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KCNE3 is a single transmembrane protein of the KCNE family that modulates the function and trafficking of several voltage-gated potassium channels, including KCNQ1. Structural studies of KCNE3 have been previously conducted in a wide range of model membrane mimics. However, it is important to assess the impact of the membrane mimics used on the observed conformation and dynamics. In this study, we have optimized a method for the reconstitution of the KCNE3 into POPC/POPG lipid bilayer vesicles for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Our CD spectroscopic data suggested that the degree of regular secondary structure for KCNE3 protein reconstituted into lipid bilayered vesicle is significantly higher than in DPC detergent micelles. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in combination with site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) was used to probe the structural dynamics of S49C, M59C, L67C, V85C, and S101C mutations of KCNE3 in both DPC micelles and in POPC/POPG lipid bilayered vesicles. Our CW-EPR power saturation data suggested that the site S74C is buried inside the lipid bilayered membrane while the site V85C is located outside the membrane, in contrast to DPC micelle results. These results suggest that the KCNE3 micelle structures need to be refined using data obtained in the lipid bilayered vesicles in order to ascertain the native structure of KCNE3. This work will provide guidelines for detailed structural studies of KCNE3 in a more native membrane environment and comparing the lipid bilayer results to the isotropic bicelle structure and to the KCNQ1-bound cryo-EM structure.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase is a molecular motor that couples the energy generated by oxidative metabolism to the synthesis of ATP. Direct visualization of the rotary action of the bacterial ATP synthase has been well characterized. However, direct observation of rotation of the mitochondrial enzyme has not been reported yet. Here, we describe two methods to reconstitute mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase into lipid bilayers suitable for structure analysis by electron and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Proteoliposomes densely packed with bovine heart mitochondria F1Fo-ATP synthase were obtained upon detergent removal from ternary mixtures (lipid, detergent and protein). Two-dimensional crystals of recombinant hexahistidine-tagged yeast F1Fo-ATP synthase were grown using the supported monolayer technique. Because the hexahistidine-tag is located at the F1 catalytic subcomplex, ATP synthases were oriented unidirectionally in such two-dimensional crystals, exposing F1 to the lipid monolayer and the Fo membrane region to the bulk solution. This configuration opens a new avenue for the determination of the c-ring stoichiometry of unknown hexahistidine-tagged ATP synthases and the organization of the membrane intrinsic subunits within Fo by electron microscopy and AFM.  相似文献   

It is proposed that AT1 antagonists (ARBs) exert their biological action by inserting into the lipid membrane and then diffuse to the active site of AT1 receptor. Thus, lipid bilayers are expected to be actively involved and play a critical role in drug action. For this reason, the thermal, dynamic and structural effects of olmesartan alone and together with cholesterol were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 13C magic-angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), cross-polarization (CP) MAS NMR, and Raman spectroscopy as well as small- and wide angle X-ray scattering (SAXS and WAXS) on dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) multilamellar vesicles. 13C CP/MAS spectra provided direct evidence for the incorporation of olmesartan and cholesterol in lipid bilayers. Raman and X-ray data revealed how both molecules modify the bilayer's properties. Olmesartan locates itself at the head-group region and upper segment of the lipid bilayers as 13C CP/MAS spectra show that its presence causes significant chemical shift changes mainly in the A ring of the steroidal part of cholesterol. The influence of olmesartan on DPPC/cholesterol bilayers is less pronounced. Although, olmesartan and cholesterol are residing at the same region of the lipid bilayers, due to their different sizes, display distinct impacts on the bilayer's properties. Cholesterol broadens significantly the main transition, abolishes the pre-transition, and decreases the membrane fluidity above the main transition. Olmesartan is the only so far studied ARB that increases the gauche:trans ratio in the liquid crystalline phase. These significant differences of olmesartan may in part explain its distinct pharmacological profile.  相似文献   

