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Sperm collection methods and the effect of osmolality, ions, sugar, temperature, pH and dilution ratio on sperm motility were investigated in guppies Poecilia reticulata. The present study revealed that the sperm was motile in a wide range of osmolalities (200–470 mOsm kg?1) either in Hanks balanced‐salt solution (HBSS) or in non‐electrolyte solutions such as glucose or sucrose. Sperm collected from crushing testes yielded lower motility and shorter motility duration than samples collected without crushing but gentle disruption. Dilution ratios within the range of 1:50 to 1:500 of sperm to HBSS had minimal effect on sperm motility during extended refrigerated storage. Examination of storage temperature showed that refrigerated storage at 4° C was superior to room temperature (25° C). Sperm was found to tolerate a wide range of pH from 5·6 to 7·8, but motility was affected negatively by pH values >7·8. 相似文献
《Biotechnic & histochemistry》2013,88(3-4):181-193
AbstractMotility is an essential characteristic of all flagellated spermatozoa and assessment of this parameter is one criterion for most semen or sperm evaluations. Computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA) can be used to measure sperm motility more objectively and accurately than manual methods, provided that analysis techniques are standardized. Previous studies have shown that evaluation of sperm subpopulations is more important than analyzing the total motile sperm population alone. We developed a quantitative method to determine cut-off values for swimming speed to identify three sperm subpopulations. We used the Sperm Class Analyzer® (SCA) CASA system to assess the total percentage of motile spermatozoa in a sperm preparation as well as the percentages of rapid, medium and slow swimming spermatozoa for six mammalian species. Curvilinear velocity (VCL) cut-off values were adjusted manually for each species to include 80% rapid, 15% medium and 5% slow swimming spermatozoa. Our results indicate that the same VCL intervals cannot be used for all species to classify spermatozoa according to swimming speed. After VCL intervals were adjusted for each species, three unique sperm subpopulations could be identified. The effects of medical treatments on sperm motility become apparent in changes in the distribution of spermatozoa among the three swimming speed classes. 相似文献
Evolutionary theory predicts that selection will favor phenotypic plasticity in sperm traits that maximize fertilization success in dynamic fertilization environments. In species with external fertilization, osmolality of the fertilization medium is known to play a critical role in activating sperm motility, but evidence for osmotic‐induced sperm plasticity is limited to euryhaline fish and marine invertebrates. Whether this capacity extends to freshwater taxa remains unknown. Here, we provide the first test for plasticity in sperm‐motility activation in response to osmotic environment in an anuran amphibian. Male common eastern froglets (Crinia signifera) were acclimated to either low (0 mOsmol kg−1) or high (50 mOsmol kg−1) environmental osmolality, and using a split‐sample experimental design, sperm were activated across a range of osmolality treatments (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 200 ± 2 mOsmol kg−1). Unexpectedly, there was no detectable shift in the optimal osmolality for sperm‐motility activation after approximately 13 weeks of acclimation (a period reflecting the duration of the winter breeding season). However, in both the low and high acclimation treatments, the optimal osmolality for sperm‐motility activation mirrored the osmolality at the natural breeding site, indicating a phenotypic match to the local environment. Previously it has been shown that C. signifera display among‐population covariation between environmental osmolality and sperm performance. Coupled with this finding, the results of the present study suggest that inter‐population differences reflect genetic divergence and local adaptation. We discuss the need for experimental tests of osmotic‐induced sperm plasticity in more freshwater taxa to better understand the environmental and evolutionary contexts favoring adaptive plasticity in sperm‐motility activation. 相似文献
