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Freshwater species of the genus Euplotes (Protozoa, Ciliophora) change their morphology in the presence of some of their predators. The ciliates develop extended lateral wings as well as dorsal and ventral projections which make engulfment by predators more difficult. In a series of laboratory experiments ingestion rates of four protozoan predators, the ciliates Lembadion bullinum, Dileptus anser, Stylonychia mytilus and Urostyla grandis, and one metazoan predator, the turbellarian Stenostomum sphagnetorum, on three species of Euplotes (E. octocarinatus, E. patella and E. aediculatus) were determined. It was calculated that the probability of rejection by a predator changed from 1:1 for ovoid morphs of Euplotes to about 2:1–20:1 for winged morphs of Euplotes, dependent on the prey and predator species that were combined. The nutritional condition of the prey also had some influence. In mixed-species cultures of prey and predators, transformed cells of E. octocarinatus survived for several months.  相似文献   

It was investigated whether (1) the number of cilia of the dorsal kineties 3 and 4 and (2) the cell length are species-specific characters which can be used to distinguish the sibling species S. mytilus and S. lemnae. The number of cilia of the dorsal kineties 3 and 4 is a relatively constant, reliable species-specific character in all investigated strains of both species and rather independent from the origin and the nutritional condition of the cells. The cell length is also a reliable species character, if strains of both species from Germany are compared (under identical nutritional conditions). However, all S. mytilus strains from China, Australia and Peru are significantly smaller forming one (or some) "small" subpopulations or subspecies, compared with a "big" subpopulation from Germany. The small ones cannot always be distinguished by size alone from S. lemnae cells. Thus the cell size in S. mytilus is not in all geographic regions a species character, but can be used to characterize subspecies.  相似文献   

An intracellular bacterium was discovered in an isolate of Paramecium bursaria from a freshwater pond in Yantai, China. The bacteria were abundant and exclusively found in the cytoplasm of the host which, along with the green alga Chlorella, formed a three-partner consortium that could survive in pure water for at least one week. Cloning, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene showed that the bacterium belonged to the uncultured candidate division OD1, which usually forms part of the rare biosphere. Transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with specific probes showed that the bacteria were usually located close to the perialgal membranes of endosymbiotic Chlorella cells, and occasionally irregularly distributed throughout the host cytoplasm. The name “Candidatus Sonnebornia yantaiensis” gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed for the new bacterium. A strongly supported monophyletic subclade, OD1-p, which included the new species, was recognized and this study highlights that protists can be important hosts for rare bacterial taxa.  相似文献   

The lectotype ofFavreina salevensis (Paréjas) is re-examined and illustrated and the following new favreine form-species proposed:Favreina guinchoensis from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal,Favreina njegosensis andFavreina dinarica from the Neocomian of the Dinarids, andFavreina eiggensis from the Bathonian of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland.Favreina murciensis Cuvillier, Bassoulet & Fourcade is recorded from the Jurassic of Pakistan.  相似文献   

Strombidium sulcatum, the type species of the genus, is examined using silver-stained material made by Fauré-Fremiet in the 1950s and 1960s. We found that the stained specimens possessed a prominent protuberance, as previously described; the number of anterior polykinetids (APk) differed between the accounts (15 this study, 12 previous reports); although previously illustrated, no contractile vacuole was observed; and the macronuclear shape, position, and size differed from those previously reported. Our work provides the first detailed re-analysis of the silver-stained material of S. sulcatum. We use data on S. sulcatum to distinguish it from a morphologically similar species, Strombidium inclinatum. Type material for S. sulcatum has been deposited in the Natural History Museum, London.  相似文献   

