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The ABC model of floral organ identity is based on studies of Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum, both of which are highly derived eudicots. Most of the genes required for the ABC functions in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum are members of the MADS-box gene family, and their orthologs are present in all major angiosperm lineages. Although the eudicots comprise 75% of all angiosperms, most of the diversity in arrangement and number of floral parts is actually found among basal angiosperm lineages, for which little is known about the genes that control floral development. To investigate the conservation and divergence of expression patterns of floral MADS-box genes in basal angiosperms relative to eudicot model systems, we isolated several floral MADS-box genes and examined their expression patterns in representative species, including Amborella (Amborellaceae), Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) and Illicium (Austrobaileyales), the successive sister groups to all other extant angiosperms, plus Magnolia and Asimina, members of the large magnoliid clade. Our results from multiple methods (relative-quantitative RT-PCR, real-time PCR and RNA in situ hybridization) revealed that expression patterns of floral MADS-box genes in basal angiosperms are broader than those of their counterparts in eudicots and monocots. In particular, (i) AP1 homologs are generally expressed in all floral organs and leaves, (ii) AP3/PI homologs are generally expressed in all floral organs and (iii) AG homologs are expressed in stamens and carpels of most basal angiosperms, in agreement with the expectations of the ABC model; however, an AG homolog is also expressed in the tepals of Illicium. The broader range of strong expression of AP3/PI homologs is inferred to be the ancestral pattern for all angiosperms and is also consistent with the gradual morphological intergradations often observed between adjacent floral organs in basal angiosperms.  相似文献   



Recent studies of floral disparity in the asterid order Ericales have shown that flowers vary strongly among families and that disparity is unequally distributed between the three flower modules (perianth, androecium, gynoecium). However, it remains unknown whether these patterns are driven by heterogeneous rates of morphological evolution or other factors.


Here, we compiled a data set of 33 floral characters scored for 414 species of Ericales sampled from 346 genera and all 22 families. We conducted ancestral state reconstructions using an equal-rates Markov model for each character. We estimated rates of morphological evolution for Ericales and for a separate angiosperm-wide data set of 19 characters and 792 species, creating “rate profiles” for Ericales, angiosperms, and major angiosperm subclades. We compared morphological rates among flower modules within each data set separately and between data sets, and we compared rates among angiosperm subclades using the angiosperm data set.


The androecium exhibits the highest evolutionary rates across most characters, whereas most perianth and gynoecium characters evolve more slowly in both Ericales and angiosperms. Both high and low rates of morphological evolution can result in high floral disparity in Ericales. Analyses of an angiosperm-wide floral data set reveal that this pattern appears to be conserved across most major angiosperm clades.


Elevated rates of morphological evolution in the androecium of Ericales may explain the higher disparity reported for this floral module. Comparing rates of morphological evolution through rate profiles proves to be a powerful tool in understanding floral evolution.  相似文献   

The plants of Kadsura longipedunculata (Schisandraceae) are monoecious and possess either red or yellow male flowers (the androecium), with yellow tepals, and yellow female flowers. All flower types simultaneously produce heat and floral odours (dominated by methyl butyrate) throughout a 4–5-h nocturnal period. The flowers are pollinated only by female, pollen-eating Megommata sp. (Cecidomyiidae). Pollen is the only reward, and female flowers use the same attractants as male flowers but offer no food (pollination by deceit). Open pollinated flowers in nature varied in fruit set from 8 to 92%. Megommata (subfamily Cecidomyiinae, supertribe Cecidomyiidi), consists of six described species, which feed on Coccoidea (scale insects) and are distributed worldwide.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 523–536.  相似文献   

