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Flower-like inflorescences (pseudanthia) have fascinated botanists for a long time. They are explained as condensed inflorescences implying that the pseudanthium develops from an inflorescence meristem (IM). However, recent developmental studies identified a new form of reproductive meristem, the floral unit meristem (FUM). It differs from IMs by lacking acropetal growth and shares fractionation, expansion and autonomous space filling with flower meristems (FM). The similarity among FUMs and FMs raises the question how far flower-like heads originate from flower-like meristems. In the present paper, pseudanthium development in Davidia involucrata is investigated using scanning electron microscopy. D. involucrata has pincushion-shaped heads composed of densely aggregated, perianthless flowers and associated with two large showy bracts. Early developmental stages show a huge naked FUM. The FMs appear almost simultaneously and lack subtending bracts. With ongoing FUM expansion new space is generated which is immediately used by further FM fractionation. The heads have only staminate flowers or are andromonoecious with staminate and a single perfect flower in oblique position. All FMs lack perianth structures and fractionate a variable number of stamen primordia. The perfect FM is much larger than the staminate FMs and forms a syncarpous gynoecium with inferior ovary. Pseudanthium development in D. involucrata confirms the morphogenetic similarity to FMs as to acropetal growth limitation, meristem expansion and fractionation. It thus should not be interpreted as a condensed inflorescence, but as a flower equivalent. Furthermore as the FUM develops inside a bud, its development is considered to be influenced by mechanical pressure. The oblique position of the perfect flower, the developmental delay of the proximal flowers, and the variable number of stamens which were observed in the pseudanthium development, can be caused by mechanical pressure. Next to the Asteraceae, D. involucrata offers a further example of a pseudanthium originating from a FUM. More knowledge on FUMs is still needed to understand diversification and evolution of flower-like inflorescences.  相似文献   



Inflorescences are complex structures with many functions. At anthesis they present the flowers in ways that allow for the transfer of pollen and optimization of the plant''s reproductive success. During flower and fruit development they provide nutrients to the developing flowers and fruits. At fruit maturity they support the fruits prior to dispersal, and facilitate effective fruit and seed dispersal. From a structural point of view, inflorescences have played important roles in systematic and phylogenetic studies. As functional units they facilitate reproduction, and are largely shaped by natural selection.


The papers in this Special Issue bridge the gap between structural and functional approaches to inflorescence evolution. They include a literature review of inflorescence function, an experimental study of inflorescences as essential contributors to the display of flowers, and two papers that present new methods and concepts for understanding inflorescence diversity and for dealing with terminological problems. The transient model of inflorescence development is evaluated in an ontogenetic study, and partially supported. Four papers present morphological and ontogenetic studies of inflorescence development in monophyletic groups, and two of these evaluate the usefulness of Hofmeister''s Rule and inhibitory fields to predict inflorescence structure. In the final two papers, Bayesian and Monte-Carlo methods are used to elucidate inflorescence evolution in the Panicoid grasses, and a candidate gene approach is used in an attempt to understand the evolutionary genetics of inflorescence evolution in the genus Cornus (Cornaceae). Taken as a whole, the papers in this issue provide a glimpse of contemporary approaches to the study of the structure, development, and evolution of inflorescences, and suggest fruitful new directions for research.  相似文献   