Several integral membrane proteins can be inserted sequentially into preformed unilamellar vesicles (ULV's) composed of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and cholesterol in a gel phase. Thus, proteoliposomes of DMPC, cholesterol, and bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium rapidly incorporate UDPglucuronosyltransferase (EC from pig liver microsomes, cytochrome oxidase from beef heart mitochondria, and additional bacteriorhodopsin, added sequentially. This process of spontaneous incorporation can be regulated to produce complex artificial membranes that contain phospholipids and proteins at ratios (mol/mol) equivalent to what is found in biological membranes. The ability of the lipid-protein bilayers to incorporate additional integral membrane proteins is not affected by annealing of the proteoliposomes at 37 degrees C nor by the order of addition of the proteins. Bacteriorhodopsin-containing vesicles formed by the sequential addition of integral membrane proteins demonstrate light-driven proton pumping. Therefore, they have retained a vesicular structure. Vesicles containing one or two different proteins will fuse with each other at 21 degrees C or with ULV's devoid of proteins. Incorporation of bacteriorhodopsin or UDPglucuronosyltransferase into proteoliposomes containing DMPC, with or without cholesterol as impurity, also occurs above the phase transition for DMPC. The presence of a protein in a liquid-crystalline bilayer provides the necessary condition for promoting the spontaneous incorporation of other membrane proteins into preformed bilayers.  相似文献   

Proteolysis of the fluid phase complement complex SC5b-9 transforms it into an arnphiphilic molecule which resembles the membrane attack complex of complement and reconstitutes into lipid vesicles. Complement-containing vesicles prepared in this way can be made to fuse with planar lipid bilayers transferring their protein content to the host membrane. Massive conductance increases can thus be observed, which are due to the insertion of a large number of ionic channels into the membrane. Using low concentrations of vesicles, single channels can be studied.  相似文献   

Summary A highly enriched preparation of basolateral membrane vesicles was isolated from rabbit distal colon surface epithelial cells employing the method described by Wiener, Turnheim and van Os (Weiner, H., Turnheim, K., van Os, C.H. (1989)J. Membrane Biol.110:147–162) and incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. With very few exceptions, the channel activity observed was that of a high conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ channel. This channel is highly selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl, displays voltage-gating similar to maxi K(Ca) channels found in other cell membranes, and kinetic analyses are consistent with the notion that K+ diffusion through the channel involves either the binding of a single K+ ion to a site within the channel or single-filling (multi-ion occupancy). Channel activity is inhibited by the venom from the scorpionLeiurus quinquestriatus, Ba2+, quinine, and trifluoperazine. The possible role of this channel in the function of these cells is discussed.  相似文献   

M2, an integral membrane protein of influenza A virus, was purified from either influenza A virus-infected CV-1 cells or from Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells infected with a recombinant-M2 baculovirus. The purified protein, when incorporated into phospholipid bilayer membranes, produced ion-permeable channels with the following characteristics: (1) The channels appeared in bursts during which unit conductances of diverse magnitudes (25–500 pS) were observed. (2) The most probable open state was usually the lowest unit conductance (25–90 pS). (3) The channels were selective for cations; t Na = 0.75 when 150 mm NaCl bathed both sides of the membrane. (4) Amantadine reduced the probability of opening of the high conductance state and also the conductance of the most probable state. (5) Reducing pH increased the mean current through the open channel as well as the conductance of the most probable state. (6) The sequence of selectivity for group IA monovalent cations was Rb > K > Cs ~ Na > Li. The pH activation, amantadine block and ion selectivity of the M2 protein ion channel in bilayers are consistent with those observed on expression of the M2 protein in oocytes of Xenopus laevis as well as for those predicted for the proposed role of an ion channel in the uncoating process of influenza virus. The finding that the M2 protein has intrinsic ion channel activity supports the hypothesis that it has ion channel activity in the influenza virus particle.  相似文献   

