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Sia EA  Kirkpatrick DT 《DNA Repair》2005,4(2):253-261
Six strong homologs of the bacterial MutS DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene have been identified in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. With the exception of the MSH1 gene, the involvement of each homolog in DNA repair and recombination during meiosis has been determined previously. Five of the homologs have been demonstrated to act in meiotic DNA repair (MSH2, MSH3, MSH6 and MSH4) and/or meiotic recombination (MSH4 and MSH5). Unfortunately the loss of mitochondrial function that results from deletion of MSH1 disrupts meiotic progression, precluding an analysis of MSH1 function in meiotic DNA repair and recombination. However, the recent identification of two separation-of-function alleles of MSH1 that interfere with protein function but still maintain functional mitochondria allow the meiotic activities of MSH1 to be determined. We show that the G776D and F105A alleles of MSH1 exhibit no defects in meiotic recombination, repair base-base mismatches and large loop mismatches efficiently during meiosis, and have high levels of spore viability. These data indicate that the MSH1 protein, unlike other MutS homologs in yeast, plays no role in DNA repair or recombination during meiosis.  相似文献   

Inherited germline mutations in the tumor suppressor gene BRCA1 predispose individuals to early onset breast and ovarian cancer. BRCA1 together with its structurally related partner BARD1 is required for homologous recombination and DNA double-strand break repair, but how they perform these functions remains elusive. As part of a comprehensive search for DNA repair genes in C. elegans, we identified a BARD1 ortholog. In protein interaction screens, Ce-BRD-1 was found to interact with components of the sumoylation pathway, the TACC domain protein TAC-1, and most importantly, a homolog of mammalian BRCA1. We show that animals depleted for either Ce-brc-1 or Ce-brd-1 display similar abnormalities, including a high incidence of males, elevated levels of p53-dependent germ cell death before and after irradiation, and impaired progeny survival and chromosome fragmentation after irradiation. Furthermore, depletion of ubc-9 and tac-1 leads to radiation sensitivity and a high incidence of males, respectively, potentially linking these genes to the C. elegans BRCA1 pathway. Our findings support a shared role for Ce-BRC-1 and Ce-BRD-1 in C. elegans DNA repair processes, and this role will permit studies of the BRCA1 pathway in an organism amenable to rapid genetic and biochemical analysis.  相似文献   

A SecY homologue is involved in chloroplast-encoded D1 protein biogenesis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We have used the photosystem II reaction center D1 protein as a model to study the mechanisms of targeting and insertion of chloroplast-encoded thylakoid membrane proteins. The unusually high turnover rate and distinct pausing intermediates during translation make the D1 protein biogenesis particularly suitable for these purposes. Here we show that cpSecY, a chloroplast homologue of bacterial essential translocon component SecY, interacts tightly with thylakoid membrane-bound ribosomes, suggesting its involvement in protein translocation and insertion. Co-immunoprecipitation and cross-linking experiments indicated that cpSecY resides in the vicinity of D1 elongation intermediates and provided evidence for a transient interaction of cpSecY with D1 elongation intermediates during the biogenesis of D1. After termination of translation, such interactions no longer existed. Our results indicate that, in addition to a well characterized role of cpSecY in posttranslational translocation of nuclear-encoded proteins, it seems to be also involved in cotranslational membrane protein translocation and insertion in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER), a highly versatile DNA repair mechanism, is capable of removing various types of DNA damage including those induced by UV radiation and chemical mutagens. NER has been well characterized in yeast and mammalian systems but its presence in plants has not been reported. Here it is reported that a plant gene isolated from male germline cells of lily (Lilium longiflorum) shows a striking amino acid sequence similarity to the DNA excision repair proteins human ERCC1 and yeast RAD10. Homologous genes are also shown to be present in a number of taxonomically diverse plant genera tested, suggesting that this gene may have a conserved function in plants. The protein encoded by this gene is able to correct significantly the sensitivity to the cross-linking agent mitomycin C in ERCC1-deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. These findings suggest that the NER mechanism is conserved in yeast, animals and higher plants.  相似文献   

