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基于投入产出方法的甘肃省水足迹及虚拟水贸易研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蔡振华  沈来新  刘俊国  赵旭 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6481-6488
随着社会化进程的加快,地处西北内陆的甘肃省正面临日益严峻的水资源短缺危机,社会经济发展受到一定程度的制约,水生态环境也呈现出恶化的趋势。水足迹是近年来提出的衡量人类活动对于水生态系统影响的指标,能够帮助决策者制定水资源管理及保护的政策,从而实现地区水资源的可持续利用。运用单区域投入产出方法计算并分析了甘肃省1997、2002和2007年第一产业、第二产业和第三产业部门的虚拟水强度、水足迹以及虚拟水贸易情况。结果显示:(1)甘肃省第一产业的虚拟水强度最高,但呈现出逐年下降的趋势,水足迹也因此有所下降;(2)虚拟水贸易方面,甘肃省以虚拟水净出口为主,尤其是第一产业,每年虚拟水净出口量约全省总水资源量的10%。建议甘肃省继续巩固已有的节水成果,调整产业结构,大力发展节水型产业和高新技术产业。同时建议适当调整贸易格局,合理控制虚拟水出口,以缓解当地水资源短缺危机,保障地区水安全与生态安全。  相似文献   

Two dielectric relaxation peaks were found in moist collagen by the time domain reflectometry. The low-frequency peak around 100 MHz moves little as the water content is varied. Its relaxation strength depends on the content and vanishes for completely dried collagen. This process is concluded to be due to water molecules strongly bound to the tropocollagen. Amount of the bound water is estimated as 0.12 g water/g collagen. Twenty-one water molecules are bound to one repeat of the triple helix. The existence of stringlike water chains is suggested. If the water content is less than 0.5 g water/g collagen, the high frequency peak locates between those of bound and bulk water. Water among the tropo-collagen is weakly bound to the collagen. In the higher region it does not change much with the content, being close to that of bulk water. The bulk water appears in this region.  相似文献   

根据土壤-根系统中水分守恒和水势对水分运输作用的原理, 建立了土壤中非均匀水势作物根系吸水模型。在该模型中, 分别对一次函数和指数函数两种不同的非均匀土壤水势的表达形式建立模型, 并对非均匀水势和均匀水势下模型的解析解之间的关系进行了探讨; 利用该模型讨论根系的吸收阻力和木质部传导阻力的比率对根吸水的影响; 运用阻力比率的合理生理范围确定根生长的优化长度。结果表明: 在特定情况下, 非均匀水势下的根系吸水模型可以用于均匀水势, 对Poiseuille公式进行修正后得到的根的优化长度接近实际值。  相似文献   

To examine how aggregation by hairworms may enhance survival in freshwater, we determined water balance characteristics of Paragordius varius in groups of different sizes. P. varius is hyperosmotic resulting in high body water content and functions down to one-half of water stores. Absence of a critical transition temperature implies a watertight, low-porosity cuticle. Aggregated worms lose water slowly, as a physiological consequence of reduced motor activity. The water balance strategy shifts from a reliance on high dehydration tolerance for isolated individuals, affording high water loss rates, to suppressed activation energy when aggregated, wherein blocking water gain is important when water loss is slower. Low water loss rate derives from stillness and aggregating that facilitate mating or anti-predator defense, rather than as a behavior to regulate water loss. Presence of hairworms in streams is an indicator of high-quality water that is necessary to maintain water balance.  相似文献   

长白山暗针叶林苔藓枯落物层的降雨截留过程   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
叶吉  郝占庆  姜萍 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2859-2862
对长白山北坡暗针叶林地面苔藓枯落物层 (苔藓植物和枯落叶交织而成的层状结构 )持水能力、截留降雨过程及动态变化进行了研究。结果表明苔藓枯落物层持水能力很强 ,最大持水量相当于 4 .8mm的降雨量 ,这个结果大于将苔藓与枯落物分开来测定的结果之和 ,说明成层结构能够提高持水能力。在一次降雨过程中对降雨截留过程的观测发现 :持水量刚开始随降雨增加而增加 ,到一定量时 ,降雨再增加 ,持水量反而缓慢下降。对持水动态变化一个月的观测 ,表明苔藓枯落物层水分蒸发较快 ,当长时间无雨时 ,持水量显著下降 ,当降雨再次发生时 ,持水量迅速回升 ,这种动态过程伴随着降雨的发生而不断往复。此外 ,在夜间苔藓枯落物层有吸收空气中水气的特点 ,吸收量受空气湿度的影响  相似文献   

