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The uncertainty or entropy theory of perception is founded on the premise that for perception to occur, there must first of all be uncertainty. That is, perception or awareness is relative to the expectation of the perceiver. This view of perception leads to a seeming-paradox. How can there be uncertainty unless the alternatives have previously been perceived? But, by the premise of the theory, how can the alternatives have been perceived unless there was prior uncertainty? It is shown that this paradox may result physiologically in the concurrence of sensory and motor (or “active”) events during the process of perceiving. It is shown, further, that a close analogy exists between systems of formal logic and systems which perceive through uncertainty. This, in turn, suggests a basis for a calculus of perception.  相似文献   

Shannon's definition of uncertainty or surprisal has been applied extensively to measure the information content of aligned DNA sequences and characterizing DNA binding sites. In contrast to Shannon's uncertainty, this study investigates the applicability and suitability of a parametric uncertainty measure due to Rényi. It is observed that this measure also provides results in agreement with Shannon's measure, pointing to its utility in analysing DNA binding site region. For facilitating the comparison between these uncertainty measures, a dimensionless quantity called "redundancy" has been employed. It is found that Rényi's measure at low parameter values possess a better delineating feature of binding sites (of binding regions) than Shannon's measure. The critical value of the parameter is chosen with an outlier criterion.  相似文献   

In many everyday situations, humans must make precise decisions in the presence of uncertain sensory information. For example, when asked to combine information from multiple sources we often assign greater weight to the more reliable information. It has been proposed that statistical-optimality often observed in human perception and decision-making requires that humans have access to the uncertainty of both their senses and their decisions. However, the mechanisms underlying the processes of uncertainty estimation remain largely unexplored. In this paper we introduce a novel visual tracking experiment that requires subjects to continuously report their evolving perception of the mean and uncertainty of noisy visual cues over time. We show that subjects accumulate sensory information over the course of a trial to form a continuous estimate of the mean, hindered only by natural kinematic constraints (sensorimotor latency etc.). Furthermore, subjects have access to a measure of their continuous objective uncertainty, rapidly acquired from sensory information available within a trial, but limited by natural kinematic constraints and a conservative margin for error. Our results provide the first direct evidence of the continuous mean and uncertainty estimation mechanisms in humans that may underlie optimal decision making.  相似文献   



The timing at which sensory input reaches the level of conscious perception is an intriguing question still awaiting an answer. It is often assumed that both visual and auditory percepts have a modality specific processing delay and their difference determines perceptual temporal offset.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we show that the perception of audiovisual simultaneity can change flexibly and fluctuates over a short period of time while subjects observe a constant stimulus. We investigated the mechanisms underlying the spontaneous alternations in this audiovisual illusion and found that attention plays a crucial role. When attention was distracted from the stimulus, the perceptual transitions disappeared. When attention was directed to a visual event, the perceived timing of an auditory event was attracted towards that event.


This multistable display illustrates how flexible perceived timing can be, and at the same time offers a paradigm to dissociate perceptual from stimulus-driven factors in crossmodal feature binding. Our findings suggest that the perception of crossmodal synchrony depends on perceptual binding of audiovisual stimuli as a common event.  相似文献   

Performing actions with sensory consequences modifies physiological and behavioral responses relative to otherwise identical sensory input perceived in a passive manner. It is assumed that such modifications occur through an efference copy sent from motor cortex to sensory regions during performance of voluntary actions. In the auditory domain most behavioral studies report attenuated perceived loudness of self-generated auditory action-consequences. However, several recent behavioral and physiological studies report enhanced responses to such consequences. Here we manipulated the intensity of self-generated and externally-generated sounds and examined the type of perceptual modification (enhancement vs. attenuation) reported by healthy human subjects. We found that when the intensity of self-generated sounds was low, perceived loudness is enhanced. Conversely, when the intensity of self-generated sounds was high, perceived loudness is attenuated. These results might reconcile some of the apparent discrepancies in the reported literature and suggest that efference copies can adapt perception according to the differential sensory context of voluntary actions.  相似文献   

When one finger touches the other, the resulting tactile sensation is perceived as weaker than the same stimulus externally imposed. This attenuation of sensation could result from a predictive process that subtracts the expected sensory consequences of the action, or from a postdictive process that alters the perception of sensations that are judged after the event to be self-generated. In this study we observe attenuation even when the fingers unexpectedly fail to make contact, supporting a predictive process. This predictive attenuation of self-generated sensation may have evolved to enhance the perception of sensations with an external cause.  相似文献   

