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表面增强拉曼散射(Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering,SERS)技术作为鉴定生物分子种类最有力的分析工具之一,具有灵敏度高、特异性强、稳定性好及检测条件温和等优点。目前,SERS技术在肿瘤病理领域的应用尚处于起步阶段,但已显现出良好的应用前景和发展空间。该文简要介绍了SERS的机理、特性及活性基底,并对SERS技术在肿瘤病理的研究进展、局限性及潜在应用价值方面做较为全面的综述。  相似文献   

荧光相关谱技术及其应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于对处于平衡态少量荧光分子集合的强度涨落进行时间平均的技术,荧光相关谱fluoreswceance correlation spectroscopy,FCS)技术最近已经应用于细胞环境过程的研究。FCS优秀的灵敏特性为我们实时测量许多参数提供了途径,而且具有快速的时间特性和高空间分辨率。测量的参数包括扩散速率、局部浓度、聚合状态和分子间的相互作用。荧光互相关谱(fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy,FCCS)进一步扩展了FCS技术的应用,包括在活细胞中的广泛应用。本文介绍了FCS技术的原理、实验装置及其应用。  相似文献   

In the case of most optical imaging methods, contrast is generated either by physical properties of the sample (Differential Image Contrast, Phase Contrast), or by fluorescent labels that are localized to a particular protein or organelle. Standard Raman and infrared methods for obtaining images are based upon the intrinsic vibrational properties of molecules, and thus obviate the need for attached fluorophores. Unfortunately, they have significant limitations for live-cell imaging. However, an active Raman method, called Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS), is well suited for microscopy, and provides a new means for imaging specific molecules. Vibrational imaging techniques, such as CARS, avoid problems associated with photobleaching and photo-induced toxicity often associated with the use of fluorescent labels with live cells. Because the laser configuration needed to implement CARS technology is similar to that used in other multiphoton microscopy methods, such as two-photon fluorescence and harmonic generation, it is possible to combine imaging modalities, thus generating simultaneous CARS and fluorescence images. A particularly powerful aspect of CARS microscopy is its ability to selectively image deuterated compounds, thus allowing the visualization of molecules, such as lipids, that are chemically indistinguishable from the native species.  相似文献   

基于一种新型、高效近红外表面增强拉曼散射(NIR-SERS)基底,检测了20例健康人和16例结直肠癌患者氧合血红蛋白NIR-SERS光谱。对比发现,结直肠癌患者和健康人氧合血红蛋白NIR-SERS光谱之间存在明显差异。通过谱峰归属分析,发现结直肠癌患者氧合血红蛋白中吡咯环和乙烯基团的振动模式、数量和构象发生了一定的变化,尤其是吡咯环的对称呼吸振动和乙烯集团的反对称伸缩振动模式的数量比健康人要少很多,这些变化很可能是结直肠癌患者组织出现变异以及体内杂乱的新陈代谢引起。利用统计分析方法诊断结直肠癌的特异性与灵敏度分别为85.0%和93.8%,为验证利用统计方法的可靠性,使用受试样品的工作特征曲线方法进行评价。研究表明NIR-SERS光谱技术结合统计分析方法有望发展成为一种新型的结直肠癌临床诊断工具。  相似文献   

Currently, no methods exist for the definitive diagnosis of AD premortem. β-amyloid, the primary component of the senile plaques found in patients with this disease, is believed to play a role in its neurotoxicity. We are developing a nanoshell substrate, functionalized with sialic acid residues to mimic neuron cell surfaces, for the surface-enhanced Raman detection of β-amyloid. It is our hope that this sensing mechanism will be able to detect the toxic form of β-amyloid, with structural and concentration information, to aid in the diagnosis of AD and provide insight into the relationship between β-amyloid and disease progression. We have been successfully able to functionalize the nanoshells with the sialic acid residues to allow for the specific binding of β-amyloid to the substrate. We have also shown that a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy response using nanoshells is stable and concentration-dependent with detection into the picomolar range.  相似文献   

本文利用多光子激发激光扫描显微镜的部分光路和探测器.建立了双光子荧光相关谱系统(Two-Photo Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy.简称TP-FCS)。利用TP-FCS系统观察到了“光子爆发”现象.实现了染料分子的双光子激发,测量出若丹明B染料分子在蔗糖溶液中的扩散系数。实验证明该系统具有操作简便、可靠性高,费用低廉等等点,可实现单分子检测。  相似文献   

