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The resources available to an individual in any given environment are finite, and variation in life history traits reflect differential allocation of these resources to competing life functions. Nutritional quality of food is of particular importance in these life history decisions. In this study, we tested trade‐offs among growth, immunity and survival in 3 groups of greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) larvae fed on diets of high and average nutritional quality. We found rapid growth and weak immunity (as measured by encapsulation response) in the larvae of the high‐energy food group. It took longer to develop on food of average nutritional quality. However, encapsulation response was stronger in this group. The larvae grew longer in the low‐energy food group, and had the strongest encapsulation response. We observed the highest survival rates in larvae of the low‐energy food group, while the highest mortality rates were observed in the high‐energy food group. A significant negative correlation between body mass and the strength of encapsulation response was found only in the high‐energy food group revealing significant competition between growth and immunity only at the highest rates of growth. The results of this study help to establish relationships between types of food, its nutritional value and life history traits of G. mellonella larvae.  相似文献   

Iwona Wojda 《Insect Science》2017,24(3):342-357
Investigation of insect immune mechanisms provides important information concerning innate immunity, which in many aspects is conserved in animals. This is one of the reasons why insects serve as model organisms to study virulence mechanisms of human pathogens. From the evolutionary point of view, we also learn a lot about host–pathogen interaction and adaptation of organisms to conditions of life. Additionally, insect‐derived antibacterial and antifungal peptides and proteins are considered for their potential to be applied as alternatives to antibiotics. While Drosophila melanogaster is used to study the genetic aspect of insect immunity, Galleria mellonella serves as a good model for biochemical research. Given the size of the insect, it is possible to obtain easily hemolymph and other tissues as a source of many immune‐relevant polypeptides. This review article summarizes our knowledge concerning G. mellonella immunity. The best‐characterized immune‐related proteins and peptides are recalled and their short characteristic is given. Some other proteins identified at the mRNA level are also mentioned. The infectious routes used by Galleria natural pathogens such as Bacillus thuringiensis and Beauveria bassiana are also described in the context of host–pathogen interaction. Finally, the plasticity of G. mellonella immune response influenced by abiotic and biotic factors is described.  相似文献   

Predator‐prey interactions are an important evolutionary force affecting the immunity of the prey. Parasitoids and mites pierce the cuticle of their prey, which respond by activating their immune system against predatory attacks. Immunity is a costly function for the organism, as it often competes with other life‐history traits for limited nutrients. We tested whether the expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) of the larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) changes as a consequence of insertion of a nylon monofilament, which acts like a synthetic parasite. The treatment was done for larvae grown on a high‐quality vs. a low‐quality diet. The expression of Gloverin and 6‐tox were upregulated in response to the insertion of the nylon monofilament. The expression of 6‐tox, Cecropin‐D, and Gallerimycin were significantly higher in the ‘low‐quality diet’ group than in the ‘high‐quality diet’ group. As food quality seems to affect AMP gene expression in G. mellonella larvae, it should always be controlled for in studies on bacterial and fungal infections in G. mellonella.  相似文献   

We investigated the participation of MAP kinases in the response of Galleria mellonella larvae to immune challenge. JNK MAP kinase was activated in fat body 10-15 min after LPS injection in vivo. The level of JNK activation was time- and LPS dosage-dependent. JNK MAP kinase isolated from cell-free extract of fat bodies dissected from immune stimulated larvae phosphorylated c-Jun protein in vitro. The activity of Gm JNK kinase was abolished in the presence of the JNK specific inhibitor SP600125. Our data indicate a correlation between JNK phosphorylation and induction of antimicrobial activity in the insect hemolymph after immune stimulation. Hemolymph from larvae pre-treated with JNK specific inhibitor SP600125 showed a reduced level of antibacterial activity after LPS injection. JNK inhibition by SP600125 abolished antibacterial activity of the in vitro culture of G. mellonella fat body. Finally, we also show a correlation between JNK-dependent immune response of G. mellonella larvae and elevated temperature.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of apolipophorin-III (apoLp-III), a lipid-binding hemolymph protein from the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella, was determined by protein sequencing. The mature protein consists of 163 amino acid residues forming a protein of 18,075.5 Da. Its sequence is similar to apoLp-III from other Lepidopteran species, but remarkably different from the apoLp-IIIs of insects from other orders. As shown by mass spectrometric analysis, the protein carries no modifications. Thus, all of its known physiological functions, including its recently discovered immune response-stimulating activity, must reside in the protein itself.  相似文献   

The level of apolipophorin-III reached a maximum in the haemolymph of Galleria mellonella at the end of the feeding phase of the seventh larval instar and declined to a plateau value in the pupal and the adult stages. Apolipophorin-III was detected immunologically in fat body tissue, haemocyte lysates, and plasma. In its native state, apolipophorin-III may be associated with another protein with an apparent molecular mass of 77 kDa, possibly apolipophorin-II. Injections of octopamine did not cause lipid loading of high density lipophorin.  相似文献   

