个地理种群(中国的5个种群、 韩国的1个种群和美国的1个种群)的Wolbachia进行了PCR检测并对检测结果进行了比较; 对感染个体体内Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因片段进行测序, 确定了我国铃木氏果蝇体内Wolbachia的分类地位。基于Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因特异引物检测结果发现, 我国5个铃木氏果蝇种群广泛感染Wolbachia(感染率36.7%~80.0%), 而韩国和美国2个种群均未检测到该菌的感染。而利用wsp基因特异引物无法检测到该菌。基于Wolbachia的16S rDNA基因构建系统发育树表明, 我国铃木氏果蝇种群感染的Wolbachia全部属于A组。这些结果为研究Wolbachia感染对铃木氏果蝇生物学及生态学的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Wing shape variation was analysed with geometric morphometric methods in 17 laboratory strains, representing 11 closely related species (including two subspecies) of the Drosophila virilis group: D. virilis, D. lummei, D. novamexicana, D. americana americana, D. americana texana, D. montana, D. lacicola, D. flavomontana, D. borealis, D. littoralis, D. ezoana and D. kanekoi. Overall shape estimated using Procrustes coordinates of 14 landmarks was highly variable among strains and very similar in females and males. The landmarks in the distal part of the wing showed higher variation across strains than those in the proximal part. Procrustes distances between species were not consistent with phylogenetic distances previously suggested for the virilis group. Moreover, Procrustes distances between strains within species and within two major phylads (virilis and montana) were comparable with those between species and between phylads, respectively. The most different from other members of the group was the endemic D. kanekoi species, currently viewed as separate subphylad within the montana phylad. Allometric effects were found to be partly responsible for shape differences between the strains. Three most significant shape transformations were considered using the relative warp analysis and the strains were ordinated in accordance with transformation values. The pattern of relative warp scores could be easily interpreted only for the third warp explaining about 13% of shape variation. It separated the largest species, D. montana, D. ezoana and D. kanekoi, from other ones and was mainly associated with shape changes in the proximal region of the wing. The results of the present work suggest that wing shape in the virilis species group is not related to the speciation process. The observed proximal‐distal contrasts and allometric effects are in agreement with data of other studies, in which wing shape variation was analysed within Drosophila species.  相似文献   

Temperature and humidity affect insect physiology, survival, fecundity, reproductive status and behaviour. Complementing previous work investigating the effects of temperature on adult survival and fecundity of the invasive frugivorous pest, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura), this study was conducted to determine the effect of humidity on D. suzukii larval development, adult survival, fecundity and reproductive status using blueberry as a host substrate. The five constant humidity levels in laboratory bioassays were 20, 33, 71, 82 and 94% RH at 20.6 ± 0.2°C. As RH increased, fecundity and longevity increased. At the higher humidity levels, RH had limited impact on mean generation times (T), larval development and eclosion times. The highest net reproductive rate (Ro = 68) and highest intrinsic rate of population increase (rm = 0.17) were both recorded at 94% RH. The reproductive status of females, as indicated by the number of mature oocytes per female, was significantly greater at 82 and 94% RH, compared to 71% RH. In addition to the laboratory procedures, we correlated field trap captures over an 81‐day summer period to relative humidity (RH) levels in close proximity to those traps. In the field, low ambient humidity levels resulted in decreased trap captures. A humidity‐dependent population model predicted lower densities of D. suzukii relative to populations at higher humidity. This study supports the hypothesis that cultural practices that minimize lower humidity levels in crops can contribute to the management of D. suzukii. Such methods may include open pruning, drip irrigation and field floor management.  相似文献   

