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Aspects of the induction of diapause were studied in a Dutch strain of the phytoseiid miteAmblyseius potentillae. The photoperiodic response curve was of the long-day type, with a sharply defined critical daylength of 14.5 h. Critical daylength varied only little at temperatures between 15.0 and 22.5°C.All post-embryonic and possibly even late-embryonic stages of development were found to be sensitive to photoperiod; sensitivity appeared to be maximal during the protonymphal stage.It is shown that -carotene is necessary for some early step in the physiological mechanism of photoperiodic induction, and not (or not exclusively) for the expression of the diapause response.Two points of sensitivity to light could be demonstrated in the nights ofld 1311 andld 1212 long-night regimes, using 1-h night interruptions. These results are similar to those obtained in lightbreak experiments with spider mites and insects. However, no effect was found with light interruptions applied during the dark phase of anld 1014 long-night regime.In resonance experiments with a constant photophase (12 h) and a variable scotophase, a weak rhythmic response was found at 22.5°C; at 19.0°C this effect was completely absent.The relative humidity experienced by the mites during diapause induction as well as during diapause development influenced the rate of diapause completion under long days (ld 168). Diapause duration appeared to be shortest when the mites experienced low relative humidity (35±5%) during diapause induction and high relative humidity (75±5%) during diapause termination, and longest under the reverse conditions.  相似文献   

Cold-hardiness was studied in the predatory miteAmblyseius potentillae (Garman) by determining the mortality after exposure to –5°C. Predators reared under diapause-inducing conditions were more cold-resistant than mites that had been kept under long-day conditions. An acclimatization period at 4°C prior to exposure to sub-zero temperatures had a positive effect on the cold-hardiness of the predator, and was remarkable in diapausing mites.Lower temperatures during diapause induction had a positive effect on cold resistance in this predator; mites in which diapause was induced at 15°C were more cold-resistant than mites that had been subjected to short-day conditions at 18 and 20°C.A day/night temperature rhythm did not increase the cold-hardiness of the mite when grown under long-day conditions. Such a rhythm did increase the cold-hardiness of the diapausing predator when given a short acclimatization period, but this effect disappeared after longer acclimatization periods.  相似文献   

The effects of five diets (larvae of Galleria mellonella L., larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval), eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, cysts of Artemia franciscana Kellogg and an artificial diet based on bovine meat) on development, survival and reproduction of two predatory stinkbugs, Picromerus bidens L. and Podisus maculiventris (Say), were studied in the laboratory. Both species successfully completed immature development on the foods offered, except for P. bidens on cysts of A. franciscana. Significant effects of diet on developmental duration were found in both species. Total developmental time from second instar to adult ranged from 25.0 to 41.5 days and from 18.7 to 46.0 days in P. bidens and P. maculiventris, respectively. Nymphal survival of P. maculiventris was superior to that of P. bidens on all diets tested. Nymphal survival of P. maculiventris was greater than 92% on all diets except on A. franciscana cysts, yielding only 50% survival to adulthood. Survival of P. bidens fed on eggs of E. kuehniella was higher than that of conspecifics fed on caterpillar prey or artificial diet (89% on flour moth eggs vs. 68 and 80% on G. mellonella and S. littoralis and only 50% on meat diet). Fresh weight of newly emerged females of both pentatomids was affected by the diet offered to the predators during their nymphal stage. Females of P. maculiventris produced viable eggs on all diets except on cysts of A. franciscana and had mean fecundities of 691, 436, 608 and 344 eggs per female on S. littoralis, G. mellonella, E. kuehniella eggs and the meat diet, respectively. Females of P. bidens laid eggs only on live prey with mean fecundities of 94 and 38 eggs per female on S. littoralis and G. mellonella, respectively. The results indicate a lower nutritional plasticity of P. bidens as compared with P. maculiventris. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Kampimodromus aberrans, Typhlodromus pyri and Amblyseius andersoni are generalist predatory mites important in controlling tetranychid and eriophyoid mites in European vineyards. They can persist by exploiting various non-prey foods when their main prey is absent or scarce. A comparative analysis of the effects of various prey and non-prey foods on the life history of these predators is lacking. In the laboratory, predatory mites were reared on herbivorous mites (Panonychus ulmi, Eotetranychus carpini and Colomerus vitis), a potential alternative prey (Tydeus caudatus) and two non-prey foods, i.e. the pollen of Typha latifolia and the mycelium of Grape downy mildew (GDM) Plasmopara viticola. Developmental times, survival, sex ratio and fecundity as well as life table parameters were estimated. Kampimodromus aberrans developed faster on E. carpini, C. vitis or pollen than on P. ulmi and laid more eggs on pollen than on prey. Low numbers of this predator developed on GDM infected leaves. Tydeus caudatus was not suitable as prey for any of the three predatory mites. Kampimodromus aberrans showed the highest intrinsic rate of population increase when fed on pollen. Developmental times of T. pyri on prey or pollen were similar but fecundity was higher on pollen than on P. ulmi. Typhlodromus pyri had higher intrinsic rates of population increase on C. vitis and pollen than on P. ulmi; E. carpini showed intermediate values whereas GDM resulted in the lowest r ( m ) values. Development of A. andersoni females was faster on pollen and C. vitis than on P. ulmi and GDM. Fecundity was higher on pollen and mites compared to GDM. Life table parameters of A. andersoni did not differ when predators were fed with prey or pollen while GDM led to a lower r ( m ) value. On a specific diet A. andersoni exhibited faster development and higher fecundity than T. pyri and K. aberrans. These findings improve knowledge on factors affecting the potential of predatory mites in controlling phytophagous mites in European vineyards.  相似文献   

