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In mammals, the apical sodium‐dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) is responsible for the reuptake of bile acid from the intestine, thus recycling bile acid that is secreted from the gallbladder, for the purpose of digestion. As bile acid is synthesized from cholesterol, ASBT inhibition could have important implications in regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood. We report on a simulation study of the recently resolved structures of the inward‐facing ASBT from Neisseria meningitidis and from Yersinia frederiksenii, as well as of an ASBT variant from Yersinia frederiksenii suggested to be in the outward‐facing conformation. Classical and steered atomistic simulations and comprehensive potential of mean force analyses of ASBT, both in the absence and presence of ions and substrate, allow us to characterize and gain structural insights into the Na+ binding sites and propose a mechanistic model for the transport cycle. In particular, we investigate structural features of the ion translocation pathway, and suggest a third putative Na+ binding site. Our study sheds light on the structure–function relationship of bacterial ASBT and may promote a deeper understanding of transport mechanism altogether. Proteins 2015; 83:1107–1117. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Injection of small pulses of concentrate solutions of salts or drugs into the outer bathing fluid led to sudden increases of its solute concentration. Vigorous stirring of the outer bathing solution was used to minimize the thickness of the unstirred layer adjacent to the outer skin surface. Pulses of 1m NaCl injected into the outer compartment induced sharp increases of the SCC following a time course variable with the magnitude of the pulse and the particular condition of each skin. Comparison of the spontaneous decline of the SCC with the decline induced by a small dose of amiloride, where an increase inR was observed, indicates that the spontaneous decline cannot be explained simply as a reduction of the Na permeability of the apical membrane by self-inhibition of feedback inhibition of the apical membrane Na channels. Reduction of the driving force for Na movement into the epithelial cells must play an important role in the process. Reversibility of the amiloride inhibition of the SCC was highly dependent upon the ionic strength of the solution used to rinse and wash out the inhibitor from the outer skin surface. With H2O, the amiloride molecules washed out slowly as compared to NaCl or KCl solutions. Na or K have the same ability to dislodge the amiloride molecules from their binding sites. This effect is apparently of a purely electrostatic nature.  相似文献   

SGLT1, an isoform of Na+-dependent glucose transporters, is localized at the apical plasma membrane in the epithelial cells of the small intestine and the kidney. In the present study we examined its location in SGLT1 cDNA-transfected MDCK cells, which form an epithelial sheet connected by tight junctions in culture. Formation of tight junctions was monitored by staining for occludin, an integral tight junction protein. In the cells demarcated by an uninterrupted occludin meshwork, SGLT1 was specifically localized at the apical plasma membrane, showing that SGLT1 has a signal to accomplish this restricted localization. In the cells with little or no occludin accumulation in the tight junction, however, SGLT1 was present along the entire aspect of the plasma membrane. Similar distribution of SGLT1 was observed in the cells as long as the occludin meshwork remained incomplete. These observations sugget that apical localization of SGLT1 occurs upon the completion of the uninterrupted meshwork of tight junctions.  相似文献   

The spleen focus forming virus (SFFV) gp55-P envelope glycoprotein specifically binds to and activates murine erythropoietin receptors (EpoRs) coexpressed in the same cell, triggering proliferation of erythroid progenitors and inducing erythroleukemia. Here we demonstrate specific interactions between the single transmembrane domains of the two proteins that are essential for receptor activation. The human EpoR is not activated by gp55-P but by mutation of a single amino acid, L238, in its transmembrane sequence to its murine counterpart serine, resulting in its ability to be activated. The converse mutation in the murine EpoR (S238L) abolishes activation by gp55-P. Computational searches of interactions between the membrane-spanning segments of murine EpoR and gp55-P provide a possible explanation: the face of the EpoR transmembrane domain containing S238 is predicted to interact specifically with gp55-P but not gp55-A, a variant which is much less effective in activating the murine EpoR. Mutational studies on gp55-P M390, which is predicted to interact with S238, provide additional support for this model. Mutation of M390 to isoleucine, the corresponding residue in gp55-A, abolishes activation, but the gp55-P M390L mutation is fully functional. gp55-P is thought to activate signaling by the EpoR by inducing receptor oligomerization through interactions involving specific transmembrane residues.  相似文献   

