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The Vitamin D receptor (VDR) and its ligand, 1,25(OH)(2)D(3), regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in vitro, yet the physiological significance of this regulation is unclear. In these studies, we used VDR knockout (VDRKO) mice to examine the impact of VDR on chemical carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis in vivo. Wild type (WT) and VDRKO littermates were fed a high calcium diet to prevent disturbances in calcium homeostasis and were gavaged with dimethylbenzanthracence (DMBA) using a protocol designed to induce mammary tumors. Compared to WT littermates, VDRKO mice exhibited an increased incidence of mammary gland hyperplasia and a higher percentage of hormone independent tumors with squamous differentiation. VDR ablation also significantly enhanced tumor development in epidermis and lymphoid tissues, but did not affect tumor development in ovary, uterus, lung or liver. These data indicate that VDR ablation alters susceptibility to DMBA-induced carcinogenesis in a tissue specific fashion, and provide support that optimal VDR signaling may act to suppress tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Reelin signaling is required for appropriate cell migration and ductal patterning during mammary gland morphogenesis. Dab1, an intracellular adaptor protein activated in response to reelin signaling, is expressed in the developing mammary bud and in luminal epithelial cells in the adult gland. Reelin protein is expressed in a complementary pattern, first in the epithelium overlying the mammary bud during embryogenesis and then in the myoepithelium and periductal stroma in the adult. Deletion in mouse of either reelin or Dab1 induced alterations in the development of the ductal network, including significant retardation in ductal elongation, decreased terminal branching, and thickening and disorganization of the luminal wall. At later stages, some mutant glands overcame these early delays, but went on to exhibit enlarged and chaotic ductal morphologies and decreased terminal branching: these phenotypes are suggestive of a role for reelin in spatial patterning or structural organization of the mammary epithelium. Isolated mammary epithelial cells exhibited decreased migration in response to exogenous reelin in vitro, a response that required Dab1. These observations highlight a role for reelin signaling in the directed migration of mammary epithelial cells driving ductal elongation into the mammary fat pad and provide the first evidence that reelin signaling may be crucial for regulating the migration and organization of non-neural tissues.  相似文献   

1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) interacts with the Vitamin D3 receptor (VDR) to modulate proliferation and apoptosis in a variety of cell types, including breast cancer cells. In this review, we discuss three issues related to the role of the VDR in growth control: first, whether mammary glands lacking VDR exhibit abnormal growth; second, whether the VDR is essential for induction of apoptosis by 1,25(OH)2D3; and third, whether VDR up-regulation can sensitize cells to 1,25(OH)2D3. Studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that mammary glands from VDR knockout (VDR KO) mice exhibit accelerated growth and branching during puberty, pregnancy and lactation as compared to wild-type (WT) mice. In addition, involution after weaning, a process driven by epithelial cell apoptosis, proceeds at a slower rate in VDR KO mice compared to WT mice. Using cells isolated from VDR KO and WT mice, we report that both normal and transformed mammary cells derived from WT mice are growth inhibited by 1,25(OH)2D3, however, cells derived from VDR KO mice are completely unresponsive to 1,25(OH)2D3. In human breast cancer cells, we have identified a variety of agents, including steroid hormones, phytoestrogens and growth factors, that up-regulate VDR expression and enhance sensitivity to 1,25(OH)2D3-mediated growth inhibition. Collectively, these studies support a role for 1,25(OH)2D3 and the VDR in negative growth regulation of both normal mammary gland and breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

The Ron receptor tyrosine kinase is expressed in normal breast tissue and is overexpressed in approximately 50% of human breast cancers. Despite the recent studies on Ron in breast cancer, nothing is known about the importance of this protein during breast development. To investigate the functional significance of Ron in the normal mammary gland, we compared mammary gland development in wild-type mice to mice containing a targeted ablation of the tyrosine kinase (TK) signaling domain of Ron (TK−/−). Mammary glands from RonTK−/− mice exhibited accelerated pubertal development including significantly increased ductal extension and branching morphogenesis. While circulating levels of estrogen, progesterone, and overall rates of epithelial cell turnover were unchanged, significant increases in phosphorylated MAPK, which predominantly localized to the epithelium, were associated with increased branching morphogenesis. Additionally, purified RonTK−/− epithelial cells cultured ex vivo exhibited enhanced branching morphogenesis, which was reduced upon MAPK inhibition. Microarray analysis of pubertal RonTK−/− glands revealed 393 genes temporally impacted by Ron expression with significant changes observed in signaling networks regulating development, morphogenesis, differentiation, cell motility, and adhesion. In total, these studies represent the first evidence of a role for the Ron receptor tyrosine kinase as a critical negative regulator of mammary development.  相似文献   



