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The light-harvesting chlorophyll protein system of the alga Chlamydobotrys stellata consists of an as yet uncharacterized algal chlorophyll a-protein, called LHCPa, and a common photosystem II-related chlorophyll a/b-protein, called LHCPb (Brandt, Kaiser-Jarry, Wiessner 1982 Biochim Biophys Acta 679: 404-409). For further characterization, this LHCPa was isolated from the organism by polyacrylamide isoelectrofocusing and reelectrophoresis. It contains only chlorophyll a and has only one apoprotein (32,000 daltons). When separated from autotrophically grown cells, its absorption peak is at 674 nm and its isoelectric point at 5.3. Photoheterotrophic cultivation of the algae shifts the absorption maximum of LHCPa to 679 nm and its isoelectric point to 4.8. This LHCPa is a component of photosystem I particles. In relation to the total chlorophyll a content, the amount of LHCPa is low in autotrophic algae, but increases under photoheterotrophic growth conditions, where the organisms do not have the ability to assimilate CO2 photosynthetically.  相似文献   

A chlorophyll a/b protein complex has been isolated from a resolved native photosystem I complex by mildly dissociating sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The chlorophyll a/b protein contains a single polypeptide of molecular weight 20 kilodaltons, and has a chlorophyll a/b ratio of 3.5 to 4.0. The visible absorbance spectrum of the chlorophyll a/b protein complex showed a maximum at 667 nanometers in the red region and a 77 K fluorescence emission maximum at 681 nanometers. Alternatively, by treatment of the native photosystem I complex with lithium dodecyl sulfate and Triton, the chlorophyll a/b protein complex could be isolated by chromatography on Sephadex G-75. Immunological assays using antibodies to the P700-chlorophyll a-protein and the photosystem II light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein show no cross-reaction between the photosystem I chlorophyll a/b protein and the other two chlorophyll-containing protein complexes.  相似文献   

Stoichiometries of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII)reaction centers in a cultivar of rice, Norin No. 8, and threechlorophyll b-deficient mutants derived from the cultivar wereinvestigated. Quantitation of PSI by photooxidation of P-700and chromatographic assay of vitamin K1 showed that, on thebasis of chlorophyll, the mutants have higher concentrationsof PSI than the wildtype rice. Greater increases were observedin the PSII contents measured by photoreduction of QA, bindingof a radioactive herbicide and atomic absorption spectroscopyof Mn. Consequently, the PSII to PSI ratio increased from 1.1–1.3in the wild-type rice to 1.8 in chlorina 2, which contains noChl b, and to 2.0–3.3 in chlorina 11 and chlorina 14,which have chlorophyll a/b ratios of 9 and 13, respectively.Measurement of oxygen evolution with saturating single-turnoverflashes revealed that, whereas at most 20% of PSII centers areinactive in oxygen evolution in the wildtype rice, the non-functionalPSII centers amount to about 50% in the three mutant strains.The fluorescence induction kinetics was also analyzed to estimateproportions of the inactive PSII in the mutants. The data obtainedsuggest that plants have an ability to adjust the stoichiometryof the two photosystems and the functional organization of PSIIin response to the genetically induced deficiency of chlorophyllb. (Received July 29, 1994; Accepted February 7, 1996)  相似文献   

We have compared the properties of a mutant of barley lacking Photosystem I (viridis-zb 63 ) with the corresponding wild type using modulated fluorescence measurements. The mutant showed two unexpected characteristics. Firstly, there was a slow decline in the fluorescence signal in the light which was dependent on the presence of O2 at concentrations similar to that in air; 2% O2 in N2 had no effect. The observed decline was mainly due to an increase in the non-photochemical quenching. Secondly, in the absence of O2, saturating light pulses caused a pronounced transient decrease in the fluorescence signal; a similar effect could also be observed in wild type plants when neither CO2 nor O2 was present.Abbreviations PPFD- photosynthetic photon flux density - qN- non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence - qp- photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence  相似文献   