M R Wenk  T Alt  A Seelig    J Seelig 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(4):1719-1731
The interaction of the nonionic detergent octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (OG) with lipid bilayers was studied with high-sensitivity isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and solid-state 2H-NMR spectroscopy. The transfer of OG from the aqueous phase to lipid bilayers composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) can be investigated by employing detergent at concentrations below the critical micellar concentration; it can be defined by a surface partition equilibrium with a partition coefficient of K = 120 +/- 10 M-1, a molar binding enthalpy of delta H degrees D = 1.3 +/- 0.15 kcal/mol, and a free energy of binding of delta G degrees D = -5.2 kcal/mol. The heat of transfer is temperature dependent, with a molar heat capacity of delta CP = -75 cal K-1 mol-1. The large heat capacity and the near-zero delta H are typical for a hydrophobic binding equilibrium. The partition constant K decreased to approximately 100 M-1 for POPC membranes mixed with either negatively charged lipids or cholesterol, but was independent of membrane curvature. In contrast, a much larger variation was observed in the partition enthalpy. delta H degrees D increased by about 50% for large vesicles and by 75% for membranes containing 50 mol% cholesterol. Structural changes in the lipid bilayer were investigated with solid-state 2H-NMR. POPC was selectively deuterated at the headgroup segments and at different positions of the fatty acyl chains, and the measurement of the quadrupolar splittings provided information on the conformation and the order of the bilayer membrane. Addition of OG had almost no influence on the lipid headgroup region, even at concentrations close to bilayer disruption. In contrast, the fluctuations of fatty acyl chain segments located in the inner part of the bilayer increased strongly with increasing OG concentration. The 2H-NMR results demonstrate that the headgroup region is the most stable structural element of the lipid membrane, remaining intact until the disordering of the chains reaches a critical limit. The perturbing effect of OG is thus different from that of another nonionic detergent, octaethyleneglycol mono-n-dodecylether (C12E8), which produces a general disordering at all levels of the lipid bilayer. The OG-POPC interaction was also investigated with POPC monolayers, using a Langmuir trough. In the absence of lipid, the measurement of the Gibbs adsorption isotherm for pure OG solutions yielded an OG surface area of AS = 51 +/- 3 A2. On the other hand, the insertion area AI of OG in a POPC monolayer was determined by a monolayer expansion technique as AI = 58 +/- 10 A2. The similar area requirements with AS approximately AI indicate an almost complete insertion of OG into the lipid monolayer. The OG partition constant for a POPC monolayer at 32 mN/m was Kp approximately 320 M-1 and thus was larger than that for a POPC bilayer.  相似文献   

The aquaporin-1 (AQP1) water channel protein is known to facilitate the rapid movement of water across cell membranes, but a proposed secondary role as an ion channel is still unsettled. Here we describe a method to simultaneously measure water permeability and ion conductance of purified human AQP1 after reconstitution into planar lipid bilayers. Water permeability was determined by measuring Na(+) concentrations adjacent to the membrane. Comparisons with the known single channel water permeability of AQP1 indicate that the planar lipid bilayers contain from 10(6) to 10(7) water channels. Addition of cGMP induced ion conductance in planar bilayers containing AQP1, whereas cAMP was without effect. The number of water channels exceeded the number of active ion channels by approximately 1 million-fold, yet p-chloromethylbenzenesulfonate inhibited the water permeability but not ion conductance. Identical ion channel parameters were achieved with AQP1 purified from human red blood cells or AQP1 heterologously expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisae and affinity purified with either N- or C-terminal poly-histidine tags. Rp-8-Br-cGMP inhibited all of the observed conductance levels of the cation selective channel (2, 6, and 10 pS in 100 mm Na(+) or K(+)). Deletion of the putative cGMP binding motif at the C terminus by introduction of a stop codon at position 237 yielded a truncated AQP1 protein that was still permeated by water but not by ions. Our studies demonstrate a method for simultaneously measuring water permeability and ion conductance of AQP1 reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers. The ion conductance occurs (i) through a pathway distinct from the aqueous pathway, (ii) when stimulated directly by cGMP, and (iii) in only an exceedingly small fraction of AQP1 molecules.  相似文献   