Lactoris fernandeziana, monotypic in its family, is endemic to the cloud forests of Robinson Crusoe Island. Although there has been considerable study of the relationships of Lactoris, as a rare species and as a putative primitive paleoherb, little is known of its reproductive biology. Knowledge of the latter is essential for effective conservation programs. The species is gynomonoecious. The overall proportion of flowers is ∼1 female:1 hermaphrodite. The inconspicuous semipendulous green flowers, usually in mixed-gender inflorescences, do not produce rewards. Hermaphrodite flowers are herkogamous and protogynous. Pollen grains are shed from the extrorse anthers in permanent dry tetrads. There is a mean of 12879 tetrads per hermaphrodite flower. Both flower types bear an average of ∼18 ovules. The P/O (pollen/ovule) ratios imply facultative or obligate xenogamy, but hand pollinations show that Lactoris is self-compatible. No floral visitors were ever observed, but stigmata of open-pollinated flowers bore tetrads, and 64% of such styles had pollen tubes. Flowers enclosed in large mesh (1 mm) bags bore similar numbers of tetrads and pollen tubes. Thus, we conclude that Lactoris is anemophilous, a syndrome perhaps reflected by the P/O ratio. Low genetic diversity (isozymes and DNA) supports selfing and implies limited distance wind pollen dispersal. The small size of the island, the ± 1000 extant Lactoris plants, coupled with anemophily, self-compatibility, and pendant flower position, have yielded a geitonogamous system with high seed set and low genetic diversity. If inbreeding depression is expressed, it is in seed germination and seedling vigor, for Lactoris is very difficult to cultivate. For this species, effective conservation practices need to focus on habitat preservation and promotion of outcrossing.  相似文献   

Darwin recognized the flower's importance for the study of adaptation and emphasized that the flower's functionality reflects the coordinated action of multiple traits. Here we use a multitrait manipulative approach to quantify the potential role of selection acting on floral trait combinations underlying the divergence and maintenance of three related North American species of Silene (Caryophyllaceae). We artificially generated 48 plant phenotypes corresponding to all combinations of key attractive traits differing among the three Silene species (color, height, inflorescence architecture, flower orientation, and corolla‐tube width). We quantified main and interaction effects of trait manipulation on hummingbird visitation preference using experimental arrays. The main effects of floral display height and floral orientation strongly influenced hummingbird visitation, with hummingbirds preferring flowers held high above the ground and vertically to the sky. Hummingbirds also prefer traits in a nonadditive manner as multiple two‐way and higher order interaction effects were important predictors of hummingbird visitation. Contemporary trait combinations found in hummingbird pollinated S. virginica are mostly preferred. Our study demonstrates the likelihood of pollination syndromes evolving due to selection on trait combinations and highlights the importance of trait interactions in understanding the evolution of complex adaptations.  相似文献   

Stamens that have lost their primary function of pollen production, or staminodes, occur uncommonly within angiosperms, but frequently fulfill important secondary floral functions. The phylogenetic distribution of staminodes suggests that they typically arise during evolutionary reduction of the androecium. Differences in the genetic control and patterns of stamen loss between actinomorphic and zygomorphic flowers shape staminode development. In clades with actinomorphic flowers, staminodes generally replace an entire stamen whorl and staminode loss seems irreversible. In contrast, in clades with zygomorphic flowers staminodes evolve from a subset of the stamens in a whorl and staminodes can reappear in a lineage after being lost (e.g., Cheloneae, Scrophulariaceae). If staminodes do not adopt new functions during androecium reduction they are lost quickly, so that nonfunctional staminodes appear only in recently derived taxa. Alternatively, when staminodes assume new floral roles, either directly or indirectly after a nonfunctional period, they can become integral floral components which perpetuate within clades (e.g., Orchidaceae). Indirect evolution of staminode function allows greater flexibility of function by allowing staminodes to take over roles not performed by stamens, such as involvement in mechanisms to prevent self-pollination and mechanisms of explosive pollination. Multifunctional staminodes characterize lineages with universal or widespread staminodes.  相似文献   

