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Many plant species produce excessive flowers but abandon most of them halfway to maturation. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain adaptive significances of this behavior. To understand this phenomenon, I developed a resource allocation model between flower and fruit/seed production to examine a new hypothesis that excessive flower production is favored to “dilute” predation pressures in plant–pre-dispersal seed predator systems. First, I compared the efficiencies of three abortion strategies: (1) no abortions: the plant matures all pollinated flowers; (2) selective abortions: the plant aborts all flowers oviposited by predators and only intact flowers mature; (3) random abortions: the plant indiscriminately aborts a fraction of the pollinated flowers irrespective of seed-predator oviposition. I assumed that the timing of selective abortions was later than that of random abortions owing to delays in response to feeding damage (the cost of selective abortion). I showed that the reproductive efficiencies of the random-abortion and selective-abortion strategies were much higher than that of the no-abortion strategy when resources were poor, predators were abundant, and the cost of flower production was low. In addition, the reproductive efficiency of the random-abortion strategy was greater than that of the selective-abortion strategy when the cost of selective abortion was high. Second, I examined a mixed-abortion strategy in which plants aborted flowers randomly earlier and selectively later. The proportion of random abortions increased as the amount of resources decreased, density of seed predators increased, flower production cost decreased, and cost of selective abortion increased.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chiropterophillous and ornithophillous characteristics can form part of a single reproductive strategy in plants that have flowers with diurnal and nocturnal anthesis. This broader pollination strategy can ensure seed set when pollinators are scarce or unpredictable. This appears to be true of hummingbirds, which presumably pollinate Marginatocereus marginatus, a columnar cactus with red nocturnal and diurnal flowers growing as part of dense bat-pollinated columnar cacti forests in arid regions of central Mexico. The aim of this study was to study the floral biology of M. marginatus, and evaluate the effectiveness of nocturnal vs. diurnal pollinators and the contribution of each pollinator group to overall plant fitness. METHODS: Individual flower buds were marked and followed to evaluate flower phenology and anthesis time. Flowers and nectar production were measured. An exclusion experiment was conducted to measure the relative contribution of nocturnal and diurnal pollinators to seed set. KEY RESULTS: Marginatocereus marginatus has red hermaphroditic flowers with nocturnal and diurnal anthesis. The plant cannot produce seeds by selfing and was pollinated during the day by hummingbirds and during the night by bats, demonstrating that both pollinator groups were important for plant reproduction. Strong pollen limitation was found in the absence of one of the pollinator guilds. CONCLUSIONS: Marginatocereus marginatus has an open pollination system in which both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators are needed to set seeds. This represents a fail-safe pollination system that can ensure both pollination, in a situation of low abundance of one of the pollinator groups (hummingbirds), and high competition for nocturnal pollinators with other columnar cacti that bloom synchronously with M. marginatus in the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated selection toward larger and abundant flowers is common in naturally pollen‐limited populations. However, floral antagonists may counteract this effect, maintaining smaller‐ and few‐flowered individuals within populations. We quantified pollinator and antagonist visit rates and determined a multiplicative female fitness component from attacked and non‐attacked flowers of the Brazilian hummingbird‐pollinated shrub Collaea cipoensis to determine the selective effects of pollinators and floral antagonists on flower size and number. We predicted that floral antagonists reduce the female fitness component and thus exert negative selective pressures on flower size and number, counteracting the positive effects of pollinators. Pollinators, mainly hummingbirds, comprised 4% of total floral visitation, whereas antagonist ants and bees accounted for 90% of visitation. Nectar‐robbers involved about 99% of floral antagonist visit rates, whereas florivores comprised the remaining 1%. Larger and abundant flowers increased both pollinator and antagonist visit rates and the female fitness component significantly decreased in flowers attacked by nectar‐robbers and florivores in comparison to non‐attacked flowers. We detected that pollinators favored larger‐ and many‐flowered individuals, whereas floral antagonists exerted negative selection on flower size and number. This study confirms that floral antagonists reduce female plant fitness and this pattern directly exerts negative selective pressures on flower size and number, counteracting pollinator‐mediated selection on floral attractiveness traits.  相似文献   