The presence of capitula, the head-type of inflorescences, is widespread in the Asterideae. Several families, predominantly terminal in the clade, display the tendency of maximizing reproductive output by condensing indeterminate inflorescences to the point of capitulum formation. This is accomplished by the process of halting or suppressing development of the internodes, an example of paedomorphosis of the progenesis type. This tendency is either infrequent or absent in the basal members of the Asteridae. When inflorescence condensation is present, closely related taxa often demonstrate the progression of the paedomorphosis. More examples of capitulum formation are found in the more advanced families, culminating with the Asteraceae, almost all of which display fully condensed capitula of some sort. Other phenomena are also apparent besides the basic inflorescence condensation. Edge effects are often seen, ranging from a mere crowding of the outermost flowers to the formation of additional flower types. In some taxa, inflorescence condensation continues beyond the basic capitulum form, yielding even more condensed inflorescences that then become determinate. More highly condensed inflorescences have independently evolved several times in the Asteraceae, and some tertiarily condensed inflorescences have evolved as well.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Phylogenies based on molecular data are revealing that generalizations about complex morphological structures often obscure variation and developmental patterns important for understanding the evolution of forms, as is the case for inflorescence morphology within the well-supported MGCA clade (Menyanthaceae + Goodeniaceae + Calyceraceae + Asteraceae). While the basal families share a basic thyrsic/thyrsoid structure of their inflorescences, Asteraceae possesses a capitulum that is widely interpreted as a racemose, condensed inflorescence. Elucidating the poorly known inflorescence structure of Calyceraceae, sister to Asteraceae, should help clarify how the Asteraceae capitulum evolved from thyrsic/thyrsoid inflorescences. ? Methods: The early development and structure of the inflorescence of eight species (five genera) of Calyceraceae were studied by SEM, and patterns of evolutionary change were interpreted via phylogenetic character mapping. ? Key results: The basic inflorescence structure of Calyceraceae is a cephalioid (a very condensed botryoid/thyrsoid). Optimization of inflorescence characters on a DNA sequence-derived tree suggests that the Asteraceae capitulum derives from a simple cephalioid through two morphological changes: loss of the terminal flower and suppression of the cymose branching pattern in the peripheral branches. ? Conclusions: Widely understood as a condensed raceme, the Asteraceae capitulum is the evolutionary result of a very reduced, condensed thyrsoid. Starting from that point, evolution worked separately only on the racemose developmental control/pattern within Asteraceae and mainly on the cymose developmental control/pattern within Calyceraceae, producing head-like inflorescences in both groups but with very different diversification potential. We also discuss possible remnants of the ancestral cephalioid structure in some Asteraceae.  相似文献   

The fecundity of insect-pollinated plants may not be linearly related to the number of flowers produced, since floral display will influence pollinator foraging patterns. We may expect more visits to plants with more flowers, but do these large plants receive more or fewer visits per flower than small plants? Do all pollinator species respond in the same way? We would also expect foragers to move less between plants when the number of flowers per plant are large, which may reduce cross-pollination compared to plants with few flowers. We examine the relationships between numbers of inflorescence per plant, bumblebee foraging behaviour and seed set in comfrey, Symphytum officinale, a self-incompatible perennial herb. Bumblebee species differed in their response to the size of floral display. More individuals of Bombus pratorum and the nectar-robbing B.?terrestris were attracted to plants with larger floral displays, but B. pascuorum exhibited no increase in recruitment according to display size. Once attracted, all bee species visited more inflorescences per plant on plants with more inflorescences. Overall the visitation rate per inflorescence and seed set per flower was independent of the number of inflorescences per plant. Variation in seed set was not explained by the numbers of bumblebees attracted or by the number of inflorescences they visited for any bee species. However, the mean seed set per flower (1.18) was far below the maximum possible (4 per flower). We suggest that in this system seed set is not limited by pollination but by other factors, possibly nutritional resources.  相似文献   

The flower-like reproductive structure of Euphorbia s.l. (Euphorbiaceae) is widely believed to have evolved from an inflorescence, and is therefore interpreted as a special type of pseudanthium, termed a cyathium. However, fuzzy morphological boundaries between the inflorescence, individual flowers, and organs have fuelled the suggestion that the cyathium does not merely superficially resemble a flower but could actually share developmental genetic pathways with a conventional flower. To test this hypothesis, immunolocalizations of FLORICAULA/LEAFY (LFY), a protein associated with floral identity in many angiosperm species, were performed in developing cyathia of different species of Euphorbia. Expression of the LFY protein was found not only in individual floral primordia (as predicted from results in the model organisms Arabidopsis and Anthirrhinum), but also in the cyathium primordium and in the primordia of partial male inflorescences. These results provide further evidence that the evolution of floral traits in pseudanthial inflorescences often involves expression of floral development genes in the inflorescence apex. This finding blurs the conventional rigid distinction between flowers and inflorescences.  相似文献   