Sequences of spacers and group I introns in plant chloroplast genomes have recently been shown to be very effective in phylogenetic reconstruction at higher taxonomic levels and not only for inferring relationships among species. Group II introns, being more frequent in those genomes than group I introns, may be further promising markers. Because group II introns are structurally constrained, we assumed that sequences of a group II intron should be alignable across seed plants. We designed universal amplification primers for the petD intron and sequenced this intron in a representative selection of 47 angiosperms and three gymnosperms. Our sampling of taxa is the most representative of major seed plant lineages to date for group II introns. Through differential analysis of structural partitions, we studied patterns of molecular evolution and their contribution to phylogenetic signal. Nonpairing stretches (loops, bulges, and interhelical nucleotides) were considerably more variable in both substitutions and indels than in helical elements. Differences among the domains are basically a function of their structural composition. After the exclusion of four mutational hotspots accounting for less than 18% of sequence length, which are located in loops of domains I and IV, all sequences could be aligned unambiguously across seed plants. Microstructural changes predominantly occurred in loop regions and are mostly simple sequence repeats. An indel matrix comprising 241 characters revealed microstructural changes to be of lower homoplasy than are substitutions. In showing Amborella first branching and providing support for a magnoliid clade through a synapomorphic indel, the petD data set proved effective in testing between alternative hypotheses on the basal nodes of the angiosperm tree. Within angiosperms, group II introns offer phylogenetic signal that is intermediate in information content between that of spacers and group I introns on the one hand and coding sequences on the other.  相似文献   

Crane flies and microlepidoptera have been recorded as pollinators in unrelated orchid groups, but these insects have never been recorded in Epidendroideae, the most species‐rich orchid subfamily, which includes one of the most diverse genera among Orchidaceae, Epidendrum. Based on data on phenology, floral morpho‐anatomy, pollinators, pollination mechanisms and breeding system, the reproductive biology of E. avicula was studied in south‐eastern Brazil. Epidendrum avicula possess osmophores that produce a citric fragrance at night. The flowers attract Tipulidae flies and several families of microlepidoptera that drink the nectar produced in a tube formed by the adnation of the labellum and column. As is common in Epidendrum, after removing the pollinarium, both crane flies and micro‐moths get trapped by the proboscis, which frightens the insects and inhibits any possible intent to immediately visit another flower. The behavior of the pollinators on flowers, plus the retention of the anther cap by the pollinarium, results in a reduction in the occurrence of geitonogamy. Because E. avicula is self‐incompatible, the consequence of pollinator behavior and the floral mechanisms tend to reduce the pollen loss. As far as we know, this is the first study to report the reproductive biology of a species of Epidendroideae pollinated by crane flies and microlepidoptera. Based on more recent concepts of plant–pollinator interactions, although E. avicula is pollinated by several species belonging to two distinct orders, suggesting an unspecialized pollination system is involved, nectar‐seeking microlepidoptera and Tipulidae flies can be recognized as a single functional group.  相似文献   

While coloured nectar has been known to science at least since 1785, it has only recently received focused scientific attention. However, information about this rare floral trait is scattered and hard to find. Here, we document coloured nectar in 67 taxa worldwide, with a wide taxonomical and geographical distribution. We summarise what is currently known about coloured nectar in each of the lineages where it occurs. The most common nectar colours are in the spectrum from yellow to red, but also brown, black, green, and blue colours are found. Colour intensity of the nectar varies, sometimes even within one taxa, as does the level of contrast between flower petals and nectar. Coloured nectar has evolved independently throughout the angiosperms at least 15 times at the level of family, and is in many cases correlated with one or more of three parameters: (1) vertebrate pollination, known or hypothesised, (2) insularity -- many species are from islands or insular mainland habitats, and (3) altitude -- many species are found at relatively high altitudes. We discuss the evolution and speculate on possible ecological functions of coloured nectar. Apart from being a non-functional, perhaps pleiotropic, trait, we present several hypotheses on possible ecological functions of coloured nectar. Firstly, for some plant species it can be interpreted as an honest signal, leading to high pollination efficiency. Secondly, it can function as a deterrent against nectar-thieves or inefficient pollinators, thus acting as a floral filter. Thirdly, nectar colour-pigments can have anti-microbial qualities that may protect the nectar in long-lived flowers. Neither of these possibilities are mutually exclusive. Recent studies have provided experimental evidence for the first two hypotheses, and we suggest promising avenues for future research into this little-known floral trait.  相似文献   

