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Eleven carotid atherothrombotic plaque samples were harvested from patients. Three samples that were highly calcified were discarded, while eight yielded results. The elastic properties of the material were estimated by fitting the measured indentation response to finite element simulations. The methodology was refined and its accuracy quantified using a synthetic rubber. The neo-Hookean form of the material model gave a good fit to the measured response of the tissue. The inferred shear modulus μ was found to be in the range 7–100 kPa, with a median value of 11 kPa. A review of published materials data showed a wide range of material properties for human atherothrombotic tissue. The effects of anisotropy and time dependency in these published results were highlighted. The present measurements were comparable to the static radial compression tests of Lee et al, 1991 [Structure-dependent dynamic behaviour of fibrous caps from human atherosclerotic plaques. Circulation 83, 1764–1770].  相似文献   

In this paper, mechanical properties of the anterior malleolar ligament (AML) of human middle ear were studied through the uniaxial tensile, stress relaxation and failure tests. The digital image correlation (DIC) method was used to assess the boundary effect in experiments and calculate the strain on specimens. The constitutive behavior of the AML was described by a transversely isotropic hyperelastic model which consists of a first-order Ogden model augmented by a I (4)-type reinforcing term. The material parameters of the model were estimated and the viscoelasticity of the AML was illustrated by hysteresis phenomena and stress relaxation function. The mechanical strength of the AML was obtained through the failure test and the mean ultimate stress and stretch ratio were measured as 1.05 MPa and 1.51, respectively. Finally, a linear Young's modulus-stress relationship of the AML was derived based on constitutive equation of the AML within a stress range of 0-0.5 MPa.  相似文献   

In this paper, the viscoelastic mechanical properties of vaginal tissue are investigated. Using previous results of the authors on the mechanical properties of biological soft tissues and newly experimental data from uniaxial tension tests, a new model for the viscoelastic mechanical properties of the human vaginal tissue is proposed. The structural model seems to be sufficiently accurate to guarantee its application to prediction of reliable stress distributions, and is suitable for finite element computations. The obtained results may be helpful in the design of surgical procedures with autologous tissue or prostheses.  相似文献   

Dimerized (tandemly repeated) protein was constructed, and the stretching force during the unfolding of the single protein molecule was measured using an atomic force microscope. In quasistatic measurements using normal force-distance curve measurements, each monomer unit was unfolded step by step. To elucidate the conformational state at each extension length, we measured the relax-stress response of the protein using short stroke sinusoidal movements of the sample stage. This allowed us to investigate the dynamic response of the protein repeatedly without full stretching or rupturing. Although the protein molecule responded in-phase to the applied movement in most cases, we found a novel out-of-phase response around the stretching length where the second monomer unit unfolded. Applying the spring constant measured in the quasistatic experiment, the out-of-phase response was reproduced in the simple calculation, which suggested the folding and the unfolding at the second monomer unit were taking place repeatedly during the relax-stress response measurement.  相似文献   