The impact of a disturbance is normally measured in terms of its effects on adult mortality, whilst the less obvious impact on reproductive biology is generally ignored. Although previous studies have contributed to understanding the effects of a mass mortality of gorgonians in 1999 at NW Mediterranean Sea, none of them have considered its impact on reproduction. The goal of this study was to determine the impact of mass mortality events on the reproduction of the gorgonian Paramuricea clavata, and examine the effect of the damage 1 year (June 2000) and 2 years (June 2001) after the event. The reproductive parameters of female colonies were more affected than those of males. In female colonies that were moderately or severely damaged, the proportion of fertile polyps decreased by about 22–35%, whilst in the worst affected males there was only a 12% decrease. Female colonies showed a progressive decrease in gonadal biomass with increasing damage to a maximum reduction of 73–75% of oocyte production observed in colonies with >33% injury. In contrast, in males, the gonadal biomass decreased rapidly for colonies with 5% of injured surface, with a reduction in spermary production of 49–64%. The same pattern of decrease in gonadal output compared to the extent of the injury was observed in 2001, two years after the mass mortality event. This indicated that the observed pattern was a response to the extent of the injury rather than a direct effect of the event. These severe effects on the reproduction of the red gorgonian species have implications for the recovery of affected populations in the long-term. This study demonstrated that an evaluation of the impact over different demographic parameters is needed to understand all the consequences of these disturbances.  相似文献   

Development, survival and reproduction of the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) were assessed when fed on cattail pollen (Typha latifolia L.), dried fruit mite (Carpoglyphus lactis L.), or on two artificial diets. The basic artificial diet (AD1) was composed of honey, sucrose, tryptone, yeast extract, and egg yolk. This diet was enriched (AD2) by adding hemolymph from oak silkworm pupae (Antheraea pernyi (Guérin-Méneville)). Mites fed on C. lactis and AD2 had shorter immature and preoviposition periods than those fed on the other diets. The total number of deposited eggs was significantly higher for females fed on AD2 than for those maintained on the other diets. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of A. swirskii was highest on AD2 and C. lactis, followed by T. latifolia pollen, and AD1. In conclusion, the artificial diet AD2 supported development and reproduction of A. swirskii to the same extent as a factitious prey which is routinely used in the mass rearing of the phytoseiid. Our findings indicate the potential of artificial diets for the mass production of this economically important predatory mite.  相似文献   