The analysis of FDMR spectra, recorded at multiple emission wavelengths, by a global decomposition technique, has allowed us to characterise the triplet populations associated with Photosystem I and Photosystem II of thylakoids in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Three triplet populations are observed at fluorescence emissions characteristic of Photosystem II, and their zero field splitting parameters have been determined. These are similar to the zero field parameters for the three Photosystem II triplets previously reported for spinach thylakoids, suggesting that they have a widespread occurrence in nature. None of these triplets have the zero field splitting parameters characteristic of the Photosystem II recombination triplet observed only under reducing conditions. Because these triplets are generated under non-reducing redox conditions, when the recombination triplet is undetectable, it is suggested that they may be involved in the photoinhibition of Photosystem II. At emission wavelengths characteristic of Photosystem I, three triplet populations are observed, two of which are attributed to the P(700) recombination triplet frozen in two different conformations, based on the microwave-induced fluorescence emission spectra and the triplet minus singlet difference spectra. The third triplet population detected at Photosystem I emission wavelengths, which was previously unresolved, is proposed to originate from the antenna chlorophyll of the core or the unusually blue-shifted outer antenna complexes of this organism.  相似文献   

Laszlo JA  Gross EL 《Plant physiology》1981,68(5):1008-1013
The photosystem II core complex (TSF-IIa) is composed of polypeptides of molecular weight 54-, 47-, 42-, and 30 kilodaltons (kD) and cytochrome b-559. After treatment with trypsin or α-chymotrypsin for 20 hours, the TSF-IIa particles still retained their photochemical activity and the light-induced cytochrome b-559 signal, although all of the polypeptides of the complexes, except the 30 kD unit were extensively degraded. Proteolytic treatment decreased the apparent molecular weight of the complex from 250,000 to 100,000 daltons as determined by gel filtration, and also decreased the protein to chlorophyll ratio by 40%. Chlorophyll a appeared to be associated with the 47- and 42 kD polypeptides. Proteolysis of the complex produced a single chlorophyll a band with a slightly higher electrophoretic mobility. This band was not equivalent to the 30 kD polypeptide. Proteolysis also reduced the sensitivity of the TSF-IIa particles to 3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), but did not completely abolish it.  相似文献   

Light-harvesting capacities of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystemII (PSII) in a wild-type and three chlorophyll b-deficient mutantstrains of rice were determined by measuring the initial slopeof light-response curve of PSI and PSII electron transport andkinetics of light-induced redox changes of P-700 and QA, respectively.The light-harvesting capacity of PSI determined by the two methodswas only moderately reduced by chlorophyll b-deficiency. Analysisof the fluorescence induction that monitors time course of QAphotoreduction showed that both relative abundance and antennasize of PSIIa decrease with increasing deficiency of chlorophyllb and there is only PSII in chlorina 2 which totallylacks chlorophyll b. The numbers of antenna chlorophyll moleculesassociated with the mutant PSII centers were, therefore, threeto five times smaller than that of PSIIa in the wild type rice.Rates of PSII electron transport determined on the basis ofPSII centers in the three mutants were 60–70% of thatin the normal plant at all photon flux densities examined, indicatingthat substantial portions of the mutant PSII centers are inactivein electron transport. The initial slopes of light-responsecurves of PSII electron transport revealed that the functionalantenna sizes of the active populations of PSII centers in themutants correspond to about half that of PSII in the wild typerice. Thus, the numbers of chlorophyll molecules that serveas antenna of the oxygen-evolving PSII centers in the mutantsare significantly larger than those that are actually associatedwith each PSII center. It is proposed that the inactive PSIIserves as an antenna of the active PSII in the three chlorophyllb-deficient mutants of rice. In spite of the reduced antennasize of PSII, therefore, the total light-harvesting capacityof PSII approximately matches that of PSI in the mutants. (Received July 29, 1994; Accepted February 7, 1996)  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-protein complexes of the wild type and 16 strainsof chlorina mutants of rice were investigated by gel electrophoresis.An antenna chlorophyll a/b-protein of photosystem II (LHC-II)was present in reduced amounts in Type II chlorina mutants whichhave the chlorophyll a/b ratios of 10–15, and was totallyabsent from Type I chlorina mutants which lack chlorophyll b.Another antenna chlorophyll-protein of photosystem I (LHC-I)containing two polypeptides of 20 and 21 kDa was also presentin the Type II mutants but not in the Type I mutants. The polypeptideprofiles of the thylakoid membranes indicate that Type I mutantslack both the 20 and 21 kDa polypeptides, whereas the abundanceof the two polypeptides relative to the CPI apoprotein in theType II mutants is comparable with that in the wild type. Itis concluded that the 20 and 21 kDa polypeptides are both relatedto LHC-I and are normally synthesized and accumulated in theType II mutants. (Received June 6, 1985; Accepted August 6, 1985)  相似文献   