Three cohorts of farmed yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) from South Australia were examined for Chlamydia-like organisms associated with epitheliocystis. To characterize the bacteria, 38 gill samples were processed for histopathology, electron microscopy, and 16S rRNA amplification, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis. Microscopically, the presence of membrane-enclosed cysts was observed within the gill lamellae. Also observed was hyperplasia of the epithelial cells with cytoplasmic vacuolization and fusion of the gill lamellae. Transmission electron microscopy revealed morphological features of the reticulate and intermediate bodies typical of members of the order Chlamydiales. A novel 1,393-bp 16S chlamydial rRNA sequence was amplified from gill DNA extracted from fish in all cohorts over a 3-year period that corresponded to the 16S rRNA sequence amplified directly from laser-dissected cysts. This sequence was only 87% similar to the reported “Candidatus Piscichlamydia salmonis” (AY462244) from Atlantic salmon and Arctic charr. Phylogenetic analysis of this sequence against 35 Chlamydia and Chlamydia-like bacteria revealed that this novel bacterium belongs to an undescribed family lineage in the order Chlamydiales. Based on these observations, we propose this bacterium of yellowtail kingfish be known as “Candidatus Parilichlamydia carangidicola” and that the new family be known as “Candidatus Parilichlamydiaceae.”  相似文献   

β-N-Acetvlhexosaminidase (EC was purified from the liver of a prawn, Penaeus japonicus, by ammonium sulfate fractionation and chromatography with Sephadex G-100, hydroxylapatite, DEAE-Cellulofine, and Cellulofine GCL-2000-m. The purified enzyme showed a single band keeping the potential activity on both native PAGE and SDS–PAGE. The apparent molecular weight was 64,000 and 110,000 by SDS–PAGE and gel filtration, respectively. The pI was less than 3.2 by chromatofocusing. The aminoterminal amino acid sequence was NH2-Thr-Leu-Pro-Pro-Pro-Trp-Gly-Trp-Ala-?-Asp-Gln-Gly-VaI-?-Val-Lys-Gly-Glu-Pro-. The optimum pH and temperature were 5.0 to 5.5 and 50°C, respectively. The enzyme was stable from pH 4 to 11, and below 55°C. It was 39% inhibited by 10mM HgCl2.

Steady-state kinetic analysis was done with the purified enzyme using N-acetylchitooligosaccharides (GlcNAcn, n = 2 to 6) and p-nitrophenyl N-acetylchitooligosaccharides (pNp-β-GlcNAcn, n= 1 to 3) as the substrates. The enzyme hydrolyzed all of these substrates to release monomeric GlcNAc from the non-reducing end of the substrate. The parameters of Km and kcat at 25°C and pH 5.5 were 0.137 mM and 598s–1 for pNp-β-GlcNAc, 0.117 mM and 298s–1 for GlcNAc2, 0.055 mM and 96.4s–1 for GlcNAc3, 0.044 mM and 30.1 s–1 for GlcNAc4, 0.045 mM and 14.7 s–1 for GlcNAc5, and 0.047 mM and 8.3 s–1 for GlcNAc6, respectively. These results suggest that this β-N-acetylhexosaminidase is an exo-type hydrolytic enzyme involved in chitin degradation, and prefers the shorter substrates.  相似文献   

Sleighophrys pustulata nov. gen., nov. spec. and Luporinophrys micelae nov. gen., nov. spec. were discovered in a slightly saline mud and soil sample from some flat, dry puddles in the Maracay National Park on the north coast of Venezuela. Their morphology was studied in vivo, in protargol preparations, and in the scanning electron microscope. The new genera are monotypic and belong to the trachelophyllid haptorids. They are characterized by the unique shape of the epicortical scales (lepidosomes). Sleighophrys pustulata, which has a size of about 180×23 μm, possesses type I and unique type V lepidosomes which are hat-shaped and about 7×7 μm in size. Luporinophrys micelae, which has a size of about 200×35 μm, possesses types I, II, and unique type VI lepidosomes which are narrow, about 10 μm high cones composed of fibrous stripes connected by polygonal meshes. The conspicuous body size and the richly structured, comparatively large lepidosomes make S. pustulata and L. micelae biogeographic flagships which may help to cast some light on the pending question whether or not microorganisms have biogeographies. The available data suggest that both species have a restricted geographic distribution, not only because they were not described previously, but mainly because they were absent in about 2000 freshwater samples from central Europe and in about 1000 soil samples collected globally.  相似文献   