This study is the first to examine the morphology of fish sperm using automated sperm morphology analysis (ASMA). The technique was applied to investigate the effect of an environmental pollutant, mercury, on the sperm morphology of goldfish Carassius auratus , and the effects on sperm morphology were compared with those on sperm motility. Goldfish sperm flagellar length was significantly shortened after instant exposure to 100 mg l−1 (368 µM) mercuric chloride, while curvilinear velocity (VCL) and the percentage of motile sperm were significantly decreased at mercuric chloride concentrations of 1 and 10 mg l−1 (3·68 and 36·8 µM), respectively. After 24 h exposure to 0·001 mg l−1 (0·0037 µM) mercuric chloride, flagellar length was significantly reduced in 38% of the spermatozoa. Following exposure to 0·1 mg l−1 (0·37 µM) mercuric chloride for 24 h, however, the majority of spermatozoa (98%), had significantly shortened flagella and increased sperm head length, width and area. Sperm motility was also significantly decreased at 0·1 mg l−1 (0·37 µM) mercuric chloride, probably due to the significantly reduced flagellar length at this concentration. This study shows that the morphological examination of fish sperm by ASMA provides, not only, an excellent tool for monitoring reproductive disruption caused by environmental pollution, but also has applications to other areas of fish reproductive biology, such as cryopreservation and aquaculture. 相似文献
G. P. Toth S. A. Christ H. W. McCarthy † J. A. Torsella ‡ M. K. Smith 《Journal of fish biology》1995,47(6):986-1003
Computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) technology was applied to the measurement of sperm motility parameters in the common carp Cyprinus carpio. Activated sperm were videotaped at 200 frames s−1 and analysed with the CellTrak/S CASA research system. The percentage of motile cells and both sperm head curvilinear velocity and straight-line velocity were measured following exposure of carp sperm to three predilution conditions and activation in media of differing ionic strengths and osmotic pressures. The highest percentage of motile sperm was obtained following predilution of sperm in seminal plasma and activation in Na-HEPES buffer pH 8.0. This level of motility was equalled after predilution in 200 m m KCl for 2 h. Straight-line velocities and curvilinear velocities of 130 μm s−1 and 210 μm s−1 , respectively, were observed. Duration of motility was higher under seminal plasma predilution conditions (over 50% motile sperm at 55 s post-activation). The application provides a sound basis for the assessment of Sperm Characteristics in fish. 相似文献
A computer-aided semen analysis system was used to assess the % motile cells following storage of carp semen in 11 different buffers at 2, 5 or 22° C. BWW and TLP were the most suitable storage buffers because carp semen stored at 5° C in these buffers following activation showed no significant decrease in % motile spermatozoa up to 24 h. But, in most of the other buffers (Fish Ringer, Cytomix, Cortland, FRT, Mannitol, FPS, NAS and TSM) the motility potential was lost by 2 h. Storage was best at pH 6–9 and at 5° C. Carp spermatozoa exhibit three distinct motility patterns, namely 'linear', 'circular' and 'haphazard', the proportion of spermatozoa with a particular motility pattern depending on storage buffer and time. All spermatozoa with a linear trajectory had high VSL, STR and LIN; those moving in circles had low VSL, STR, LIN and BCF and those with a haphazard trajectory were distinct in that they had the highest ALH and their VSL, STR, LIN and BCF were higher than the circular moving spermatozoa and lower than the spermatozoa exhibiting linear trajectory. The study also demonstrates a pronounced time-dependent decrease in VCL, VAP, VSL and ALH of carp spermatozoa following activation with water or low osmolality solutions. This study provides for the first time data related to seven motility parameters of carp spermatozoa and demonstrates how these parameter values could be used to evaluate quality of carp milt following storage in different buffers. It confirms that carp spermatozoa exhibit linear or circular trajectories and provides evidence for a third type of trajectory described as haphazard. All three motility patterns could be discriminated objectively on the seven motility parameters. 相似文献
Minh-Hoang Le Khuong V. Dinh Hung Quoc Pham 《Zeitschrift fur angewandte Ichthyologie》2021,37(6):893-908
