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A previous study (King et al., 1991. J. Biol. Chem. 266:8401-8407) showed that the 78,000-M(r) intermediate chain (IC78) from the Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein is in direct contact with alpha-tubulin in situ, suggesting that this protein may be involved in binding the dynein to the doublet microtubules. Molecular genetic analysis of this chain recently demonstrated that it is a WD repeat protein essential for outer arm assembly (Wilkerson et al., 1995.J. Cell Biol. 129:169- 178). We have now transcribed and translated IC78 in vitro, and demonstrate that this molecule binds axonemes and microtubules, whereas a homologous protein (the 69,000-M(r) intermediate chain [IC69] of Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein) does not. Thus, IC78 is a bona fide microtubule-binding protein. Taken together with the previous results, these findings indicate that IC78 is likely to provide at least some of the adhesive force that holds the dynein to the doublet microtubule, and support the general hypothesis that the dynein intermediate chains are involved in targeting different dyneins to the specific cell organelles with which they associate. Analysis of the binding activities of various IC78 deletion constructs translated in vitro identified discrete regions of IC78 that affected the binding to microtubules; two of these regions are specifically missing in IC69. Previous studies also showed that IC78 is in direct contact with IC69; the current work indicates that the region of IC78 that mediates this interaction is coincident with two of IC78's WD repeats. This supports the hypothesis that these repeats are involved in protein-protein interactions within the dynein complex.  相似文献   

We have used the zero-length cross-linker 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) to examine protein-protein associations within purified outer arm dynein and axonemes from Chlamydomonas flagella. When axonemes were treated with 0.5-1 mM EDC in either the presence or absence of ATP/vanadate, a polypeptide band of Mr 127,000 recognized by monoclonal antibody 1878A (specific for the Mr 78,000 intermediate chain (IC78) of outer arm dynein) was generated. This conjugate was not obtained when purified dynein was treated with EDC. Further immunological analysis demonstrated that this complex also contained alpha- (but not beta-) tubulin. These results indicate that IC78 interacts with alpha-tubulin in situ in an ATP-insensitive manner. Identification of this interface between dynein and tubulin suggests that IC78, which probably is located at the base of the dynein particle (King, S. M., and Witman, G. B. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 19807-19811), contributes to the structural attachment of the dynein arms to the A-tubules of the outer doublet microtubules. Analysis of the cross-linked products from the purified dynein revealed several additional interactions involving the intermediate chains; these adducts provide further evidence for an intermediate chain/light chain complex within dynein and confirm that IC78 and IC69 associate directly.  相似文献   

Increased phosphorylation of dynein IC IC138 correlates with decreases in flagellar microtubule sliding and phototaxis defects. To test the hypothesis that regulation of IC138 phosphorylation controls flagellar bending, we cloned the IC138 gene. IC138 encodes a novel protein with a calculated mass of 111 kDa and is predicted to form seven WD-repeats at the C terminus. IC138 maps near the BOP5 locus, and bop5-1 contains a point mutation resulting in a truncated IC138 lacking the C terminus, including the seventh WD-repeat. bop5-1 cells display wild-type flagellar beat frequency but swim slower than wild-type cells, suggesting that bop5-1 is altered in its ability to control flagellar waveform. Swimming speed is rescued in bop5-1 transformants containing the wild-type IC138, confirming that BOP5 encodes IC138. With the exception of the roadblock-related light chain, LC7b, all the other known components of the I1 complex, including the truncated IC138, are assembled in bop5-1 axonemes. Thus, the bop5-1 motility phenotype reveals a role for IC138 and LC7b in the control of flagellar bending. IC138 is hyperphosphorylated in paralyzed flagellar mutants lacking radial spoke and central pair components, further indicating a role for the radial spokes and central pair apparatus in control of IC138 phosphorylation and regulation of flagellar waveform.  相似文献   