The analysis of FDMR spectra, recorded at multiple emission wavelengths, by a global decomposition technique, has allowed us to characterise the triplet populations associated with Photosystem I and Photosystem II of thylakoids in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Three triplet populations are observed at fluorescence emissions characteristic of Photosystem II, and their zero field splitting parameters have been determined. These are similar to the zero field parameters for the three Photosystem II triplets previously reported for spinach thylakoids, suggesting that they have a widespread occurrence in nature. None of these triplets have the zero field splitting parameters characteristic of the Photosystem II recombination triplet observed only under reducing conditions. Because these triplets are generated under non-reducing redox conditions, when the recombination triplet is undetectable, it is suggested that they may be involved in the photoinhibition of Photosystem II. At emission wavelengths characteristic of Photosystem I, three triplet populations are observed, two of which are attributed to the P700 recombination triplet frozen in two different conformations, based on the microwave-induced fluorescence emission spectra and the triplet minus singlet difference spectra. The third triplet population detected at Photosystem I emission wavelengths, which was previously unresolved, is proposed to originate from the antenna chlorophyll of the core or the unusually blue-shifted outer antenna complexes of this organism.  相似文献   

Kinetics of dark decay of absorbance changes at 830 nm (830) was examined in thylakoids isolated from leaves of pea seedlings at various concentrations of exogenous NADPH or NADH. Absorbance changes were induced by far-red light to avoid electron donation from photosystem II. In the presence of either biological reductant, the kinetics of 830 decay reflecting dark reduction of 700+, the primary electron donor of photosystem I, was fitted by a single exponential term. The rate of 700+ reduction increased with the rise in the concentration of both NADPH and NADH. The values of K M and V max for 700+ reduction estimated from concentration dependences were 105 ± 21 M and 0.32/s for NADPH or 21 ± 8 M and 0.12/s for NADH. The rate of P700+ reduction by either NADPH or NADH significantly increased in the presence of rotenone, a specific inhibitor of chloroplast reductase. The value of V max was changed only in the presence of rotenone, whereas K m was practically unaffected. Unlike the chloroplasts of intact leaves, the only enzyme mediating the input of reducing equivalents from NADPH or NADH to the electron transport chain was concluded to be present in thylakoids.  相似文献   

The site of photoinhibition at low temperatures in leaves ofa chilling-sensitive plant, cucumber, is photosystem I [Terashimaet al. (1994) Planta 193: 300]. As described herein, selectivephotoinhibition of PSI can also be induced in isolated thylakoidmembranes in vitro. Inhibition was observed both at chillingtemperatures and at 25°C, and not only in the thylakoidmembranes isolated from cucumber, but also in those isolatedfrom a chilling-tolerant plant, spinach. Comparison of theseobservations in vitro to the earlier results in vivo indicatesthat (1) photoinhibition of PSI is a universal phenomenon; (2)a mechanism exists to protect PSI in vivo; and (3) the protectivemechanism is chilling-sensitive in cucumber. The chilling-sensitivecomponent seems to be lost during the isolation of thylakoidmembranes. Very weak light (10–20µmol m-2 s-1) wassufficient to cause the inhibition of PSI. About 80% of theoxygen-evolving activity by PSII was maintained even after theactivity of PSI had decreased by more than 70%. This is thefirst report of the selective photoinhibition of PSI in vitro. (Received March 1, 1995; Accepted April 26, 1995)  相似文献   

