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The activable enriched stable isotope Cr-50 compound Cr2O3 was used as a tracer to study the metabolism of chromium(III) [CR(III)] intragastrically administered in normal and diabetic rats. The comparison of absorption, distribution, and excretion in organs and tissues of the two groups do not show much alteration, but some differences exist indeed. The contents of51Cr radioactivity of the diabetic rats appear to be of higher retention than in most studied organisms. The urinary51Cr excretion of diabetics is significantly higher than that of normal rats. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that the insulin-dependent rats generally absorb and excrete more chromium (Cr) than the normal rats.  相似文献   

Application of an automated colony counter for evaluation of the viability of microbial cultures was investigated with yeast cultures as a model. Statistical comparison of the results of automated and visual (“manual”) colony counting is presented, as well as the results of the application of the bundled software to digital images obtained by light microscopy for determination of the cell concentration in suspensions. Automated counting is concluded to significantly accelerate the evaluation of culture viability by colony-forming capacity, provided that a certain requirements of sample preparation and analysis are observed.  相似文献   

The hydroxyl group stereochemistry of complexation of sodium vanadate(V) with Me alpha-Manp, Me alpha- and beta-Galp and selected O-methyl derivatives in D(2)O was determined by 51V, 1D and 2D 13C NMR spectroscopy at pD 7.8. The 51V approach served to show the extent of complexation and the minimum number of esters formed. That of Me alpha-Manp gave rise mainly to a 51V signal at delta -515, identical with that of its 4,6-di-O-methyl derivative, which had only a 2,3-cis-diol exposed. The 13C NMR spectra contained much weaker signals of the complexes, but both glycosides showed strong C-2 and C-3 alpha-shifts of +17.3 and +10.8 ppm, respectively. As expected, Me 2,3-Me(2)-alpha-Manp, which contains a 4,6-diol, did not complex. Me Galp anomers and their derivatives showed more diversity in the structure of its oxyvanadium derivatives. Me alpha-Galp, with its 3,4-cis-diol, complexed to give rise to 51V signals at delta -495 (9%), -508 (10%), and -534 (4%). These shifts and proportions were maintained with Me beta-Galp and Me 6Me-alpha-Galp. 51V NMR spectroscopy showed that Me 3Me-beta-Galp, with its possibly available 4,6-diol, did not complex. Similarly, Me alpha-Galp+vanadate gave a 13C DEPT spectrum that did not contain an inverted signal at delta >71.4, as would be expected of a C-6 resonance suffering a strong downfield alpha-shift. Me 2,6-Me(2)-alpha-Galp, with a 3,4-cis-diol group, gave rise to two 51V signals of complexes at delta -492 (9%) and -508 (9%), showing more than one structure of oxyvanadium derivatives.  相似文献   

We describe a method for the detection and quantification of nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK). NDPK catalyzes the transfer of the gamma-phosphate of cytidine 5'-triphosphate on uridine 5'-diphosphate (UDP) to produce uridine 5'-triphosphate (UTP). The method uses a nonradioactive coupled enzyme assay in which UTP produced by NDPK is utilized by UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. This latter enzyme synthesizes UDP-glucose and inorganic phosphate in the presence of glucose 1-phosphate. UDP-glucose is detected at 260 nm after separation of the reaction mixture by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a strong anion-exchange column. The assay is reliable, specific, and linear with respect to time and enzyme amount. Using 15 min incubation time, the method allows detection of NDPK activity below 10 pmol/min. It can be used to analyze kinetic behavior and to quantify NDPK from a wide variety of animal, microbial, and plant sources. It also provides an alternative to radiometric assays and an improvement on pyruvate kinase-linked spectrophotometric assays, which can be hampered by pigments present in crude extracts. Furthermore, we show that the HPLC method developed here can be directly used to assay enzymes for which UDP-glucose is a product.  相似文献   

