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Subfamilies of voltage-activated K+ channels (Kv1-4) contribute to controlling neuron excitability and the underlying functional parameters. Genes encoding the multiple subunits from each of these protein groups have been cloned, expressed and the resultant distinct K+ currents characterized. The predicted amino acid sequences showed that each subunit contains six putative membrane-spanning -helical segments (S1-6), with one (S4) being deemed responsible for the channels' voltage sensing. Additionally, there is an H5 region, of incompletely defined structure, that traverses the membrane and forms the ion pore; residues therein responsible for K+ selectivity have been identified. Susceptibility of certain K+ currents produced by the Shaker-related subfamily (Kv1) to inhibition by -dendrotoxin has allowed purification of authentic K+ channels from mammalian brain. These are large (Mr 400 kD), octomeric sialoglycoproteins composed of and subunits in a stoichiometry of ()4()4, with subtypes being created by combinations of subunit isoforms. Subsequent cloning of the genes for 1, 2 and 3 subunits revealed novel sequences for these hydrophilic proteins that are postulated to be associated with the subunits on the inner side of the membrane. Coexpression of 1 and Kv1.4 subunits demonstrated that this auxiliary protein accelerates the inactivation of the K+ current, a striking effect mediated by an N-terminal moiety. Models are presented that indicate the functional domains pinpointed in the channel proteins.  相似文献   

J. Neurochem. (2012) 122, 1145-1154. ABSTRACT: Cooling temperatures may modify action potential firing properties to alter sensory modalities. Herein, we investigated how cooling temperatures modify action potential firing properties in two groups of rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTXs) Na(+) channel-expressing neurons and tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTXr) Na(+) channel-expressing neurons. We found that multiple action potential firing in response to membrane depolarization was suppressed in TTXs neurons but maintained or facilitated in TTXr neurons at cooling temperatures. We showed that cooling temperatures strongly inhibited A-type K(+) currents (IA) and TTXs Na(+) channels but had fewer inhibitory effects on TTXr Na(+) channels and non-inactivating K(+) currents (IK). We demonstrated that the sensitivity of A-type K(+) channels and voltage-gated Na(+) channels to cooling temperatures and their interplay determine somatosensory neuron excitability at cooling temperatures. Our results provide a putative mechanism by which cooling temperatures modify different sensory modalities including pain.  相似文献   

High voltage-activated Ca(2+) channel expression and gating is controlled by their beta subunits. Although the sites of interaction are known at the atomic level, how beta modulates gating remains to be determined. Using a chimeric approach, beta subunit regulation was conferred to a low voltage-activated channel. Regulation was dependent on a rigid linker connecting the alpha(1) interaction domain to IS6. Chimeric channels also revealed a role for IS6 in channel gating. Taken together, these results support a direct coupling model where beta subunits alter movements in IS6 that occur as the channel transits between closed, open, and inactivated states.  相似文献   

Epithelial Na channels are apparently pore-forming membrane proteins which conduct Na much better than any other biologically abundant ion. The conductance to Na can be 100 to 1000 times higher than that to K. The only other ions that can readily get through this channel are protons and Li. Small organic cations cannot pass through the channel, and water may also be impermeant. The selectivity properties of epithelial Na channels appear to be determined by at least three factors: A high field-strength anionic site, most likely a carboxyl residue of glutamic or aspartic acid residues on the channel protein, probably accounts for the high conductance through these channels of Na and Li and to the low conductance of K, Rb and Cs. A restriction in the size of the pore at its narrowest point probably accounts for the low conductance of organic cations as well as the possible exclusion of water molecules. The outer mouth of the channel appears to be negatively charged and may control access to the region of highest selectivity and may serve as a preliminary selectivity filter, attracting cations over anions. These conclusions are illustrated by the cartoon of the channel in Fig. 3. This picture is obviously both fanciful and simplified, but its general points will hopefully be testable. It leaves open a number of important questions, including: does amiloride block the channel by binding within the outer mouth? what does the inner mouth of the channel look like, and does this part of the channel contribute to selectivity? and what, if any, are the interactions between the features of the channel that impart selectivity and those that control the regulation of the channel by hormonal and other factors?  相似文献   

