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Polyester waxes are fatty add esters of polyethylene glycol. Polyethylene glycol 400 distearate melts at 35°C, infiltrates tissues well, and sections readily at 2 μ to more than 30 μ. Sections 2 μ to 6 μ are more easily cut when a kitchen strainer full of solid CO2 (dry ice) is mounted above the microtome to cool the block and the knife, and when the knife crosses the block very slowly. Ribbons are flattened in water at room temperature and are mounted conventionally. Polyester ribbons are somewhat stickier than paraffin ribbons. Polyethylene glycol 400 distearate is slightly hydrophilic; immediately after microtomy and before the ribbon is affixed to the microscope slide, sections in the wax ribbon may conveniently be stained with 0.05% toluidine blue in aqueous benzoate buffer, pH 4.4. Tissue structure is better preserved in polyester than in paraffin wax, probably because structural lipids are better retained and localized. However, this difference between waxes is slight if tissues are well fixed and dehydrated. Other advantages of polyester wax are that sections fragment less, hard tissues rarely split away from the wax ribbon, no static electricity is generated, and the microtome knife seems to remain sharp for a longer time.  相似文献   

Diethylene glycol distearate can be used as an embedding medium for light microscopy. Two infiltration changes of about 6 hr each in the melted wax (melting point 47-52 C) are required before the final embedding which is done in 00 gelatin capsules for sectioning in the ultramicrotome by the procedure used in electron microscopy. Serial sections 1-2 μ thick can be cut without difficulty. No cooling devices are necessary for trimming and sectioning at laboratory temperature. Sections rarely become detached from the slides. The staining characteristics of the tissues are the same as when embedded in paraffin. For fluorescence microscopy, essentially the same procedure is followed. Tissues are not distorted and the intracellular structures are well preserved.  相似文献   

A mixture of 90% polyethylene glycol distearate 600 and 10% 1-hexadecanol has a melting point of approximately 43 C and is suitable as a replacement for conventional polyester wax where laboratory temperatures are above 24 C. Sections are attached to slides by floating out on 10% formalin and picked up on slides precoated with undiluted egg albumen. Since the wax is opaque, very small specimens can be embedded after fixation in a block of 0.5% agar before dehydration and embedding in wax, thus facilitating their handling and orientation. The wax mixture sections well with a razor blade in a holder.  相似文献   

Test tissues consisted of: (1) popliteal lymph nodes of rabbits, removed 6 hr after injection of hind footpads with 0.2 ml of 125 mg/ml solution of 5× crystallized chicken ovalbumin, and (2) lungs from guinea pigs, passively sensitized with rabbit antiovalbumin serum, then anaphylactically shocked by intracardial injection of a 1% chicken ovalbumin solution. Similar control tissues from normal rabbits, and lungs of passively sensitized guinea pigs, but shocked with histamine instead of ovalbumin, were included. Pieces of fresh tissue not exceeding 2 mm3 were fixed as follows: (1) Cyanuration—lymph nodes, 1 hr; lung, 0.5 hr; both at 23-27 C—in anhydrous methanol containing 0.5% w/v cyanuric chloride and 1% v/v N, N-diethylaminoethanol. (2) Control fixatives—all specimens 18-24 hr at 4—6 C—absolute methanol; 95% ethanol; neutral buffered 10% formalin; and an FAA mixture (formalin, conc., 6; glacial acetic acid, 2; 30% ethanol, 92). Freeze-dried material was either left unfixed (a control) or fixed in xylene or toluene containing 0.5% w/'v cyanuric chloride and 1% v/v N, N-diisopropylaminoethanol; time and temperature as for fresh tissues. All tissues were routinely dehydrated, cleared, and vacuum embedded in an ester wax, diethylene glycol distearate, or in paraffin at 52 C. Sections 2-4 μ thick were attached to gelatin-coated slides, the wax removed in petroleum ether, and stained 20 min at 23-27 C in a 0.10% solution of fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated rabbit antiovalbumin globulin, washed in phosphate buffered saline 10 min, dehydrated, cleared and covered in a nonfluorescent medium. With ultraviolet illumination, brightly immunofluorescent, anti-genically specific staining was obtained in cyanurated fresh and freeze-dried lymph node and lung tissues. In contrast, specific staining was diminished or absent in comparable tissues reacted in the control fixatives.  相似文献   

