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Acetyl xylan esterase from Penicillium purpurogenum, a single-chain 23 kDa member of a newly characterized family of esterases that cleaves side chain ester linkages in xylan, has been crystallized. The crystals diffract to better than 1 Å resolution at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) and are highly stable in the synchrotron radiation. The space group is P212121 and cell dimensions are a = 34.9 Å, b = 61.0 Å, c = 72.5 Å.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Recently, a new type of expression data is being collected which aims to measure the effect of genetic variation on gene expression in pathways. In these datasets, expression profiles are constructed for multiple strains of the same model organism under the same condition. The goal of analyses of these data is to find differences in regulatory patterns due to genetic variation between strains, often without a phenotype of interest in mind. We present a new method based on notions of tight regulation and differential expression to look for sets of genes which appear to be significantly affected by genetic variation. RESULTS: When we use categorical phenotype information, as in the Alzheimer's and diabetes datasets, our method finds many of the same gene sets as gene set enrichment analysis. In addition, our notion of correlated gene sets allows us to focus our efforts on biological processes subjected to tight regulation. In murine hematopoietic stem cells, we are able to discover significant gene sets independent of a phenotype of interest. Some of these gene sets are associated with several blood-related phenotypes. AVAILABILITY: The programs are available by request from the authors.  相似文献   

Feruloyl esterases can liberate ferulic acid (FA) from plant cell wall polymers. They are expressed by plant pathogenic fungi and could play a role in pathogenicity, although this question has not been addressed yet. The fungus Fusarium graminearum is the principal causal agent of fusarium head blight (FHB) and gibberella ear rot (GER), major diseases of wheat, barley, and maize in all temperate regions of the world. The F. graminearum genome contains seven genes with strong homology to feruloyl esterase (FAE) sequences. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these included three type B, three type C, and one type D FAE genes. Expression profiling of the seven FAE genes showed complex regulation patterns unique to each gene. In F. graminearum-infected plant tissues, the FAE genes exhibited host-specific gene expression. On wheat, FAEB1 and FAED1 were strongly expressed while FAEB2, FAEB3, and FAEC1 were expressed at more modest levels. On maize, only FAEB3, FAEC1, and FAED1 were expressed and at low levels. When growing F. graminearum in liquid culture, only FAEB1 and FAEC1 were expressed. Both genes were induced by a small group of related aromatic compounds including FA, caffeic acid, and p-coumaric acid. FAEB1 was induced by xylose, while repressed by glucose and galactose. FAEC1 was constitutively expressed at low levels in the presence of those sugars. Expression of the other five FAE genes was not detected in the culture conditions used. To determine if FAE genes were important for pathogenicity of F. graminearum, mutant strains inactivated for faeB1?, faeD1? or both genes were constructed and tested on wheat plants. No statistically significant change in pathogenicity and no compensatory expression of the other FAE genes were observed in the fae gene mutants. Our results show that FAEB1 and FAED1 are not required for pathogenicity of F. graminearum on wheat.  相似文献   

We engineered an acetyl xylan esterase (AwaxeA) gene from Aspergillus awamori into a heterologous expression system in Pichia pastoris. Purified recombinant AwAXEA (rAwAXEA) displayed the greatest hydrolytic activity toward alpha-naphthylacetate (C2), lower activity toward alpha-naphthylpropionate (C3) and no detectable activity toward acyl-chain substrates containing four or more carbon atoms. Putative catalytic residues, Ser(119), Ser(146), Asp(168) and Asp(202), were substituted for alanine by site-directed mutagenesis. The biochemical properties and kinetic parameters of the four mutant enzymes were examined. The S119A and D202A mutant enzymes were catalytically inactive, whereas S146A and D168A mutants displayed significant hydrolytic activity. These observations indicate that Ser(119) and Asp(202) are important for catalysis. The S146A mutant enzyme showed lower specific activity toward the C2 substrate and higher thermal stability than wild-type enzyme. The lower activity of S146A was due to a combination of increased K(m) and decreased k(cat). The catalytic efficiency of S146A was 41% lower than that of wild-type enzyme. The synthesis of ethyl acetate was >10-fold than that of ethyl n-hexanoate synthesis for the wild-type, S146A and D168A mutant enzymes. However, the D202A showed greater synthetic activity of ethyl n-hexanoate as compared with the wild-type and other mutants.  相似文献   

