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Control of primate spermatogenesis is reviewed in terms of endogenous regulatory mechanisms and endocrine approaches to contraception and treatment of infertility. The role of gonadotropins and steroid hormones in maintaining spermatogenesis in primates is incompletely understood because A) hormonal interactions are complex, and B) most studies have used rodents rather than primates. Feedback control, interaction of LH and testosterone, the role of androgen, androgen in secondary sex organs, regulation of receptor proteins, roles of prolactin and growth hormone, and the breakdown and modification of the endocrine control mechanism are reviewed. The treatment of infertility with GnRH, gonadotropins, and androgen is discussed. Information is included on contraception research using the following methods: immunization against GnRH, use of GnRH analogs, immunization against gonadotropins, induced suppression of FSH secretion or action, and steroid suppression of spermatogenesis. The importance of studying testicular steroid metabolism in primates is stressed. Significant advances in the understanding of endocrine control of spermatogenesis have been made in recent years, but no primate species have been thoroughly studied. Variability between species in endocrine control mechanisms is an important factor in selecting primate models, and it is clear that such models can be valuable in the development of male contraceptives.  相似文献   

The in vivo and in vitro potency of native and modified forms of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) to release luteotropic hormone (LH) was studied in sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax in particular the hypothalamic fish‐specific sea bream GnRH form (sbGnRH) and the general mesoencephalic form chicken GnRH‐II (cGnRH‐II). The potencies of the natives and their analogs (GnRHas) were referred to that of [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐mGnRHa (LHRHa) at equivalent doses. Analogs of the native peptides [D‐Arg6, Pro9Net]‐cGnRH‐II, [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐cGnRH‐II, [D‐Trp6, Pro9Net]‐sbGnRH and [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐sbGnRH were effective in inducing in vivo LH release (at 15 µg kg?1 body mass), exhibiting longer lasting activity than their corresponding native forms. Injection of sbGnRH and cGnRH‐II provoked a small but significant peak of circulating LH at 1·5 h after treatment (a.t.) decreasing down to basal levels at 4 h a.t. [D‐Arg6, Pro9Net]‐cGnRH‐II, [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐cGnRH‐II and [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐mGnRHa evoked a higher and a more sustained elevation of LH, peaking at 12 h a.t. and returning to basal levels between 48 and 72 h a.t. [D‐Trp6, Pro9Net]‐sbGnRH and [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐sbGnRH also induced a significant surge of LH in plasma at 4 h a.t. turning to the basal levels at 24 h a.t. These rises, however, were of less amplitude and duration than the observed after treatment with cGnRH‐II analogs and [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐mGnRHa. The in vitro stimulation of dispersed pituitary cells with the different native and modified forms of GnRH resulted in a dose‐dependent increase in the quantity of LH released at 24 h a.t. [D‐Arg6, Pro9Net]‐cGnRH‐II and [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐cGnRH‐II induced the highest response of LH in vitro release followed by salmon GnRH (sGnRH), [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐mGnRHa and [D‐Trp6, Pro9Net]‐sbGnRH. The lowest activity was exhibited by sbGnRH. Collectively, the in vitro biological activity (compared by their EC50) can be ordered as follows: [D‐Arg6, Pro9Net]‐cGnRH‐II > [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐cGnRH‐II > sGnRH > [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐mGnRHa > [D‐Trp6, Pro9Net]‐sbGnRH > [D‐Ala6, Pro9Net]‐sbGnRH > cGnRH‐II > sbGnRH.  相似文献   

利用在体注射实验和放射免疫测定法,研究了多巴胺能药物对性腺处于再发育期虎纹蛙的促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)及促黄体激素(LH)分泌活动的影响。结果是:多巴胺(DA)及其激素剂阿扑吗啡(APO)可显著降低血浆LH水平;而多巴胺的拮抗剂-地欧酮(DOM)可显著增加垂体LH含量。DA对脑中cGnRH-Ⅱ的合成有抑制作用,而OM对其mGnRH的释放有一定的刺激作用。结果表明:DA可在脑及垂体水平分别抑制虎纹蛙GnRH和LH的释放,DA对LH释放的抑制作用很可能是通过D2受体实现的。  相似文献   