大蜡螟作为试验昆虫资源的利用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘奇志  田里  蒲恒浒 《昆虫知识》2009,46(3):485-489
随着对资源昆虫的不断认识,人们的目光开始逐渐转到对大蜡螟Galleria mellonella L.的开发利用方面,而不再仅仅局限于对它的防治方面。近些年来,大蜡螟逐渐被作为试验昆虫用于一些生物的研究。文章主要介绍大蜡螟被用于昆虫病原线虫、寄生蜂、新型隐球菌Cryptococcus neoformans、抗菌肽、抗菌免疫机制等方面的研究。  相似文献   

Male-specific protein (MSP) is a soluble protein that accumulates in high amounts in the hemolymph and other organs of adult male wax moth. The MSP was purified from adult male wax moth by gel filtration and reversed phase column chromatography, and its amino acid sequence was determined. Because of blocked N-terminus, several internal amino acid sequences of MSP were obtained by the in-gel digestion method using trypsin. RT-PCR was conducted using degenerate primers designed from the internal amino acid sequences. 5'-RACE PCR was used to obtain the complete coding region and 5'-UTR sequence. The full length MSP cDNA sequence encodes a 239 amino acid polypeptide with an 18 amino acid signal peptide. The putative mature MSP has a molecular mass of 24,317 Da and an isoelectric point (pI) of 6.00, but shows a molecular mass of 27 kDa on SDS-PAGE. Sequence alignment showed a significant similarity between MSP and juvenile hormone binding proteins (JHBPs) of several lepidopteran species, including G. mellonella.  相似文献   

Females of the ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor attack and envenomate numerous host individuals during oviposition. The vectoring of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana during the adhesion stage by ectoparasitoid females among the wax moth larvae Galleria mellonella was explored under laboratory conditions. Vectoring occurred both from infected parasitoids to wax moth larvae and from infected to healthy wax moth larvae by parasitoids. The efficacy of vectoring in both cases was dose dependent. Parasitoid females were unable to recognize infected larvae in a labyrinth test. In addition, the presence of H. hebetor females significantly (1.5–13 fold) increased the mycoses level in clusters of G. mellonella, with 40% of the larvae infected with fungal conidia. Envenomation by H. hebetor increased conidia germination on the cuticles of the wax moth larvae by 4.4 fold. An enhanced germination rate (2 fold) was registered in the n‐hexane epicuticular extract of envenomated larvae compared to that of healthy larvae. Both envenomation and mycoses enhanced the phenoloxidase (PO) activity in the integument of G. mellonella and, in contrast, decreased the encapsulation rate in hemolymphs. We hypothesize that changes in the integument property and inhibition of cellular immunity provide the highest infection efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi with H. hebetor.  相似文献   

The usage of telomere length (TL) in blood as a proxy for the TL of other tissues relies on the assumption that telomere dynamics across all tissues are similar. However, telomere attrition can be caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) which may vary with metabolic rate, which itself varies across organs depending upon the life history strategy of an organism. Thus, we chose to measure the telomeres of various cell types in juvenile painted dragon lizards, Ctenophorus pictus, given their unusual life history strategy. Individuals typically only experience a single mating season. We measured the TL of male and female dragons using qPCR and observed that TL varied with tissue type and sex. Telomeres of blood cells were longer than those of liver, heart, brain, and spleen, and females had longer telomeres than males. Brain telomeres in males were approximately half the length of those in females. Telomeric attrition in the male brain may be due to the need for rapid learning of reproductive tactics (territory patrol and defense, mate‐finding). Significant correlations between the TL of tissue types suggest that blood TL may be a useful proxy for the TL of other tissues. Our comparison of organ‐specific telomere dynamics, the first in a reptile, suggests that the usage of blood TL as a proxy requires careful consideration of the life history strategy of the organism.  相似文献   