高温和密度效应对棉蚜死亡和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在室内采用叶子圆片培养基饲养棉蚜的方法,研究不同温度(32、34、36、38、40℃)和密度(每皿5、25、50、75)对棉蚜死亡和繁殖的影响.结果表明:随着温度的升高、密度和持续天数的增加,棉蚜累计死亡率呈上升趋势.互补重对数模型模拟结果表明:β值随着密度的增加而减小,说明随着棉蚜密度的增加,温度对棉蚜的作用减弱;不同持续天数的γj值不同,说明棉蚜条件死亡率受温度和作用时间的共同影响.双因素方差分析结果表明,温度和密度显著影响棉蚜的繁殖率,且存在交互作用.32~36℃范围内,棉蚜繁殖率随密度的增加呈降低趋势,40℃条件下,不同密度棉蚜繁殖率没有差异,说明随着温度的升高,密度对棉蚜的作用逐渐减弱.即在不同的温度区间和密度范围内,温度和密度对棉蚜的作用大小、主次发生了改变.研究结果为棉蚜种群监测、预警和改进害虫控制方法提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

The lady beetle Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is an important predator of mealybugs. The development, survivorship, longevity and reproduction of C. montrouzieri feeding on three different mealybug species [Dysmicoccus neobrevipes Beardsley, Ferrisia virgata Cockerell and Planococcus minor (Maskell)] were investigated in the laboratory at 26 ± 1°C, 75-–90% RH and 14:10 (L:D) h photoperiod. Results indicated that, when feeding on different mealybugs, no significant differences were observed between developmental periods and survivorship of C. montrouzieri (from egg to adult), but differences were recorded between the sex ratios, preovipositional periods, adult longevities and reproduction of the differently treated lady beetle populations. The highest sex ratio (0.56), the longest preovipositional period (6.6 days) and adult longevity (84.8 days for females and 93.9 days for males), and the maximum fecundity (659.0 eggs/female) of C. montrouzieri were recorded when feeding on F. virgata. Moreover, C. montrouzieri had a high net reproductive rate (313.66), intrinsic rate of increase (0.0816) and finite rate of increase (1.085) when feeding on F. virgata. Results indicated that the population growth of C. montrouzieri may increase faster when feeding on F. virgata than feeding on either of the other two mealybugs.  相似文献   

Roses on commercial nurseries commonly suffer from attacks by the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, which have a negative influence on growth and quality. The aim of this project is to find natural enemies that are well adapted to roses, and may improve biological control. At different sites such as a plant collection garden, public parks and field boundaries, leaves were sampled from roses to identify the indigenous species of predatory mites. Amblyseius andersoni was amongst other species frequently found, which suggests that this species thrives well on roses. The possibility for biological control of spider mites with A. andersoni was investigated both in container roses outdoors and in glasshouses. In plots of outdoor roses artificially infested with spider mites, the following treatments were carried out: spider mites alone (untreated plot), Amblyseius andersoni Amblyseius andersoni and ice plants, Neoseiulus californicus, Neoseiulus californicus and ice plants. There were four replications of the treatments. The ice plants, Delosperma cooperi, were added to some treatments to supply pollen as extra food for the predatory mites. Natural enemies such as Chrysoperla spp., Conwentzia sp., Orius sp., Stethorus punctillum, and Feltiella acarisuga occurred naturally and contributed to the control of spider mites. After one month the spider mites were eradicated in all treatments. At the end of the trial, predatory mites were collected from all plots for identification. The ratio of Amblyseius andersoni to Neoseiulus californicus was approximately 9:1. There was no obvious effect of the ice plants on the number of predatory mites. On a nursery, where new roses are bred and selected, Amblyseius andersoni was released in three glasshouses after one early treatment with bifenazate against two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. In two of these glasshouses Neoseiulus californicus was also released. Samples, which were taken in the summer months showed that the spider mites were kept at a very low level. Amblyseius andersoni was found, even if spider mites were absent. Rose plants infested with spider mites, that were brought in to the glasshouses later developed spider mite 'hotspots'. Phytoseiulus persimilis was introduced in the hot spots and contributed to the control along with Neoseiulus californicus, Amblyseius andersoni and naturally occurring Feltiella acarisuga. These observations showed that Amblyseius andersoni is a good candidate for preventing spider mite outbreaks, as it easily survives without spider mites. This predatory mite is able to survive on other food, including thrips and fungal spores.  相似文献   