We describe here a procedure to improve contrast and resolution in fluorescence microscopy of sectioned tissues. Tissue fragments were fixed in ethanol-glacial acetic acid, embedded in diethylene glycol distearate, and semithin sectioned. This method maintains tissue antigenicity while preserving the structure of cells and tissues. The thinness of the sections eliminates scattered and emitted light from tissue structures outside the plane of focus. The procedure is simple and quick, and works excellently with fluorescein-conjugated lectins and antibodies.  相似文献   

A technique for fluorescence microscopy in semithin sections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe here a procedure to improve contrast and resolution in fluorescence microscopy of sectioned tissues. Tissue fragments were fixed in ethanol-glacial acetic acid, embedded in diethylene glycol distearate, and semithin sectioned. This method maintains tissue antigenicity while preserving the structure of cells and tissues. The thinness of the sections eliminates scattered and emitted light from tissue structures outside the plane of focus. The procedure is simple and quick, and works excellently with fluorescein-conjugated lectins and antibodies.  相似文献   

We have modified resin embedding methods to provide optimal information from en-doscopic biopsies. Mucosal biopsies were fixed either in buffered formalin and processed for embedding in Araldite or in acetone containing protease inhibitors and embedded in glycol meth-acrylate (GMA). GMA embedding generated an im-munophenotypic profile similar to that obtained in frozen sections while yielding far superior morphology and greater numbers of sections from small biopsies. The phenotypic markers included those for T cells, macrophages, mast cells, eosin-ophils and neutrophils. We have also demonstrated collagens, cell adhesion molecules and integrin molecules. Sections of similar quality were obtained with Araldite but the repertoire of antibodies was restricted to those which can be applied to formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissues. We suggest that for optimal results, small biopsies to be subjected to immunochemistry are fixed in acetone at -20 C with the inclusion of protease inhibitors and embedded in GUIA with careful temperature control.  相似文献   

Methods for the indirect immunofluorescent staining of microtubules in embedded and sectioned plant tissues are described and compared. Root tips of Vicia faba, Saccharum officinale, Allium cepa, and root nodules of Glycine max were fixed using conventional methods, embedded in polyethylene glycol or Steedman's wax, sectioned with a glass knife on a rotary microtome, and dewaxed in water or alcohol. The addition of dithiothreitol (DTT), dehydrating at low temperatures and reducing the infiltrations times were found to reduce background fluorescence in Allium cepa. Steedman's wax yields a block that is similar to paraffin and is easier to section than PEG. Routine methods for indirect immunofluorescence were used to stain sections for tubulin/microtubules. The major microtubule arrays of mitotic cells are illustrated in this paper. The principal advantage of this technique is the preservation of cell-to-cell continuity in multicellular tissues. This method provides a much needed technique for the study of the cytoskeleton during growth and differentiation of plant tissues.  相似文献   

The use of water-soluble polyethylene glycol polymers (Carbowax, Hydrowax) as embedding media can be extended and facilitated by incorporating a water insoluble polyvinylacetate resin, AYAF (Union Carbide Co.). A combination of 7.5% resin added by heating to a 3:1 mixture of polyethylene glycols 1540 and 4000 gives blocks which may be cut at 2-3 μ. Sections can be floated and properly expanded on an ordinary water bath in a manner which may be impossible with Carbowax alone because of section fragility. This may require judicious adjustment of surface tension by the prior addition of minute quantities of the wax. On water, polyethylene glycol dissolves out of tissues, which remain supported by the resin. After attachment to albumen-coated slides, residual resin may, at option, be removed by a 1-2 min immersion in methyl alcohol without visible impairment of fat content. Abopon is used for mounting. The method appears suitable for the study of intracellular lipids, particularly in tissues which cannot be conveniently handled after Carbowax alone.  相似文献   