In order to investigate fracture problems associated with cryopreservation of aorta, experiments were carried out to study the effects of temperature, freezing rate and cryoprotective agent on the fracture mechanics properties of frozen rabbit aorta and a test method for crack criterion of frozen rabbit aorta was developed. Results showed that as temperature decreases, the fracture modes of frozen rabbit aorta changed from typical ductile fracture to typical brittle fracture, the crack was more difficult to grow as temperature decreased, and its resist-fracture ability weakened remarkably from -20 to -80 degrees C. However, freezing rates had no effects on the fracture modes when sample was cooled to -50 degrees C, while the resist-fracture ability was stronger when the sample was cooled at a higher freezing rate. Due to the hydration action of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), the rabbit aorta permeated by 10% (v/v) DMSO presented typical ductile fracture when it was cooled to -50 degrees C, so its resist-fracture ability was enhanced obviously. Compared to the axial sample, the circumferential sample's resist-fracture ability is better because of its larger deformation energy available.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to conduct mechanical property studies of skin from two individual but potentially connected aspects. One is to determine the mechanical properties of the skin experimentally by biaxial tests, and the other is to use the finite element method to model the skin properties. Dynamic biaxial tests were performed on 16 pieces of abdominal skin specimen from rats. Typical biaxial stress-strain responses show that skin possesses anisotropy, nonlinearity and hysteresis. To describe the stress-strain relationship in forms of strain energy function, the material constants of each specimen were obtained and the results show a high correlation between theory and experiments. Based on the experimental results, a finite element model of skin was built to model the skin's special properties including anisotropy and nonlinearity. This model was based on Arruda and Boyce's eight-chain model and Bischoff et al.'s finite element model of skin. The simulation results show that the isotropic, nonlinear eight-chain model could predict the skin's anisotropic and nonlinear responses to biaxial loading by the presence of an anisotropic prestress state.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of a sample of baker's yeast cells were measured by micromanipulation. The relationship between the force required to burst a single cell and its corresponding diameter was established. For stationary phase cells, the compressive force required to burst a cell varied between 55 and 175N, with a mean value of 101 ± 2N. This is a substantial force compared to that required to burst a single mammalian cell (1.5–4.5N), which presumably reflects the lack of a cell wall of the latter. From measurements on 120 cells, there was no significant dependence of bursting force on yeast cell size. The micromanipulation method will be valuable for studying the dependence of mechanical properties of yeast cells on fermentation conditions, and the consequential effects of their behaviour in process disruption operations. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of human skin in vivo are studied by means of uniaxial strain measurements. In order to obtain a stress-strain relationship which is independent of the in vivo measuring configuration, values for the effective width and effective length of the loaded skin strip have to be known. By variation of tab width and tab distance in a few series of experiments on the same subject, these effective values are found. In order to obtain a time independent stress-strain relationship a correction procedure is introduced. In this procedure the time dependent (viscoelastic) effects are described and subtracted from the total response.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the respiratory system are important determinants of its function and can be severely compromised in disease. The assessment of respiratory system mechanical properties is thus essential in the management of some disorders as well as in the evaluation of respiratory system adaptations in response to an acute or chronic process. Most often, lungs and chest wall are treated as a linear dynamic system that can be expressed with differential equations, allowing determination of the system’s parameters, which will reflect the mechanical properties. However, different models that encompass nonlinear characteristics and also multicompartments have been used in several approaches and most specifically in mechanically ventilated patients with acute lung injury. Additionally, the input impedance over a range of frequencies can be assessed with a convenient excitation method allowing the identification of the mechanical characteristics of the central and peripheral airways as well as lung periphery impedance. With the evolution of computational power, the airway pressure and flow can be recorded and stored for hours, and hence continuous monitoring of the respiratory system mechanical properties is already available in some mechanical ventilators. This review aims to describe some of the most frequently used models for the assessment of the respiratory system mechanical properties in both time and frequency domain.  相似文献   

Passive mechanical tissue properties are major determinants of myocardial contraction and relaxation and, thus, shape cardiac function. Tightly regulated, dynamically adapting throughout life, and affecting a host of cellular functions, passive tissue mechanics also contribute to cardiac dysfunction. Development of treatments and early identification of diseases requires better spatio-temporal characterisation of tissue mechanical properties and their underlying mechanisms. With this understanding, key regulators may be identified, providing pathways with potential to control and limit pathological development. Methodologies and models used to assess and mimic tissue mechanical properties are diverse, and available data are in part mutually contradictory. In this review, we define important concepts useful for characterising passive mechanical tissue properties, and compare a variety of in vitro and in vivo techniques that allow one to assess tissue mechanics. We give definitions of key terms, and summarise insight into determinants of myocardial stiffness in situ. We then provide an overview of common experimental models utilised to assess the role of environmental stiffness and composition, and its effects on cardiac cell and tissue function. Finally, promising future directions are outlined.  相似文献   

Experimental analysis of temporomandibular joint reaction force in macaques   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mandibular bone strain in the region immediately below the temporomandibular ligament was analyzed in adult and sub-adult Macaca fascicularis and Macaca mulatta. Following recovery from the general anesthetic, the monkeys were presented food objects, a wooden rod, or a specially designed bite-force transducer. Bone strain was recorded during incisal biting and mastication of food, and also during isometric biting of the rod and/or the transducer. The bone strain data suggest the following: The macaque TMJ is loaded by a compressive reaction force during the power stroke of mastication and incision of food, and during isometric molar and incisor biting. TMJ reaction forces are larger on the contralateral side during both mastication and isometric molar biting. Patterns of ipsilateral TMJ reaction force in macaques during isometric biting vary markedly in response to the position of the bite point. During biting along the premolars or first two molars a compressive reaction force acts about the ipsilateral TMJ; however, when the bite point is positioned along the M3, the ipsilateral TMJ has either very little compressive stress, no stress, or it is loaded in tension.  相似文献   

Biological membranes define not only the cell boundaries but any compartment within the cell. To some extent, the functionality of membranes is related to the elastic properties of the lipid bilayer and the mechanical and hydrophobic matching with functional membrane proteins. Supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) are valid biomimetic systems for the study of membrane biophysical properties. Here, we acquired high-resolution topographic and quantitative mechanics data of phase-separated SLBs using a recent atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging mode based on force measurements. This technique allows us to quantitatively map at high resolution the mechanical differences of lipid phases at different loading forces. We have applied this approach to evaluate the contribution of the underlying hard support in the determination of the elastic properties of SLBs and to determine the adequate indentation range for obtaining reliable elastic moduli values. At ~200 pN, elastic forces dominated the force-indentation response and the sample deformation was <20% of the bilayer thickness, at which the contribution of the support was found to be negligible. The obtained Young's modulus (E) of 19.3 MPa and 28.1 MPa allowed us to estimate the area stretch modulus (k(A)) as 106 pN/nm and 199 pN/nm and the bending stiffness (k(c)) as 18 k(B)T and 57 k(B)T for the liquid and gel phases, respectively.  相似文献   