Several respiratory diseases are associated with extensive damage of lung epithelia, and the regulatory mechanisms involved in their regeneration are not clearly defined. Growth factors released by epithelial cells or fibroblasts from injured lungs are important regulators of alveolar repair by stimulating cell motility, proliferation, and differentiation. In addition, K(+) channels regulate cell proliferation/migration and are coupled with growth factor signaling in several tissues. We decided to explore the hypothesis, never investigated before, that K(+) could play a prominent role in alveolar repair. We employed a model of mechanical wounding of rat alveolar type II epithelia, in primary culture, to study their response to injury. Wound healing was suppressed by one-half upon epidermal growth factor (EGF) titration with EGF-antibody (Ab) or erbB1/erbB2 tyrosine-kinase inhibition with AG-1478/AG-825. The addition of exogenous EGF slightly stimulated the alveolar wound healing and enhanced, by up to five times, alveolar cell migration measured in a Boyden-type chamber. Conditioned medium collected from injured alveolar monolayers also stimulated cell migration; this effect was abolished in the presence of EGF-Ab. The impact of K(+) channel modulators was examined in basal and EGF-stimulated conditions. Wound healing was stimulated by pinacidil, an ATP-dependent K(+) channel (K(ATP)) activator, which also increased cell migration, by twofold, in basal conditions and potentiated the stimulatory effect of EGF. K(ATP) or KvLQT1 inhibitors (glibenclamide, clofilium) reduced EGF-stimulated wound healing, cell migration, and proliferation. Finally, EGF stimulated K(ATP) and KvLQT1 currents and channel expression. In summary, stimulation of K(+) channels through autocrine activation of EGF receptors could play a crucial role in lung epithelia repair processes.  相似文献   

Jia LY  Ji YH 《生理科学进展》1999,30(2):107-107
依靠现代分子生物学技术及电生理的记录,探讨各种Na^+通道亚型在中枢与周边神经系统以及一些非兴奋性组织细胞中的分布,表达,突变及其对信息调控的功能特征,已成为当今神经生物学等学科发展中的一个研究新热点,本文将侧重对有关哺乳动物Na^+通道亚型的分类,在不同组织细胞中的分布及其表达调控的功能机制等一些研究进展做一简要的回眸。  相似文献   

Metabolic oligosaccharide engineering is a powerful approach for installing unnatural glycans with unique functional groups into the glycocalyx of living cells and animals. Using this approach, we showed that K+ channel complexes decorated with thiol-containing sialic acids were irreversibly inhibited with scorpion toxins bearing a pendant maleimide group. Irreversible inhibition required a glycosylated K+ channel subunit and was completely reversible with mild reductant when the tether connecting the toxin to the maleimide contained a disulfide bond. Cleavage of the disulfide bond not only restored function, but delivered a biotin moiety to the modified K+ channel subunit, providing a novel approach for preferentially labeling wild type K+ channel complexes functioning in cells.  相似文献   

Na+ transport in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Apse MP  Blumwald E 《FEBS letters》2007,581(12):2247-2254
The ability of plants to grow in high NaCl concentrations is associated with the ability of the plants to transport, compartmentalize, extrude, and mobilize Na(+) ions. While the influx and efflux at the roots establish the steady state rate of entry of Na(+) into the plant, the compartmentation of Na(+) into the cell vacuoles and the radial transport of Na(+) to the stele and its loading into the xylem establish the homeostatic control of Na(+) in the cytosol of the root cells. Removal of Na(+) from the transpirational stream, its distribution within the plant and its progressive accumulation in the leaf vacuoles, will determine the ability to deal with the toxic effects of Na(+). The aim of this review is to highlight and discuss the recent progress in understanding of Na(+) transport in plants.  相似文献   