Satisfactory Bodian silver staining of paraffin wax sections of both locust (Schistocerca gregaria) and cockroach (Periplaneta americana) central nerve tissue can be obtained with only one impregnation, instead of the usual two, by the following modified procedure. Freshly dissected ganglia are fixed in an improved synthetic alcoholic Bouin (40% formaldehyde 0-15: ethanol 25: acetic acid 5: picric acid 0.5: either ethyl acetate 5 and diethoxymethane 15, or ethyl acetate 25: distilled water to 100). Formaldehyde content governs intensity of glial staining (little or none without formaldehyde) and the mixture with more ethyl acetate substituted for diethoxymethane gives more intense staining overall. Sections are impregnated once only, overnight, in 2% Protargol solution brought to about pH 8.4 with ammonium hydroxide and containing 1.3 g of copper per 65 ml. Depending on fixative composition, species, section thickness and contrast desired between nerve fibers and background, the subsequent distilled water rinse is shortened or omitted and sections are developed in 1% hydroquinone with sodium sulfite content reduced (to 2.5-4% Na2SO3.7H2O) for thinner (10 micrometer) sections but normal (10%) for thicker (20 micrometer) ones. Sections are finally washed, gold intensified, treated with sodium thiosulfate and dehydrated, cleared and mounted as usual. Results are slightly lighter than with normal double impregnation but entirely suitable for studies of neuroanatomy.  相似文献   

A procedure for the differentiation of the mesenchymal derivatives, myofibrillae, reticular and collagenous fibers is presented. Formol-Zenker fixation (5-12 hours) is followed by the washing, iodinization, dehydration and paraffin embedding steps routine for that fixative with the following modifications. Zirkle's butyl alcohol series is used for dehydration and infiltration with paraffin as well as in the alcohol slide series. Embedding paraffin used is Parawax plus 8-10% bayberry wax. Tissue-exposed surface of paraffin block is soaked in water overnight before cutting serial sections at 3-5μ. Sections are mounted using the dilute albumen method, and the slides, thoroughly dried at 37oC. overnight, are left at 60o for 10 minutes to melt the paraffin of the sections. Before staining, the sections are given a preliminary treatment with potassium permanganate and oxalic acid. For reticular staining a 10% silver nitrate bath is succeeded by an ammoniacal silver carbonate solution followed by reduction in 1% neutral formalin, toning in gold chloride and fixing in sodium thiosulphate. Myofibrillae, the sacroplasmic limiting membrane and other sarcous elements are stained by Heidenhain's azocarmine solution, adult tissues at room temperature and fetal tissues at 50 oC. Differentiation in phosphotungstic acid is followed by the staining of collagenous fibers. For adult tissue, light green SF (C.C.) is used and for fetal tissue, fast green FCF (C.C). A discussion of the preparation of ammoniacal silver solutions is included. Both stock and used solutions of ammoniacal silver have been in use by the author for over a period of two years.  相似文献   

Formalin-fixed, decalcified knee joints of young vertebrates were embedded in paraffin wax and cut at 4 μ. Sections were stained in Harris' Haematoxylin, washed in tap water, then immersed in the following staining solution for 60 min: crystal violet, 1 gm; resorcin, 2 gm; distilled water, 100 ml; boiled for 3 min, with constant stirring. After adding 30 ml of 30% FeCl3, it was boiled for 3 min more. The solution was filtered. The precipitate was washed oil with 50 ml of distilled water and 100 ml of absolute alcohol added. This was combined with the original filtrate and boiled for 5 min. The solution was filtered once more, the precipitate discarded and 2 ml of cone. HC1 added. After cooling, the solution was ready for use. Sections were then washed briefly in tap water, stained in van Gieson's picro-fuchsin for 2 min, and differentiated as they were dehydrated and brought to Xylene. The sections were mounted in a synthetic resin (D.P.X.). Articular type cartilage stains red and growth cartilage blue.  相似文献   

During a spectroscopic study to identify biochemical changes in cervical tissue with the onset of carcinogenesis, residual paraffin wax contributions were observed on almost all dewaxed formalin-fixed paraffin-processed (FFPP) tissue sections examined. Subsequently, the present study was formulated to evaluate the efficacy of current dewaxing agents using Raman spectroscopy. Three cervical FFPP sections were subjected to each of the protocols. Sections were dewaxed using four common dewaxing protocols, namely, xylene, Histoclear, heat-mediated antigen retrieval (HMAR) using xylene and citrate buffer, and Trilogy (combined deparaffinization and unmasking of antigens). The potential for hexane as a dewaxing agent was also evaluated. Sections were dewaxed in multiple dewaxing cycles using xylene, Histoclear, and hexane. Residual paraffin wax contributions remained at 1062 cm(-1), 1296 cm(-1), and 1441 cm(-1). HMAR using xylene and citrate buffer, and HMAR using Trilogy, showed a similar efficacy, resulting in incomplete removal of wax. Hexane was shown to be the most effective dewaxing agent, resulting in almost complete removal of wax. Immunohistochemistry was carried out on dewaxed slides, and those dewaxed with hexane displayed a stronger positivity (approximately 28%). Implications for histopathology and immunohistochemistry are considered, as well as problems that residual wax poses for spectroscopic evaluation of dewaxed FFPP sections with a view to disease diagnosis.  相似文献   

