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Allogrooming contributes to the development and maintenance of social relationships, including those that involve alliances, in many primate species. Variation in relatedness, dominance rank, and other factors can produce variation in the value of others as grooming partners. Several models have been developed to account for variation in the distribution of grooming in relation to dominance ranks. These start from the premise that individuals are attracted to high-ranking partners, but time limits, direct competition, and prior grooming engagement between high-ranking individuals can constrain access to them. Sambrook et al. (1995) formalized some of these models and showed the importance of taking group size variation into account when assessing them. Chimpanzees form multimale communities in which males are the philopatric sex. Males commonly associate and groom with each other; they also form dominance hierarchies and form alliances that influence dominance ranks and mating success. Both male rank and the rank distance between partners are significantly correlated with the distribution of grooming between males in an extremely large chimpanzee community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, that has more males than any other known community. High-ranking males had more grooming partners than mid- or low-ranking males. Grooming predominantly went up the dominance hierarchy, but was also concentrated among males that were close in rank. Rank and rank distance apparently both affected grooming independently of reciprocity in grooming and independently of the frequency with which males associated in temporary parties. However, the data do not clearly indicate how constraints on access to partners might have operated. Published data from a smaller chimpanzee community at Mahale show no rank or rank distance effect on male grooming. These results and earlier, conflicting findings on the association between dominance rank and grooming in male chimpanzees indicate that variation in group size, i.e., the number of males per community, probably influences the strength of any such effects, as happens for grooming between females in several cercopithecine species. Data on coalitions at Ngogo support the argument that high-ranking males are valuable social partners, and similarity in strategies of alliance formation may influence the distribution of grooming.  相似文献   

Birth season adult heterosexual nonkin relationships of 50 free-ranging female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in two social groups at Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico were examined using focal follow (289 hr) and ad lib data. Eighty-eight percent of subjects had at least one relationship characterized by particularly high frequencies of spatial proximity, grooming, or both. These were designated “friendships.” Males intervened in aggressive interactions more frequently on behalf of Friends than non-Friends. Female aggressive support of males was extremely rare. Higher-ranking males experienced more friendships than lower-ranking males. High-ranking females had higher-ranking Friends than low-ranking females. Older females had higher-ranking Friends than younger females. Females groomed high-ranking Friends more than they were groomed by them, whereas they groomed low-ranking Friends less than they were groomed by them. In one social group, high-ranking females were more likely than low-ranking females to groom their Friends more than they were groomed by them. Males were more responsible than females for spatial proximity maintenance in 9 of 14 Friend dyads for which sufficient data were available. Neither male nor female dominance rank affected responsibility for proximity maintenance in Friend dyads. Eight of 24 females had friendships with males with whom they had completed copulations during their conception peri-ovulatory period of the preceding mating season. Two of 19 females completed peri-ovulatory copulations with Friends during the following mating season. Friendship was not correlated with either of two demonstrated female mate choice indicators: (1) proximity maintenance during estrus; or (2) cooperation with male “hip-grasp” courtship attempts. Males directed “muzzle-up” courtship signals at lower rates toward Friends than toward non-Friends. These and other investigators' results indicate that (1) protection from aggression is the primary benefit to female rhesus macaques of birth season heterosexual relationships; (2) the most effective protectors are in greatest demand as Friends; and (3) friendship has no effect or an inhibitory effect on mate choice in this species. Benefits to males of friendships were not apparent from this study but may include coalitional support against lower-ranking males.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the influence of dominance rank in combination with kinship on age-related differences in social grooming among adult females in a free-ranging group of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata). Eighty-three adult females were divided into six sub-groups according to age-class (younger: 5–9 years old; middle: 10–14 years old; older: 15–22 years old) and dominance rank (high and low rank). The ratio of the number of unrelated females that each female groomed to the total number of available unrelated females and grooming bouts which she gave to unrelated females decreased with increasing age for both high- and low-ranking females, whereas age did not appear to affect corresponding values for related females. On the other hand, compared with low-ranking females, high-ranking females of all age-classes received grooming more often from a larger number of unrelated females. Moreover, older females of low rank received grooming less often from a smaller number of unrelated females than younger females of low rank. These results indicate that with increasing age females are more likely to concentrate on related females when they have grooming interactions with other females. This tendency seems to be more apparent for low-ranking females. Moreover, the present findings also indicate that older high-ranking females could maintain their social attractiveness as high as younger high-ranking females.  相似文献   