基于水足迹理论的煤制油产业布局评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏思策  石磊 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4203-4214
煤制油是我国应对石油危机的重要途径之一,但其高耗水的特点使其备受争议。利用水足迹理论对全国五大煤炭基地2015年规划的煤制油产业进行了蓝水足迹和灰水足迹的测算,分析了煤制油产业对这些区域水资源的耗用情况及冲击程度。结果显示,神东、晋东和新疆伊犁3个基地的煤制油产业蓝水足迹超过了1亿t、灰水足迹超过了3亿t,其中神东地区作为最大的煤制油产地两项数值分别达到1.9亿t和4.1亿t与当地水资源总量对比,宁东地区煤制油耗水冲击最大,占当地水资源总量的28.2%;新疆伊犁地区比例最小,为0.36%。通过对这5个煤炭基地以区域为尺度的水足迹结构分析和评价比较,得出了两种煤制油工艺的水资源消耗差异,并且为煤制油产业在五大基地的合理布局给出了依据,与此同时为接下来煤制油产业的技术革新和流程优化也提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

在磁环境中,当充分供水和水分胁迫条件下,小麦幼苗叶片延伸生长速度(LER)均大于对照,且有(1)在充分供水条件下对水分敏感型品种的LER较不敏感型大;(2)水分胁迫条件则呈现相反规律;(3)RWC测定值说明磁环境可以改善胁迫小麦的水分状况,因而磁环境对增强小麦旱性有作用。  相似文献   

Ames试验在水质检测方面的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林朝晖   《微生物学通报》2002,29(3):66-70
近年来 ,水体污染日趋严重 ,各国学者从氯化后饮水中分离出多种致突变、致癌物质。为此我们采用Ames试验 ,对珠江流域主要取水点的水源水和对应自来水中的有机致突变物污染情况进行了研究。研究表明 ,部分取水点的有机致突变物污染较严重 ,并且氯化消毒后自来水的致突性大于水源水的致突性。因而 ,加强饮水中致突变物质的检测 ,改进净水消毒剂和净水流程很有必要。  相似文献   

植物水分传输过程中的调控机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨启良  张富仓  刘小刚  王玺  张楠  戈振扬 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4427-4436
农田土壤水分的转化利用与调控是以土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)为基础,以植物为核心,其中水分在植物体内的传输与调控研究一直是国际学术研究的前沿性热点课题。本文概述了植物水分传输的驱动力和传输途径,重点从植物的气孔调节、水容调节、渗透调节、水孔蛋白调节、贮水调节、气穴和栓塞调节等方面综述了植物水分传输过程中的调控机制研究进展。通过对植物存在优化调控水分平衡的潜在能力的研究,不仅可充实SPAC系统水分传输理论,而且有助于明确植物对环境的适应机制和高效用水的潜力及其节水调控的效应,对指导干旱半干旱地区农业生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

内陆河干旱区生态需水分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈敏建  王浩  王芳  唐克旺  王研 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2136-2141
根据水分驱动生态演变模型 ,以水分运动和补给条件 ,研究了内陆河平原生态系统的需水结构。生态需水分为过渡带生态需水 ,绿洲生态需水 ;绿洲生态需水又进一步分为天然绿洲生态需水和人工绿洲生态需水。通过流域水分平衡和地面观测资料确定了生态圈层结构的水分需求 ,以及降水与径流对水分需求的补给比例。生态需水的分析计算 ,类似于供需平衡分析。从植物生理角度分析生态需水 ,得到天然植被的总腾发量 Et,作为植被生态需水总量。各典型天然植被的 Et通过实验资料获得。将植被和水面的总生态需水量扣除有效降水补充的部分 ,即为径流性生态需水量 GE。另一方面 ,以流域为单元进行降水和径流统一考虑的水分综合平衡 ,进行生态可利用水量分析。得到生态系统可能实际利用的径流性水资源量 GR。  将生态需水量 GE与生态系统可能实际利用的水资源量 GR进行平衡分析 ,计算实际生态耗水 ,并分析盐碱地无效耗水。根据 2 0 2 0年生态状态情景分析 ,作出了 2 0 2 0年生态需水与生态系统结构演变的预测  相似文献   