We continuously receive the external information from multiple sensors simultaneously. The brain must judge a source event of these sensory informations and integrate them. It is thought that judging the simultaneity of such multisensory stimuli is an important cue when we discriminate whether the stimuli are derived from one event or not. Although previous studies have investigated the correspondence between an auditory-visual (AV) simultaneity perceptions and the neural responses, there are still few studies of this. Electrophysiological studies have reported that ongoing oscillations in human cortex affect perception. Especially, the phase resetting of ongoing oscillations has been examined as it plays an important role in multisensory integration. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of phase resetting for the judgment of AV simultaneity judgement tasks. The subjects were successively presented with auditory and visual stimuli with intervals that were controlled as SOA50% and they were asked to report whether they perceived them simultaneously or not. We investigated the effects of the phase of ongoing oscillations on simultaneity judgments with AV stimuli with SOAs in which the detection rate of asynchrony was 50 %. It was found that phase resetting at the beta frequency band in the brain area that related to the modality of the following stimulus occurred after preceding stimulus onset only when the subjects perceived AV stimuli as simultaneous. This result suggested that beta phase resetting occurred in areas that are related to the subsequent stimulus, supporting perception multisensory stimuli as simultaneous.  相似文献   

As of yet, it is unclear how we determine relative perceived timing. One controversial suggestion is that timing perception might be related to when analyses are completed in the cortex of the brain. An alternate proposal suggests that perceived timing is instead related to the point in time at which cortical analyses commence. Accordingly, timing illusions should not occur owing to cortical analyses, but they could occur if there were differential delays between signals reaching cortex. Resolution of this controversy therefore requires that the contributions of cortical processing be isolated from the influence of subcortical activity. Here, we have done this by using binocular disparity changes, which are known to be detected via analyses that originate in cortex. We find that observers require longer stimulus exposures to detect small, relative to larger, disparity changes; observers are slower to react to smaller disparity changes and observers misperceive smaller disparity changes as being perceptually delayed. Interestingly, disparity magnitude influenced perceived timing more dramatically than it did stimulus change detection. Our data therefore suggest that perceived timing is both influenced by cortical processing and is shaped by sensory analyses subsequent to those that are minimally necessary for stimulus change perception.  相似文献   

Construal Level Theory (CLT) [1] defines psychological distance as any object, event, or person that cannot be experienced by the self in the here and now. The goal of the present research was to demonstrate that feelings of uncertainty are closely linked to the concept of psychological distance. Two experiments tested the assumption that spatial distance and uncertainty are bidirectionally related. In the first experiment, we show that perceived spatial distance leads to a feeling of uncertainty. The second experiment revealed that a feeling of uncertainty leads to a perception of greater distance. By demonstrating that distance is closely tied to uncertainty, the present research extends previous research on both distance and uncertainty by incorporating previously unexplained findings within CLT. Implications of these findings such as the role of uncertainty within CLT are discussed.  相似文献   

It is often beneficial for animals to discriminate between different threats and to habituate to repeated exposures of benign stimuli. While much is known about risk perception in vertebrates and some invertebrates, risk perception in marine invertebrates is less extensively studied. One method to study risk perception is to habituate animals to a series of exposures to one stimulus, and then present a novel stimulus to test if it transfers habituation. Transfer of habituation is seen as a continued decrease in response while lack of transfer is seen either by having a similar or greater magnitude response. We asked whether giant clams (Tridacna maxima) discriminate between biologically relevant types of threats along a risk gradient. Giant clams retract their mantle and close their shell upon detecting a threat. While closed, they neither feed nor photosynthesize, and prior work has shown that the cost of being closed increases as the duration of their response increases. We recorded a clam's latency to emerge after simulated threats chosen to represent a risk gradient: exposure to a small shading event, a medium shading event, a large shading event (chosen to simulate fish swimming above them), tapping on their shell and touching their mantle (chosen to simulate different degrees of direct attack). Although these stimuli are initially perceived as threatening, we expected clams to habituate to them because they are ultimately non‐damaging and it would be costly for clams to remain closed for extended periods of time when there is no threat present. Clams had different initial latencies to emerge and different habituation rates to these treatments, and they did not transfer habituation to higher risk stimuli and to some lower risk stimuli. These results suggest that clams discriminated between these stimuli along a risk gradient and the lack of habituation transfer shows that the new stimulus was perceived as a potential threat. This study demonstrates that sessile bivalves can discern between levels of predatory threat. These photosynthetic clams may benefit from being able to categorize predator cues for efficient energy allocation.  相似文献   

Contextual effects are ubiquitous in vision and reveal fundamental principles of sensory coding. Here, we demonstrate that an oriented surround grating can affect the perceived orientation of a central test grating even when backward masking of the surround prevents its orientation from being consciously perceived. The effect survives introduction of a gap between test and surround of over a degree even under masking, suggesting either that contextual information can effectively propagate across early visual cortex in the absence of awareness of the signaled context or that it can proceed undetected to higher processing levels at which such horizontal propagation may not be necessary. The effect under masking also shows partial interocular transfer, demonstrating processing of orientation by binocular neurons in visual cortex in the absence of conscious orientation perception. This pattern of results is consistent with the suggestion that simultaneous orientation contrast is mediated at multiple levels of the visual processing hierarchy, and it supports the view that propagation of signals to and, possibly, back from higher visual areas is necessary for conscious perception.  相似文献   



The ability to estimate the passage of time is of fundamental importance for perceptual and cognitive processes. One experience of time is the perception of duration, which is not isomorphic to physical duration and can be distorted by a number of factors. Yet, the critical features generating these perceptual shifts in subjective duration are not understood.