Animals which interact with plants often cause selective pressures on plant traits. Flower color variation within a species might be shaped by the action of animals feeding on the plant species. Pollinators might exert natural selection on color if flower color is related to their foraging efficiency. For example, some pollinator species might require more time to detect particular colors. If that is the case, flower color might have evolved as a pollination exploitation barrier—ensuring that flowers are more visited by the most efficient pollinators. In addition, non-pollinator agents such as predispersal seed predators may select on flower color, if color indicates food resources (seeds) or if color is related to deterrent compounds. We address selection on flower color in a population of Gentiana lutea where color varies among individuals from yellow to orange. We hypothesize that opposed selection from mutualists (pollinators) and antagonists (predispersal seed predators) maintains flower color variation in this population. By means of path analysis we addressed the role of both interactors in flower color selection. We found that selection acts on flower color, mediated by both pollinators and seed predators. Both agents favored yellow-flowered individuals, thus selection by pollinators and seed predators does not maintain flower color variation in this population.  相似文献   

Assessing the relative contributions to seed production made by different types of floral visitors is fundamental to understanding the evolution of floral morphology and the influence that particular pollinator taxa have on plant fitness and reproduction. This 3-year study examined the pollinator activity and the seed production in three populations of Lepidium papilliferum, a threatened mustard endemic to sagebrush-steppe habitat in southwest Idaho. Relative amounts of time visitor taxa spent foraging on flowers, visitation rates (number of flowers visited per unit time during a foraging bout), and pollination effectiveness (fruit set per single visit to a virgin flower) were recorded for each of 12 insect taxa that visited L. papilliferum flowers. Relative contributions to seed production were calculated as the product of relative interaction frequencies (the relative number of flowers visited by each taxon—the “quantity” component of pollination) and pollination effectiveness (fruit set per single visit to a virgin flower—the “quality” component of pollination). Despite the superiority of some insect taxa in terms of pollination effectiveness, estimates of relative pollinator contributions to seed production were influenced primarily by an insect taxon’s interaction frequency with flowers. Pollinator assemblages varied widely both spatially and temporally, which suggest that L. papilliferum is not under strong selective pressure to shift from its generalist pollination strategy toward greater specialization. For this threatened plant, reliance on a diverse assemblage of insect pollinators may serve as an important buffer against disruption in reproductive success caused by fluctuations in population sizes of individual pollinator taxa.  相似文献   

According to the “nectar protection” and “pollinator protection” hypotheses, ant repellents in flowers have evolved to prevent ants from exploiting floral nectar and chasing away pollinators, respectively. We used weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina, to determine the strength of ant repellence in 32 bee-pollinated plant species and used the comparative method to test whether nectar production, size of pollinating bees and plant growth form were related to floral repellence. Flowers were more likely to repel ants if they offered nectar as a reward and were pollinated by small bees than if they were nectarless and pollinated by large bees. Furthermore, tree flowers were more likely than shrub or vine flowers to repel ants. Our results validate the pollinator protection hypothesis and the nectar protection hypothesis. Depending on the ecological context, therefore, ant repellents can function as direct or indirect exploitation barriers: they can prevent ants from removing nectar without effecting pollination (direct barriers) and, when flowers are pollinated by large bees, the absence of ant repellents—or even the presence of ant attractants—can result in ants chasing small ineffective pollinators away (indirect barriers).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Herbivory on floral structures has been postulated to influence the evolution of floral traits in some plant species, and may also be an important factor influencing the occurrence and outcome of subsequent biotic interactions related to floral display. In particular, corolla herbivory may affect structures differentially involved in flower selection by pollinators and fruit predators (specifically, those ovopositing in ovaries prior to fruit development); hence floral herbivores may influence the relationships between these mutualistic and antagonistic agents. METHODS: The effects of corolla herbivory in Linaria lilacina (Scrophulariaceae), a plant species with complex flowers, were considered in relation to plant interactions with pollinators and fruit predators. Tests were made as to whether experimentally created differences in flower structure (resembling those occurring naturally) may translate into differences in reproductive output in terms of fruit or seed production. KEY RESULTS: Flowers with modified corollas, particularly those with lower lips removed, were less likely to be selected by pollinators than control flowers, and were less likely to be successfully visited and pollinated. As a consequence, fruit production was also less likely in these modified flowers. However, none of the experimental treatments affected the likelihood of visitation by fruit predators. CONCLUSIONS: Since floral herbivory may affect pollinator visitation rates and reduce seed production, differences among plants in the proportion of flowers affected by herbivory and in the intensity of the damage inflicted on affected flowers may result in different opportunities for reproduction for plants in different seasons.  相似文献   