Ion channels are transmembrane proteins whose canonical function is the transport of ions across the plasma membrane to regulate cell membrane potential and play an essential role in neural communication, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction. However, over the last few years, non-canonical functions have been identified for many channels, having active roles in phagocytosis, invasiveness, proliferation, among others. The participation of some channels in cell proliferation has raised the question of whether they may play an active role in mitosis. There are several reports showing the participation of channels during interphase, however, the direct participation of ion channels in mitosis has received less attention. In this article, we summarize the current evidence on the participation of ion channels in mitosis. We also summarize some tools that would allow the study of ion channels and cell cycle regulatory molecules in individual cells during mitosis.  相似文献   

Swapping of functional domains in voltage-gated K+ channels.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Functionally significant properties of domains in the amino acid sequence of potassium (K+) channel-forming proteins have been investigated by constructing chimeric K+ channels. The N-terminal domain of ShA2 channels was responsible for the fast inactivation (IKA) and also determined a shift in the threshold of activation whereas the membrane domain determined the timecourse of slow inactivation. The binding site for dendrotoxin (DTX), but not for mast cell degranulating peptide (MCDP), is completely located on the loop between the membrane spanning segments S5 and S6 in RCK1 channels. A certain part of this region which has recently been designated as a narrow part of the pore was found to be not responsible for the differences in the single-channel current amplitude between RCK4 and RCK2 K+ channels. Interchange of the C-terminal domain did not influence activation or inactivation of the channels.  相似文献   

Large conductance (approximately 210 pS), K+-selective channels were identified in excised, insideout patches obtained from the apical membranes of both ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells grown as monolayers from the primary culture of rabbit oviduct. The open probability of channels showing stable gating was increased at positive membrane potentials and was sensitive to the concentration of free calcium ions at the cytosolic surface of the patch ([Ca2+] i ). In these respects, the channel resembled maxi K+ channels found in a number of other cell types. The distributions of dwell-times in the open state were most consistently described by two exponential components. Four exponential components were fitted to the distributions of dwelltimes in the closed state. Depolarizations and [Ca2+] i increases had similar effects on the distribution of open dwell-times, causing increases in the two open time constants ( o1 and o2) and the fraction of events accounted for by the longer component of the distribution. In contrast, calcium ions and voltage had distinct effects on the distribution of closed dwelltimes. While the three shorter closed time constants ( c1, c2 and c3) were reduced by depolarizing membrane potentials, increases in [Ca2+] i caused decreases in the longer time constants ( c3 and c4). It is concluded that oviduct large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels can enter at least two major open states and four closed states.A.F.J. was supported by a research fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and received a grant for laboratory expenses from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan. The authors wish to thank Dr. Shigetoshi Oiki for valuable discussion of the analysis of gating kinetics and Dr. Jeman Kim (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) for making the transmission electron micrographs.  相似文献   

Summary In cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells, elementary K+ currents were studied in cell-attached and inside-out patches using the standard patch-clamp technique. Two different cationic channels were found, a large channel with a mean unitary conductance of 150±10 pS and a small channel with a mean unitary conductance of 12.5±1.1 pS. The 150-pS channel proved to be voltag- and Ca2+-activatable and seems to be a K+ channel. Its open probability increased on membrane depolarization and, at a given membrane potential, was greatly enhanced by elevating the Ca2+ concentration at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane from 10–7 to 10–4 m. 150-pS channels were not influenced by the patch configuration in that patch excision neither induced rundown nor evoked channel activity in silent cell-attached patches. However, they were only seen in two out of 55 patches. The 12-pS channel was predominant, a nonselective cationic channel with almost the same permeability for K+ and Na+ whose open probability was minimal near –60 mV but increased on membrane hyperpolarization. An increase in internal Ca2+ from 10–7 to 10–4 m left the open probability unchanged. Although the K+ selectivity of the 150-pS channels remains to be elucidated, it is concluded that they may be involved in controlling Ca2+-dependent cellular functions. Under physiological conditions, 12-pS nonselective channels may provide an inward cationic pathway for Na+.  相似文献   