Anthesis in Nymphaea capensis var. zanzibariensis is diurnal with flowers opening and closing for three consecutive days. On the first day of anthesis, the stigmatic papillae secrete fluid and the outermost anthers are dehiscent. On the second day of anthesis the stamens form a cone above the dry stigmatic cup. The middle stamens open and turn outward. On the third day of flowering, all the stamens open and the dry stigmatic cup is exposed. The flowers are homogamous and not protogynous as the other Nymphaea. The gynoecium of the self-compatible N. capensis var. zanzibariensis , is characterized by a wet papillate stigma, a short hollow style, and secretory cells on the ventral surface of the ovary. The pollen is released on the receptive stigma. Following initial growth in intercellular spaces in the transmitting tract of the stigma, pollen tubes travel through the stylar canal and into the ovary.  相似文献   

Flowering plant diversity now far exceeds the combined diversity of all other plant groups. Recently identified extant remnants of the earliest-diverging lines suggest that the first angiosperms may have lived in shady, disturbed, and moist understory habitats, and that the aquatic habit also arose early. This would have required the capacity to begin life in dimly lit environments. If so, evolution in light-sensing mechanisms may have been crucial to their success. The photoreceptor phytochrome A is unique among angiosperm phytochromes in its capacity to serve a transient role under conditions where an extremely high sensitivity is required. We present evidence of altered functional constraints between phytochrome A (PHYA) and its paralog, PHYC. Tests for selection suggest that an elevation in nonsynonymous rates resulted from an episode of selection along the branch leading to all angiosperm PHYA sequences. Most nucleotide sites (95%) are selectively constrained, and the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions on branches within the PHYA clade does not differ from the ratio on the branches in the PHYC clade. Thus, positive selection at a handful of sites, rather than relaxation of selective constraints, apparently has played a major role in the evolution of the photosensory domain of phytochrome A. The episode of selection occurred very early in the history of flowering plants, suggesting that innovation in phyA may have given the first angiosperms some adaptive advantage.  相似文献   

Gynoecium diversity and systematics of the Laurales   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Carpel and ovule structure was comparatively studied in representatives of all eight families of the Laurales: Amborellaceae, Calycanthaceae, Chloranthaceae, Gomortegaceae, Hernandiaceae, Lauraceae, Monimiaceae, and Trimeniaceae. In all representatives the carpels are closed at anthesis. As in Magnoliales/winteroids, closure takes place in three different modes: (1) by postgenital fusion of the stylar (and ovarial) ventral slit (Calycanthaceae, Gomortegaceae, Lauraceae, Hernandiaceae); (2) by occlusion of the inner space by secretion (Amborellaceae, Chloranthaceae, Trimeniaceae, Mollinedioideae of Monimiaceae), all having extremely ascidiate carpels; (3) by a combination of (1) and (2), whereby the ventral slit in the style is postgenitally fused but a central canal remains open, which is filled by secretion (Monimiaceae except Mollinedioideae). The carpels have a single ovule in ventral median placentation; only Calycanthaceae have two lateral ovules, although the upper ovule degenerates. In contrast to Magnoliales/winteroids, several representatives have orthotropous or almost orthotropous ovules (Amborellaceae, Chloranthaceae, Gomortegaceae). Mature ovules vary in length between 425 μm (some Monimiaceae) and 1500 urn (some Calycanthaceae, Trimeniaceae). Although all ovules are crassinucellar, nucellus breadth varies between 60 μm (Chimonanthus, Calycanthaceae) and 500 μm (Hemandia, Hernandiaceae). In almost all representatives the single ovule (two in Calycanthaceae) tightly fills out the ovarial cavity. The micropyle is mostly formed by the inner integument. In a few cases there is no micropyle and the nucellar apex makes direct contact with the inner ovary surface or the funicle (Lauraceae p.p., Calycanthaceae p.p., Hernandiaceae p.p., Monimiaceae p.p.). The ovule is pachychalazal (or perichalazal) in Lauraceae, some Hernandiaceae, and Gomortegaceae. Both integuments are variously lobed or unlobed. The outer integument is semiannular or annular, and this may vary within a family (Calycanthaceae, Hernandiaceae, Monimiaceae); it is also exceedingly diverse in thickness (2–23 cell layers). Gynoecial traits support the association of Chloranthaceae, Trimeniaceae, and Amborellaceae, and also separately Gomortegaceae, Hernandiaceae, and Lauraceae. In addition, affinities of the first group with Schisandraceae, Illiciaceae and Austrobaileyaceae may also be supported.  相似文献   