Among plants visited by many pollinator species, the relative contribution of each pollinator to plant reproduction is determined by variation in both pollinator and plant traits. Here we evaluate how pollinator movement among plants, apparent pollen carryover, ovule number, resource limitation of seed set, and pollen output affect variation in contribution of individual pollinator species to seed set in Lithophragma parviflorum (Saxifragaceae), a species visited by a broad spectrum of visitors, including beeflies, bees and a moth species. A previous study demonstrated differences among visitor species in their single-visit pollination efficacy but did not evaluate how differences in visitation patterns and pollen carryover affect pollinator efficacy. Incorporation of differential visitation patterns and pollen carryover effects —commonly cited as potentially important in evaluating pollinator guilds — had minor effects (0–0.6% change) on the estimates of relative contribution based on visit frequency and single-visit efficacy alone. Beeflies visited significantly more flowers per inflorescence than the bees and the moth. Seed set remained virtually constant during the first three visited flowers for beeflies and larger bees, indicating that apparent pollen carryover did not reduce per-visit efficacy of these taxa. In contrast, Greya moth visits showed a decrease in seed set by 55.4% and the smaller bees by 45.4% from first to second flower. The larger carryover effects in smaller bees and Greya were diminished in importance by their small overall contribution to seed set. Three variable plant traits may affect seed set: ovule number, resource limitation on seed maturation, and pollen output. Ovule number per flower declined strongly with later position within inflorescences. Numbers were much higher in first-year greenhouse-grown plants than in field populations, and differences increased during 3 years of study. Mean pollen count by position varied 7-fold among flowers; it paralleled ovule number variation, resulting in a relatively stable pollen:ovule ratio. Resource limitation of seed set increased strongly with later flowering, with seed set in hand-pollinated flowers ranging from 66% in early flowers to 0% in the last two flowers of all plants. Variation in ovule number and resource limitation of seed maturation jointly had a strong effect on the number of seeds per flower. Visitation to early flowers had the potential to cause more seed set than visitation to later flowers. Overall, the most important sources of variation to seed production contribution were differences among pollinators in abundance and absolute efficacy (ovules fertilized on a single visit) and potentially differential phenology among visitor species. These effects are likely to vary among populations and years.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of flower‐size variation along altitudinal gradients in the bee‐pollinated perennial Campanula rotundifolia (Campanulaceae) by examining 22 Norwegian populations at altitudes between 240 and 1100 m a.s.l. We explored potential mechanisms for the underlying pattern by quantifying pollinator–faunal composition, pollinator‐visitation rates and pollen limitation of seed set in subsets of the study populations. Despite a decrease in plant size, several measures of flower size increased with elevation. Bumble bees were the main pollinators at both alpine and lowland sites in the study area. However, species composition of the pollinator fauna differed, and pollinators were larger in higher‐elevation than in lower‐elevation sites. Pollinator visitation rates were lower at higher‐elevations than at lower elevations. Pollen limitation of seed set did not vary significantly with altitude. Our results are consistent with differences in bumble‐bee size and visitation rates as causal mechanisms for the relatively larger flowers at higher elevations, in three non‐mutually exclusive ways: 1) Larger flowers reflect selection for increased attractiveness where pollinators are rare. 2) Larger and fewer flowers represent a risk avoidance strategy where the probability of pollination is low on any given day. 3) Flower size variation reflects selection to improve the fit of pollinators with fertile structures by matching flower size to pollinator size across sites.  相似文献   

We examined the adaptive significance of a temporal decrease in the calyx tube length of Clematis stans, a dioecious species pollinated by Bombus diversus (long proboscis) and B. honshuensis (short proboscis). We compared visitation frequency, pollen removal, pollen deposition, and fruit set after a single visit among three flower stages, differentiated by calyx tube length. Bombus diversus frequently visited and removed significantly more pollen from long flowers. Bombus honshuensis visited and tended to remove more pollen from short flowers. Both pollinators deposited more pollen in short flowers, resulting in higher fruit set. These results indicate that size correspondence between the proboscis and the calyx tube enhances visitation frequency and pollen removal, but not pollen deposition. Because a single visit does not fertilize all ovules of a flower, multiple visits by two bumble bee species may increase seed production and genetic diversity of offspring. By temporally changing calyx tube length, C. stans can use two bumble bee pollinators and maintain specialized relationships with each. This strategy may be adaptive when the pollinator fauna fluctuates, and is economical because it eliminates costs required to produce different types of flowers. This constitutes a novel pattern of temporal specialization in flower-pollinator relationships.  相似文献   