The interactions of the 18.5 kDa isoform of myelin basic protein (MBP) with calmodulin (CaM) in vitro have been investigated using glutaraldehyde or dithiobis[succinimidylpropionate] (DSP) cross-linking, and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The following forms of MBP were used: the natural bovine C1 charge isomer (bMBP/C1) and a recombinant murine product (rmMBP), and their fragments generated by digestion with cathepsin D (EC In physiological buffers (10 mM HEPES-NaOH, pH 7.4, 5 mM CaCl2, 0.0035% glutaraldehyde; or 50 mM HEPES-NaOH, pH 7.4, 100 mM NaCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 0.0035% DSP), MBP and CaM interacted primarily in a 1:1 molar ratio, consistent with previous studies that used 6 M urea, i.e. denaturing conditions. Moreover, the appearance of higher-order bands (not previously observed) suggested that the mechanism of interaction of the two proteins involved a series of relatively complex equilibria, resulting in 2:1 ratios of MBP to CaM. This observation would explain the cooperativity of association inferred from fluorescence studies [13]. Our results demonstrated further that the interaction involved the C-terminal domain of MBP, again in a primarily 1:1 molar ratio with CaM, consistent with our identification of a CaM-binding motif at the C-terminus.  相似文献   

A family of auxiliary beta subunits coassemble with Slo alpha subunit to form Ca(2)+-regulated, voltage-activated BK-type K(+) channels. The beta subunits play an important role in regulating the functional properties of the resulting channel protein, including apparent Ca(2)+ dependence and inactivation. The beta3b auxiliary subunit, when coexpressed with the Slo alpha subunit, results in a particularly rapid ( approximately 1 ms), but incomplete inactivation, mediated by the cytosolic NH(2) terminus of the beta3b subunit (Xia et al. 2000). Here, we evaluate whether a simple block of the open channel by the NH(2)-terminal domain accounts for the inactivation mechanism. Analysis of the onset of block, recovery from block, time-dependent changes in the shape of instantaneous current-voltage curves, and properties of deactivation tails suggest that a simple, one step blocking reaction is insufficient to explain the observed currents. Rather, blockade can be largely accounted for by a two-step blocking mechanism (C(n) <---> O(n) <---> O(*)(n) <---> I(n)) in which preblocked open states (O*(n)) precede blocked states (I(n)). The transitions between O* and I are exceedingly rapid accounting for an almost instantaneous block or unblock of open channels observed with changes in potential. However, the macroscopic current relaxations are determined primarily by slower transitions between O and O*. We propose that the O to O* transition corresponds to binding of the NH(2)-terminal inactivation domain to a receptor site. Blockade of current subsequently reflects either additional movement of the NH(2)-terminal domain into a position that hinders ion permeation or a gating transition to a closed state induced by binding of the NH(2) terminus.  相似文献   

[Arg6, -Trp7,9, mePhe8]-substance P (6–11), code-named antagonist G, is a novel peptide currently undergoing early clinical trials as an anticancer drug. A sensitive, high efficiency high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method is described for the determination in human plasma of antagonist G and its three major metabolites, deamidated-G (M1), G-minus Met11 (M2) and G[Met11(O)] (M3). Gradient elution was employed using 40 mM ammonium acetate in 0.15% trifluoroacetic acid as buffer A and acetonitrile as solvent B, with a linear gradient increasing from 30 to 100% B over 15 min, together with a microbore analytical column (μBondapak C18, 30 cm×2 mm I.D.). Detection was by UV at 280 nm and the column was maintained at 40°C. Retention times varied by <1% throughout the day and were as follows: G, 13.0 min; M1, 12.2 min; M2, 11.2 min; M3, 10.8 min, and 18.1 min for a pyrene conjugate of G (G–P). The limit of detection on column (LOD) was 2.5 ng for antagonist G, M1–3 and G–P and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 20 ng/ml for G and 100 ng/ml for M1–3. Sample clean-up by solid-phase extraction using C2-bonded 40 μm silica particles (Bond Elut, 1 ml reservoirs) resulted in elimination of interference from plasma constituents. Within-day and between-day precision and accuracy over a broad range of concentrations (100 ng/ml–100 μg/ml) normally varied by <10%, although at the highest concentrations of M1 and M2 studied (50 μg/ml), increased variability and reduced recovery were observed. The new assay will aid in the clinical development of antagonist G.  相似文献   