A W Scotto  D Zakim 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1555-1561
The presence of cholesterol in small unilamellar vesicles (ULV) of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) catalyzes fusion of the vesicles at temperatures below the upper limit for the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of the DMPC. The extent to which ULV grow depends on the concentration of cholesterol in the vesicles and on temperature. Maximum growth occurs at 21 degrees C. It decreases as the temperature is lowered below 21 degrees C. Growth does not occur at temperatures above the phase transition. In addition, the presence of cholesterol in ULV of DMPC catalyzes the insertion of integral membrane proteins into the vesicles. Thus, bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobrium, UDPglucuronosyltransferase (EC from pig liver microsomes, and cytochrome oxidase from beef heart mitochondria formed stable lipid-protein complexes spontaneously when added to ULV containing cholesterol at temperatures under which these vesicles would fuse. Incorporation of these proteins into the ULV of DMPC did not occur in the absence of cholesterol or in the presence of cholesterol when the temperature of the system was above that for the phase transition. It appears that cholesterol lowers the energy barrier for fusion of ULV of DMPC and for insertion of integral membrane proteins into these bilayers. Studies with bacteriorhodopsin suggest that the energy barrier for insertion of proteins into ULV containing cholesterol is smaller than the energy barrier for fusion of the ULV with each other.  相似文献   

Amphipathic helices in membrane proteins that interact with the hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface of the lipid bilayer have been difficult to structurally characterize. Here, the backbone structure and orientation of an amphipathic helix in the full-length M2 protein from influenza A virus has been characterized. The protein has been studied in hydrated DMPC/DMPG lipid bilayers above the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Characteristic PISA (Polar Index Slant Angle) wheels reflecting helical wheels have been observed in uniformly aligned bilayer preparations of both uniformly 15N labeled and amino acid specific labeled M2 samples. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange studies have shown the very slow exchange of some residues in the amphipathic helix and more rapid exchange for the transmembrane helix. These latter results clearly suggest the presence of an aqueous pore. A variation in exchange rate about the transmembrane helical axis provides additional support for this claim and suggests that motions occur about the helical axes in this tetramer to expose the entire backbone to the pore.  相似文献   

P T Wong 《Biophysical journal》1994,66(5):1505-1514
Correlation field splittings of the vibrational modes of methylene chains in lipid bilayers, isolated lipid molecules in perdeuterated lipid bilayers, crystalline lipid, and interdigitated lipid bilayers have been investigated by pressure-tuning Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The correlation field splittings of these modes are originating from the vibrational coupling interactions between the fully extended methylene chains with different site symmetry along each bilayer leaflet. The interchain-interactions of the methylene chains with the same site symmetry only contribute to frequency shift of the vibrational modes. The magnitude of the correlation field splitting is a measure of the strength of the interchain-interactions, and the relative intensities of the correlation field component bands provide information concerning the relative orientation of the zig-zag planes of the interacting methylene chains. It has been demonstrated in the present work that the correlation field splitting of the CH2 bending and rocking modes commonly observed in the vibrational spectra of lipid bilayers is the result of the intermolecular interchain-interactions among the methylene chains of the neighboring molecules. The intramolecular interchain-interactions between the sn-1 and sn-2 methylene chains within each molecule are weak. The correlation field splitting resulting from the intramolecular interchain-interactions exhibits a much smaller magnitude than that from the intermolecular interchain-interactions and is observed only at very high pressure. Interdigitation of the opposing bilayer leaflets disturbs significantly the intermolecular interchain-interactions and results in dramatic changes in the pressure profiles of the correlation field component bands of both the CH2 bending and rocking modes. The relative intensities of the correlation field component bands of these modes and the magnitude of the splitting are also altered significantly. These results provide further evidence that the correlation field splitting of the CH2 bending and rocking modes in the vibrational spectra of lipid bilayers is due to the intermolecular interchain-interactions. The present work has also demonstrated that the correlation field splitting of the vibrational modes in lipid bilayers is mainly contributed by the intermolecular interchain-interactions among the nearest neighboring molecules and that the long-range correlation interactions beyond the second neighboring molecules are insignificant.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein isolated by a single step with the cationic detergent cethyltrimethylammonium bromide in a lipid-bound form is able to induce structural transition of lysophosphatydilcholine micelles into multi-laminar vesicles. This finding, observed through electron microscopy, is discussed in the light of the assumed ability of the basic protein to organize myelin lipids.  相似文献   