The water footprint (WF) has been developed within the water resources research community as a volumetric measure of freshwater appropriation. The concept is used to assess water use along supply chains, sustainability of water use within river basins, efficiency of water use, equitability of water allocation and dependency on water in the supply chain. With the purpose of integrating the WF in life cycle assessment of products, LCA scholars have proposed to weight the original volumetric WF by the water scarcity in the catchment where the WF is located, thus obtaining a water-scarcity weighted WF that reflects the potential local environmental impact of water consumption. This paper provides an elaborate critique on this proposal. The main points are: (1) counting litres of water use differently based on the level of local water scarcity obscures the actual debate about water scarcity, which is about allocating water resources to competing uses and depletion at a global scale; (2) the neglect of green water consumption ignores the fact that green water is scarce as well; (3) since water scarcity in a catchment increases with growing overall water consumption in the catchment, multiplication of the consumptive water use of a specific process or activity with water scarcity implies that the resultant weighted WF of a process or activity will be affected by the WFs of other processes or activities, which cannot be the purpose of an environmental performance indicator; (4) the LCA treatment of the WF is inconsistent with how other environmental footprints are defined; and (5) the Water Stress Index, the most cited water scarcity metric in the LCA community, lacks meaningful physical interpretation. It is proposed to incorporate the topic of freshwater scarcity in LCA as a “natural resource depletion” category, considering depletion from a global perspective. Since global freshwater demand is growing while global freshwater availability is limited, it is key to measure the comparative claim of different products on the globe's limited accessible and usable freshwater flows.  相似文献   

基于生态水文学原理的湖泊最小生态需水量计算   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
崔保山  赵翔  杨志峰 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1788-1795
近几十年来,由于人类活动的加剧以及全球气候的变化,湖泊普遍出现了萎缩、水位下降、水量锐减、湖水盐化、水质污染、富营养化、甚至干涸消亡等状况。确保湖泊生态系统必需的最小水量是解决可能出现的湖泊严重水资源和生态系统危机的区域问题之一。从生态水文学原理出发,对湖泊最小生态需水量的概念进行了探讨,并提出了计算最小生态需水量的3种方法:1曲线相关法;2功能法;3最低生态水位法。在最低生态水位法中,其方法有最低年平均水位法和年保证率设定法。一旦湖泊最小生态需水量得以确定,将为水资源管理部门的水资源合理配置和湖泊管理提供综合性、权威性及可操作性决策依据,为退化湖泊生态系统的恢复与重建提供科学基础。  相似文献   

The study of the changes in UV absorbance of DNA solutions in water/dioxane and water/ethylene glycol mixture at different concentrations shows that the thermal denaturation of DNA is sensitive to the electrical permittivity of the media and the water content. At relative low concentrations of co-solvent the dominant feature is the electrical permittivity. When water content is lower than a critical value, the electrical permittivity is no longer the determinant of the denaturation temperature but the partial volume fraction of water. The critical water content is about 0.69 partial volume fraction of water.  相似文献   

封丘地区小麦耗水量与水分利用率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据水量平衡方程式计算,雨养麦田5个试验麦季的耗水量分别为435.5、326.0、293.8、277.2和365.9mm,可代表该区过湿、一般和干旱年份的小麦耗水量.研究结果表明,小麦地上部分生物量与其总耗水量的相关关系不显着(r=0.67).在耗水量中,土壤储水的贡献占50%.在降雨少而土壤储水丰足的年份,其贡献高达60%,是小麦水分的重要来源.在充分施肥条件下,5个麦季的水分利用率≥11.25kg·ha-1·mm-1,表明适当增加肥料投入可提高农田水分利用率.  相似文献   

The vibrational spectrum of water in liquid alkanes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The water wire hypothesis of hydrogen-ion transport in lipid bilayers has prompted a search for water aggregates in bulk hydrocarbons. The asymmetric stretching vibration of the water dissolved in n-decane and in a number of other alkanes and alkenes has been observed. The water band in the alkanes is very wide and fits to the results of a J-diffusion calculation for the water rotation. This implies that the water is freely rotating between collisions with the solvent and certainly not hydrogen bonded to anything. The existence of water aggregates is thus most unlikely. In contrast, water in an alkene is hydrogen bonded to the solvent molecules (although not to other water molecules) and shows an entirely different spectrum.  相似文献   

Plants have the ability to dampen the effects of variability in water resources. Various mechanisms contribute to these properties: reduction of leaf area, increased rooting depth and stomatal conductance. To evaluate the differential roles and interactions of these mechanisms, we have built a model and simulated flows of water in Mediterranean evergreen scrub. The essential concept of this model is that the water status of the canopy is governed by the water lost by transpiration, the availability of soil water and the hydraulic resistances to water flow in soil and plant. The amount of water supplied by the roots is related to changes in water potential between the soil and the leaf. The amount of water lost to the atmosphere is regulated by an interaction between atmospheric demand and canopy water potential. Water uptake by plant is assumed equal to plant water loss. Leaf area appears to affect largely the annual water balance. The critical leaf water potential required to reduce the maximum stomatal conductance by half has a dominant effect on annual leaf water potential. Reducing rooting depth induces a new functional equilibrium for the plant. This new equilibrium is reached by decreasing leaf area and the critical leaf water potential. Our results show the complexity of interactions of these mechanisms and highlight the importance of the coordination between them. Finally, we suggest a reconsideration of these mechanisms in a context of the survival and long-term persistence of the plant.  相似文献   