We used prospective duration judgments within and across sensory modalities to examine the effect of stimulus predictability and feature change on the perception of duration. First, we found robust distortions of perceived duration in auditory, visual and auditory-visual presentations despite the predictability of the feature changes in the stimuli. For example, a looming disc embedded in a series of steady discs led to time dilation, whereas a steady disc embedded in a series of looming discs led to time compression. Second, we addressed whether visual (auditory) inputs could alter the perception of duration of auditory (visual) inputs. When participants were presented with incongruent audio-visual stimuli, the perceived duration of auditory events could be shortened or lengthened by the presence of conflicting visual information; however, the perceived duration of visual events was seldom distorted by the presence of auditory information and was never perceived shorter than their actual durations.


These results support the existence of multisensory interactions in the perception of duration and, importantly, suggest that vision can modify auditory temporal perception in a pure timing task. Insofar as distortions in subjective duration can neither be accounted for by the unpredictability of an auditory, visual or auditory-visual event, we propose that it is the intrinsic features of the stimulus that critically affect subjective time distortions.  相似文献   

Perception relies on the response of populations of neurons in sensory cortex. How the response profile of a neuronal population gives rise to perception and perceptual discrimination has been conceptualized in various ways. Here we suggest that neuronal population responses represent information about our environment explicitly as Fisher information (FI), which is a local measure of the variance estimate of the sensory input. We show how this sensory information can be read out and combined to infer from the available information profile which stimulus value is perceived during a fine discrimination task. In particular, we propose that the perceived stimulus corresponds to the stimulus value that leads to the same information for each of the alternative directions, and compare the model prediction to standard models considered in the literature (population vector, maximum likelihood, maximum-a-posteriori Bayesian inference). The models are applied to human performance in a motion discrimination task that induces perceptual misjudgements of a target direction of motion by task irrelevant motion in the spatial surround of the target stimulus (motion repulsion). By using the neurophysiological insight that surround motion suppresses neuronal responses to the target motion in the center, all models predicted the pattern of perceptual misjudgements. The variation of discrimination thresholds (error on the perceived value) was also explained through the changes of the total FI content with varying surround motion directions. The proposed FI decoding scheme incorporates recent neurophysiological evidence from macaque visual cortex showing that perceptual decisions do not rely on the most active neurons, but rather on the most informative neuronal responses. We statistically compare the prediction capability of the FI decoding approach and the standard decoding models. Notably, all models reproduced the variation of the perceived stimulus values for different surrounds, but with different neuronal tuning characteristics underlying perception. Compared to the FI approach the prediction power of the standard models was based on neurons with far wider tuning width and stronger surround suppression. Our study demonstrates that perceptual misjudgements can be based on neuronal populations encoding explicitly the available sensory information, and provides testable neurophysiological predictions on neuronal tuning characteristics underlying human perceptual decisions.  相似文献   

Naito E  Roland PE  Ehrsson HH 《Neuron》2002,36(5):979-988
The primary motor cortex (MI) is regarded as the site for motor control. Occasional reports that MI neurons react to sensory stimuli have either been ignored or attributed to guidance of voluntary movements. Here, we show that MI activation is necessary for the somatic perception of movement of our limbs. We made use of an illusion: when the wrist tendon of one hand is vibrated, it is perceived as the hand moving. If the vibrated hand has skin contact with the other hand, it is perceived as both hands bending. Using fMRI and TMS, we show that the activation in MI controlling the nonvibrated hand is compulsory for the somatic perception of the hand movement. This novel function of MI contrasts with its traditional role as the executive locus of voluntary limb movement.  相似文献   

Time perception is defined as a subjective judgment on the elapsed time of an event. It can change according to both external and internal factors. There are two main paradigms of time perception; retrospective time perception (RTP) and prospective time perception (PTP). Two paradigms differ from each other according to whether the subject has knowledge on the importance of passage of time in the given task. Since RTP paradigm studies are harder to conduct, studies on RTP paradigm is far fewer than studies on PTP. Thus in the current study, both RTP and PTP paradigms are investigated. Also, time perception is discussed in relation to internal clock model and cognitive load. Emotional motion videos are used to create cognitive load and manipulate internal clock. Results showed the effect of emotion on time perception. Another major finding is that shorter videos are perceived longer whereas longer videos are perceived shorter as in accordance with Vierordt’s Law. However, there was no difference between RTP and PTP paradigms. These results indicate that emotional videos change our internal clock while a number of changes in a motion video create cognitive load causing disturbance of time perception.  相似文献   

