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Multiple Allee effects and population management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Allee effects, strongly related to the extinction vulnerability of populations and gradually becoming acknowledged by both theoretically oriented and applied ecologists, have already been shown to have important roles in the dynamics of many populations. Although not yet widely recognized, two or more Allee effects can occur simultaneously in the same population. Here, we review the evidence for multiple Allee effects and show that their interactions can take several forms, many of which are far from inconsequential. We suggest that more research is needed to assess the prevalence and interactions of multiple Allee effects, as failing to take them into account could have adverse consequences for the management of threatened or exploited populations.  相似文献   

Non-native species are recognized as important components of change to food web structure. Non-native prey may increase native predator populations by providing an additional food source and simultaneously decrease native prey populations by outcompeting them for a limited resource. This pattern of apparent competition may be important for plants and sessile marine invertebrate suspension feeders as they often compete for space and their immobile state make them readily accessible to predators. Reported studies on apparent competition have rarely been examined in biological invasions and no study has linked seasonal patterns of native and non-native prey abundance to increasing native predator populations. Here, we evaluate the effects of non-native colonial ascidians (Diplosoma listerianum and Didemnum vexillum) on population growth of a native predator (bloodstar, Henricia sanguinolenta) and native sponges through long-term surveys of abundance, prey choice and growth experiments. We show non-native species facilitate native predator population growth by providing a novel temporal resource that prevents loss of predator biomass when its native prey species are rare. We expect that by incorporating native and non-native prey seasonal abundance patterns, ecologists will gain a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying the effects of non-native prey species on native predator and prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

Feedback structures of northern small rodent populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Regular oscillations of northern small rodents (lemmings, voles and mice) have fascinated ecologists for decades. In particular, cycles exhibited by Fennoscandian voles have inspired population ecologists to propose several hypotheses for their underlying causes. Although there is now some agreement that the interaction with specialist predators is involved, many aspects remain enigmatic, one being the precise ecological mechanism involved in the first-order feedback effect (i.e. direct density dependence). In this paper we evaluate the relative importance of first and second-order negative feedback on small rodent dynamics in 64 data sets, assess the evidence of non-linearity in the feedback structure, and look for similarities and/or differences between species and places. A clear feature of our analysis was the highly consistent pattern of first-order dynamics across species and locations, suggesting the importance of intra-specific interactions independent of local environmental conditions. Second-order feedback generally showed a large degree of variation and appears to be strongly dependent on environmental conditions and locality. There seems to be no consistent latitudinal pattern or non-linearity in the feedback responses. We conclude that northern small rodent populations are basically regulated by both highly consistent first-order feedback (e.g. intra-specific competition, functional responses of generalist predators) and less consistent, site-specific second-order effects (e.g. numerical responses of specialist predators or food plants).  相似文献   

Theoretical ecologists have long sought to understand how the persistence of populations depends on the interactions between exogenous (biotic and abiotic) and endogenous (e.g., demographic and genetic) drivers of population dynamics. Recent work focuses on the autocorrelation structure of environmental perturbations and its effects on the persistence of populations. Accurate estimation of extinction times and especially determination of the mechanisms affecting extinction times is important for biodiversity conservation. Here we examine the interaction between environmental fluctuations and the scaling effect of the mean population size with its variance. We investigate how interactions between environmental and demographic stochasticity can affect the mean time to extinction, change optimal patch size dynamics, and how it can alter the often-assumed linear relationship between the census size and the effective population size. The importance of the correlation between environmental and demographic variation depends on the relative importance of the two types of variation. We found the correlation to be important when the two types of variation were approximately equal; however, the importance of the correlation diminishes as one source of variation dominates. The implications of these findings are discussed from a conservation and eco-evolutionary point of view.  相似文献   

