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Viviparity has putatively evolved 115 times in squamates (lizards and snakes), out of only ~ 140 origins in vertebrates, and is apparently related to colder climates and other factors such as body size. Viviparity apparently evolves from oviparity via egg‐retention, and such taxa may thus still have the machinery to produce thick‐shelled eggs. Parity mode is also associated with variable diversification rates in some groups. We reconstruct ancestral parity modes accounting for state‐dependent diversification in a large‐scale phylogenetic analysis, and find strong support for an early origin of viviparity at the base of Squamata, and a complex pattern of subsequent transitions. Viviparous lineages have higher rates of speciation and extinction, and greater species turnover through time. Viviparity is associated with lower environmental and body temperatures in lizards and amphisbaenians, but not female mass. These results suggest that parity mode is a labile trait that shifts frequently in response to ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Squamate reptiles possess two general modes of sex determination: (1) genotypic sex determination (GSD), where the sex of an individual is determined by sex chromosomes, i.e. by sex‐specific differences in genotype; and (2) temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD), where sex chromosomes are absent and sex is determined by nongenetic factors. After gathering information about sex‐determining mechanisms for more than 400 species, we employed comparative phylogenetic analyses to reconstruct the evolution of sex determination in Squamata. Our results suggest relative uniformity in sex‐determining mechanisms in the majority of the squamate lineages. Well‐documented variability is found only in dragon lizards (Agamidae) and geckos (Gekkota). Polarity of the sex‐determining mechanisms in outgroups identified TSD as the ancestral mode for Squamata. After extensive review of the literature, we concluded that to date there is no known well‐documented transition from GSD to TSD in reptiles, although transitions in the opposite direction are plentiful and well corroborated by cytogenetic evidence. We postulate that the evolution of sex‐determining mechanisms in Squamata was probably restricted to the transitions from ancestral TSD to GSD. In other words, transitions were from the absence of sex chromosomes to the emergence of sex chromosomes, which have never disappeared and constitute an evolutionary trap. This evolutionary trap hypothesis could change the understanding of phylogenetic conservatism of sex‐determining systems in many large clades such as butterflies, snakes, birds, and mammals. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 168–183.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that phenotypic traits can influence rates of speciation and extinction, and several statistical approaches have been used to test for correlations between character states and lineage diversification. Recent work suggests that model‐based tests of state‐dependent speciation and extinction are sensitive to model inadequacy and phylogenetic pseudoreplication. We describe a simple nonparametric statistical test (“FiSSE”) to assess the effects of a binary character on lineage diversification rates. The method involves computing a test statistic that compares the distributions of branch lengths for lineages with and without a character state of interest. The value of the test statistic is compared to a null distribution generated by simulating character histories on the observed phylogeny. Our tests show that FiSSE can reliably infer trait‐dependent speciation on phylogenies of several hundred tips. The method has low power to detect trait‐dependent extinction but can infer state‐dependent differences in speciation even when net diversification rates are constant. We assemble a range of macroevolutionary scenarios that are problematic for likelihood‐based methods, and we find that FiSSE does not show similarly elevated false positive rates. We suggest that nonparametric statistical approaches, such as FiSSE, provide an important complement to formal process‐based models for trait‐dependent diversification.  相似文献   