Most angiosperms present flowers in inflorescences, which play roles in reproduction, primarily related to pollination, beyond those served by individual flowers alone. An inflorescence''s overall reproductive contribution depends primarily on the three-dimensional arrangement of the floral canopy and its dynamics during its flowering period. These features depend in turn on characteristics of the underlying branching structure (scaffold) that supports and supplies water and nutrients to the floral canopy. This scaffold is produced by developmental algorithms that are genetically specified and hormonally mediated. Thus, the extensive inflorescence diversity evident among angiosperms evolves through changes in the developmental programmes that specify scaffold characteristics, which in turn modify canopy features that promote reproductive performance in a particular pollination and mating environment. Nevertheless, developmental and ecological aspects of inflorescences have typically been studied independently, limiting comprehensive understanding of the relations between inflorescence form, reproductive function, and evolution.


This review fosters an integrated perspective on inflorescences by summarizing aspects of their development and pollination function that enable and guide inflorescence evolution and diversification.


The architecture of flowering inflorescences comprises three related components: topology (branching patterns, flower number), geometry (phyllotaxis, internode and pedicel lengths, three-dimensional flower arrangement) and phenology (flower opening rate and longevity, dichogamy). Genetic and developmental evidence reveals that these components are largely subject to quantitative control. Consequently, inflorescence evolution proceeds along a multidimensional continuum. Nevertheless, some combinations of topology, geometry and phenology are represented more commonly than others, because they serve reproductive function particularly effectively. For wind-pollinated species, these combinations often represent compromise solutions to the conflicting physical influences on pollen removal, transport and deposition. For animal-pollinated species, dominant selective influences include the conflicting benefits of large displays for attracting pollinators and of small displays for limiting among-flower self-pollination. The variety of architectural components that comprise inflorescences enable diverse resolutions of these conflicts.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The inflorescence structure determines the spatiotemporal arrangement of the flowers during anthesis and is therefore vital for reproductive success. The Leguminosae are among the largest angiosperm plant families and they include some important crop plants. In papilionoid legumes, the raceme is the most common type of inflorescence. However, a range of other inflorescence types have evolved via various developmental processes. A (re-)investigation of inflorescences in Swainsona formosa, Cicer arietinum, Abrus precatorius, Hardenbergia violacea and Kennedia nigricans leads to new insights into reduction mechanisms and to a new hypothesis on the evolution of the papilionoid pseudoraceme.


Inflorescence morphology and ontogeny were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).

Key Results

The inflorescence in S. formosa is an umbel with a rare type of pendulum symmetry which may be triggered by the subtending leaf. Inflorescences in C. arietinum are reduced to a single flower. An early formed adaxial bulge is the sterile apex of the inflorescence (i.e. the inflorescence is open and not terminated by a flower). In partial inflorescences of A. precatorius, the axis is reduced and its meristem is relocated towards the main inflorescence. Flower initiation follows a peculiar pendulum pattern. Partial inflorescences in H. violacea and in K. nigricans show reduction tendencies. In both taxa, initiated but early reduced bracteoles are present.