Costs of aggregation: shadow competition in a sit-and-wait predator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of top-down (e.g. parasitism) and bottom-up (e.g. resource competition) processes is of fundamental importance for the stability and persistence of insect herbivore populations. Although emphasis has often focused on single regulatory agents, the processes underpinning tri-trophic interactions may actually be more pluralistic. Recently, further complexities involved in the regulation of tri-trophic systems have been highlighted. In particular, life history characteristics may have a concomitant role when coupled with the regulatory effects of resource competition and/or parasitism. Here we present an age-structured model to investigate the effects of larval development period, parasitism and resource competition on the stability and persistence of herbivore–parasitoid interactions. We show that the influence of weak density dependent parasitism is sufficient to stabilise the interaction when the period of host susceptibility to parasitism is short. For longer periods of host susceptibility, parasitism needs to be highly non-linear to overcome the destabilising effects of the time delays. In systems where host development is protracted through the season we predict that resource competition is likely to be the dominant process for herbivore regulation. We use this age-structured approach to explore the population dynamics of two field studies from temperate ecosystems. Predictions from these case studies show 1) that both the strength and type of competition and parasitism are important for the stability and persistence of the particular system, and 2) that the length of the developmental period of the vulnerable host is critical to understand the influence of different regulatory processes. Host demography is of overriding importance in determining whether herbivores show outbreaks, and which particular ecological processes and mechanisms are responsible for generating such overcompensatory dynamics.  相似文献   

植物邻体间的正相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张炜平  王根轩 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5371-5380
植物间的正负相互作用是构建植被群落的重要因素,也是群落生态学研究的中心内容之一。近20a来,植物间正相互作用的研究得到快速发展。综述了正相互作用的定义,不同植物群落中的直接、间接正相互作用及其发生机制,正相互作用研究的实验和模型方法,正负相互作用随胁迫梯度的变化及正相互作用对群落构建的影响。探讨了正相互作用研究前景:(1)进一步理解正负相互作用的平衡及其对群落构建的影响;(2)加深对全球变暖背景下的正相互作用的认识;(3)需把正相互作用研究同进化联系起来;(4)充分发挥正相互作用在生态系统中的推动力作用,把正相互作用应用到生态恢复中,为恢复退化生态系统服务。  相似文献   

Biotic interactions are often ignored in assessments of climate change impacts. However, climate‐related changes in species interactions, often mediated through increased dominance of certain species or functional groups, may have important implications for how species respond to climate warming and altered precipitation patterns. We examined how a dominant plant functional group affected the population dynamics of four co‐occurring forb species by experimentally removing graminoids in seminatural grasslands. Specifically, we explored how the interaction between dominants and subordinates varied with climate by replicating the removal experiment across a climate grid consisting of 12 field sites spanning broad‐scale temperature and precipitation gradients in southern Norway. Biotic interactions affected population growth rates of all study species, and the net outcome of interactions between dominants and subordinates switched from facilitation to competition with increasing temperature along the temperature gradient. The impacts of competitive interactions on subordinates in the warmer sites could primarily be attributed to reduced plant survival. Whereas the response to dominant removal varied with temperature, there was no overall effect of precipitation on the balance between competition and facilitation. Our findings suggest that global warming may increase the relative importance of competitive interactions in seminatural grasslands across a wide range of precipitation levels, thereby favouring highly competitive dominant species over subordinate species. As a result, seminatural grasslands may become increasingly dependent on disturbance (i.e. traditional management such as grazing and mowing) to maintain viable populations of subordinate species and thereby biodiversity under future climates. Our study highlights the importance of population‐level studies replicated under different climatic conditions for understanding the underlying mechanisms of climate change impacts on plants.  相似文献   

The interaction between predation and competition: a review and synthesis   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
This review discusses the interface between two of the most important types of interactions between species, interspecific competition and predation. Predation has been claimed to increase, decrease, or have little effect on, the strength, impact or importance of interspecific competition. There is confusion about both the meaning of these terms and the likelihood of, and conditions required for, each of these outcomes. In this article we distinguish among three measures of the influence of predation on competitive outcomes: short‐term per capita consumption or growth rates, long‐term changes in density, and the probability of competitive coexistence. We then outline various theoretical mechanisms that can lead to qualitatively distinct effects of predators. The qualitative effect of predators can depend both on the mechanism of competition and on the definition of competitive strength/impact. In assessing the empirical literature, we ask: (1) What definitions of competitive strength/impact have been assumed? (2) Does strong evidence exist to support one or more of the possible mechanisms that can produce a given outcome? (3) Do biases in the choice of organism or manipulation exist, and are they likely to have influenced the conclusions reached? We conclude by discussing several unanswered questions, and espouse a stronger interchange between empirical and theoretical approaches to this important question.  相似文献   

