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Secretion from the granular glands of Xenopus laevis skin was stimulated by alpha-adrenergic agonists, an effect which was blocked by alpha-adrenergic antagonists and inhibited by beta-adrenergic agonists, db-cAMP and diazoxide. The inhibition by isoprenaline and salbutamol, but not that by diazoxide, was blocked by a beta-adrenergic antagonist. It is concluded that the myoepithelial cells surrounding the secretory compartment of the granular glands bear alpha and beta adrenoceptors, and that the beta receptors comprise, or at least include beta2 receptors.  相似文献   

The kinetics of calcium, potassium, and sodium exchange by Xenopus laevis oocytes were monitored with radioactive tracers both before and during progesterone-induced maturation. The rate of 45Ca release steadily elevates for several hours during maturation, beginning within 40 min after progesterone exposure. About an hour later, the rate of 45Ca uptake also increases. The rate of 45Ca release begins to decline 1–2 hr before germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD); the rate of calcium uptake declines only after GVBD. Similar changes are seen after maturation is induced with other steroids, but not when maturation is blocked by inhibitors. The passive potassium flux initially increases after progesterone treatment to be followed later by a decrease. These observed changes occur coincidently with those of 45Ca efflux. The passive sodium flux, on the other hand, steadily increases from the time of progesterone treatment until GVBD.  相似文献   

In a first set of experiments, intracerebroventricular (ICV) treatment of 1 μl 100 g−1 body mass of Cortland saline containing different doses (1–20 nmol μl−1) of arginine vasotocin (AVT) produced after 180 min dose‐dependent changes in levels of brain neurotransmitters in several brain regions and pituitary of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . Thus, an enhancement of serotonergic and dopaminergic activity, together with a decreased noradrenergic activity, were observed both in the hypothalamus and pituitary of AVT‐treated fish. In the other brain regions assessed, only increased serotonergic activity in the optic lobes, and decreased dopaminergic activity in the telencephalon of AVT‐treated fish were noticed. Changes observed in monoamine levels resemble those observed during osmotic adaptation of euryhaline fishes. In a second set of experiments, fish were ICV injected with AVT as described above to assess changes in several variables of brain energy metabolism. The results obtained show a dose‐dependent enhancement of brain glycogenolytic potential in the brain of AVT‐treated fish, that again resemble the changes observed in euryhaline fishes during osmotic acclimation.  相似文献   

In anuran amphibians, there is increasing evidence that exocrine glands dispersed throughout the general integument are secondary sex characters (SSC). Following the recent discovery of sexually dimorphic “breeding glands” in the dorsum of male Rana pipiens, we studied the effects of castration and testosterone treatment on the dorsal skin glands of male Xenopus laevis and R. pipiens to determine whether the dorsal breeding glands, or any other dorsal skin glands, are androgen dependent. The dorsal skin glands of X. laevis were unaffected by androgen status. By contrast, in R. pipiens, breeding, mucous, and seromucous glands responded to testosterone stimulation. Mucous glands were significantly (P < 0.05) larger in testosterone-treated frogs than in castrates. There was a large, but statistically insignificant, increase in the size of the dorsal breeding glands. Testosterone treatment also increased the epithelial cell height of breeding and seromucous glands (P < 0.05). In the skins of castrated and testosterone-treated frogs, there was a reciprocal relationship between the abundance of seromucous and breeding glands: in castrates, seromucous glands were abundant and breeding glands virtually absent, whereas in testosterone-treated frogs, breeding glands were abundant and seromucous glands less common. The total number of the two gland types was similar in both treatment groups. Glands that appeared to be intermediate in form between seromucous and breeding glands were observed in some frogs. These data suggest that seromucous glands may be the regressed form of breeding glands in the dorsal skin of R. pipiens and that the dorsal skin of R. pipiens is a SSC. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