Replicate radiations provide powerful comparative systems to address questions about the interplay between opportunity and innovation in driving episodes of diversification and the factors limiting their subsequent progression. However, such systems have been rarely documented at intercontinental scales. Here, we evaluate the hypothesis of multiple radiations in the genus Lupinus (Leguminosae), which exhibits some of the highest known rates of net diversification in plants. Given that incomplete taxon sampling, background extinction, and lineage-specific variation in diversification rates can confound macroevolutionary inferences regarding the timing and mechanisms of cladogenesis, we used Bayesian relaxed clock phylogenetic analyses as well as MEDUSA and BiSSE birth-death likelihood models of diversification, to evaluate the evolutionary patterns of lineage accumulation in Lupinus. We identified 3 significant shifts to increased rates of net diversification (r) relative to background levels in the genus (r = 0.18-0.48 lineages/myr). The primary shift occurred approximately 4.6 Ma (r = 0.48-1.76) in the montane regions of western North America, followed by a secondary shift approximately 2.7 Ma (r = 0.89-3.33) associated with range expansion and diversification of allopatrically distributed sister clades in the Mexican highlands and Andes. We also recovered evidence for a third independent shift approximately 6.5 Ma at the base of a lower elevation eastern South American grassland and campo rupestre clade (r = 0.36-1.33). Bayesian ancestral state reconstructions and BiSSE likelihood analyses of correlated diversification indicated that increased rates of speciation are strongly associated with the derived evolution of perennial life history and invasion of montane ecosystems. Although we currently lack hard evidence for "replicate adaptive radiations" in the sense of convergent morphological and ecological trajectories among species in different clades, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that iteroparity functioned as an adaptive key innovation, providing a mechanism for range expansion and rapid divergence in upper elevation regions across much of the New World.  相似文献   

Body growth is typically thought to be indeterminate in ectothermic vertebrates. Indeed, until recently, this growth pattern was considered to be ubiquitous in ectotherms. Our recent observations of a complete growth plate cartilage (GPC) resorption, a reliable indicator of arrested skeletal growth, in many species of lizards clearly reject the ubiquity of indeterminate growth in reptiles and raise the question about the ancestral state of the growth pattern. Using X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT), here we examined GPCs of long bones in three basally branching clades of squamate reptiles, namely in Gekkota, Scincoidea and Lacertoidea. A complete loss of GPC, indicating skeletal growth arrest, was the predominant finding. Using a dataset of 164 species representing all major clades of lizards and the tuataras, we traced the evolution of determinate growth on the phylogenetic tree of Lepidosauria. The reconstruction of character states suggests that determinate growth is ancestral for the squamate reptiles (Squamata) and remains common in the majority of lizard lineages, while extended (potentially indeterminate) adult growth evolved several times within squamates. Although traditionally associated with endotherms, determinate growth is coupled with ectothermy in this lineage. These findings combined with existing literature suggest that determinate growth predominates in both extant and extinct amniotes.  相似文献   

Aim We examine diversification in Caribbean alsophiine snakes and hypothesize that, given the ecological opportunity presented by colonization of the West Indies, alsophiines should show the signature of an early burst of diversification and associated low within‐clade ecological and morphological disparification. We also test whether changes in morphology and ecology are associated with changes in diversification rate, as trait‐dependent diversification is hypothesized to affect historical inferences of diversification and disparification. Finally, as replicated radiations are found across the West Indies in the anoles, we test for significant differences in ecological and morphological assemblages and rates among the major island groups. Location The West Indies. Methods A time‐calibrated phylogeny produced from six genes using relaxed clock methods in beast was constructed to estimate ancestral areas using Lagrange . Maximum body size and ecological niche were scored for all species in the phylogeny, and comparative phylogenetic methods in R using geiger , laser , ape and our own code were used to examine diversification through time, disparification and trait‐dependent diversification from this dated phylogeny. Results The pattern of species diversification did not differ significantly from the Yule model of diversification. Morphology and ecology fitted a Brownian and white noise model of diversification, respectively. Although not significantly different, morphological disparification was lower than the Brownian null model, whereas ecological disparification was significantly greater than the null. Trait‐dependent diversification analyses suggested that the constant null models provided the best fit to these data. There was no significant signal of rate variation among the major island groups for size, but moderate evidence for niche. Main conclusions Although ecological opportunity was similarly present for alsophiines as it was for anoles, the snakes fail to show an early burst of speciation. Potential reasons for this include the young age of the group, and staggered diversification due to waiting times between island colonization. In turn, ecological and morphological disparities do not necessarily follow predictable patterns related to species diversification. Thus, the presence of ecological opportunity alone is not necessarily sufficient to trigger replicated adaptive radiations in areas.  相似文献   