1.?Environmental conditions during early development can affect the growth patterns of vertebrates, influencing future survival and reproduction. In long-lived mammals, females that experience poor environmental conditions early in life may delay primiparity. In female bovids, annual horn growth increments may provide a record of age-specific reproduction and body growth. Horn length, however, may also be a criterion used by hunters in selecting animals to harvest, possibly leading to artificial selection. 2.?We studied three populations of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the western Alps to explore the relationships between female horn length and early growth, age of primiparity and age-specific reproduction. We also compared the risk of harvest to reproductive status and horn length. 3.?Early horn growth was positively correlated with body mass in pre-reproductive females and with reproduction in very young and senescent adults. Females with strong early horn growth attained primiparity at an earlier age than those with weak early growth. Horn length did not affect hunter selection, but we found a strong hunter preference for nonlactating females. 4.?Our research highlights the persistent effects of early development on reproductive performance in mammals. Moderate sport harvests are unlikely to affect the evolution of phenotypic traits and reproductive strategies in female chamois. A policy of penalizing hunters that harvest lactating females, however, may increase the harvest of 2-year-old females, which have high reproductive potential.  相似文献   

Prey quality has previously been shown to affect the growth and reproduction of predatory arthropods, however relatively little is known about the specific nutrients responsible for these effects. We tested if the macronutrient content (i.e. lipid and protein) of live prey affected mate attraction, reproductive behavior, egg production and nutrient reserves of adult female praying mantids, Pseudomantis albofimbriata. Females on a high‐protein diet produced more than twice as many eggs as females on a high‐lipid diet despite being fed the same overall biomass of prey. Furthermore, the lipid and protein composition of eggs and the female body was directly related to the diet that females were fed (i.e. high lipid content on the high‐lipid diet). Even more striking was the effect of diet treatment on the number of males attracted to females – only one male was attracted to females on the high‐lipid treatment and 56 males were attracted to females on the high‐protein treatment. Although it is not unexpected that females with more eggs would attract more males, the extreme nature of this difference is certainly surprising because previous studies have shown that females with only a couple of eggs can attract multiple males. Hence, our results suggest that female pheromone production may be affected by the quality/nutritional composition of eggs rather than simply the number of eggs. We found no significant difference in any of the other behaviours measured during mating trials, including the frequency of sexual cannibalism. The positive effects of prey protein content on mate attraction and egg production suggest that praying mantids might be expected to choose more protein‐biased prey in nature or, if prey choice is limited, to have higher reproductive output or population growth in communities dominated by protein‐rich prey.  相似文献   

1. A collapse of Nile perch stocks of Lake Victoria could affect up to 30 million people. Furthermore, changes in Nile perch population size‐structure and stocks make the threat of collapse imminent. However, whether eutrophication or fishing will be the bane of Nile perch is still debated. 2. Here, we attempt to unravel how changes in food resources, a side effect of eutrophication, and fishing mortality determine fish population growth and size structures. We parameterised a physiologically structured model to Nile perch, analysed the influence of ontogenetic diet shifts and relative resource abundances on existence boundaries of Nile perch and described the populations on either side of these boundaries. 3. Our results showed that ignoring ontogenetic diet shifts can lead to over‐estimating the maximum sustainable mortality of a fish population. Size distributions can be indicators of processes driving population dynamics. However, the vulnerability of stocks to fishing mortality is dependent on its environment and is not always reflected in size distributions. 4. We suggest that the ecosystem, instead of populations, should be used to monitor long‐term effects of human impact.  相似文献   

