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The genetic diversity in the first domain exon of a bovine class II DRB gene was investigated by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Genomic DNA samples representing 14 different class II haplotypes, defined by RFLP analysis, were used. The analysis revealed an extensive polymorphism and 14 alleles at a single locus, designated DRB3, were identified. Multiple amino acid substitutions were found in all pairwise comparisons of alleles; 5 to 21 substitutions in the 83 positions compared. The genetic diversity at the amino acid level found in cattle matches the one previously found in the DRB1 locus in man. The significantly higher frequency of replacement substitutions compared with the frequency of silent substitutions provides strong evidence that there is selection for genetic diversity in the bovine DRB3 first domain exon. A comparison of the DRB polymorphism in man and cattle reveals a striking similarity as regards the location of polymorphic positions in the DRB molecule and the degree of polymorphism at polymorphic positions. The majority of polymorphic positions in both species are found in the proposed antigen recognition site of the class II molecule. In addition, there are eight positions which are polymorphic in both species but have not been assigned to the antigen recognition site. The possible functional significance of the polymorphism of these latter positions is discussed.  相似文献   

The Major Histocompatibility Complex (Mhc) genomic region of many vertebrates is known to contain at least one highly polymorphic class II gene that is homologous in sequence to one or other of the human Mhc DRB1 class II genes. The diversity of the avian Mhc class II gene sequences have been extensively studied in chickens, quails, and some songbirds, but have been largely ignored in the oceanic birds, including the flightless penguins. We have previously reported that several penguin species have a high degree of polymorphism on exon 2 of the Mhc class II DRB1-like gene. In this study, we present for the first time the complete nucleotide sequences of exon 2, intron 2, and exon 3 of the DRB1-like gene of 20 Humboldt penguins, a species that is presently vulnerable to the dangers of extinction. The Humboldt DRB1-like nucleotide and amino acid sequences reveal at least eight unique alleles. Phylogenetic analysis of all the available avian DRB-like sequences showed that, of five penguin species and nine other bird species, the sequences of the Humboldt penguins grouped most closely to the Little penguin and the mallard, respectively. The present analysis confirms that the sequence variations of the Mhc class II gene, DRB1, are useful for discriminating among individuals within the same penguin population as well those within different penguin population groups and species.The nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the DDBJ database and have been assigned the accession numbers AB088371–AB088374, AB089199, AB154393–AB154399, and AB162144.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence to suggest the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) has limited genetic diversity. However, the extent of this and its significance to the fitness of the cheetah population, both in the wild and captivity, is the subject of some debate. This reflects the difficulty associated with establishing a direct link between low variability at biologically significant loci and deleterious aspects of phenotype in this, and other, species. Attempts to study one such region, the feline leucocyte antigen (FLA), are hampered by a general reliance on cloning and sequencing which is expensive, labour-intensive, subject to PCR artefact and always likely to underestimate true variability. In this study we have applied reference strand-mediated conformational analysis (RSCA) to determine the FLA-DRB phenotypes of 25 cheetahs. This technique was rapid, repeatable and less prone to polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-induced sequence artefacts associated with cloning. Individual cheetahs were shown to have up to three FLA-DRB genes. A total of five alleles were identified (DRB*ha14-17 and DRB*gd01) distributed among four genotypes. Fifteen cheetahs were DRB*ha14/ha15/ha16/ha17, three were DRB*ha15/ha16/ha17, six were DRB*ha14/ha16/ha17 and one was DRB*ha14/ha15/ha16/ha17/gd01. Sequence analysis of DRB*gd01 suggested it was a recombinant of DRB*ha16 and DRB*ha17. Generation of new alleles is difficult to document, and the clear demonstration of such an event is unusual. This study confirms further the limited genetic variability of the cheetah at a biologically significant region. RSCA will facilitate large-scale studies that will be needed to correlate genetic diversity at such loci with population fitness in the cheetah and other species.  相似文献   