Under anaerobic atmosphere where the gas phase was simply replacedby N2, photo-inhibition of PS I of isolated spinach chloroplastswas insignificant. However, when dithionite was included inthe irradiation mixture, severe photoinhibition of the NADP+and the MV photo-reduction occurred. Neither P700 determinedby continuous illumination-induced difference spectroscopy,Fe-S centers determined by EPR under cryogenic temperatures,nor vitamin K-l determined by HPLC analysis were significantlydecreased under these photoinhibition conditions. Although photobleachingof antenna chlorophylls occurred to more or less extent, NADP+photoreduction activities were markedly depressed even undersaturating actinic light. The maximal amplitude of the flashinduced absorbance changes of P700 in ms range decreased almostin parallel with the loss of NADP+ photoreduction activity.These results indicate that although the Fe-S centers of thephotoinhibited chloroplasts were reducible by continuous illumination,to almost the same extents as that of the control chloroplasts,the efficiency of reduction by each flash was much lower thanthat of the control chloroplasts. The site of photoinhibitionin PS I under extremely reducing conditions is between A0 andFe-S X. (Received July 28, 1988; Accepted October 31, 1988)  相似文献   

Sigrid M. Klein  Leo P. Vernon 《BBA》1977,459(3):364-375
The use of Triton X-100 to solubilize membrane fragments from Anabaena flos-aquae in conjunction with DEAE cellulose chromatography allows the separation of three green fractions. Fraction 1 is detergent-solubilized chlorophyll, and Fraction 2 contains one polypeptide in the 15 kdalton area. Fraction 3, which contains most of the chlorophyll and shows P-700 and photosystem I activity, shows by SDS gel electrophoresis varying polypeptide profiles which reflect the presence of four fundamental bands as well as varying amounts of other polypeptides which appear to be aggregates containing the 15 kdalton polypeptide. The four fundamental bands are designated Band I at 120, Band II at 52, Band III at 46, and Band IV at 15 kdaltons. Band I obtained using 0.1% SDS contains chlorophyll and P-700 associated with it. When this band is cut out and rerun, the 120 kdalton band is lost, but significant increases occur in the intensities of Bands II, III, and IV as well as other polypeptides in the 20–30 kdalton range.The use of 1% Triton X-100 coupled with sucrose density gradient centrifugation allows the separation of three green bands at 10, 25 and 40% sucrose. The 10% layer contains a major polypeptide which appears to be Band IV. The 25 and 40% layers show essentially similar polypeptide profiles, resembling Fraction 3 in this regard, except that the 40% layer shows a marked decrease in Band III. Treatment of the material layering at the 40% sucrose level with a higher (4%) concentration of Triton X-100 causes a loss (disaggregation) of the polypeptides occurring in the 60–80 kdalton region and an increase in the lower molecular weight polypeptides. Thus, aggregation of the lower molecular weight polypeptides accounts for the variability seen in the electrophoresis patterns. Possible relations of the principal polypeptides to the known photochemical functions in the original membrane are discussed.  相似文献   