Some pollination systems, such as buzz‐pollination, are associated with floral morphologies that require a close physical interaction between floral sexual organs and insect visitors. In these systems, a pollinator's size relative to the flower may be an important feature determining whether the visitor touches both male and female sexual organs and thus transfers pollen between plants efficiently. To date, few studies have addressed whether in fact the “fit” between flower and pollinator influences pollen transfer, particularly among buzz‐pollinated species. Here we use Solanum rostratum, a buzz‐pollinated plant with dimorphic anthers and mirror‐image flowers, to investigate whether the morphological fit between the pollinator's body and floral morphology influences pollen deposition. We hypothesized that when the size of the pollinator matches the separation between the sexual organs in a flower, more pollen should be transferred to the stigma than when the visitor is either too small or too big relative to the flower. To test this hypothesis, we exposed flowers of S. rostratum with varying levels of separation between sexual organs, to bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) of different sizes. We recorded the number of visits received, pollen deposition, and fruit and seed production. We found higher pollen deposition when bees were the same size or bigger than the separation between anther and stigma within a flower. We found a similar, but not statistically significant pattern for fruit set. In contrast, seed set was more likely to occur when the size of the flower exceeded the size of the bee, suggesting that other postpollination processes may be important in translating pollen receipt to seed set. Our results suggest that the fit between flower and pollinator significantly influences pollen deposition in this buzz‐pollinated species. We speculate that in buzz‐pollinated species where floral morphology and pollinators interact closely, variation in the visitor's size may determine whether it acts mainly as a pollinator or as a pollen thief (i.e., removing pollen rewards but contributing little to pollen deposition and fertilization).  相似文献   

Nectar robbery is usually thought to impact negatively on the reproductive success of plants, but also neutral or even positive effects have been reported. Very few studies have investigated the effects of nectar robbing on the behaviour of legitimate pollinators so far. Such behavioural changes may lead to the reduction of geitonogamy or to increased pollen movement. We simulated nectar robbing in experimental sites as well as in natural populations of Aconitum napellus ssp. lusitanicum, a rare plant pollinated by long-tongued bumblebees. In an experimental setup, we removed the nectaries of 40 % of the flowers, which is similar to rates of robbing observed in wild populations. Patches of plants with experimentally robbed flowers were compared with control patches containing plants with untreated flowers. We observed pollinator behaviour, mimicked male reproductive success (pollen dispersal) using fluorescent dye, and measured female reproductive success (seed set). The main legitimate visitors were bumblebees while honeybees were often observed robbing nectar. They did so by “base working”, i.e. sliding between tepals. Bumblebees tended to visit fewer flowers per plant and spent less time per single flower when these had been experimentally robbed. This change in behaviour consequently increased the proportion of flowers visited by bumblebees in patches with robbed flowers. Fluorescent dye mimicking pollen flow was dispersed larger distances after pollinators had visited patches with robbed flowers compared to control patches. Average seed set per plant was not affected by nectar robbing. Our results demonstrated that A. napellus does not suffer from nectar robbery but may rather benefit via improved pollen dispersal and thus, male reproductive success. Knowledge on such combined effects of behavioural changes of pollinators due to nectar robbery is important to understand the evolutionary significance of exploiters of such mutualistic relationships between plants and their pollinators.  相似文献   

Dalechampia brownsbergensis and D. fragrans co-occur in Suriname, and both are pollinated by fragrance-collecting male euglossine bees. Dalechampia brownsbergensis appears to bloom year-round and is pollinated by relatively few species of bees, including Euglossa tridentata and E. gaianii. In contrast, D. fragrans appears to bloom from late October through early December and is visited and pollinated by at least 13 species of euglossines. Field observations of pollination indicated that the two species did not share pollinators. However, when the flowers of D. fragrans were “transplanted” into a population of D. brownsbergensis, the main pollinator of D. brownsbergensis also visited the flowers of D. fragrans. The pollinators of D. fragrans, however, did not visit the flowers of D. brownsbergensis. Partial sharing of pollinators may have only a small negative impact on the two sympatric plant species at this site because they flower simultaneously only part of the year, and they are often spatially separated from one another.  相似文献   