The role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase B in activation of the humoral immune response in Galleria mellonella larvae was investigated. The results of our study showed that elastase B injected at a sublethal concentration was responsible for eliciting the humoral immune response in G. mellonella larvae. The insects exhibited increased antibacterial activity, namely, we observed appearance of antimicrobial peptides and a higher level of lysozyme in cell-free hemolymph. Elastase B seems to be a more potent elicitor than thermolysin because similar maximal antibacterial activity levels were observed at a 5-fold lower concentration. We also demonstrated that there were differences in the kinetics of induction of antimicrobial activity between thermolysin and elastase B. The maximum level was observed 18 h post challenge of thermolysin and 38 h after injection of elastase B. It was also shown that, 24 h after elastase injection, the relative levels of apoLp-III in the hemolymph significantly increased in comparison with control G. mellonella larvae. The activation of immune responses in metalloproteinase-challenged larvae involved synthesis of metalloproteinase inhibitors which increased the survival rates of insects both against the lethal dose of thermolysin as well as against viable pathogenic bacterial cells of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Parasitization of Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralididae) larvae by a larval endoparasitoid Apanteles galleriae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) leads to the precocious expression of premetamorphic behavior in the sixth (normally penultimate) instar host larvae prior to the parasitoid's emergence. We investigated the role of parasitization with A. galleriae on the alteration of development and/or behavior of its host. The ecdysteroid titer in the hemolymph of parasitized sixth instar larvae (the last instar of parasitized larvae) was higher than that of unparasitized ones, and the high ecdysteroid concentrations induced premetamorphic behaviors such as wandering and cocoon spinning. However, the epidermis of the parasitized larvae was not pupally committed through this stage. The activity of JH esterase in the parasitized larvae remained low, and application of a JH analogue to these larvae caused the production of a larval-type cocoon. These facts suggest that the parasitization by A. galleriae induces precocious premetamorphic behaviors of G. mellonella larvae by changing host endocrine conditions without causing the typical larval-pupal metamorphosis. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:257–273, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The lipid peroxidation process in hemocytes, activities of phenoloxidase and key enzymatic antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, glutathione‐S‐transferase, catalase) and nonenzymatic antioxidants (thiols, ascorbate) in hemolymph of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were studied during the encapsulation process of nylon implants. It has been established that as soon as 15 min after piercing a cuticle with the implant, a capsule is formed on its surface. Active melanization of the capsule has been shown to last for 4 h. During the first hours after incorporating the implant, an increase in phenoloxidase activity and lipid peroxidation in the insect hemocytes has been revealed. Adhesion and degranulation on the surface of foreign object lead to the depletion of total hemocytes count (THC). Our results indicated that thiols and ascorbate molecules take part in the immediate antioxidant response, during later stages of encapsulation process hemolymph glutathione‐S‐transferase detoxifies and protects insect organism thereby restoring the internal redox balance. We suggest that nonenzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants of hemolymph plasma play a key role in the maintenance of redox balance during encapsulation of foreign targets.  相似文献   

The composition of pheromone volatiles from calling males of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella reared on their native (ND) or artificial (AD) diet was studied by GC-MS. The comparison of effluvium of two laboratory races of insects fed ND or AD was carried out for populations of greater wax moth from three regions of Russia. The experiments suggest that the AD changes the ratio and amounts of major components of pheromone, which are different for different regions. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 36:129–138, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In addition to nutritional conditions experienced by individuals themselves, those experienced by their parents can affect their immune function. Here, we studied the intra‐ and trans‐generational effects of larval diet on susceptibility to an entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, in the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella. In the first part of the study, a split‐brood design was used to compare the susceptibility of full sibs raised either on low‐ or on high‐nutrition larval diet. In the second part of the study, a similar experimental design was employed to investigate the effects of maternal and paternal diet as well as their interaction on offspring's susceptibility. In the first part of the study, we found that individuals fed with high‐nutrition diet had higher mortality from infection than individuals fed with low‐nutrition diet. However, diet did not affect post‐infection survival time. Conversely, in the second part of the study, maternal diet was found to have no significant effect on final mortality rate of offspring, but it affected survival time: larvae with high‐nutrition maternal diet survived fewer days after infection than larvae with low‐nutrition maternal diet. Paternal diet had no significant effect on offspring's susceptibility to the fungus, indicating that paternal effects are not as important as maternal effects in influencing immune function in this species. Our findings provide further indication that maternal nutrition affects immune function in insects, and suggest that the direct effects of nutrition on immunity may be different, yet parallel, to those caused by parental nutrition.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is common in birds and has been linked to various selective forces. Nevertheless, the question of how and when the sexes start to differentiate from each other is poorly studied. This is a critical knowledge gap, as sex differences in growth may cause different responses to similar ecological conditions. In this study, we describe the sex‐specific growth – based on body mass and five morphometric measurements – of 56 captive Black‐tailed Godwit Limosa limosa limosa chicks raised under ad libitum food conditions, and conclude that all six growth curves are sex‐specific. Females are the larger sex in terms of body mass and skeletal body size. To test whether sex‐specific growth leads to sex‐specific susceptibility to environmental conditions, we compared the age‐specific sizes of male and female chicks in the wild with those of Black‐tailed Godwits reared in captivity. We then tested for a relationship between residual growth and relative hatching date, age, sex and habitat type in which the wild chicks were born. Early‐hatched chicks were relatively bigger and in better condition than late‐hatched chicks, but body condition and size were not affected by natal habitat type. Female chicks deviated more negatively from the sex‐specific growth curves than male chicks for body mass and total‐head length. This suggests that the growth of the larger females is more susceptible to limiting environmental conditions. On average, the deviations of wild chicks from the predicted growth curves were negative for all measurements, which suggests that conditions are limiting in the current agricultural landscape. We argue that in estimating growth curves for sexually dimorphic species, it is critical first to make accurate sex and age determinations.  相似文献   

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