We trialled the efficacy of various exogenous hormones to induce spermiation, courtship behavior, and spawning in the “endangered” southern bell frog, Litoria raniformis. Intralymphatic administration of Lucrin®, a synthetic nonapeptide luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), was used successfully to induce courting behaviors and ejaculation of spermatozoa in males. Various hormones, including Lucrin®, another synthetic LHRH analog ([des‐Gly10, D‐Ala6]‐LHRH), human chorionic gonadotropin, progesterone, and a dopamine receptor antagonist failed to promote oviposition and spawning in females. This and earlier studies indicate that in the efficacy of hormonal induction in amphibians varies between taxa, hormones, and genders. The lack of response in females may limit the use of reproduction technology in the southern bell frog and closely related species of Australian bell frogs. Zoo Biol 29:774–782, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ritual fights are widespread across human populations. However, the evolutionary advantage associated with this behaviour is unclear because these fights rarely provide direct benefits such as territory, resources or mates. Here, the reproductive success of men competing in a traditional ritual fight, Sereer wrestling, was investigated for the first time. Involvement in wrestling had a significant positive effect on men’s number of offspring and a marginally significant effect on polygyny, controlling for age, body condition and socio‐economic status. These positive effects suggest that being involved in wrestling competition provides prestige, facilitating access to mates and thereby increasing fecundity. However, when women were interviewed on their preference concerning qualities of potential mates, the quality ‘being involved in wrestling competition’ was poorly ranked. This discrepancy may arise either from deceptive reports or from discordance between parents and daughters in the choice of a husband.  相似文献   

Two novel small molecule gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonists (12 and 13) of the furamide-class were synthesized and evaluated in vitro for their receptor binding affinities for the rat GnRH receptor. Radiolabeling with no carrier added fluorine-18 of the appropriate precursors was investigated in a one-step reaction. Log P (Octanol/PBS pH 7.4) and serum stability of the compounds were investigated. The antagonists showed low nM affinity for the rat GnRH receptor. 18F-radiolabled compounds were obtained in high radiochemical purity (>95%) and specific activity (>75 GBq/μmol). These findings suggest this class of compounds holds promise as potential probes for PET targeting of GnRH-receptor expression.  相似文献   

Most vertebrates express two gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) variants in brain tissue but there is an increasing number of fish species for which a third GnRH form has been detected. We characterized the precursors (cDNAs) of all three forms expressed in the brain of the pejerrey (silverside) fish, Odontesthes bonariensis (Atheriniformes): type I (GnRH-I; 440 bp), type II (GnRH-II; 529 bp), and type III (GnRH-III; 515 bp). The expression of these GnRHs precursors was also observed in peripheral tissues related to reproduction (gonads), visual and chemical senses (eye and olfactory epithelium), and osmoregulation (gill), suggesting that in teleost fish and possibly other vertebrates GnRH mediates directly or indirectly many other functions besides reproduction. We also present a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis including representatives of all chordate GnRH precursors characterized to date that supports the idea of two main paralogous GnRH lineages with different function. A “forebrain lineage” separates evolutionarily from the “midbrain lineage” as a result of an ancient duplication (ca. 600 million years ago). A third, fish-only clade of GnRH genes seems to have originated before the divergence of fish and tetrapods but retained only in fish. Phylogenetic analyses of GnRH precursors (DNA and protein sequences) under different optimality criteria converge on this result. Although alternative scenarios could not be statistically rejected in this study due to the relatively short size of the analyzed molecules, this hypothesis also receives support from chromosomal studies of synteny around the GnRH genes in vertebrates. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Axel Meyer]  相似文献   

