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Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) has an oxygenase domain with a thiol-coordinated heme active side similar to cytochrome P450. In contrast to cytochrome P450, however, conserved aromatic amino acids are situated in the heme proximal side of NOS. For example, in endothelial NOS (eNOS), the indole-ring nitrogen of Trp180 hydrogen-binds to the thiol of Cys186, the internal axial ligand to the heme. And, the aromatic side chain of Trp192 forms a bridge between this residue and the protein. Trp180 and Trp192 of eNOS correspond to Trp409 and Trp421 of neuronal NOS (nNOS), respectively. In order to understand the roles of the aromatic amino acids in catalysis, we generated Trp409His, Trp409Leu, Trp421His and Trp421Leu mutants of nNOS and determined their catalytic parameters. The Trp409Leu mutant was very poorly expressed in E. coli and was easily denatured during purification procedures. The NO formation activities of the Trp409His and Trp421Leu mutants were 11 and 25 micromol/min per micromol heme, respectively, and are lower than that (44 micromol/min per micromol heme) of the wild type. The activity (46 micromol/min per micromol heme) of the Trp421His mutant was comparable to that of the wild-type enzyme. However, NADPH oxidation rates of Trp421His (230 micromol/min per micromol heme) and Trp421Leu (104 micromol/min per microol heme) in the presence of L-Arg were much larger than those observed for the wild type (65 micromol/min per micromol heme) and the Trp409His mutant (43 micromol/min per micromol heme). The cytochrome c reduction rate of the Trp421His mutant was 6-fold larger than that of the wild type. The heme reduction rate with NADPH for the Trp421His mutant (0.09 min(-1)) was much lower than that (1.0 min(-1)) of the wild type. Taken together, it appears that Trp421 may be involved in inter-domain/inter-subunit electron transfer reactions.  相似文献   

Tryptophan dioxygenase (TDO) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) are the only two heme proteins that catalyze the oxidation reaction of tryptophan (Trp) to N-formylkynurenine. While human IDO is able to oxidize both L- and D-Trp, human TDO (hTDO) displays major specificity for L-Trp. In this work, we aim to interrogate the molecular basis for the substrate stereoselectivity of hTDO. Our previous molecular dynamics simulation studies of Xanthomonas campestris TDO (xcTDO) showed that a hydrogen bond between T254 (T342 in hTDO) and the ammonium group of the substrate is present in the L-Trp-bound enzyme, but not in the D-Trp-bound enzyme. The fact that this is the only notable structural alteration induced by the change in the stereo structure of the substrate prompted us to produce and characterize the T342A mutant of hTDO to evaluate the structural role of T342 in controlling the substrate stereoselectivity of the enzyme. The experimental results indicate that the mutation only slightly perturbs the global structural properties of the enzyme but totally abolishes the substrate stereoselectivity. Molecular dynamics simulations of xcTDO show that T254 controls the substrate stereoselectivity of the enzyme by (i) modulating the hydrogen bonding interaction between the NH(3)(+) group and epoxide oxygen of the ferryl-indole 2,3-epoxide intermediate of the enzyme and (ii) regulating the dynamics of two active site loops, loop(250-260) and loop(117-130), critical for substrate binding.  相似文献   