Norimine J  Han S  Brown WC 《Immunogenetics》2006,58(9):726-739
Antigen-specific CD4+ T cells play a critical role in protective immunity to many infectious pathogens. Although the antigen-specific CD4+ T cells can be measured by functional assays such as proliferation or cytokine enzyme-linked immunospot, such assays are limited to a specific function and cannot quantify anergic or suppressed T cells. In contrast, major histocompatiblity complex (MHC) class II tetramers can enumerate epitope-specific CD4+ T cells independent of function. In this paper, we report the construction of bovine leukocyte antigen MHC class II tetramers using a novel mammalian cell system to express soluble class II DRA/DRB3 molecules and defined immunodominant peptide epitopes of Anaplasma marginale major surface proteins (MSPs). Phycoerythrin-labeled tetramers were either loaded with exogenous peptide or constructed with the peptide epitope linked to the N terminus of the DRB3 chain. A DRB3*1101 tetramer loaded with MSP1a peptide F2-5B (ARSVLETLAGHVDALG) and DRB3*1201 tetramers loaded with MSP1a peptide F2-1-1b (GEGYATYLAQAFA) or MSP2 peptide P16-7 (NFAYFGGELGVRFAF) specifically stained antigen-specific CD4+ T cell lines and clones. Tetramers constructed with the T-cell epitope linked to the DRB3 chain were slightly better at labeling CD4+ T cells. In one cell line, the number of tetramer-positive T cells increased to approximately 94% of the CD4+ T cells after culture for 21 weeks with specific antigen. This novel technology should be useful to track the fate of antigen-specific CD4+ T-cell responses in cattle after immunization or infection with persistent pathogens, such as A. marginale, that modulate the host immune response.  相似文献   

We examined the evolutionary processes contributing to genetic diversity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DRB locus in chamois (Rupicapra spp., subfamily Caprinae). We characterised the pattern of intragenic recombination (or homologous gene conversion) and quantified the amount of recombination in the genealogical history of the two chamois species, Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica) and Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra). We found evidence for intragenic recombination, and the estimated amount of population recombination suggests that recombination has been a significant process in generating DRB allelic diversity in the genealogical history of the genus Rupicapra. Moreover, positive selection appears to act on the same peptide-binding residues in both analysed chamois species, but not in identical intensity. Recombination coupled with positive selection drives the rapid evolution at the peptide-binding sites in the MHC class II DRB gene. Many chamois MHC class II DRB alleles are thus much younger than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Association between the class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the class II invariant chain-associated peptide (CLIP) occurs naturally as an intermediate step in the MHC class II processing pathway. Here, we report the crystal structure of the murine class II MHC molecule I-A(b) in complex with human CLIP at 2.15A resolution. The structure of I-A(b) accounts, via the peptide-binding groove's unique physicochemistry, for the distinct peptide repertoire bound by this allele. CLIP adopts a similar conformation to peptides bound by other I-A alleles, reinforcing the notion that CLIP is presented as a conventional peptide antigen. When compared to the related HLA-DR3/CLIP complex structure, the CLIP peptide displays a slightly different conformation and distinct interaction pattern with residues in I-A(b). In addition, after examining the published sequences of peptides presented by I-A(b), we discuss the possibility of predicting peptide alignment in the I-A(b) binding groove using a simple scoring matrix.  相似文献   

MHC class II genes are major genetic components in rats developing autoimmunity. The majority of rat MHC class II sequencing has focused on exon 2, which forms the first external domain. Sequence of the complete open reading frame for rat MHC class II haplotypes and structure-based alignment is lacking. Herein, the complete open reading frame for RT1-B, RT1-B, RT1-D, and RT1-D was sequenced from ten different rat strains, covering eight serological haplotypes, namely a, b, c, d, k, l, n, and u. Each serological haplotype was unique at the nucleotide level of the sequenced RT1-B/D region. Within individual genes, the number of alleles identified was seven, seven, six, and three and the degree of amino-acid polymorphism between allotypes for each gene was 22%, 16%, 19%, and 0.4% for RT1-B, RT1-B, RT1-D, and RT1-D, respectively. The extent and distribution of amino-acid polymorphism was comparable with mouse and human MHC class II. Structure-based alignment identified the 65–66 deletion, the 84a insertion, the 9a insertion, and the 1a–1c insertion in RT1-B previously described for H2-A. Rat allele-specific deletions were found at RT1-B76 and RT1-D90–92. The mature RT1-D polypeptide was one amino acid longer than HLA-DRB1 due to the position of the predicted signal peptide cleavage site. These data are important to a comprehensive understanding of MHC class II structure-function and for mechanistic studies of rat models of autoimmunity.Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under the accession numbers AY626180–AY626189 for all RT1-Bb sequences, AY626190–AY626199 for all RT1-Ba sequences, AY626200-AY626209 for all RT1-Db sequences and AY626210–AY626219 for all RT1-Da sequences.  相似文献   