The genus Holospora (Rickettsiales) includes highly infectious nuclear symbionts of the ciliate Paramecium with unique morphology and life cycle. To date, nine species have been described, but a molecular characterization is lacking for most of them. In this study, we have characterized a novel Holospora-like bacterium (HLB) living in the macronuclei of a Paramecium jenningsi population. This bacterium was morphologically and ultrastructurally investigated in detail, and its life cycle and infection capabilities were described. We also obtained its 16S rRNA gene sequence and developed a specific probe for fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments. A new taxon, “Candidatus Gortzia infectiva”, was established for this HLB according to its unique characteristics and the relatively low DNA sequence similarities shared with other bacteria. The phylogeny of the order Rickettsiales based on 16S rRNA gene sequences has been inferred, adding to the available data the sequence of the novel bacterium and those of two Holospora species (Holospora obtusa and Holospora undulata) characterized for the purpose. Our phylogenetic analysis provided molecular support for the monophyly of HLBs and showed a possible pattern of evolution for some of their features. We suggested to classify inside the family Holosporaceae only HLBs, excluding other more distantly related and phenotypically different Paramecium endosymbionts.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic affiliation and physiological characteristics (e.g., Ks and maximum specific growth rate [μmax]) of an anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacterium, “Candidatus Scalindua sp.,” enriched from the marine sediment of Hiroshima Bay, Japan, were investigated. “Candidatus Scalindua sp.” exhibits higher affinity for nitrite and a lower growth rate and yield than the known anammox species.  相似文献   

The Anones Lagoon, located in the Island Municipality of Vieques, Puerto Rico (PR), received extensive bombing by the US Navy during military exercises for decades until 2003 when military activities ceased. Here, we employed shotgun metagenomic sequencing to investigate how microbial communities responded to pollution by heavy metals and explosives at this lagoon. Sediment samples (0–5 cm) from Anones were collected in 2005 and 2014 and compared to samples from two reference lagoons, i.e., Guaniquilla, Cabo Rojo (a natural reserve) and Condado, San Juan (PR’s capital city). Consistent with low anthropogenic inputs, Guaniquilla exhibited the highest degree of diversity with a lower frequency of genes related to xenobiotics metabolism between the three lagoons. Notably, a clear shift was observed in Anones, with Euryarchaeota becoming enriched (9% of total) and a concomitant increase in community diversity, by about one order of magnitude, after almost 10 years without bombing activities. In contrast, genes associated with explosives biodegradation and heavy metal transformation significantly decreased in abundance in Anones 2014 (by 91.5%). Five unique metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) were recovered from the Anones 2005 sample that encoded genetic determinants implicated in biodegradation of contaminants, and we propose to name one of them as “Candidatus Biekeibacterium resiliens” gen. nov., sp. nov. within the Gammaproteobacteria class. Collectively, these results provide new insights into the natural attenuation of explosive contaminants by the benthic microbial communities of the Anones lagoon and provide a reference point for assessing other similarly impacted sites and associated bioremediation efforts.  相似文献   

