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声景生态学以景观中的声音为研究对象, 探讨其在不同时空维度上的分布和变化模式, 从而揭示自然环境、野生动物和人类活动的相互作用关系。本文通过系统检索声景生态学研究的相关文献, 回顾了该学科的研究框架和研究方法, 总结了目前常用的声学指标, 重点归纳了声景生态学的研究内容, 包括声景组成和各组分间的相互作用, 声景的时空格局, 以及声景生态学在生物多样性监测中的应用。目前, 声景监测中存在的问题主要包括监测的生态系统类型和物种类群有限、声学指标效力有待提高等。建议未来着重推进建立系统性的声景监测网络和数据管理平台, 开发和完善音频数据采集、分析方法和评估指标, 并重视声景数据的采集, 将声景视作一种资源进行研究和保护。  相似文献   

近年来,人工智能技术的迅速发展,为构建完备的生物多样性监测体系提供了技术支持,从声音角度拓展生物多样性监测体系成为新的发展趋势。在声景生态学中,声景是由生物声、人类声和地理声共同构成的景观,声学生态位假说和声学适应性假说为声景评估生物多样性提供了主要的理论基础。总结了人工识别法、声学指数法和自动识别法三种常用评估方法,梳理方法的概念、评估原理、差异和局限性。归纳声景在评估生物多样性中造成偏差的影响因素,如生物学因素、环境因素、噪声干扰和数据采集方式。因物种遗传、行为和环境导致的鸣声复杂性,增加了物种识别和分类的不确定性,使得仅依靠声学特征来评估多样性存在一定的局限性。为此,需深入研究声学生态位假说和声学适应性假说的作用机理,并整合多学科专业知识和技术,以建立更全面的理论框架和应用模型。同时,开展数据采集和处理的标准化、融合和创新评估方法并建立声景特征数据库共享平台,为生物多样性快速评估和保护提供更有效的工具和方法。  相似文献   

边琦  王成  郝泽周 《应用生态学报》2021,32(3):1119-1128
声音是生物之间交流的重要手段,对生物声音的监测与分析是描述和评估生物多样性的新兴方法。这种方法不侵入和破坏自然环境,通过声音记录生态信息,并有效反映生物多样性的相关特征,是一种重要的生态工具。从声音角度探讨生物多样性的变化拓宽了多学科交叉的新思路,因此近年来被越来越多地应用于生态学研究中。本文阐述了利用声音监测评估生物多样性的主要理论基础和研究方法,从发声动物的生物多样性、声景的时空多样性两个方面介绍了相关领域的研究进展,列举了声音监测在评估土地利用变化、气候变化和城市化对生物多样性影响的应用实例。最后,对未来研究方向进行了展望,希望能进一步挖掘声音调查的发展潜力,为生物多样性的监测评估提供有效的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

当前生态学研究前沿正在走向城市,更加关注城市中人类福祉的多元化。而我们在工作中也深刻体会到,对于以人为核心的城市复合生态系统,有一些问题用已有学科是难以解决的。在这一情况下,提出了景感生态学这一研究方向。系统阐述了景感生态学的概念与内涵、学科框架、研究框架,从国家重大开发建设中的生态环境保障系统方案和景感生态规划与设计等方面总结了景感生态学的研究进展,并就景感生态学发展方向和重点提出展望。  相似文献   

动物群落是构成城市绿地生态系统的关键要素,声景作为野生动物重要的生态信息,掌握其时空变化及其影响因素,对于指导城市绿地景观设计与生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文以Web of Science数据库的核心合集2005–2022年收录的67篇研究文献为对象,综合梳理与分析了城市绿地动物声景的时空模式及其驱动因素。城市绿地动物声景在空间上表现出环境空间梯度和植被空间结构的差异,动物声音多样性随海拔、纬度、城市化程度的降低以及植被类型和高度的增加呈现升高趋势。时间尺度呈现出昼夜、季节和年度变化差异,表现为鸟类在黎明和黄昏合唱、昆虫和两栖动物在夜间鸣叫以及季节性和年度性发声规律等。影响城市动物声景模式的因素主要包括植被、环境、人为干扰和动物自身驱动等。动物声景作为当前声景生态学研究的热点之一,面临大时空尺度演变规律研究不足、动物声景分析有限等挑战,建议未来着重开展多时空尺度变化规律研究、创新动物声景分析方法、定量解析影响因素及其响应机制、建立全球动物声景数据库等。  相似文献   