The acquisition of key innovations and the invasion of new areas constitute two major processes that facilitate ecological opportunity and subsequent evolutionary diversification. Using a major lizard radiation as a model, the Australasian diplodactyloid geckos, we explored the effects of two key innovations (adhesive toepads and a snake‐like phenotype) and the invasion of new environments (island colonization) in promoting the evolution of phenotypic and species diversity. We found no evidence that toepads had significantly increased evolutionary diversification, which challenges the common assumption that the evolution of toepads has been responsible for the extensive radiation of geckos. In contrast, a snakelike phenotype was associated with increased rates of body size evolution and, to a lesser extent, species diversification. However, the clearest impact on evolutionary diversification has been the colonization of New Zealand and New Caledonia, which were associated with increased rates of both body size evolution and species diversification. This highlights that colonizing new environments can drive adaptive diversification in conjunction or independently of the evolution of a key innovation. Studies wishing to confirm the putative link between a key innovation and subsequent evolutionary diversification must therefore show that it has been the acquisition of an innovation specifically, not the colonization of new areas more generally, that has prompted diversification.  相似文献   

Understanding why species richness peaks along the Andes is a fundamental question in the study of Neotropical biodiversity. Several biogeographic and diversification scenarios have been proposed in the literature, but there is confusion about the processes underlying each scenario, and assessing their relative contribution is not straightforward. Here, we propose to refine these scenarios into a framework which evaluates four evolutionary mechanisms: higher speciation rate in the Andes, lower extinction rates in the Andes, older colonization times and higher colonization rates of the Andes from adjacent areas. We apply this framework to a species‐rich subtribe of Neotropical butterflies whose diversity peaks in the Andes, the Godyridina (Nymphalidae: Ithomiini). We generated a time‐calibrated phylogeny of the Godyridina and fitted time‐dependent diversification models. Using trait‐dependent diversification models and ancestral state reconstruction methods we then compared different biogeographic scenarios. We found strong evidence that the rates of colonization into the Andes were higher than the other way round. Those colonizations and the subsequent local diversification at equal rates in the Andes and in non‐Andean regions mechanically increased the species richness of Andean regions compared to that of non‐Andean regions (‘species‐attractor’ hypothesis). We also found support for increasing speciation rates associated with Andean lineages. Our work highlights the importance of the Andean slopes in repeatedly attracting non‐Andean lineages, most likely as a result of the diversity of habitats and/or host plants. Applying this analytical framework to other clades will bring important insights into the evolutionary mechanisms underlying the most species‐rich biodiversity hotspot on the planet.  相似文献   

Re-evolution of lost complex morphological characters has been proposed for several characters, including insect wings, limbs, eyes in snakes, and digits in lizards, among others. There has also been much interest in whether the transition from oviparity to viviparity is reversible, particularly in squamate reptiles where the transition to viviparity has occurred more times than in any other lineage. Here, we present a phylogenetic analysis of boid snakes based on a concatenated multigene study of all genera of erycines, New and Old World boines, plus other groups thought to be closely related with boines such as monotypic species Calabaria and Casarea . We reconstruct ancestral parity mode on this phylogeny and present statistical evidence that oviparity reevolved in a species of Old World sand boa in the genus Eryx nearly 60 million years after the initial boid transition to viviparity. Remarkably, like other viviparous boas hatchlings of oviparous Eryx lack an egg-tooth providing independent evidence that oviparity is a derived state in these species.  相似文献   