Pyrrhocoricin, a highly active antibacterial peptide isolated from insects, inhibits chaperone-assisted protein folding via binding to the 70 kDa heat shock protein DnaK with its amino terminal half. The C-terminus functions as an intracellular delivery module. In the current study, chimeras consisting of the putative functional units of pyrrhocoricin and a related peptide, drosocin, were made, and it was found that some mixed and matched sequences retained their ability to kill Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. While pyrrhocoricin appeared to have a more universal pharmacophore, drosocin featured a more robust intracellular delivery unit. We also identified the minimal length of pyrrhocoricin that is needed to efficiently kill bacteria. While for activity against S. typhimurium the peptide could not be shortened, against E. coli it was sufficient to have a Val1-Ile16 amino-terminal fragment. Although Val1 was not part of the Asp2-Pro10 pharmacophore (it could be replaced with other residues), it could not be eliminated and apparently played an important role in defining the activity of the peptide. Indeed, when Val1 was replaced with lysine, not only the efficacy of pyrrhocoricin to kill the sensitive strains increased significantly, resulting in the most active antimicrobial peptide against some clinical strains ever made, but the modified peptide was also able to kill Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an originally unresponsive bacterium in the low g ml-1 concentration range. However, this substitution likely influenced the interaction with bacterial membranes rather than that with the target protein, and therefore the dominant mode of action of the Lys1-pyrrhocoricin peptide may feature membrane disintegration instead of DnaK inhibition.  相似文献   

Summary Pyrrhocoricin, a highly active antibacterial peptide isolated from insects, inhibits chaperone-assisted protein folding via binding to the 70 kDa heat shock protein DnaK with its amino terminal half. The C-terminus functions as an intracellular delivery module. In the current study, chimeras consisting of the putative functional units of pyrrhocoricin and a related peptide, drosocin, were made, and it was found that some mixed and matched sequences retained their ability to killEscherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium andAgrobacterium tumefaciens. While pyrrhocoricin appeared to have a more universal pharmacophore, drosocin featured a more robust intracellular delivery unit. We also identified the minimal length of pyrrhocoricin that is needed to efficiently kill bacteria. While for activity againstS. typhimurium the peptide could not be shortened, againstE. coli it was sufficient to have a Vall-Ile16 amino-terminal fragment. Although Vall was not part of the Asp2-Pro 10 pharmacophore (it could be replaced with other residues), it could not be eliminated and apparently played an important role in defining the activity of the peptide. Indeed, when Val1 was replaced with lysine, not only the efficacy of pyrrhocoricin to kill the sensitive strains increased significantly, resulting in the most active antimicrobial peptide against some clinical strains ever made, but the modified peptide was also able to killPseudomonas aeruginosa, an originally unresponsive bacterium in the low μg ml−1 concentration range. However, this substitution likely influenced the interaction with bacterial membranes rather than that with the target protein, and therefore the dominant mode of action of the Lysl-pyrrhocoricin peptide may feature membrane disintegration instead of DnaK inhibition.  相似文献   

Cytosolic lipid droplets (LDs) are storage organelles for neutral lipids derived from endogenous metabolism. Acyl-CoA synthetase family proteins are essential enzymes in this biosynthetic pathway, contributing activated fatty acids. Fluorescence microscopy showed that ACSL3 is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and LDs, with the distribution dependent on the cell type and the supply of fatty acids. The N-terminus of ACSL3 was necessary and sufficient for targeting reporter proteins correctly, as demonstrated by subcellular fractionation and confocal microscopy. The N-terminal region of ACSL3 was also found to be functionally required for the enzyme activity. Selective permeabilization and in silico analysis suggest that ACSL3 assumes a hairpin membrane topology, with the N-terminal hydrophobic amino acids forming an amphipathic helix restricted to the cytosolic leaflet of the ER membrane. ACSL3 was effectively translocated from the ER to nascent LDs when neutral lipid synthesis was stimulated by the external addition of fatty acids. Cellular fatty acid uptake was increased by overexpression and reduced by RNA interference of ACSL3. In conclusion, the structural organization of ACSL3 allows the fast and efficient movement from the ER to emerging LDs. ACSL3 not only esterifies fatty acids with CoA but is also involved in the cellular uptake of fatty acids, presumably indirectly by metabolic trapping. The unique localization of the acyl-CoA synthetase ACSL3 on LDs suggests a function in the local synthesis of lipids.  相似文献   