We previously determined changes in sperm quality of Psammoperca waigiensis during its spawning season and the optimal cation concentrations and osmolality for sperm preservation of this species at the peak of the reproductive season. In this study, we went one important step further by assessing the effects of the most adequate medium, considering the dilution ratio, osmolality, and cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+) on the motility of P. wasigiensis sperm collected during the early, peak, and late spawning season. We determined the maximum velocity (VAP), and percentage of sperm motility (MOT), and the duration of sperm motility (DSM). Under optimal dilution, temperature, pH and osmolarity, MOT, VAP, and DSM did not statistically differ during early, peak, and late spawning season. However, under suboptimal external conditions, MOT, VAP, and DSM showed inconsistent trends during different spawning periods. We recommend using one of three different artificial motile activating media: (1) 0.55 M Na+, (2) 0.6 M K+ or (3) 1200 mOsm/kg for early; or (1) 0.6 M Na+, (2) 0.6 M K+ or (3) 1100 mOsm/kg for the peak; and (1) 0.65 M Na+, (2) 0.55 M K+ or (3) 1200 mOsm/kg for late spawning season; all at the dilution of 1:150 (v:v of semen: artificial motile activating medium). 相似文献
A Nyachieo C Spiessens DC Chai NM Kiulia JM Mwenda TM D'Hooghe 《Journal of medical primatology》2012,41(5):297-303
Evolutionary theory predicts that selection will favour sperm traits that maximize fertilization success in local fertilization environments. In externally fertilizing species, osmolality of the fertilization medium is known to play a critical role in activating sperm motility, but there remains limited evidence for adaptive responses to local osmotic environments. In this study, we used a split‐sample experimental design and computer‐assisted sperm analysis to (i) determine the optimal medium osmolality for sperm activation (% sperm motility and sperm velocity) in male common eastern froglets (Crinia signifera), (ii) test for among‐population variation in percentage sperm motility and sperm velocity at various activation‐medium osmolalities and (iii) test for among‐population covariation between sperm performance and environmental osmolality. Frogs were obtained from nine populations that differed in environmental osmolality, and sperm samples of males from different populations were subjected to a range of activation‐medium osmolalities. Percentage sperm motility was optimal between 10 and 50 mOsm kg?1, and sperm velocity was optimal between 10 and 100 mOsm kg?1, indicating that C. signifera has evolved sperm that can function across a broad range of osmolalities. As predicted, there was significant among‐population variation in sperm performance. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between activation‐medium osmolality and environmental osmolality, indicating that frogs from populations with higher environmental osmolality produced sperm that performed better at higher osmolalities in vitro. This finding may reflect phenotypic plasticity in sperm functioning, or genetic divergence resulting from spatial variation in the strength of directional selection. Both of these explanations are consistent with evolutionary theory, providing some of the first empirical evidence that local osmotic environments can favour adaptive sperm motility responses in species that use an external mode of fertilization. 相似文献
C. Fauvel § O. Savoye C. Dreanno † J. Cosson ‡ M. Suquet † 《Journal of fish biology》1999,54(2):356-369
Seabass Dicentrarchus labrax sperm concentration was high (up to 60 × 109 spz ml−1 ) but decreased significantly at the end of the reproductive season (mid-March) in monthly sampled fish. The spermiation period may be shortened by frequent stripping. Sperm can be prediluted up to 1: 128 in non-activating medium without loss of initial motility and motility duration. Immediately after activation by transfer to sea water, all the spermatozoa were motile for 10 s and then the number of motile cells decreased progressively but sharply to zero, so that the duration of sperm motility was very short (40 s). As a consequence, the fertility of seabass sperm decreased exponentially after 10 s following sperm activation and was zero by 1 min. The sperm requirements for optimal fertilization were c . 66 000 spermatozoa per egg. Scalingup of the experimental insemination procedure yielded better fertilization rates while conserving the individual differences due to the breeder pairs. 相似文献
Huang X Zhuang P Zhang L Qiao Z Jiang Q Liu J Yao Z Feng G 《Cell biology international》2011,35(5):505-508