Pendulum symmetry in S. formosa is probably associated with distichous phyllotaxis. In C. arietinum, strong reduction tendencies are revealed. Based on studies of A. precatorius, the papilionoid pseudoraceme is reinterpreted as a compound raceme with condensed lateral axes. From an Abrus-like inflorescence, other types can be derived via reduction of flower number and synchronization of flower development. A plea is made for uniform usage of inflorescence terminology.Key words: Abrus precatorius, Cicer arietinum, Hardenbergia violacea, Kennedia nigricans, inflorescence, Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, pseudoraceme, Swainsona formosa  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The understanding of homoplasic structures becomes more relevant when they are complex and define large angiosperm taxa. Inflorescence architecture usually fulfills both features, as happens with Cyperus, a genus with two taxonomical subdivisions characterized either by alternative expressions of Kranz anatomy (C(3) or C(4)) or inflorescence shape (condensed or lax). Those subdivisions are not completely congruent because at least one of these presumed characters has evolved several times. We focused a SEM study on the inflorescence development in species with condensed inflorescences and different photosynthetic anatomy to test the possibility that condensed inflorescences of subgen. Anosporum (C(3) anatomy) have evolved independently from those of subgen. Cyperus (C(4) anatomy). ? Methods: Freshly collected inflorescences of C. entrerianus, C. eragrostis, C. oxylepis, and C. incomtus were studied using stereoscopic and scanning electron microscopy. ? Key results: Condensed inflorescences of Cyperus species with C(3) and C(4) anatomy had differences in structure and development: (1) mature structure, (2) position of second-order branching initiation in the first developmental stage of the inflorescence, (3) main axis development and elongation, and branching development, (4) types of ramifications, (5) phyllotaxis and symmetry. ? Conclusions: Results support multiple origins of condensed inflorescences in Cyperus, based especially on differences in timing during development and elongation of the main axis and branches, branching pattern and phyllotaxis. Structure and development may be the key to using inflorescence morphology as an external feature to distinguish large natural groups within Cyperus based on vegetative anatomy.  相似文献   



Understanding and modelling early events of floral meristem patterning and floral development requires consideration of positional information regarding the organs surrounding the floral meristem, such as the flower-subtending bracts (FSBs) and floral prophylls (bracteoles). In common with models of regulation of floral patterning, the simplest models of phyllotaxy consider only unbranched uniaxial systems. Racemose inflorescences and thyrses offer a useful model system for investigating morphogenetic interactions between organs belonging to different axes.


This review considers (1) racemose inflorescences of early-divergent and lilioid monocots and their possible relationship with other inflorescence types, (2) hypotheses on the morphogenetic significance of phyllomes surrounding developing flowers, (3) patterns of FSB reduction and (4) vascular patterns in the primary inflorescence axis and lateral pedicels.


Racemose (partial) inflorescences represent the plesiomorphic condition in monocots. The presence or absence of a terminal flower or flower-like structure is labile among early-divergent monocots. In some Alismatales, a few-flowered racemose inflorescence can be entirely transformed into a terminal ‘flower’. The presence or absence and position of additional phyllomes on the lateral pedicels represent important taxonomic markers and key features in regulation of flower patterning. Racemose inflorescences with a single floral prophyll are closely related to thyrses. Floral patterning is either unidirectional or simultaneous in species that lack a floral prophyll or possess a single adaxial floral prophyll and usually spiral in the outer perianth whorl in species with a transversely oriented floral prophyll. Inhibitory fields of surrounding phyllomes are relevant but insufficient to explain these patterns; other important factors are meristem space economy and/or the inhibitory activity of the primary inflorescence axis. Two patterns of FSB reduction exist in basal monocots: (1) complete FSB suppression (cryptic flower-subtending bract) and (2) formation of a ‘hybrid’ organ by overlap of the developmental programmes of the FSB and the first abaxial organ formed on the floral pedicel. FSB reduction affects patterns of interaction between the conductive systems of the flower and the primary inflorescence axis.  相似文献   

