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Ciliates are unicellular eukaryotes with separate germline and somatic genomes and diverse life cycles, which make them a unique model to improve our understanding of population genetics through the detection of genetic variations. However, traditional sequencing methods cannot be directly applied to ciliates because the majority are uncultivated. Single‐cell whole‐genome sequencing (WGS) is a powerful tool for studying genetic variation in microbes, but no studies have been performed in ciliates. We compared the use of single‐cell WGS and bulk DNA WGS to detect genetic variation, specifically single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), in the model ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. Our analyses showed that (i) single‐cell WGS has excellent performance regarding mapping rate and genome coverage but lower sequencing uniformity compared with bulk DNA WGS due to amplification bias (which was reproducible); (ii) false‐positive SNP sites detected by single‐cell WGS tend to occur in genomic regions with particularly high sequencing depth and high rate of C:G to T:A base changes; (iii) SNPs detected in three or more cells should be reliable (an detection efficiency of 83.4–97.4% was obtained for combined data from three cells). This analytical method could be adapted to measure genetic variation in other ciliates and broaden research into ciliate population genetics.  相似文献   

γ‐Tubulin is critical for microtubule (MT) assembly and organization. In metazoa, this protein acts in multiprotein complexes called γ‐Tubulin Ring Complexes (γ‐TuRCs). While the subunits that constitute γ‐Tubulin Small Complexes (γ‐TuSCs), the core of the MT nucleation machinery, are essential, mutation of γ‐TuRC‐specific proteins in Drosophila causes sterility and morphological abnormalities via hitherto unidentified mechanisms. Here, we demonstrate a role of γ‐TuRCs in controlling spindle orientation independent of MT nucleation activity, both in cultured cells and in vivo, and examine a potential function for γ‐TuRCs on astral MTs. γ‐TuRCs locate along the length of astral MTs, and depletion of γ‐TuRC‐specific proteins increases MT dynamics and causes the plus‐end tracking protein EB1 to redistribute along MTs. Moreover, suppression of MT dynamics through drug treatment or EB1 down‐regulation rescues spindle orientation defects induced by γ‐TuRC depletion. Therefore, we propose a role for γ‐TuRCs in regulating spindle positioning by controlling the stability of astral MTs.  相似文献   

The conserved Fused kinase plays vital but divergent roles in many organisms from Hedgehog signalling in Drosophila to polarization and chemotaxis in Dictyostelium. Previously we have shown that Arabidopsis Fused kinase termed TWO‐IN‐ONE (TIO) is essential for cytokinesis in both sporophytic and gametophytic cell types. Here using in vivo imaging of GFP‐tagged microtubules in dividing microspores we show that TIO is required for expansion of the phragmoplast. We identify the phragmoplast‐associated kinesins, PAKRP1/Kinesin‐12A and PAKRP1L/Kinesin‐12B, as TIO‐interacting proteins and determine TIO‐Kinesin‐12 interaction domains and their requirement in male gametophytic cytokinesis. Our results support the role of TIO as a functional protein kinase that interacts with Kinesin‐12 subfamily members mainly through the C‐terminal ARM repeat domain, but with a contribution from the N‐terminal kinase domain. The interaction of TIO with Kinesin proteins and the functional requirement of their interaction domains support the operation of a Fused kinase signalling module in phragmoplast expansion that depends upon conserved structural features in diverse Fused kinases.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP-38) is a peptide hormone which functions in many mammalian systems, including the nervous and digestive systems. Using in vivo behavioral studies, we have found that this hormone functions as a chemorepellent in Tetrahymena thermophila with an EC50 of 10 nM. Cells previously adapted to PACAP-38 were found to be adapted to lysozyme, and vice versa. Furthermore, the in vivo behavioral activity of PACAP-38 was blocked by addition of the anti-lysozyme receptor antibody, 5545. Chemorepellent activity of PACAP-38 was also inhibited by the addition of neomycin sulfate (inhibition constant K i=0.080 μmol · l−1), a competitive inhibitor of lysozyme binding to its receptor. PACAP-38 is a more potent and specific agonist for the lysozyme receptor than either intact lysozyme or CB2, a 24-amino acid fragment of lysozyme. Accepted: 11 October 1999  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) are involved in acetylcholine synthesis and degradation at pre‐ and postsynaptic compartments, respectively. Here we show that their anterograde transport in Drosophila larval ganglion is microtubule‐dependent and occurs in two different time profiles. AChE transport is constitutive while that of ChAT occurs in a brief pulse during third instar larva stage. Mutations in the kinesin‐2 motor subunit Klp64D and separate siRNA‐mediated knock‐outs of all the three kinesin‐2 subunits disrupt the ChAT and AChE transports, and these antigens accumulate in discrete nonoverlapping punctae in neuronal cell bodies and axons. Quantification analysis further showed that mutations in Klp64D could independently affect the anterograde transport of AChE even before that of ChAT. Finally, ChAT and AChE were coimmunoprecipitated with the kinesin‐2 subunits but not with each other. Altogether, these suggest that kinesin‐2 independently transports AChE and ChAT within the same axon. It also implies that cargo availability could regulate the rate and frequency of transports by kinesin motors. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a misclassification model for the meiosis I non‐disjunction fraction in numerical chromosomal anomalies named trisomies. We obtain posteriors, and their moments, for the probability that a non‐disjunction occurs in the first division of meiosis and for the misclassification errors. We also extend previous works by providing the exact posterior, and its moments, for the probability that a non‐disjunction occurs in the first division of meiosis assuming the model proposed in the literature which does not consider that data are subject to misclassification. We perform Monte Carlo studies in order to compare Bayes estimates obtained by using both models. An application to Down Syndrome data is also presented. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