Coherent Raman imaging techniques have seen a dramatic increase in activity over the past decade due to their promise to enable label-free optical imaging with high molecular specificity 1. The sensitivity of these techniques, however, is many orders of magnitude weaker than fluorescence, requiring milli-molar molecular concentrations 1,2. Here, we describe a technique that can enable the detection of weak or low concentrations of Raman-active molecules by amplifying their signal with that obtained from strong or abundant Raman scatterers. The interaction of short pulsed lasers in a biological sample generates a variety of coherent Raman scattering signals, each of which carry unique chemical information about the sample. Typically, only one of these signals, e.g. Coherent Anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS), is used to generate an image while the others are discarded. However, when these other signals, including 3-color CARS and four-wave mixing (FWM), are collected and compared to the CARS signal, otherwise difficult to detect information can be extracted 3. For example, doubly-resonant CARS (DR-CARS) is the result of the constructive interference between two resonant signals 4. We demonstrate how tuning of the three lasers required to produce DR-CARS signals to the 2845 cm-1 CH stretch vibration in lipids and the 2120 cm-1 CD stretching vibration of a deuterated molecule (e.g. deuterated sugars, fatty acids, etc.) can be utilized to probe both Raman resonances simultaneously. Under these conditions, in addition to CARS signals from each resonance, a combined DR-CARS signal probing both is also generated. We demonstrate how detecting the difference between the DR-CARS signal and the amplifying signal from an abundant molecule''s vibration can be used to enhance the sensitivity for the weaker signal. We further demonstrate that this approach even extends to applications where both signals are generated from different molecules, such that e.g. using the strong Raman signal of a solvent can enhance the weak Raman signal of a dilute solute.  相似文献   

The surface plasmon fields of gold nanorods with a diameter of 100 nm and lengths of 1–5 m are imaged by using far-field Raman scattering of methylene blue adsorbed on the rods. When optically exciting the nanorods under total internal reflection with wave vector and electric field vector orientations along the rod axis, the plasmon field intensity along this axis is observed to be periodically modulated. This modulation is attributable to a beating of the exciting light wave and the nanorod plasmon mode. The plasmon wavelength deduced from the beat frequency is 379 nm, which is considerably smaller than the exciting laser wavelength of 647 nm. In general, Raman imaging is shown to be a powerful technique to probe local plasmon fields using far-field spectroscopy.  相似文献   

荧光相关谱测量技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荧光相关谱(fluorescence correlation spectroscopy,FCS)是对处于热平衡态条件下的荧光分子发出的荧光强度涨落进行时间相关处理的一种单分子检测方法,能够直接测量分子在溶液里的扩散系数和浓度.影响FCS测量扩散系数准确性的因素有分子量子效率,测量时间,样本折射率和温度偏差等.用FCS分别测量溶有荧光染料罗丹明6G(rhodamine 6G,Rh.6G)和青色素Cy5甘油水溶液的粘滞系数,实验结果表明:荧光分子的量子效率是影响测量准确性的重要因素,要求其每秒发射的光子数目(photon counts per second,cps)至少达到1 000(photons/s).  相似文献   

外泌体含有释放细胞的特异性物质,反映了释放细胞的组成成分,成为液体活检的重要物质。为了鉴别正常乳腺上皮细胞和乳腺癌细胞来源的外泌体,本研究采用表面增强拉曼(SERS)技术检测乳腺癌细胞MCF-7和人正常乳腺上皮细胞MCF-10A来源的外泌体,并且对比两种细胞外泌体的SERS光谱,筛选出相应的特征拉曼光谱。结果发现在800~1800 cm-1区域内,相对MCF-10A细胞,MCF-7来源的外泌体中归属于核酸的拉曼峰相对强度明显增高,且部分脂类峰强有所降低或部分特征峰消失,同时发现MCF-7还表现出其自己独特的拉曼谱型。此结果表明SERS技术可高灵敏度检测不同细胞来源的外泌体细微分子变化,可区分肿瘤细胞来源的外泌体与正常细胞来源的外泌体。SERS技术可作为癌症的早期检测和诊断的一种快速、无标记和无损的方法。  相似文献   

Fabrication and characterization of conjugate nano-biological systems interfacing metallic nanostructures on solid supports with immobilized biomolecules is reported. The entire sequence of relevant experimental steps is described, involving the fabrication of nanostructured substrates using electron beam lithography, immobilization of biomolecules on the substrates, and their characterization utilizing surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Three different designs of nano-biological systems are employed, including protein A, glucose binding protein, and a dopamine binding DNA aptamer. In the latter two cases, the binding of respective ligands, D-glucose and dopamine, is also included. The three kinds of biomolecules are immobilized on nanostructured substrates by different methods, and the results of SERS imaging are reported. The capabilities of SERS to detect vibrational modes from surface-immobilized proteins, as well as to capture the protein-ligand and aptamer-ligand binding are demonstrated. The results also illustrate the influence of the surface nanostructure geometry, biomolecules immobilization strategy, Raman activity of the molecules and presence or absence of the ligand binding on the SERS spectra acquired.  相似文献   

Single-molecule imaging has gained momentum to quantify the dynamics of biomolecules in live cells, as it provides direct real-time measurements of various cellular activities under their physiological environment. Yeast, a simple and widely used eukaryote, serves as a good model system to quantify single-molecule dynamics of various cellular processes because of its low genomic and cellular complexities, as well as its facile ability to be genetically manipulated. In the past decade, significant developments have been made regarding the intracellular labeling of biomolecules (proteins, mRNA, fatty acids), the microscopy setups to visualize single-molecules and capture their fast dynamics, and the data analysis pipelines to interpret such dynamics. In this review, we summarize the current state of knowledge for the single-molecule imaging in live yeast cells to provide a ready reference for beginners. We provide a comprehensive table to demonstrate how various labs tailored the imaging regimes and data analysis pipelines to estimate various biophysical parameters for a variety of biological processes. Lastly, we present current challenges and future directions for developing better tools and resources for single-molecule imaging in live yeast cells.  相似文献   