A Bodini 《Bio Systems》1991,26(1):21-30
A basic question in ecology concerns the role of species interaction on dynamics of natural communities. In this framework, ecologists have considered predation, competition, mutualism, the three most important interactions, highlighting their specific effects on distribution and abundance of species, providing knowledge about phenomena like coexistence and extinction. This paper seeks to identify the effects of predation on stability of natural communities by mathematical models. Simple multispecies community models, organized in trophic levels, are analyzed by means of a qualitative technique, loop analysis, combined with a computer calculation procedure. Results do not support the hypothesis of predation as a stabilizing factor. Rather, the outcomes of the analysis suggest that predation may or may not stabilize a community. This depends on the predator's behaviour and on the network of the community.  相似文献   

Although ecologists have documented the effects of nitrogen enrichment on productivity, diversity and species composition, we know little about the relative importance of the mechanisms driving these effects. We propose that distinct aspects of environmental change associated with N enrichment (resource limitation, asymmetric competition, and interactions with soil microbes) drive different aspects of plant response. We test this in greenhouse mesocosms, experimentally manipulating each factor across three ecosystems: tallgrass prairie, alpine tundra and desert grassland. We found that resource limitation controlled productivity responses to N enrichment in all systems. Asymmetric competition was responsible for diversity declines in two systems. Plant community composition was impacted by both asymmetric competition and altered soil microbes, with some contributions from resource limitation. Results suggest there may be generality in the mechanisms of plant community change with N enrichment. Understanding these links can help us better predict N response across a wide range of ecosystems.  相似文献   

Studies of eco-evolutionary dynamics have integrated evolution with ecological processes at multiple scales (populations, communities and ecosystems) and with multiple interspecific interactions (antagonistic, mutualistic and competitive). However, evolution has often been conceptualised as a simple process: short-term directional adaptation that increases population growth. Here we argue that diverse other evolutionary processes, well studied in population genetics and evolutionary ecology, should also be considered to explore the full spectrum of feedback between ecological and evolutionary processes. Relevant but underappreciated processes include (1) drift and mutation, (2) disruptive selection causing lineage diversification or speciation reversal and (3) evolution driven by relative fitness differences that may decrease population growth. Because eco-evolutionary dynamics have often been studied by population and community ecologists, it will be important to incorporate a variety of concepts in population genetics and evolutionary ecology to better understand and predict eco-evolutionary dynamics in nature.  相似文献   

Indirect interactions among species emerge from the complexity of ecological networks and can strongly affect the response of communities to disturbances. To determine these indirect interactions and understand better community dynamics, ecologists focused on the interactions within small sets of species or modules. Thanks to their analytical tractability, modules bring insights on the mechanisms occurring in complex interaction networks. So far, most studies have considered modules with a single type of interaction although numerous species are involved in mutualistic and antagonistic interactions simultaneously. In this study, we analyse the dynamics of a diamond-shaped module with multiple interaction types: two resource species sharing a mutualist and a consumer. We describe the different types of indirect interaction occurring between the resource species and the conditions for a stable coexistence of all species. We show that the nature of indirect interactions between resource species (i.e. apparent facilitation, competition or antagonism), as well as stable coexistence, depend on the species generalism and asymmetry of interactions, or in other words, on the distribution of interaction strengths among species. We further unveil that a balance between mutualistic and antagonistic interactions at the level of resource species favours stable coexistence, and that species are more likely to coexist stably if there is apparent facilitation between the two resource species rather than apparent competition. Our results echo existing knowledge on the trophic diamond-shaped module, and confirm that our understanding of communities combining different interaction types can gain from module analyses.  相似文献   