A single social group of wild white-faced capuchin monkeys was studied for a period of 26 months at Lomas Barbudal Biological Reserve, Costa Rica. A total of 604 hr of focal animal data was collected on six adult females in a group of 21 monkeys. Females could be ranked in a stable, linear dominance hierarchy. Adult females spent much more time in proximity to other adult females than to adult males. Females groomed other females twice as often as they groomed males, and about 55 times more often than males groomed males. Females tended to groom up the dominance hierarchy, and dyads with smaller rank distances groomed more often. Higher-ranking females nursed infants other than their own at lower rates than did lower-ranking females; however, females nursed infants of females ranked both above and below them. Although lower-ranking females were more likely than higher-ranking females to be the victims of aggression, higher-ranking females were not necessarily more aggressive than lower-ranking females. In 96% of female-female coalitions vs. a female, the victim was lower-ranking than both coalition partners; in the remaining 4%, the victim was intermediate in rank between the two coalition partners. Higher-ranking female-female dyads formed coalitions more often than did lower-ranking dyads. Those female-female dyads that groomed more frequently also formed coalitions more frequently. The patterning of social interactions indicates that Cebus capucinus at Lomas Barbudal are female bonded. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We observed the grooming interactions of 13 female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)before and for 12 weeks after the births of their infants. Mothers groomed for similar amounts of time before and after the birth of their infants, but after the birth, the grooming they directed to their infants may have been at the expense of that directed to other partners. Lactating females did not receive more grooming from other females but were approached more often, suggesting that they were more attractive. Mothers that groomed their infants most groomed others least, as if grooming time was limited for each mother or as if she was trying to compensate for avoiding interactions with other partners. Mothers of male infants groomed others more than mothers with female infants did, which might be due to mothers with daughters receiving more aggression and therefore avoiding interaction. Experienced and high-ranking mothers groomed their newborn infants considerably more than primiparous mothers did in the 24 hr following birth. Grooming was preferentially directed at close kin before the births of the infants. Mothers tended to groom higher-ranked partners more than they were groomed by them, and they tended to receive more grooming from lower-ranked partners than they gave, as suggested in models of rank attractiveness.  相似文献   

Several aspects of breeding-season relationships with mature females are described for free-ranging immature male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)on Cayo Santiago. At puberty, immature males are still groomed by mature females, as they were as infants, but no longer receive active protection from females other than their mothers. A further, potentially beneficial, aspect of their associations with females lies in the opportunities to observe closely the tactical social and sexual interactions of receptive females with adult males. However, immature males themselves rarely copulate with females. Developmental constraints may explain the finding that most females observed by immature males were relatives but that high-ranking males showed a particular preference for adolescent relatives, whereas the preference of low-ranking males was for adult relatives. A further finding was that while there was a tendency for immature males to devote a greater proportion of their total observation time to females that ranked above their mothers than to those of inferior rank, these were also the females from which males received the most aggression, while most of the females with which the males groomed or copulated were lower ranking than the males’ mothers. Of three hypotheses concerning three possible types of social constraint which might account for such a finding, the data supported only one—that particular levels of aggression within these relationships are compatible only with certain other elements (observations), and not with others (grooming, copulation).  相似文献   

We analyzed grooming episodes recorded among adult females in a large, provisioned, free-ranging group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) at an individual level. Each female groomed on average 10 of the other 84 females, and 54% of them devoted 50% of their grooming to a single female grooming partner, which indicates that most females had grooming interactions with a relatively small subset of available females. Although 65% of the total grooming bouts were between related females, 25% of females disproportionately groomed unrelated females, 22% groomed related and unrelated females equally, and grooming was kin-biased for the remaining 53%. Moreover, 11 of 16 kin-groups included at least one female that groomed unrelated females significantly more often than related females. In 18% of unrelated dyads, grooming was directed down the hierarchy, in 58%, grooming was well-balanced between the two females, and in the remaining 25%, grooming was directed up the hierarchy. The results indicate that although Japanese macaques are considered a despotic species based on their dominance style, this group included some females that showed egalitarian tendencies, i.e., grooming was directed down the hierarchy or was well-balanced, and was directed toward unrelated females as often as or more often than toward related females. The presence of egalitarian individuals might be important to maintain a well-organized, female-bonded group.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that among unrelated male baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) in single-gender social groups there is no significant association between dominance status and allogrooming performance. The hypothesis was tested using behavioral measures obtained by focal animal sampling techniques. The results indicate that unrelated male baboons established well-defined linear dominance hierarchies, formed allogrooming relationships with one another, and exhibited a nonrandom distribution of allogrooming; however, there were no significant relationships between dominance rank and the frequency of allogrooming. We further tested our results by grouping individuals into three dominance status classes (high, middle, and low) and comparing the classes. Analysis of variance demonstrated no significant differences in rates of allogrooming by dominance class. These results suggest that dominance did not account for the variation in observed allogrooming behavior: Dominance status did not appear to determine the frequency with which animals groomed others, the number of grooming partners, or frequency of grooming that any individual received in comparison to that performed. High-ranking animals did not have significantly more grooming partners than low-ranking animals, and there appeared to be little competition within the groups for subordinates to groom high-ranking animals. When age, kinship, and group tenure are controlled, performance and reception of allogrooming are not strongly associated with dominance in single-gender social groups of male anubis baboons.  相似文献   