Titi monkeys, subfamily Callicebinae, are a diverse, species‐rich group of Neotropical primates with an extensive range across South America. Their distribution in space and time makes them an interesting primate model for addressing questions of Neotropical historical biogeography. Our aim was to reconstruct the biogeographic history of Callicebinae to better understand their diversification patterns and the history of their colonisation of South America since the late Miocene. We reconstructed a time‐calibrated phylogeny of 19 titi species under Bayesian inference using two mitochondrial and 11 nuclear loci. Species were assigned across eight Neotropical areas of endemism, and statistical biogeographic methods implemented in BioGeoBEARS were employed to estimate ancestral areas using 12 biogeographic models. Our results indicate that the most recent common ancestor to extant titi monkeys was widespread from the present‐day Andean foothills in the Colombian Amazon, through the wet and dry savannas of Bolivia and Brazil, to the southern Atlantic forest of eastern Brazil. Genus‐level divergences were characterised by vicariance of ancestral range in the late Miocene. Species‐level diversification in Cheracebus and the Plecturocebus moloch group occurred as they spread across the Amazon in the Pleistocene and were largely characterised by a sequential, long‐distance “island‐hopping” dispersal model of speciation from a narrow area of origin through jump dispersal across rivers. This study comprises the first large‐scale investigation of the evolutionary history of titi monkeys in the context of Amazonian and South American historical biogeography and sheds light on the processes that generated the great diversity found among Callicebinae.  相似文献   

In Sauropterygia, a diverse group of Mesozoic marine reptiles, fossil evidence of viviparity (live‐bearing) only exists for Pachypleurosauria and Plesiosauria, and was assumed to also be the case for nothosaurs. Previous studies have successfully applied an extant squamate model to sauropterygian life‐history traits. In extant squamates, oviparity and viviparity are associated with differences in life‐history trait combinations. We establish growth curves for Nothosaurus specimens based on their humeral histology. We then analyse life‐history traits derived from these curves and compare inferred traits to those of modern squamates and pachypleurosaurs to assess their reproduction mode. We show that birth to adult size ratios (i.e. birth size divided by the mother's size) provide good estimates of clutch sizes in extant squamates and in viviparous extinct marine reptiles, but these ratios cannot discriminate viviparous and oviparous squamates. Thus, large ratios do not indicate viviparity in fossil taxa to which the extant squamate model is applicable. Applying differences in birth size, age at maturation, and maximum longevity that are observed between extant viviparous and oviparous squamates to our Nothosaurus sample, we identified 7 out of 24 specimens as being potentially viviparous. Conversely, they suggested oviparity for many nothosaurs but also for many pachypleurosaur samples. Under the assumption that the entire clade Pachypleurosauria was viviparous, the majority of nothosaurs would also have been viviparous as they comprised trait combinations similar to those seen in pachypleurosaurs. Overall, this suggests that within nothosaurs and pachypleurosaurs both reproduction modes existed in different taxa.  相似文献   