In Alberta, Canada, valerian grown for medicinal purposes and sowthistle, a common weed, showed typical aster yellows symptoms. Molecular diagnosis was made using a universal primer pair (P1 / P7) designed to amplify the entire 16S rRNA gene and the 16 / 23S intergenic spacer region in a direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. This primer pair amplified the DNA samples from valerian and sowthistle and reference controls (AY‐27, CP, PWB, AY of canola, LWB). They produced the expected PCR products of 1.8 kb, which were diluted and used as templates in a nested PCR. Two primer pairs R16F2n / R2 and P3 / P7 amplified the DNA templates giving PCR products of 1.2 and 0.32 kb, respectively. No PCR product was obtained with either set of primers and DNA isolated from healthy plants. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to analyse the partial 16S rDNA sequences (1.2 kb) of all phytoplasma DNA samples after restriction with four endonucleases (AluI, HhaI, MseI and RsaI). The restriction patterns of these strains were found to be identical with the RFLP pattern of the AY phytoplasma reference control (AY‐27 strain). Based on the RFLP data, the two strains are members of subgroup A of the AY 16Sr1 group. We report here the first molecular study on the association of AY phytoplasmas with valerian and sowthistle plants.  相似文献   

Molecules encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are polymorphic integral membrane proteins adapted to the presentation of peptide fragments of foreign antigens to antigen-specific T-cells. The diversity of infectious agents to which an immune response must be mounted poses a unique problem for receptor–ligand interactions; how can proteins whose polymorphism is necessarily limited bind an array of peptides almost infinite in its complexity? Both MHC class I and class II determinants have achieved this goal by harnessing a limited number of peptide side chains to anchor the epitope in place while exploiting conserved features of peptide structure, independent of their primary sequence. While class I molecules interact predominantly with the N- and C-termini of peptides, class II determinants form an extensive hydrogen bonding network along the length of the peptide backbone. Such a strategy ensures high-affinity binding, while selectively exposing the unique features of each ligand for recognition by the T-cell receptor. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II proteins bind peptide fragments derived from pathogen antigens and present them at the cell surface for recognition by T cells. MHC proteins are divided into Class I and Class II. Human MHC Class II alleles are grouped into three loci: HLA-DP, HLA-DQ, and HLA-DR. They are involved in many autoimmune diseases. In contrast to HLA-DR and HLA-DQ proteins, the X-ray structure of the HLA-DP2 protein has been solved quite recently. In this study, we have used structure-based molecular dynamics simulation to derive a tool for rapid and accurate virtual screening for the prediction of HLA-DP2-peptide binding. A combinatorial library of 247 peptides was built using the "single amino acid substitution" approach and docked into the HLA-DP2 binding site. The complexes were simulated for 1 ns and the short range interaction energies (Lennard-Jones and Coulumb) were used as binding scores after normalization. The normalized values were collected into quantitative matrices (QMs) and their predictive abilities were validated on a large external test set. The validation shows that the best performing QM consisted of Lennard-Jones energies normalized over all positions for anchor residues only plus cross terms between anchor-residues.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis was introduced to North America around 1900 and leads to nearly 100% mortality in prairie dog (Cynomys spp.) colonies during epizootic events, which suggests this pathogen may exert a strong selective force. We characterized genetic diversity at an MHC class II locus (DRB1) in Gunnison's prairie dog (C. gunnisoni) and quantified population genetic structure at the DRB1 versus 12 microsatellite loci in three large Arizona colonies. Two colonies, Seligman (SE) and Espee Ranch (ES), have experienced multiple plague‐related die‐offs in recent years, whereas plague has never been documented at Aubrey Valley (AV). We found fairly low allelic diversity at the DRB1 locus, with one allele (DRB1*01) at high frequency (0.67–0.87) in all colonies. Two other DRB1 alleles appear to be trans‐species polymorphisms shared with the black‐tailed prairie dog (C. ludovicianus), indicating that these alleles have been maintained across evolutionary time frames. Estimates of genetic differentiation were generally lower at the MHC locus (FST = 0.033) than at microsatellite markers (FST = 0.098). The reduced differentiation at DRB1 may indicate that selection has been important for shaping variation at MHC loci, regardless of the presence or absence of plague in recent decades. However, genetic drift has probably also influenced the DRB1 locus because its level of differentiation was not different from that of microsatellites in an FST outlier analysis. We then compared specific MHC alleles to plague survivorship in 60 C. gunnisoni that had been experimentally infected with Y. pestis. We found that survival was greater in individuals that carried at least one copy of the most common allele (DRB1*01) compared to those that did not (60% vs. 20%). Although the sample sizes of these two groups were unbalanced, this result suggests the possibility that this MHC class II locus, or a nearby linked gene, could play a role in plague survival.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II (MHCII) is constitutively expressed by immature dendritic cells (DC), but has a short half-life as a consequence of its transport to and degradation in lysosomes. For its transfer to lysosomes, MHCII is actively sorted to the intraluminal vesicles (ILV) of multivesicular bodies (MVB), a process driven by its ubiquitination. ILV have, besides their role as an intermediate compartment in lysosomal transfer, also been proposed to function as a site for MHCII antigen loading and temporal storage. In that scenario, DC would recruit antigen-loaded MHCII to the cell surface in response to a maturation stimulus by allowing ILV to fuse back with the MVB delimiting membrane. Other studies, however, explained the increase in cell surface expression during DC maturation by transient upregulation of MHCII synthesis and reduced sorting of newly synthesized MHCII to lysosomes. Here, we have characterized the relative contributions from the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways and found that the vast majority of antigen-loaded MHCII that is stably expressed at the plasma membrane by mature DC is synthesized after exposure to inflammatory stimuli. Pre-existing endosomal MHCII contributed only when it was not yet sorted to ILV at the moment of DC activation. Together with previous records, our current data are consistent with a model in which passage of MHCII through ILV is not required for antigen loading in maturing DC and in which sorting to ILV in immature DC provides a one-way ticket for lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