Paraffin sections are usually rehydrated before staining. It is possible to apply aqueous dye solutions without first removing the wax. Staining then occurs more slowly, and only if the embedding medium has not melted or become unduly soft after catting. To avoid this problem, sections are flattened on water no hotter than 45 C and dried overnight at 40 C. Minor technical modifications to the staining procedures are needed. Mercury deposits are removed by iodine, and a 3% solution of sodium thiosnlfate in 60% ethanol is used to remove the iodine from paraffin sections. At room temperature, progressive staining takes 10-20 tunes longer for sections in paraffin than for hydrated sections; at 45 C, this can be shortened to about three times the regular staining time. After staining, the slides are rinsed in water, air dried, dewaxed with xylene, and coverslipped in the usual way. Nuclear staining in the presence of wax was achieved with toluidine blue, O, alum-hematoxylin and Weigert's iron-hematoxylin. Eosin and van Gieson's picric acid-acid fuchsine were effective anionic counterstains. A one-step trichrome mixture containing 3 anionic dyes and phosphomolybdic acid was unsuitable for sections in wax because it Imparted colors that were nninformative and quite different from those obtained with hydrated sections. Advantages of staining in the presence of wax include economy of solvents, reduced risk of overstaining and strong adhesion of sections to slides.  相似文献   

The effect of the following embedding procedures on the acid and alkaline phosphatase content of decalcified mouse tibiae has been studied: embedding in 23% gelatine for 18 hr at 37° C, embedding in paraffin wax in vacuo for 1 hr at 58° C, and impregnation with 4% celloidin in diethyl ether and ethanol at 4° C for 2-3 days. Unsupported tissues were also used to demonstrate these enzymes for comparison with the above procedures. Tibiae were first fixed in 10% neutral formalin at 4° C for 15 hr, decalcified in equal volumes of 2% formic acid and 20% sodium citrate at pH 4.9 for not more than 5 days and then washed in distilled water before carrying out the embedding schedules. The celloidin-impregnated tibiae were placed in 70% ethanol to harden the celloidin and then washed in distilled water for 1-2 hr. These tibiae and those embedded in gelatine were cast in a gelatine block which was then hardened in 10% neutral formalin at 4° C for 2 hr. Sections of these and unsupported tibiae were cut at 15 μ on a freezing microtome. Decalcified tibiae embedded and blocked in paraffin wax were sectioned at 15 μ on a base sledge microtome. The enzymes were demonstrated using the coupling azo dye method given by Pearse (Histochemistry, 1st Ed. 1954). The stable diazotates of 4 benzoyl amino 2-5 diethoxyanilene, 3 nitro toluidine and o-dianisidine were used. Of the embedding procedures paraffin wax embedding produced the greatest loss of both enzymes. Gelatine embedding and infiltration with celloidin were equally good for the demonstration of acid phosphatase but for alkaline phosphatase the celloidin method was superior. The gelatine embedded material did not produce consistently good results. Celloidin-impregnated tibiae could be stored without marked deterioration of the enzyme content for longer than gelatine-embedded tibiae.  相似文献   

Tissues from representative mammals, amphibia and invertebrates were fixed for 5-24 hr in either an aqueous solution of 8% p-toluene sulfonic acid (PTSA) or in 10% formalin to which 5 gm PTSA/100 ml had been added, and processed through embedding in polyethylene glycol 400 distearate in the usual manner. Sections cut at 4-6 μ were floated on 0.2% gelatin containing 1.25% formalin, and spread and dried on slides at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Wax was removed with xylene, and the sections brought to water through ethanol as usual. The working staining solution was made from three stock solutions: A. Chlorantine fast blue 2RLL, 0.5%; B. Cibacron turquoise blue G-E, 0.5%; C. Procion red M-P, 0.5%—each of which was dissolved in 98.5 ml of distilled water to which 0.5 ml of glacial acetic acid and 0.5 ml of propylene glycol monophenyl ether (a fungicide) had been added. For use, the three solutions were mixed in the proportions: A, 3; B, 4; and C, 3 volumes. Staining time was uncritical, 10-30 min usually sufficing for 6 μ, sections. The chief feature of the staining is the differentiation of oxygenated and nonoxygenated red blood corpuscles, in reds and blues respectively. Connective tissue stained blue or blue-green and mucin, green. Nuclei and cytoplasm stain according to their condition at the time of fixation. The mixed stain keeps well, remaining active after 2 yr of storage.  相似文献   