董仁才  吕晨璨  翁辰  张永霖 《生态学报》2022,42(10):4236-4244
生态学是研究生物与环境之间相互关系及其作用机理的科学,是一门与人类生存和社会发展密切相关的学科。景感生态学是能够有效搭建人与其周边环境之间相互服务和反馈的桥梁。基于生态学理论、景感营造实践和环境物联网技术,进一步阐明景感生态学理论基础、基本概念、研究对象、研究内容、基本方法及应用,力图完善景感生态学体系;提出感觉多样性、组合度、互动度、易感度、刺激频度、回味度、惊喜感、距离感、重叠度、覆盖面等关键指标,丰富了景感生态品鉴、体验与评价方法。总结景感营造(或创感模式)增强景感载体、生态基础设施在人类视觉、嗅觉、听觉、味觉、光觉、触觉和心理感知及行为体验等服务范式,旨在提倡生态文明建设过程中充分理顺人与自然和谐共生关系,提升生态环境质量,实现“美丽中国”和可持续发展目标。  相似文献   

声景包含重要的生态信息,具有实时性强、信息密度高的特点,有重要研究价值。现有的声景研究中,音频及相关环境参数采集和分析仍需要大量的人工作业,耗时耗力。基于多传感集成、边缘计算和深度学习技术,建立了一套声景大数据在线采集与分析系统,包括边缘计算节点和中心计算服务器。并通过3个实验站点,进行了近1年的技术验证,实现了声景大数据的自动化在线采集、传输和分析。该系统能适应户外恶劣的自然环境,能根据任务需求持续不断地进行声景大数据在线采集和分析,稳定性好。声学指数可以反映声景变化,但因指数侧重点不同,不同的声学指数之间变化特征差异较大,需要组合使用。通过声纹特征图能直观地识别出不同发声源,对物种的快速识别、声源的分类等具有较强的借鉴意义。系统借助VGGish网络提取的高维声景特征图能很好地识别不同站点和不同时间的声景变化,在不同站点和昼夜上具有较高的区分精度,有快速和直观地反映不同生态系统的类型特征、生态系统动态变化的潜力。丰富声纹特征库、优化声景特征分析神经网络、建设声景长期监测共享网络,有助于扩展系统在物种识别、生物多样性快速分析、生物与环境相互作用机制方面的应用。研究为声景大数据的在线采集...  相似文献   

生态型城市公园是城市居民重要的游憩空间,其声景品质直接影响游客体验的满意程度。以福州金山公园为研究对象,通过定性与定量相结合的方法研究生态型城市公园中声景感知与游憩体验之间的关系及其影响因素。研究发现:生态型城市公园中人们更偏爱自然声,尤其是鸟叫声;交通声是主要影响公园景观美景度的声源类型;儿童嬉闹声及音乐声是影响声景安静度的显著因素,交通声、音乐声以及脚步声与总体满意度关系最为密切;年龄、性别和教育背景是社会、人口及行为学因素中影响典型声源感知最显著的3个因素,而不同游览动机的人群对声景感知也存在显著差异。研究结论可为生态型城市公园景观及声景设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

