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Here, we present data suggesting a novel mechanism for regulation of natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity through inhibitory receptors. Interaction of activation receptors with their ligands on target cells induces cytotoxicity by NK cells. This activation is under negative control by inhibitory receptors that recruit tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 upon binding major histocompatibility class I on target cells. How SHP-1 blocks the activation pathway is not known. To identify SHP-1 substrates, an HLA-C-specific inhibitory receptor fused to a substrate-trapping mutant of SHP-1 was expressed in NK cells. Phosphorylated Vav1, a regulator of actin cytoskeleton, was the only protein detectably associated with the catalytic site of SHP-1 during NK cell contact with target cells expressing HLA-C. Vav1 trapping was independent of actin polymerization, suggesting that inhibition of cellular cytotoxicity occurs through an early dephosphorylation of Vav1 by SHP-1, which blocks actin-dependent activation signals. Such a mechanism explains how inhibitory receptors can block activating signals induced by different receptors.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of the cell cycle regulator p27Kip1 plays a crucial role in its binding to cyclin dependent kinases and its subcellular localization. While Src and Bcr-Abl were shown to be responsible for tyrosine phosphorylation, no data are available on the dephosphorylation of p27Kip1 and the phosphatase involved. Considering the associated dephosphorylation as a pivotal event in the regulation of cell cycle proteins, we focused on the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2, which is regulated in promyelocytic leukemia cells on G-CSF stimulation. SHP-2 was thus found in association with p27Kip1 and the G-CSF receptor, and we observed a nuclear translocation of SHP-2 on G-CSF stimulation. Using a catalytically inactive form of SHP-2 and siRNA directed against SHP-2, we could demonstrate the involvement of SHP-2 in tyrosine dephosphorylation of p27Kip1. Moreover, SHP-2 was strongly activated on G-CSF stimulation and specifically dephosphorylated p27Kip1 in vitro. Most importantly, we could illustrate that SHP-2 modulates p27Kip1 stability and contributes to p27Kip1-mediated cell cycle progression. Taken together, our results demonstrate that SHP-2 is a key regulator of p27Kip1 tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells approaching confluence exhibit marked decreases in tyrosine phosphorylation of receptor tyrosine kinases and adherens junctions proteins, required for cell cycle arrest and adherens junctions stability. Recently, we demonstrated a close correlation in endothelial cells between membrane cholesterol and tyrosine phosphorylation of adherens junctions proteins. Here, we probe the mechanistic basis for this correlation. We find that as endothelial cells reach confluence, the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 is recruited to a low-density membrane fraction in a cholesterol-dependent manner. Binding of SHP-2 to this fraction was not abolished by phenyl phosphate, strongly suggesting that this binding was mediated by other regions of SHP-2 beside its SH2 domains. Annexin II, previously implicated in cholesterol trafficking, was associated in a complex with SHP-2, and both proteins localized to adhesion bands in confluent endothelial monolayers. These studies reveal a novel, cholesterol-dependent mechanism for the recruitment of signaling proteins to specific plasma membrane domains via their interactions with annexin II.  相似文献   

The selection events shaping T cell development in the thymus represent the outcome of TCR-driven intracellular signaling cascades evoked by Ag receptor interaction with cognate ligand. In view of data indicating TCR-evoked thymocyte proliferation to be negatively modulated by the SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase, a potential role for SHP-1 in regulating selection processes was investigated by analysis of T cell development in H-Y TCR transgenic mice rendered SHP-1 deficient by introduction of the viable motheaten mutation or a dominant negative SHP-1-encoding transgene. Characterization of thymocyte and peripheral T cell populations in H-Y TCR-viable motheaten mice revealed TCR-evoked proliferation as well as the positive and negative selection of H-Y-specific thymocytes to be enhanced in these mice, thus implicating SHP-1 in the negative regulation of each of these processes. T cell selection processes were also augmented in H-Y TCR mice carrying a transgene driving lymphoid-restricted expression of a catalytically inert, dominant-negative form of SHP-1. SHP-1-negative effects on thymocyte TCR signaling were not influenced by co-cross-linking of the CD28 costimulatory and/or CTLA-4 inhibitory receptors and appear, accordingly, to be realized independently of these comodulators. These observations indicate that SHP-1 raises the signaling threshold required for both positive and negative selection and reveal the inhibitory effects of SHP-1 on TCR signaling to be cell autonomous. The demonstrated capacity for SHP-1 to inhibit TCR-evoked proliferation and selection indicate SHP-1 modulatory effects on the magnitude of TCR-generated signal to be a key factor in determining the cellular consequences of TCR-ligand interaction.  相似文献   

