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We model the evolution of plant mating systems under the joint effects of pollen discounting and pollen limitation, using a dynamic model of inbreeding depression, allowing for partial purging of recessive lethal mutations by selfing. Stable mixed mating systems occur for a wide range of parameter values with pollen discounting alone. However, when typical levels of pollen limitation are combined with pollen discounting, stable selfing rates are always high but less than 1 (0.9相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and reduction of population size have been found to negatively affect plant reproduction in 'new rare' species that were formerly common. This has been attributed primarily to effects of increased inbreeding but also to pollen limitation. In contrast, little is known about the reproduction of 'old rare' species that are naturally restricted to small and isolated habitats and thus may have developed strategies to cope with long-term isolation and small population size. Here we study the effects of pollen source and quantity on reproduction of the 'old rare' bumblebee-pollinated herb, Astragalus exscapus. In two populations of this species, we tested for pollen autodeposition, inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression. Caged plants were left unpollinated or were pollinated with pollen from the same plant, from the same population or from a distant population (50 km). Additionally, we tested for pollen limitation by pollen supplementation in four populations of different size and density. In the absence of pollinators, plants did not produce seed whereas self-pollinated plants did. This indicates a self-compatible breeding system dependent on insect pollination. Both self-pollination and, in one of the two populations, cross-pollination with pollen from plants from the distant population resulted in a lower number of seeds per flower than cross-pollination with pollen from plants from the resident population, indicating inbreeding and outbreeding depression. Pollen addition enhanced fruit set and number of seeds per flower in three of the four populations, indicating pollen limitation. The degree of pollen limitation was lowest in the smallest but densest population. Our results suggest that, similar to 'new rare' plant species, also 'old rare' species may be at risk of inbreeding depression and pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Two animal-pollinated hermaphrodite plants, Pedicularis siphonantha and P. longiflora , have been used to investigate factors limiting seed production in natural populations. To evaluate the potential seed abortion due to resources limitation, seed development has been observed and seed count conducted twice. Seed production per capsule has been compared when flowers have been removed and in a control group. Open pollination has been investigated and pollen supplementation undertaken to estimate the possibility of pollen limitation. Results show that seed abortion is frequent. Stigmatic pollen load is significantly higher than ovule number per ovary under open pollination for both species. Additional self and outcross pollen did not affect seed production. Flower removal significantly increases seed production per capsule, which indicates that seed production of the studied species is limited by available resources. To detect differences in seed production between flowers pollinated by self and outcross pollen, hand pollination of bagged flowers has also been conducted in natural populations of the two Pedicularis species. Compared with open pollination, hand-pollinating self-pollen decreases, while outcross pollen increases seed production per capsule. Such results suggest that inbreeding depression in the two self-compatible species may also result in partial seed abortion under open pollination if mixed pollen is deposited on the stigma. Our results also suggest that pollen interference plays an important role in low female fertility in the two Pedicularis species.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 83–89.  相似文献   

We investigated the floral morph composition and seed set of the populations in a heterostylous aquatic plant, Nymphoides indica O. Kuntze (Menyanthaceae). The bias of floral morph ratio in the populations was negatively correlated with the seed set. In the populations with biased floral morph ratio, the pollen on the stigma of the common morphs were dominated by pollen of the same morph, resulting in reduced seed set. The addition of pollen of the opposite morph on the stigmas of the common morph resulted in an increase of fruit and seed set rates. The intermorph pollination rate and the fruit and seed set rates of Nymphoides indica were highest when two floral morphs were close in the populations. Various insect species including Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera visited the flowers. However, geitonogamous pollination was common because of the short flying distance of the pollinators. These results indicate that the seed set of Nymphoides indica is limited by the shortage of compatible pollens and that the success of intermorph pollination is influenced by spatial distribution of the two floral morphs. As Nymphoides indica is endangered, conservation of the populations with high fecundity is proposed by us.  相似文献   