Brain 31P-neurometabolites play an important role in energy and membrane metabolism. Unambiguous identification and quantification of these neurochemicals in different brain regions would be a great aid in advancing the understanding of metabolic processes in the nervous system. Phosphomonoester (PME), consisting of phosphoethanolamine (PE) and phosphocholine (PC), is the “building block” for membranes, while phosphodiesters (PDE), consisting of glycerophosphocholine (GPC) and glycerophosphoethanolamine (GPE) metabolites are involved in the membrane breakdown process. In the clinical setting, generating well-resolved spectra for PC, PE, GPC, and GPE could be crucial phospholipids in providing information regarding membrane metabolism. We present here a new experimental approach for generating well-resolved 31P spectra for PC and PE as well as for GPC, GPE, and other 31P metabolites. Our results (based on uni-dimensional (1D) and multi-voxel 31P studies) indicate that an intermediate excitation pulse angle (35°) is best suited to obtain well-resolved PC/PE and GPC/GPE resonance peaks. Our novel signal processing scheme allows generating metabolite maps of different phospholipids include PC/PE and GPC/GPE using the ‘time-domain–frequency-domain’ method as referred to in the MATLAB programming language.  相似文献   

N-[4-(3)H]Benzoylglycylglycylglycine ([(3)H]BzG(3)) was tested as a probe for detecting hydroxyl radicals (*OH). Aerated solutions of l-ascorbate generated *OH, which oxidized [(3)H]BzG(3), yielding hydrophilic (probably hydroxylated) derivatives plus tritiated water. The (3)H(2)O was separated from organic products and remaining [(3)H]BzG(3) on Dowex-1. (3)H(2)O production was much greater with *OH than with other reactive oxygen species (ROS) (e.g., H(2)O(2), superoxide). The slight (3)H(2)O production in the presence of H(2)O(2) or superoxide was blocked by *OH scavengers (e.g., glycerol, mannitol, butan-1-ol) that do not scavenge H(2)O(2) or superoxide. This indicates that (3)H(2)O production was caused by *OH and that other ROS only generated any (3)H(2)O by forming traces of *OH. Doses of *OH that caused detectable nonenzymic polysaccharide scission also caused (3)H(2)O production, indicating that [(3)H]BzG(3) is a sensitive *OH probe in studies of polymer scission. The ability of scavengers and chelators to protect against ascorbate-mediated polysaccharide scission paralleled their ability to inhibit concurrent (3)H(2)O production, indicating that both processes were due to *OH. Thus, [(3)H]BzG(3) is a simple, specific, sensitive, and robust probe for detecting *OH production in vitro. It may have applications for in vivo detection of extracellular *OH in arthritic joints and of apoplastic *OH in plant cell walls.  相似文献   

Summary A technique is described for measuring the approximate exchange rates of the more labile amide protons in a protein. The technique relies on a comparison of the intensities in1H–15N correlation spectra recorded with and without presaturation of the water resonance. To distinguish resonance attenuation caused by hydrogen exchange from attenuation caused by cross relation, the experiment is repeated at several different pH values and the difference in attenuation of any particular amide resonance upon presaturation is used for calculating its exchange rate. The technique is demonstrated for calmodulin and for calmodulin complexed with its binding domain of skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase. Upon complexation, increased amide exchange rates are observed for residues Lys75 through Thr79 located in the central helix of calmodulin, and for the C-terminal residues Ser147 and Lys148. In contrast, a decrease in amide exchange rate is observed at the C-terminal end of the F helix, from residues Thr110 through Glu114.Istituto Guido Donegani, Novara, Italy  相似文献   

Colorimetric analyses of nitrate disappearance from seawater have been compared with isotopic analyses of 15N-labelled nitrate incorporation into particulate matter. The slope (1.41) of a regression line calculated from 19 sample pairs gathered during 6 time-series experiments and 2 single end-point incubations showed that nitrate incorporation is positively related to changes in nitrate concentration but that it accounts only for 71% of nitrate disappearance. 15N-isotope dilution as a consequence of nitrification, if any, would not fully explain discrepancies between the two analytical procedures. A further possible mechanism responsible for the imbalance between nitrate-incorporation and -disappearance rates suggests losses of 15N label from plankton biomass to an unanalyzed pool (dissolved organic nitrogen?) which increase (up to 65%) with incubation time. The lack of 15N-mass balance calls for the need to consider additional nitrogen pools in 15N budgets of isotope experiments and not only substrate and biomass pools as has been done so far.  相似文献   