The Glut1 glucose transporter is one of over 300 members of the major facilitator superfamily of membrane transporters. These proteins are extremely diverse in substrate specificity and differ in their transport mechanisms. The two most common features shared by many members of this superfamily are the presence of 12 predicted transmembrane segments and an amino acid motif, R-X-G-R-R, present at equivalent positions within the cytoplasmic loops joining transmembrane segments 2-3 and 8-9. The structural and functional roles of the arginine residues within these motifs in Glut1 were investigated by expression of site-directed mutant transporters in Xenopus oocytes followed by analyses of intrinsic transport activity and the membrane topology of mutant glycosylation-scanning reporter Glut1 molecules. Substitution of lysine residues for the cluster of 3 arginine residues in each of the 2 cytoplasmic pentameric motifs of Glut1 revealed no absolute requirement for arginine side chains at any of the 6 positions for transport of 2-deoxyglucose. However, removal of the 3 positive charges at either site by substitution of glycines for the arginines completely abolished transport activity as the result of a local perturbation in the membrane topology in which the cytoplasmic loop was aberrantly translocated into the exoplasm along with the two flanking transmembrane segments. Substitution of lysines for the arginines had no affect on membrane topology. We conclude that the positive charges in the R-X-G-R-R motif form critical local cytoplasmic anchor points involved in determining the membrane topology of Glut1. These data provide a simple explanation for the presence of this conserved amino acid motif in hundreds of functionally diverse membrane transporters that share a common predicted membrane topology.  相似文献   

By inhibiting the activity of Cdc28/Clb cyclin-dependent protein kinase (CDK) complexes, Sic1 prevents the premature initiation of S phase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. By testing a series of Sic1 truncation mutants, we have mapped the minimal domain necessary for Cdc28/Clb inhibition in vivo to the C-terminal 70 amino acids of Sic1. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to show that a sequence that matches the zRxL motif found in mammalian CDK inhibitors is essential for Sic1 function. This motif is not found in the Schizosaccharomyces CDK inhibitor p25rum1, which appears to be a structural and functional homolog of Sic1. Based on the mutational data and sequence comparisons, we argue that Sic1 and p25rum1 are structurally distinct from the known mammalian CDK inhibitors, but may bind CDK complexes in a manner more closely resembling CDK substrates like the retinoblastoma and E2F proteins. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 23 April 1999  相似文献   

The pancreatic stone protein isolated from human calculi (PSP) derives from the immunoreactive protein forms detected in human pancreatic juice (PSP S2-5) through the tryptic cleavage of the Arg-11-Ile-12 bond. Among the eleven amino acids of the PSP S2-5 N-terminal extension Z-E-A-Q-T-E-L-P-Q-A-R, the first residue is an oxoproline and the fifth, a threonine, bears the single carbohydrate chain of the protein molecules. Variations in the glycan chain composition account for the differences in the Mr of PSP S2-5. The PSP S2-5 forms are very soluble in aqueous solutions between the pH values 5.0-9.0, whereas the proteolysated form is scarcely soluble.  相似文献   

A family of specific carrier protein designated as monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) has been known to transport the lactate and other moncarboxylates in mammalian cells. We hypothesized the presence of serum protein in human circulation that may works as a lactate carrier and that biochemical structure would possesses common structure with MCT on the plasma membrane.Immunoblot analysis with an anti-MCT1 polyclonal antibody suggested the presence of a 44-kDa protein in human circulation and N-terminal amino acid sequencing exhibited a stretch of 14 amino acids which is completely identical to MCT1. The unbound fractions from the GST-MCT1 fusion protein-immobilized glutathione sepharose 4B column demonstrated that lactic acid concentration began to increase with one fraction delay compared to Sepharose 4B and GST-immobilized column. When lactic acid was washed away with PBS, lactic acid concentrations in the effuluent constantly decreased in both Sepharose 4B and GST-immobilized column. However, GST-MCT1-immobilized column showed specific convex curve from fraction approximately 3 mM of lactate and demonstrated wash out delay compared to Sepharose 4B and GST-immobilized column.These observations demonstrated biochemical and immunological similarities between a 44-kDa protein purified from human serum and MCT1 present on the plasma membrane. The studies on MCT1-fusion protein suggested possible functional properties of a 44-kDa protein as a lactate buffer by holding and unhand a lactate according to the lactate concentration in human blood. The experiments described herein have suggested the existence of lactate carrier in human circulation which is free from plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We have examined the temperature-dependent effects of several organic compounds on the activity of the purified Ca2+-ATPase of erythrocytes. The monomeric enzyme was activated either by interaction with calmodulin or by oligomerization in the absence of calmodulin. Of the four homologous solute series studied including polyols, alkanols, aprotic solvents, and N-methyl derivatives of formamide and acetamide only polyols stabilized the enzyme over a broad range of concentration and temperature. Similarity of Ca2+-ATPase activity patterns at 25 and 37°C and in the presence of glycerol is in agreement with indirect, stabilizing interactions. Glycerol also protected the Ca2+-ATPase from thermal denaturation at 45°C. Within each homologous series, inhibitory effects increased with increasing solute concentration and with increasing structural similarity to detergents, indicating that direct destabilizing interactions are responsible for the observed inhibition. These were comparable to the destabilizing effect of urea. Oligomers were more resistant to all inhibitory solutes as compared to calmodulin-activated monomers suggesting that the nonpolar patches of the oligomerized enzyme are less accessible to solutes.  相似文献   