SIR2-like proteins have been implicated in a wide range of cellular events including chromosome silencing, chromosome segregation, DNA recombination and the determination of life span. We report here the molecular and functional characterization of a SIR2-related protein from the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, which we termed TbSIR2RP1. This protein is a chromosome-associated NAD-dependent enzyme which, in contrast to other known proteins of this family, catalyses both ADP-ribosylation and deacetylation of histones, particulary H2A and H2B. Under- or overexpression of TbSIR2RP1 decreased or increased, respectively, cellular resistance to DNA damage. Treatment of trypanosomal nuclei with a DNA alkylating agent resulted in a significant increase in the level of histone ADP-ribosylation and a concomitant increase in chromatin sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease. Both of these responses correlated with the level of TbSIR2RP1 expression. We propose that histone modification by TbSIR2RP1 is involved in DNA repair.  相似文献   

The BRCA1 tumor suppressor exists as a heterodimeric complex with BARD1, and this complex is thought to mediate many of the functions ascribed to BRCA1, including its role in tumor suppression. The two proteins share a common structural organization that features an N-terminal RING domain and two C-terminal BRCT motifs, whereas BARD1 alone also contains three tandem ankyrin repeats. In normal cells, the BRCA1/BARD1 heterodimer is believed to enhance chromosome stability by promoting homology-directed repair (HDR) of double strand DNA breaks. Here we have investigated the structural requirements for BARD1 in this process by complementation of Bard1-null mouse mammary carcinoma cells. Our results demonstrate that the ankyrin and BRCT motifs of BARD1 are each essential for both chromosome stability and HDR. Tandem BRCT motifs, including those found at the C terminus of BARD1, are known to form a phosphoprotein recognition module. Nonetheless, the HDR function of BARD1 was not perturbed by synthetic mutations predicted to ablate the phospho-recognition activity of its BRCT sequences, suggesting that some functions of the BRCT domains are not dependent on their ability to bind phosphorylated ligands. Also, cancer-associated missense mutations in the BRCT domains of BARD1 (e.g. C557S, Q564H, V695L, and S761N) have been observed in patients with breast, ovarian, and endometrial tumors. However, none of these was found to affect the HDR activity of BARD1, suggesting that any increased cancer risk conferred by these mutations is not because of defects in this repair mechanism.  相似文献   

Cells activate DNA repair pathways and cell cycle checkpoints when they suffer damage to their genome. They also activate tolerance pathways that facilitate survival. In Escherichia coli, a mechanism known as postreplication repair (PRR) is used to bypass lesions that would otherwise present a physical block to DNA polymerase. PRR has also been proposed to occur in eukaryotic cells, although the partitioning of DNA synthesis to a discrete S-phase would suggest that it is only operative within a defined period of the cell cycle. Eukaryotic PRR has been most extensively studied in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Two important genes for components of this repair pathway are RAD6, which encodes an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, and RAD18, which encodes a RING-finger protein and forms a heterodimer with Rad6p. Rad18p can also bind to DNA. We report here the identification of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe homologue of RAD18, which we have denoted rhp18. rhp18 mutants are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents, but show this hypersensitivity throughout the cell cycle. rhp18 mutants are characterised by a longer than usual DNA damage checkpoint arrest that is required for their residual viability following irradiation. Genetic analyses show that rhp18 controls a unique DNA damage repair/tolerance pathway that extends beyond the requirement to tolerate damage during S-phase, suggesting a broader definition of the function of this eukaryotic PRR protein.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is essential for growth and fertility. The Arabidopsis DSB repair proteins AtRAD50 and AtMRE11 form part of an evolutionarily conserved complex that, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammals, includes a third component termed XRS2 and NBS1, respectively. The MRN complex (MRX in yeast) has a direct role in DSB repair and is also required for DNA damage signaling and checkpoint activation in a pathway mediated by the protein kinase ATM. This study characterizes Arabidopsis and maize NBS1 orthologues that share conserved protein motifs with human NBS1. Both plant NBS1 proteins interact with the corresponding MRE11 orthologues, and deletion analysis of AtNBS1 defines a region towards the C-terminus (amino acids 465-500) that is required for interaction with AtMRE11. Arabidopsis lines homozygous for a T-DNA insertional mutation in AtNBS1 display hypersensitivity to the DNA cross-linking reagent mitomycin C, and this phenotype can be rescued by complementation with the wild-type gene, consistent with a function for AtNBS1 in plant DSB repair. Analysis of atnbs1-1 atatm double mutants revealed a role for AtNBS1 in meiotic recombination. While atatm mutants produce reduced seed numbers, plants deficient in both AtATM and AtNBS1 are completely infertile. Cytological analysis of these double mutants revealed incomplete chromosome pairing and synapsis in meiotic prophase, and extensive chromosome fragmentation in metaphase I and subsequent stages. These results suggest a novel role for AtNBS1 that is independent of AtATM-mediated signaling and functions in the very early stages of meiosis.  相似文献   