The disruption of chemical communication between insects and host plants may take place due to an interference with the signal‐emitting host plant, or the signal‐receiving insect, compromising the signal production and emission, or its reception and processing. Anthropogenic compounds, in general, and pesticides, in particular, may impair the chemical communication that mediates host location by insects. Five different pesticides (the insecticides malathion, pyrethrins and spinetoram, and the fungicides fenhexamid and pyrimethanil) were applied at their field rates to raspberry fruits, or Petri dishes enclosing adult spotted wing Drosophila (SWD; Drosophila suzukii), and the attraction to fruit volatiles was evaluated in a series of two‐choice flight bioassays. The application of raspberry fruit with pesticides did not statistically affect attraction of unexposed adults, with exceptions being the spinetoram treatment, which led to mild insect avoidance, and the pyrethrin treatment, which resulted in slightly preferential attraction. In contrast, adults sublethally exposed to the pesticides had their flight take‐off impaired by the insecticides, but not by the fungicides. Furthermore, all pesticides, and particularly the insecticides, compromised the upwind capture of adults. Thus, the treatment with pesticides may indeed interfere with the flight response of SWD to host volatiles, particularly when the insects were previously exposed to pesticides. These findings are suggestive of the potential for sublethal insecticidal exposures to aid pest control and also provide evidence that pesticide use may compromise sampling/trapping strategies for this pest species that are based on attraction to host volatiles.  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) utilizes ‘Himalaya’ blackberry, Rubus armeniacus Focke (Rosaceae), as a host and may invade berry and stone fruit crops from field margins containing this invasive weed. Laboratory and semi‐field studies were conducted to determine (1) the persistence of protein marks including 10% chicken egg whites (egg albumin protein), 20% bovine milk (milk casein protein), and 20% soy milk (soy trypsin inhibitor protein) on topically sprayed D. suzukii, (2) protein retention on blackberry leaves, and (3) D. suzukii acquisition of protein after exposure to marked blackberry leaves for up to 14 days after application. All flies and leaves were assayed for the presence of the protein marks using protein‐specific enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays. Egg albumin, milk casein, and soy trypsin proteins persisted on 94, 49, and 25% of the topically marked D. suzukii, respectively, throughout the 14‐day study period. Egg albumin was retained on 100% of treated leaves for 14 days, regardless of environmental conditions. At least 50% of flies exposed residually to egg albumin‐treated leaves were marked for 3 days, regardless of exposure time and environmental conditions. However, increasing fly exposure time to treated leaves in April and June appeared to improve protein mark acquisition. Acquisition of protein by flies from treated leaves for milk casein was inconsistent, and poor for soy trypsin, despite detectable levels on treated leaves. Egg albumin had the longest and most consistent persistence on flies, leaves, and flies exposed to leaves in laboratory and semi‐field studies, under a variety of environmental conditions and exposure times.  相似文献   

Morphometric and isoenzymatic data have showed little variation among Drosophila antonietae populations. This suggests historic gene flow, due to the distribution of these populations, which are associated with cacti along rivers, and natural selection on these markers. Microsatellite loci have high variability and are ideal for detecting gene flow and analysing population structure. Here we describe the isolation of seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in D. antonietae.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in 2003, DNA barcoding has proven to be a promising method for the identification of many taxa, including mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Many mosquito species are potential vectors of pathogens, and correct identification in all life stages is essential for effective mosquito monitoring and control. To use DNA barcoding for species identification, a reliable and comprehensive reference database of verified DNA sequences is required. Hence, DNA sequence diversity of mosquitoes in Belgium was assessed using a 658 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, and a reference data set was established. Most species appeared as well‐supported clusters. Intraspecific Kimura 2‐parameter (K2P) distances averaged 0.7%, and the maximum observed K2P distance was 6.2% for Aedes koreicus. A small overlap between intra‐ and interspecific K2P distances for congeneric sequences was observed. Overall, the identification success using best match and the best close match criteria were high, that is above 98%. No clear genetic division was found between the closely related species Aedes annulipes and Aedes cantans, which can be confused using morphological identification only. The members of the Anopheles maculipennis complex, that is Anopheles maculipennis s.s. and An. messeae, were weakly supported as monophyletic taxa. This study showed that DNA barcoding offers a reliable framework for mosquito species identification in Belgium except for some closely related species.  相似文献   

Understanding the earliest events in speciation remains a major challenge in evolutionary biology. Thus identifying species whose populations are beginning to diverge can provide useful systems to study the process of speciation. Drosophila aldrichi, a cactophilic fruit fly species with a broad distribution in North America, has long been assumed to be a single species owing to its morphological uniformity. While previous reports either of genetic divergence or reproductive isolation among different D. aldrichi strains have hinted at the existence of cryptic species, the evolutionary relationships of this species across its range have not been thoroughly investigated. Here we show that D. aldrichi actually is paraphyletic with respect to its closest relative, Drosophila wheeleri, and that divergent D. aldrichi lineages show complete hybrid male sterility when crossed. Our data support the interpretation that there are at least two species of D. aldrichi, making these flies particularly attractive for studies of speciation in an ecological and geographical context.  相似文献   

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