We have examined the effects in vitro of the ionic composition, pH and temperature on the motility by the spermatozoa of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). Milt was obtained from 10 males that had been artificially matured by repeated injections of hCG. Sperm motility was monitored with a VHS video recorder and a video camera connected to a microscope. The results showed that most of the sperm were highly motile in 250-700 mM NaCl, 250-650 mM KCl and 350-550 mM CaCl2 solution. The longest duration of sperm motility recorded in 500 mM NaCl, 250 mM KCl and 350 mM CaCl2 solution. Sperm was not motile when suspended at pH 2, sperm motility was observed at pH 3, there was a relatively higher percentage of motile sperm in solutions at pH 4-12 (above 80%). The motility and duration increased within 18-24°C and decreased at the range of 24-30°C. Appropriate K+ ion concentration in the active medium could enhance the percent motility and duration of eel spermatozoa. 相似文献
Boar semen is typically collected, diluted and cooled for AI use over numerous days, or frozen immediately after shipping to capable laboratories. The storage temperature and pH of the diluted, cooled boar semen could influence the fertility of boar sperm. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of pH and storage temperature on fresh and frozen-thawed boar sperm motility end points. Semen samples (n = 199) were collected, diluted, cooled and shipped overnight to the National Animal Germplasm Program laboratory for freezing and analysis from four boar stud facilities. The temperature, pH and motility characteristics, determined using computer automated semen analysis, were measured at arrival. Samples were then cryopreserved and post-thaw motility determined. The commercial stud was a significant source of variation for mean semen temperature and pH, as well as total and progressive motility, and numerous other sperm motility characteristics. Based on multiple regression analysis, pH was not a significant source of variation for fresh or frozen-thawed boar sperm motility end points. However, significant models were derived which demonstrated that storage temperature, boar, and the commercial stud influenced sperm motility end points and the potential success for surviving cryopreservation. We inferred that maintaining cooled boar semen at approximately 16 °C during storage will result in higher fresh and frozen-thawed boar sperm quality, which should result in greater fertility. 相似文献
Adela Mújica Leticia Neri-Bazan Joseph S. Tash Salvador Uribe 《Molecular reproduction and development》1994,38(3):285-292
Hyperactivated motility was studied in guinea pig spermatozoa. In the presence of the local anesthetic procaine, a high number of sperm cells (64%) showed hyperactivation when incubated in minimal culture medium with pyruvate, lactate, and glucose. Hyperactivated motility was dependent on glucose in the medium. Sperm ATP concentration was increased twofold in hyperactivated sperm when compared to procaine-treated nonhyperactivated cells. cAMP levels were also higher in hyperactivated cells than in control spermatozoa. Thus, in living spermatozoa high levels of ATP appear to be needed to generate hyperactivation. cAMP is present at a high concentration in hyperactivated spermatozoa, therefore a role of cAMP in hyperactivation cannot be excluded. Depletion of external Ca2+ did not inhibit procaine-induced hyperactivated motility. Hence, procaine canceled the requirement of external Ca2+ for sperm to express hyperactivated motility. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Under field conditions the motility of bull semen often has to be estimated under a coverslip on a microscope slide. This study was aimed at determining which combination of fields under coverslips provides measurements of sperm motility that best represent the motility in semen specimens as measured in a specially designed chamber for use in a computer-assisted sperm analyzer (CASA). We measured the motility (percentages motile, progressively motile, and aberrantly motile spermatozoa) in each of four straws of frozen-thawed semen from each of 10 bulls five times, ranging from 5 to 120 minutes after thawing with each bull by straw by time combination yielding one semen specimen. Motility was measured in duplicate in a Hamilton, Thorne IVOS CASA; once in each of 12 fields equally spaced along the equatorial radius of a coverslip (Field 0 at the edge and Field 11 at the center) and once in each of