RNA metabolism in previtellogenic oocytes of Xenopus laevis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary Transepithelial electrogenic Na transport (INa) was investigated in the colon of the frog Xenopus laevis with electrophysiological methods in vitro. The short circuit current (Isc) of the voltage-clamped tissue was 24.2±1.8 A·cm-2 (n=10). About 60% of this current was generated by electrogenic Na transport. Removal of Ca2+ from the mucosal Ringer solution stimulated INa by about 120%. INa was not blockable by amiloride (0.1 mmol·l-1), a specific Na-channel blocker in epithelia, but a fully and reversible inhibition was achieved by mucosal application of 1 mmol·l-1 lanthanum (La3-). No Na-self-inhibition was found, because INa increased linearly with the mucosal Na concentration. A stimulation of INa by antidiuretic hormones was not possible. The analysis of fluctuations in the short circuit current (noise analysis) indicated that Na ions pass the apical cell membrane via a Ca-sensitive ion channel. The results clearly demonstrate that in the colon of Xenopus laevis Na ions are absorbed through Ca-sensitive apical ion channels. They differ considerably in their properties and regulation from the amiloride-sensitive Na channel which is typically found in the colon of vertebrates.Abbreviations G T transepithelial conductance - I sc short circuit current - I Na transepithelial Na-current - m mucosal - s serosal - PDS power density spectrum - f frequency - f c corner frequency of the Lorentzian component of the PDS - S(f) power density of the Lorentzian component of the PDS - So plateau value of the Lorentzian component of the PDS  相似文献   

The effects of aldosterone and arginine vasotocin (AVT) on transepithelial Na+ transport of cultured A6 cells were investigated. All experiments were performed with cells grown on Millicell TM culture-plate inserts for a period of 2-4 weeks in defined, serum-free medium. Omitting fetal bovine serum 2 days after seeding the cells on filters did not influence potential difference (PD) development or the hormonal responses tested. The cell layers were placed in an Ussing chamber for short-circuit current (ISC) and transepithelial conductance (G) measurements. Base-line values were (n = 93): PD, 51.0 +/- 0.2 mV (apical side negative); ISC, 14.55 +/- 0.06 microA/cm2; G, 0.306 +/- 0.001 mS/cm2. ISC and G were higher in cells pretreated with 10(-7) M aldosterone for 24 h in the incubator, when compared to controls (ISC, 28 +/- 2 vs. 16 +/- 2 microA/cm2, G, 0.41 +/- 0.04 vs. 0.26 +/- 0.01 mS/cm2, n = 5) and both remained stable for at least 6 h. In cells not treated with aldosterone, 10(-7) M AVT increased ISC within 1 min after addition, producing a maximum ISC within 15 min which then declined to baseline levels over the next 5 h. Addition of AVT to aldosterone-pretreated cells resulted in a significantly greater peak increase in ISC than in non-pretreated cells (change in ISC compared to controls: 8.1 +/- 0.4 vs. 4.9 +/- 0.4 microA/cm2, n = 5, P less than 0.001), indicating a synergistic effect. A dose-response curve for amiloride obtained in the presence of AVT showed that amiloride completely inhibits ISC. Pretreatment of the A6 cells with aldosterone for 24 h shifted the amiloride dose-response curve to the right, as expressed in a doubling of the apparent Ki value (from 0.17 +/- 0.02 to 0.33 +/- 0.04 microM). In conclusion, A6 cells grown in defined, serum-free medium express a greater than additive synergism between aldosterone and AVT in stimulating transepithelial Na+ transport.  相似文献   

Comparison of the precursor sequence for several peptide hormones of Xenopus laevis skin revealed a consensus sequence around a single arginine cleavage site which is 100% conserved on four residues Arg-Xaa-Val-Arg-Gly (RXVRG). A tetradecapeptide substrate (Asp-Val-Asp-Glu-Arg-Asp-Val-Arg-Gly-Phe-Ala-Ser-Phe-Leu-NH2) was used as a probe to purify and characterize the putative processing endoprotease. A hydrophobic enzyme was purified at least 9000-fold from Xenopus skin exudate by a four-step procedure. This highly specific activity cleaves the Arg-Gly bond and has no effect on the Arg-Xaa bond. It was strongly inhibited by divalent ion chelators, moderately by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, aprotinin, and 1-tosylamide-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone, but was insensitive to soybean trypsin inhibitor. Tetradecapeptide derivatives selectively modified on each of the amino acids of the consensus sequence demonstrated the relevance of this conserved pattern to endoprotease action. This enzyme, which we refer to as RXVRG-endoprotease, is proposed to be involved in the post-translational processing of pro-caerulein, promagainin, pro-xenopsin, pro-glycyl-leucine amide, and pro-levitide of X. laevis skin secretory granules.  相似文献   