In plant populations where reproductive output is limited by pollinator visitation, plants with attractive floral displays should have a selective advantage. We examined the effect of inflorescence height on pollination success in Primula farinosa, which is dimorphic for scape length. To test the hypothesis that fruit and seed initiation are more strongly pollen-limited in the short-scaped than in the long-scaped morph, and that this difference is affected by spatio-temporal variation in pollen limitation, we conducted a hand-pollination experiment in four populations over 2 yr. Pollen limitation of fruit initiation varied among populations and years, and was stronger in the short-scaped than in the long-scaped morph. The results suggest that interactions with pollinators will need to be considered for a full understanding of the maintenance of this striking polymorphism. The study also shows that, although pollen limitation is likely to vary in space and time in many plant species, such variation is not necessarily associated with variation in selection on floral characters.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Variation in inbreeding depression (δ) among individual plants is considered to play a central role in mating system evolution and population genetics. Moreover, such variation could be linked to individual susceptibility to pollen limitation (PL) because those individuals strongly affected by δ for seed production will require more outcross pollen for setting a given number of fruits or seeds. However, no study has tested explicitly for associations between PL and δ at the individual plant level. This study assesses the extent of among-individual variation in PL and δ, the consistency of δ across life stages, and the relationships between individual PL and δ in the mixed-mating shrub Myrtus communis.


Controlled hand-pollinations were performed in a natural M. communis population. Marked flowers were monitored until fruit production and a greenhouse experiment was conducted with the seeds produced.

Key Results

Compared with selfing, outcross-pollination enhanced seed number per fruit, germination rate and seedling growth, but did not enhance fruit-set. Only seed number per fruit was pollen limited and, thus, cumulative pollen limitation depended more on pollen quality (outcross pollen) than on quantity. The effects of δ varied considerably across life stages and individual plants. Cumulative δ was high across individuals (mean δ = 0·65), although there were no positive correlations between δ values at different life stages. Interestingly, maternal plants showing stronger δ for seed production were more pollen limited, but they were also less affected by δ for seedling growth because of a seed size/number trade-off.


Results show a general inconsistency in δ across life stages and individuals, suggesting that different deleterious loci are acting at different stages. The association between δ and PL at the individual level corroborates the idea that pollen limitation may be ‘genotype-dependent’ regardless of other factors.  相似文献   

Restricted seed dispersal frequently leads to fine‐scale spatial genetic structure (i.e., FSGS) within plant populations. Depending on its spatial extent and the mobility of pollinators, this inflated kinship at the immediate neighbourhood can critically impoverish pollen quality. Despite the common occurrence of positive FSGS within plant populations, our knowledge regarding the role of long‐distance pollination preventing reproductive failure is still limited. Using microsatellite markers, we examined the existence of positive FSGS in two low‐density populations of the tree Pyrus bourgaeana. We also designed controlled crosses among trees differing in their kinship to investigate the effects of increased local kinship on plant reproduction. We used six pollination treatments and fully monitored fruit production, fruit and seed weight, proportion of mature seeds per fruit, and seed germination. Our results revealed positive FSGS in both study populations and lower fruit initiation in flowers pollinated with pollen from highly‐genetically related individuals within the neighbourhood, with this trend intensifying as the fruit development progressed. Besides, open‐pollinated flowers exhibited lower performance compared to those pollinated by distant pollen donors, suggesting intense qualitative pollen limitation in natural populations. We found positive fine‐scale spatial genetic structure is translated into impoverished pollen quality from nearby pollen donors which negatively impacts the reproductive success of trees in low‐density populations. Under this scenario of intrapopulation genetic rescue by distant pollen donors, the relevance of highly‐mobile pollinators for connecting spatially and genetically distant patches of trees may be crucial to safeguarding population recruitment.  相似文献   

Seed production in many plants is pollen limited, likely because of unpredictable variation in the pollinator environment. One way for plants to escape the consequences of pollinator variability is to evolve mating systems, such as autonomous selfing, that assure reproduction without relying on pollinators. We explore this hypothesis through the construction and analysis of heuristic models of plant population dynamics in seed- or site-limited populations. Our analysis suggests several important points: the familiar rule that inbreeding depression greater than 0.5 maintains outcrossing significantly underestimates the threshold required under pollen limited conditions with prior selfing; variability in the pollination environment erodes the ability of inbreeding depression to maintain outcrossing; and variable pollination environments can result in stable intermediate rates of prior selfing. The results reflect the importance of geometric mean fitness (which in a variable environment is less than the arithmetic mean) in the face of temporal variation.  相似文献   