局域种群的Allee效应和集合种群的同步性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从包含Allee效应的局域种群出发,建立了耦合映像格子模型,即集合种群模型.通过分析和计算机模拟表明:(1)当局域种群受到Allee效应强度较大时,集合种群同步灭绝;(2)而当Allee效应强度相对较弱时,通过稳定局域种群动态(减少混沌)使得集合种群发生同步波动,而这种同步波动能够增加集合种群的灭绝风险;(3)斑块间的连接程度对集合种群同步波动的发生有很大的影响,适当的破碎化有利于集合种群的续存.全局迁移和Allee效应结合起来增加了集合种群同步波动的可能,从而增加集合种群的灭绝风险.这些结果对理解同步性的机理、利用同步机理来制定物种保护策略和害虫防治都有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Population cycles have fascinated ecologists since the early nineteenth century, and the dynamics of insect populations have been central to understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic biological processes responsible for these cycles. We analyzed an extraordinary long-term data set (every 5 days for 48 years) of a tea tortrix moth (Adoxophyes honmai) that exhibits two dominant cycles: an annual cycle with a conspicuous pattern of four or five single-generation cycles superimposed on it. General theory offers several candidate mechanisms for generation cycles. To evaluate these, we construct and parameterize a series of temperature-dependent, stage-structured models that include intraspecific competition, parasitism, mate-finding Allee effects, and adult senescence, all in the context of a seasonal environment. By comparing the observed dynamics with predictions from the models, we find that even weak larval competition in the presence of seasonal temperature forcing predicts the two cycles accurately. None of the other mechanisms predicts the dynamics. Detailed dissection of the results shows that a short reproductive life span and differential winter mortality among stages are the additional life-cycle characteristics that permit the sustained cycles. Our general modeling approach is applicable to a wide range of organisms with temperature-dependent life histories and is likely to prove particularly useful in temperate systems where insect pest outbreaks are both density and temperature dependent.  相似文献   

Date hub proteins have 1 or 2 interaction interfaces but many interaction partners. This raises the question of whether all partner proteins compete for the interaction interface of the hub or if the cell carefully regulates aspects of this process? Here, we have used real-time rendering of protein interaction networks to analyse the interactions of all the 1 or 2 interface hubs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during the cell cycle. By integrating previously determined structural and gene expression data, and visually hiding the nodes (proteins) and their edges (interactions) during their troughs of expression, we predict when interactions of hubs and their partners are likely to exist. This revealed that 20 out of all 36 one- or two- interface hubs in the yeast interactome fell within two main groups. The first was dynamic hubs with static partners, which can be considered as ‘competitive hubs’. Their interaction partners will compete for the interaction interface of the hub and the success of any interaction will be dictated by the kinetics of interaction (abundance and affinity) and subcellular localisation. The second was static hubs with dynamic partners, which we term ‘non-competitive hubs’. Regulatory mechanisms are finely tuned to lessen the presence and/or effects of competition between the interaction partners of the hub. It is possible that these regulatory processes may also be used by the cell for the regulation of other, non-cell cycle processes.  相似文献   

Harsh conditions (e.g., mortality and stress) reduce population growth rates directly; secondarily, they may reduce the intensity of interactions between organisms. Near-exclusive focus on the secondary effect of these forms of harshness has led ecologists to believe that they reduce the importance of ecological interactions, such as competition, and favor coexistence of even ecologically very similar species. By examining both the costs and the benefits, we show that harshness alone does not lessen the importance of species interactions or limit their role in community structure. Species coexistence requires niche differences, and harshness does not in itself make coexistence more likely. Fluctuations in environmental conditions (e.g., disturbance, seasonal change, and weather variation) also have been regarded as decreasing species interactions and favoring coexistence, but we argue that coexistence can only be favored when fluctuations create spatial or temporal niche opportunities. We argue that important diversity-promoting roles for harsh and fluctuating conditions depend on deviations from the assumptions of additive effects and linear dependencies most commonly found in ecological models. Such considerations imply strong roles for species interactions in the diversity of a community.  相似文献   