The HIV p17 or matrix (MA) protein has long been implicated in the process of nuclear import of the HIV genome and thus the ability of the virus to infect nondividing cells such as macrophages. While it has been demonstrated that MA is not absolutely required for this process, debate continues to surround the subcellular targeting properties of MA and its potential contribution to nuclear import of the HIV cDNA. Through the use of in vitro techniques we have determined that, despite the ability of MA to interact with importins, the full-length protein fails to enter the nucleus of cells. While MA does contain a region of basic amino acids within its N-terminus which can confer nuclear accumulation of a fusion protein, we show that this is due to nuclear retention mediated by DNA binding and does not represent facilitated import. Importantly, we show that the 26KK residues of MA, previously thought to be part of a nuclear localization sequence, are absolutely required for a number of MA's functions including its ability to bind DNA and RNA and its propensity to form high-order multimers/protein aggregates. The results presented here indicate that the N-terminal basic domain of MA does not appear likely to play a role in HIV cDNA nuclear import; rather this region appears to be a crucial structural and functional motif whose integrity is required for a number of other roles performed by MA during viral infection.  相似文献   

Organic anion transporter 1 (OAT1) is key for the secretion of organic anions in renal proximal tubules. These organic anions comprise endogenous as well as exogenous compounds including frequently used drugs of various chemical structures. The molecular basis for the polyspecificity of OAT1 is not known. Here we mutated a conserved positively charged arginine residue (Arg(466)) in the 11(th) transmembrane helix of human OAT1. The replacement by the positively charged lysine (R466K) did not impair expression of hOAT1 at the plasma membrane of Xenopus laevis oocytes but decreased the transport of p-aminohippurate (PAH) considerably. Extracellular glutarate inhibited and intracellular glutarate trans-stimulated wild type and mutated OAT1, suggesting for the mutant R466K an unimpaired interaction with dicarboxylates. However, when Arg(466) was replaced by the negatively charged aspartate (R466D), glutarate no longer interacted with the mutant. PAH uptake by wild type hOAT1 was stimulated in the presence of chloride, whereas the R466K mutant was chloride-insensitive. Likewise, the uptake of labeled glutarate or ochratoxin A was chloride-dependent in the wild type but not in R466K. Kinetic experiments revealed that chloride did not alter the apparent K(m) for PAH but influenced V(max) in wild type OAT1-expressing oocytes. In R466K mutants the apparent K(m) for PAH was similar to that of the wild type, but V(max) was not changed by chloride removal. We conclude that Arg(466) influences the binding of glutarate, but not interaction with PAH, and interacts with chloride, which is a major determinant in substrate translocation.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms have been reported to be targeted to the Golgi complex via their C1 domains. We have shown recently that the regulatory domain of PKC induces apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells and that this effect is correlated to Golgi localization via the C1b domain. This study was designed to identify specific residues in the C1 domains that mediate Golgi localization. We demonstrate that the isolated C1b domains from PKCalpha, -delta, -epsilon, -eta, and - are targeted to the Golgi complex, whereas the corresponding C1a domains localize throughout the cell. Sequence alignment showed that amino acid residues corresponding to Glu-246 and Met-267 in PKC are conserved among C1b but absent from C1a domains. Mutation of Met-267, but not of Glu-246, to glycine abolished the Golgi localization of the isolated C1b domain and the regulatory domain of PKC. The mutated PKC regulatory domain constructs lacking Golgi localization were unable to induce apoptosis, suggesting a direct correlation between Golgi localization and apoptotic activity of PKC regulatory domain. Mutation of analogous residues in the C1b domain of PKCepsilon abrogated its Golgi localization, demonstrating that this effect is not restricted to one PKC isoform. The abolished Golgi localization did not affect neurite induction by PKCepsilon. However, the PKCepsilon mutant did not relocate to the Golgi network in response to ceramide and ceramide did not suppress the neurite-inducing capacity of the protein. Thus, the specific mutations in the C1b domain influence both the localization and function of full-length PKCepsilon.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity for the facilitated glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1) has been found in the cochlear stria vascularis, but whether the strial marginal cells are immunopositive for GLUT-1 remains uncertain. To determine the cellular localization of GLUT-1 and to clarify the glucose pathway in the stria vascularis of rats and guinea pigs, immunohistochemistry was performed on sections, dissociated cells, and whole-tissue preparations. Immunoreactivity for GLUT-1 in sections was observed in the basal side of the strial tissue and in capillaries in both rats and guinea pigs. However, the distribution of the positive signals within the guinea pig strial tissue was more diffuse than that in rats. Immunostaining of dissociated guinea pig strial cells revealed GLUT-1 in the basal cells and capillary endothelial cells, but not in the marginal cells. These results indicated that GLUT-1 was not expressed in the marginal cells, and that another isoform of GLUT was probably expressed in these cells. Three-dimensional observation of whole-tissue preparations demonstrated that cytoplasmic prolongations from basal cells extended upward to the apical surface of the stria vascularis from rats and guinea pigs, and that the marginal cells were surrounded by these protrusions. We speculate that these upward extensions of basal cells have been interpreted as basal infoldings of marginal cells in previous reports from other groups. The three-dimensional relationship between marginal cells and basal cells might contribute to the transcellular glucose pathway from perilymph to intrastrial space. This study was supported by a grant-in-aid for scientific research (19570058) from The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan.  相似文献   