The Neuregulin family of ligands and their receptors, the Erbb tyrosine kinases, have important roles in epidermal and mammary gland development as well as during carcinogenesis. Previously, we demonstrated that Neuregulin3 (Nrg3) is a specification signal for mammary placode formation in mice. Nrg3 is a growth factor, which binds and activates Erbb4, a receptor tyrosine kinase that regulates cell proliferation and differentiation. To understand the role of Neuregulin3 in epidermal morphogenesis, we have developed a transgenic mouse model that expresses Nrg3 throughout the basal layer (progenitor/stem cell compartment) of mouse epidermis and the outer root sheath of developing hair follicles.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of the Vitamin D receptor (VDR) in mammary cells, the role of the Vitamin D signaling pathway in normal glandular function and in breast cancer has been extensively explored. In vitro studies have demonstrated that the VDR ligand, 1,25(OH)2D3, modulates key proteins involved in signaling proliferation, differentiation and survival of normal mammary epithelial cells. Anti-proliferative and pro-differentiating effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 have also been observed in VDR positive breast cancer cells, indicating that transformation per se does not abolish Vitamin D signaling. However, many breast cancer cell lines are less sensitive to 1,25(OH)2D3 than normal mammary epithelial cells. Reduced sensitivity to 1,25(OH)2D3 has been linked to alterations in Vitamin D metabolizing enzymes as well as down regulation of VDR expression or function. In this report, we describe results from a proteomics screening approach used to search for proteins involved in dictating sensitivity or resistance to Vitamin D mediated apoptosis in breast cancer cells. Several proteins not previously linked to 1,25(OH)2D3 signaling were identified with this approach, and a distinct subset of proteins was linked to 1,25(OH)2D3 resistance. Follow-up studies to determine the relevance of these proteins to Vitamin D signaling in general are in progress.  相似文献   

In autoradiograms of mammary glands of rats on days 18 and 20 of pregnancy and day 6 of lactation after injection of 3H 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D3, a nuclear concentration of radioactivity is observed in alveolar and ductal cells, as well as in cells of the epidermis of the nipple. Myoepithelial cells and connective tissue cells do not concentrate the hormone in their nuclei. The nuclear radioactivity appears specific, since 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D3 but not 25-(OH)2 vitamin D3 prevents the uptake. The results suggest the existence of nuclear receptors for 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D3 in mammary tissues and thus complements previous biochemical evidence showing the presence of cytoplasmic receptors for the hormone in mouse mammary glands; in addition, our results allow the identification of the cell types possessing the receptors.  相似文献   

Although the neuropilins were characterized as semaphorin receptors that regulate axon guidance, they also function as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors and contribute to the development of other tissues. Here, we assessed the role of NRP2 in mouse mammary gland development based on our observation that NRP2 is expressed preferentially in the terminal end buds of developing glands. A floxed NRP2 mouse was bred with an MMTV-Cre strain to generate a mammary gland-specific knockout of NRP2. MMTV-Cre;NRP2(loxP/loxP) mice exhibited significant defects in branching morphogenesis and ductal outgrowth compared with either littermate MMTV-Cre;NRP2(+/loxP) or MMTV-Cre mice. Mechanistic insight into this morphological defect was obtained from a mouse mammary cell line in which we observed that VEGF(165), an NRP2 ligand, induces branching morphogenesis in 3D cultures and that branching is dependent upon NRP2 as shown using shRNAs and a function-blocking antibody. Epithelial cells in the mouse mammary gland express VEGF, supporting the hypothesis that this NRP2 ligand contributes to mammary gland morphogenesis. Importantly, we demonstrate that VEGF and NRP2 activate focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and promote FAK-dependent branching morphogenesis in vitro. The significance of this mechanism is substantiated by our finding that FAK activation is diminished significantly in developing MMTV-Cre;NRP2(loxP/loxP) mammary glands compared with control glands. Together, our data reveal a VEGF/NRP2/FAK signaling axis that is important for branching morphogenesis and mammary gland development. In a broader context, our data support an emerging hypothesis that directional outgrowth and branching morphogenesis in a variety of tissues are influenced by signals that were identified initially for their role in axon guidance.  相似文献   