Grooming and related behaviours among adult females in three groups of vervet monkeys were studied for 14 months. In all groups, high rates of grooming were significantly correlated with high rates of alliance formation and/or proximity. Females of all ranks competed more for the opportunity to groom high-ranking, as opposed to low-ranking, individuals. High-ranking females received more grooming than others and, at least partly as a result of competition, 16 of 23 females gave more grooming than expected to those of adjacent rank. Changes in grooming distributions during the eight weeks after birth were accurately predicted in four cases studied by a model based on the attractiveness of females with infants, the attractiveness of high rank, and competition.  相似文献   

I tested the utility of Seyfarth's (1977) model of rank-related attractiveness to explain the distribution of allogrooming behavior among captive bonobos (Pan paniscus). Adult female bonobos generally have high social status and may be dominant over males. As predicted by the model, I found that high-ranking adult females received most allogrooming within each of the four investigated groups. Among adult female-adult female dyads, however, allogrooming was not clearly associated with dominance rank. Contradictory to predictions of the model, the highest-ranking females were responsible for most displacements over allogrooming, and grooming competition is positively correlated with dominance rank. In the second part of this study, I investigated the social significance of allogrooming body site preferences. Bonobos direct significantly most allogrooming to the face of conspecifics, and high- and low-ranking individuals, as well as males and females, differ significantly in their preferences for certain allogrooming sites. Subordinates and males tended to avoid facial grooming and preferred the back and anogenital region, while high-ranking individuals and females directed most allogrooming to the face and head of grooming partners. Data from this study support the hypothesis that high-ranking females are the most attractive grooming partners within a female-centered bonobo society. Many other aspects of allogrooming behavior, however, are not consistent with the model of rank-related attractiveness.  相似文献   

Wei W  Qi XG  Guo ST  Zhao DP  Zhang P  Huang K  Li BG 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e36802
Social grooming is a common form of affiliative behavior in primates. Biological market theory suggests that grooming can be traded either for grooming or other social commodities and services. When no other services are exchanged, grooming is predicted to be approximately reciprocated within a dyad. In contrast, the amount of reciprocal grooming should decrease as other offered services increase. We studied grooming patterns between polygamous male and female in golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) from the Qinling Mountains of central China and found that about 29.7% of grooming bouts were reciprocated. However, the durations of grooming bouts offered and returned was asymmetrical within dyads. In bisexual dyads, more grooming was initiated by females than males, which became more pronounced as the number of females per one-male unit increased. The rate of copulation per day for each female was positively correlated with the total duration of grooming time females invested in males.. Females without an infant (non-mothers) directed more grooming towards females with an infant (mothers) and were significantly more likely to be non-reciprocated. There was a significant negative relationship between non-mother and mother grooming duration and the rate of infants per female in each one-male unit. High-ranking females also received more grooming from low-ranking females than vice versa. The rate of food-related aggressive interactions was per day for low-ranking females was negatively correlated with the duration of grooming that low-ranking females gave to high-ranking females. Our results showed that grooming reciprocation in R. roxellana was discrepancy. This investment-reciprocity rate could be explained by the exchange of other social services in lieu of grooming.  相似文献   

We investigated sex differences in the social behavior of immature Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) in the light of sex-specifically different life-courses and Hanuman langur characteristics, such as the individualistic dominance hierarchy and the rarity of intragroup coalitions among adult females. We observed four immature female and four immature male langurs—all members of the same free-ranging multimale multifemale group in Ramnagar, South Nepal—from November 1992 to February 1993 for 288 hr via focal-animal and instantaneous sampling techniques. Immature females spent significantly more time in proximity to other group members than immature males did. They had more physical contact and groomed more. Other immature females were their preferred social partners. Immature males also preferred like-aged females. They restricted their relationships with other immature males to proximity and occasional grooming. Monitoring was directed especially toward adult males. Female behavior can be interpreted as oriented toward integration into the female social network and their age-inverted dominance hierarchy. Males seem to prepare for leaving their natal group and for future strong intrasexual competition.  相似文献   