The hordeiviral movement protein encoded by the first gene of the triple gene block (TGBp1) of Poa semilatent virus (PSLV), interacts with viral genomic RNAs to form RNP particles which are considered to be a form of viral genome capable of cell-to-cell and long-distance transport in infected plants. The PSLV TGBp1 contains a C-terminal NTPase/helicase domain (HELD) and an N-terminal extension region consisting of two structurally and functionally distinct domains: an extreme N-terminal domain (NTD) and an internal domain (ID). This study demonstrates that transient expression of TGBp1 fused to GFP in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves results in faint but obvious fluorescence in the nucleolus in addition to cytosolic distribution. Mutagenesis of the basic amino acids inside the NTD clusters A 116KSKRKKKNKK125 and B 175KKATKKESKKQTK187 reveals that these clusters are indispensable for nuclear and nucleolar targeting of PSLV TGBp1 and may contain nuclear and nucleolar localization signals or their elements. The PSLV TGBp1 is able to bind to fibrillarin, the major nucleolar protein (AtFib2 from Arabidopsis thaliana) in vitro. This protein–protein interaction occurs between the glycine-arginine-rich (GAR) domain of fibrillarin and the first 82 amino acid residues of TGBp1. The interaction of TGBp1 with fibrillarin is also visualized in vivo by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) during co-expression of TGBp1 or its deletion mutants, and fibrillarin as fusions to different halves of YFP in N. benthamiana plants. The sites responsible for nuclear/nucleolar localization and fibrillarin binding, have been located within the intrinsically disordered TGBp1 NTD. These data could suggest that specific functions of hordeivirus TGBp1 may depend on its interaction with nucleolar components.  相似文献   

Photoconversion of various green and cyan fluorescent proteins to the red fluorescent state under the oxygen-free conditions was studied. Such photoconversion has earlier been described for the EGFP green fluorescent protein. Phylogenetically distant fluorescent proteins that have a low identity of their amino acid sequences but contain chemically identical chromophores based on a Tyr residue were shown to be susceptible to this type of photoconversion. At the same time, the ECFP protein, which has 92% homology with EGFP but contains a chromophore based on tryptophan did not undergo the photoconversion. Thus, it is precisely the chromophore structure, rather than the amino acid environment that determines the ability of green fluorescent proteins to display photoconversion to the red fluorescent state under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

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