Limitations on pollen and resources may significantly affect plant reproduction in fragmented habitats. In this study, phenology and pollinator frequency and activity were investigated to estimate the role of pollinators in Zygophyllum xanthoxylum reproduction, and this species is ecologically important in northwest China. In addition, the relative impact of restrictive amounts of pollen and resources on the seed set per flower was evaluated. It was found that adding pollen boosted the size of the seed set per flower, but had no significant effect on the number of flowers. By contrast, the addition of resources increased flower numbers as well as had a slight impact on the seed set per flower. These results indicate the amount of available pollen is a limiting factor for reproductive success. Moreover, Apis mellifera was identified as the most effective pollinator of Z. xanthoxylum, and there were more overall pollinators and visitations in the control than in the fragmented habitats. Furthermore, the limitations in pollen were more restrictive in the fragmented area than in the control. This was due to increased pollinator visitations in the control that could ameliorate the effects of lower pollen levels. When there is a limited availability of suitable pollinators, self‐pollination is critical in fragmented habitats. Z. xanthoxylum has reproductive strategies that aid in adapting to harsh environments, including protogyny and delayed selfing.  相似文献   

The interaction of mating system and nutrient limitation in determining seed production was investigated in the annual, self-compatible plant Lupinus texensis (Fabaceae). Abortion of developing seeds is a major factor limiting seed production in natural populations (17-28%). Selfing rates are generally low (0.02-0.21), suggesting that deleterious recessive genes may be maintained at significant levels in natural populations. The average inbreeding depression associated with seed development is δ = 0.24. Nutrient limitation reduced seed output across experimental treatments by a factor of 0.22 through decreased production of inflorescences, flowers, and ovules, and by a factor of 0.29 through increased abortion of fruits and of seeds within fruits. Competition for resources among fruits increased the frequency of seed abortion. Moreover, a greater proportion of selfed seeds were aborted as the overall abortion rate increased. Estimates of genetic load may therefore only be appropriate if undertaken in the field, and inbreeding depression may vary from year to year simply due to changes in environmental conditions rather than to underlying genetic changes in populations. The existence of inbreeding depression and the high frequency of abortions suggest that selective abortion favoring outcrossed progeny occurs in natural populations of L. texensis.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Insufficient pollination is a function of quantity and quality of pollen receipt, and the relative contribution of each to pollen limitation may vary with intrinsic plant traits and extrinsic ecological properties. Community-level studies are essential to evaluate variation across species in quality limitation under common ecological conditions. This study examined whether endemic species are more limited by pollen quantity or quality than non-endemic co-flowering species in three endemic-rich plant communities located in biodiversity hotspots of different continents (Andalusia, California and Yucatan).


Natural variations in pollen receipt and pollen tube formation were analysed for 20 insect-pollinated plants. Endemic and non-endemic species that co-flowered were paired in order to estimate and compare the quantity and quality components of pre-zygotic pollination success, obtained through piecewise regression analysis of the relationship between pollen grains and pollen tubes of naturally pollinated wilted flowers.

Key Results

Pollen tubes did not frequently exceed the number of ovules per flower. Only the combination of abundant and good quality pollen and a low number of ovules per flower conferred relief from pre-zygotic pollen limitation in the three stochastic pollination environments studied. Quality of pollen receipt was found to be as variable as quantity among study species. The relative pollination success of endemic and non-endemic species, and its quantity and quality components, was community dependent.