SHP-2, a ubiquitously expressed Src hmology 2 (SH2) domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase, plays a critical role in the regulation of growth factor and cytokine signal transduction. Here we report a novel function of this phosphatase in DNA damage-induced cellular responses. Mutant embryonic fibroblast cells lacking functional SHP-2 showed significantly decreased apoptosis in response to DNA damage. Following cisplatin treatment, induction of p73 and its downstream effector p21(Cip1) was essentially blocked in SHP-2 mutant cells. Further investigation revealed that activation of the nuclear tyrosine kinase c-Abl, an essential mediator in DNA damage induction of p73, was impaired in the mutant cells, suggesting a functional requirement of SHP-2 in c-Abl activation. Consistent with this observation, the effect of overexpression of c-Abl kinase in SHP-2 mutant cells on sensitizing the cells to DNA damage-induced death was abolished. Additionally, we found that in embryonic fibroblast cells 30-40% of SHP-2 was localized in the nuclei, and that a fraction of nuclear SHP-2 was constitutively associated with c-Abl via its SH3 domain. Phosphatase activity of nuclear but not cytoplasmic SHP-2 was significantly enhanced in response to DNA damage. These results together suggest a novel nuclear function for SHP-2 phosphatase in the regulation of DNA damage-induced apoptotic responses.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of CD45 induced capping and physical sequestration from CD22 leading to an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of CD22 and SHP-1 recruitment. Additionally, CD22 isolated from a CD45-deficient B cell line exhibited increased basal/inducible tyrosine phosphorylation and enhanced recruitment of SHP-1 compared with CD22 isolated from CD45-positive parental cells. Subsequent experiments were performed to determine whether enhanced SHP-1 recruitment to CD22 is responsible for attenuation of receptor-mediated Ca2+ responses in CD45-deficient cells. Catalytically inactive SHP-1 expressed in CD45-deficient cells interacted with CD22 and decreased phosphatase activity in CD22 immunoprecipitates to levels that were comparable to those in CD45-positive cells. Expression of catalytically inactive SHP-1 restored intracellular mobilization of Ca2+ in response to MHC class II cross-linking, but did not affect B cell Ag receptor- or class II-mediated Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space. These results indicate that CD45 regulates tyrosine phosphorylation of CD22 and binding of SHP-1. The data further indicate that enhanced recruitment and activation of SHP-1 in CD45-deficient cells affect intracellular mobilization of Ca2+, but are not responsible for abrogation of receptor-mediated Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space.  相似文献   

Male "viable motheaten" (me(v)) mice, with a naturally occurring mutation in the gene of the SH2 domain protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1, are sterile. Known defects in sperm maturation in these mice correlate with an impaired differentiation of the epididymis, which has similarities to the phenotype of mice with a targeted inactivation of the Ros receptor tyrosine kinase. Ros and SHP-1 are coexpressed in epididymal epithelium, and elevated phosphorylation of Ros in the epididymis of me(v) mice suggests that Ros signaling is under control of SHP-1 in vivo. Phosphorylated Ros strongly and directly associates with SHP-1 in yeast two-hybrid, glutathione S-transferase pull-down, and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Strong binding of SHP-1 to Ros is selective compared to six other receptor tyrosine kinases. The interaction is mediated by the SHP-1 NH(2)-terminal SH2 domain and Ros phosphotyrosine 2267. Overexpression of SHP-1 results in Ros dephosphorylation and effectively downregulates Ros-dependent proliferation and transformation. We propose that SHP-1 is an important downstream regulator of Ros signaling.  相似文献   