A chimeric plasmid, pJPuvr4, consists of a 16.7 kbp Haemophilus influenzae Rd chromosomal DNA insert at the EcoRI site of vector pJ1-8. This plasmid complements the UV and gamma ray sensitivity of the mutant strain MBH4. This plasmid carries the wild type allele of gene uvr4 which was localised to a 3.8 kbp DraI fragment, with an internal EcoRI site. Partial sequencing of the gene and its alignment with the published genome sequence of H. influenzae Rd revealed uvr4 to be HI1472. HI1472 is a putatively identified open reading frame (ORF), which has been assigned no function so far. The partial sequence did show nt database match with 3D exon of N cadherin gene of homosepians and moaA gene of H. influenzae. Cadherins are involved in cell adhesion, cell to cell contact and morphogenesis in homosepians and moaA gene codes for molybdenum biosynthesis subunitA. This report implicates HI1472 of Haemophilus influenzae Rd in DNA repair. Nucleotide sequence obtained for the gene uvr4 was compared with the published sequence of gene HI1472. A wild type strain variation was observed at the 592nd nucleotide position corresponding to a change from aspartic acid to threonine.  相似文献   

Summary The induction of gene conversion and mitotic crossing-over by photoaddition of psoralens, 254 nm ultraviolet radiation, and nitrogen mustards was determined in diploid cells homozygous for the pso3-1 mutation and in the corresponding wild type of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For these different agents, the frequency of non-reciprocal events (conversion) is reduced in the pso3-1 mutant compared to the wild type. In contrast, the frequency of reciprocal events (crossing-over) is increased at a range of doses. These observations, together with the block in induced mutagenesis for both reverse and forward mutations previously reported for the pso3-1 mutant, suggest that the PS03 gene product plays a role in mismatch repair of short patch regions. The block in gene conversion in the pso3 homozygous diploid leads, in the case of nitrogen mustards, to specific repair intermediates which are lethal to the cells.  相似文献   

To analyze plant mechanisms for resistance to UV radiation, mutants of Arabidopsis that are hypersensitive to UV radiation (designated uvh and uvr) have been isolated. UVR2 and UVR3 products were previously identified as photolyases that remove UV-induced pyrimidine dimers in the presence of visible light. Plants also remove dimers in the absence of light by an as yet unidentified dark repair mechanism and uvh1 mutants are defective in this mechanism. The UVH1 locus was mapped to chromosome 5 and the position of the UVH1 gene was further delineated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the uvh1-1 mutant with cosmids from this location. Cosmid NC23 complemented the UV hypersensitive phenotype and restored dimer removal in the uvh1-1 mutant. The cosmid encodes a protein similar to the S. cerevisiae RAD1 and human XPF products, components of an endonuclease that excises dimers by nucleotide excision repair (NER). The uvh1-1 mutation creates a G to A transition in intron 5 of this gene, resulting in a new 3' splice site and introducing an in-frame termination codon. These results provide evidence that the Arabidopsis UVH1/AtRAD1 product is a subunit of a repair endonuclease. The previous discovery in Lilium longiflorum of a homolog of human ERCC1 protein that comprises the second subunit of the repair endonuclease provides additional evidence for the existence of the repair endonuclease in plants. The UVH1 gene is strongly expressed in flower tissue and also in other tissues, suggesting that the repair endonuclease is widely utilized for repair of DNA damage in plant tissues.  相似文献   