The effect of mercury ions on the level of cysteine, glutathione, sulfane sulfur, and on the activity of rhodanese, 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (MPST) and γ-cystathionase in brain, heart muscle, liver, kidneys, testes and skeletal muscle of adult Xenopus laevis was investigated. Frogs of both sexes were exposed for 7 or 14 days to 1.353mgL(-1) (ppm) of mercury chloride (HgCl(2)) dissolved in water. The activity of the investigated enzymes participating in cysteine metabolism depends on cysteine in their active sites. Mercury ions can bind to -SH groups and, therefore, lower the activity of enzymes and change the level of sulfane sulfur, a product of l-cysteine desulfuration. The effect of mercury was found to depend on the time of exposure and the kind of tissue. In the liver, the main site of glutathione biosynthesis, the ratio of GSH to GSSG was essentially unchanged. The total glutathione level was decreased after 7 days of exposure to mercury, similarly as the activity of rhodanese. Sulfane sulfur levels were significantly increased after a shorter duration, while they decreased after a longer time of exposure. The kidney, brain and testes were able to enhance the level of GSH, probably thanks to high γ-glutamyltranspeptidase activity. These tissues showed an increased value of GSH/GSSG ratio during the shorter exposure to mercury. The activity of sulfurtransferases was decreased, especially after the longer exposure to mercury. In the heart and skeletal muscle, the level of GSH, sulfane sulfur, and the activity of the investigated sulfurtransferases was diminished after 14 days of exposure to Hg. It can be concluded that the main mechanism of toxic Hg activity is generation of reactive oxygen species in cells due to depleted GSH level, and a decreased sulfurtransferases activity either by blocking or oxidation of their -SH groups, what in consequence results in a diminished sulfane sulfur levels in tissues, especially the heart and testes.  相似文献   

We used beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation and blockade as a tool to study substrate metabolism during exercise. Eight moderately trained subjects cycled for 60 min at 45% of VO(2 peak) 1) during a control trial (CON); 2) while epinephrine was intravenously infused at 0.015 microg. kg(-1) x min(-1) (beta-STIM); 3) after ingesting 80 mg of propranolol (beta-BLOCK); and 4) combining beta-BLOCK with intravenous infusion of Intralipid-heparin to restore plasma fatty acid (FFA) levels (beta-BLOCK+LIPID). beta-BLOCK suppressed lipolysis (i.e., glycerol rate of appearance) and fat oxidation while elevating carbohydrate oxidation above CON (135 +/- 11 vs. 113 +/- 10 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1); P < 0.05) primarily by increasing rate of disappearance (R(d)) of glucose (36 +/- 2 vs. 22 +/- 2 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1); P < 0.05). Plasma FFA restoration (beta-BLOCK+LIPID) attenuated the increase in R(d) glucose by more than one-half (28 +/- 3 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1); P < 0.05), suggesting that part of the compensatory increase in muscle glucose uptake is due to reduced energy from fatty acids. On the other hand, beta-STIM markedly increased glycogen oxidation and reduced glucose clearance and fat oxidation despite elevating plasma FFA. Therefore, reduced plasma FFA availability with beta-BLOCK increased R(d) glucose, whereas beta-STIM increased glycogen oxidation, which reduced fat oxidation and glucose clearance. In summary, compared with control exercise at 45% VO(2 peak) (CON), both beta-BLOCK and beta-STIM reduced fat and increased carbohydrate oxidation, albeit through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

A slowly inactivating potassium current in native oocytes of Xenopus laevis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Membrane currents were recorded in voltage-clamped oocytes of Xenopus laevis in response to voltage steps. We describe results obtained in oocytes obtained from one donor frog, which showed an unusually large outward current upon depolarization. Measurements of reversal potentials of tail currents in solutions of different K+ concentration indicated that this current is carried largely by K+ ions. It was strongly reduced by extracellular application of tetraethylammonium, though not by Ba2+ or 4-aminopyridine. Removal of surrounding follicular cells did not reduce the K+ current, indicating that it arises across the oocyte membrane proper. Activation of the K+ conductance was first detected with depolarization to about -12 mV, increased with a limiting voltage sensitivity of 3 mV for an e-fold change in current, and was half-maximally activated at about +10 mV. The current rose following a single exponential timecourse after depolarization, with a time constant that shortened from about 400 ms at -10 mV to about 15 ms at +80 mV. During prolonged depolarization the current inactivated with a time constant of about 4 s, which did not alter greatly with potential. The K+ current was independent of Ca2+, as it was not altered by addition of 10 mM Mn2+ to the bathing medium, or by intracellular injection of EGTA. Noise analysis of K+ current fluctuations indicated that the current is carried by channels with a unitary conductance of about 20 ps and a mean open lifetime of about 300 ms (at room temperature and potential of +10 to +20 mV).  相似文献   