Assessing both quality and quantity of pollen receipt is key to determining the ovule fertilization potential of both endemic and widespread plants in biodiverse hotspot regions. Large natural variation among flowers of the same species in the two components and pollen tube formation deserves further analysis in order to estimate the environmental, phenotypic and intraindividual sources of variation that may affect how plants evolve to overcome this limitation in different communities worldwide.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pollen limitation is a significant determinant of seed production, and can result from both insufficient pollen quantity (pollen shortage) and quality (mainly relating to self-pollination). For animal-pollinated tree species with large floral displays, pollen limitation may be determined by a balance between increased pollen quantity due to increased attractiveness for pollinators, countered by increased self-pollination due to increased geitonogamy. The contributions of pollen shortage and self-pollination on seed production were quantitatively examined in the natural pollination of an insect-pollinated, dichogamous, endangered tree, Magnolia stellata, which has a large, showy floral display. METHODS: Manual self- and cross-pollinations were conducted to determine the effects of selfing on seed production. The outcrossing rate was measured using microsatellite analyses of open-pollinated seeds, and the embryo mortality rate caused by self-pollination was indirectly estimated. The frequency of ovule mortality due to pollen shortage was also inferred using the embryo mortality and ovule survival rates from natural pollination. KEY RESULTS: The average fruit set, seed set per fruit, and ovule survival rate per tree from hand cross-pollination were 1.37, 3.15, and 3.34 times higher than those from hand self-pollination, respectively, indicating that self-pollination causes inbreeding depression for fruit and seed set. The multilocus-outcrossing rate (t(m)) was intermediate, 0.632, and the primary selfing rate was 0.657. This indicates that frequent geitonogamous selfing occurs. The ovule mortality rate due to pollen shortage and the embryo mortality rate due to self-pollination were estimated to be 80.8 % and 45.9 %, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that seed production of M. stellata is strongly limited by both pollen shortage and self-pollination. Inefficient beetle-pollination and the automimicry system via asynchronous flowering might be responsible for the high level of pollen shortage and frequent geitonogamy. This is despite a large, showy floral display and the dichogamous system of the species.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation affects plants with diverse reproductive systems and ecologies. In self-incompatible (SI) species, pollen limitation may preclude full reproductive compensation for prezygotic rejection of pollen. We present a model designed to explore the effects of incomplete reproductive compensation on evolutionary changes at a modifier locus that regulates the level of SI expression. Our results indicate that incomplete reproductive compensation greatly increases the evolutionary costs of SI, particularly in populations with low S-allele diversity. The evolutionary fate of modifiers of SI expression depends on the rate at which they are transmitted to future generations as well as the effects of SI on offspring number and quality. Partial SI expression can represent a stable condition rather than an evolutionarily transient state between full expression and full suppression. This unanticipated result provides the first theoretical support for the evolutionary stability of such mixed mating systems, the existence of which has recently been documented.  相似文献   

Floral sex ratios, disease and seed set in dioecious Silene dioica   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 In the dioecious, perennial herb Silene dioica , the density of pollen donors in a population is determined by overall plant density, the sex ratio and the proportion of plants infected with the anther-smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum , which results in permanent sterility of both male and female plants.
2 Pollinators ( Bombus spp.) were found to prefer male flowers and to avoid diseased flowers. This may result in an overall lower visitation frequency and increased risk for pollen limitation in populations with a low density of males or a high incidence of disease.
3 Compared with open-pollinated flowers, hand pollination resulted in a significant increase in the number of seeds produced per fruit in populations with an experimentally reduced proportion of males (25% and 50% male flowers) but not in a naturally male-dominated population (75% male flowers). Seed production per plant was increased by hand pollination only in the most female-dominated population. Because the floral sex ratio is often male-biased, resources rather than pollen availability are likely to set the upper limit for total seed production per individual in most healthy populations of S. dioica.
4 There was a negative relationship between seed set and incidence of disease across 22 populations in both years of a field study. However, there was no consistent difference between the responses of highly diseased populations (incidence 30–56%) and populations with a low disease incidence (incidence 0–8%) to hand pollination.
5 In a greenhouse experiment with cloned hand-pollinated females, the presence of spores on healthy flowers was found to reduce seed set significantly. In highly diseased populations, therefore, the frequent deposition of spores by flower visitors onto remaining healthy plants may decrease seed production below the potential level determined by resources or pollen availability.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression can reduce the performance of offspring produced by mating between relatives, with consequences for population dynamics and sexual-system evolution. In flowering plants, inbreeding depression commonly acts most intensely during seed development. This predispersal component is typically estimated by comparing seed production following exclusive self- and cross-pollination, but such estimates are unbiased only if seed production is limited by ovule availability, rather than by pollen receipt or seed-development resources. To overcome this problem, we propose experimental and statistical methods based on a model of ovule fertilization and seed development that accounts for differential fertilization by self- and cross-pollen, limited ovule viability or receptivity, differential survival of self- and cross-zygotes and limited resource availability. Simulations illustrate that the proposed methods eliminate bias in estimated predispersal inbreeding depression caused by pollen limitation and can improve estimates under resource limitation. Application of these methods to two orchid species further demonstrates their utility in identifying and estimating diverse influences on reproductive performance under typical conditions. Although our theoretical results raise questions about the reported intensity of predispersal inbreeding depression, our proposed methods guard against bias while also providing insight into plant reproduction.  相似文献   