The structures of three bacterial outer membrane proteins (OmpA, OmpX and PagP) have been determined by both X-ray diffraction and NMR. We have used multiple (7 × 15 ns) MD simulations to compare the conformational dynamics resulting from the X-ray versus the NMR structures, each protein being simulated in a lipid (DMPC) bilayer. Conformational drift was assessed via calculation of the root mean square deviation as a function of time. On this basis the ‘quality’ of the starting structure seems mainly to influence the simulation stability of the transmembrane β-barrel domain. Root mean square fluctuations were used to compare simulation mobility as a function of residue number. The resultant residue mobility profiles were qualitatively similar for the corresponding X-ray and NMR structure-based simulations. However, all three proteins were generally more mobile in the NMR-based than in the X-ray simulations. Principal components analysis was used to identify the dominant motions within each simulation. The first two eigenvectors (which account for >50% of the protein motion) reveal that such motions are concentrated in the extracellular loops and, in the case of PagP, in the N-terminal α-helix. Residue profiles of the magnitude of motions corresponding to the first two eigenvectors are similar for the corresponding X-ray and NMR simulations, but the directions of these motions correlate poorly reflecting incomplete sampling on a ∼10 ns timescale.  相似文献   

The association of Ca2+ ions with phospholipid bilayers was investigated using isothermal titration calorimetry. The study reveals that the binding enthalpy of these cations to bilayers formed with 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (POPG) depends strongly on the method of preparation of the unilamellar vesicles. Extruded vesicles lead to an exothermic association, whereas sonicated ones lead to an endothermic association. In the later case, the calorimetric signal is sensitive to the length of the sonication period. It is proposed that a reorganization of the lipid bilayers under stress, obtained with sonicated small unilamellar vesicles, contributes to the calorimetric signal upon the titration with Ca2+. The analysis of the titrations indicates that, as expected, the nature of the association of Ca2+ with negatively charged phospholipid bilayers is essentially of electrostatic nature. Using a Scatchard approach, it is found that bilayers become saturated in Ca2+ approximately when the electroneutrality of the bilayer interface is reached. Moreover, the affinity constant was reduced by the increase of the ionic strength of the aqueous buffer. It was found that the intrinsic binding constant of Ca2+ to membranes containing 30 and 50 mol% of POPG was about 11 mM-1, in a MES buffer containing 10 mM NaCl, at pH 5.6.  相似文献   

BASP1 (also known as CAP-23 and NAP-22) is a brain abundant myristoylated protein localized at the inner surface of the presynaptic plasma membrane. Emerging evidence suggests that BASP1 is critically involved in various cellular processes, in particular, in the accumulation of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-diphosphate (PIP(2)) in lipid raft microdomains. We have recently shown that BASP1 forms heterogeneously-sized oligomers and higher aggregates with an outward similarity to oligomers and protofibrils of amyloid proteins. However, BASP1 is not known to be related to any amyloid disease. In the present study, we show that BASP1 induces single channel currents across negatively-charged planar lipid bilayers (containing phosphatidylserine or PIP(2)) bathed in 0.1-0.2 M KCl (pH 7.5). By their characteristics, BASP1 channels are similar to amyloid protein channels. BASP1 channels exhibit multiple conductance levels, in the range 10-3000 pS, with the most frequently observed conductance state of approximately 50 pS. The channels demonstrate a linear current-voltage relationship and voltage-independent kinetics of opening and closing. Their K(+) to Cl(-) permeability ratio is approximately 14, indicating that BASP1 channels are cation-selective. The ion channel activity of BASP1 is in accordance with the pore-like structure of BASP1 oligomers observed by electron microscopy on a lipid monolayer. Neuronal protein GAP-43, which is functionally related to BASP1 and also forms oligomers, elicited no ion channel currents under the conditions used in the present study. Elucidation of the physiological or pathological roles of ion channel activity of membrane-bound BASP1 oligomers will help to define the precise mechanism of amyloid protein toxicity.  相似文献   