Efficient assembly and repair of the oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII) complex is vital for maintaining photosynthetic activity in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. How chlorophyll is delivered to PSII during assembly and how vulnerable assembly complexes are protected from photodamage are unknown. Here, we identify a chlorophyll and β-carotene binding protein complex in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 important for formation of the D1/D2 reaction center assembly complex. It is composed of putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase Ycf39, encoded by the slr0399 gene, and two members of the high-light-inducible protein (Hlip) family, HliC and HliD, which are small membrane proteins related to the light-harvesting chlorophyll binding complexes found in plants. Perturbed chlorophyll recycling in a Ycf39-null mutant and copurification of chlorophyll synthase and unassembled D1 with the Ycf39-Hlip complex indicate a role in the delivery of chlorophyll to newly synthesized D1. Sequence similarities suggest the presence of a related complex in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton abundance (in terms of chlorophyll a and cell number), inorganic nitrogen, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and light availability was determined throughout one year in the Tagus estuary, Portugal. Chlorophyll a concentrations showed a strong seasonal variation with values ranging from 1 to 32 μg l?1(average 5.4 μg l?1). Chlorophyll patterns were unimodal for sites 1, 2, and 3 and bimodal for site 4. Diatoms and cryptophytes were, throughout the year, the dominant groups in this shallow and unstratified estuarine system. Nitrate concentrations were seasonally related to river flow and ammonium concentrations spatially related to sources of sewage input. Lower river inputs and long water residence times during summer initially promoted the accumulation of phytoplankton, but the resulting low dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations lead to limitation of phytoplankton growth. Chlorophyll a and DIN values obtained in the present study were comparable to those reported 20 years ago for the Tagus estuary.  相似文献   

The photosystem II reaction center as isolated (O Nanba, K Satoh [1987] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84: 109-112) is quite dilute and very unstable. Precipitating the complex with polyethylene glycol and resuspending it in buffer without detergent concentrates the reaction center and greatly improves its stability at 4°C in the dark as judged by light-induced electron transport activity. Furthermore, a procedure was developed to minimize photodestruction of polyethylene-glycol-concentrated material at room temperature in the light. The ability to stabilize the photosystem II reaction center should facilitate future photophysical, biochemical, and structural studies of the complex.  相似文献   

The photo-stability of photosystem I (PSI) is of high importance for the photosynthetic processes. For this reason, we studied the protective action of two biogenic polyamines (PAs) spermine (Spm) and spermidine (Spd) on PSI activity in isolated thylakoid membranes subjected to photoinhibition. Our results show that pre-loading thylakoid membranes with Spm and Spd reduced considerably the inhibition of O2 uptake rates, P700 photooxidation and the accumulation of superoxide anions (O2 ) induced by light stress. Spm seems to be more effective than Spd in preserving PSI photo-stability. The correlation of the extent of PSI protection, photosystem II (PSII) inhibition and O2 generation with increasing Spm doses revealed that PSI photo-protection is assumed by two mechanisms depending on the PAs concentration. Given their antioxidant character, PAs scavenge directly the O2 generated in thylakoid membranes at physiological concentration (1 mM). However, for non-physiological concentration, the ability of PAs to protect PSI is due to their inhibitory effect on PSII electron transfer.  相似文献   

State transitions are an important photosynthetic short-term response that allows energy distribution balancing between photosystems I (PSI) and II (PSII). In plants when PSII is preferentially excited compared with PSI (State II), part of the major light-harvesting complex LHCII migrates to PSI to form a PSI-LHCII supercomplex. So far, little is known about this complex, mainly due to purification problems. Here, a stable PSI-LHCII supercomplex is purified from Arabidopsis thaliana and maize (Zea mays) plants. It is demonstrated that LHCIIs loosely bound to PSII in State I are the trimers mainly involved in state transitions and become strongly bound to PSI in State II. Specific Lhcb1-3 isoforms are differently represented in the mobile LHCII compared with S and M trimers. Fluorescence analyses indicate that excitation energy migration from mobile LHCII to PSI is rapid and efficient, and the quantum yield of photochemical conversion of PSI-LHCII is substantially unaffected with respect to PSI, despite a sizable increase of the antenna size. An updated PSI-LHCII structural model suggests that the low-energy chlorophylls 611 and 612 in LHCII interact with the chlorophyll 11145 at the interface of PSI. In contrast with the common opinion, we suggest that the mobile pool of LHCII may be considered an intimate part of the PSI antenna system that is displaced to PSII in State I.  相似文献   

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