Strong evidence exists that fragmentation negatively affects pollination and plant reproduction, but little research has been conducted with regards to tropical trees. Specifically, effects of forest fragmentation on reproduction of plants with beetle‐pollinated flowers are poorly understood, and there are no data on the impact of fragmentation on reproduction in the structurally important tropical family Annonaceae. We examined the relationship between fragment size, pollinator abundance and seed set of beetle‐pollinated Anaxagorea dolichocarpa (Annonaceae) in a disturbed Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Flower and fruit production and abundance of pollinators were quantified over ten months in three large (306–388 ha) and three small (6–14 ha) forest fragments. We recorded per flower pollinator abundance, resulting fruit set (fruits per flower) and seed set (monocarps per fruit) for a total of 209 individually marked flowers, and compared pollinator abundance in 186 flowers across all fragments. Flower and fruit production differed among fragments, but were similar for the combined large and small fragments. Between 64.8% (large fragments) and 66.3% (small fragments) of flowers received at least one pollinator. We found no significant difference in pollinator numbers between large and small fragments, and no correlation between pollinator abundance and fruit and seed set. A single visitor had a high probability of pollinating a flower. We conclude that 1) fragment size had no influence on pollinator number and plant reproductive success, and 2) generalist behavior of the pollinating beetles mitigate the risk of pollination failure for the reproductively specialized plant. However, further research may yet reveal genetic impoverishment of populations in small fragments due to restricted pollinator movements.  相似文献   

Overproduction of flowers increases the attractiveness of a plant to pollinators, but results in increased geitonogamy. In general, flower abscission has been considered to be an event subsequent to the overproduction of flowers. We observed pollinator behavior in Tilia, a self-incompatible, insect-pollinated tree. We found that pollinators sequentially visited inflorescences within a tree; however, when they met with flower abortion by abscission, they were apt to move long distances and leave the tree. We propose that plants may utilize flower abscission as a method for regulating the movements of pollinators by disturbing them in order to prevent geitonogamy.  相似文献   

  • Analyses of resource presentation, floral morphology and pollinator behaviour are essential for understanding specialised plant‐pollinator systems. We investigated whether foraging by individual bee pollinators fits the floral morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis, whose flowers are characterised by a nectar scale‐staminode complex and pollen release by thigmonastic stamen movements.
  • We described pollen and nectar presentation, analysed the breeding system and the foraging strategy of bee pollinators. We determined the nectar production pattern and documented variations in the longevity of floral phases and stigmatic pollen loads of pollinator‐visited and unvisited flowers.
  • Bicolletes indigoticus (Colletidae) was the sole pollinator with females revisiting flowers in staminate and pistillate phases at short intervals, guaranteeing cross‐pollen flow. Nectar stored in the nectar scale‐staminode complex had a high sugar concentration and was produced continuously in minute amounts (~0.09 μl·h?1). Pushing the scales outward, bees took up nectar, triggering stamen movements and accelerating pollen presentation. Experimental simulation of this nectar uptake increased the number of moved stamens per hour by a factor of four. Flowers visited by pollinators received six‐fold more pollen on the stigma than unvisited flowers, had shortened staminate and pistillate phases and increased fruit and seed set.
  • Flower handling and foraging by Bicolletes indigoticus were consonant with the complex flower morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis. Continuous nectar production in minute quantities but at high sugar concentration influences the pollen foraging of the bees. Partitioning of resources lead to absolute flower fidelity and stereotyped foraging behaviour by the sole effective oligolectic bee pollinator.

Gynodioecy is a dimorphic breeding system in which female individuals coexist with hermaphroditic individuals in the same population. Females only contribute to the next generation via ovules, and many studies have shown that they are usually less attractive than hermaphrodites to pollinators. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how females manage to persist in populations despite these disadvantages. The ‘resource reallocation hypothesis’ (RRH) states that females channel resources not invested in pollen production and floral advertisement towards the production of more and/or larger seeds. We investigated pollination patterns and tested the RRH in a population of Thymus vulgaris. We measured flower display, flower size, nectar production, visitation rates, pollinator constancy and flower lifespan in the two morphs. In addition, we measured experimentally the effects of pollen and resource addition on female reproductive success (fruit set, seed set, seed weight) of the two morphs. Despite lower investment in floral advertisement, female individuals were no less attractive to pollinators than hermaphrodites on a per flower basis. Other measures of pollinator behaviour (number of flowers visited per plant, morph preference and morph constancy) also showed that pollinators did not discriminate against female flowers. In addition, stigma receptivity was longer in female flowers. Accordingly, and contrary to most studies on gynodioecious species, reproductive success of females was not pollen limited. Instead, seed production was pollen limited in hermaphrodites, suggesting low levels of cross‐pollination in hermaphrodites. Seed production was resource limited in hermaphrodites, but not in females, thus providing support for the RRH. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 395–408.  相似文献   