It is known that initial loading curves of soft biological tissues are substantially different from subsequent loadings. The later loading curves are generally used for assessing the mechanical properties of a tissue, and the first loading cycles, referred to as preconditioning, are omitted. However, slow viscoelastic phenomena related to fluid flow or collagen viscoelasticity are initiated during these first preconditioning loading cycles and may persist during the actual data collection. When these data are subsequently used for fitting of material properties, the viscoelastic phenomena that occurred during the initial cycles are not accounted for. The aim of the present study is to explore whether the above phenomena are significant for articular cartilage, by evaluating the effect of such time-dependent phenomena by means of computational modeling. Results show that under indentation, collagen viscoelasticity dominates the time-dependent behavior. Under UC, fluid-dependent effects are more important. Interestingly, viscoelastic and poroelastic effects may act in opposite directions and may cancel each other out in a stress–strain curve. Therefore, equilibrium may be apparent in a stress–strain relationship, even though internally the tissue is not in equilibrium. Also, the time-dependent effects of viscoelasticity and poroelasticity may reinforce each other, resulting in a sustained effect that lasts longer than suggested by their individual effects. Finally, the results illustrate that data collected from a mechanical test may depend on the preconditioning protocol. In conclusion, preconditioning influences the mechanical response of articular cartilage significantly and therefore cannot be neglected when determining the mechanical properties. To determine the full viscoelastic and poroelastic properties of articular cartilage requires fitting to both preconditioning and post-preconditioned loading cycles.  相似文献   

New sterilization methods for human bone allografts may lead to alterations in bone mechanical properties, which strongly influence short- and medium-term outcomes. In many sterilization procedures, bone allografts are subjected to gamma irradiation, usually with 25 KGy, after treatment and packaging. We used speed-of-sound (SOS) measurements to evaluate the effects of gamma irradiation on bone. All bone specimens were subjected to the same microbial inactivation procedure. They were then separated into three groups, of which one was treated and not irradiated and two were exposed to 10 and 25 KGy of gamma radiation, respectively. SOS was measured using high- and low-frequency ultrasound beams in each orthogonal direction. SOS and Young modulus were altered significantly in the three groups, compared to native untreated bone. Exposure to 10 or 25 KGy had no noticeable effect on the study variables. The impact of irradiation was small compared to the effects of physical or chemical defatting. Reducing the radiation dose used in everyday practice failed to improve graft mechanical properties in this study.  相似文献   

The retinal neural system in the catfish which transforms light intensity temporal variations into the horizontal cell potential is experimentally analyzed and modeled by two distinct methods. The first method involves testing the system with gaussian white-noisemodulated light intensity and the subsequent derivation of a mathematical model in terms of a Wiener functional series. The second method involves testing of the system by step and sinewave stimuli and the postulation of a set of nonlinear differential equations which are designed to fit these stimulus-response data. In this latter approach, the differential equations describe the usually assumed dynamic behavior of the component subsystems, such as photoreceptor and horizontal cell membranes in terms of properties of membrance resistance and capacitance. The system behavior is found to exhibit certain small signal nonlinearities such as dynamic asymmetry in the response as well as certain large signal nonlinearities. The two modeling approaches and the resulting models are compared and it is found that the functional model derived from the white-noise experiment, while it does not attempt to describe the underlying system structure as the differential equation does, produced, in general, more satisfactory results as far as the input-output behavior of the system is concerned. It is suggested that combination of the two approaches could be very fruitful in modeling a particular system.  相似文献   

The process of epithelial morphogenesis is ubiquitous in animal development, but much remains to be learned about the mechanisms that shape epithelial tissues. The follicle cell (FC) epithelium encapsulating the growing germline of Drosophila is an excellent system to study fundamental elements of epithelial development. During stages 8 to 10 of oogenesis, the FC epithelium transitions between simple geometries-cuboidal, columnar and squamous-and redistributes cell populations in processes described as posterior migration, squamous cell flattening and main body cell columnarization. Here we have carried out a quantitative morphometric analysis of these poorly understood events in order to establish the parameters of and delimit the potential processes that regulate the transitions. Our results compel a striking revision of accepted views of these phenomena, by showing that posterior migration does not involve FC movements, that there is no role for columnar cell apical constriction in FC morphogenesis, and that squamous cell flattening may be a compliant response to germline growth. We utilize mechanical modeling involving finite element computational technologies to demonstrate that time-varying viscoelastic properties and growth are sufficient to account for the bulk of the FC morphogenetic changes.  相似文献   

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