张国钦  李妍  吝涛  李新虎  王兰  刘文惠 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8130-8140
景感生态学是基于中国传统人居环境营造理论与实践结合现代生态学基本原理形成的新兴学科,注重探讨生态系统服务与可持续发展的关系。可持续发展目标中健康与福祉是其重要内容,因此健康人居环境的营造也是景感生态学的重要应用领域之一。在健康人居环境的营造过程中,健康社区构建具有作为"细胞工程"的基础性作用。因此,从景感生态学的视角探讨健康社区的构建,有助于景感生态学进一步应用于可持续发展与人居环境营造的实践,为健康与福祉的顺利实现提供支撑。从健康社区的定义和主要理念出发,基于健康社区构建的需求本体和供给客体及其相互作用关系,结合生态环境科学的"时-空-量-序"的视角,探讨了生态环境研究应用于健康社区构建的作用及面临的系统性不足、人文性不足和耦合性不足等挑战;进而以景感生态学作为连接生态环境学科与建筑规划学科的纽带,探讨了景感生态学在应对上述挑战中的作用。从景感生态学视角来看,健康社区构建就是将人类健康这一愿景融入到社区健康需求本体与健康供给客体及其相互关系的调控与营造,从而实现社区及人群的健康和可持续发展。健康社区的构建强调社区人群主观健康需求与客观健康供给之间的互动与耦合,与景感生态学强调"景"与"感"相互融合、相互作用具有高度一致性。本文从景感生态学的研究要素、景感营造的理念与研究工具等方面,系统地提出景感生态学视角下的健康社区构建框架:包括融合多景感要素的社区人群健康生态系统服务体系、营造多景感载体的社区人群健康行为意识引导体系和建设多方位的健康社区趋善化管理与智能感知体系。景感生态学所提供的崭新视角和系统性思路,对于健康社区的构建将具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

声景生态学是一个相对较新和快速发展的研究领域,被动声学监测技术和声学指数已经成为研究湿地鸟类和声景多样性的重要方法。本研究评价了鸟类迁徙对中国东北图们江流域下游湿地声景日、月和季节变化的影响。我们从2020年11月至2021年12月在图们江下游敬信湿地设置10个采样点,获得91,988条时长5min的有效音频,计算了声音复杂度指数(acoustic complexity index,ACI)、生物声学指数(bioacoustic index,BIO)、声音均匀度指数(acoustic evenness index,AEI)和标准化声景差异指数(normalized difference soundscape index,NDSI)以及1–11 k Hz频段的功率谱密度(power spectral density,PSD)。结果表明,声学指数对鸟类迁徙活动敏感,其中2个迁徙期声景(2–4月和10–11月)都以1–2k Hz雁类白天的叫声为主,NDSI显著降低,1–2k Hz的PSD显著升高,但雁类向北迁徙时几个声学指数变化更为敏感,有效地捕获了迁徙峰值,表明不同季节鸟类迁徙模式存在差异...  相似文献   

  1. Freshwater systems are globally threatened and in need of enhanced monitoring and assessment. We applied soundscape recording and analysis—which presents an opportunity for long-term, high-resolution animal community monitoring and assessment—to a freshwater context to better understand the acoustic diversity and dynamics of these systems.
  2. We recorded the aquatic soundscape of a Neotropical freshwater swamp in Costa Rica for 23 days in January and February 2015 during the dry season. We classified biological sound types in these recordings and developed measurements of richness and occupancy based on this classification. We also calculated six complementary acoustic indices to assess soundscape diversity and daily and longer-term soundscape dynamics, and we examined correlations between these acoustic indices and sound type metrics.
  3. We found rich soundscapes in which biological sounds were almost always present, and we classified 18 sound types that we attribute to aquatic insects. These sound types showed distinct daily patterns and exhibited temporal and spectral acoustic niche partitioning. Sound type richness was most correlated with the number of peaks index (correlation = .36; p < .001), while sound type occupancy was most correlated with the Bioacoustic Index (correlation = .92; p < .001). In contrast to generally high levels of acoustic activity, there were brief (approximately 1 hr), unexpected quiet periods around dawn and dusk.
  4. This study represents an early attempt to comprehensively describe tropical freshwater soundscapes in a systematic and quantitative manner. We demonstrate that sound type classification and the quantification of acoustic occupancy capture aspects of soundscape diversity and dynamics that are complementary to those assessed by acoustic indices. Our analyses reveal that the soundscapes of this tropical wetland were diverse and exhibited daily dynamics that differed from those found in other ecosystems.