HLA-DRB1基因位点多态性的PCR-RFLP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计并建立一套适合国内应用的改良PCR-RFLR方法,分5组特异性扩增DNA样品,随后进行酶切定型分析,准确检测了编码DR抗原特异性的HLA-DRB1基因位点的多态性,该法采用分组扩增,不发生与其它DRB位点等位基因的交叉扩增,不仅适合纯合子的区分而且可以清楚准确地检测杂合子样品,已报道过的DRB1位点编码的特异性组合都可以通过这个方法得到准确分析。所使用的Ⅱ类限制性内切酶均价格便宜、易购。  相似文献   

A series of peptides and glycopeptides derived by amino acid and glycosyl amino acid scans through the self peptide from CBA/J mouse haemoglobin Hb (67–76), VITAFNEGLK, was synthesized by multiple column peptide synthesis (MCPS). Investigation of glycopeptide binding to the mouse major histocompatibility class II molecule Ek showed that glycans in position 72 did not interfere with the binding to Ek. Immunization experiments revealed that glycopeptides with the glycan in position 72 were immunogenic. Therefore a series of N-linked and O-linked glycopeptides with the glycan attached in the position 72 either to serine, threonine or asparagine was synthesized by MCPS. The glycan structure was furthermore varied with respect to monosacc haride component, size of oligosaccharide, anomer configuration and stereoche mistry of essential hydroxyl groups in order to investigate the specificity of the interaction with the T-cell receptor. Easy synthesis of ready to use Ser and Thr building blocks corresponding to mucin core 1, the Tn-antigen and its β-anomer were developed using trichloroacetimidates as glycosyl donors and reduction with in situ acetylation of the azide containing glycosylation products. Synthesis of an α-linked GlcNAc-Thr building block was achieved by glycosylation of Fmoc-Thr-OPfp with 2-azido-2-deoxy-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D - glycopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate as a glycosyl donor. Other building blocks were obtained by previously described procedures.  相似文献   

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