CDC25B has been demonstrated to activate the complex of CDK1/Cyclin B and trigger mitosis. We have recently demonstrated that p‐CDC25B‐Ser351 is located at the centrosomes of mouse oocytes and contributes to the release of mouse oocytes from prophase I arrest. But much less is known about CDC25B function at the centrosome in two‐cell stage mouse embryos. Here we investigate the effect of CDC25B regulating the microtubules nucleation. Microinjection of anti‐CDC25B antibody caused aberrant microtubule nucleation. In addition, embryos injected with anti‐CDC25B antibody showed the marked absence of microtubule repolymerization and Nek2 foci after nocodazole washout. CDC25B overexpression caused microtubule‐organizing center (MTOC) overduplication. Moreover, overexpression of CDC25B–?65 mutant resulted in the loss of CDC25B localization in the perinuclear region and made CDC25B less efficient in inducing mitosis. We additionally identified that CDC25B is responsible for the pericentrin localization to the MTOC. Our data suggest an important role of CDC25B for microtubule nucleation and organization. N‐terminal of CDC25B is required for regulating the microtubule dynamics and mitotic function.  相似文献   

The use of ionic liquids (ILs) as reaction media for enzymatic reactions has increased their potential because they can improve enzyme activity and stability. Kinetic and stability properties of immobilized commercial laccase from Myceliophthora thermophila in the water‐soluble IL 1‐ethyl‐3‐methylimidazolium ethylsulfate ([emim][EtSO4]) have been studied and compared with free laccase. Laccase immobilization was carried out by covalent binding on glyoxyl–agarose beads. The immobilization yield was 100%, and the activity was totally recovered. The Michaelis‐Menten model fitted well to the kinetic data of enzymatic oxidation of a model substrate in the presence of the IL [emim][EtSO4]. When concentration of the IL was augmented, the values of Vmax for free and immobilized laccases showed an increase and slight decrease, respectively. The laccase–glyoxyl–agarose derivative improved the laccase stability in comparison with the free laccase regarding the enzymatic inactivation in [emim][EtSO4]. The stability of both free and immobilized laccase was slightly affected by small amounts of IL (<50%). A high concentration of the IL (75%) produced a large inactivation of free laccase. However, immobilization prevented deactivation beyond 50%. Free and immobilized laccase showed a first‐order thermal inactivation profile between 55 and 70°C in the presence of the IL [emim][EtSO4]. Finally, thermal stability was scarcely affected by the presence of the IL. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:790–796, 2014  相似文献   

During interphase, recycling endosomes mediate the transport of internalized cargo back to the plasma membrane. However, in mitotic cells, recycling endosomes are essential for the completion of cytokinesis, the last phase of mitosis that promotes the physical separation the two daughter cells. Despite recent advances, our understanding of the molecular determinants that regulate recycling endosome dynamics during cytokinesis remains incomplete. We have previously demonstrated that Molecule Interacting with CasL Like‐1 (MICAL‐L1) and C‐terminal Eps15 Homology Domain protein 1 (EHD1) coordinately regulate receptor transport from tubular recycling endosomes during interphase. However, their potential roles in controlling cytokinesis had not been addressed. In this study, we show that MICAL‐L1 and EHD1 regulate mitosis. Depletion of either protein resulted in increased numbers of bi‐nucleated cells. We provide evidence that bi‐nucleation in MICAL‐L1‐ and EHD1‐depleted cells is a consequence of impaired recycling endosome transport during late cytokinesis. However, depletion of MICAL‐L1, but not EHD1, resulted in aberrant chromosome alignment and lagging chromosomes, suggesting an EHD1‐independent function for MICAL‐L1 earlier in mitosis. Moreover, we provide evidence that MICAL‐L1 and EHD1 differentially influence microtubule dynamics during early and late mitosis. Collectively, our new data suggest several unanticipated roles for MICAL‐L1 and EHD1 during the cell cycle.   相似文献   