We screened 20,000 clones of an expressed sequence tag (EST) library from Aspergillus oryzae (http://www.nrib.go.jp/ken/EST/db/index.html) and obtained one cDNA clone encoding a protein with similarity to fungal acetyl xylan esterase. We also cloned the corresponding gene, designated as Aoaxe, from the genomic DNA. The deduced amino acid sequence consisted of a putative signal peptide of 31-amino acids and a mature protein of 276-amino acids. We engineered Aoaxe for heterologous expression in P. pastoris. Recombinant AoAXE (rAoAXE) was secreted by the aid of fused alpha-factor secretion signal peptide and accumulated as an active enzyme in the culture medium to a final level of 190 mg/l after 5 days. Purified rAoAXEA before and after treatment with endoglycosidase H migrated by SDS-PAGE with a molecular mass of 31 and 30 kDa, respectively. Purified rAoAXE displayed the greatest hydrolytic activity toward alpha-naphthylacetate (C2), lower activity toward alpha-naphthylpropionate (C3) and no detectable activity toward acyl-chain substrates containing four or more carbon atoms. The recombinant enzyme catalyzed the release of acetic acid from birchwood xylan. No activity was detectable using methyl esters of ferulic, caffeic or sinapic acids. rAoAXE was thermolabile in comparison to other AXEs from Aspergillus.  相似文献   

Bacillus pumilus PS213 acetyl xylan esterase (AXE) acts as an accessory enzyme in the plant cell wall hemicellulose biodegradation pathway. It belongs to the carbohydrate esterase family 7 and hydrolyses the ester linkages of the acetyl groups in position 2 and/or 3 of the xylose moieties of the acetylated xylan fragments from hardwood. The enzyme displays activity towards a broad range of acetylated compounds including the antibiotic cephalosporin-C. In this study we report the heterologous expression, purification, physicochemical characterization and crystallization of the recombinant B. pumilus AXE. Remarkable improvement of the crystal quality was achieved by setting up crystallization conditions, at first established using the hanging drop vapor diffusion method, in a micro-batch experiment. Rod-like diffraction quality crystals were obtained using 10% PEG 6000, 0.1 M MES pH 6.0 and a wide range of LiCl concentrations (0.2-1.0 M) as precipitant agent. Two different crystal forms, both belonging to space group P2(1), were characterized, diffracting X-rays to 2.5 and 1.9 angstrom resolution. Successful molecular replacement showed 12 molecules in the asymmetric unit of either crystal forms that are arranged as two doughnut-like hexamers, each one encompassing a local 32 symmetry. A catalytic inactive mutant Ser181Ala of B. pumilus AXE was also engineered, expressed, purified and crystallized for functional and structural studies.  相似文献   

A new Volvariella volvacea gene encoding an acetyl xylan esterase (designated as Vvaxe1) was cloned and expressed in Pichia pastoris. The cDNA contained an ORF of 1047 bp encoding 349 amino acids with a calculated mass of 39 990 Da. VvAXE1 is a modular enzyme consisting of an N-terminal signal peptide, a catalytic domain, and a cellulose-binding domain. The amino acid sequence of the enzyme exhibited a high degree of similarity to cinnamoyl esterase B from Penicillium funiculosum, and acetyl xylan esterases from Aspergillus oryzae, Penicillium purpurogenum, and Aspergillus ficuum. Recombinant acetyl xylan esterase released acetate from several acetylated substrates including beta-d-xylose tetraacetate and acetylated xylan. No activity was detectable on p-nitrophenyl acetate. Enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate was maximal at pH 8.0 and 60 degrees C, and reciprocal plots revealed an apparent K(m) value of 307.7 microM and a V(max) value of 24 733 IU micromol(-1) protein. ReAXE1 also exhibited a capacity to bind to Avicel and H(3)PO(4) acid-swollen cellulose.  相似文献   

Gradients of gene expression are maintained along the proximal-distal axis of the mammalian small intestine despite a continuously regenerating epithelium. To study the molecular mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon, we utilized a subtractive hybridization strategy to isolate genes differentially expressed in the duodenum but not ileum. We isolated and sequenced 15 clones. The clones were fragments of genes encoding lipases, proteases, and an esterase. A novel clone was characterized and subsequently shown to encode syncollin, a secretory granule protein that binds to syntaxin in a calcium-sensitive manner. RT-PCR and S1 nuclease protection assay were used to clarify the 5'-end of syncollin. Syncollin was expressed in the rat pancreas, spleen, duodenum, and colon. In situ hybridization localized syncollin expression in the pancreas to acinar cells and in the duodenum to villus epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Aims: To study phosphate solubilization in Penicillium purpurogenum as function of medium pH, and carbon and nitrogen concentrations. Methods and Results: Tricalcium phosphate (CP) solubilization efficiency of P. purpurogenum was evaluated at acid or alkaline pH using different C and N sources. Glucose‐ and (NH4)2SO4‐based media showed the highest P solubilization values followed by fructose. P. purpurogenum solubilizing ability was higher in cultures grown at pH 6·5 than cultures at pH 8·5. Organic acids were detected in both alkaline and neutral media, but the relative percentages of each organic acid differed. Highest P release coincided with the highest organic acids production peak, especially gluconic acid. When P. purpurogenum grew in alkaline media, the nature and concentration of organic acids changed at different N and C concentrations. A factorial categorical experimental design showed that the highest P‐solubilizing activity, coinciding with the highest organic acid production, corresponded to the highest C concentration and lowest N concentration. Conclusions: The results described in the present study show that medium pH and carbon and nitrogen concentrations modulate the P solubilization efficiency of P. purpurogenum through the production of organic acids and particularly that of gluconic acid. In the P solubilization optimization studies, glucose and (NH4)2SO4 as C and N sources allowed a higher solubilization efficiency at high pH. Significance and Impact of the Study: This organism is a potentially proficient soil inoculant, especially in P‐poor alkaline soils where other P solubilizers fail to release soluble P. Further work is necessary to elucidate whether these results can be extrapolated to natural soil ecosystems, where different pH values are present. Penicillium purpurogenum could be used to develop a bioprocess for the manufacture of phosphatic fertilizer with phosphate calcium minerals.  相似文献   