A field study of 64 assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) was conducted at a temple site in Assam, India. Focal and all occurrence scan techniques were used to collect data on agonistic, grooming, and sexual behavior. More than 1,000 hr of data were summarized into agonistic dominance, grooming, and mounting matrices. Rank hierarchies were constructed for all three and compared. We also directly compared each cell in each matrix with the corresponding cells in the other matrices. A nearly linear agonistic dominance hierarchy was found, but it did not correlate with the directionality of mounting or grooming. Adult males mounted females, generally were dominant to females and groomed females more often than they were groomed by females. Younger males groomed older males and were also generally subordinate to older males. These age and sex effects produced some inter‐correlations among grooming, mounting, and dominance but only for specific age‐sex classes. Theoretical models of social exchange were not considered useful in predicting the complex patterns of grooming, mounting, and dominance seen in the present group. Whereas such models may "explain" existing data for some groups and have gained widespread acceptance, they must be empirically tested. Am. J. Primatol. 48:283–289, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Data from over 400 hr of observation of mother-infant rhesus macaques indicate that during the first 12 weeks of lactation infants are at risk from other group members and that mothers use aggression as well as restraining to protect them. Maternal aggression was negatively correlated with infant restraining. High-ranking mothers reacted aggressively to individuals handling their infants more than did middle- and low-ranking mothers. Conversely, middle- and low-ranking mothers restrained their infants more than did high-ranking mothers. Maternal aggression did not vary with infant age. Maternal aggression was directed toward a higher proportion of higher-ranking adult females and their immature offspring and was more likely to be followed by counter-aggression than nonmaternal aggression, i.e. aggression not related to interactions involving the infant. Middle-and low-ranking mothers suffered higher costs in terms of retaliation than high-ranking mothers. It is argued that the occurrence and distribution of maternal aggression among species and individuals should depend on the risk posed to infants by conspecifics as well as on the characteristics of the social structure (e.g. degree of asymmetry of agonistic contests) and of the mother (e.g. her dominance rank) which may affect the probability of retaliation.  相似文献   

We studied grooming among adults of a one-male multifemale troop of free-ranging Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)living near Jodhpur, India, for 9 years. The 11–13 females devoted about 6% of their day to allogrooming. Adult males, whose tenures averaged 2.2 years, were transient figures in the troop's history, as reflected by their rather peripheral role in the grooming network. Females groomed males 4–40 times more frequently (1006 episodes) than vice versa- (176 episodes). Adult females received 97% of all grooming from other adult females (6655 episodes). Although females exhibited an age- inversed dominance hierarchy, they did not compete for grooming access to particular troop mates. Dyads of all possible rank differences occurred as frequently as expected: 51% of grooming was directed up the hierarchy and 49% down it. Young, high- ranking individuals gave and received significantly more grooming than the oldest, low- ranking females did. The pattern seemed to be influenced by kin selection because of the presumably high degree of female relatedness. They invested most in troopmates with the highest reproductive value, i.e., the youngest individuals. This trend was coupled with a preference of closest kin (mothers and daughters). Reciprocity was the outstanding feature since all adult females groomed and were groomed by all others. Such a tight social net might establish the necessary cohesion during frequent territorial disputes with neighboring troops.  相似文献   

In a 6-week study of the social behavior of wild Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra), we found a linear and transitive dominance hierarchy among the six adult males in one social group. Dominance rank, as determined by the direction of supplantations, correlated strongly with percentage of time near more than four neighbors, frequency of grooming received from adult females, and percentage of time with an adult female as nearest neighbor. These results suggest that high-ranking males are socially attractive. Adult females sexually solicited high-ranking males more often than low-ranking males, but frequency of copulation was not correlated with dominance rank. Frequency and intensity of aggression between males are strongly correlated with rank distance, but aggression toward females was greatest for mid-ranking males. Males of all rank displayed significantly more aggression toward sexually receptive females than toward females in other estrous states. These data indicate that male Sulawesi crested black macaques display a social organization similar to that reported for multimale groups in other macaque species rather than the egalitarian social organization described for female Sulawesi macaques.  相似文献   