Both laboratory tests with the open glass plate method of Louis & Ufer (1995) and a field study in a vineyard were carried out to test the side effects of the two fungicides, Dithane Ultra WG75 and Polyram Combi WG70, on the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyriScheuten (Acarina: Phytoseiidae). The effects of both fungicides in the residual contact test in the laboratory were more pronounced than the actual effects obtained in the field even after multiple application of the test products. The study results suggest, that for the selected test products the current laboratory guidelines correctly triggered the field test. Methodological problems of the laboratory test due to the repellent effect of the fungicides are discussed.  相似文献   

The developmental times and the reproduction of two resistant Italian strains ofTyphlodromus pyri Scheuten andAmblyseius andersoni (Chant) were studied in the laboratory by rearing them on the spider mitesPanonychus ulmi (Koch) andEotetranychus carpini (Oud.), on the eriophyidColomerus vitis (Pgst.) and on pollen ofMesembryanthemum criniflorum. The response ofT. pyri andA. andersoni females to a spider mite supply (P. ulmi orE. carpini) of 4, 8 and 16 adult female prey per female predator per day was also studied.Development ofT. pyri onE. carpini andC. vitis required a shorter period than onM. criniflorum pollen, while intermediate values were recorded forP. ulmi. When the highest number of prey was offered, the influence of different foods on oviposition rates ofT. pyri was not significant. An increase in spider mite supply favoured a shorter pre-oviposition period and higher oviposition rates.Development ofA. andersoni was faster on pollen than on spider mites, while intermediate values were found concerningC. vitis. Differences statistically significant were recorded for development onP. ulmi andC. vitis. Colomerus vitis proved to be the more suitable food in terms of oviposition. The oviposition rate decreased when feeding uponP. ulmi, but reached intermediate values onE. carpini andM. criniflorum. Increasing spider mite densities caused shorter pre-oviposition times and higher oviposition rates. Using a given number ofE. carpini females, rather than those ofP. ulmi, resulted in higher oviposition rates and shorter pre-oviposition times.For both predators, the results suggest a higher intrinsic rate of population increase onE. carpini orC. vitis than onP. ulmi.The research was supported by a grant from Regione Veneto (Lotta biologica ed integrata nel controllo di insetti ed acari dannosi).The general lines of the research have been planned by C. Duso. The authors contributed equally to the experimental work.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus was the most frequently isolated thermophilous fungus from green leaf surfaces. The application of fungicides significantly reduced the frequency of its occurrence there. A. fumigatus was relatively tolerant to fungicides. On Captan-, Thiram-, and Verdasan-treated leaves, A. fumigatus constituted 66%–80% of the total number of isolates obtained at 45°C from each treatment while Dicloran did not depress the percentages. At 45°C, A. fumigatus was found to be strongly cellulolytic with a slow rate of radial extension on YpSs agar and rapid rate of mycelial growth in Czapek Dox liquid medium. Increasing concentrations of all four fungicides reduced or prevented growth, sporulation, starch depletion and cellulose clearing of A. fumigatus. The fungus could tolerate higher concentrations of HgCl2 than of Verdasan. 0.5 g/ml of the four fungicides altered the rates of mycelial growth but not the maximum amount of mycelial dry weight attained.  相似文献   

The generalist predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) was reared on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), decapsulated dry cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana Kellogg (Anostraca: Artemiidae), and on meridic artificial diets (composed of honey, sucrose, tryptone, yeast extract, and egg yolk) supplemented with pupal hemolymph of the Chinese oak silkworm Antheraea pernyi (Guérin-Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) (AD1), with E. kuehniella eggs (AD2) or with A. franciscana cysts (AD3). Development, reproduction and predation capacity of the predatory mites were assessed in the first (G1) and sixth generation (G6) of rearing on the different diets. Immature survival rates in G1 were similar on all diets (96.8–100 %). After six generations, however, survival of A. swirskii was significantly reduced on all diets except on A. franciscana cysts. Oviposition rates did not differ between generations when females were fed on E. kuehniella, AD2 or AD3. The total number of deposited eggs was similar among diets except in G6 where the females fed on A. franciscana cysts produced more eggs than those maintained on E. kuehniella eggs. On most diets the intrinsic rates of increase in G1 were superior to those in G6, except for predators supplied with A. franciscana cysts where no differences were observed among generations. Female mites did not lose their capacity to kill first instar Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) after six generations on the different diets, but predation rates in G6 on E. kuehniella were lower than in G1. In conclusion, the different factitious and artificial diets tested in the present study supported the development and reproduction of A. swirskii for a single generation but fitness losses occurred to a varying degree after several generations on E. kuehniella eggs or the artificial diets. Artificial diet enriched with A. franciscana cysts yielded better results than the other artificial diets. Amblyseius swirskii performed best on decapsulated Artemia cysts indicating their potential for use in the mass production of the predator or to sustain its populations in the crop after release.  相似文献   