Sensory attenuation refers to the observation that self-generated stimuli are attenuated, both in terms of their phenomenology and their cortical response compared to the same stimuli when generated externally. Accordingly, it has been assumed that sensory attenuation might help individuals to determine whether a sensory event was caused by themselves or not. In the present study, we investigated whether this dependency is reciprocal, namely whether sensory attenuation is modulated by prior beliefs of authorship. Participants had to judge the loudness of auditory effects that they believed were either self-generated or triggered by another person. However, in reality, the sounds were always triggered by the participants' actions. Participants perceived the tones' loudness attenuated when they believed that the sounds were self-generated compared to when they believed that they were generated by another person. Sensory attenuation is considered to contribute to the emergence of people's belief of authorship. Our results suggest that sensory attenuation is also a consequence of prior belief about the causal link between an action and a sensory change in the environment.  相似文献   

Shading is known to produce vivid perceptions of depth. However, the influence of specular highlights on perceived shape is unclear: some studies have shown that highlights improve quantitative shape perception while others have shown no effect. Here we ask how specular highlights combine with Lambertian shading cues to determine perceived surface curvature, and to what degree this is based upon a coherent model of the scene geometry. Observers viewed ambiguous convex/concave shaded surfaces, with or without highlights. We show that the presence/absence of specular highlights has an effect on qualitative shape, their presence biasing perception toward convex interpretations of ambiguous shaded objects. We also find that the alignment of a highlight with the Lambertian shading modulates its effect on perceived shape; misaligned highlights are less likely to be perceived as specularities, and thus have less effect on shape perception. Increasing the depth of the surface or the slant of the illuminant also modulated the effect of the highlight, increasing the bias toward convexity. The effect of highlights on perceived shape can be understood probabilistically in terms of scene geometry: for deeper objects and/or highly slanted illuminants, highlights will occur on convex but not concave surfaces, due to occlusion of the illuminant. Given uncertainty about the exact object depth and illuminant direction, the presence of a highlight increases the probability that the surface is convex.  相似文献   

To stabilize our position in space we use visual information as well as non-visual physical motion cues. However, visual cues can be ambiguous: visually perceived motion may be caused by self-movement, movement of the environment, or both. The nervous system must combine the ambiguous visual cues with noisy physical motion cues to resolve this ambiguity and control our body posture. Here we have developed a Bayesian model that formalizes how the nervous system could solve this problem. In this model, the nervous system combines the sensory cues to estimate the movement of the body. We analytically demonstrate that, as long as visual stimulation is fast in comparison to the uncertainty in our perception of body movement, the optimal strategy is to weight visually perceived movement velocities proportional to a power law. We find that this model accounts for the nonlinear influence of experimentally induced visual motion on human postural behavior both in our data and in previously published results.  相似文献   

Adaptive abilities of the dolphin auditory system at perception of tonal signals of different frequencies were studied under conditions of spatial uncertainty of their presentation in the noise field. It has been shown that a transition from the threshold to the suprathreshold detection is accompanied by adaptive changes of spatial characteristics of auditory perception: transformation of the one-lobe direction diagrams into the two-lobe ones is observed, as well as their broadening and a shift of the sensitivity maximum from the frontal direction to the side one. The dependence of direction characteristics on frequency of the perceived signal is lost.  相似文献   

Just-about-right (JAR) scales and attribute liking questions are usually used to study consumer perception of the sensory characteristics of food products. The aim of the present work was to compare the performance of attribute liking and JAR scales to evaluate consumers' perceived adequacy of flavor and texture of milk puddings. Two groups of consumers were asked to evaluate eight milk desserts using (1) overall liking followed by attribute liking for texture and flavor and (2) overall liking followed by JAR scales for thickness, creaminess, sweetness and vanilla flavor. Overall liking scores were significantly different when JAR scales or attribute liking questions were considered. Texture, flavor and overall liking scores were highly correlated to each other, providing the same information. JAR scales correlated better with the intensity of sensory attributes evaluated by a trained sensory panel, being JAR percentages a reliable tool to study the adequacy of sensory attributes.


Results from the present work showed that consumers might not be able to independently evaluate their liking of different sensory attributes of a product. For this reason, the use of attribute liking questions for studying the adequacy of sensory attributes in complex products would not be recommended. JAR scales were better indicators of the adequacy of sensory attributes. Consumers were able to independently evaluate texture and flavor attributes using JAR scales. However, the influence of JAR scales on overall liking scores should be taken into account when including these scales on consumer studies.  相似文献   

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