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选取形态及胚胎学特征,采用支序分析的方法对跳蚜亚科的系统发育进行了探讨。研究结果表明,Allaphis应作为蓟马蚜属Thripsaphis的一个亚属,Peltaphis应作为独立的属存在。Stenaphis应作为亚跳蚜属Subsallusaphis的一个亚属,粗腿蚜属Macropodaphis应建立一个新的亚科,该新亚科建议为粗腿蚜亚科Macropodaphinae。蓟马蚜属和毛斑蓟马蚜属Trichocallis为一对姐妹群,并且为较原始的类群。田鼠尾跳蚜属Sminhuraphis为单系类群,并与蓟马蚜属和毛斑蓟马蚜属具有共同的起源。聂跳蚜属Neveskyella和依跳蚜属Iziphya为一对姐妹类群,它们与跳蚜属Saltusaphis具有共同的祖先。亚跳蚜属与聂跳蚜属、依跳蚜属和跳蚜属有共同的起源,但较后三者原始。所有属之中,依跳蚜属相对较为进化。  相似文献   

依阿华蚜属仅在美国报道过 ,原为单种属。本文记述依阿华蚜属 1新种 ,张依阿华蚜Iowanazhangi ,增加了该属在中国分布的记录。文中给出分种检索表。新种的模式标本采自黑龙江省尚志县帽儿山 ,现存放在中国科学院动物研究所标本馆。新种张依阿华蚜Iowanazhangi与I .frisoni的区别为 :1)尾片三角形 (后者 :宽圆形 ) ;2 )腹管表面光滑 (后者 :有瓦纹 ) ;3)触角 6节 (后者 :5节 ) ,末节鞭部为基部的 2 .0 2倍 (后者 :1.4 3倍 ) ;4 )触角末节的原生感觉圈有副感觉圈相伴 (后者 :无 ) ;5)喙末节为后跗节II的 1.0 5倍 (后者 :1.71倍 )。该新种种名以昆虫学家张广学院士的姓氏命名。  相似文献   

印度修尾蚜属研究及一新种记述(同翅目:蚜科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统研究了印度修尾蚜属IndomegouraHilleRisLambers,1958,并描述了一新种,粗喙修尾蚜I.crassirostraQiaoandZhang。在研究了该属所有种的标本后给出了该属的分种检索表。根据寄主植物的地理分布资料和对该属地理分布的研究,推断该属的分化中心在中国的华中亚区。新种的模式标本在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

系统研究了中国的长大蚜属EulachnusdelGuercio ,190 9,共记述 12种 ,其中 1个新种 ,肖高山长大蚜E .similialticolaZhang ,sp .nov .;2种中国新记录种 :高山长大蚜E .alticolaB rner,1940和钉毛长大蚜E .tuberculostemmatus (Theobald ,1915 )。论文提供了该属的分种检索表 ,各种提供了寄主植物和地理分布 ,新种还提供了与其近缘种的示差鉴别。所有研究标本 ,包括模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆  相似文献   

本文记述了中国新纪录属冉帕氏蚜属RappardielaNoordam及新种枝瘿冉帕氏蚜Rappardielacymigalasp.nov.,模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所标本馆。冉帕氏蚜,新种Rappardielacymigalasp.nov.与R.plicatorNoordam和R.macrosoleniNoordam有较近亲缘关系,不同在于:寄主为Distylium,后两者:Scurrula,Loranthus;喙节Ⅳ+Ⅴ为后跗节Ⅱ085,后两者:130~143,虫瘿为枝瘿,且分枝,后两者,为叶瘿。  相似文献   

通过对中国纩蚜属的研究,作者提出纩蚜属的现代地理分布呈岛状分布的格局;并推测该属的起源中心可能在欧洲,现代分化中心可能在中国的横断山脉地区。从动物地理的角度,探讨了该属内的系统发育关系。同时,发现一新种,即云杉纩蚜Mindaurspiceasuctusspnov.。正模为无翅孤雌蚜,副模为5只有翅孤雌蚜和8只无翅孤雌蚜,分布在云南省昆明市,辽宁省沈阳市和熊岳县。一新亚种,即冷杉纩蚜三圈亚种M.abietinustriprimesensorissp.nov.,正模为有翅孤雌蚜,副模为3只有翅孤雌蚜,分布在云南省丽江市玉龙山。一新纪录种,即冷杉纩蚜指名亚种M.abietinusabietinusKoch1856。并且给出种的检索表,模式标本存放在中国科学院动物研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