In plants, genes may disperse through both pollen and seeds. Here we provide a first theoretical study of the mechanisms and consequences of the joint evolution of pollen and seed dispersal. We focus on hermaphroditic self-compatible species distributed in structured populations, assuming island dispersal of pollen and seeds among small patches of plants within large populations. Three traits are studied: the rate of among-patch seed dispersal, the rate of among-patch pollen dispersal, and the rate of within-patch pollen movement. We first analytically derive the evolutionary equilibrium state of each trait, dissect the pairwise selective interactions, and describe the joint three-trait evolutionary equilibrium under the cost of dispersal and kin competition. These results are then analytically and numerically extended to the case when selfed seeds suffer from depressed competitiveness (inbreeding depression, no heterosis). Finally individual-based simulations are used to account for a more realistic model of inbreeding load. Pollen movement is shown to generate opposite selection pressures on seed dispersal depending on spatial scale: within-patch pollen movement favors seed dispersal, whereas among-patch pollen dispersal inhibits seed dispersal. Seed dispersal selects for short-distance movements of pollen and it selects against long-distance dispersal. These interactions shape the joint evolution of these traits. Kin competition favors among-patch seed dispersal over among-patch pollen dispersal for low costs of within-patch pollen movement (and vice versa for significant costs of within-patch pollen movement). Inbreeding depression favors allogamy through high rates of within- and among-patch pollen movement. Surprisingly, it may select either for or against seed dispersal depending on the cost of among-patch pollen dispersal. Heterosis favors increased among-patch dispersal through pollen and seeds. But because these two stages inhibit each other, their joint evolution might lead to decreased seed dispersal in the presence of heterosis. Of crucial importance are the costs of dispersal.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Mating system is a primary determinant of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of wild plant populations. Pollen limitation and loss of self-incompatibility genotypes can both act independently to reduce seed set and these effects are commonly observed in fragmented landscapes. This study used a simulation modelling approach to assess the interacting effects of these two processes on plant reproductive performance and population viability for a range of pollination likelihood, self-incompatibility systems and S-allele richness conditions.


A spatially explicit, individual-based, genetic and demographic simulation model parameterized to represent a generic self-incompatible, short-lived perennial herb was used to conduct simulation experiments in which pollination probability, self-incompatibility type (gametophytic and sporophytic) and S-allele richness were systematically varied in combination to assess their independent and interacting effects on the demographic response variables of mate availability, seed set, population size and population persistence.

Key Results

Joint effects of reduced pollination probability and low S-allele richness were greater than independent effects for all demographic response variables except population persistence under high pollinator service (>50 %). At intermediate values of 15–25 % pollination probability, non-linear interactions with S-allele richness generated significant reductions in population performance beyond those expected by the simple additive effect of each independently. This was due to the impacts of reduced effective population size on the ability of populations to retain S alleles and maintain mate availability. Across a limited set of pollination and S-allele conditions (P = 0·15 and S = 20) populations with gametophytic SI showed reduced S-allele erosion relative to those with sporophytic SI, but this had limited effects on individual fecundity and translated into only modest increases in population persistence.


Interactions between pollen limitation and loss of S alleles have the potential to significantly reduce the viability of populations of a few hundred plants. Population decline may occur more rapidly than expected when pollination probabilities drop below 25 % and S alleles are fewer than 20 due to non-additive interactions. These are likely to be common conditions experienced by plants in small populations in fragmented landscapes and are also those under which differences in response between gameptophytic and sporophtyic systems are observed.  相似文献   

1.  Habitat fragmentation can affect pollinator and plant population structure in terms of species composition, abundance, area covered and density of flowering plants. This, in turn, may affect pollinator visitation frequency, pollen deposition, seed set and plant fitness.
2.  A reduction in the quantity of flower visits can be coupled with a reduction in the quality of pollination service and hence the plants' overall reproductive success and long-term survival. Understanding the relationship between plant population size and/or isolation and pollination limitation is of fundamental importance for plant conservation.
3.  We examined flower visitation and seed set of 10 different plant species from five European countries to investigate the general effects of plant populations size and density, both within (patch level) and between populations (population level), on seed set and pollination limitation.
4.  We found evidence that the effects of area and density of flowering plant assemblages were generally more pronounced at the patch level than at the population level. We also found that patch and population level together influenced flower visitation and seed set, and the latter increased with increasing patch area and density, but this effect was only apparent in small populations.
5.   Synthesis. By using an extensive pan-European data set on flower visitation and seed set we have identified a general pattern in the interplay between the attractiveness of flowering plant patches for pollinators and density dependence of flower visitation, and also a strong plant species-specific response to habitat fragmentation effects. This can guide efforts to conserve plant–pollinator interactions, ecosystem functioning and plant fitness in fragmented habitats.  相似文献   

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