The X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) is a potent cellular inhibitor of apoptosis. Designing small-molecule inhibitors that target the BIR3 domain of XIAP, where Smac/DIABLO (second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase/direct IAP-binding protein with low pI) and caspase-9 bind, is a promising strategy for inhibiting the antiapoptotic activity of XIAP and for overcoming apoptosis resistance of cancer cells mediated by XIAP. Herein, we report the development of a homogeneous high-throughput assay based on fluorescence polarization for measuring the binding affinities of small-molecule inhibitors to the BIR3 domain of XIAP. Among four fluorescent probes tested, a mutated N-terminal Smac peptide (AbuRPFK-(5-Fam)-NH(2)) showed the highest affinity (Kd =17.92 nM) and a large dynamic range (deltamP = 231 +/- 0.9), and was selected as the most suitable probe for the binding assay. The binding conditions (DMSO tolerance and stability) have been investigated. Under optimized conditions, a Z' factor of 0.88 was achieved in a 96-well format for high-throughput screening. It was found that the popular Cheng-Prusoff equation is invalid for the calculation of the competitive inhibition constants (Ki values) for inhibitors in the FP-based competitive binding assay conditions, and accordingly, a new mathematical equation was developed, validated, and used to compute the Ki values. An associated Web-based computer program was also developed for this task. Several known Smac peptides with high and low affinities have been evaluated under the assay conditions and the results obtained indicated that the FP-based competitive binding assay performs correctly as designed: it can quantitatively and accurately determine the binding affinities of Smac-based peptide inhibitors with a wide range of affinities, and is suitable for high-throughput screening of inhibitors binding to the XIAP BIR3 domain.  相似文献   

A double mutant (JH103K10) was created from hydrogenase constitutive mutant (JH103) by replacement of a chromosomal 0.60 kb nickel metabolism related locus with a kanamycin resistance gene. The double mutant required 10 to 20 times more nickel (Ni) to achieve near parental strain levels of hydrogenase activity. In the absence of nickel, both JH103K10 and JH103 synthesized high levels of (inactive) hydrogenase apoprotein (large subunit, 65 kDa). With nickel, the double mutant JH103K10 synthesized the same level of hydrogenase apoenzyme (65-kDa subunit) as the JH103 parent strain; however, whole cell hydrogenase activity in JH103K10 was less than half of that in JH103, and the CPM (due to 63Ni in hydrogenase) of membranes and the calculated ratio of nickel per unit of hydrogenase enzyme of the double mutant were 40% of that in JH103. Therefore, the difference in hydrogenase activities between the double mutant and the Hupck strain can be accounted for by different abilities of the strains to incorporate nickel into the hydrogenase apoenzyme. The addition of nickel ions to previously Ni-starved and then chloramphenicol-treated Bradyrhizobium japonicum whole cells (JH103 and JH103K10) resulted in (an in vivo) restoration of hydrogenase activity, suggesting that the apoprotein synthesized in the Ni-free cultures could be activated by addition of nickel even in the absence of protein synthesis. The extent of reconstitution of active hydrogenase by nickel was greater in the absence of chloramphenicol. Hydrogenase apoprotein could not be activated by nickel in vitro even with the addition of ATP. The successful in vivo but not in vitro results suggest that enzymatic but cell-disruption labile factors are required for Ni incorporation into hydrogenase.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase belongs to the P-type ATPases family and transports calcium at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. For years, a complex pattern of activity has been observed as a function of ATP and metal cofactor concentrations, leaving the stoichiometry of both metal and ATP in the active site as an open question. In agreement with recent structural studies we present here-using Mn as analogue of Mg-radioisotopic and fluorescence results showing that two metal ions bind to the Ca-ATPase favoring ATP binding. We further show that low ATP concentration favors the binding of these ions, whereas high ATP concentration is inhibitory. We propose a binding model for ATP and metal ions, which permits simulation of our data. Finally, we suggest that (i) the contribution of two metal ions as cofactors of ATP is essential to get maximal activity; (ii) the contribution of two ATP molecules can activate or inhibit the Ca-ATPase depending on metal concentration.  相似文献   