eight equally spaced fields along the equator of a Leja 4 chamber designed for use in a CASA. We used the weighted average motility of all fields in a chamber as gold standard and compared it to the average motility of each the following combinations of fields under the coverslip: all 12 fields, Fields 2 to 4, Fields 2 and four, Field 3 and the center three fields. The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) was determined between the motility in each combination of fields under coverslips and the chambers as a reproducibility index, which evaluates the agreement between the readings under the coverslips and the gold standard readings in the chambers (n = 187 for each CCC). We performed pairwise comparisons of the CCCs (P < 0.005 for each comparison) and established that the average motility under all 12 fields better reproduced the motility in the chamber than the center three fields or Field 3. The averages of Fields 2 to 4 and Fields 2 and 4 reproduced chamber motility as well as the average of all 12 fields, except for the percentage motile sperm, where the average of all 12 fields was better. Using the average motility of Fields 2 and 4, 50% of estimates fell within 6%, 4% and 3% above or below the percentages motile, progressively motile and aberrantly motile spermatozoa in the Leja 4 chamber, 80% of estimates fell within 12%, 8% and 7% thereof and 95% fell within 23%, 13% and 12% thereof. In conclusion, for the method of spreading semen under a coverslip and the range in motility values used, this study shows that the average of the motility over the 12 fields along the equatorial radius under a coverslip provides the best estimate of the motility of a semen specimen, while the average of Fields 2 and 4 is also suitable for the subjective estimation of motility under field conditions, although the estimated motility is expected to fall within 6% above or below the motility of the specimen in only 50% of semen specimens. 相似文献
以玫瑰无须鲃Puntius conchonius精子为材料,应用计算机辅助精子分析系统(CASA),研究了精子在不同pH和不同渗透压的NaCl溶液中的运动百分率、运动时间和运动速率。结果表明,酸性(pH<7.0)或碱性较强(pH>9.0)的溶液均不利于精子运动,而弱碱性(pH7.5~8.5)的溶液较适合精子的运动;在渗透压较低(<75mOsm/kg)或较高(>175mOsm/kg)的NaCl溶液中,精子的运动时间和运动百分率都显著较100~150mOsm/kg渗透压溶液中的短或低(P<0.05);而运动时间最长,并且运动百分率最高的条件为pH8.0和125mOsm/kg渗透压的溶液环境。 相似文献
D. Mortimer C. Serres S. T. Mortimer P. Jouannet 《Molecular reproduction and development》1988,20(3):313-327
Tracks of 30 progressively motile washed human spermatozoa were plotted manually from 200-Hz frame rate video recordings. Tracks at 100, 66.7, 50, 40, 33.3., 25, 20, 10, and 5 Hz were then constructed using every 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 20th, or 40th point. The 200-Hz tracks were analyzed by traditional manual methods, and all ten sets of tracks analyzed using a computer-assisted method (“Videomot,” developed originally to analyze 30-Hz tracks) to eliminate observer bias. Progression velocity (VSL) remained constant under all analysis conditions. Average path velocity (VAP) also remained essentially constant, although Videomot was less reliable at high frame rates due to problems in determining the average path. Curvilinear velocity (VCL) was very frame rate dependent (the 25-Hz mean value was only 56.5% of that at 200 Hz), and Videomot was more accurate than manual analysis at 200 Hz. Values of the amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) were acceptable at most frame rates. At < 66.7 Hz the inclusion of spurious curvilinear track deviations caused lower mean ALH values, and at 5 Hz ALH could not be measured since the track was essentially the average path. Beat/cross frequency (BCF) was also frame rate dependent; at high rates there was the same problem as with ALH measurements, while at ? 25 Hz the maximum BCF was restricted by the frame rate. We conclude that human sperm movement characteristics can be measured at frame rates ca. 30 Hz but only if the constraints affecting VCL and BCF values are understood and accepted. Finally, < 10 Hz can only give values for VSL and, perhaps, VAP. 相似文献