8-Hydroxyguanine (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine: oh8Gua) is a damaged form of guanine induced by oxygen-free radicals and causes GC to TA transversions. Previously we isolated the hOGG1 gene, a human homolog of the yeast OGG1 gene, which encodes a DNA glycosylase and lyase to excise oh8Gua in DNA. In this study, we isolated a mouse homolog (Ogg1) of the OGG1 gene, characterized oh8Gua-specific DNA glycosylase/AP lyase activities of its product, and determined chromosomal localization and exon-intron organization of this gene. A predicted protein possessed five domains homologous to human and yeast OGG1 proteins. Helix-hairpin-helix and C2H2 zinc finger-like DNA-binding motifs found in human and yeast OGG1 proteins were also retained in mouse Ogg1 protein. The properties of a GST fusion protein were identical to human and yeast OGG1 proteins in glycosylase/lyase activities, their substrate specificities, and suppressive activities against the spontaneous mutagenesis of an Escherichia coli mutM mutY double mutant. The mouse Ogg1 gene was mapped to Chromosome (Chr) 6, and consisted of 7 exons approximately 6 kb long. Two DNA-binding motifs were encoded in exons 4 through 5. These data will facilitate the investigation of the OGG1 gene to elucidate the relationship between oxidative DNA damage and carcinogenesis. Received: 17 July 1997 / Accepted: 15 September 1997  相似文献   

The progression of replication forks is often impeded by obstacles that cause them to stall or collapse, and appropriate responses to replication-associated DNA damage are important for genome integrity. Here we identified a new gene, mus7(+), that is involved in the repair of replication-associated DNA damage in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The Deltamus7 mutant shows enhanced sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), camptothecin, and hydroxyurea, agents that cause replication fork stalling or collapse, but not to ultraviolet light or X-rays. Epistasis analysis of MMS sensitivity indicates that Mus7 functions in the same pathway as Mus81, a subunit of the Mus81-Eme1 structure-specific endonuclease, which has been implicated in the repair of the replication-associated DNA damage. In Deltamus7 and Deltamus81 cells, the repair of MMS-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is severely impaired. Moreover, some cells with either mutation are hyper-elongated or enlarged, and most of these cells accumulate in late G2 phase. Spontaneous Rad22 (recombination mediator protein RAD52 homolog) foci increase in S phase to late G2 phase in Deltamus7 and Deltamus81 cells. These results suggest that replication-associated DSBs accumulate in these cells and that Rad22 foci form in the absence of Mus7 or Mus81. We also found that the rate of spontaneous conversion-type recombination is reduced in mitotic Deltamus7 cells, suggesting that Rhp51- (RAD51 homolog) dependent homologous recombination is disturbed in this mutant. From these data, we propose that Mus7 functions in the repair of replication-associated DSBs by promoting RAD51-dependent conversion-type recombination downstream of Rad22 and Mus81.  相似文献   

c-Abl plays important roles in cellular response to DNA damage. However, possible roles for Arg (Abl-related gene) in DNA damage response are unknown. Here, we show that ionizing radiation (IR)-induced Rad51 focus formation is reduced in Arg-deficient cells generated from a chicken B cell line by targeted disruption. This is consistent with the findings that Arg-deficient cells display hypersensitivity to IR, elevated frequencies of IR-induced chromosomal aberrations, and reduced targeted integration frequencies. All of these abnormalities in DNA damage repair are also observed in ATM-deficient cells but not in c-Abl-deficient cells. Finally, we show that Arg interacts with and phosphorylates Rad51 in 293T cells. These results suggest that Arg plays a role in homologous recombinational (HR) DNA repair by phosphorylating Rad51.  相似文献   

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