Microbicides are compounds that applied vaginally or rectally, protect the user from sexually transmitted infections. Although no commercial product is yet available, many candidates are under development. A leading candidate, VivaGel (SPL7013 Gel) is the product of nanotechnology. The active ingredient is SPL7013, a dendrimer that was designed specifically with HIV and HSV antiviral activity and human safety in mind. SPL7013 has demonstrated efficacy against human immunodeficiency virus and herpes simplex virus in in vitro and animal models. VivaGel appears to be well tolerated in both animals and humans. This review summarizes the studies of VivaGel and its active ingredient, SPL7013.  相似文献   

The instability of cytochrome b 6 f complex in detergent solutions is a well-known problem that has been studied extensively, but without finding a satisfactory solution. One of the important reasons can be short of the useful method to verify whether the complex suspended in different detergent is in an intact state or not. In this article, a simple and effective assay for stability of the complex was proposed based on the investigation on the different effects of the two detergents, n-octyl-β-d-glucopyranoside (OG) and dodecyl-β-d-maltoside (DDM), on the properties of the complex. DDM stabilizes the complex preparation more effectively whereas OG denatures the interactions of the heme groups and pigment molecules with the protein environment, leading to the bleaching of chlorophyll a induced by addition of hydrogen peroxide. The assay of the use of hydrogen peroxide to characterize the complex by studying the bleaching of chlorophyll induced by hydrogen peroxide and the peroxidase activity of the complex was discussed. This simple method will probably be useful to study the stability of the complex. Xiao-Bo Chen and Xiao-Hui Zhao contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

A specific PCR assay for the detection of Schistosoma japonicum DNA in rabbit fecal and serum samples was developed by amplifying a 230-bp fragment from the sequence information of the clone G55A of the highly repetitive retrotransposon SjR2. The minimum amount of DNA detectable using the PCR assay was 0.8 pg, and the expected PCR product was amplified when DNA equivalent of 1.1 egg from feces was used as template. In the meantime, serum anti-worm IgG was examined by ELISA. ELISA gave positive results at 4-6 weeks post-infection depending on the cercarial doses. The parasite eggs were detected in feces at 7 weeks post-infection. In contrast, S. japonicum DNA was detected in sera at first week post-infection, and it became negative at 10 weeks post-treatment, whereas the anti-worm IgG was still at high levels at 23 weeks post-treatment. These data demonstrated that the PCR assay established provides a potential tool for the early diagnosis and therapy evaluation for S. japonicum infection in humans.  相似文献   

Cyclotides are mini-proteins of 28-37 amino acid residues that have the unusual feature of a head-to-tail cyclic backbone surrounding a cystine knot. This molecular architecture gives the cyclotides heightened resistance to thermal, chemical and enzymatic degradation and has prompted investigations into their use as scaffolds in peptide therapeutics. There are now more than 80 reported cyclotide sequences from plants in the families Rubiaceae, Violaceae and Cucurbitaceae, with a wide variety of biological activities observed. However, potentially limiting the development of cyclotide-based therapeutics is a lack of understanding of the mechanism by which these peptides are cyclized in vivo. Until now, no linear versions of cyclotides have been reported, limiting our understanding of the cyclization mechanism. This study reports the discovery of a naturally occurring linear cyclotide, violacin A, from the plant Viola odorata and discusses the implications for in vivo cyclization of peptides. The elucidation of the cDNA clone of violacin A revealed a point mutation that introduces a stop codon, which inhibits the translation of a key Asn residue that is thought to be required for cyclization. The three-dimensional solution structure of violacin A was determined and found to adopt the cystine knot fold of native cyclotides. Enzymatic stability assays on violacin A indicate that despite an increase in the flexibility of the structure relative to cyclic counterparts, the cystine knot preserves the overall stability of the molecule.  相似文献   

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