Summary Individual plants in gynodioecious populations ofPhacelia linearis (Hydrophyllaceae) vary in flower gender, flower size, and flower number. This paper reports the effects of variation in floral display on the visitation behaviour of this species' pollinators (mainly pollen-collecting solitary bees) in several natural and three experimental plant populations, and discusses the results in terms of the consequences for plant fitness. The working hypotheses were: (1) that because female plants do not produce pollen, pollen-collecting insects would visit hermaphrodite plants at a higher rate than female plants and would visit more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female; and (2) that pollinator arrival rate would increase with flower size and flower number, the two main components of visual display. These hypotheses were generally supported, but the effects of floral display on pollinator visitation varied substantially among plant populations. Hermaphrodites received significantly higher rates of pollinator arrivals and significantly higher rates of visits to flowers than did females in all experimental populations. Flower size affected arrival rate and flower visit rate positively in natural populations and in two of the three experimental populations. The flower size effect was significant only among female plants in one experimental population, and only among hermaphrodites in another. The effect of flower number on arrival rate was positive and highly significant in natural populations and in all experimental populations. In two out of three experimental populations, insects visited significantly more flowers per hermaphrodite than per female and visited more flowers on many-flowered plants than on few-flowered plants, but neither effect was detected in the third experimental population. Because seed production is not pollen-limited in this species, variation in pollinator visitation behaviour should mainly affect the male reproductive success of hermaphrodite plants. These findings suggest that pollinator-mediated natural selection for floral display inP. linearis varies in space and time.  相似文献   

Emily I. Jones 《Oikos》2010,119(5):835-840
Pollinators and their predators share innate and learned preferences for high quality flowers. Consequently, pollinators are more likely to encounter predators when visiting the most rewarding flowers. I present a model of how different pollinator species can maximize lifetime resource gains depending on the density and distribution of predators, as well as their vulnerability to capture by predators. For pollinator species that are difficult for predators to capture, the optimal strategy is to visit the most rewarding flowers as long as predator density is low. At higher predator densities and for pollinators that are more vulnerable to predator capture, the lifetime resource gain from the most rewarding flowers declines and the optimal strategy depends on the predator distribution. In some cases, a wide range of floral rewards provides near‐maximum lifetime resource gains, which may favor generalization if searching for flowers is costly. In other cases, a low flower reward level provides the maximum lifetime resource gain and so pollinators should specialize on less rewarding flowers. Thus, the model suggests that predators can have qualitatively different top‐down effects on plant reproductive success depending on the pollinator species, the density of predators, and the distribution of predators across flower reward levels.  相似文献   

  • Pollinator specialisation through exploitation barriers (such as long floral tubes) does not necessarily mean a lack of pollination when the favoured pollinator is rare or absent. Theory predicts that suboptimal visitors will contribute to plant reproduction in the absence of the most effective pollinator. Here I address these questions with Chasmanthe floribunda a long‐tubed plant species in the Cape Floristic Region, which is reliant on one species of pollinator, the long‐billed Malachite Sunbird. In contrast to short‐billed sunbirds, the Malachite Sunbird occurs in lower abundance or is absent in transformed landscapes. Short‐billed sunbirds rob and thieve nectar from long‐tubed flowers, but their potential contribution towards pollination is unknown.
  • Experiments assessing seed set after single flower visits were performed to determine whether thieving short‐billed sunbirds can act as substitute pollinators. To determine whether short‐billed sunbirds reduce pollen limitation in transformed areas, pollen supplementation was done by hand and compared to natural fruit set.
  • Short billed sunbirds are unable to act as substitute pollinators, and seed set is significantly lower in the flowers that they visited, compared to flowers visited by long‐billed sunbirds. This is substantiated on a landscape scale, where fruit production in Chasmanthe floribunda could artificially be increased by 35% in transformed landscapes, but not so in natural areas.
  • These findings have important consequences for the management and conservation of long‐tubed bird‐pollinated plant species that exist in recently transformed landscapes. The potential vulnerability of specialised plant species in transformed landscapes is highlighted.

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