本文记述了中国长管蚜亚科Macrosiphinae的一新属:朱囊管蚜属ChusiphunculaZhanggen.nov.和新种——珍珠梅朱囊管蚜ChusiphunculasorbarisuctaZhang,sp.nov.本属与囊管蚜属(RhopalosiphoninusBaker1920)近似,但可由以下特征区别:1)额瘤发达,内缘外倾,不粗糙(后者额瘤粗糙),2)腹管约为体长的0.36倍(后者0.2-0.33);3)尾片五边形(后者三角形);4)有翅蚜触角第三节仅有少量约7个次生感觉圈(后者感觉圈10个以上)。模式标本存放中国科学院动物研究所标本馆。  相似文献   

本文记述抚顺煤矿琥珀中蚜虫一新科,斑毛蚜科Drepanochaitophoridae,一新属,斑毛蚜属Drepanochaitophorus Zhang et Hong,一新种,抚顺斑毛蚜Drepanochaitophorus fushunensis Zhang et Hong。标本采自煤矿中古城子组,时代属于老第三纪始新世早期。斑毛蚜科的发现,可以帮助我们认识斑蚜科、毛蚜科与斑毛蚜科之间的演化关系。模式标本保存在北京自然历史博物馆。  相似文献   

本文记述中国二叉蚜属SchizaphisBruer6种,其中包括3新种:贴梗海棠二叉蚜Schizaphis(Schizaphis)chaenometicolaZhang,sp.nov.香草二叉蚜Schizaphis(Schizaphis)hierochlophagaZhangetChen,sp.nov.和长管二叉蚜Schizophis(Schizaphis)longituberclataZhangetQiao,sp.nov,并附亚属、种检索表。模式标本存放中国科学院动物研究所标本馆。贴梗海棠二叉蚜Schizapais(Schizaphis)chaenometicolaZhang,新种(图1)正模:无翅孤雌蚜,No.8101-1-11,甘肃:天水(北纬34.6°,东经105.7°)1580m,贴梗海棠Chaenomelesspeciosa(Sweet),1985-VII-7,23,张广学、钟铁森;副模:7无翅孤雌蚜,其它同上。该种触角约为体长的0.50~0.70倍,腹管略长于尾片,与香草二叉蚜相近,但腹部各节无缘瘤,中胸腹盆两臂分离,寄主贴梗海棠和山丁子,使其不同于本属内任何种。香草二叉蚜Schizaphis(Schizaphis)hierochlophagaZhangetChen,新种(图2)正模:有翅孤雌蚜,No.Y2690-1-1-3,北京(北纬39.3°,东经116.4°)100m,香茅草Cymbopogonspp,1983-VI-2,张向才。副模:1有翅孤雌蚜,1无翅孤雌蚜,No.Y2690-11-2,其它同上。该种触角约为体长的0.64倍,有翅孤雌蚜触角3~5  相似文献   

Abstract With reference to the material related to the evolution of host-plant associations, phylogenetic analyses of aphids in Lachnidae are carried out by using 20 taxa and 26 characters. The monophyly of Traminae and Cinarinae are recognized. However, Lachninae is proved to be a polyphyletic group. Three traditional subfamilies, Cinarinae, Lachninae and Traminae are still retained. Three tribes within Cinarinae which include Cinarini, Eulachnini and Schizolachnini are suggested. It is concluded that the ancestral host plants of Lachnidae were deciduous plants rather than coniferous trees or other plants.  相似文献   

瘿绵蚜科系统发育研究(同翅目:蚜总科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张广学  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》1999,42(2):176-183
采用支序分析的方法对瘿绵蚜科的系统发育进行了探讨。研究结果表明,传统的倍蚜族Schlechtendalini、五节根蚜族Fordini和瘿绵蚜族Pemphigini 是单系群,传统的 卷叶绵蚜族Prociphilini 和四脉绵蚜族Tetraneurini是并系群。在瘿绵蚜科的三个亚科中,瘿绵蚜亚科与五节根蚜亚科亲缘关系比与绵蚜亚科更近。另外,根据支序分析结果,建议将丽绵蚜属Formosaphis从瘿绵蚜亚科移入五节根蚜亚科中。  相似文献   

研究发现,取食蔷薇科植物的3种跳甲,即蛇莓跳甲 A.fragariae、地榆跳甲A.sanguisobae和委陵跳甲A.koreana并不是最近缘物种,它们的"母种"和"子种"关系在这一系统中并不受支持.依据分子系统树,地榆跳甲与蛇莓跳甲分别是独立的物种;尽管委陵跳甲和A.ampelophaga亲缘关系最近,但综合考虑二者地理分布特点和食性差异,我们仍主张将它们作为2个独立的物种对待.  相似文献   

作者在整理福建省蚜虫标本时,发现瘿绵蚜科中国1新纪录属和3新种。模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