The effect of five fungicides on adult female mortality, fecundity, egg hatch and on larval mortality was examined in the laboratory using a fungicide-susceptible and a fungicide-resistant strain of the predaceous phytoseiid mite, Amblyseius andersoni Chant. The combined effect of each fungicide was compared using a coefficient of toxicity computed using the above four toxicity factors. The susceptible and resistant strains were most affected by the bidithiocarbommate fungicides mancozeb, metiram and propineb. Ziram and dithianon had little effect on the S strain and ziram had little effect on the R strain. The toxicity of dithianon was not tested using the R strain. A resistance factor (LC50 R strain: LC50 S strain) of 6.13 for mancozeb was estimated for the R strain. Mancozeb resistance was a heritable trait and was primarily associated with the adult female.  相似文献   

Lettuce big-vein disease is transmitted from diseased to healthy plants by zoospores of the lettuce root-infecting fungus Olpidium brassicae. A laboratory technique based on microscopical examination of Olpidium Zoospores is described for assaying the toxicity of chemicals to zoospores. Chemcials found to kill zoospores in <1 h included copper (4 μ/ml), zinc (10μ/ml), diluted preparations of carbendazim (methyl-2-yl-benzimidazole carbamate) as Bavistinand a formulation of Bavisitin containing no carbendazim. Bavistn controlled the disease when introduced at a concentration of 0.6 g/litre into a lettuce crop grown in a re-circulated film of nutrient. Various surfactants inlcuding Agral, Cetrimide, Deciquam, Ethylan CPX, Hyamine 1622, Manoxol/OT and sodium lauryl sulphate were toxic to zoospores at concentrations of 1–10 μ/ml.  相似文献   

Effects of prey quantity and quality on predatory wasps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The simultaneous effects of prey quantity and prey quality on fitness correlates of the predatory wasp Polistes fuscatus were examined in a glasshouse study. Prey quantity was manipulated by providing prey in excess (high quantity) or one‐third of that (low quantity). Prey quality was manipulated by providing either palatable (Manduca sexta) caterpillars or unpalatable (Junonia coenia) caterpillars. 2. The effect of prey quality on wasp production depended on prey quantity. Nests given unpalatable prey produced few wasps whereas nests given palatable prey increased wasp production with increased prey. 3. The low production of nests given unpalatable prey reflected the low acceptability of those prey. The wasps preferred the palatable prey and learned to reject the unpalatable prey. With no choice of prey, they took only enough unpalatable prey to develop a small nest or colony. 4. A diet of unpalatable prey also resulted in smaller wasps and reduced the proportion of males produced, from about 40% to just 8–14%, depending on the year.  相似文献   

Mortality rates often depend on the size of a population. Using ideal free theory to model the optimal timing of reproduction in model populations, I considered how the specific relationship between density-dependent offspring mortality and population size affects the optimal temporal distribution of reproduction. The results suggest that the specific form of the relationship between density-dependent mortality and the number of offspring produced determines the degree to which reproduction within a population is synchronous. Specifically, reproductive synchrony decreases as density-dependent mortality becomes increasingly inversely related to the number of offspring produced and is highest when density-dependent mortality is directly density-dependent. These findings support the suggestion that predation pressure selects for greater reproductive synchrony in species where mortality is directly density-dependent, but does not affect the timing of reproduction in species with density-independent rates of mortality. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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