ATP/ADP translocases transport ATP across a lipid bilayer, which is normally impermeable to this molecule due to its size and charge. These transport proteins appear to be unique to mitochondria, plant plastids, and obligate intracellular bacteria. All bacterial ATP/ADP translocases characterized thus far have been found in endosymbionts of protozoa or pathogens of higher-order animals, including humans. A putative ATP/ADP translocase was uncovered during the genomic sequencing of the intracellular plant pathogen “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus,” the causal agent of citrus huanglongbing. Bioinformatic analysis of the protein revealed 12 transmembrane helices and predicted an isoelectric point of 9.4, both of which are characteristic of this family of proteins. The “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” gene (nttA) encoding the translocase was subsequently expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to enable E. coli to import ATP directly into the cell. Competition assays with the heterologous E. coli system demonstrated that the translocase was highly specific for ATP and ADP but that other nucleotides, if present in high concentrations, could also be taken up and/or block the ability of the translocase to import ATP. In addition, a protein homologous to NttA was identified in “Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum,” the bacterium associated with potato zebra chip disease. This is the first reported characterization of an ATP translocase from “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus,” indicating that some intracellular bacteria of plants also have the potential to import ATP directly from their environment.Citrus huanglongbing (HLB), also known as citrus greening, is a disease of citrus that was first reported in China in the early 20th century (33) and identified in the United States in August 2005 in South Florida (22). As it spread rapidly across Florida, HLB has caused substantial economic losses to the citrus industry, and now other citrus-producing states may be in danger as well. The effects of this disease range from mild to severe and include symptoms such as yellow shoots, blotchy mottles on leaves, vein yellowing and corking, lopsided fruit with aborted seeds, early fruit dropping, and limb dieback, which can ultimately lead to the total loss of the infected tree. The disease has been associated with three species of bacteria known as “Candidatus Liberibacter” species. Each of the three “Ca. Liberibacter” species was discovered and named based on its presumptive origin, with “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” being found in Asia, “Ca. Liberibacter africanus” in Africa (13), and “Ca. Liberibacter americanus” in South America (24). A fourth species, known as “Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum,” is genetically related, although it is not naturally associated with HLB in citrus plants (16). “Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum” is associated with the emerging zebra chip disease of potatoes and tomatoes (15). “Ca. Liberibacter” species are Gram-negative, fastidious alphaproteobacteria (13) that reside in the sieve tube elements of infected plants (23). The same bacteria found in citrus plants have also been found in two phloem-feeding insects, the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) and the African citrus psyllid (Trioza erytreae), which act as vectors for the disease (for recent reviews, see references 3 and 9). Since insects that carry the pathogen do not have a shortened life span or other adverse effects (12), “Ca. Liberibacter” is thought to act more as an endosymbiont than as a pathogen in insects. There is no known cure for HLB, and current management strategies include elimination of infected trees and methods aimed at vector control. Because of the rapid spread and devastating consequences of infection with “Ca. Liberibacter,” understanding this obligate intracellular pathogen will be critical for the survival of the citrus industry.Recently, the complete genome sequence of “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” was obtained via metagenomics (5). Within this “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus” genome, an open reading frame encoding a putative ATP/ADP translocase was found. Translocases are enzymes that aid in the transport of molecules, in this case adenosine phosphate, across a cell membrane. These adenylate transporters can be placed into one of three groups based upon where they reside. The first group was discovered in mitochondria and is involved in transporting the ATP synthesized in the mitochondrial matrix to the cytosol of the cell (28). The second type of transporter is found in plant plastids (19, 21, 31). In contrast to the mitochondrial transporters, which transport ATP to the cytosol, this set of transporters import ATP from the cytosol. Their function is to provide the stroma with a supply of cytosolic ATP in order to facilitate many of the anabolic reactions that take place there. The third set of transporters was originally discovered in the obligate intracellular bacterium Rickettsia prowazekii (30). Similar to their plastid counterparts, these transporters import ATP from the host cell''s cytosol and translocate it into the bacterial cell. Bacteria that posses this enzyme can act as “energy parasites” and import ATP directly from their hosts.Since its discovery in Rickettsia, the ATP/ADP translocase has been identified in other obligate intracellular parasites of animals, such as Chlamydia psittaci and Lawsonia intracellularis (11, 20), in addition to some protist endosymbionts, such as Caedibacter caryophilus and “Protochlamydia amoebophila” (4, 10). Analyses of the translocase proteins in these bacteria have demonstrated that certain translocase homologs can be used by the cell to import nucleotides other than ATP (2, 4, 10, 26), and thus, the family of proteins has come to be known more generally as nucleotide transporters. In spite of all of the previous research in this area, an ATP/ADP translocase from a bacterial plant pathogen has yet to be characterized. Here, we present the first characterization of a nucleotide transport protein (NttA) from the obligate intracellular plant pathogen “Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus.”  相似文献   