A novel Chlamydomonas flagellar mutant (oda-11) missing the alpha heavy chain of outer arm dynein but retaining the beta and gamma heavy chains was isolated. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with an alpha heavy chain locus genomic probe indicated that the oda-11 mutation was genetically linked with the structural gene of the alpha heavy chain. In cross-section electron micrographs, the oda-11 axoneme lacked the outermost appendage of the outer arm, indicating that the alpha heavy chain should be located in this region in the wild-type outer arm. This mutant swam at 119 microns/s at 25 degrees C, i.e., at an intermediate speed between those of wild type (194 microns/s) and of oda-1 (62 microns/s), a mutant missing the entire outer dynein arm. The flagellar beat frequency (approximately 50 Hz) was also between those of wild type (approximately 60 Hz) and oda-1 (approximately 26 Hz). These results indicate that the outer dynein arm of Chlamydomonas can be assembled without the alpha heavy chain, and that the outer arm missing the alpha heavy chain retains partial function.  相似文献   

Tctex1 and Tctex2 were originally described as potential distorters/sterility factors in the non-Mendelian transmission of t-haplotypes in mice. These proteins have since been identified as subunits of cytoplasmic and/or axonemal dyneins. Within the Chlamydomonas flagellum, Tctex1 is a subunit of inner arm I1. We have now identified a second Tctex1-related protein (here termed LC9) in Chlamydomonas. LC9 copurifies with outer arm dynein in sucrose density gradients and is missing only in those strains completely lacking this motor. Zero-length cross-linking of purified outer arm dynein indicates that LC9 interacts directly with both the IC1 and IC2 intermediate chains. Immunoblot analysis revealed that LC2, LC6, and LC9 are missing in an IC2 mutant strain (oda6-r88) that can assemble outer arms but exhibits significantly reduced flagellar beat frequency. This defect is unlikely to be due to lack of LC6, because an LC6 null mutant (oda13) exhibits only a minor swimming abnormality. Using an LC2 null mutant (oda12-1), we find that although some outer arm dynein components assemble in the absence of LC2, they are nonfunctional. In contrast, dyneins from oda6-r88, which also lack LC2, retain some activity. Furthermore, we observed a synthetic assembly defect in an oda6-r88 oda12-1 double mutant. These data suggest that LC2, LC6, and LC9 have different roles in outer arm assembly and are required for wild-type motor function in the Chlamydomonas flagellum.  相似文献   

A new allele of the Chlamydomonas oda4 flagellar mutant (oda4-s7) possessing abnormal outer dynein arms was isolated. Unlike the previously described oda4 axoneme lacking all three (alpha, beta, and gamma) outer-arm dynein heavy chains, the oda4-s7 axoneme contains the alpha and gamma heavy chains and a novel peptide with a molecular mass of approximately 160 kD. The peptide reacts with a mAb (18 beta B) that recognizes an epitope on the NH2-terminal part of the beta heavy chain. These observations indicate that this mutant has a truncated beta heavy chain, and that the NH2-terminal part of the beta heavy chain is important for the stable assembly of the outer arms. In averaged electron microscopic images of outer arms from cross sections of axonemes, the mutant outer arm lacks its mid-portion, producing a forked appearance. Together with our previous finding that the mutant oda11 lacks the alpha heavy chain and the outermost portion of the arm (Sakakibara, H., D. R. Mitchell, and R. Kamiya. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 113:615-622), this result defines the approximate locations of the three outer arm heavy chains in the axonemal cross section. The swimming velocity of oda4-s7 is 65 +/- 8 microns/s, close to that of oda4 which lacks the entire outer arm (62 +/- 8 microns/s) but significantly lower than the velocities of wild type (194 +/- 23 microns/s) and oda11 (119 +/- 17 microns/s). Thus, the lack of the beta heavy chain impairs outer-arm function more seriously than does the lack of the alpha heavy chain, suggesting that the alpha and beta chains play different roles in outer arm function.  相似文献   