冷却慢扫描电荷耦合器件照相机附在荧光显微镜上组成了一个系统,可把一系列成象进行贮存,通过标记颗粒的位置、强度以及强度分布的差别,在每幅象上可区分500个荧光点.荧光点的运动可以跟踪,通过分析可区分不同的运动方式,在活细胞表面,已观察到受体有直接扩散,随机扩散和局部随机扩散三种运动方式.电荷耦合器件的高灵敏度使观察过程中只产生少量的漂白.现介绍这系统的测量原理和它在生物学上的应用.  相似文献   

The identification of blood species is of great significance in many aspects such as forensic science, wildlife protection, and customs security and quarantine. Conventional Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics is an established method for identification of blood species. However, the Raman spectrum of trace amount of blood could hardly be obtained due to the very small cross-section of Raman scattering. In order to overcome this limitation, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) was adopted to analyze trace amount of blood. The 785 nm laser was selected as the optimal laser to acquire the SERS spectra, and the blood SERS spectra of 19 species were measured. The convolutional neural network (CNN) was used to distinguish the blood of 19 species including human. The recognition accuracy of the blood species was obtained with 98.79%. Our study provides an effective and reliable method for identification and classification of trace amount of blood.  相似文献   

三维荧光光谱法检测多次高温加热植物油,该方法能快速、准确的获得待测样品的三维荧光光谱特征图,但只是定性的分析。当荧光强度变化较小的时候,容易出现误检、漏检的情况。先用三维荧光光谱技术分析植物油样品的光谱信息,然后再通过荧光寿命法,计算多次高温加热植物油中荧光光子的寿命,通过与未加热油荧光寿命的对比,检测多次高温加热植物油。二者联合,进一步提高了检测的准确度,有利于解决误检、漏检的问题,从而为高温加热油的检测提供有力的参考。  相似文献   

Immobilization of virions to glass surfaces is a critical step in single virion imaging. Here we present a technique adopted from single molecule imaging assays which allows adhesion of single virions to glass surfaces with specificity. This preparation is based on grafting the surface of the glass with a mixture of PLL-g-PEG and PLL-g-PEG-Biotin, adding a layer of avidin, and finally creating virion anchors through attachment of biotinylated virus specific antibodies. We have applied this technique across a range of experiments including atomic force microscopy (AFM) and super-resolution fluorescence imaging. This sample preparation method results in a control adhesion of the virions to the surface.  相似文献   

Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy is a nonlinear optical imaging method for visualizing chemical content based on molecular vibrational bonds. However, the imaging speed and sensitivity are currently limited by the noise of the light beam probing the Raman process. In this paper, we present a fast non-average denoising and high-precision Raman shift extraction method, based on a self-reinforcing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) enhancement algorithm, for SRS spectroscopy and microscopy. We compare the results of this method with the filtering methods and the reported experimental methods to demonstrate its high efficiency and high precision in spectral denoising, Raman peak extraction and image quality improvement. We demonstrate a maximum SNR enhancement of 10.3 dB in fixed tissue imaging and 11.9 dB in vivo imaging. This method reduces the cost and complexity of the SRS system and allows for high-quality SRS imaging without use of special laser, complicated system design and Raman tags.  相似文献   

Localization-based super resolution microscopy can be applied to obtain a spatial map (image) of the distribution of individual fluorescently labeled single molecules within a sample with a spatial resolution of tens of nanometers. Using either photoactivatable (PAFP) or photoswitchable (PSFP) fluorescent proteins fused to proteins of interest, or organic dyes conjugated to antibodies or other molecules of interest, fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy (FPALM) can simultaneously image multiple species of molecules within single cells. By using the following approach, populations of large numbers (thousands to hundreds of thousands) of individual molecules are imaged in single cells and localized with a precision of ~10-30 nm. Data obtained can be applied to understanding the nanoscale spatial distributions of multiple protein types within a cell. One primary advantage of this technique is the dramatic increase in spatial resolution: while diffraction limits resolution to ~200-250 nm in conventional light microscopy, FPALM can image length scales more than an order of magnitude smaller. As many biological hypotheses concern the spatial relationships among different biomolecules, the improved resolution of FPALM can provide insight into questions of cellular organization which have previously been inaccessible to conventional fluorescence microscopy. In addition to detailing the methods for sample preparation and data acquisition, we here describe the optical setup for FPALM. One additional consideration for researchers wishing to do super-resolution microscopy is cost: in-house setups are significantly cheaper than most commercially available imaging machines. Limitations of this technique include the need for optimizing the labeling of molecules of interest within cell samples, and the need for post-processing software to visualize results. We here describe the use of PAFP and PSFP expression to image two protein species in fixed cells. Extension of the technique to living cells is also described.  相似文献   

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