Caveolin is known to down-regulate both neuronal (nNOS) and endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS). In the present study, direct interactions of recombinant caveolin-1 with both the oxygenase and reductase domains of nNOS were demonstrated using in vitro binding assays. To elucidate the mechanism of nNOS regulation by caveolin, we examined the effects of a caveolin-1 scaffolding domain peptide (CaV1p1; residues (82-101)) on the catalytic activities of wild-type and mutant nNOSs. CaV1p1 inhibited NO formation activity and NADPH oxidation of wild-type nNOS in a dose-dependent manner with an IC(50) value of 1.8 microM. Mutations of Phe(584) and Trp(587) within a caveolin binding consensus motif of the oxygenase domain did not result in the loss of CaV1p1 inhibition, indicating that an alternate region of nNOS mediates inhibition by caveolin. The addition of CaV1p1 also inhibited more than 90% of the cytochrome c reductase activity in the isolated reductase domain with or without the calmodulin (CaM) binding site, whereas CaV1p1 inhibited ferricyanide reductase activity by only 50%. These results suggest that there are significant differences in the mechanism of inhibition by caveolin for nNOS as compared with those previously reported for eNOS. Further analysis of the interaction through the use of several reductase domain deletion mutants revealed that the FMN domain was essential for successful interaction between caveolin-1 and nNOS reductase. We also examined the effects of CaV1p1 on an autoinhibitory domain deletion mutant (Delta40) and a C-terminal truncation mutant (DeltaC33), both of which are able to form NO in the absence of CaM, unlike the wild-type enzyme. Interestingly, CaV1p1 inhibited CaM-dependent, but not CaM-independent, NO formation activities of both Delta40 and DeltaC33, suggesting that CaV1p1 inhibits interdomain electron transfer induced by CaM from the reductase domain to the oxygenase domain.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of neuronal nitric oxides synthase (nNOS) in collateral artery growth (arteriogenesis), we analyzed the expression pattern of nNOS at distinct time points on RNA and protein levels in a rabbit and a murine model of peripheral arteriogenesis. In the rabbit model, Northern blot analyses revealed a significant upregulation of nNOS at 6 h (1.6-fold), 12 h (2.2-fold) and 24 h (2.0-fold) after induction of arteriogenesis via femoral artery ligation, when compared to the sham operated side. In mice, an upregulation of nNOS was also detected using Northern blot (at 6 h, 12 h) and qRT-PCR (12 h: 2.4-fold). On the protein level, nNOS was found to be upregulated 24 h after femoral artery ligation. Immunohistochemical staining showed that nNOS was localized in endothelial and smooth muscle cells of collateral arteries, as well as in skeletal muscle and nerves. In summary, our data provide evidence that nNOS is not constitutively expressed, but is induced during arteriogenesis, playing a role in supplying reactive oxygen species such as H2O2 and low levels of NO.  相似文献   

Three mutations in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene encoding the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase were isolated by selection for resistance to 5-methylanthranilate or 5-fluoroindole, toxic analogs of tryptophan pathway intermediates. Plants homozygous for trp3-1 and trp3-2 are light-conditional tryptophan auxotrophs, while trp3-100 is a more leaky mutant. Genetic complementation crosses demonstrated that the three mutations are allelic to each other, and define a new complementation group. All three mutants have decreased steady-state levels of tryptophan synthase alpha protein, and the trp3-100 polypeptide exhibits altered electrophoretic mobility. All three mutations were shown to be in the TSA1 (tryptophan synthase alpha subunit) structural gene by several criteria. Firstly, the trp3-1 mutation is linked to TSA1 on the bottom of chromosome 3. Secondly, the trp3-1 mutation was complemented when transformed with the wild-type TSA1 gene. Finally, DNA sequence analysis of the TSA1 gene revealed a single transition mutation in each trp3 mutant.  相似文献   

The heme of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) participates in O2 activation but also binds self-generated NO, resulting in reversible feedback inhibition. We utilized mutagenesis to investigate if a conserved tryptophan residue (Trp409), which engages in pi-stacking with the heme and hydrogen bonds to its axial cysteine ligand, helps control catalysis and regulation by NO. Mutants W409F and W409Y were hyperactive regarding NO synthesis without affecting cytochrome c reduction, reductase-independent N-hydroxyarginine oxidation, or Arg and tetrahydrobiopterin binding. In the absence of Arg electron flux through the heme was slower in the W409 mutants than in wild-type. However, less NO complex accumulated during NO synthesis by the mutants. To understand the mechanism, we compared the kinetics of heme-NO complex formation, rate of heme reduction, kcat prior to and after NO complex formation, NO binding affinity, NO complex stability, and its reaction with O2. During the initial phase of NO synthesis, heme-NO complex formation was three and five times slower in W409F and W409Y, which corresponded to a slower heme reduction. NO complex formation inhibited wild-type turnover 7-fold but reduced mutant turnover less than 2-fold, giving mutants higher steady-state activities. NO binding kinetics were similar among mutants and wild type, although mutants also formed a 417 nm ferrous-NO complex. Oxidation of ferrous-NO complex was seven times faster in mutants than in wild type. We conclude that mutant hyperactivity primarily derives from slower heme reduction and faster oxidation of the heme-NO complex by O2. In this way Trp409 mutations minimize NO feedback inhibition by limiting buildup of the ferrous-NO complex during the steady state. Conservation of W409 among NOS suggests that this proximal Trp may regulate NO feedback inhibition and is important for enzyme physiologic function.  相似文献   