Fixatives, fixation additives, paraffin processing reagents, and immunochemical reagents were investigated for effects on preservation of T-lymphocyte surface membrane antigens CD3, CD4, and CD8 in human tonsil. Individual reagent effects were assessed in frozen sections by use of monoclonal antibodies and this information was used to optimize T-cell immunostaining in paraffin sections. Harmful factors were fixation delay, fixation at acid pH, fixation and processing at temperatures above 4 degrees C, hot paraffin wax, proteolytic enzymes, methanolic hydrogen peroxide, Triton X-100, and prolonged iodine treatment. Optimal T-cell demonstration in paraffin sections followed tissue fixation in periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde dichromate at 4 degrees C, pH 7.5; processing through isopropanol, then xylene or chloroform, at 4 degrees C; and embedding in low melting point wax at 45-50 degrees C. Graded antigen stability occurred: CD3 most stable, CD8 least, and CD4 intermediate. CD4 and CD8 antigen preservation in paraffin sections required critical optimal tissue handling. CD3 was more stable and was also demonstrated in tissue fixed in commercial formalin, glutaraldehyde, and Bouin's fluid when fixation and processing conditions were optimized for pH and temperature. Of the fixation additives studied, polyethylene glycol and several potassium and magnesium salts enhanced immunostaining, whereas calcium chloride and lidocaine were deleterious.  相似文献   

Paraffin sections are usually rehydrated before staining. It is possible to apply aqueous dye solutions without first removing the wax. Staining then occurs more slowly, and only if the embedding medium has not melted or become unduly soft after catting. To avoid this problem, sections are flattened on water no hotter than 45 C and dried overnight at 40 C. Minor technical modifications to the staining procedures are needed. Mercury deposits are removed by iodine, and a 3% solution of sodium thiosnlfate in 60% ethanol is used to remove the iodine from paraffin sections. At room temperature, progressive staining takes 10–20 tunes longer for sections in paraffin than for hydrated sections; at 45 C, this can be shortened to about three times the regular staining time. After staining, the slides are rinsed in water, air dried, dewaxed with xylene, and coverslipped in the usual way. Nuclear staining in the presence of wax was achieved with toluidine blue, O, alum-hematoxylin and Weigert's iron-hematoxylin. Eosin and van Gieson's picric acid-acid fuchsine were effective anionic counterstains. A one-step trichrome mixture containing 3 anionic dyes and phosphomolybdic acid was unsuitable for sections in wax because it Imparted colors that were nninformative and quite different from those obtained with hydrated sections. Advantages of staining in the presence of wax include economy of solvents, reduced risk of overstaining and strong adhesion of sections to slides.  相似文献   

R Semba 《Stain technology》1979,54(5):251-255
Procedures for obtaining sections 1 micrometer thick on a conventional rotary microtome are described. Hydrophilic resin blocks with adequate hardness and elasticity for semithin sectioning are made by addition of divinylbenzene and methylmethacrylate to a commercial embedding kit. The blocks are pinched between two simple adapters and mounted in the specimen holder of a microtome. A glass knife of the Ralph type with an effective blade length of 25 mm is made from a glass slide and attached to a metal bar with paraffin. The low cost assembly is set in the steel knife holder of a conventional rotary microtome. Sections 1 micron in thickness can be cut from the resin embedded blocks. Staining with the usual staining solutions may be weak due to the thinness of the sections, but the fine resolution and low distortion achieved are compensating gains.  相似文献   

Histochemical staining for enzymes is usually performed on frozen sections. This report lists the longer incubation times required to demonstrate esterase, acid phosphatase, β-galactosidase, and cytochrome oxidase in plastic embedded and routine paraffin embedded tissues. The sections embedded in plastic, i.e. water soluble methacrylate (Polyscience's JB-4) and cut at 2 μm, were far superior to frozen Sections and paraffin embedded sections both in tissue detail and in the localization of the histochemical reaction product.  相似文献   

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