Flowers of Ruppia are normally arranged into an open two-flowered spike, but sometimes the two lateral flowers are congenitally united with each other and form a terminal flower-like structure. This developmental abnormality resembles those described in well-investigated mutants of model organisms of developmental genetics such as Arabidopsis Antirrhinum. A study of Ruppia allows investigating morphogenetic lability of this feature in natural populations. These data will be important for understanding evolutionary transitions between open and closed inflorescences. This paper presents first data on frequencies ofterminal flower-like structures in natural populations of Ruppia maritima and first observations of their development. Vascular supply of inflorescences with free and united flowers is compared for the first time. Strong differences in frequencies of occurrence of terminal flower-like structures among examined natural populations are revealed. Data on variation of organ numbers in flowers of plants from different populations allow hypothesizing that increased size of floral primordia is a factor that plays a role in their amalgamation into ajoint primordium of a terminal structure. Vascular system of inflorescences of R. maritima with united flowers is quite similar to the vascular system of a flower and nothing contradicts a hypothesis on terminal position ofthis structure. Transversally inserted stamens in inflorescences with united flowers are usually of inverted polarity. This appears to be the first documented example of an inversion of relative polarity of stamens and carpels in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Resupination is the orientation of zygomorphic flowers during development so that the median petal obtains the lowermost position in the mature flower. Despite its evolutionary and ecological significance, resupination has rarely been studied in a phylogenetic context. Ten types of resupination occur among the 210 species of the orchid genus Bulbophyllum on Madagascar. We investigated the evolution of resupination in a representative sample of these species by first reconstructing a combined nrITS and cpDNA phylogeny for a sectional reclassification and then plotting the different types of inflorescence development, which correlated well with main clades. Resupination by apical drooping of the rachis appears to have evolved from apical drooping of the peduncle. Erect inflorescences with resupinate flowers seem to have evolved several times into either erect inflorescences with (partly) non-resupinate flowers or pendulous inflorescences with resupinate flowers.  相似文献   


Backgrounds and Aims

Conceptual and terminological conflicts in inflorescence morphology indicate a lack of understanding of the phenotypic diversity of inflorescences. In this study, an ontogeny-based inflorescence concept is presented considering different meristem types and developmental pathways. By going back to the ontogenetic origin, diversity is reduced to a limited number of types and terms.


Species from 105 genera in 52 angiosperm families are investigated to identify their specific reproductive meristems and developmental pathways. Based on these studies, long-term experience with inflorescences and literature research, a conceptual framework for the understanding of inflorescences is presented.

Key Results

Ontogeny reveals that reproductive systems traditionally called inflorescences fall into three groups, i.e. ‘flowering shoot systems’ (FSS), ‘inflorescences’ sensu stricto and ‘floral units’ (FUs). Our concept is, first, based on the identification of reproductive meristem position and developmental potential. The FSS, defined as a seasonal growth unit, is used as a reference framework. As the FSS is a leafy shoot system bearing reproductive units, foliage and flowering sequence play an important role. Second, the identification of two different flower-producing meristems is essential. While ‘inflorescence meristems’ (IMs) share acropetal primordia production with vegetative meristems, ‘floral unit meristems’ (FUMs) resemble flower meristems in being indeterminate. IMs produce the basic inflorescence types, i.e. compound and simple racemes, panicles and botryoids. FUMs give rise to dense, often flower-like units (e.g. heads). They occur solitarily at the FSS or occupy flower positions in inflorescences, rendering the latter thyrses in the case of cymose branching.


The ontogenetic concept differs from all existing inflorescence concepts in being based on meristems and developmental processes. It includes clear terms and allows homology statements. Transitional forms are an explicit part of the concept, illustrating the ontogenetic potential for character transformation in evolution.  相似文献   