We used phylogenetic and ecological information to study the evolution of host‐plant specialization and colour polymorphism in the genus Timema, which comprises 14 species of walking‐sticks that are subject to strong selection for cryptic coloration on their host‐plants. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this genus consists of three main lineages. Two of the lineages include highly generalized basal species and relatively specialized distal species, and one of the lineages comprises four specialized species. We tested for phylogenetic conservatism in the traits studied via randomizing host‐plant use, and the four basic Timema colour patterns, across the tips of the phylogeny, and determining if the observed number of inferred changes was significantly low compared to the distribution of numbers of inferred changes expected under the null model. This analysis showed that (1) host‐plant use has evolved nonrandomly, such that more closely related species tend to use similar sets of hosts and (2) colour pattern evolution exhibits considerable lability. Inference of ancestral states using maximum parsimony, under four models for the relative ease of gain and loss of plant hosts or colour morphs, showed that (1) for all models with gains of host‐plants even marginally more difficult than losses, and for most optimizations with gains and losses equally difficult, the ancestral Timema were generalized, feeding on the chaparral plants Ceanothus and Adenostoma and possibly other taxa, and (2) for all models with gains of colour morphs more difficult than losses, the ancestral Timema were polymorphic for colour pattern. Generation of null distributions of inferred ancestral states showed that the maximum‐parsimony inference of host‐plant generalization was most robust for the most speciose of the three main Timema lineages. Ancestral states were also inferred using maximum likelihood, after recoding host‐plant use and colour polymorphism as dichotomous characters. Likelihood analyses provided some support for inference of generalization in host‐plant use at ancestral nodes of the two lineages exhibiting mixtures of generalists and specialists, although levels of uncertainty were high. By contrast, likelihood analysis did not estimate ancestral colour morph patterns with any confidence, due to inferred rates of change that were high with respect to speciation rates. Information from biogeography, floristic history and the timing of diversification of the genus are compatible with patterns of inferred ancestral host‐plant use. Diversification in the genus Timema appears to engender three main processes: (1) increased specialization via loss of host‐plants, (2) retention of the same, single, host‐plant and (3) shifts to novel hosts to which lineages were ‘preadapted’ in colour pattern. Our evidence suggests that the radiation of this genus has involved multiple evolutionary transitions from individual‐level specialization (multiple‐niche polymorphism) to population‐level and species‐level specialization. Ecological studies of Timema suggest that such transitions are driven by diversifying selection for crypsis. This paper provides the first phylogeny‐based evidence for the macroevolutionary importance of predation by generalist natural enemies in the evolution of specialization.  相似文献   

The tree of life is highly asymmetrical in its clade wise species richness, and this has often been attributed to variation in diversification rates either across time or lineages. Variations across lineages are usually associated with traits that increase lineage diversification. Certain traits can also hinder diversification by increasing extinction, and such traits are called evolutionary dead ends. Ecological specialization has usually been considered as an evolutionary dead end. However, recent analyses of specializations along single axes have provided mixed support for this model. Here, we test if fossoriality, a trait that forces specialization at multiple axes, acts as an evolutionary dead end in squamates (lizards and snakes) using recently developed phylogenetic comparative methods. We show that fossoriality is an evolutionary dead end in snakes but not in lizards. Fossorial snakes exhibit reduced speciation and increased extinction compared to nonfossorial snakes. Our analysis also indicates that transition rates from fossoriality to nonfossoriality in snakes are significantly lower than transition rates from nonfossoriality to fossoriality. Overall our results suggest that broad‐scale ecological interactions that lead to specialization at multiple axes limit diversification.  相似文献   

The species rich butterfly family Nymphalidae has been used to study evolutionary interactions between plants and insects. Theories of insect-hostplant dynamics predict accelerated diversification due to key innovations. In evolutionary biology, analysis of maximum credibility trees in the software MEDUSA (modelling evolutionary diversity using stepwise AIC) is a popular method for estimation of shifts in diversification rates. We investigated whether phylogenetic uncertainty can produce different results by extending the method across a random sample of trees from the posterior distribution of a Bayesian run. Using the MultiMEDUSA approach, we found that phylogenetic uncertainty greatly affects diversification rate estimates. Different trees produced diversification rates ranging from high values to almost zero for the same clade, and both significant rate increase and decrease in some clades. Only four out of 18 significant shifts found on the maximum clade credibility tree were consistent across most of the sampled trees. Among these, we found accelerated diversification for Ithomiini butterflies. We used the binary speciation and extinction model (BiSSE) and found that a hostplant shift to Solanaceae is correlated with increased net diversification rates in Ithomiini, congruent with the diffuse cospeciation hypothesis. Our results show that taking phylogenetic uncertainty into account when estimating net diversification rate shifts is of great importance, as very different results can be obtained when using the maximum clade credibility tree and other trees from the posterior distribution.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of three species of squamate lizards: Blanus cinereus (Amphisbaenidae), Anguis fragilis (Anguidae), and Tarentola mauritanica (Geckkonidae) were determined anew. The deduced amino acid sequences of all 13 mt protein-coding genes were combined into a single data set and phylogenetic relationships among main squamate lineages were analyzed under maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI). Within Squamata, the monophyly of Iguanidae, Anguimorpha, Amphisbaenia, Gekkota, Serpentes, and Acrodonta received high statistical support with both methods. It is particularly striking that this is the first molecular analysis that recovers the monophyly of Scincomorpha (including Scincidae, Xantusiidae, Cordylidae, and Lacertidae), although it is only supported in the Bayesian analysis, and it is sensitive to changes in the outgroup (see below). Phylogenetic relationships among the main squamate lineages could not be resolved with ML but received strong support with BI (above 95%). The newly reconstructed phylogeny of squamates does not support the Iguania-Scleroglossa split. Acrodonta and Serpentes form a clade, which is the sister group of the remaining squamate lineages. Within these, Gekkota were the first branching out, followed by Amphisbaenia, and a clade including Anguimorpha as sister group of Scincomorpha + Iguanidae. The recovered topology differed substantially from previously reported hypotheses on squamate relationships, and the relative effect of using different outgroups, genes, and taxon samplings were explored. The sister group relationship of Serpentes + Acrodonta, and their relative basal position within Squamata could be due to a long-branch attraction artifact. Phylogenetic relationships among Scincomorpha, Amphisbaenia, and Anguimorpha were found to be rather unresolved. Future improving of squamate phylogenetic relationships would rely on finding snake and acrodont species with slower mt evolutionary rates, ensuring thorough taxon coverage of squamate diversity, and incorporating more nuclear genes with appropriate evolutionary rates.  相似文献   