The classification of hypotrichs based on the gonostomatid oral structure is widely accepted, but the phylogenetic signal of this character is unknown. Here, we infer the species phylogeny of those gonostomatids for which molecular data are available, plus26 new sequences of SSU-rDNA, ITS1-5.8 S-ITS2 and LSU-rDNA genes. The results indicate that:(i) the endoral is more phylogenetically informative than the paroral;(ii) the structure of the endoral and the Gonostomum-pattern adoral zone of membranelles are plesiomorphies for the hypotrichs sensu stricto;(iii) the group of species possessing these features is monophyletic in all our phylogenetic analyses, except that for the SSU-rDNA;(iv) Schmidingerotrichidae is monophyletic in all trees, suggesting that it is a well-defined family;(v) the Gonostomatidae is polyphyletic in the SSU-rDNA and ITS1-5.8 S-ITS2 trees, with Gonostomum, Cladotricha, Cotterillia, Metagonostomum, Paragonostomum and Wallackia distributed among separate clades, but monophyletic in the LSU-rDNA and concatenated trees;(vi) higher hypotrich taxa such as core urostyloids and core sporadotrichids/stichotrichids might have evolved from species that possessed a gonostomatid oral apparatus.  相似文献   

The ant subfamily Aenictinae is recorded for the first time from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and for the second time from the Arabian Peninsula. A new species Aenictus arabicus sp. n., is described from the worker caste. Aenictus arabicus belongs to the Aenictus wroughtonii-group and appears to be most closely related to Aenictus rhodiensis Menozzi, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by the following characters: overall smaller size; cephalic index (head width/head length) small; occipital corners in lateral view rounded; antennal scape when laid back surpassing approximately two-thirds of head length; funicular segments 2–8 each at least 2× as long as broad; subpetiolar process well developed; petiole and postpetiole distinctly imbricate; gaster and clypeus entirely yellow, teeth of mandibles reddish- brown. Aenictus arabicus was collected from leaf litter, next to a tree of Psidium guajava L. The new species also is similar to Aenictus sagei and Aenictus wroughtonii. Affinities and a key to related species of the species group are given.  相似文献   

All Taiwanese species formerly classified the genus Phyllobrotica Chevrolat, 1836 are revised. Jolibrotica Lee & Bezděk, gen. n., is described for Phyllobrotica sauteri (Chûjô, 1935) (Taiwan, China: Guangxi) and Phyllobrotica chujoi Kimoto, 1969 (Taiwan). Phyllobrotica shirozui Kimoto, 1969 is transferred to the genus Haplosomoides. All species are redescribed and their diagnostic characters illustrated.  相似文献   

The new spider genus and species Trogloraptor marchingtoni Griswold, Audisio & Ledford is described as the type of the new family Trogloraptoridae. The oblique membranous division of the basal segment of the anterior lateral spinnerets of Trogloraptor suggests that this haplogyne family is the sister group of the other Dysderoidea (Dysderidae, Oonopidae, Orsolobidae and Segestriidae). Trogloraptor is known only from caves and old growth forest understory in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of Oregon and California.  相似文献   

The family Eucharitidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) is recorded for the first time for the fauna of Saudi Arabia based on Hydrorhoa caffra (Westwood) and Eucharis (Psilogastrellus) affinis Bouček. The record of Hydrorhoa caffra suggests that Al-Baha and Asir provinces should be considered as part of the Afrotropical rather than the Palaearctic region. The previously unknown male of Eucharis affinis Bouček is described and figured. Macrophotographs of the species are provided.  相似文献   

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