Summary The melanocyte-stimulating substance, found in the dorsal skin secretion of Xenopus laevis, has been identified as 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin).  相似文献   

A ventrally localized inhibitor of melanization in Xenopus laevis skin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Melanophores normally differentiate in dorsal but not in ventral skin of Xenopus laevis. We have sought factors which might regulate this differentiation pattern, and we have obtained a putative melanization inhibiting factor (MIF) from ventral but not from dorsal skin. Preliminary studies reveal that MIF is destroyed by heat or trypsin treatment, indicating its protein composition, and has a molecular weight in the range of 300 kDa. The effects of MIF on the differentiation of neural crest derivatives to melanophores were examined in vitro in the presence of tyrosine and fetal calf serum (FCS). Tyrosine enhances melanophore differentiation in vitro at concentrations equivalent to those estimated in adult Xenopus blood plasma (20 microM). FCS also stimulates melanization, by way of materials other than the tyrosine contained in FCS. MIF strongly inhibits outgrowth and melanization of neural crest cells from neural tube explants. MIF also inhibits the differentiation of melanoblasts contained in cultured explants of ventral skin. Inhibition of melanization or melanophore differentiation by MIF occurs even in the presence of L-tyrosine and/or FCS. We suggest that MIF plays an important role in the establishment of dorso-ventral pigment patterns in amphibia.  相似文献   

Hatchling Xenopus laevis embryos usually swim when the skin is touched with a fine hair. Less common are small, local V-flexions and more general C-flexions. Simple flexions or the initial flexion at the start of swimming occur predominantly on the opposite side to the stimulus to direct the animal away from the stimulus. Strokes to the midline lead to random sidedness of responses.
The reliability of the sidedness of flexions and the first flexions of swimming decreases the more rostrally the stimuli are given. The range of directions of swimming paths are larger with more rostral stimuli so responses to head stimuli are unpredictable in direction.
In animals immobilized in α-bungarotoxin, strokes to the skin produce electrically recorded motor output which corresponds to: V-flexions, C-flexions and swimming. Fictive activity generally starts on the side opposite to the stimulus. The fictive responses suggest that the three basic behaviour patterns observed can be generated entirely within the central nervous system without any sensory feedback.
We discuss possible mechanisms for the generation of 'protean' responses to head stimulation which are unpredictable in direction.  相似文献   

The effects of denervation on limb regeneration of postmetamorphic Xenopus laevis in the early to late stages of regeneration were studied. Limbs that were denervated immediately after amputation did not show any signs of regeneration. Moreover regenerating limbs denervated 20, 30, 40 and 60 days after amputation showed significant regression of regenerates. After this regression of regenerates, the regenerative capacity was not restored during a long observation period. Denervation reduced both protein synthesis (3H leucine autoradiography) and mitotic activity of regenerating limbs even in later stages of regeneration. These results on the role of the nerve in limb regeneration of Xenopus were compared with results in Xenopus and urodeles reported previously.  相似文献   

Studies have been made of the effect of injections of hypothalamic nonapeptide neurohormone, arginine vasotocin, on functional condition of the interrenal gland in mature frogs. In unoperated, sham-operated and in animals 10 days after hypophysectomy, single and especially three subsequent injections of arginine vasotocin (5 x 10(-9) M per 1 kg of the body weight) result in evident activation of glandular cells of the interrenal gland which is manifested in the increase of the volume of their nuclei and cytoplasmic area, as well as in the dilatation of the blood vessels. Activation of the interrenal gland in hypophysectomized frogs, which lack endogenous ACTH, indicate the direct para-adenohypophyseal influences of nonapeptide hypothalamic hormones on the activity of glandular cells in the peripheral endocrine glands, in particular, the interrenal gland of the grass frog.  相似文献   

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