SHP-1 is a Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase that plays an essential role in negative regulation of immune cell activity. We describe here a new model for regulation of SHP-1 involving phosphorylation of its C-terminal Ser591 by associated protein kinase Calpha. In human platelets, SHP-1 was found to constitutively associate with its substrate Vav1 and, through its SH2 domains, with protein kinase Calpha. Upon activation of either PAR1 or PAR4 thrombin receptors, the association between the three proteins was retained, and Vav1 became phosphorylated on tyrosine and SHP-1 became phosphorylated on Ser591. Phosphorylation of SHP-1 was mediated by protein kinase C and negatively regulated the activity of SHP-1 as demonstrated by a decrease in the in vitro ability of SHP-1 to dephosphorylate Vav1 on tyrosine. Protein kinase Calpha therefore critically and negatively regulates SHP-1 function, forming part of a mechanism to retain SHP-1 in a basal active state through interaction with its SH2 domains, and phosphorylating its C-terminal Ser591 upon cellular activation leading to inhibition of SHP-1 activity and an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation status of its substrates.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify the signaling mechanism(s) responsible for the modulation of growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR1a)-associated Akt activity. Ghrelin leads to the activation of Akt through the interplay of distinct signaling mechanisms: an early G(i/o) protein-dependent pathway and a late pathway mediated by β-arrestins. We found that the Src homology 2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (SHP-1) was an essential molecule in both G(i/o) protein-dependent and β-arrestin-mediated pathways. More specifically, the role of SHP-1 in the G(i/o) protein-dependent pathway was demonstrated by the fact that the overexpression of a catalytically defective SHP-1 augments tyrosine phosphorylation of the PI3K regulatory subunit p85, leading to an increase in the phosphorylation of cSrc and phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1, and finally activating Akt. The presence of SHP-1 in the β-arrestin-scaffolded complex and its attenuating effect on the cSrc and Akt activities verified that SHP-1 regulates not only the G(i/o) protein-dependent pathway but also the β-arrestin-mediated pathway. Assays performed in preadipocyte and adipocyte 3T3-L1 cells showed SHP-1 expression. According to our results in HEK-GHSR1a cells, ghrelin stimulated SHP-1 phosphorylation in 3T3-L1 cells. The increase in ghrelin-induced Akt activity was enhanced by small interfering RNA of SHP-1 in preadipocyte 3T3-L1 cells. These results were reproduced in white adipose tissue obtained from mice, in which SHP-1 exhibited higher expression in omental than in subcutaneous tissue. Furthermore, this pattern of expression was inverted in mice fed a high-fat diet, suggesting a role for SHP-1 in controlling ghrelin sensitivity in adipose tissue. Indeed, SHP-1 deficiency was associated with augmented ghrelin-evoked Akt phosphorylation in omental tissue, as well as decreased phosphorylation under overexpression of SHP-1 in subcutaneous tissue. These findings showed a novel role for SHP-1 in the regulation of Akt activity through the modulation of the ghrelin/GHSR1a system signaling.  相似文献   

W Lu  D Gong  D Bar-Sagi  P A Cole 《Molecular cell》2001,8(4):759-769
The regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) SHP-2 is proposed to involve tyrosine phosphorylation on two tail tyrosine residues. Using "expressed protein ligation", nonhydrolyzable phosphotyrosine analogs were introduced at known phosphorylation sites in SHP-2. Biochemical analysis suggests that a phosphonate at Tyr542 interacts intramolecularly with the N-terminal SH2 domain to relieve basal inhibition of the PTPase, whereas a phosphonate at Tyr-580 stimulates the PTPase activity by interaction with the C-terminal SH2 domain. Microinjection experiments indicate that a single phosphorylation of Tyr-542 of SHP-2 is sufficient to activate the MAP kinase pathway in living cells. These studies support a novel mechanism explaining how tyrosine phosphorylation of a PTPase is important in signal transduction.  相似文献   

The protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 is a critical regulator of cytokine signaling and inflammation. Mice homozygous for a null allele at the SHP-1 locus have a phenotype of severe inflammation and are hyper-responsive to the TLR4 ligand LPS. TLR4 stimulation in the CNS has been linked to both neuropathic pain and sickness behaviors. To determine if reduction in SHP-1 expression affects LPS-induced behaviors, responses of heterozygous SHP-1-deficient (me/+) and wild-type (+/+) mice to LPS were measured. Chronic (4-week) treatment with LPS induced avoidant behaviors indicative of fear/anxiety in me/+, but not +/+, mice. These behaviors were correlated with a LPS-induced type 2 cytokine, cytokine receptor, and immune effector arginase profile in the brains of me/+ mice not found in +/+ mice. Me/+ mice also had a constitutively greater level of TLR4 in the CNS than +/+ mice. Additionally, me/+ mice displayed constitutively increased thermal sensitivity compared to +/+ mice, measured by the tail-flick test. Moreover, me/+ glial cultures were more responsive to LPS than +/+ glia. Therefore, the reduced expression of SHP-1 in me/+ imparts haploinsufficiency with respect to the control of CNS TLR4 and pain signaling. Furthermore, type 2 cytokines become prevalent during chronic TLR4 hyperstimulation in the CNS and are associated positively with behaviors that are usually linked to type 1 pro-inflammatory cytokines. These findings question the notion that type 2 immunity is solely anti-inflammatory in the CNS and indicate that type 2 immunity induces/potentiates CNS inflammatory processes.  相似文献   

