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吸血蠓类生殖行为和习性研究综述 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
双翅目长角亚国蠓科(Ceratopogonidae)小型昆虫中刺吸人畜血液的库蠓Culicoides、蠛蠓Lasioheea和细蠓Leptoconops3属统称为吸血蠓类,因其传播病毒、细菌、线虫、原虫和丝虫等多种病原体而具有重要的医学意义。为研究其媒介效能、生态和防治,迫待建立实验室驯养的媒介种群,吸血和交配则是实验室驯养吸血蠓的关键,建立生殖营养节律各个时期的指标又是生态学调查和模型设计的基础。鉴于此,国内外学者早已重视吸血蠓类重要种群生殖营养节律的研究,阐明了许多问题,并建立了某些研究方法,为媒介效能、生态和防治研究奠定了基础。本文… 相似文献
东北边境地带吸血蠓的区系和生态研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
我国东北吉林省和黑龙江省的边境地带共有18个县区,东起于吉林省珲春县,北止于我国最北端的黑龙江省漠河县,全长约2500km,位于东经122°4′—129°50′,北纬53°—41°25′之间,一般海拔500—1000m,年平均降水量300—700mm,昆虫地理区划属东北区大兴安岭亚区和长白山亚区。多年来,吸血蠓对边境 相似文献
虞以新 《Entomologia Sinica》2003,10(1):69-71
毛蠓亚科已知有476种,广布世界各地。本描述的河内毛蠓新种Dasyhelea hanoiensis是越南河内市毛蠓新种的初次报导。模式标本收藏于医学昆虫标本馆(北京100071,丰台,东大街20号)。 相似文献
吸血蠓群落的地理分布 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
吸血蠓群落的地理分布GEOGRAPHICALDISTRIBUTIONOFBLOOD-SUCKINGMIDGECOMMUNITIES关键词吸血蠓群落,聚类分析,地理分布KeywordsBlood-suckingmidgecommunities,Clus... 相似文献
1992~1993年在尖峰岭热带雨林采获11种库蠓和1种蠛蠓,其中含3个新种和3种国内库蠓新记录;采获蚊类4属9种,骚扰阿蚊和白纹伊蚊是该地区优势种,分别占捕获总数的52.46%和30.05%。昼夜观察发现,骚扰阿蚊的活动高峰在6:30~7:30和18:30。白纹伊蚊活动高峰时间为6:30和16:30。 相似文献
台湾铗蠓吸血和生殖的观察 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实验室条件下,台湾铗蠓[Forcipomyia (Lasiohelea)taiwana]吸食小鸡、小白鼠乳鼠的血液,吸血率为7.07%±1.64和65.70%±5.41.亦能通过人胎盘膜进行离体喂血,吸血率为35.44%±6.91.80对成蠓用人工交配的方法其交配率达到19%,但未授精.雌蠓未交配能吸血、产卵但不孵化.雌蠓饱血一次,发育成熟的卵平均为49.23±21.33个,实际产出的卵平均为35.35±22.38个.关于交配和产卵习性也做了观察. 相似文献
西藏库蠓和印度库蠓雄蠓的发现与描述(双翅目:蠓科)翟逢伊(第二军医大学寄生虫学教研室上海200433)王绪勇,邓成玉(成都军区军事医学研究所成都610061)西藏库檬和印度库嫁的雄檬迄今尚无描述报道,作者在整理鉴定1989年采自西藏的螳类标本中发现上... 相似文献
吸血蠓类对人畜危害较大,不仅是多种疾病的传播媒介,而且刺叮吸血骚扰性很大。1988年我们在辽宁省丹东地区东沟和风城二县郊区进行了采集和生态习性的调查,现将结果报道如下。材料和方法器材由军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所提供的诱蠓帐、捕虫网和吸虫器。调查方法 相似文献
The pupae of the predaceous midges, Pachyhelea pachymera (Williston, 1900) and Clastrieromyia dycei Spinelli and Grogan, 1986, are redescribed and illustrated using modern terminology from specimens collected in Buenos Aires and Entre Ríos Provinces, Argentina, and Artigas Department, Uruguay. Both species exhibit elongated, thin anteromedial sensilla that are characteristic of other genera in the tribe Palpomyiini. Character differences from known pupae of the New World species in the Palpomyia tibialis group are noted for P. pachymera and differences from other Palpomyiini genera are noted for C. dycei. 相似文献
C. A. VEGGIANI AYBAR M. J. DANTUR JURI M. S. LIZARRALDE DE GROSSO G. R. SPINELLI 《Medical and veterinary entomology》2010,24(1):95-98
The species diversity and seasonal abundance of biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) were studied in northwestern Argentina during the period 2003–2005. A total of 5437 Culicoides specimens were collected using CDC light traps in three areas of the mountainous rainforest area. The most common species were Culicoides paraensis (Goeldi) and C . insignis Lutz, Culicoides lahillei (Iches), C . venezuelensis Ortiz & Mirsa, C . debilipalpis Lutz and C . crescentis Wirth & Blanton were also collected. Culicoides paraensis was abundant during the summer, and C . insignis and C . lahillei during late summer and early fall. Accumulated rainfall was the climatic variable most related to fluctuation in abundance of C . paraensis . 相似文献
1. The seasonal flight periods are given for eleven species or species groups of Culicoides midges at Pirbright, Surrey, U.K., from 1979 to 1981 and in 1983. 2. Most species were relatively uniformly distributed both within the study site and between years; only C.clintoni Boorman was limited in its spatial distribution and only C.segnis Campbell and Pelham-Clinton varied greatly in numbers between years. 3. Species fall into one of three patterns of seasonal abundance: spring emergers, summer emergers, or spring to autumn emergers. 4. Only the C.obsoletus group showed a pattern of emergence that could correspond to distinct generations, of one or more species in the group. Three distinct emergences were observed, and possible explanations for these discussed. 5. For all species except C.impunctatus Goetghebuer the catches from suction/light and suction only traps are poorly correlated whereas for C.impunctatus they are highly correlated. This may suggest that this species is not greatly attracted to light. 相似文献