The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is present in mammary gland, and VDR ablation is associated with accelerated glandular development during puberty. VDR is a nuclear receptor whose ligand, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25-(OH)(2)D] is generated after metabolic activation of vitamin D by specific vitamin D hydroxylases. In these studies, we demonstrate that both the VDR and the vitamin D 1-alpha hydroxylase (CYP27B1), which produces 1,25-(OH)(2)D are present in mammary gland and dynamically regulated during pregnancy, lactation, and involution. Furthermore, we show that mice lacking VDR exhibit accelerated lobuloalveolar development and premature casein expression during pregnancy and delayed postlactational involution compared with mice with functional VDR. The delay in mammary gland regression after weaning of VDR knockout mice is associated with impaired apoptosis as demonstrated by reductions in terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine nick-end labeling staining, caspase-3 activation and Bax induction. Under the conditions used in this study, VDR ablation was not associated with hypocalcemia, suggesting that altered mammary gland development in the absence of the VDR is not related to disturbances in calcium homeostasis. Furthermore, in the setting of normocalcemia, VDR ablation does not affect milk protein or calcium content. These studies suggest that the VDR contributes to mammary cell turnover during the reproductive cycle, and its effects may be mediated via both endocrine and autocrine signaling pathways. Unlike many mammary regulatory factors that exert transient, stage-specific effects, VDR signaling impacts on mammary gland biology during all phases of the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

FGF signaling is associated with breast cancer and is required for mammary placode formation in the mouse. In this study, we employed a genetic mosaic analysis based on Cre-mediated recombination to investigate FGF receptor 2 (Fgfr2) function in the postnatal mammary gland. Mosaic inactivation of Fgfr2 by the MMTV-Cre transgene enabled us to compare the behavior of Fgfr2 null and Fgfr2 heterozygous cells in the same gland. Fgfr2 null cells were at a competitive disadvantage to their Fgfr2 heterozygous neighbors in the highly proliferative terminal end buds (TEBs) at the invasion front, owing to a negative effect of loss of Fgfr2 function on cell proliferation. However, Fgfr2 null cells were tolerated in mature ducts. In these genetic mosaic mammary glands, the epithelial network is apparently built by TEBs that over time are composed of a progressively larger proportion of Fgfr2-positive cells. However, subsequently, most cells lose Fgfr2 function, presumably due to additional rounds of Cre-mediated recombination. Using an independent strategy to create mosaic mammary glands, which employed an adenovirus-Cre that acts only once, we confirmed that Fgfr2 null cells were out-competed by neighboring Fgfr2 heterozygous cells. Together, our data demonstrate that Fgfr2 functions in the proliferating and invading TEBs, but it is not required in the mature ducts of the pubertal mammary gland.  相似文献   