Vertebrate sex‐determining mechanisms (SDMs) are triggered by the genotype (GSD), by temperature (TSD), or occasionally, by both. The causes and consequences of SDM diversity remain enigmatic. Theory predicts SDM effects on species diversification, and life‐span effects on SDM evolutionary turnover. Yet, evidence is conflicting in clades with labile SDMs, such as reptiles. Here, we investigate whether SDM is associated with diversification in turtles and lizards, and whether alterative factors, such as lifespan's effect on transition rates, could explain the relative prevalence of SDMs in turtles and lizards (including and excluding snakes). We assembled a comprehensive dataset of SDM states for squamates and turtles and leveraged large phylogenies for these two groups. We found no evidence that SDMs affect turtle, squamate, or lizard diversification. However, SDM transition rates differ between groups. In lizards TSD‐to‐GSD surpass GSD‐to‐TSD transitions, explaining the predominance of GSD lizards in nature. SDM transitions are fewer in turtles and the rates are similar to each other (TSD‐to‐GSD equals GSD‐to‐TSD), which, coupled with TSD ancestry, could explain TSD's predominance in turtles. These contrasting patterns can be explained by differences in life history. Namely, our data support the notion that in general, shorter lizard lifespan renders TSD detrimental favoring GSD evolution in squamates, whereas turtle longevity permits TSD retention. Thus, based on the macro‐evolutionary evidence we uncovered, we hypothesize that turtles and lizards followed different evolutionary trajectories with respect to SDM, likely mediated by differences in lifespan. Combined, our findings revealed a complex evolutionary interplay between SDMs and life histories that warrants further research that should make use of expanded datasets on unexamined taxa to enable more conclusive analyses.  相似文献   

The lacertid lizard Lacerta vivipara is one of the few squamate species with two reproductive modes. We present the intraspecific phylogeny obtained from neighbor-joining and maximum-parsimony analyses of the mtDNA cytochrome b sequences for 15 individuals from Slovenian oviparous populations, 34 individuals from western oviparous populations of southern France and northern Spain, 92 specimens from European and Russian viviparous populations, and 3 specimens of the viviparous subspecies L. v. pannonica. The phylogeny indicates that the evolutionary transition from oviparity to viviparity probably occurred once in L. vivipara. The western oviparous group from Spain and southern France is phylogenetically most closely related to the viviparous clade. However, the biarmed W chromosome characterizing the western viviparous populations is an apomorphic character, whereas the uniarmed W chromosome, existing both in the western oviparous populations and in the geographically distant eastern viviparous populations, is a plesiomorphic character. This suggests an eastern origin of viviparity. Various estimates suggest that the oviparous and viviparous clades of L. vivipara split during the Pleistocene. Our results are discussed in the framework of general evolutionary models: the concept of an oviparity-viviparity continuum in squamates, the cold climate model of selection for viviparity in squamates, and the contraction-expansion of ranges in the Pleistocene resulting in allopatric differentiation.  相似文献   