The outer dynein arm from Chlamydomonas flagella contains two redox-active thioredoxin-related light chains associated with the alpha and beta heavy chains; these proteins belong to a distinct subgroup within the thioredoxin family. This observation suggested that some aspect of dynein activity might be modulated through redox poise. To test this, we have examined the effect of sulfhydryl oxidation on the ATPase activity of isolated dynein and axonemes from wildtype and mutant strains lacking various heavy chain combinations. The outer, but not inner, dynein arm ATPase was stimulated significantly following treatment with low concentrations of dithionitrobenzoic acid; this effect was readily reversible by dithiol, and to a lesser extent, monothiol reductants. Mutational and biochemical dissection of the outer arm revealed that ATPase activation in response to DTNB was an exclusive property of the gamma heavy chain, and that enzymatic enhancement was modulated by the presence of other dynein components. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the LC5 thioredoxin-like light chain binds to the N-terminal stem domain of the alpha heavy chain and that the beta heavy chain-associated LC3 protein also interacts with the gamma heavy chain. These data suggest the possibility of a dynein-associated redox cascade and further support the idea that the gamma heavy chain plays a key regulatory role within the outer arm.  相似文献   

We have used immunoelectron microscopy to determine the location of an intermediate chain in the isolated outer arm dynein from Chlamydomonas flagella. When the purified alpha beta dimer of the outer arm was incubated with antibodies recognizing two distinct epitopes on its 69-kDa intermediate chain and then negatively stained and examined by electron microscopy, both antibodies appeared to have bound to the base of the Y-shaped stem that connects the two heads of the particle. These results indicate that this intermediate chain is located at the base of the stem. Inasmuch as this polypeptide is tightly associated with the 78-kDa intermediate chain and several light chains in an intermediate chain-light chain complex, it is likely that this entire assemblage is located at the base of the particle. Thus, these polypeptides are in a potentially important position with regard to the ATP-insensitive (structural end) binding of dynein to microtubules and to dynein-dynein interactions within the axoneme.  相似文献   

The outer dynein arm (ODA) is a molecular complex that drives the beating motion of cilia/flagella. Chlamydomonas ODA is composed of three heavy chains (HCs), two ICs, and 11 light chains (LCs). Although the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the whole ODA complex has been investigated, the 3D configurations of the ICs and LCs are largely unknown. Here we identified the 3D positions of the two ICs and three LCs using cryo–electron tomography and structural labeling. We found that these ICs and LCs were all localized at the root of the outer-inner dynein (OID) linker, designated the ODA-Beak complex. Of interest, the coiled-coil domain of IC2 extended from the ODA-Beak to the outer surface of ODA. Furthermore, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of how the OID linker transmits signals to the ODA-Beak, by manipulating the interaction within the OID linker using a chemically induced dimerization system. We showed that the cross-linking of the OID linker strongly suppresses flagellar motility in vivo. These results suggest that the ICs and LCs of the ODA form the ODA-Beak, which may be involved in mechanosignaling from the OID linker to the HCs.  相似文献   

Flagellar motility is generated by the activity of multiple dynein motors, but the specific role of each dynein heavy chain (Dhc) is largely unknown, and the mechanism by which the different Dhcs are targeted to their unique locations is also poorly understood. We report here the complete nucleotide sequence of the Chlamydomonas Dhc1 gene and the corresponding deduced amino acid sequence of the 1alpha Dhc of the I1 inner dynein arm. The 1alpha Dhc is similar to other axonemal Dhcs, but two additional phosphate binding motifs (P-loops) have been identified in the NH(2)- and COOH-terminal regions. Because mutations in Dhc1 result in motility defects and loss of the I1 inner arm, a series of Dhc1 transgenes were used to rescue the mutant phenotypes. Motile cotransformants that express either full-length or truncated 1alpha Dhcs were recovered. The truncated 1alpha Dhc fragments lacked the dynein motor domain, but still assembled with the 1beta Dhc and other I1 subunits into partially functional complexes at the correct axoneme location. Analysis of the transformants has identified the site of the 1alpha motor domain in the I1 structure and further revealed the role of the 1alpha Dhc in flagellar motility and phototactic behavior.  相似文献   