Angle-resolved fluorescence depolarization experiments were carried out on 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) and 1-[4-(trimethylammonium)phenyl]-6-phenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (TMA-DPH) molecules embedded in multibilayers of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) above their respective phase transitions. The finding that the order parameter 〈P2〉 of the absorption moment is significantly higher than that for the emission moment for each probe is shown to arise from a tilt of the emission moment relative to the molecular symmetry axis. It is further shown that while the order parameter 〈P2〉 is the same for both probes in DMPC bilayers, it is higher for TMA-DPH than for DPH molecules in POPC bilayers. Considerations of the order parameters 〈P4〉, however, show that this difference can be ascribed solely to the higher fraction of DPH molecules lying with their axes parallel to the bilayer surface. Furthermore it is found that TMA-DPH molecules undergo slower reorientational motions than DPH molecules in the same bilayer system. Nevertheless the motion of both probe molecules is faster in DMPC than in POPC bilayers. The results indicate that TMA-DPH is a more useful probe than DPH in the systems investigated.  相似文献   

Didehydroroflamycoin (DDHR), a recently isolated member of the polyene macrolide family, was shown to have antibacterial and antifungal activity. However, its mechanism of action has not been investigated. Antibiotics from this family are amphiphilic; thus, they have membrane activity, their biological action is localized in the membrane, and the membrane composition and physical properties facilitate the recognition of a particular compound by the target organism. In this work, we use model lipid membranes comprised of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) for a systematic study of the action of DDHR. In parallel, experiments are conducted using filipin III and amphotericin B, other members of the family, and the behavior observed for DDHR is described in the context of that of these two heavily studied compounds. The study shows that DDHR disrupts membranes via two different mechanisms and that the involvement of these mechanisms depends on the presence of cholesterol. The leakage assays performed in GUVs and the conductance measurements using black lipid membranes (BLM) reveal that the pores that develop in the absence of cholesterol are transient and their size is dependent on the DDHR concentration. In contrast, cholesterol promotes the formation of more defined structures that are temporally stable.  相似文献   

The proteins PLM (phospholemman), CHIF (channel inducing factor), and Mat8 (mammary tumor protein 8 kDa) are members of the FXYD family of ion transport regulatory membrane proteins. Here we describe their cloning and expression in Escherichia coli, and their purification for NMR structural studies in lipid micelles and lipid bilayers. The molecular masses of the purified recombinant FXYD proteins, determined from SDS-PAGE and from MALDI TOF mass spectrometry, reflect monomeric species. The solution NMR and CD spectra in SDS micelles show that they adopt helical conformations. The solid-state NMR spectra in lipid bilayers give the first view of their transmembrane architecture.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are found naturally in dairy products. Two isomers of CLA, that differ only in the location of cis and trans double bonds, are found to have distinct and different biological effects. The cis 9 trans 11 (C9T11) isomer is believed to have anti-carcinogenic effects, while the trans 10 cis 12 (T10C12) isomer is believed to be associated with anti-obesity effects. In this paper we extend earlier molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of pure CLA–phosphatidylcholine bilayers to investigate the comparative effects of cholesterol on bilayers composed of the two respective isomers. Simulations of phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayers in which the sn-2 chains contained one of the two isomers of CLA were performed in which, for each isomer, the simulated bilayers contained 10% and 30% cholesterol (Chol). From MD trajectories we calculate and compare structural properties of the bilayers, including areas per molecule, thickness of bilayers, tilt angle of cholesterols, order parameter profiles, and one and two-dimensional radial distribution function (RDF), as functions of Chol concentration. While the structural effect of cholesterol is approximately the same for both isomers, we find differences at an atomistic level in order parameter profiles and in two-dimensional radial distribution functions.  相似文献   

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