 Three mutations in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene encoding the alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase were isolated by selection for resistance to 5-methylanthranilate or 5-fluoroindole, toxic analogs of tryptophan pathway intermediates. Plants homozygous for trp3-1 and trp3-2 are light-conditional tryptophan auxotrophs, while trp3-100 is a more leaky mutant. Genetic complementation crosses demonstrated that the three mutations are allelic to each other, and define a new complementation group. All three mutants have decreased steady-state levels of tryptophan synthase alpha protein, and the trp3-100 polypeptide exhibits altered electrophoretic mobility. All three mutations were shown to be in the TSA1 (tryptophan synthase alpha subunit) structural gene by several criteria. Firstly, the trp3-1 mutation is linked to TSA1 on the bottom of chromosome 3. Secondly, the trp3-1 mutation was complemented when transformed with the wild-type TSA1 gene. Finally, DNA sequence analysis of the TSA1 gene revealed a single transition mutation in each trp3 mutant. Received: 28 May 1996 / Accepted: 19 June 1996  相似文献   

Three nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isoforms, eNOS, nNOS and iNOS, generate nitric oxide (NO) crucial to the cardiovascular, nervous and host defense systems, respectively. Development of isoform-selective NOS inhibitors is of considerable therapeutic importance. Crystal structures of nNOS-selective dipeptide inhibitors in complex with both nNOS and eNOS were solved and the inhibitors were found to adopt a curled conformation in nNOS but an extended conformation in eNOS. We hypothesized that a single-residue difference in the active site, Asp597 (nNOS) versus Asn368 (eNOS), is responsible for the favored binding in nNOS. In the D597N nNOS mutant crystal structure, a bound inhibitor switches to the extended conformation and its inhibition of nNOS decreases >200-fold. Therefore, a single-residue difference is responsible for more than two orders of magnitude selectivity in inhibition of nNOS over eNOS by L-N(omega)-nitroarginine-containing dipeptide inhibitors.  相似文献   