Microtubule‐depolymerizing agents can selectively disrupt tumor vessels via inducing endothelial membrane blebbing. However, the mechanism regulating blebbing is largely unknown. IMB5046 is a newly discovered microtubule‐depolymerizing agent. Here, the functions of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) during IMB5046‐induced blebbing and the relevant mechanism are studied. We found that IMB5046 induced membrane blebbing and reassembly of focal adhesions in human vascular endothelial cells. Both FAK inhibitor and knock‐down expression of FAK inhibited IMB5046‐induced blebbing. Mechanism study revealed that IMB5046 induced the activation of FAK via GEF‐H1/ Rho/ ROCK/ MLC2 pathway. cRGD peptide, a ligand of integrin, also blocked IMB5046‐induced blebbing. After activation, FAK further promoted the phosphorylation of MLC2. This positive feedback loop caused more intensive actomyosin contraction and continuous membrane blebbing. FAK inhibitor blocked membrane blebbing via inhibiting actomyosin contraction, and stimulated stress fibre formation via promoting the phosphorylation of HSP27. Conclusively, these results demonstrate that FAK is a molecular switch controlling endothelial blebbing and stress fibre formation. Our study provides a new molecular mechanism for microtubule‐depolymerizing agents to be used as vascular disrupting agents.  相似文献   

Cultural competence, a clinical skill to recognise patients' cultural and religious beliefs, is an integral element in patient‐centred medical practice. In the area of death and dying, physicians' understanding of patients' and families' values is essential for the delivery of culturally appropriate care. Dementia is a neurodegenerative condition marked by the decline of cognitive functions. When the condition progresses and deteriorates, patients with advanced dementia often have eating and swallowing problems and are at high risk of developing malnutrition. Enteral tube feeding is a conventional means of providing artificial nutrition and hydration to meet nutritional needs, but its benefits to the frail population are limitedly shown in the clinical evidence. Forgoing tube feeding is ethically challenging when patients are mentally incompetent and in the absence of an advance directive. Unlike some developed countries, like the United States of America, death and dying is a sensitive issue or even a taboo in some cultures in developing countries that forgoing enteral tube feeding is clinically and ethically challenging, such as China and Malaysia. This article in three parts 1) discusses the clinical and ethical issues related to forgoing tube feeding among patients with advanced dementia, 2) describes how Hong Kong Chinese, North American, and Malaysian Islamic cultures respond differently in the decision‐making patterns of forgoing tube feeding for patients with advanced dementia, and 3) reiterates the clinical implications of cultural competence in end‐of‐life care.  相似文献   

14‐3‐3 proteins are ubiquitously‐expressed and multifunctional proteins. There are seven isoforms in mammals with a high level of homology, suggesting potential functional redundancy. We previously found that two of seven isoforms, 14‐3‐3epsilon and 14‐3‐3zeta, are important for brain development, in particular, radial migration of pyramidal neurons in the developing cerebral cortex. In this work, we analyzed the function of another isoform, the protein 14‐3‐3gamma, with respect to neuronal migration in the developing cortex. We found that in utero 14‐3‐3gamma‐deficiency resulted in delays in neuronal migration as well as morphological defects. Migrating neurons deficient in 14‐3‐3gamma displayed a thicker leading process stem, and the basal ends of neurons were not able to reach the boundary between the cortical plate and the marginal zone. Consistent with the results obtained from in utero electroporation, time‐lapse live imaging of brain slices revealed that the ablation of the 14‐3‐3gamma proteins in pyramidal neurons slowed down their migration. In addition, the 14‐3‐3gamma deficient neurons showed morphological abnormalities, including increased multipolar neurons with a thicker leading processes stem during migration. These results indicate that the 14‐3‐3gamma proteins play an important role in radial migration by regulating the morphology of migrating neurons in the cerebral cortex. The findings underscore the pathological phenotypes of brain development associated with the disruption of different 14‐3‐3 proteins and will advance the preclinical data regarding disorders caused by neuronal migration defects. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 600–614, 2016  相似文献   

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