We describe here the vanadate-dependent photocleavage of the gamma heavy chain from the Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein and the pathways by which this molecule is degraded by endoproteases. UV irradiation in the presence of ATP, Mg2+, and vanadate cleaves the gamma chain at a single site (termed V1) to yield fragments of Mr 235,000 and 180,000. Irradiation in the presence of vanadate and Mn2+ results in cleavage of the gamma chain at two other sites (termed V2a and V2b) to yield fragment pairs of Mr 215,000/200,000 and 250,000/165,000. The mass of the intact chain is therefore estimated to be 415,000 D. We have located the major tryptic and staphylococcal protease cleavage sites in the gamma chain, determined the origins of the resulting fragments, and identified the regions which contain the epitopes recognized by two different monoclonal antibodies. Both antibodies react with the smaller V1 fragment; the epitope recognized by antibody 25-8 is within 9,000-52,000 D of the original gamma-chain terminus contained in that fragment, whereas that recognized by antibody 12 gamma B is within 16,000 D of the V1 site. The data permit the construction of a linear map showing the structural organization of the polypeptide. The substructure of the gamma chain is similar to that of the alpha and beta chains of the outer arm dynein with regard to polarity as defined by the sites of vanadate-dependent photocleavage, and to that of the beta chain with regard to a highly sensitive protease site located approximately 10,000 D from the original terminus contained in the smaller V1 fragment.  相似文献   

To learn more about how dyneins are targeted to specific sites in the flagellum, we have investigated a factor necessary for binding of outer arm dynein to the axonemal microtubules of Chlamydomonas. This factor, termed the outer dynein arm-docking complex (ODA-DC), previously was shown to be missing from axonemes of the outer dynein armless mutants oda1 and oda3. We have now partially purified the ODA-DC, determined that it contains equimolar amounts of M(r) approximately 105,000 and approximately 70,000 proteins plus a third protein of M(r) approximately 25,000, and found that it is associated with the isolated outer arm in a 1:1 molar ratio. We have cloned a full-length cDNA encoding the M(r) approximately 70,000 protein; the sequence predicts a 62.5-kDa protein with potential homologs in higher ciliated organisms, including humans. Sequencing of corresponding cDNA from strain oda1 revealed it has a mutation resulting in a stop codon just downstream of the initiator ATG; thus, it is unable to make the full-length M(r) approximately 70,000 protein. These results demonstrate that the ODA1 gene encodes the M(r) approximately 70,000 protein, and that the protein is essential for assembly of the ODA-DC and the outer dynein arm onto the doublet microtubule.  相似文献   

Of the uncloned ODA genes required for outer dynein arm assembly in Chlamydomonas, ODA5 and ODA10 are of particular interest because they do not encode known subunits of the outer arm or the outer dynein arm-docking complex (ODA-DC), and because genetic studies suggest their products interact. Beginning with a tagged oda5 allele, we isolated genomic and cDNA clones of the wild-type gene. ODA5 predicts a novel, 66-kDa coiled-coil protein. Immunoblotting indicates Oda5p is an axonemal component that assembles onto the axoneme independently of the outer arm and ODA-DC and is uniquely missing in oda5 and oda10 axonemes. Oda5p is released from the axoneme by extraction with 0.6 M KCl, but the soluble Oda5p does not cosediment with the outer dynein arm/ODA-DC in sucrose gradients. Quantitative mass spectrometry by using isotope coded affinity tagging revealed that a previously unidentified adenylate kinase is reduced 35-50% in oda5 flagella. Direct enzymatic assays demonstrated a comparable reduction in adenylate kinase activity in oda5 flagella, and also in oda10 flagella, but not in flagella of other oda mutants. We propose that Oda5p is part of a novel axonemal complex that is required for outer arm assembly and anchors adenylate kinase in proximity to the arm.  相似文献   