Gynoecium diversity and systematics of the Magnoliales and winteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carpel and ovule structure was compared in representatives of all 11 families of the Magnoliales (Annonaceae, Canellaceae, Degeneriaceae, Eupomatiaccae, Himantandraceae, Magnoliaceae, Myristicaceae) and winteroids (Austrobaileyaceae, Illiciaceae, Sehisandraceae, Winteraceae). Special attention was paid to features that are constant at family level. Bisexual flowers are always protogynous. In all representatives studied the carpels are closed at anthesis. Caipel closure is attained in three different ways: (1) postgenital fusion of inner surfaces (Degeneriaceae, Eupomatiaccae. Winteraceae), or (2) occlusion by secretion (Austrobaileyaceae, Sehisandraceae), or (3) a combination of (1) and (2): in Annonaceae, Canellaceae, Myristicaceae there is a conspicuous secretory canal in the innermost part of the ventral slit; in Illiciaceae and Magnoliaceae there is a narrow canal in the innermost part of the ventral slit; and in Himantandraceae the ventral slit is postgenilally fused in the style but completely open in the ovary. In most families the carpels have a double stigmalic crest or they have two tips in the transversal symmetry plane (i.e. at right angles to the median plane). Stigmas are unicellular papillate in most families but the papillae are bi-to multicellular (uniseriate) in Degeneriaceae and Eupomatiaceae. An unusual cryptic exlracarpellary compitum was found in Himantandraceae and Sehisandraceae. Intrusive oil cells were found in the carpel epidermis of Illiciaceae and Sehisandraceae. Mature ovules vary in length between 0.15 and 1.1 mm. The outer integument is fully annular (not semiannular) in Degeneriaceae, Himantandraceae, Canellaceae, Myristicaceae, and Illiciaceae. A rudimentary aril occurs in Canellaceae, and originates at the same site as in arillate Annonaceae and Myristicaceae. The results most strongly support an Annonaceae-Myristicaceae-Canellaceae alliance, to some degree also an Eupomatiaccac-Degeneriaceae-Himantandraceae-Magnoliaceae alliance, and an Illiciaceae-Schisandraceae-Winteraccae-Austrobaileyaceae alliance.  相似文献   

Many angiosperms have arranged their flowers in inflorescences forming a distinct signalling unit to flower visitors. In some species, the flowers of inflorescences undergo a temporal colour change corresponding exactly to a change in the reward status. Based on information obtained from the spectral reflection curves of pre-change and postchage colours of flower corollas and/or floral guides, it was possible to demonstrate that the colour phase associated with reward closely corresponds to the visual stimuli which trigger behavioural responses of inexperienced flower visitors, and that the colour phase associated with less reward corresponds to visual stimuli less attractive to naïve flower visitors. Reciprocal colour changes were not observed. It is to be assumed that the unidirectionality of floral colour changes is an adaptation of angiosperms aimed at the guidance of first-time flower visitors. Signalling reward to inexperienced flower visitors is an additional function of floral colour changes. The main function of floral colour changes, however, is to provide cues with which the flower visitors can learn to associate one colour phase with reward.  相似文献   