Forest-insect systems frequently show cyclic dynamics which has been of considerable interest to both experimental and theoretical ecologists. One important issue has been the manner in which density-dependence acting on the host population through resource competition influences the likelihood of population cycles. Existing models make contradictory predictions. Here, we explore two models that allow different forms of density-dependence to be examined. We find that host density-dependence can influence the persistence of the host-pathogen interaction, the likelihood of population cycles and the stability of the host-pathogen interaction. In particular, over-compensatory density-dependence is likely to lead to host-pathogen cycles while under-compensatory density-dependence can promote stability. We discuss these differences with reference to the different forms of intraspecific competition and recent developments in insect population ecology.  相似文献   

Predictions on the consequences of the rapidly increasing atmospheric CO2 levels and associated climate warming for population dynamics, ecological community structure and ecosystem functioning depend on mechanistic energetic models of temperature effects on populations and their interactions. However, such mechanistic approaches combining warming effects on metabolic (energy loss of organisms) and feeding rates (energy gain by organisms) remain a key, yet elusive, goal. Aiming to fill this void, we studied the metabolic rates and functional responses of three differently sized, predatory ground beetles on one mobile and one more resident prey species across a temperature gradient (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °C). Synthesizing metabolic and functional‐response theory, we develop novel mechanistic predictions how predator–prey interaction strengths (i.e., functional responses) should respond to warming. Corroborating prior theory, warming caused strong increases in metabolism and decreases in handling time. Consistent with our novel model, we found increases in predator attack rates on a mobile prey, whereas attack rates on a mostly resident prey remained constant across the temperature gradient. Together, these results provide critically important information that environmental warming generally increases the direct short‐term per capita interaction strengths between predators and their prey as described by functional‐response models. Nevertheless, the several fold stronger increase in metabolism with warming caused decreases in energetic efficiencies (ratio of per capita feeding rate to metabolic rate) for all predator–prey interactions. This implies that warming of natural ecosystems may dampen predator–prey oscillations thus stabilizing their dynamics. The severe long‐term implications; however, include predator starvation due to energetic inefficiency despite abundant resources.  相似文献   

Density is known to be an important factor in population size regulation. Several mechanisms of density limitation have been identified in colonial birds. We studied competition in Common Terns Sterna hirundo to assess whether the factor limiting reproductive output was competition for nest‐sites, which is dependent on local nest density, or density‐dependent competition for food resources, which is dependent on overall colony size using the same foraging area. We found strong associations of both colony size and nest density with reproductive output in five colonies of Common Terns in three different habitats (one marine, two freshwater). Based on detailed long‐term datasets of six separate sub‐colonies of the Banter See colony that differed in nest density, we found that reproductive success was not related to nest density but to overall colony size, possibly a result of resource depletion and food competition. We also found carry‐over effects of colony size during rearing on post‐fledging return rate. These results have important implications for the conservation management plans aimed at recovering declining populations of Common Terns.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between microparasite populations in the same host are an important source of selection on pathogen traits such as virulence and drug resistance. In the rodent malaria model Plasmodium chabaudi in laboratory mice, parasites that are more virulent can competitively suppress less virulent parasites in mixed infections. There is evidence that some of this suppression is due to immune-mediated apparent competition, where an immune response elicited by one parasite population suppress the population density of another. This raises the question whether enhanced immunity following vaccination would intensify competitive interactions, thus strengthening selection for virulence in Plasmodium populations. Using the P. chabaudi model, we studied mixed infections of virulent and avirulent genotypes in CD4+T cell-depleted mice. Enhanced efficacy of CD4+T cell-dependent responses is the aim of several candidate malaria vaccines. We hypothesized that if immune-mediated interactions were involved in competition, removal of the CD4+T cells would alleviate competitive suppression of the avirulent parasite. Instead, we found no alleviation of competition in the acute phase, and significant enhancement of competitive suppression after parasite densities had peaked. Thus, the host immune response may actually be alleviating other forms of competition, such as that over red blood cells. Our results suggest that the CD4+-dependent immune response, and mechanisms that act to enhance it such as vaccination, may not have the undesirable affect of exacerbating within-host competition and hence the strength of this source of selection for virulence.  相似文献   

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