Wang JY 《生理学报》2003,55(4):365-372
胃肠道粘膜上皮细胞具有重要的屏障作用,可以保护次上皮组织抵御一系列的有害物质,包括过敏原、病毒以及微生物病原体。粘膜损伤后的修复有赖于上皮细胞对信号网络的调节,而这一网络系统控制着基因的表达、细胞的存活、迁移及增殖。近几年的研究结果显示,在胃肠道粘膜的修复中,多胺起到关键作用;且细胞多胺的调控是众多信号传递路径的焦点。本文简要综述了多胺在肠粘膜上皮快速复原中的功能和机制,特别是对K^ 通道活性的影响。  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters appear early in the developing embryo and may play a role in the regulation of neuronal differentiation. To study potential effects of acetylcholine production in neuronal differentiation, we used the FB5 subclone of N18TG2 murine neuroblastoma cells stably transfected with cDNA for choline acetyltransferase. We tested whether the forced acetylcholine production can modify the expression or the cellular localization of different neuronal markers. We studied the activity, localization, and secretion of acetylcholinesterase in view of its possible role in the modulation of the morphogenetic action of acetylcholine and of its proposed role of a regulator of neurite outgrowth. FB5 cells are characterized by a high level of acetylcholinesterase, predominantly released into the culture medium. Acetylcholinesterase secretion into the medium was lower in choline acetyltransferase-transfected clones than in nontransfected and antisense-transfected controls. Moreover, sequential extraction of acetylcholinesterase revealed that detergent-extracted, i.e., membrane-associated, activity was higher in the transfected clones expressing choline acetyltransferase activity than in both control groups. These observations suggest that a shift occurs in the utilization of acetylcholinesterase in choline acetyltransferase-transfected clones from a secretion pathway to a pathway leading to membrane localization. In addition, the choline acetyltransferase-positive clones showed higher densities of voltage-gated Na(+) channels and enhanced high-affinity choline uptake, suggesting the accomplishment of a more advanced differentiated neuronal phenotype. Finally, binding experiments demonstrated the presence of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in all examined clones. This observation is consistent with the proposed existence of an autocrine loop, which may be important for the enhancement in the expression of neurospecific traits.  相似文献   

Na(+),K(+) ATPase is an essential ion pump involved in regulating ionic concentrations within epithelial cells. The zebrafish heart and mind (had) mutation, which disrupts the alpha1B1 subunit of Na(+),K(+) ATPase, causes heart tube elongation defects and other developmental abnormalities that are reminiscent of several epithelial cell polarity mutants, including nagie oko (nok). We demonstrate genetic interactions between had and nok in maintaining Zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1)-positive junction belts within myocardial cells. Functional tests and pharmacological inhibition experiments demonstrate that Na(+),K(+) ATPase activity is positively regulated via an N-terminal phosphorylation site that is necessary for correct heart morphogenesis to occur, and that maintenance of ZO-1 junction belts requires ion pump activity. These findings suggest that the correct ionic balance of myocardial cells is essential for the maintenance of epithelial integrity during heart morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Two-pore K+ channels, NO and metabolic inhibition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ischemic preconditioning is a potent endogenous mechanism protecting many organs from the devastating effects of prolonged ischemia. In the heart, NO is one mediator of this myoprotective response thought to involve activation of the K(ATP) channel. Ischemic preconditioning is known to be induced by metabolic inhibition using sodium cyanide (NaCN) in single cardiomyocytes. In the present study, we show for the first time that the end effector channel activated by NaCN has been incorrectly identified. The channel activated is not K(ATP) but instead belongs to the relatively new family of two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P). Further when activated by metabolic ischemia, the amplitude of K2P current is directly modulated by activators and inhibitors of the NO pathway.  相似文献   

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