Evolutionary transitions from animal to wind pollination have occurred repeatedly during the history of the angiosperms, but the selective mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we propose that knowledge of pollen release biomechanics is critical for understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes underpinning this shift in pollination mode. Pollen release is the critical first stage of wind pollination (anemophily) and stamen properties are therefore likely to be under strong selection early in the transition. We describe current understanding of pollen release biomechanics to provide insights on the phenotypic and ecological drivers of wind pollination. Pollen release occurs when detachment forces dominate resistive forces retaining pollen within anthers. Detachment forces can be active or passive depending on whether they require energy input from the environment. Passive release is more widespread in anemophilous species and involves processes driven by steady or unsteady aerodynamic forces or turbulence-induced vibrations that shake pollen from anthers. We review empirical and theoretical studies suggesting that stamen vibration is likely to be a key mechanism of pollen release. The vibration response is governed by morphological and biomechanical properties of stamens, which may undergo divergent selection in the presence or absence of pollinators. Resistive forces have rarely been investigated for pollen within anthers, but are probably sensitive to environmental conditions and depend on flower age, varying systematically between animal- and wind-pollinated species. Animal and wind pollination are traditionally viewed as dichotomous alternatives because they are usually associated with strikingly different pollination syndromes. But this perspective has diverted attention from subtler, continuously varying traits which mediate the fluid dynamic process of pollen release. Reinterpreting the flower as a biomechanical entity that responds to fluctuating environmental forces may provide a promising way forward. We conclude by identifying several profitable areas for future research to obtain deeper insight into the evolution of wind pollination.  相似文献   

Idiospermum australiense (Diels) S.T. Blake, a rainforest canopy tree restricted to a few small populations in northeast Australia, is the only southern hemisphere representative of the Calycanthaceae. Pollination processes in Idiospermum were investigated. Flowers are protogynous, with some populations of the species being andromonoecious, whilst others are hermaphrodite. Over their 10 – 16 day floral lifespan, movements of floral organs enforced spatial and temporal separation of male and female floral function. Changes in colour and intensity of fragrance may also influence their attractiveness to potential pollinators. Pollen is present in large quantities, and appears to act as a reward for floral visitors. Insect trapping was carried out both within flowers, and immediately adjacent to inflorescences. A wide variety of arthropods was trapped, with thrips being the most abundant. Other arthropods were trapped, including fourteen species of beetle. For arthropods other than thrips, the mean numbers of adults trapped on flowers remained more or less constant throughout the floral lifetime. However, there was a significant interaction between floral age and the number of pre-adult arthropods present – as the flower aged, the mean number of larvae and eggs per flower increased. The flowers appear to act as sheltered mating and brooding sites for small insects.  相似文献   

深山含笑传粉生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确深山含笑(Michelia maudiae)的传粉生物学特性,该文以西华师范大学校园内的深山含笑为研究材料,采取野外观察法记录了深山含笑的开花动态、访花者及访花频率;用游标卡尺法,测定了深山含笑的异交指数(OCI);用醋酸洋红法,测定了花粉胚珠比(P/O);用套袋和人工授粉法,测定了深山含笑的繁育系统。结果表明:(1)深山含笑为早春开花植物,其种群花期为2~3月,持续30d左右,单花花期5~6d;在单花开放初期,最内层的花瓣未绽开,是适应潮湿或多雨的环境而保护花药与柱头免受雨水的冲刷,提高雌雄性适合度,确保繁殖成功的一种策略;(2)深山含笑的有效传粉者为蜜蜂,访花时间集中在晴朗天气的中午;(3)深山含笑的异交指数(OCI)等于5,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为2 933±50;(4)深山含笑为雄蕊先熟,柱头可授性在开花第2~3天达到最高;(5)套袋和人工授粉表明深山含笑为兼性自交和异交授粉,其中异交授粉的座果率和结籽率显著高于自交授粉。早春开花的深山含笑,其传粉者为单一的蜜蜂,繁育系统为异交,部分自交亲和,结果为引种栽培、良种选育等提供依据更好地利用和保护此资源奠定基础。  相似文献   

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