The experimental determination of protein compressibility reflects both the protein intrinsic compressibility and the difference between the compressibility of water in the protein hydration shell and bulk water. We use molecular dynamics simulations to explore the dependence of the isothermal compressibility of the hydration shell surrounding globular proteins on differential contributions from charged, polar, and apolar protein-water interfaces. The compressibility of water in the protein hydration shell is accounted for by a linear combination of contributions from charged, polar, and apolar solvent-accessible surfaces. The results provide a formula for the deconvolution of experimental data into intrinsic and hydration contributions when a protein of known structure is investigated. The physical basis for the model is the variation in water density shown by the surface-specific radial distribution functions of water molecules around globular proteins. The compressibility of water hydrating charged atoms is lower than bulk water compressibility, the compressibility of water hydrating apolar atoms is somewhat larger than bulk water compressibility, and the compressibility of water around polar atoms is about the same as the compressibility of bulk water. We also assess whether hydration water compressibility determined from small compound data can be used to estimate the compressibility of hydration water surrounding proteins. The results, based on an analysis from four dipeptide solutions, indicate that small compound data cannot be used directly to estimate the compressibility of hydration water surrounding proteins.  相似文献   

目的评估不同饮用水对地鼠生长发育的影响。方法将104只25日龄地鼠随机以每组雌雄各半分为4组,分别饲喂酸化水和高压水、过滤水和普通水,在饲养过程中分别量取体重、水消耗量,水pH值,胎间隔、成活率、脏器系数和骨髓细胞微核数,并对组间数据结果进行统计学处理。结果 4种饮用水量与体重呈线性正相关;酸化水在抑制细菌方面优于其他饮用水;骨髓细胞微核试验、地鼠脏器系数在各组无显著变化。结论酸化水在抑制细菌生长优于其他饮用水;过滤水适宜地鼠生长繁殖。  相似文献   

It is generally believed that water transport across biological membranes is essentially a near-instantaneous process, with water molecules diffusing directly across the membrane as well as through pores such as aquaporins. As a result of these processes by which water can equilibrate across a membrane, a common assumption is that intracellular water is isotopically indistinguishable from extracellular water. To test this assumption directly, we measured the hydrogen isotope ratio of intracellular water in Escherichia coli cells. Our results demonstrate that more than 50% of the intracellular water hydrogen atoms in log-phase E. coli cells are isotopically distinct from the growth medium water and that these isotopically distinct hydrogen atoms are derived from metabolic processes. As expected, the (2)H/(1)H isotope ratio of intracellular water from log-phase cells showed an appreciably larger contribution from metabolic water than did intracellular water from stationary-phase cells (53 +/- 12 and 23 +/- 5%, respectively). The (2)H/(1)H isotope ratio of intracellular water was also monitored indirectly by measuring the isotope ratio of fatty acids, metabolites that are known to incorporate hydrogen atoms from water during biosynthesis. Significantly, the difference in the isotopic composition of intracellular water from log- to stationary-phase E. coli cells was reflected in the hydrogen isotope ratio of individual fatty acids harvested at the two different times, indicating that the isotope ratio of metabolites can be used as an indirect probe of metabolic activity. Together, these results demonstrate that contrary to the common assumption that intracellular water is isotopically identical to extracellular water, these two pools of water can actually be quite distinct.  相似文献   

Nearly all plant families, represented across most major biomes, absorb water directly through their leaves. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as foliar water uptake. Recent studies have suggested that foliar water uptake provides a significant water subsidy that can influence both plant water and carbon balance across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Despite this, our mechanistic understanding of when, where, how, and to what end water is absorbed through leaf surfaces remains limited. We first review the evidence for the biophysical conditions necessary for foliar water uptake to occur, focusing on the plant and atmospheric water potentials necessary to create a gradient for water flow. We then consider the different pathways for uptake, as well as the potential fates of the water once inside the leaf. Given that one fate of water from foliar uptake is to increase leaf water potentials and contribute to the demands of transpiration, we also provide a quantitative synthesis of observed rates of change in leaf water potential and total fluxes of water into the leaf. Finally, we identify critical research themes that should be addressed to effectively incorporate foliar water uptake into traditional frameworks of plant water movement.  相似文献   

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