Cytokines and growth factors are important extracellular regulatory proteins. They exert their biological functions through binding to their cognate receptors on the cell surface and triggering intracellular signaling cascades. However, the intracellular signaling mechanisms of cytokines and growth factors are not well understood. Accumulating evidence has shown that protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation carried out by protein kinases and protein phosphatases are fundamental biochemical events in intracellular signal transduction. SHP-2, a Src homology (SH) 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP), is widely involved in a variety of signaling pathways triggered by cytokines and growth factors, including the MAP kinase, Jak-Stat, and PI3 kinase pathways. Recent studies have clearly demonstrated that this phosphatase plays an important role in transducing signals relayed from the cell surface to the nucleus, and is a critical intracellular regulator in cytokine and growth factor-induced cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of catalytic domains and the activation of full length protein tyrosine phosphatases, SHP-1 and SHP-2 have been investigated using synthetic phosphotyrosyl peptides derived from SIPRalpha1. We found that the catalytic domains of SHP-1 and SHP-2 exhibit different substrate specificity towards a longer trideca-peptide pY(469+3) ((-7)RPEDTLTpYADLDM(+5)) and not to the shorter decapeptide pY(469) ((-5)EDTLTpYADLD(+4)), the former being the substrate of SHP-2 only. Furthermore, the activation of full-length SHP-1 and not the SHP-2 by the deca/trideca-peptides suggested SIRPalpha 1 to be possibly acting as both an upstream activator and a substrate for SHP-1, and merely as the downstream substrate for SHP-2 in signaling events.  相似文献   

The dimerization and auto-transphosphorylation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) upon engagement by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) activates signals promoting the mitogenic response of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) due to liver injury, thus contributing to the development of hepatic fibrosis. We demonstrate that the tyrosine phosphatases Src homology 2 domain-containing phosphatase 1 and 2 (SHP-1 and SHP-2) act as crucial regulators of a complex signaling network orchestrated by PDGFR activation in a spatio-temporal manner with diverse and opposing functions in HSCs. In fact, silencing of either phosphatase shows that SHP-2 is committed to PDGFR-mediated cell proliferation, whereas SHP-1 dephosphorylates PDGFR hence abrogating the downstream signaling pathways that result in HSC activation. In this regard, SHP-1 as an off-switch of PDGFR signaling appears to emerge as a valuable molecular target to trigger as to prevent HSC proliferation and the fibrogenic effects of HSC activation. We show that boswellic acid, a multitarget compound with potent anti-inflammatory action, exerts an anti-proliferative effect on HSCs, as in other cell models, by upregulating SHP-1 with subsequent dephosphorylation of PDGFR-β and downregulation of PDGF-dependent signaling after PDGF stimulation. Moreover, the synergism resulting from the combined use of boswellic acid and imatinib, which directly inhibits PDGFR-β activity, on activated HSCs offers new perspectives for the development of therapeutic strategies that could implement molecules affecting diverse players of this molecular circuit, thus paving the way to multi-drug low-dose regimens for liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

Eph receptors and their cognate ligand ephrins play important roles in various biological processes such as cell migration, axon guidance, and synaptic plasticity. One characteristic feature of the Eph-ephrin signal transduction is that, upon interaction with the receptor, the transmembrane B-class ephrins become tyrosine-phosphorylated and transduce intracellular signals that lead to reorganization of the cytoskeleton. Although in vitro and genetic studies have demonstrated unequivocally the significance of this reverse signaling, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. We report here that transfection of ephrin-B1 into 293 cells resulted in robust increase in JNK activity, whereas expression of truncated ephrin-B1 lacking the cytoplasmic domain had a negligible effect, indicating that the induction of JNK activity was attributed mainly to the reverse signaling. The ephrin-B1-mediated JNK activation was reduced significantly by dominant-negative TAK1, MKK4, or MKK7. Ephrin-B1 over-expressing 293 cells became rounded in morphology. Surprisingly, ephrin-B1 that lacked all six intracellular tyrosine residues still triggered JNK activation and rounding morphology of the transfected cells. Consistent with these observations, activation of JNK and the resulting morphological changes mediated by ephrin-B1 could be abolished by the JNK inhibitor SP600125 but not the Src inhibitor PP2. Taken together, our findings have identified a novel reverse signaling pathway transduced by ephrin-B1, which is independent of tyrosine phosphorylation but involves the activation of JNK through TAK1 and MKK4/MKK7 and leads to changes in cell morphology.  相似文献   