Allogrooming serves many social functions in primates. Grooming can help individuals to service social relationships generally, sometimes reciprocally, and may be particularly important in the development and maintenance of alliances. However, time constraints limit the number of partners with whom one individual can groom enough to maintain cooperative relationships. As a result, the size of its grooming network may reach an asymptote as the size of its group increases, and it may distribute its grooming less equally among potential partners. Chimpanzees live in multimale, fission-fusion communities; males are philopatric, and commonly associate and groom with each other. Males form within-community alliances that influence dominance rank and access to mates, and allies groom with each other regularly; males also cooperate in aggression between communities. The chimpanzee community at Ngogo, in Kibale National Park, Uganda, is unusually large and has more males than any other known community. Field data show that adult Ngogo males groomed far more with other adult males than with females or with adolescent males, in contrast to a previous report (Ghiglieri, 1984). Adolescent males groomed adults much more than the reverse; males groomed and were groomed by females about equally. Individual males groomed mostly with a small number of other males. On average, males at Ngogo had only slightly more male grooming partners overall and had the same number of important partners as those of males in a much smaller community in the Mahale National Park, Tanzania, and they distributed their grooming less equitably. These results fit those expected if limits on available grooming time cause males to have a loyalty problem as the number of potential grooming and alliance partners increases. Despite differences in the extent and equitability of their grooming networks, males at both Ngogo and Mahale showed reciprocity in grooming. Grooming reciprocity has been demonstrated for captive chimpanzee males, but the Ngogo findings are the first demonstrations of reciprocity in wild communities.  相似文献   

The structure of grooming relations was studied in three captive groups of stumptail macaques, two heterosexual (consisting mainly of females) and one all male. Compared to the heterosexual groups, social hierarchy in the all-male group was less linear, and agonistic and peaceful activity of low-ranking individuals toward high-ranking ones was higher. In addition, in the all-male group received grooming was more variable than performed grooming and showed stronger dependence on age. No effect of maternal kinship was found in the all-male group, and individual preferences were also less marked in this group than in heterosexual groups. These differences tend to be related to dominance style and dispersal patterns. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied sex differences in the nature of aggression and dominance behaviour in two newly formed groups of 1-year-old Icelandic horses. One herd contained nine geldings, the other nine mares. The groups were matched with regard to dominance-determining traits such as age, weaning age, composition of native herd, social experience, genetic origin, body condition and maternal dominance status. High-ranking individuals of both sexes were more aggressive, high-ranking males were older, and high-ranking females had a better body condition. Frequencies of aggressions were similar in both groups. The mares reacted significantly more by showing submission upon an aggression rather than by not responding or by escalating the aggression. For the geldings, this difference was not observed due to a lower tendency to submit. A linear dominance hierarchy was found in both groups. David’s scores provided additional information regarding cardinal rank distances and were used to calculate steepness of hierarchies. The female hierarchy was somewhat steeper compared to the male hierarchy, suggesting somewhat lower despotism among males. This was mainly a consequence of the lower unidirectionality in male submission. Male contests occurred predominantly between dyads at top and mid positions, suggesting a low degree of acceptance of the hierarchy.  相似文献   

Feh C 《Animal behaviour》1999,57(3):705-713
A study of a herd of Camargue horses Equus caballus, showed that while the majority of high-ranking stallions held single-male harems, some sons of low-ranking mares, being low ranking themselves, formed alliances that could last a lifetime. The two stallions were each other's closest associate and preferential grooming partner. Alliances were based on coalitions in which either both partners confronted an intruder synchronously or the dominant of the pair tended the female(s) while the subordinate simultaneously displayed towards the rival. Alliance partners were of similar age but were not more closely related to each other than to other stallions in the herd. Long-term paternity data revealed that subordinates sired close to a quarter of the foals born into the alliance group, and significantly more foals than low-ranking stallions in the herd adopting a 'sneak'-mating strategy. The dominant appeared to benefit from the presence of his subordinate partner. Fights occurred all year round, and the subordinate stallion of each alliance pair fought outside competitors more than twice as often as the dominant. Forming short-term alliances before defending mares on their own may enhance long-term reproductive success for both partners. Other benefits to both partners include higher survivorship of their foals and increased access to proven reproductive mares. These results suggest that the relationship between alliance partners is based on mutualism, but several conditions for reciprocity seem to be fulfilled: the benefit to the dominant (assistance in fights), and the benefit to the subordinate (access to reproduction), are both costly to the other partner and delayed in time. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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