The LC1 light chain from Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein is tightly bound to the gamma heavy chain. Molecular cloning revealed that LC1 is a member of the SDS22+ subclass of the leucine-rich repeat protein family and as such is likely involved in mediating interactions between dynein and the components of a signal transduction pathway. Through the combination of covalent cross-linking and vanadate-mediated photolysis, LC1 was found to associate with that portion of the gamma HC that is C-terminal to the P1 loop. This region comprises most of the globular head domain of the heavy chain and includes the stalk-like structure that is involved in microtubule binding. Attachment of LC1 to this region represents the only known example of an accessory polypeptide directly associated with a dynein motor domain. Additional cross-linking experiments revealed that LC1 also interacts directly in situ with an approximately 45 kDa axonemal component; this interaction is disrupted by the standard high salt treatment used to remove the outer arm from the axoneme. These data suggest that LC1 acts to mediate the association between this 45 kDa axonemal polypeptide and the motor unit of the gamma HC.  相似文献   

We previously found that a mutation at the ODA7 locus in Chlamydomonas prevents axonemal outer row dynein assembly by blocking association of heavy chains and intermediate chains in the cytoplasm. We have now cloned the ODA7 locus by walking in the Chlamydomonas genome from nearby molecular markers, confirmed the identity of the gene by rescuing the mutant phenotype with genomic clones, and identified the ODA7 gene product as a 58-kDa leucine-rich repeat protein unrelated to outer row dynein LC1. Oda7p is missing from oda7 mutant flagella but is present in flagella of other outer row or inner row dynein assembly mutants. However, Oda7 levels are greatly reduced in flagella that lack both outer row dynein and inner row I1 dynein. Biochemical fractionation and rebinding studies support a model in which Oda7 participates in a previously uncharacterized structural link between inner and outer row dyneins.  相似文献   

Ciliary beat frequency is primarily regulated by outer arm dyneins (22 S dynein). Chilcote and Johnson (Chilcote, T. J., and Johnson, K. A. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 17257-17266) previously studied isolated Tetrahymena 22 S dynein, identifying a protein p34, which showed cAMP-dependent phosphorylation. Here, we characterize the molecular biochemistry of p34 further, demonstrating that it is the functional ortholog of the 22 S dynein regulatory light chain, p29, in Paramecium. p34, thiophosphorylated in isolated axonemes in the presence of cAMP, co-purified with 22 S dynein and not with inner arm dynein (14 S dynein). Isolated 22 S dynein containing phosphorylated p34 showed approximately 70% increase in in vitro microtubule translocation velocity compared with its unphosphorylated counterpart. Extracted p34 rebound to isolated 22 S dynein from either Tetrahymena or Paramecium but not to 14 S dynein from either ciliate. Binding of radiolabeled p34 to 22 S dynein was competitive with p29. Phosphorylated p34 was not present in axonemes isolated from a mutant lacking outer arms. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by phosphorimaging revealed at least five phosphorylated p34-related spots, consistent with multiple phosphorylation sites in p34 or perhaps multiple isoforms of p34. These new features suggest that a class of outer arm dynein light chains including p34 regulates microtubule sliding velocity and consequently ciliary beat frequency through phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Dynein motors of cilia and flagella function in the context of the axoneme, a very large network of microtubules and associated proteins. To understand how dyneins assemble and attach to this network, we characterized two Chlamydomonas outer arm dynein assembly (oda) mutants at a new locus, ODA16. Both oda16 mutants display a reduced beat frequency and altered swimming behavior, similar to previously characterized oda mutants, but only a partial loss of axonemal dyneins as shown by both electron microscopy and immunoblots. Motility studies suggest that the remaining outer arm dyneins on oda16 axonemes are functional. The ODA16 locus encodes a 49-kDa WD-repeat domain protein. Homologues were found in mammalian and fly databases, but not in yeast or nematode databases, implying that this protein is only needed in organisms with motile cilia or flagella. The Chlamydomonas ODA16 protein shares 62% identity with its human homologue. Western blot analysis localizes more than 90% of ODA16p to the flagellar matrix. Because wild-type axonemes retain little ODA16p but can be reactivated to a normal beat in vitro, we hypothesize that ODA16p is not an essential dynein subunit, but a protein necessary for dynein transport into the flagellar compartment or assembly onto the axoneme.  相似文献   

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