Knowledge that can be gained from acoustic data collection in tropical ecosystems is low‐hanging fruit. There is every reason to record and with every day, there are fewer excuses not to do it. In recent years, the cost of acoustic recorders has decreased substantially (some can be purchased for under US$50, e.g., Hill et al. 2018) and the technology needed to store and analyze acoustic data is continuously improving (e.g., Corrada Bravo et al. 2017, Xie et al. 2017). Soundscape recordings provide a permanent record of a site at a given time and contain a wealth of invaluable and irreplaceable information. Although challenges remain, failure to collect acoustic data now in tropical ecosystems would represent a failure to future generations of tropical researchers and the citizens that benefit from ecological research. In this commentary, we (1) argue for the need to increase acoustic monitoring in tropical systems; (2) describe the types of research questions and conservation issues that can be addressed with passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) using both short‐ and long‐term data in terrestrial and freshwater habitats; and (3) present an initial plan for establishing a global repository of tropical recordings.  相似文献   

Locating appropriate settlement habitat is a crucial step in the life cycle of most benthic marine animals. In marine fish, this step involves the use of multiple senses, including audition, olfaction and vision. To date, most investigations of larval fish audition focus on the hearing thresholds to various frequencies of sounds without testing an ecological response to such sounds. Identifying responses to biologically relevant sounds at the development stage in which orientation is most relevant is fundamental. We tested for the existence of ontogenetic windows of reception to sounds that could act as orientation cues with a focus on vulnerability to alteration by human impacts. Here we show that larvae of a catadromous fish species (barramundi, Lates calcarifer) were attracted towards sounds from settlement habitat during a surprisingly short ontogenetic window of approximately 3 days. Yet, this auditory preference was reversed in larvae reared under end-of-century levels of elevated CO2, such that larvae are repelled from cues of settlement habitat. These future conditions also reduced the swimming speeds and heightened the anxiety levels of barramundi. Unexpectedly, an acceleration of development and onset of metamorphosis caused by elevated CO2 were not accompanied by the earlier onset of attraction towards habitat sounds. This mismatch between ontogenetic development and the timing of orientation behaviour may reduce the ability of larvae to locate habitat or lead to settlement in unsuitable habitats. The misinterpretation of key orientation cues can have implications for population replenishment, which are only exacerbated when ontogenetic development decouples from the specific behaviours required for location of settlement habitats.  相似文献   

Passive acoustic monitoring can be used for many purposes including biodiversity and habitat assessments and studying the ecology of populations, communities and soundscapes. As such, acoustic recording devices are essential data collection tools for bioacousticians and soundscape ecologists. Currently available commercial options are typically expensive and limited to recording either ultrasonic or audible frequencies. Here, we present the AURITA (Audible and Ultrasonic Recording In TAndem) for the autonomous collection of both audible and ultrasonic acoustic data. This self-contained, modular unit combines the Solo, an open-source, Raspberry-Pi-based recorder and a commercially available bat recorder, the Peersonic RPA2, enabling it to capture sounds from 60 Hz to 192 kHz in WAV format. The configuration presented costs ~£350 (excluding memory cards and batteries) to produce and can be maintained and repaired in the field. Two nine-week field tests involving 12 AURITA units were conducted in 2016 and 2017 and confirmed their reliability, resulting in 34,093 h of audible data and 551 h of ultrasonic data; all units were retrieved successfully and intact. The AURITA proved to be reliable in the field and produced high-quality acoustic data, making it ideal for simultaneous monitoring in both audible and ultrasonic frequencies over continuous periods of time.  相似文献   

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