The cruciferous plant Arabidopsis thaliana has two closely related, nonallelic tryptophan synthase beta genes (TSB1 and TSB2), each containing four introns and a chloroplast leader sequence. Both genes are transcribed, although TSB1 produces greater than 90% of tryptophan synthase beta mRNA in leaf tissue. A tryptophan-requiring mutant, trp2-1, has been identified that has about 10% of the wild-type tryptophan synthase beta activity. The trp2-1 mutation is complemented by the TSB1 transgene and is linked genetically to a polymorphism in the TSB1 gene, strongly suggesting that trp2-1 is a mutation in TSB1. The trp2-1 mutants are conditional: they require tryptophan for growth under standard illumination but not under very low light conditions. Presumably, under low light the poorly expressed gene, TSB2, is capable of supporting growth. Genetic redundancy may be common to many aromatic amino acid biosynthetic enzymes in plants because mutants defective in two other genes (TRP1 and TRP3) also exhibit a conditional tryptophan auxotrophy. The existence of two tryptophan pathways has important consequences for tissue-specific regulation of amino acid and secondary metabolite biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The heme of neuronal nitric-oxide synthase participates in oxygen activation but also binds self-generated NO during catalysis resulting in reversible feedback inhibition. We utilized point mutagenesis to investigate if a conserved tryptophan residue (Trp-409), which engages in pi-stacking with the heme and hydrogen bonds to its axial cysteine ligand, helps control catalysis and regulation by NO. Surprisingly, mutants W409F and W409Y were hyperactive compared with the wild type regarding NO synthesis without affecting cytochrome c reduction, reductase-independent N-hydroxyarginine oxidation, or Arg and tetrahydrobiopterin binding. In the absence of Arg, NADPH oxidation measurements showed that electron flux through the heme was actually slower in the Trp-409 mutants than in wild-type nNOS. However, little or no NO complex accumulated during NO synthesis by the mutants, as opposed to the wild type. This difference was potentially related to mutants forming unstable 6-coordinate ferrous-NO complexes under anaerobic conditions even in the presence of Arg and tetrahydrobiopterin. Thus, Trp-409 mutations minimize NO feedback inhibition by preventing buildup of an inactive ferrous-NO complex during the steady state. This overcomes the negative effect of the mutation on electron flux and results in hyperactivity. Conservation of Trp-409 among different NOS suggests that the ability of this residue to regulate heme reduction and NO complex formation is important for enzyme physiologic function.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutants of Streptococcus mutans GS-5 defective in sucrose-dependent colonization of smooth surfaces are generated at frequencies above the spontaneous mutation rate. Southern blot analysis of such mutants suggested rearrangement of the genes coding for glucosyltransferase (GTF) activity. Two strain GS-5 homologous tandem genes, gtfB and gtfC, coding for GTF-I and GTF-S activities respectively, were demonstrated to undergo recombination when introduced into recombination-proficient Escherichia coli transformants. However, the two genes were quite stable when transformed on a single DNA fragment into a recA mutant of E. coli. The DNA fragment coding for GTF activity from one S. mutans colonization-defective mutant, SP2, was isolated and shown also to have undergone recombination between the gtfB and gtfC genes, resulting in reduced GTF activity. These results are discussed relative to the in vivo generation of colonization-defective mutants in cultures of S. mutans.  相似文献   

The heme prosthetic group of NO synthase is critical for catalytic activity as well as assembly of the enzyme to the native homodimeric form. In the current study, we examined if structurally different metal porphyrins could substitute for the native heme prosthetic group in neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) with regard to assembly and catalysis. We established, with the use of a recently developed in vitro method that functionally reconstitutes heme-deficient apo-nNOS, that Fe-mesoporphyrin IX or Fe-deuteroporphyrin IX can substitute for heme and lead to assembly of a functional nNOS, albeit with lower activity. Fe-protoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester or the metal free protoporphyrin IX, however, lead to minimal assembly of nNOS. Protoporphyrin IX compounds where the native Fe was substituted with Zn, Mn, Co, or Sn lead to assembly of nNOS, but no detectable NO was synthesized in the presence of NADPH and L-arginine. Thus, the presence of the metal and propionic acid groups, but not the vinyl moieties, of heme are important structural features in assembly of nNOS. These studies establish that the mechanism of assembly and catalysis of nNOS can be probed with structurally diverse metal porphyrins.  相似文献   

The vital signalling molecule NO is produced by mammalian NOS (nitric oxide synthase) enzymes in two steps. L-arginine is converted into NOHA (Nω-hydroxy-L-arginine), which is converted into NO and citrulline. Both steps are thought to proceed via similar mechanisms in which the cofactor BH4 (tetrahydrobiopterin) activates dioxygen at the haem site by electron transfer. The subsequent events are poorly understood due to the lack of stable intermediates. By analogy with cytochrome P450, a haem-iron oxo species may be formed, or direct reaction between a haem-peroxy intermediate and substrate may occur. The two steps may also occur via different mechanisms. In the present paper we analyse the two reaction steps using the G586S mutant of nNOS (neuronal NOS), which introduces an additional hydrogen bond in the active site and provides an additional proton source. In the mutant enzyme, BH4 activates dioxygen as in the wild-type enzyme, but an interesting intermediate haem species is then observed. This may be a stabilized form of the active oxygenating species. The mutant is able to perform step 2 (reaction with NOHA), but not step 1 (with L-arginine) indicating that the extra hydrogen bond enables it to discriminate between the two mono-oxygenation steps. This implies that the two steps follow different chemical mechanisms.  相似文献   