Evolutionary biologists have argued that there should be a positive relationship between sperm size and sperm velocity, and that these traits influence a male''s sperm competitiveness. However, comparative analyses investigating the evolutionary associations between sperm competition risk and sperm morphology have reported inconsistent patterns of association, and in vitro sperm competition experiments have further confused the issue; in some species, males with longer sperm achieve more competitive fertilization, while in other species males with shorter sperm have greater sperm competitiveness. Few investigations have attempted to address this problem. Here, we investigated the relationship between sperm morphology and sperm velocity in house mice (Mus domesticus). We conducted in vitro sperm velocity assays on males from established selection lines, and found that sperm midpiece size was the only phenotypic predictor of sperm swimming velocity. 相似文献
Computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) was used to characterize the motility of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax spermatozoa and to study the effect of several physicochemical variables and heavy metals on sperm swimming performance. Duration of sperm motility in sea bass was very short (<50 s). During the first 20 s all the motility variables measured remained approximately constant, the velocity and linearity of the movement being maximum during this period, while both variables decreased sharply later. While slight variations in pH did not significantly modify sperm swimming performance, changes in osmolality affected all the measured motility variables. Two of the heavy metals tested, Cu2+ and Pb2+ , did not affect sperm motility when the activating media contained up to 100 ppm of the metal salts. In contrast, Hg2+ modified the morphology of post-swimming spermatozoa at 0·4–1 ppm (sperm dilution rate 1:39) and completely arrested sperm motility at concentrations as low as 0·1 ppm (sperm dilution rate 1:2500). Assuming a covalent binding to sperm cells, this revealed a finite number of c. 10 million Hg2+ binding sites per spermatozoon. Complementary results using demembranated spermatozoa suggested that the main target of HgCl2 would be located in the plasma membrane and that HgCl2 would inhibit water channels, hence preventing sperm motility. 相似文献
Nematode sperm undergo a drastic physiological change during spermiogenesis (sperm activation). Unlike mammalian flagellated sperm, nematode sperm are amoeboid cells and their motility is driven by the dynamics of a cytoskeleton composed of major sperm protein (MSP) rather than actin found in other crawling cells. This review focuses on sperm from Caenorhabditis elegans and Ascaris suum to address the roles of external and internal factors that trigger sperm activation and power sperm motility. Nematode sperm can be activated in vitro by several factors, including Pronase and ionophores, and in vivo through the TRY-5 and SPE-8 pathways. Moreover, protease and protease inhibitors are crucial regulators of sperm maturation. MSP-based sperm motility involves a coupled process of protrusion and retraction, both of which have been reconstituted in vitro . Sperm motility is mediated by phosphorylation signals, as illustrated by identification of several key components (MPOP, MFPs and MPAK) in Ascaris and the characterization of GSP-3/4 in C. elegans . 相似文献
The aim of the present study is to verify the viability of frozen B. orbignyanus sperm cells after freezing with dilution media containing different concentrations of the melatonin and after different freezing times. Semen from 15 males was collected and pooled as five pools from three random animals. Oocytes (100) from three females were separately used for fertilization. There were three treatments: (C) Control Medium: 90% of extender Beltsville thawing solution (5% concentration) + 10% methylglycol (MG); (M1) Control Medium + 1 mM melatonin; and (M2) Control Medium + 2 mM melatonin. Sperm samples were diluted in media at a final proportion of 1:4 [125 μl sperm (25% V/V) + 337.5 μl BTS (65% V/V) + 37.5 μl MG (10% V/V)]. Melatonin was added at final solution. Three Dry shipper freezing times were used: T1 (15 min), T2 (12 h) and T3 (24 h). The samples were transferred, stored in a cryobank and thawed in a water bath at 60 °C for 5 s and evaluated concerning viability, morphology and fertilization rate. B. orbignyanus semen frozen in M2 presented the highest fertilization rate (8.40 ± 2.54%). The highest vitality (85.2 ± 2.8%), motility (64.63 ± 8.3%), motility duration (84.22 ± 11.4 s) and progressive motility (17.01 ± 1.2%) rates were maintained for M2. The highest number of altered cells was observed in C (57.4 ± 5.9%). Melatonin at 2 mmol L−1 associated with the cryoprotectant methylglycol in cryopreservation could be used to improve a cryobank for endangered Brycon orbignyanus populations. 相似文献