The horned soldier aphids of the Cerataphidini, unlike most social insects that reside in nests, live on the open surface of plants. The lack of a nest and other obvious ecological correlates makes it unclear why secondary-host soldiers might have evolved. Here I present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of 32 species of the Cerataphidini, including 10 species from the genera Ceratovacuna and Pseudoregma that produce horned soldiers. The phylogeny suggests that horned soldiers evolved once and were lost once or twice. Most horned soldiers are a morphologically specialized caste and two species that have unspecialized soldiers are independently derived from species with specialized castes. The genus Ceratovacuna appears to have undergone a relatively rapid radiation. Mapping secondary-host plants and geographic ranges onto the phylogeny suggests that bamboos were the ancestral secondary-host plants and that the Asian tropics and subtropics were the ancestral geographic regions for the genera Astegopteryx, Ceratoglyphina, Ceratovacuna Chaitoregma, and Pseudoregma and possibly for the entire tribe. There is evidence for vicariant events that separate the tropical and subtropical lineages in all of the major lineages of the tribe and for dispersal of some lineages. Based on these results, I present hypotheses for the causes and consequences of horned-soldier evolution.  相似文献   

本文应用分支系统学原理对鳅(鱼它)鱼类的鳔囊、鳔及相关结构进行了特征分圻,并以(鱼句)亚科作为外类群。解剖结果表明,鳅(鱼它)鱼类的鳔分四种类型;分析结果进一步证实鳅(鱼它)鱼类是一个单源群,作为一亚科可分为异鳔鳅(鱼它)属和鳅(鱼它)属,后者又分为原鳅(鱼它)和鳅(鱼它)二个亚属。  相似文献   

We ask whether patterns of genetic variation in a phytophagous insect's responses to potential host plants shed light on the phylogenetic history of host association. Ophraella communa feeds chiefly, and in eastern North America exclusively, on Ambrosia (Asteraceae: Ambrosiinae). Using mostly half-sib breeding designs, we screened for genetic variation in feeding responses to and larval survival on its own host and on seven other plants that are hosts (or, on one case, closely related to the host) of other species of Ophraella. We found evidence for genetic variation in feeding responses to five of the seven test plants, other than the natural host. We found no evidence of genetic variation in feeding responses to two plant species, nor in capacity for larval survival on six. These results imply constraints on the availability of genetic variation; however, little evidence for constraints in the form of negative genetic correlations was found. These results are interpreted in the context of a provisional phylogeny of, and a history of host shifts within, the genus. Ophraella communa does not present evidence of genetic variation in its ability to feed and/or survive on Solidago, even though it is probably descended from a lineage that fed on Solidago or related plants, possibly as recently as 1.9 million years ago. Genetic variation in performance on this plant may have been lost. Based on evidence for genetic variation and on mean performance, by far the greatest potentiality for adaptation to a congener's host was evinced in responses to Iva frutescens, which not only is related and chemically similar to Ambrosia, but also is the host of a closely related species of Ophraella that may have been derived from an Ambrosia-associated ancestor. Genetic variation in O. communa's capacity to feed and/or survive on its congeners' hosts is less evident for plants that do not represent historically realized host shifts (with one exception) than for those that may (but see Note Added in Proof). The results offer some support for the hypothesis that the evolution of host shifts has been guided in part by constrained genetic variation.  相似文献   

The genus Mallomonas, a common and often abundant member of the planktic community in many freshwater habitats worldwide, consists of 180 species divided into 19 sections and 23 series. Classification of species is based largely on ultrastructural characteristics of the siliceous scales and bristles that collectively form a highly organized covering over the cell. However, the relative importance of the different siliceous features of the scales, such as the dome, V rib, and secondary structures, as well as the different types of scales, in understanding the evolution and phylogeny of the genus is little known. In this study, we investigated the scale and bristle ultrastructure, along with sequences of three genes, for 19 isolates (18 species) of Mallomonas (18 isolates were from Korean habitats). The isolates represented nine of the 19 sections. Sequences for both the nuclear SSU and LSU rDNA and plastid LSU of RUBISCO (rbcL) genes for each of the 19 Mallomonas isolates and four outgroups were determined. Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood (ML) analyses of the data revealed that Mallomonas consists of two strongly supported clades. Mallomonas bangladeshica (E. Takah. et T. Hayak.) Siver et A. P. Wolfe was at the base of the first clade that included taxa from the sections Planae and Heterospinae, both of which lack a V rib on the shield of the scales. Our results indicated that the sections Planae and Heterospinae should be combined. The second clade, with Mallomonas insignis Penard and Mallomonas punctifera Korshikov at the base, contained taxa from the sections Mallomonas, Striatae, Akrokomae, Annulatae, Torquatae, Punctiferae, and Insignes, all of which have V ribs or well‐developed marginal ribs on the scales. Sister relationships between Mallomonas and Striatae were strongly supported, but interrelations among the remaining sections were not resolved, probably due to inclusion of too few species. Our results suggest that the current classification of the genus Mallomonas at the section level will require some revision. Additional species will need to be added in future analyses.  相似文献   

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