Environmental conditions often vary in space and time, and this may explain variation in the expression of phenotypic traits related to individual quality, such as ornamental coloration. Furthermore, the direction and strength of the relationship between coloured trait expression and individual quality might vary under contrasting conditions. These issues have been explored in adult birds but much less so in nestlings, which are more likely to experience different selective pressures and different physiological trade‐offs than adults. Here, we empirically investigated the effects of contrasting breeding and diet conditions on the expression of carotenoid‐based colour traits displayed by marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) nestlings. We studied the variation in coloration, body condition, and immune responsiveness of nestlings in four populations over a 5‐year period. We characterized spatiotemporal differences in rearing conditions experienced by C. aeruginosus nestlings in terms of breeding (laying date, clutch size, and number of nestlings hatched and fledged) and diet (percentage of mammal in diet and prey diversity) conditions. We found that breeding conditions influenced the co‐variation between coloration and immune responsiveness in female nestlings, and that diet conditions influenced the condition‐dependence of nestling coloration in later‐hatched nestlings. In addition, breeding conditions influenced nestling body condition and immune responsiveness, whereas diet conditions influenced nestling coloration and body condition. Our study highlights that nestling phenotype (levels of signalling, circulating carotenoids, and immunity) varies both spatially and temporally, and that some of this variation is related to differences in breeding and diet conditions. Moreover, under contrasting conditions, the direction of the relationships between nestling carotenoid‐based coloration and nestling quality may also vary. In order to fully understand the evolution and maintenance of colour traits in nestling birds, studies and experiments should ideally be replicated under contrasting rearing conditions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies (GWASs) combining high‐throughput genome resequencing and phenotyping can accelerate the dissection of genetic architecture and identification of genes for plant complex traits. In this study, we developed a rapeseed genomic variation map consisting of 4 542 011 SNPs and 628 666 INDELs. GWAS was performed for three seed‐quality traits, including erucic acid content (EAC), glucosinolate content (GSC) and seed oil content (SOC) using 3.82 million polymorphisms in an association panel. Six, 49 and 17 loci were detected to be associated with EAC, GSC and SOC in multiple environments, respectively. The mean total contribution of these loci in each environment was 94.1% for EAC and 87.9% for GSC, notably higher than that for SOC (40.1%). A high correlation was observed between phenotypic variance and number of favourable alleles for associated loci, which will contribute to breeding improvement by pyramiding these loci. Furthermore, candidate genes were detected underlying associated loci, based on functional polymorphisms in gene regions where sequence variation was found to correlate with phenotypic variation. Our approach was validated by detection of well‐characterized FAE1 genes at each of two major loci for EAC on chromosomes A8 and C3, along with MYB28 genes at each of three major loci for GSC on chromosomes A9, C2 and C9. Four novel candidate genes were detected by correlation between GSC and SOC and observed sequence variation, respectively. This study provides insights into the genetic architecture of three seed‐quality traits, which would be useful for genetic improvement of B. napus.  相似文献   

When competition for sex-specific resources overlaps in time with offspring production and care, trade-offs can occur. Steroid hormones, particularly testosterone (T), play a crucial role in mediating such trade-offs in males, often increasing competitive behaviors while decreasing paternal behavior. Recent research has shown that females also face such trade-offs; however, we know little about the role of T in mediating female phenotypes in general, and the role of T in mediating trade-offs in females in particular. Here we examine the relationship between individual variation in maternal effort and endogenous T in the dark-eyed junco, a common songbird. Specifically, we measure circulating T before and after a physiological challenge (injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone, GnRH), and determine whether either measure is related to provisioning, brooding, or the amount of T sequestered in egg yolk. We found that females producing more T in response to a challenge spent less time brooding nestlings, but provisioned nestlings more frequently, and deposited more T in their eggs. These findings suggest that, while T is likely important in mediating maternal phenotypes and female life history tradeoffs, the direction of the relationships between T and phenotype may differ from what is generally observed in males, and that high levels of endogenous T are not necessarily as costly as previous work might suggest.  相似文献   