Bayesian estimation of ancestral character states on phylogenies   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Biologists frequently attempt to infer the character states at ancestral nodes of a phylogeny from the distribution of traits observed in contemporary organisms. Because phylogenies are normally inferences from data, it is desirable to account for the uncertainty in estimates of the tree and its branch lengths when making inferences about ancestral states or other comparative parameters. Here we present a general Bayesian approach for testing comparative hypotheses across statistically justified samples of phylogenies, focusing on the specific issue of reconstructing ancestral states. The method uses Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques for sampling phylogenetic trees and for investigating the parameters of a statistical model of trait evolution. We describe how to combine information about the uncertainty of the phylogeny with uncertainty in the estimate of the ancestral state. Our approach does not constrain the sample of trees only to those that contain the ancestral node or nodes of interest, and we show how to reconstruct ancestral states of uncertain nodes using a most-recent-common-ancestor approach. We illustrate the methods with data on ribonuclease evolution in the Artiodactyla. Software implementing the methods (BayesMultiState) is available from the authors.  相似文献   

Diversification rates vary over time, yet the factors driving these variations remain unclear. Temporal declines in speciation rates have often been interpreted as the effect of ecological limits, competition, and diversity dependence, emphasising the role of biotic factors. Abiotic factors, such as climate change, are also supposed to have affected diversification rates over geological time scales, yet direct tests of these presumed effects have mainly been limited to few clades well represented in the fossil record. If warmer climatic periods have sustained faster speciation, this could explain slowdowns in speciation during the Cenozoic climate cooling. Here, we apply state‐of‐the art diversity‐dependent and temperature‐dependent phylogenetic models of diversification to 218 tetrapod families, along with constant rate and time‐dependent models. We confirm the prevalence of diversification slowdowns, and find as much support for temperature‐dependent than diversity‐dependent models. These results call for a better integration of these two processes in studies of diversification dynamics.  相似文献   

Pregnant squamate reptiles (i.e. lizards and snakes) often maintain higher and more stable body temperatures than their nonpregnant conspecifics, and this maternal thermophily enhances developmental rate and can lead to increased offspring quality. However, it is unclear when this behaviour evolved relative to the evolution of viviparity. A preadaptation hypothesis suggests that maternal thermophily was a preadaptation to viviparity. Oviparous squamates are unique among oviparous reptiles for generally retaining their eggs until the embryos achieve one fourth of their development. As a result, maternal thermophily by gravid squamates may provide the same thermoregulatory benefits, at least during early development, that have been associated with viviparity. Thus, the evolution of viviparity in squamates may reflect an expanded duration of a pre-existing maternal thermoregulatory behaviour. Despite its evolutionary relevance, thermoregulation during gravidity in oviparous squamates has not yet been explored in depth. In the present study, we examined whether gravidity was associated with thermoregulatory changes in the oviparous children's python, Antaresia childreni . First, we discovered that, compared to most snakes, A. childreni is at an advanced stage of embryonic development at oviposition. Second, using surgically implanted temperature loggers, we detected a significant influence of reproductive status on thermoregulation. Reproductive females maintained higher and less variable body temperatures than nonreproductive females and this difference was most pronounced during the last 3 weeks of gravidity. Overall, these results highlight the continuum between oviparity and viviparity in squamate reptiles and emphasize the importance of thermal control of early embryonic development independent of reproductive mode.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 499–508.  相似文献   

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