Tommy W. Bowen 《Hydrobiologia》1983,99(2):81-87
Production and P/B ratios of predaceous midges of the tribes Sphaeromiini and Palpomyiini (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) collected from sublittoral and littoral depths in Lake Norman, North Carolina, were estimated by the size-frequency method. Production estimates in g dry wt/m2/yr at eight sampling locations ranged from 0.002 to 0.022. The littoral zone as a whole was more productive (0.015 g/m2/yr) than the sublittoral zone (0.006 g/m2/yr). The P/B ratios ranged from 2.37 to 3.78 among all stations and depths. 相似文献
A.V. Sprygin O.A. Fiodorova Yu. Yu Babin N.P. Elatkin B. Mathieu M.E. England A.V. Kononov 《Journal of vector ecology》2014,39(2):306-315
Culicoides biting midges play an important role in the epidemiology of many vector‐borne infections, including bluetongue virus, an internationally important virus of ruminants. The territory of the Russian Federation includes regions with diverse climatic conditions and a wide range of habitats suitable for Culicoides. This review summarizes available data on Culicoides studied in the Russian Federation covering geographically different regions, as well as findings from adjacent countries. Previous literature on species composition, ranges of dominant species, breeding sites, and host preferences is reviewed and suggestions made for future studies to elucidate vector‐virus relationships. 相似文献
For more than a century, embryologists have been exploring various model systems to gain insights into developmental processes. This article presents an overview of the role of chironomid midges in embryology research since their introduction as model organisms in the 19th century. We present the vestiges of bibliography since the days of Weismann (1834–1914), who raised preliminary queries to unravel many unique features of insect embryogenesis using midges as a crucible. Unfortunately, over the years, chironomid midges got lost into obscurity as a model for developmental biology, which is evident from the paucity of developmental biology–related literature on midges in the past decades. Through this essay, the authors intend to share reminiscences of the heydays of chironomid research with the wider community of zoologists with an aim of reviving chironomid embryology. Midges not only possess the basic qualities essential for an ideal model system, but being one of the ancestral dipteran stocks, they can also prove an excellent test system for evo‐devo, transgenetic, and embryogenomic investigations that utilize methodologies at the interface of developmental biology and high‐throughput molecular genetic and genomics approach. An introspection of re‐introducing chironomid midgesas model system will be rewarding for the contemporary developmental biologists. 相似文献
ELLIS C. GREINER VALERIE A. FADOK † EDWIN B. RABIN 《Medical and veterinary entomology》1990,4(4):375-381
Nine species of Culicoides were aspirated from horses in Florida during the second phase of a study of equine Culicoides hypersensitivity (CHS). Approximately 90% of the 2933 midges were Culicoides insignis Lutz, 4% were C.stellifer (Coquillett), 3% were C.niger Root and Hoffman, 2% were C.alachua Jamnback and Wirth and the remaining 1% included C.venustus Hoffman, C.scanloni Wirth and Hubert, C.lahillei Iches (= C.debilipalpis Lutz), C.pusillus Lutz, and C.edeni Wirth and Blanton. Culicoides were sampled on seven farms located throughout Florida. The location and seasonality of lesion development on horses with CHS correlated with the Culicoides spp. collected directly from the horses as to their sites of attack, their seasonality and geographical distribution. 相似文献
Peter Zwick 《Australian Journal of Entomology》1998,37(4):289-311