We report the use of a sensitive and specific enyzme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to study the expression of protein D, a major androgen-regulated sperm-binding glycoprotein at the protein and mRNA level in different anatomical regions of the rat epididymis. The concentration of protein D in the caput, corpus and cauda region of the epididymis was 10.2 +/- 0.67, 7.3 +/- 0.61 and 22.8 +/- 1.34 ng/micrograms total protein, respectively. The total RNA extracted from the caput, corpus and cauda regions of the rat epididymis was amplified by PCR with oligonucleotide primers specific for the 5' and 3' portion of protein D cDNA. Compared to the caput and cauda region, a significant reduction (greater than 82 +/- 3%) in the expression of protein D mRNA levels was observed for corpus epididymal RNA. This data demonstrates regional differences in the concentration of protein D and suggests that protein D expression may be regulated at the level of mRNA within the corpus epididymidis.  相似文献   

Ligands for L-selectin, a leukocyte adhesion molecule, are expressed in high endothelial venules (HEVs) in lymph nodes and extravascular tissues, such as renal tubules. Here, we report that the binding of L-selectin to its vascular and extravascular ligands is differentially regulated by pH. The optimal L-selectin-dependent binding of leukocytes to HEVs was observed at pH 7.4, a physiological pH in the blood. In contrast, the optimal binding of leukocytes to the renal tubules was observed at pH 5.6. Consistently, optimal binding of soluble recombinant L-selectin to a major vascular ligand, 6-sulfo sialyl Lewis X, was observed at pH 7.4. Binding to extravascular ligands, such as chondroitin sulfate (CS) B, CS E and heparan sulfate, occurred at pH 5.6. Under physiological shear stress ranging from 1 to 2 dynes/cm2, maximal leukocyte rolling on vascular ligands was observed at pH 6.8 to 7.4, and no rolling was detected at pH conditions below 5.6. These findings suggest that the pH environment is one important factor that determines leukocyte trafficking under physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   


A novel, family GH10 enzyme, Xyn10B from Acidothermus cellulolyticus 11B was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. This enzyme was purified to homogeneity by binding to regenerated amorphous cellulose. It had higher binding on Avicel as compared to insoluble xylan due to the presence of cellulose-binding domains, CBM3 and CBM2. This enzyme was optimally active at 70 °C and pH 6.0. It was stable up to 70 °C while the CD spectroscopy analysis showed thermal unfolding at 80 °C. Xyn10B was found to be a trifunctional enzyme having endo-xylanase, arabinofuranosidase and acetyl xylan esterase activities. Its activities against beechwood xylan, p-Nitrophenyl arabinofuranoside and p-Nitrophenyl acetate were found to be 126,480, 10,350 and 17,250 U μmol−1, respectively. Xyn10B was highly active producing xylobiose and xylose as the major end products, as well as debranching the substrates by removing arabinose and acetyl side chains. Due to its specific characteristics, this enzyme seems to be of importance for industrial applications such as pretreatment of poultry cereals, bio-bleaching of wood pulp and degradation of plant biomass.


The Tetracycline (Tet)-controlled inducible system is the most widely used reversible system for transgene expression in mice with over 500 lines created to date. Although this system has been optimized over the years, it still has limitations such as residual transgene expression when turned off, referred to as leakiness. Here, we present a series of new Tet-OFF transgenic mice based on the second generation tetracycline-responsive transactivator system. The tTA-Advanced (tTA2S) is expressed under control of the neuron-specific Thy1.2 promoter (Thy-OFF), to regulate expression in the mouse brain. In addition, we generated a lacZ reporter line, utilizing the P tight Tet-responsive promoter (P tight–lacZ), to test our system. Two Thy-OFF transgenic lines displaying two distinct patterns of expression were selected. Oral doxycycline treatment of Thy-OFF/P tight–lacZ mice demonstrated tight transgene regulation with no leak expression. These new Thy-OFF mice are valuable for studies in a broad range of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and related forms of dementia, where control of transgene expression is critical to understanding mechanisms underlying the disease. Furthermore, P tight–lacZ reporter mice may be widely applicable.  相似文献   

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