Evidence from epidemiological and animal studies showed that exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF‐MF) could produce deleterious effects on reproduction. In order to investigate the possible mechanism of MF exposure on reproductive effects, first trimester human chorionic villi at 8–10 weeks' gestation were obtained, and trophoblasts were isolated, cultured, and exposed to a 50‐Hz MF for different durations. The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and progesterone in the culture medium was measured by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. The mRNA levels of apoptosis‐related genes bcl‐2, bax, caspase‐3, p53, and fas in trophoblasts were analyzed using real‐time RT‐PCR. The results showed that exposure of trophoblasts to MF at 0.2 mT for 72 h did not affect secretion of hCG and progesterone from these cells. There was also no significant change in secretion of these hormones when trophoblasts were exposed to a 0.4 mT MF for 48 h. However, MF significantly inhibited hCG and progesterone secretion of trophoblasts after exposure for 72 h at 0.4 mT. Results of apoptosis‐related gene expression analysis showed that, within 72 h of exposure at 0.4 mT, there was no significant difference between MF exposure and control on the expression pattern of each gene. Based on results of the present experiment, it is suggested that exposure to MF for a longer duration (72 h) could inhibit secretion of hCG and progesterone by human first trimester villous trophoblasts, however, the effect might not be related to trophoblast apoptosis. Bioelectromagnetics 31:566–572, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Female‐emitted pheromonal inputs possess an intrinsic rewarding value for conspecific males, promoting approach and investigation of the potential mating partner. In mice these inputs are detected mainly by the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and the main olfactory epithelium (MOE). We investigated the role of VNO‐mediated inputs in experience‐dependent plasticity of reproductive responses. We applied a sex‐specific conditioned odor aversion (COA) paradigm on adult, wild‐type (WT) male mice and on male mice impaired in VNO‐mediated signal transduction (TrpC2?/?). We found that WT males, which underwent COA to female‐soiled bedding, lost their innate preference to female odors and presented lower motivation to approach a sexually receptive female. COA also abolished the testosterone surge normally seen following exposure to female odors. Moreover, the conditioned males displayed impairments in copulatory behaviors, which lasted for several weeks. Surprisingly, these males also exhibited phobic behaviors towards receptive females, including freezing and fleeing responses. In contrast, WT males which underwent COA specifically to male pheromones showed no change in olfactory preference and only a marginally significant elevation in intermale aggression. Finally, we show that TrpC2?/? males were able to acquire aversion to female‐soiled bedding and presented similar behavioral alterations following COA in their responses to female cues. Our results demonstrate that the intrinsic rewarding value of female pheromones can be overridden through associative olfactory learning, which occurs independently of VNO inputs, probably through MOE signaling.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers have played a major role in ecological, evolutionary and conservation research during the past 20 years. However, technical constrains related to the use of capillary electrophoresis and a recent technological revolution that has impacted other marker types have brought to question the continued use of microsatellites for certain applications. We present a study for improving microsatellite genotyping in ecology using high‐throughput sequencing (HTS). This approach entails selection of short markers suitable for HTS, sequencing PCR‐amplified microsatellites on an Illumina platform and bioinformatic treatment of the sequence data to obtain multilocus genotypes. It takes advantage of the fact that HTS gives direct access to microsatellite sequences, allowing unambiguous allele identification and enabling automation of the genotyping process through bioinformatics. In addition, the massive parallel sequencing abilities expand the information content of single experimental runs far beyond capillary electrophoresis. We illustrated the method by genotyping brown bear samples amplified with a multiplex PCR of 13 new microsatellite markers and a sex marker. HTS of microsatellites provided accurate individual identification and parentage assignment and resulted in a significant improvement of genotyping success (84%) of faecal degraded DNA and costs reduction compared to capillary electrophoresis. The HTS approach holds vast potential for improving success, accuracy, efficiency and standardization of microsatellite genotyping in ecological and conservation applications, especially those that rely on profiling of low‐quantity/quality DNA and on the construction of genetic databases. We discuss and give perspectives for the implementation of the method in the light of the challenges encountered in wildlife studies.  相似文献   

Fifteen analogs of luliberin (2, LRH) were synthesized by the solid phase method and examined for their ability to block ovulation in the rat. Two analogs, [Ac-DAla1,DPhe2,DTrp3,6]-LRH and [Ac-DPhe1,DPhe2,DTrp3,6]-LRH, each blocked ovulation at a single injection dose of 250 μg administered at noon on the day of proestrus; three peptides, [Ac-DPro1,DPhe2,DTrp3,6]-LRH, [Ac-DThi1,DPhe2,DTrp3,6]-LRH and [Ac-DTrp1,DPhe2,DTrp3,6]-LRH, were effective at doses of 500 μg each; and four others, [Ac-DTrp1,DPhe2,DTrp3,DTrp(Nps)6]-LRH, [Chlorambucil-DPhe1, DPhe2, DTrp3,6]-LRH, [1,DThi2,DTrp3,6]-LRH and [(2-DLys6]-LRH, gave partial inhibition at doses tested.  相似文献   

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