We studied for the first time the mammary gland morphogenesis and its hormonal modulation by immunolocalizing estradiol, progesterone and prolactin receptors (ER, PR and PRLR) in adult females of Lagostomus maximus, a caviomorph rodent which shows a pseudo-ovulatory process at mid-gestation. Mammary ductal system of non-pregnant females lacks expression of both ERα and ERβ. Yet throughout pregnancy, ERα and ERβ levels increase as well as the expression of PR. These increments are concomitant with ductal branching and alveolar differentiation. Even though mammary gland morphology is quite similar to that described for other rodents, alveolar proliferation and differentiation are accelerated towards the second half of pregnancy, once pseudo-ovulation had occurred. Moreover, this exponential growth correlates with an increment of both progesterone and estradiol serum-induced pseudo-ovulation. As expected, PR and PRLR are strongly expressed in the alveolar epithelium during pregnancy and lactation. Strikingly, PRLR is also present in ductal epithelia of cycling glands suggesting that prolactin function may not be restricted to its trophic effect on mammary glands of pregnant and lactating females, but it also regulates other physiological processes in mammary glands of non-pregnant animals. In conclusion, this report suggests that pseudo-ovulation at mid-gestation may be associated to L. maximus mammary gland growth and differentiation. The rise in P and E2-induced pseudo-ovulation as well as the increased expression of their receptors, all events that correlate with the development of a more elaborated and differentiated ductal network, pinpoint a possible relation between this peculiar physiological event and mammary gland morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p27(Kip1) in postnatal mammary gland morphogenesis. Based on its ability to negatively regulate cyclin/Cdk function, loss of p27 may result in unrestrained cellular proliferation. However, recent evidence about the stabilizing effect of p27 on cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes suggests that p27 deficiency might recapitulate the hypoplastic mammary phenotype of cyclin D1-deficient animals. These hypotheses were investigated in postnatal p27-deficient (p27(-/-)), hemizygous (p27(+/)-), or wild-type (p27(+/+)) mammary glands. Mammary glands from p27(+/)- mice displayed increased ductal branching and proliferation with delayed postlactational involution. In contrast, p27(-/-) mammary glands or wild-type mammary fat pads reconstituted with p27(-/-) epithelium produced the opposite phenotype: hypoplasia, low proliferation, decreased ductal branching, impaired lobuloalveolar differentiation, and inability to lactate. The association of cyclin D1 with Cdk4, the kinase activity of Cdk4 against pRb in vitro, the nuclear localization of cyclin D1, and the stability of cyclin D1 were all severely impaired in p27(-/-) mammary epithelial cells compared with p27(+/+) and p27(+/-) mammary epithelial cells. Therefore, p27 is required for mammary gland development in a dose-dependent fashion and positively regulates cyclin D-Cdk4 function in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

Specification of mammary epithelial cell fate occurs during embryogenesis as cells aggregate to form the mammary anlage. Within the embryonic mammary bud, a population of epithelial cells exists that will subsequently proliferate to form a ductal tree filling the stromal compartment, and which can produce milk upon terminal differentiation after birth. Subsequently, these structures can be remodelled and returned to a basal state after weaning before regenerating in future pregnancies. The plasticity of the mammary epithelial cell, and its responsiveness to hormone receptors, facilitates this amazing biological feat, but aberrant signalling may also result in unintended consequences in the form of frequent malignancies. Reflecting this intimate connection, a considerable number of signalling pathways have been implicated in both mammary gland morphogenesis and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

During puberty, mouse mammary epithelial ducts invade the stromal mammary fat pad in a wave of branching morphogenesis to form a complex ductal tree. Using pharmacologic and genetic approaches, we find that mammary gland branching morphogenesis requires transient matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity for invasion and branch point selection. MMP-2, but not MMP-9, facilitates terminal end bud invasion by inhibiting epithelial cell apoptosis at the start of puberty. Unexpectedly, MMP-2 also represses precocious lateral branching during mid-puberty. In contrast, MMP-3 induces secondary and tertiary lateral branching of ducts during mid-puberty and early pregnancy. Nevertheless, the mammary gland is able to develop lactational competence in MMP mutant mice. Thus, specific MMPs refine the mammary branching pattern by distinct mechanisms during mammary gland branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25-(OH)2D3] receptor was characterized after partial purification of thymus cytosol by ammonium sulfate fractionation. The 1,25-(OH)2D3 receptor sediments at 3.7S in 5–20% sucrose gradients. The binding of 1,25-(OH)2D3 in thymic cytosol was a saturable process with high affinity (Kd = 0.12?0.48 nM) at 4°C. Competition for 1,25-(OH)2[3H]D3 receptor by nonradioactive analogs demonstrated the affinities of these analogs to be in order; 1,25-(OH)2D3 = 1,24R,25-(OH)3D3 = 1,25S,26-(OH)3D3 = 1,25R,26-(OH)3D3 > 1,25-(OH)2D3-26,23 lactone > 25-OHD3 > 23R,25-(OH)2D3 > 24R,25-(OH)2D3 > 23S,25-(OH)2D3 ? 25-OHD3-26,23 lactone. The receptor bound to DNA cellulose columns in low salt buffer and eluted as a single peak at 0.21 M KCl. These findings provide evidence that the thymus possesses a 1,25-(OH)2D3 receptor with properties indistinguishable from 1,25-(OH)2D3 receptors in other tissues.  相似文献   

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