The development of new therapies against infectious diseases is vital in developing countries. Among infectious diseases, tuberculosis is considered the leading cause of death. A target for development of new drugs is the tryptophan pathway. The last enzyme of this pathway, tryptophan synthase (TRPS), is responsible for conversion of the indole 3-glycerol phosphate into indol and the condensation of this molecule with serine-producing tryptophan. The present work describes the molecular models of TRPS from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtTRPS) complexed with six inhibitors, the indole 3-propanol phosphate and five arylthioalkyl-phosphonated analogs of substrate of the alpha-subunit. The molecular models of MtTRPS present good stereochemistry, and the binding of the inhibitors is favorable. Thus, the generated models can be used in the design of more specific drugs against tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Phung YT  Black SM 《IUBMB life》1999,48(3):333-338
Because the functional form of neuronal nitric-oxide synthase (nNOS) is a homodimer, we investigated whether we could disrupt dimer formation with inactive nNOS chimeras acting as dominant negative mutants. To test this hypothesis, we either expressed the heme and reductase regions of rat nNOS as single domains or produced fusion proteins between the rat nNOS heme domain and various other electron-shuttling proteins. A dominant negative potential of these constructs was demonstrated by their ability to reduce NOS activity when transfected into a cell line stably expressing rat nNOS. In the presence of these nNOS mutant proteins, cellular levels of inactive nNOS monomers were significantly increased, indicating that their mechanism of action is through the disruption of nNOS dimer formation. These dominant negative mutants should prove valuable in analyzing the role of nNOS in biological systems.  相似文献   

Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) (acetolactate synthase, EC ) catalyzes the first step in branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis and is the target for sulfonylurea and imidazolinone herbicides. These compounds are potent and selective inhibitors, but their binding site on AHAS has not been elucidated. Here we report the 2.8 A resolution crystal structure of yeast AHAS in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, chlorimuron ethyl. The inhibitor, which has a K(i) of 3.3 nm, blocks access to the active site and contacts multiple residues where mutation results in herbicide resistance. The structure provides a starting point for the rational design of further herbicidal compounds.  相似文献   

Summary The inherent infidelity of Taq DNA polymerase in the polymerase chain reaction was exploited to produce random mutations in thetrp A gene. Screening of the resulting clones allowed selection of non-interactive mutant subunits retaining their intrinsic catalytic activity. Two single changes responsible for this phenotype were identified by DNA sequencing as: 126 valine (GTG)glutamic acid (GAG) and 128 valine (GTT)aspartic acid (GAT). Three single changes giving a non-interactive phenotype with an impaired intrinsic catalytic activity were identified by DNA sequencing as a66 asparagine (AAC)aspartic acid (GAC); 109lysine (AAA) arginine (AGA); 118 cysteine (TGC)arginine (CGC). Where possible, we individually assessed the importance of these residues in interaction in light of structural information from X-ray crystallography and by intergeneric protein sequence comparison.  相似文献   

We examined whether nitric oxide (NO) generated from neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) contributes to the reduced ability of the newborn to autoregulate retinal blood flow (RBF) and choroidal blood flow (ChBF) during acute rises in perfusion pressure. In newborn pigs (1-2 days old), RBF (measured by microsphere) is autoregulated over a narrow range of perfusion pressure, whereas ChBF is not autoregulated. N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) or specific nNOS inhibitors 7-nitroindazole, 3-bromo-7-nitroindazole, and 1-(2-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)imidazole as well as ganglionic blocker hexamethonium, unveiled a ChBF autoregulation as observed in juvenile (4- to 6-wk old) animals, whereas autoregulation of RBF in the newborn was only enhanced by L-NAME. All NOS inhibitors and hexamethonium prevented the hypertension-induced increase in NO mediator cGMP in the choroid. nNOS mRNA expression and activity were three- to fourfold higher in the choroid of newborn pigs than in tissues of juvenile pigs. It is concluded that increased production of NO from nNOS curtails ChBF autoregulation in the newborn and suggests a role for the autonomic nervous system in this important hemodynamic function, whereas, for RBF autoregulation, endothelial NOS seems to exert a more important contribution in limiting autoregulation.  相似文献   

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