The coordinated interplay of substrate adhesion and deadhesion is necessary for cell motility. Using MCF-7 cells, we found that insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) induces the adhesion of MCF-7 to vitronectin and collagen in a dose- and time-dependent manner, suggesting that IGF-I triggers the activation of different integrins. On the other hand, IGF-I promotes the association of insulin receptor substrate 1 with the focal adhesion kinase (FAK), paxillin, and the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2, resulting in FAK and paxillin dephosphorylation. Abrogation of SHP-2 catalytic activity with a dominant-negative mutant (SHP2-C>S) abolishes IGF-I-induced FAK dephosphorylation, and cells expressing SHP2-C>S show reduced IGF-I-stimulated chemotaxis compared with either mock- or SHP-2 wild-type-transfected cells. This impairment of cell migration is recovered by reintroduction of a catalytically active SHP-2. Interestingly, SHP-2-C>S cells show a larger number of focal adhesion contacts than wild-type cells, suggesting that SHP-2 activity participates in the integrin deactivation process. Although SHP-2 regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase activity, the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor PD-98059 has only a marginal effect on MCF-7 cell migration. The role of SHP-2 as a general regulator of cell chemotaxis induced by other chemotactic agents and integrins is discussed.  相似文献   

Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and T cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase (TCPTP) are closely related intracellular phosphatases implicated in the control of glucose homeostasis. PTP1B and TCPTP can function coordinately to regulate protein tyrosine kinase signaling, and PTP1B has been implicated previously in the regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In this study, we assessed the roles of PTP1B and TCPTP in regulating ER stress in the endocrine pancreas. PTP1B and TCPTP expression was determined in pancreases from chow and high fat fed mice and the impact of PTP1B and TCPTP over- or underexpression on palmitate- or tunicamycin-induced ER stress signaling assessed in MIN6 insulinoma β cells. PTP1B expression was increased, and TCPTP expression decreased in pancreases of mice fed a high fat diet, as well as in MIN6 cells treated with palmitate. PTP1B overexpression or TCPTP knockdown in MIN6 cells mitigated palmitate- or tunicamycin-induced PERK/eIF2α ER stress signaling, whereas PTP1B deficiency enhanced ER stress. Moreover, PTP1B deficiency increased ER stress-induced cell death, whereas TCPTP deficiency protected MIN6 cells from ER stress-induced death. ER stress coincided with the inhibition of Src family kinases (SFKs), which was exacerbated by PTP1B overexpression and largely prevented by TCPTP knockdown. Pharmacological inhibition of SFKs ameliorated the protective effect of TCPTP deficiency on ER stress-induced cell death. These results demonstrate that PTP1B and TCPTP play nonredundant roles in modulating ER stress in pancreatic β cells and suggest that changes in PTP1B and TCPTP expression may serve as an adaptive response for the mitigation of chronic ER stress.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The immune response is regulated through a tightly controlled cytokine network. The counteracting balance between protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) activity regulates intracellular signaling in the immune system initiated by these extracellular polypeptides. Mice deficient for the T cell protein tyrosine phosphatase (TCPTP) display gross defects in the hematopoietic compartment, indicating a critical role for TCPTP in the regulation of immune homeostasis. To date, the molecular basis underlying this phenotype has not been reported. RESULTS: We have identified two members of the Janus family of tyrosine kinases (JAKs), JAK1 and JAK3, as bona fide substrates of TCPTP. Inherent substrate specificity in the TCPTP-JAK interaction is demonstrated by the inability of other closely related PTP family members to form an in vivo interaction with the JAKs in hematopoietic cells. In keeping with a negative regulatory role for TCPTP in cytokine signaling, expression of TCPTP in T cells abrogated phosphorylation of STAT5 following interleukin (IL)-2 stimulation. TCPTP-deficient lymphocytes treated with IL-2 had increased levels of tyrosine-phosphorylated STAT5, and thymocytes treated with interferon (IFN)-alpha or IFN-gamma had increased tyrosine-phosphorylated STAT1. Hyperphosphorylation of JAK1 and elevated expression of iNOS was observed in IFN-gamma-treated, TCPTP-deficient, bone marrow-derived macrophages. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified JAK1 and JAK3 as physiological substrates of TCPTP. These results indicate a negative regulatory role for TCPTP in cytokine signaling and provide insight into the molecular defect underlying the phenotype of TCPTP-deficient animals.  相似文献   

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