The evolution of floral display is thought to be constrained by trade‐offs between the size and number of flowers and inflorescences. We grew in the glasshouse 60 maternal families from each of two Brazilian populations of the annual herb, Eichhornia paniculata. We measured flower size, daily flower number, and total flower number per inflorescence, and two indices of module size, leaf area and age at flowering. We also assessed the size and number of inflorescences produced over 6 weeks. All floral traits exhibited significant heritable variation, some of which was due to genetic variation in module size. Genetic (maternal family) correlations between daily and total flower number did not differ from 1.0, indicating that display size (daily flower number) cannot evolve independently from total flower number per inflorescence. Genetic correlations between flower size and daily flower number ranged from negative to positive (r=–0.78 to +0.84), depending on population and inflorescence. Positive correlations occurred when variation in investment per inflorescence was high so that some families produced both larger and more flowers. These correlations became zero when we controlled for variation in module size. Families that flowered later produced fewer, larger inflorescences (r=–0.33, –0.85). These data support theoretical predictions regarding the combined effects of variation in resource acquisition and allocation on traits involved in trade‐offs, and they emphasize the hierarchical organization of floral displays. Our results imply that patterns of resource allocation among inflorescences influence evolutionary changes in flower size and number per inflorescence.  相似文献   

Cycads are an important relic from the past and represent the oldest living seed plants. Cycads have been instrumental in our understanding the evolution of angiosperms and gymnosperms because they have recognizable morphological characteristics intermediate between less-recently evolved plants such as ferns and more-derived (advanced) plants including the angiosperms. Cycads also produce several compounds that are carcinogenic and neurotoxic. Because of their unique placement in terrestrial plant evolution, molecular studies should help to define the origins of structures that led to the rise of seed plants and the role of neurotoxic compounds that are found in cycads.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Colocasiomyia de Meijere (Diptera: Drosophilidae) was discovered from inflorescences of Steudnera colocasiifolia K. Koch (Araceae) in Yunnan, China. The new species is described as Colocasiomyia steudnerae Takenaka and Toda, sp. nov., and we investigated the reproductive ecology of both the fly and the plant species. This fly species reproduces in the inflorescences/infructescences of the plant, and depends almost throughout its entire life cycle on the host plant. The fly species is the most abundant flower visitor for S. colocasiifolia and behaves intimately with the flowering events, suggesting that it is the unique and most efficient pollinator for the host plant. Bagging (insect‐exclusion) treatment of inflorescences resulted in no fruits. These findings strongly suggest that intimate pollination mutualism has evolved between the fly and the host plant, as are known in other Colocasiomyia flies and Araceae plants. One notable feature of this system is that the new species almost monopolizes the host‐plant inflorescence as a visitor, without any cohabiting Colocasiomyia species. In comparison to other cases where two Colocasiomyia species share the same inflorescence and infructescence of Araceae host plants for reproduction by separating their breeding niches microallopatrically between the staminate (upper male‐flower) and the pistillate (lower female‐flower) regions on the spadix, C. steudnerae exhibits a mixture of stamenicolous and pistillicolous breeding habits.  相似文献   

Flowers of Ruppia are usually arranged into an open two-flowered spike, but sometimes two lateral flowers are congenitally united with each other forming a terminal flower-like structure. This deviation from the morphogenesis of reproductive structures typical of Ruppia resembles those described in well-studied mutants of the model organisms of developmental genetics, such as Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum. A study of Ruppia allows the morphogenetic lability of this trait to be traced in natural populations. These data are important for understanding the evolutionary transition from open to closed inflorescences. This paper describes the first data on the frequencies of terminal flower-like structures in natural populations of Ruppia maritima as well as on the specific features of their morphogenesis. The vascular supply in the inflorescences with free and fused flowers is also compared for the first time. It has been demonstrated that the frequency of inflorescences with fused flowers considerably varies between different populations. The data on variation in the number of organs in flowers of plants from different populations suggest that an increased size of floral primordia is a factor enhancing their fusion into a joint primordium of the terminal structure. The vascular system of the R. maritima inflorescences with united flowers is similar to the vascular system of a single flower; moreover, nothing contradicts the hypothesis on a terminal position of this structure. The R. maritima inflorescences with united flowers frequently contain transversal stamens with an inverted polarity. Presumably, this is the first case of recorded inversion of relative polarity of stamens and carpels in angiosperms.  相似文献   

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